Bhagat Singh's Bride || Acharya Prashant

  • 5 months ago


00:00 Obviously, you know of Bhagat Singh.
00:02 So he was just 22 or 23 when he laid down his life.
00:06 His mother had approached him once, "You'll have to marry."
00:10 He said, "But I already am."
00:12 And she was shocked.
00:13 "How can my son do that?
00:16 What's her name?"
00:18 And what did he say?
00:19 What did he say?
00:21 "Azaadi."
00:22 So, no vacancy.
00:23 The girls are all beautiful, but sorry, no vacancy.
00:29 And that's why you remember him today.
00:31 And that's why all others have become the dust of time.
00:36 And Bhagat Singh is immortal.
00:38 Even though he left his body at 23, yet he is immortal.
00:42 And there were those who lived long lives for 90, 100 years, and yet, as we say, are
00:48 just the dust of time.
00:50 Who cares for them?
00:51 That's the difference.
