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Insta Empire Ep 1 - 10


00:00:00 Hi guys Kevin here listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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00:00:09 Ever since my grandpa kicked me out of the Williams family estate my shut down
00:00:15 I had to numb myself in order to deal with the pain of losing everything and
00:00:19 Sadly, I know that it's hurt my marriage with Lily and my career
00:00:23 But now that my investment with Orion has paid off the tables have turned
00:00:28 And I'm ready to be the man who I used to be first things first though. I need to find out
00:00:33 Just how rich I really am
00:00:35 Kevin hurriedly pulled out his wallet and found his black card
00:00:39 It had been over two years since he had last touched his black card to this day his wife Lily still didn't even know that
00:00:46 It existed just like she didn't know a lot of other things about his past. I've got this
00:00:52 Kevin said as he turned the black card around and dialed the VIP number on the back
00:00:58 A sweet supportive voice answered. Hello. Mr. Williams
00:01:02 Welcome to the black card private VIP customer service. May I ask if you need any help?
00:01:08 Hello, I'd like to check the balance of my account
00:01:11 Kevin seemed very excited. His voice could not help but be a little louder than usual
00:01:16 Of course, just one moment, please
00:01:20 The customer service was quiet for a while then Kevin heard the soft voice again. Hello, mr
00:01:27 Williams, are you still there? I am would you um, please be able to check my bank balance?
00:01:34 Mr. Williams, um, I apologize, but the balance on your black card is
00:01:39 Unfortunately too big for me to handle over the phone
00:01:43 It appears that the digits are higher than our computer is able to process in order to get your exact account balance
00:01:50 We would need you to come in person and meet with someone from our VIP office. Would that work for you?
00:01:56 Kevin coughed
00:01:58 I'm sorry. Did you say that my balance has more numbers than your computer can handle?
00:02:04 Yes, I didn't know that that was even possible
00:02:07 I've worked this job for over 10 years and this is the first time that I've ever had this happen
00:02:12 Mr. Williams, I think it's safe to say that you are the richest man in Chicago
00:02:19 After hanging up the phone Kevin excitedly mouthed. Yes
00:02:25 Just then he heard Rachel cackle from the other side of the door
00:02:28 Lily, did you hear that your husband just called to check the bank balance?
00:02:34 so pathetic
00:02:36 Rolling his eyes Kevin opened the door and ran up to Lily
00:02:39 I didn't mean to eavesdrop earlier
00:02:41 But I heard you mentioned that your company urgently needs four million dollars or else it will go bankrupt. I can help you solve this problem
00:02:50 Rachel burst into laughter you helped Lily solve a problem
00:02:54 Kevin I think you're crazy. She needs four million dollars not four million
00:03:01 IOUs you have been living off your wife for the last two years
00:03:05 Don't pretend like you're some big hero now when in reality, you're just offering her empty promises
00:03:12 We all know that there is no way that you would ever be able to give her four million dollars. Oh
00:03:20 So you don't believe me Kevin snapped back
00:03:22 After a long pause Kevin turned to Rachel and smiled
00:03:26 Remember this moment because it's going to feel really good for me to tell you I told you so
00:03:33 Lily shook her head. I don't appreciate you both laughing at the fact that my company is about to go under
00:03:39 This isn't some competition between the two of you
00:03:42 These are people's lives that you're joking about and it's my responsibility to save them
00:03:48 So Kevin as much as I would love for you to pay the four million dollars
00:03:52 We both know that's impossible since you haven't been able to hold down a permanent job since we got married in
00:03:58 Rachel I love you, but you're not being helpful right now. I should go to bed
00:04:04 It's going to be a long painful day tomorrow. I need to get some rest
00:04:08 Without saying goodbye Lily held back her exhausted tears as she went to the bedroom at the back of the house
00:04:15 Kevin pursed his lips and replied, okay, then he really shut up and walked away
00:04:21 That night Kevin could tell that Lily wanted to be alone
00:04:25 So he slept on the couch hoping to give her space as he lay on the couch
00:04:30 He couldn't stop thinking about the conversation that he had with his bank
00:04:33 Am I really the richest person in Chicago if that's true?
00:04:38 Then I can finally be the man that I was when I first met Lily
00:04:42 She has taken care of me these past few years and now it's my turn to take care of her
00:04:47 Things are gonna be different from this moment forward. I'm going to build her an empire
00:04:53 The following morning Kevin woke up to the sound of his mother-in-law Dorothy scoffing. Of course you fell asleep on the couch
00:05:01 You were probably playing video games all night instead of finishing your chores. I don't know what my daughter sees in you
00:05:10 Kevin quickly got off the couch. No, that's not what happened. I actually slept out here because Lily
00:05:15 Dorothy interrupted speaking of Lily. She should be on her way to work now. I'll go check on her great
00:05:23 And can you tell her that I need her car to run some errands?
00:05:26 So why don't you make yourself useful for once and drive your wife to work?
00:05:31 Biting his tongue Kevin nodded, but I don't have a car. I only have my old motorbike
00:05:38 It'll have to do what are you waiting for? Go get your wife
00:05:42 Kevin paused of course, I'll go get her now
00:05:46 Walking down the hallway Kevin knocked on his bedroom door Lily you up Lily answered
00:05:52 Yes, I'm running late though. I don't have time to talk. I need to head to work
00:05:57 That's what I wanted to tell you. Your mom is taking your car. So I'm gonna drive you to the office
00:06:02 Lily opened the door and Kevin felt his mouth literally drop when he saw her
00:06:08 Standing in a feminine take on a classic pinstripe business suit Lily looked absolutely stunning
00:06:14 You look beautiful Kevin gasped Lily tucked her hair behind her ear
00:06:20 Thank you, but can we continue this conversation in the car? I'm in a hurry. Of course. Let's go Kevin replied
00:06:28 Kevin helped lift Lily onto the back of his motorbike Lily wrapped her arms around Kevin's waist as he thought to himself
00:06:35 I love this feeling from this moment forward. I'm going to start steering our relationship
00:06:41 I'm going to be the man who Lily wants me to be the man that she deserves
00:06:45 Stopping at a red light Kevin turned around to find Lily biting her bottom lip with a gentle sigh Kevin asked
00:06:53 How are you feeling? You look great, but I know you and you only bite your bottom lip when you're stressed
00:07:00 Lily nodded you could say that I'm a little stressed. I checked the report this morning and it confirmed my worst nightmare
00:07:07 The company isn't going to get any external investor support
00:07:11 Which means that by the end of the week, we're going to officially declare bankruptcy
00:07:16 This morning the major shareholders are holding a shareholders meeting as the company's chairman
00:07:22 I have to be there and to be honest
00:07:24 I just feel so terrible about all of the employees that are gonna lose their jobs
00:07:29 It's all my fault
00:07:31 You weren't the one who made the mistake which caused this Kevin replied
00:07:35 Yes, but I'm the chairman and as a boss it is my job to hold myself accountable for everything that happens with the company
00:07:43 Lily stopped herself the light turned green. Would you mind gunning it? I'm already so late
00:07:51 Kevin nodded and sped forward
00:07:54 Minutes later. They arrived at the company's entrance at a record time
00:07:58 Lily smiled as she let go of Kevin's waist. I can't believe how fast you got me here
00:08:03 Maybe I should have let you drive me to work months ago
00:08:05 Just as Kevin was about to respond. He was interrupted by the sound of a car parking next to them
00:08:11 Turning to their right both Kevin and Lily saw a brand new
00:08:15 BMW i8 pull up beside Kevin's old motorbike the door opened and a tall man in a tailored suit stepped out of the car
00:08:25 Hi, Bradley, Lily politely smiled
00:08:27 Ignoring Kevin's presence Bradley stepped forward and hugged Lily. Good morning, Lil. It's so good to see you
00:08:36 Bradley Smith then turned to Kevin and laughed
00:08:38 Lily, did you order the world's crappiest uber or what if you needed a ride?
00:08:44 I could have driven you that motorbike is pathetic. No offense
00:08:48 Kevin forced a smile. I'm not her uber driver. I'm actually her husband
00:08:55 Seeing Bradley shocked face Kevin smirked as he reached his hand forward. I'm Kevin. It's nice to meet you
00:09:01 Reaching his manicured hand towards Kevin's Bradley replied
00:09:06 So this is the famous Kevin I've heard so much about you, you know, Rachel Lily's best friend
00:09:13 Well, she does the best impression of you. It's so nice to put a face to your um name and
00:09:20 Kev you are exactly what I expected
00:09:24 Lily uncomfortably shook her head
00:09:26 Bradley that's out of line. Of course. I was just messing with him. You can take a joke. Can't you Kevin?
00:09:33 Kevin nodded I can when they're funny
00:09:37 Bradley smirked
00:09:39 Touche
00:09:40 Lily, I'm so glad that I bumped into you this morning
00:09:43 I've heard about everything going on in my heart aches for you. So I brought you a little pick-me-up
00:09:49 Bradley went back to his car opened the trunk and took out a stunning rectangular gift box
00:09:54 With a snake like smile Bradley handed the box to Lily. Take a look. Do you like it?
00:10:01 Lily opened the box and gasped. Oh my goodness
00:10:05 This is the most beautiful necklace that I've ever seen Bradley. You shouldn't have this is much too extravagant of a gift
00:10:12 Bradley smiled I knew you would like it
00:10:17 Feeling his chest tighten Kevin thought to himself. I am going to help save Lily's company
00:10:23 But first things first, I need to handle Bradley
00:10:26 He's up to no good and it's my job to stop him
00:10:30 Hi guys, Kevin here listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
00:10:36 Click the link in the description to install the app now
00:10:39 Hi guys, Kevin here. Listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
00:10:46 Click the link in the description to install the app now
00:10:49 This can't be happening Kevin gasped as he held the cell phone to his ear an eager voice replied
00:10:57 But how Kevin's banker smiled
00:11:14 Kevin clicked his tongue. I don't know about that
00:11:17 Don't you remember how my grandpa kicked me out of the family two years ago when I lost everything with this very same investment
00:11:25 Looking at his lonely mattress on the floor Kevin whispered is this news been made public
00:11:44 Not yet, but I'm sure that he'll welcome you back with open arms. You are officially the wealthiest man in Chicago
00:11:51 Kevin smiled we'll see about that
00:11:55 Also out of curiosity just how much money do I have?
00:12:00 Just then Kevin was interrupted by a cold voice screaming at him from down the hall
00:12:05 Kevin where are you? You said that you would help me
00:12:11 I'll be right there Kevin replied
00:12:14 Looking at his cell phone Kevin dropped his voice. I have to go but thank you for calling me with this great news
00:12:21 Just one last thing. Can you do me a favor?
00:12:24 Please don't tell anyone I want to keep this a secret for now
00:12:31 With a confident grin Kevin hung up the phone and adjusted his clothing as he walked down the hallway to the kitchen
00:12:40 Standing in front of the sink Kevin saw his mother-in-law Dorothy washing her hands with a nasty look on her face
00:12:47 Hearing Kevin Dorothy turned around and barked so glad that you could finally make it these dishes aren't going to wash
00:12:56 themselves
00:12:58 Kevin forced a smile. Sorry. I spilled on my shirt while I was doing the dishes earlier
00:13:03 So I quickly went to the room to change. I fully intended to come back and finish them
00:13:09 Dorothy sarcastically replied. Oh, whoa
00:13:12 Thank you. That would be so very helpful
00:13:16 I mean you've only been staying as a guest in our home for the past two years
00:13:20 But really doing the dishes more than makes up for that
00:13:25 Kevin bit his tongue as he thought to himself. I pay rent to live here. Plus I do a lot more than the dishes
00:13:32 I've become my mother-in-law's very own handyman
00:13:35 I mean I have literally renovated their entire house these past few years
00:13:40 But I could never tell them the truth because it would upset Lily and I'm already on thin ice with her
00:13:46 The last thing that our relationship needs is for her parents to hate me even more than they already do
00:13:52 Silencing his thoughts Kevin turned to his mother-in-law
00:13:56 Yes, of course
00:13:59 You've been so generous to me and Lily the very least I can do is the dishes. I'll finish them right now
00:14:06 Please let me know if there's anything else I can do you could make some money
00:14:10 You know, our Lily could have married anyone but for whatever reason she chose you
00:14:16 Remembering his recent phone call Kevin nodded. I am going to work to prove my love for her
00:14:22 I promise you one day I will be worthy of Lily
00:14:26 Dorothy dried her hands and cackled
00:14:30 I highly doubt that the only reason why we haven't pushed Lily to divorce you is because she was stupid enough not to get a
00:14:37 prenup
00:14:38 She is the chairman of a huge corporation. I don't want you taking half of her money
00:14:44 Kevin paused I would never do that
00:14:47 Dorothy I love your daughter. I know that it may not seem like it to you now
00:14:52 But I promise you that I'm going to do right by her
00:14:56 Dorothy's face softened my husband would kill me for saying this but I really hope that you do
00:15:02 Thank you. Kevin nodded as he stepped around Dorothy and went to the sink
00:15:08 With a smile Kevin picked up a dirty plate and continued now. I've got some dishes to wash
00:15:14 15 minutes later Kevin started the dishwasher and looked at his watch. It's after 5 Lily should be home by now
00:15:24 Walking down the hallway Kevin heard the sound of the TV coming from the living room
00:15:28 Taking a deep breath Kevin adjusted his shirt and entered the living room
00:15:33 Welcome home, babe. Kevin grinned at his wife Lily sitting on the couch in front of him Lily lifted her hand and politely waved
00:15:41 Staring at Lily's bright eyes and luscious lips Kevin thought to himself. I
00:15:47 Still get butterflies every time that I look at her Lily's beauty is undeniable
00:15:53 But that's not why I love her. She is the most driven woman I have ever met
00:15:58 I mean in the past few years alone Lily has worked her way up from assistant to chairman at her company in record time
00:16:05 She's incredible
00:16:08 Hey, Kevin a woman who could only be described as basic chimed
00:16:13 Kevin nodded to his wife's best friend. Hi Rachel. It's good to see you
00:16:19 Sitting next to Lily on the couch Rachel smart nice shirt
00:16:23 Looking down Kevin noticed that he had spilled on his shirt again
00:16:27 Feeling his cheeks blush Kevin replied. I was doing the dishes
00:16:32 That's so cute at my house. We just pay someone to do that for us
00:16:37 Rachel cattily responded
00:16:40 Lily turned to Rachel. Well, not everyone can be born into wealth like you were some of us have to work for it
00:16:48 Looking at Kevin Lily continued and some of us have to try even harder
00:16:53 But when the hard work pays off, it will all be worth it. Lily secretly winked at Kevin
00:16:59 Kevin winked back as he thought to himself. I feel so guilty about hiding my past from her
00:17:05 Maybe she would understand if I just explained it to her. But at this point it might be too late
00:17:11 I mean
00:17:12 We've been married for years now and Lily still has no idea that I was born into one of the wealthiest
00:17:17 families in Chicago
00:17:18 I hid it from her because I didn't want her to marry me because of my money
00:17:23 But then as luck would have it I literally lost everything the day that we got engaged
00:17:28 Closing his eyes Kevin took a deep breath as he remembered. I'll never forget that day
00:17:34 I called my grandpa to tell him the good news, but he interrupted me and instead
00:17:39 scolded me for investing my entire trust fund into Orion Corporation stocks, which
00:17:45 Unexpectedly dropped. I will never forget how my grandpa told me I'm kicking you out of the family
00:17:52 It's for your own good. You need to learn the value of money
00:17:56 And now years later that Orion investment has generated more money than my entire family could ever dream of
00:18:04 I'm the richest man in Chicago
00:18:06 But how do I tell my wife the truth? She still thinks that I'm just some unemployed schmuck
00:18:12 I need to show her that she can trust me before I reveal my secret
00:18:17 Lily stood up from the couch and came over and softly kissed Kevin on the cheek
00:18:21 Kevin no offense, but Rachel's right. You look like a complete mess right now. Maybe you should go freshen up
00:18:30 Turning back to look at Rachel sitting on the couch Lily continued
00:18:34 Especially since we have a guest over
00:18:37 Kevin nodded of course. I'll go change right now
00:18:41 After changing his shirt for the second time that night
00:18:44 Kevin walked towards the living room, but stopped when he heard Rachel whispering to Lily. I
00:18:49 Don't know how you do it. You're this badass boss bitch, and he's honestly kind of pathetic
00:18:57 He feels like the before picture in a commercial. Why do you stay with him?
00:19:02 After a long pause Lily whispered back
00:19:05 He wasn't always like this
00:19:08 When we first met he was charming and confident
00:19:11 I don't know what happened to him, but I keep thinking that if I stay with him long enough
00:19:15 Maybe he'll find himself again because I really loved the man who he used to be
00:19:20 Do you love him now?
00:19:23 Lily bit her bottom lip. I don't know
00:19:26 I'd be lying if I didn't admit that sometimes I just feel like a caretaker in our relationship
00:19:32 He's so closed off these days
00:19:35 It feels like the romance is completely gone and I know that if I were to ever talk to him about it directly
00:19:41 I would lose him even more. I love him, but I don't know if I'm in love with him anymore
00:19:46 Rachel nodded you could have any man you're stunning kind and killing it at your job
00:19:54 If you thought about getting a divorce, you shouldn't stay with someone because you pity them. I
00:20:01 Don't pity him. I just wish that he could be the man who he used to be
00:20:05 Honestly, I don't want to talk about this right now
00:20:08 I spend my entire day putting out fires at work the last thing in the world that I want to do is put them out
00:20:14 at home
00:20:15 Rachel paused of course that makes sense
00:20:18 But what's going on at work? You seem more stressed than usual
00:20:23 Lily sighed
00:20:25 My company received a new contract last month and there was an error in the calculation of the data
00:20:31 Our products did not meet the requirements. So we need to compensate them with 7 million
00:20:36 My company's funds are not going to be able to turn around which means that I need to get at least 4 million dollars of investment
00:20:43 in a week
00:20:45 Otherwise, my company will most likely go bankrupt. I can't do that to my employees
00:20:51 Rachel's eyes widened. How are you supposed to find someone willing to invest 4 million dollars in less than a week?
00:20:58 Just then Lily turned around and saw Kevin standing in the hallway with a tear falling down her soft cheek Lily whispered
00:21:06 Kevin I'm sorry to say this but Rachel and I need some privacy. Can you please give me some space?
00:21:12 Feeling distraught over his wife's pain Kevin slowly nodded. Of course. I'll go back to the bedroom. It was good to see you Rachel
00:21:22 Rushing back to his room Kevin promised himself. I have to help her
00:21:26 I will prove to Lily that I am the man who she married not the shell of a human being who I've been these past
00:21:33 Two years. I'm going to create my own Empire
00:21:37 Taking out his cell phone Kevin gasped when he saw that he had over 10 missed calls from his grandfather's estate
00:21:43 Looking at the screen Kevin asked himself
00:21:47 Why did my grandpa call me so many times? He hasn't called me in over two years
00:21:51 The last time we spoke he kicked me out of the family. I wonder if he knows about the money
00:21:58 Kevin saw his grandpa's name flash on his screen taking a deep breath. He read the message
00:22:05 Kevin I was wrong about you your family needs you
00:22:11 I know all about your recent success with Orion Corporation and we need that money in order to save the family line if
00:22:17 You don't help us the Williams family will collapse completely
00:22:22 Kevin looked at the message in a daze
00:22:25 Just two years ago his family had kicked him out because of his investment in Orion Corporation
00:22:31 They had left him with nothing just days before his wedding and now because of the same investment
00:22:38 His grandpa was asking him to help the Williams family
00:22:41 This feels like a sick joke Kevin side as he was thinking his phone vibrated again with a message from the same number
00:22:50 Kevin we've lost everything
00:22:52 After a few bad investments, we're going bankrupt
00:22:56 Please save us with your new money
00:22:58 If you do, I promise that I will find a way to make it up to you
00:23:02 You will be a member of the Williams family again
00:23:06 Don't you want to be the man who you used to be?
00:23:09 Remembering his wife's desire for him to be his old self
00:23:13 Kevin nodded and texted back. I'll meet you tomorrow and grandpa
00:23:18 We have a lot to discuss. Hi guys Kevin here. Listen to full episodes of instant Empire
00:23:25 Exclusively on the pocket FM app click the link in the description to install the app now
00:23:31 Hi guys, Kevin here. Listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
00:23:37 click the link in the description to install the app now a
00:23:40 Beautiful woman deserves a beautiful necklace ain't that right Kevin Bradley smirked
00:23:47 Kevin leaned forward and pursed his lips as he saw the necklace that Bradley had gifted his wife
00:23:53 Lily the entire necklace was inlaid with countless dazzling crystals
00:23:58 Kevin couldn't take his eyes off the big diamond core pendant that weighed at least three carats in the center of it
00:24:04 The dream lover necklace Kevin whispered to himself
00:24:08 What was that Bradley asked?
00:24:11 That's impossible. There's no way that that's real
00:24:14 The dream lover necklace was made by the famous French jewelry designer Diane
00:24:19 It was made up of a hundred and eighty crystals in a three carat diamond
00:24:23 There are only ten versions of the necklace in the world. That has to be a knockoff
00:24:28 It's not a knockoff. It's a top-of-the-line copy of one Lily
00:24:33 I remember how much you loved the dream lovers necklace and since it's impossible to buy a real one
00:24:39 I spent a hundred thousand dollars to have a jeweler create a copy of it for you
00:24:43 And if you give me some more time, I will one day find the real dream lover for you
00:24:49 Lily closed the gift box and said with a somewhat regretful expression
00:24:53 It's normal that you can't buy it after all there are only ten real dream lovers in the world two years ago
00:25:01 I heard that in an auction a dream lover was sold at a high price of two point eight million dollars
00:25:06 So you don't have to worry about finding me the real one. Plus. This is a really good copy. I love it. Thank you
00:25:14 When he heard Lily's words Bradley's heart stopped as he thought to himself
00:25:19 Two point eight million my entire net worth was only around three million
00:25:24 There is no way that I'll ever be able to buy it for her with an awkward smile Bradley replied
00:25:30 Sounds like this dream lover is very popular
00:25:34 Kevin reach forward here Lily. Why don't you let me bring the necklace home for you after all? I'm your husband
00:25:41 It's the least I can do
00:25:43 Thank You Kevin, that would be really helpful
00:25:47 Kevin reached for the necklace, but as soon as his hand grasped it he felt it accidentally slipped through his fingers onto the ground
00:25:54 With a fake shocked look on his face Bradley gasped Kevin
00:25:59 How could you you threw it on the ground on purpose that necklace was for Lily?
00:26:05 Why would you do that to her at that moment Kevin turned around to see several of Lily's co-workers?
00:26:12 Crowding around them one woman whispered to the other. I know I don't know why she married him
00:26:18 She could do so much better
00:26:20 Lily took a deep breath. I'm sure that it was an accident wasn't it Kevin?
00:26:26 Feeling his face turned red in anger Kevin snapped. I'm sorry that it happened Lily
00:26:31 You deserve the real thing not just some fake copy of it from a douche like Bradley
00:26:37 Seeing the employees gossiping to one another Lily stepped forward and whispered into Kevin's ear
00:26:42 Kevin please apologize to Bradley. We're at my job, and I have a lot going on today
00:26:48 Even if it was an accident you need to apologize to Bradley because this is my work. It's important to me
00:26:55 I can't have drama like this happen
00:26:58 Especially not this week
00:27:00 Kevin slowly nodded and turned to Bradley. I'm sorry that I dropped the necklace that you got from my wife
00:27:07 Thank you, Lily mouth to Kevin turning to both Kevin and Bradley Lily continued
00:27:12 I'm already running so late. I have to go, but thank you both. I'll talk to you soon
00:27:18 After Lily got into the elevator Kevin bent down picked the necklace up and tossed it to Bradley in shock Bradley reached for the necklace
00:27:26 But missed this time when it fell a fake diamond popped out onto the ground
00:27:31 Kevin turned around and began walking towards his motorbike as he heard Bradley's angry roar from behind him stop I
00:27:38 Know you can hear me. I command you to stop
00:27:42 Bradley screamed as he chased Kevin Bradley continued
00:27:46 This necklace is worth more money than you could ever imagine and you broke it. How do you expect to fix the damage?
00:27:53 Poor Lily you just won't let her have anything nice. Will you?
00:27:56 Kevin turned around and looked at Bradley with an expressionless face
00:28:01 One Lily is my wife. You'd better stay away from her
00:28:06 Kevin calmly climbed onto his motorbike and continued - it's my job to give gifts to my wife
00:28:13 So tonight I'll give her the real dream lover
00:28:17 She deserves more than a knockoff and she deserves it from her husband. Not you
00:28:22 After a pause Kevin looked at Bradley and smirked third move. You're blocking the exit
00:28:30 Bradley furiously watched Kevin drive away as he yelled
00:28:33 Nice try idiot. You can't even afford a car. How do you expect to buy the dream lover? You're such a loser
00:28:41 Bradley bent over and picked a rock off the ground
00:28:45 He threw it with all of his might and hit the back of Kevin's motorbike Bradley gave himself a self-satisfied
00:28:52 smile as Kevin drove away
00:28:54 Unaware that his light was smashed a couple of Lily's co-workers took out their cell phones and snuck photos of Kevin's broken motorbike as
00:29:02 He drove away on
00:29:03 The top floor of the sky rise Lily sat behind her desk
00:29:07 Her eyes were filled with anger as she looked out the window and thought to herself
00:29:11 Kevin knew how important today is for me and yet he still picked a fight with Bradley
00:29:16 I know that Bradley was out of line, but that's just who Bradley is
00:29:21 Besides Bradley is the best shot that I have to finding an investor
00:29:24 I can't risk upsetting him now the company depends on it
00:29:28 And now that Kevin offended him how am I going to get Bradley to get his boss at the Williams company to invest?
00:29:35 Four million dollars into my company to save it
00:29:38 Seeing Kevin's name on her phone Lily bit her bottom lip and answered. I can't talk right now
00:29:46 Lily I'm sorry about earlier. I know how stressed you are and I shouldn't have taken Bradley's bait
00:29:51 It's just that that guy gets under my skin
00:29:53 Lily shook her head that guy is the best chance that I have for saving my company
00:29:59 He directly reports to the Williams family, and I don't know if you know who they are
00:30:04 But they are the richest family in Chicago. They could save my company
00:30:09 Kevin laughed to himself
00:30:11 It still amazes me how after all of these years Lily still hasn't connected the fact that my last name is the same last name
00:30:19 As the Williams company she must think that it's just a coincidence
00:30:22 Well, she is right about one thing even though the Williams family is secretly bankrupt
00:30:28 There is a Williams family member who is now officially the richest man in Chicago, and I'm going to save her company
00:30:35 I can't tell her the truth just yet though
00:30:38 I mean I've lied to her for too long about my true family
00:30:41 I need to pick the right moment to be honest with her or else I could risk losing her forever. I
00:30:47 Promise that things are gonna be okay now
00:30:50 I'll let you go because I know you're busy, but I just wanted to say that I love you Lily
00:30:55 Lily felt her eyes well with tears. I know you do
00:30:59 Hanging up Kevin declared to himself. I'm going to make Lily. Love me again. It's not her fault. It's mine
00:31:06 I let myself disappear after the money went away, but I'm going to make things better
00:31:11 I'm finally feeling like myself again, and that means I can finally be the man that Lily deserves
00:31:17 Taking a deep breath Kevin looked at his phone and pressed the name of the person who had exiled him and left him with nothing
00:31:25 only two years ago, I
00:31:27 Knew you would call an old rough voice answered
00:31:31 Hello, grandpa. Let's not waste any time with fake formalities
00:31:36 I'm calling to let you know that I can help solve the crisis of Williams family with my money
00:31:41 But in exchange for that I have two conditions one before six o'clock tonight
00:31:47 You will give me a dream lover necklace
00:31:50 Second at the downtown family branch there is a person named Bradley. I want him removed from the building
00:31:58 immediately
00:32:01 Hi guys Kevin here listen to full episodes of instant Empire
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00:32:10 Hi guys Kevin here listen to full episodes of instant Empire
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00:32:20 Still sitting on his motorbike Kevin hung up the phone with his grandpa and thought to himself
00:32:26 The tables have turned now. I finally have all the power
00:32:30 This is going to be fun
00:32:32 Just then Kevin received a text message from his wife Lily
00:32:36 Kevin took a deep breath and read. I'm sorry about our call earlier
00:32:41 I wish that things could feel like they used to between us, but I wanted to remind you about my family gathering tonight
00:32:48 Could you please pick up something new to wear?
00:32:50 You know how judgmental my family can be
00:32:53 It would mean a lot if you made a good impression since I already have so much pressure from them about my job
00:32:59 Thank you X's and O's
00:33:01 Kevin smiled as he typed back of course anything for you. I promise to make you and your family proud tonight. I love you
00:33:10 Taking off his helmet Kevin got off his motorbike and looked straight ahead at the luxury neighborhood in front of him
00:33:16 What Lily didn't know was that Kevin had just arrived at the Golden Dome main also known as the most luxurious neighborhood in Chicago
00:33:25 Minutes later Kevin was sitting on a familiar couch in his grandfather's foyer
00:33:29 Standing on the opposite side of the room Kevin's uncle Thomas took a deep breath
00:33:34 Your grandfather couldn't be here. So he sent me in his place
00:33:38 Kevin stayed sitting on the couch as his father's brother stepped forward and gave him an awkward hug
00:33:44 It's good to see you nephew. You look very different than you did the last time we spoke
00:33:49 If anything, I would say that you look like you've been enjoying your freedom. This sabbatical has done wonders for you. Uncle Thomas continued
00:33:57 Kevin rolled his eyes. Are we calling me being kicked out of the family a
00:34:02 sabbatical now
00:34:04 Kevin I want you to know that I never meant for that to happen. It was just an unfortunate
00:34:09 Kevin interrupted I'm not here to argue about the past. So let's just get straight to the point
00:34:14 How much money does the Williams family need?
00:34:18 Always used to being in charge uncle Thomas pursed his lips and answered
00:34:22 Actually, it's not a lot of money
00:34:25 Kevin raised his eyebrows. How much is not a lot of money?
00:34:30 eight billion
00:34:32 Kevin laughed eight billion isn't a lot of money. You kicked me out of the family for investing a lot less than that
00:34:39 Uncle Thomas paused. Well, we were wrong
00:34:44 It turns out that your bad investment is the only thing that can save our family dynasty. So what do you say?
00:34:49 Can we borrow eight billion dollars?
00:34:51 Kevin stood up and replied uncle. I suddenly remembered that I have something very important to do. Don't worry
00:34:59 I'll see myself out
00:35:01 Uncle Thomas quickly stopped him. If you don't give us the eight billion the Williams family legacy will be destroyed
00:35:07 Kevin, please I'm begging you. You're the only person who can save the family Empire
00:35:12 I have already asked my men to complete the two requests that you mentioned, please you can't leave now. I'll do anything
00:35:18 Kevin calmly replied to the man who he had once feared
00:35:23 Uncle, it's not that I don't want to help the Williams family get through this crisis
00:35:27 But if I'm being honest, I don't think that I have eight billion dollars to give you
00:35:32 Kevin are you seriously going to play dumb?
00:35:35 Have you not checked the value of your stocks?
00:35:37 Your grandfather and I know that the 20% of the shares you invested in the Orion Group is worth at least
00:35:43 9.3 billion dollars now and the value is going up as we speak
00:35:48 Uncle Thomas paused for a moment then softened his tone
00:35:52 Kevin you must have a conscience. You can't forget that. You are also a member of the Williams family
00:35:59 This is your legacy that I'm trying to protect
00:36:02 Kevin felt his heart race as he thought to himself. I have over nine billion dollars just this morning
00:36:09 I had less than fifty dollars in my savings. This is a dream come true. I can finally build my own Empire
00:36:16 After a long silence Kevin coolly replied
00:36:19 Uncle you didn't seem to care about my legacy when you kicked me out of the family two years ago
00:36:25 Why should I care about it now?
00:36:28 Uncle Thomas was speechless as Kevin continued. I have a wife now. Did you know that I had gotten engaged the day that you decided to?
00:36:35 Exile me. I'm a son-in-law to another family. Why should I show loyalty to you over them?
00:36:42 Taking a deep breath Kevin clenched his fists tightly and finished if it wasn't for the fact that you were all going bankrupt
00:36:50 I don't think you would have ever reached out to me again. You left me for dead now
00:36:55 Why should I bring you back to life?
00:36:57 Uncle Thomas was silent for a few seconds. Then he said in a deep voice
00:37:02 Kevin I know what we did was wrong. I
00:37:05 Apologized to you on behalf of the family we messed up
00:37:08 There's no way that I can sugarcoat this but I am begging you your family needs you
00:37:14 The Williams dynasty will fall without your help
00:37:18 He paused for a moment as if he was making some kind of important decision
00:37:23 Finally, he looked at Kevin with a firm gaze
00:37:25 Kevin if you are willing to help the Williams family
00:37:29 I can let you become the president of the Williams media
00:37:33 All that it would take is one day for me to finalize the formalities
00:37:37 Tomorrow you would be able to take over the position. You would have your own company
00:37:42 Kevin smirked isn't Williams media your wife's company
00:37:47 You're always so quick to give away other people's things to benefit yourself, aren't you?
00:37:53 She would gladly offer it to you to save the family
00:37:56 Williams media is one of our most profitable and high-profile companies
00:38:00 It's the largest and most successful entertainment company in America
00:38:04 Just think of all the celebs that we've signed it would all be yours
00:38:09 Gritting his teeth Kevin nodded and said I
00:38:12 accept your conditions
00:38:15 Williams media will be my first acquisition in my journey to create my own family empire
00:38:21 But I wasn't lying before I do have to go. I've got somewhere very important to be
00:38:27 Uncle Thomas paused. So do we have a
00:38:30 Kevin interrupted. Yes, we have a deal
00:38:33 Thank you. I wasn't sure if you would help us after everything that we did to you
00:38:38 I can't express how much this means to the family
00:38:41 Kevin smiled we're family and I hope that this is a lesson for all of us to remember that family is more important than money
00:38:49 I may be two years too late, but I have learned that. Thank you Kevin
00:38:55 Leaving his family's mansion Kevin looked at his watch. Oh, no, I'm gonna be late for my high school reunion
00:39:01 Hopping on his motorbike Kevin began driving as he thought to himself
00:39:06 This will be the first time that I've seen everyone since we graduated. It's been years
00:39:11 I'm excited to go to the reunion and show them the man that I've become
00:39:16 Driving back home to change Kevin smiled. My luck is changing. I can feel it by the end of today
00:39:22 I will have earned my family's respect my old classmates envy my in-laws approval and most importantly
00:39:30 My wife's love on the other side of town Lily walked down the hallway at her office and heard her co-workers giggling
00:39:37 Entering the break room Lily saw a few of her co-workers staring at their phones and cackling
00:39:43 Through the gap between them Lily saw the video that they were watching
00:39:46 It was Kevin driving away on his old motorbike with the shattered light in the back one of Lily's co-workers smirked
00:39:53 That's so embarrassing. How is our chairwoman married to a man who rides a broken-down motorbike?
00:40:00 It looks like something you would find in the dump. I know he's such a loser
00:40:05 It's a miracle that they haven't divorced yet. A catty girl took a sip of water and interrupted
00:40:11 You'll never guess what I heard him say earlier. He swore that he was going to buy the dream lover necklace for the chairman
00:40:18 He wants to buy the dream lover. I'm going to die of laughter
00:40:22 We've seen what he drives
00:40:24 How in the world would he ever be able to afford something as rare and luxurious as the dream lover necklace?
00:40:30 He isn't just broke. He's delusional
00:40:32 That's too funny. He's such an idiot
00:40:37 The co-workers all burst into laughter until one of them turned saw Lily and gasped
00:40:42 Chairman so sorry. We didn't know you were here
00:40:47 Lily paused and calmly replied. It seems like there are a lot of things that you don't know
00:40:53 Maybe you should be more careful the next time you call someone an idiot
00:40:57 Hi guys, Kevin here. Listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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00:41:07 Hi guys, Kevin here. Listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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00:41:17 Chairman I'm sorry. We will return to our desks immediately Lily's co-worker apologized
00:41:24 Feeling overwhelmed Lily quickly returned to her office and closed the door sitting down at her desk Lily started sobbing as she thought to herself
00:41:32 I know that Kevin isn't an idiot
00:41:35 I just wish that he would remember that then maybe he and I could give our relationship another go. I haven't given up on him yet
00:41:42 When Kevin returned home, he opened the door and found his mother-in-law Dorothy sitting in the living room watching TV
00:41:50 When she heard him enter she opened her mouth and called him Kevin. Come here. I need to ask you something
00:41:56 Kevin nodded and quickly sat on the sofa next to Dorothy
00:42:01 Kevin you and Lily have been married for over two years now and still no grandchildren
00:42:06 Does your family have any genetic history or issues with fertility?
00:42:10 No, my parents are very healthy and I've never heard of any genetic diseases in our family Kevin nervously replied
00:42:18 Dorothy raised the corner of her eyes and crossed her arms to look at Kevin really, you know
00:42:24 It's weird that I don't know that much about your parents
00:42:27 Maybe we should schedule the doctor's appointment for you and your parents to get tested
00:42:31 That way we can see if there are any bad genes on your side
00:42:35 There's no need I have always been in good health. I don't want to waste any money
00:42:40 Kevin awkwardly responded. Why are you being so defensive? All that I'm asking is for your parents to get a checkup
00:42:47 Honestly Kevin, it's for their own good. I won't take no for an answer now
00:42:53 I have to go run an errand, but I'll see you tonight at the family get-together
00:42:58 After his mother-in-law left the room Kevin shook his head and checked his watch. I
00:43:02 Need to change ASAP. I'll deal with my mother-in-law's issue later. I have a class reunion to attend
00:43:09 After changing his clothes Kevin hopped on his motorbike and rode to the fanciest hotel in Chicago the Rose Hotel
00:43:16 After parking his motorbike outside the lobby Kevin quickly fixed his windswept hair and stepped down onto the pavement
00:43:24 Kevin is that you a handsome man called out from a parked Mercedes-Benz s32
00:43:29 The man stuck his head out of his car window and flashed a million-dollar smile at Kevin
00:43:34 The moment Kevin saw him his eyes were filled with surprise
00:43:38 Tucker look at you you have an age today
00:43:41 Something tells me you're still just as popular as you always were Tucker grinned back. Let's just say I'm a lucky guy
00:43:50 Glad to hear that's a nice car. You've got there Tucker looked at Kevin's motorbike and you're still as eccentric as ever
00:43:57 Did you really ride that here?
00:44:00 Yes, it was one of the first things that I bought with my own money earning something feels different than being handed it
00:44:07 Tucker paused and shrugged his shoulders
00:44:09 Cool story, bro. What do you say? Should we head in and see who's aged beautifully and who's aged poorly?
00:44:17 As soon as Kevin and Tucker entered the ballroom everyone turned to greet them
00:44:20 Tucker it's so good to see you a familiar man yelled Tucker waved back and look who I brought with me
00:44:28 Little Kevin has all grown up
00:44:30 The man waved to Kevin and then whispered to another student
00:44:33 Kevin was always a bit of an outsider back in high school, but now he's hanging out with someone as cool as Tucker
00:44:38 Maybe there's more to Kevin that meets the eye. I think you're right
00:44:42 The former classmate replied looking around the room Kevin thought to himself. Wow. I'm the most underdressed person here
00:44:50 I like being underestimated
00:44:52 With a big smile Kevin turned to his right. Hey Tucker. I'm gonna go grab a seat. Let's catch up more later
00:44:58 Sure thing dude Tucker replied
00:45:00 Sitting in an empty table Kevin was happy to have a little space
00:45:04 It had been a while since he had seen everyone and it was nice to be able to sit back and take everything in
00:45:10 Kevin gasped when he saw his former classmate Britney enter the room. Wow. She looks stunning
00:45:16 I'm not surprised though. Britney was the most popular girl in high school. I figured she would have left Chicago by now
00:45:24 Just as Kevin lifted his hand to wave at Britney Tucker quickly jumped in front of him and yelled
00:45:29 Hey Brit Brit, did you forget about me?
00:45:32 Britney walked over with an all-knowing smile on her face
00:45:35 Tucker you haven't changed one bit
00:45:40 Tucker laughed you say that like it's a bad thing
00:45:43 Britney tilted her head to the side and laughed we did date on and off throughout high school. So it can't be too bad
00:45:50 You're right Brit. We had some good times back in the day. But look at you now. You look amazing. What are you up to?
00:45:57 Britney bitter bottom lip. Well, I know it's a bit cliche, but I'm about to sign with an agency
00:46:04 No shit. You're really doing it
00:46:08 Britney's cheeks turned red. Well, I'm trying to I haven't signed anything yet, but it's looking good
00:46:15 You were always meant for bigger things Brit to think I'll be able to say I knew her when Tucker grinned
00:46:22 Suddenly a group of girls sat down at the table with Kevin one of the girls turned to the other and whispered
00:46:28 I heard that Britney is about to become a superstar
00:46:31 She's too sweet to ever brag about it. But Britney is going to sign with Williams Media next week
00:46:37 Another girl replied no way Williams Media is the biggest media company in America
00:46:43 if Britney signs with them, then she'll be famous before we know it a
00:46:46 Small mousy girl popped up from her seat. I'm going to ask Britney for an autograph
00:46:51 The two other girls nodded good idea. It might be worth something one day
00:46:57 Hey Britney, can we get your autograph? The three girls harmonized as they stepped in between Britney and Tucker
00:47:05 Seeing Britney handle them with grace and humility Kevin smiled to himself good for Britney
00:47:10 I'm so glad that she's still pursuing her dream
00:47:13 And if she is really signing with Williams Media and I should get to know her a little better
00:47:17 After all as of tomorrow, I will be the official owner of Williams Media
00:47:22 This will be a good chance for me to familiarize myself with my clients
00:47:26 Just then Britney and Tucker came and sat down at the table with Kevin
00:47:31 Turning to his right Kevin gasped to himself just my luck
00:47:35 Britney sat down right next to me. Something tells me I'm going to love running Williams Media
00:47:41 I'll finally have a chance to create my own Empire
00:47:44 Looking into Britney's beautiful almond shaped eyes Kevin smiled to himself
00:47:49 But first things first, I need to go talk to my newest client
00:47:54 Hi guys, Kevin here listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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00:48:03 Hi guys, Kevin here. Listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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00:48:13 Kevin felt a little excited at the idea of running Williams Media and talking with Britney who would be his newest client
00:48:22 However, just as his butt touched the chair Britney looked at him indifferently
00:48:28 Sorry, I'm saving this seat for Jessica
00:48:30 Huh? I thought Jessica was sitting over there
00:48:34 Kevin pointed at a voluptuous woman who is at least seven or eight seats away from them. His face was filled with confusion
00:48:41 Britney frowned and looked very unhappy. She raised her hand to cover her nose and said in a muffled voice
00:48:47 You seem to have a strange smell. I feel uncomfortable. So can I trouble you to change seats?
00:48:55 Kevin was stunned. He raised his arm to sniff. It didn't smell he had just changed into clean clothes before he went out
00:49:03 This woman must have a problem with her nose
00:49:06 Kevin you haven't taken a shower for a few days. Have you commented one of the guys a
00:49:12 Female classmate sitting next to him quickly said come on now. I'll change seats with you Kevin
00:49:18 Don't make beauty Brit so sick that she can't eat
00:49:22 Kevin wanted to argue but at that moment his old friend Zach walked over and urged Kevin to get up
00:49:27 They found a corner and sat down together
00:49:29 Zach explained look Kevin Britney is not a woman we can get close to you are asking for trouble
00:49:36 Come on, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Let's have a drink
00:49:41 Kevin looked at Britney who was talking and laughing with Tucker. He shook his head and sneered
00:49:47 He picked up the glass and clinked it with Zach the two of them drank as if there was no one else around
00:49:53 Zach might be the only one among the group of old classmates who treated him sincerely
00:49:58 When Zach was bullied in school Kevin had helped him with his fights in the past
00:50:03 As the drinks began to flow the guests suggested that they should all play music dance together and play a game or something
00:50:12 Most people remembered that Britney had been a fabulous dancer since primary school
00:50:16 So they started to cheer her on and let the future big star put on a show for everyone
00:50:21 Buzzed off the drinks Britney's beautiful face was flushed which added to the already intoxicating atmosphere of the reunion
00:50:30 Unable to resist the unanimous request of her classmates
00:50:34 Britney got up and walked to the middle of the private ballroom
00:50:38 dancing slowly along with the music
00:50:41 Her bright misty eyes swept across everyone who was there her slender waist moved quickly
00:50:47 Then more slowly her entire body dancing like softly flowing water
00:50:52 It was particularly charming all the male students were entranced and some had already unconsciously gasped in wonder
00:51:00 Stunning she was too beautiful
00:51:03 Britney was even more attracted than she had been back in school
00:51:07 The gathering finally ended as evening fell because the class president and the head teacher were busy today and were unable to attend
00:51:15 Everyone got together and arranged to meet again in the future
00:51:18 When Britney was about to leave several male classmates rushed to say goodbye and offered rides in their fancy cars
00:51:25 In the end Britney said that she already had a car and the driver was already waiting outside
00:51:32 So everyone watched Britney get into the latest Maserati and speed away
00:51:36 The guys who were still fighting over the chance to see Britney off were all left with embarrassed expressions on their faces
00:51:43 Zack saw the Maserati turn around and could not help but whisper in Kevin's ear
00:51:48 Britney is so beautiful. I would give up five years of my life just to sleep with her once
00:51:53 Kevin smiled helplessly just as he was about to say something the phone in his pocket suddenly rang
00:52:01 Fly me to the moon
00:52:03 Everyone within earshot immediately looked at Kevin what year was this? Why did he still use such an old-fashioned song as a ringtone?
00:52:13 Kevin took out his phone when he saw that the caller was his wife. He smiled and answered the call
00:52:27 Her tone was very cold after she'd finished speaking she hung up the phone
00:52:32 Only then did Kevin remember that he had not bought the clothes yet
00:52:36 He quickly exchanged contact information with Zack and then rode away on his little electric scooter in a hurry
00:52:42 The women who saw this snickered. Oh my god, Kevin actually rode a tiny electric bike to attend the get-together
00:52:50 Do you think you'll run out of juice before he gets there?
00:52:55 They burst into laughter, even though Kevin was already pretty far away. He could still hear them clearly
00:53:01 On the other side of town Lily was about to leave the office when a man in a black suit
00:53:06 Suddenly appeared in front of her with a gift box in his arms
00:53:09 You are Lily said as she looked at the unfamiliar man in front of her with a puzzled expression
00:53:16 The man in the suit handed the box to Lily and said very politely
00:53:20 This is a gift for you from our boss
00:53:22 At this time two of Lily's assistants walked over and looked curiously at the man and the gift box in his hands
00:53:29 Wow, madam chairman a gift from an admirer
00:53:33 Lily glared at them and pretended to be angry. Don't talk nonsense. I don't have any suitors
00:53:40 Lily turned to look at the man in the suit and hesitated for a moment before taking the box
00:53:45 Who is your boss?
00:53:48 The man replied. Sorry the boss said that he hopes you can guess his identity
00:53:52 The gift is for you personally. I hope that you have a good time tonight
00:53:57 After saying that he turned around and left
00:54:00 Lily looked at the gift box in her hand and finally decided to open it to see what it was
00:54:05 When she opened it, she was instantly stunned the two assistants beside her could not help but let out a scream. Oh
00:54:13 My god, this this is the dream lover the rare necklace sparkled in the light. Oh my god
00:54:20 There are only ten dream lovers in the world. Madam chairman. Your admirer is so generous
00:54:26 Lily could tell at a glance that this was an authentic dream lover
00:54:31 Because she had such a strong interest in the dream lover bordering on an obsession
00:54:36 She had researched everything related to it in detail
00:54:40 The one she was holding in her hands was definitely genuine
00:54:44 Lily looked at the dream lover that was lying in the gift box and felt that it was surreal. Was she dreaming?
00:54:50 Who exactly gave it to her?
00:54:53 Could it be?
00:54:54 Could it be Bradley Smith?
00:54:56 But even to Bradley Smith the dream lover was still out of reach
00:55:01 Could it be that he really liked her so much that he'd spent all his savings to buy the dream lover for her
00:55:08 Thinking of this Lily couldn't help but feel very moved in her heart
00:55:12 If she wore the dream lover to tonight's family get-together, she would definitely become the envy of all the women in the family
00:55:20 Lily felt her heart skip with even more excitement
00:55:23 At the same moment Kevin was trying to figure out what to do about his clothes
00:55:28 He went to the mall and walked around most of the suits were in his style
00:55:33 Maybe it was because they were all off the rack and not tailored. He felt that none of the suits fit him very well
00:55:39 Finally his solution was to call the personal secretary that uncle Thomas had arranged for him that afternoon
00:55:46 She was very efficient in less than half an hour
00:55:49 She sent someone to make a simple handmade tailor-made suit and had it sent to Kevin
00:55:54 He carried his clothes under his arm as he rode the electric scooter back to the Jones's family neighborhood
00:56:00 As soon as he entered the house, he saw his wife Lily standing in front of the mirror in the living room
00:56:05 Admiring the dream lover on her neck. It seemed like his wife was very satisfied with the gift
00:56:12 He had given her she quickly put it on the moment
00:56:15 She received it with the dream lover on her graceful Swan like neck. She became even more noble and elegant
00:56:23 Upon seeing Kevin as she walked back from the mirror Lily instantly hid her exhilarated expression
00:56:30 She looked away to check her clothes and did not look back. She completely ignored that Kevin even existed
00:56:36 Dorothy who was on the sofa frowned as she looked at the dark black bag in Kevin's hand
00:56:41 She urged are those the clothes you bought hurry up and change. We'll leave in five minutes
00:56:48 Okay, I'll get dressed right away
00:56:51 Kevin responded and quickly went into the other room. He changed his clothes as fast as he could combed his hair and then walked out
00:56:59 Dorothy looked at Kevin who was wearing a dark gray suit and her face showed a rare look of satisfaction
00:57:04 She nodded and said this suit isn't bad. You're finally dressed like a man who has some class
00:57:11 Hurry up. I don't want to be late again
00:57:14 Lily said as she sighs Kevin up the unhappiness in her eyes also melted away a little
00:57:20 She slipped her feet into her high heels and walked out first
00:57:23 With Kevin driving the three of them soon arrived at the Jones family's mansion
00:57:29 By now, there were dozens of cars parked outside the mansion at a glance
00:57:33 They were all makes and models of high-end cars. It was like a luxury car show
00:57:38 Dorothy was wearing a long peacock green dress with an apricot colored cape
00:57:43 She looked very sexy and elegant as she walked her clear smooth face looked radiant as she walked with her daughter Lily
00:57:51 You couldn't tell at all that they were mother and daughter
00:57:54 Instead they looked more like sisters
00:57:57 So when the two of them walked into the Jones family's hall, they instantly attracted everyone's attention
00:58:03 Many relatives and friends who knew Dorothy and her daughter stepped up to greet the two of them
00:58:08 Kevin who was following behind them was ignored by most people as usual
00:58:13 However, there were some people who like to pay more attention to Kevin
00:58:16 For example, there was Jason if he didn't cause trouble for Kevin every time he saw him it wouldn't be normal
00:58:24 Jason mocked him. Hey, isn't this Kevin? It's rare to see him dress like a human. I almost didn't recognize you
00:58:31 Jason walked to Kevin's side and patted him on the shoulder. His voice was so loud that almost everyone in the hall could hear him
00:58:38 Kevin looked at him with a smile and didn't say anything
00:58:41 Jason snorted in disdain you got these clothes on sale, right?
00:58:46 I remember I saw the exact clothing down at the mall was it $75 or a hundred quality stuff, right?
00:58:54 Hearing this many people looked at Kevin was scorned some even laughed out loud
00:58:59 Lily looked at Kevin with an embarrassed expression on her face
00:59:02 She was definitely angry to think that she had given him a thousand dollars to buy himself some decent clothes
00:59:09 He on the other hand, he actually went and bought a cheap suit for a hundred bucks
00:59:14 Why did he always make things so difficult for her?
00:59:17 Kevin adjusted his collar and responded casually. I'm really disappointed to hear that
00:59:23 Actually, I didn't pay for my clothes
00:59:25 Jason laughed you didn't pay for it
00:59:29 Could it be that the owner of the store saw that you were too pathetic and out of pity gave you a new suit?
00:59:34 The people around them started laughing as well. They looked at Kevin like he was a fool
00:59:39 Lily and Dorothy's faces showed their embarrassment
00:59:42 Dorothy coldly snorted and began to walk away
00:59:46 She didn't want to stand anywhere near Kevin her stupid son-in-law for another second
00:59:52 We should go sit down Lily disappointingly whispered to Kevin. She really didn't want to bring Kevin along to these events
00:59:59 However, unless someone was out of town or dealing with some special circumstances all the family members had to attend
01:00:06 Lily, I'm really not talking about you. It's fine if your husband lacks experience in his stingy
01:00:13 Aren't you willing to spend a little money on yourself? The dress you're wearing must have cost around five hundred dollars, didn't it?
01:00:20 It's shameful that you have the nerve to wear it to our family get-together
01:00:23 Jason looked Lily up and down the smile on his face made her feel very annoyed
01:00:29 Seeing that everyone was paying attention to them Jason straightened up and padded the suit he was wearing
01:00:35 There was arrogance in his expression in order to attend the family gathering
01:00:40 I went to the most famous designer in the country and spent twenty thousand dollars to have this suit made especially for me
01:00:47 Wow
01:00:49 $20,000 everyone thought
01:00:51 Almost everyone in the room was shocked after all even though their finances were pretty solid spending
01:00:58 20,000 for a suit was really too extravagant
01:01:01 Feeling the envious gazes from the people around him Jason was extremely proud of himself the way he looked at Lily showed even more disdain
01:01:09 Lily's face turned red. She was both angry and embarrassed
01:01:15 Jason had deliberately made her embarrassed in front of all these people. He really just wanted to see her make a fool of herself
01:01:21 But there was nothing Lily could do when she glanced over at Kevin who still had a smile on his face
01:01:27 She felt even more choked up
01:01:29 Kevin noticed Lily's eyes and turned his head to smile at her after a moment. She quickly turned her head away
01:01:35 Kevin raised his eyebrows and looked at Jason who had a smug look on his face
01:01:40 Kevin imitated Jason by patting him back on his shoulder
01:01:45 What are you doing? Who asked you to touch me?
01:01:48 Jason almost jumped like a cat whose tail had been stepped on
01:01:51 He angrily slapped Kevin's hand away and quickly brushed off his shoulder
01:01:56 It was as if he was afraid that his clothes would be contaminated with some kind of bacteria by Kevin's touch
01:02:02 Kevin didn't care at all as he put his hand into his pocket and returned Jason's disgusted gaze
01:02:08 He sneered and said it's only a twenty thousand dollar suit
01:02:12 I was afraid that it would soil my hands my Lily likes to dress casually
01:02:17 However, she really prefers fine jewelry
01:02:21 After saying this Kevin pulled a stunned Lily to his side
01:02:25 Hi guys, Kevin here. Listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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01:02:35 Hi guys, Kevin here. Listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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01:02:45 Now that Kevin had put Jason in his place he looked around and then looked directly at him
01:02:51 Didn't you see the dream lover on Lily's neck? It's worth a hundred of your fancy suits
01:02:57 Everyone's gaze shifted to Lily to be precise. They were all staring at Lily's neck
01:03:03 Following Kevin's rebuke the entire audience suddenly fell silent
01:03:08 So quiet that all you could hear was the delicate piano music in the background the crowd
01:03:14 exploded with questions and comments
01:03:16 One relative said or am I seeing things is she actually wearing a dream lover?
01:03:23 Another said heavens. That's really a dream lover. There are only ten of them in the world. It's a woman's dream
01:03:31 All the women present were excited. Even most of the men were shocked
01:03:37 There were a few people there who had never heard of the dream lover necklace, but now they were well aware of it
01:03:43 Everyone looked at her in amazement
01:03:46 For a moment Lily became the most eye-catching woman in the entire hall
01:03:50 Countless envious gazes fell on her body, which definitely was a boost to her ego
01:03:56 Lily unconsciously shifted her attention to Kevin who was standing at her side. He seemed somewhat different tonight. She thought
01:04:06 Jason stared at the necklace on Lily's neck and lied. I think you're just trying to trick everyone. That's no dream lover
01:04:12 Where did your family get enough money to buy such a rare piece of jewelry? I think you're just wearing a fake
01:04:18 Kevin snapped back. It's none of your business how much money we have we don't answer to you
01:04:24 Dorothy walked over and called to her son-in-law
01:04:27 Kevin
01:04:29 After giving Kevin a warning look Dorothy smiled and stepped in front of Jason
01:04:34 Jason Kevin is younger than you so he doesn't know how to bite his tongue
01:04:38 Why are you arguing with him? Anyway, and where are your parents? Why didn't I see them come today?
01:04:45 Dorothy wanted to change the topic to give everyone a diplomatic way out, but Jason's heart was burning with anger
01:04:52 How could he let Kevin get to him so easily?
01:04:55 My parents are overseas on company business. They aren't lazy like you
01:05:00 You don't have anything to do all day long
01:05:03 Do you you have your little son-in-law to wait on your hand and foot and you don't even need to babysit him
01:05:08 Jason's words made Dorothy extremely embarrassed at that moment a mature older voice interrupted them
01:05:16 What in heaven's name is everyone doing here?
01:05:20 Grandma Jason's face lit up. He turned around and saw that someone was supporting the family matriarch
01:05:28 Mrs. Victoria Jones as she slowly walked over he practically ran to her
01:05:33 Mrs. Jones or grandma Jones as everyone called her looked at her favorite grandson
01:05:38 Her wrinkled face broke into a kind warm smile
01:05:41 But when she saw Kevin standing beside Lily her smile vanished
01:05:46 Kevin knew that grandma Jones had always disliked him, but he didn't really care
01:05:51 All right, since everyone is almost here. We can all take a seat
01:05:58 Grandma Jones said as she looked at the crowd of relatives
01:06:01 After she had finished speaking she took Jason by the hand and walked towards the main table
01:06:06 After everyone took a seat grandma Jones said a few pleasant words and encouraged everyone to work hard for the family
01:06:13 Then the banquet began
01:06:16 Kevin looked at the table full of exquisite food boy was he hungry
01:06:20 Once he heard the banquet was starting he dug in
01:06:24 He really didn't care if he grossed out the other people at the table
01:06:27 Lily and Dorothy stared at him a few times, but Kevin pretended not to see after all it was just a meal
01:06:34 And he would eat however he wanted in his table manners weren't that bad. He just ate a little fast
01:06:40 At the main table grandma Jones spoke again
01:06:44 Before the banquet I heard from a reliable source that the CEO of Williams media has changed
01:06:51 I was told that he is a young man about the same age as JJ
01:06:55 She looked lovingly at her grandson Jason the new CEO will be officially appointed tomorrow
01:07:02 As soon as her voice faded everyone there started chattering about this unexpected news. They had so many questions
01:07:09 Why did Williams media suddenly change their CEO this was unheard of but everyone knew that this was a great opportunity
01:07:18 For years the Jones family had controlled several small media and advertising companies. They all wanted to work with Williams media
01:07:26 Because Williams media was so powerful as long as the Jones family could reach an agreement with them
01:07:31 It was safe to say that the Jones family could rise to a whole new level
01:07:35 But they had already sent countless people to seek a partnership with Williams their offers had all been harshly rejected
01:07:43 After all Williams media was run by the Williams family one of the most prestigious families in the city
01:07:49 It was normal for them to look down on the tiny little Jones family
01:07:53 But now that they were changing their CEO and such a young man. There might be a slight possibility to join forces with them
01:08:02 Naturally the Jones family wouldn't pass up such a golden opportunity. They just had to give it a try
01:08:09 When Kevin who was busy with his meal heard the news about Williams media he raised his head
01:08:15 There was a hint of amusement in his eyes
01:08:17 Grandma Jones was pretty well informed
01:08:20 Grandma Jones watched everyone's reaction with a great big smile on her face
01:08:25 She slowly opened her mouth and asked them
01:08:27 Does anyone have an idea of how to pay a visit to the new Williams media CEO?
01:08:34 If anyone can form a partnership between our families, I will reward them well
01:08:39 I'm willing to go said one of them another shouted out grandma
01:08:45 I want to go and yet another said excitedly let me go. I'm the best one here at teamwork
01:08:51 Lily wanted desperately to speak up so that she could play a part in all of this
01:08:57 But when she thought of her low-ranking position in the Jones family she ended up sitting quietly
01:09:02 Waiting to see what would happen
01:09:04 One after another the family members shared their opinions grandma Jones nodded her head in satisfaction
01:09:11 Finally, she set her eyes on Jason who was sitting beside her with an eager look on his face
01:09:16 Patting Jason's hand. She said JJ. I will leave this matter up to you. Don't let me down
01:09:24 Don't worry grandma. I'll definitely get them to make a deal Jason smacked his chest confidently
01:09:31 Kevin put down his fork and picked up a napkin to wipe his mouth
01:09:34 He looked over at Jason who was now standing in front of grandma Jones, and he couldn't help laughing to himself
01:09:40 He wanted to make a deal what gave him such confidence
01:09:45 Jason didn't know that he had already deeply offended the new head of Williams media and he still wanted to talk about
01:09:52 Cooperating with Williams media Kevin thought to himself with a slight chuckle
01:09:58 After the gathering was over Kevin took Lily and Dorothy home as they drove along Lily didn't pay any attention to what Kevin was saying
01:10:06 She was preoccupied with what grandma Jones had just said about forming a partnership with Williams media
01:10:12 What will I do Lily wondered?
01:10:15 On their way home from the family get-together Lily thought about her own dreams
01:10:20 If only she could get a chance to talk with Williams media about forming an alliance
01:10:25 As long as the partnership turned out to be successful her own company siren corporation would be saved
01:10:32 If Lily couldn't get any more financial aid she had to ask Bradley Smith for help
01:10:37 However, she thought he'd just bought the extravagant dream lover necklace and given it to her
01:10:42 She didn't know if he still had enough funds on hand to help her company
01:10:46 The more Lily thought about it the more irritated she became when Kevin noticed Lily frowning
01:10:52 He could easily guess why she was upset, but he didn't say a word
01:10:56 When Kevin was ready to go to sleep that night, he hopped up on his bed
01:11:01 He lay there and looked at his wife who was just about to lie down in her own bed and said thoughtfully
01:11:06 Lily don't worry
01:11:09 Jason Jones definitely won't be able to talk with Williams media tomorrow about making any deal
01:11:14 Aside from you no one else can succeed
01:11:18 After he'd said this he didn't care how Lily would react
01:11:22 Kevin yawned closed his eyes and went to sleep
01:11:25 Lily was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Kevin to actually read her mind. But what he said really left her speechless
01:11:32 She wasn't entirely sure he was right that if she went to talk with Williams media about the partnership it would definitely succeed
01:11:41 How could he be so sure that this couldn't be done by anyone other than her? He sure didn't know how to comfort someone
01:11:49 Rolling her eyes Lily turned off the light. She put the whole thing out of her mind and went to sleep
01:11:54 Early the next morning after Lily left for work Kevin also headed out
01:11:59 Uncle Thomas gave him a call early in the morning and told him that miss Sandra Wilson
01:12:04 His new chief of staff was ready and that everyone was waiting for him to take office
01:12:09 So Kevin slowly rode his brand new electric scooter all the way to Williams media
01:12:16 Williams media was located in the fanciest part of downtown Chicago
01:12:19 It was in a majestic 50-story office building that was taller than all the surrounding buildings
01:12:25 The building's parking garage was filled with all kinds of luxury cars sports cars and high-end SUVs
01:12:32 Lots of them were electric without exception
01:12:36 All of these cars belong to William media executives and the celebrity superstars that they managed
01:12:42 There was a reason why Williams media was known as an industry leader in entertainment
01:12:47 They managed their artists very closely and saw them regularly
01:12:51 So the lot was always filled with luxury cars
01:12:55 Looking at all the fancy rides Kevin thought that it seemed unusual for a CEO like him to ride an electric scooter to work
01:13:03 Just as Kevin was about to park his scooter in a small space at the edge of the lot a red Ferrari
01:13:09 Suddenly appeared out of nowhere
01:13:11 What?
01:13:12 Kevin screamed as he quickly leapt off his scooter. He must have jumped nearly six feet away
01:13:17 He turned around and saw that there was a small dent in the front of the Ferrari
01:13:22 Along with a long scratch in the paint his electric scooter had been hit hard and the rear wheel was bent out of shape
01:13:30 This was the electric scooter that he had just bought yesterday
01:13:34 Sadly Kevin walked over to his scooter, which was now lying on the ground
01:13:39 Just as he was about to say something the door of the Ferrari opened and a slender white leg emerged
01:13:46 Why don't you watch where you're going?
01:13:49 The driver said the woman's tone was harsh when she was completely out of the car the bystanders suddenly gasped
01:13:55 She's so beautiful. Who is this big star?
01:13:58 They said the willowy beauty wore a tight blue skirt that showed off her figure her high heels made her legs look even more attractive
01:14:07 Kevin looked at this beautiful woman in front of him and he couldn't hide his excitement
01:14:11 Britney he hadn't expected to meet her here today
01:14:16 Could it be that she was here to sign a contract with Williams Media? That was quite a coincidence
01:14:21 Although his electric scooter was wrecked Kevin wasn't injured
01:14:26 Britney was a new performer who was about to sign a contract with his company. So naturally he wasn't going to argue with her
01:14:32 Britney recognized Kevin she frowned and asked
01:14:36 Kevin what are you doing here?
01:14:38 She looked at him and then looked at the electric scooter on the ground
01:14:42 She remembered that two nights ago
01:14:44 She heard someone mention that the security guard at Williams Media suddenly had a heart attack and was sent to the hospital
01:14:50 So the company hired a young man as a security guard could it be Kevin?
01:14:54 Why don't you watch what you're doing? Look at all the damage to my car. I'm sure you can't afford to fix it
01:15:02 Britney looked at the dents and scratches on the front of the Ferrari and felt her heart sink
01:15:06 This was her brand new car. It had now been trashed the first time she drove it
01:15:11 Hearing this Kevin immediately furrowed his brow. It was clearly you who hid me. Why are you blaming me instead?
01:15:20 At the moment a deep male voice came from nearby
01:15:23 What happened here? The onlooker stepped out of the way and Kevin saw a man in a blue suit walking over with two security guards
01:15:32 When Victor Martin saw the scene in front of him, he was instantly stunned by Britney's beauty
01:15:37 He stepped forward and said with a smile. You're Britney Davis, aren't you a few days ago?
01:15:43 I heard that you'd be coming in to sign your contract. I didn't expect you to be here yet
01:15:47 Britney gave him a faint smile now. She looked gentle and polite
01:15:52 Completely different from a minute ago when she was chastising Kevin
01:15:56 I'm sorry. She said this happened as I was coming in. What can you do about it?
01:16:02 On hearing this. Mr. Martin instantly felt more self-assured and cocky. He had to help Britney right away
01:16:08 He said don't worry. This is just a small matter
01:16:12 Looking at Kevin the man said with a serious face. Do you know where you are?
01:16:17 Who said you could ride an electric bike here?
01:16:21 Kevin looked around and said who says I can't ride an electric bike in here besides. She's the one who hit me
01:16:28 Can't you figure that out?
01:16:30 If I say you can't ride here, then you can't ride here
01:16:34 Why would someone in a Ferrari hit someone on a scooter while the man spoke he pointed at Kevin with a disdainful expression
01:16:41 Kevin looked at the man and his good mood was ruined
01:16:45 Britney's mouth trembled as she complained
01:16:49 Mr. Martin, is he the new guard you just hired? I'm afraid he'll annoy a lot of people
01:16:54 When Victor Martin heard Britney's words, he suddenly remembered that the old guard had suddenly left yesterday
01:17:01 He was told that the new guard would come to work today
01:17:04 He looked at Kevin who was wearing a baggy t-shirt and shorts and then looked at the electric scooter lying on the ground
01:17:11 He was sure that Kevin was the new security guard. I
01:17:15 Definitely won't allow someone like this to continue working here. Don't worry, ma'am. I'll fire him right now
01:17:21 After he finished speaking he pointed at Kevin and said you're fired. Please pack up your things and leave
01:17:27 Kevin still had a scowl on his face. He read the nameplate on the man's chest. His title was Victor Martin production assistant
01:17:36 what was the company structure like at Williams Media anyway a
01:17:41 Production assistant could fire another employee at will he replied you want to fire me?
01:17:47 Assistant Victor Martin, right? I would like to ask you a simple question
01:17:51 Who gave you the right to fire someone all by yourself?
01:17:55 Kevin looked at the man with a smile not caring what the people around him thought
01:18:00 Kevin's question made mr. Martin's face hardened. He didn't really have the right to fire anyone
01:18:06 He wanted after all he was just a production assistant
01:18:09 He glared at Kevin angrily. He was about to curse at him when he was interrupted by Brittany
01:18:14 You said mr. Martin isn't qualified to fire you right then the department manager should be qualified
01:18:21 You just wait
01:18:23 Brittany looked at Kevin with disgust after she finished speaking
01:18:26 She took out her phone wrote two text messages and sent them out
01:18:31 In less than five minutes a woman wearing a gray professional suit walked up to them with a cold bitter expression on her face
01:18:38 Hi guys, Kevin here. Listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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01:18:48 Hi guys, Kevin here. Listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
01:18:55 Click the link in the description to install the app now
01:18:58 Kevin waited patiently by his Rex scooter to see what would happen
01:19:02 Brittany was still angry about her dented Ferrari and had texted her contacts at Williams Media for help
01:19:08 The mature stunning woman who came to a rescue looked to be about 40 years old
01:19:13 Her professional attire gave her an air of experience and charm
01:19:17 She was Claire Davis the manager of Williams Media's publicity department
01:19:23 She was also Brittany's aunt it was thanks to her that Brittany had gotten a chance to sign a contract with Williams Media
01:19:31 Auntie Brittany called out like a spoiled child
01:19:34 She then walked to her aunt's side and held her arm as she whispered a few words into her ear
01:19:39 When Victor Martin the other Williams Media employees and the two security guards saw Claire they immediately greeted her with smiling faces
01:19:48 Miss Davis. Good morning
01:19:50 Claire Davis politely returned their greetings with a casual. Good morning
01:19:55 Then she turned her attention to Kevin and said sternly did you hit her car?
01:20:00 Apologize to her right now or we will call the police and ask them to handle this matter
01:20:05 Hearing her threats Kevin let out a laugh. I don't know you
01:20:10 Why should I listen to you if you want to call the police go ahead?
01:20:14 Anyway, I didn't crash into her. She crashed into me. So what am I afraid of?
01:20:20 One of the bystanders said he doesn't even know the publicity manager. He really should be fired
01:20:27 Just wait. Miss Davis will definitely fire him another Williams Media employee added
01:20:33 Seeing Kevin's nonchalant. Look Claire's expression became even colder
01:20:39 She raised her hand pointed right at Kevin and said you're the new security guard, aren't you?
01:20:44 I'll tell you right now. You've been fired get out of here. I'll call the police and they'll take you down to the police station
01:20:52 Ha send me to the police station Kevin raised his eyebrows and pointed at himself
01:20:57 Brittany sneered don't you understand English?
01:21:01 Just my luck to see you today. I'll bet you can't even afford to fix my car
01:21:07 I won't argue with you anymore. Just hurry up and get out of here
01:21:11 Kevin smirked and didn't say anything
01:21:14 Just when Claire was about to scold him some more
01:21:17 They were all startled by the sound of a car horn a brand new Lamborghini pulled up and stopped in front of everyone
01:21:24 They saw a beautiful young woman in a wine red professional ensemble
01:21:29 She adjusted her gold-rimmed glasses and stepped out of the car
01:21:33 She went straight to Kevin shook his hand and greeted him with a warm smile
01:21:39 Sorry, sir. I went to get the company's new quarterly reports for you, but I lost track of the time
01:21:45 I hope you can forgive me
01:21:47 At a glance Kevin already knew that this was miss Wilson the chief of staff that his uncle had told him about
01:21:54 Miss Wilson straightened her back and looked at the young man in front of her nervously. She explained again
01:22:00 I'm sorry, sir, but I didn't expect the expressway to be so backed up
01:22:05 This isn't how I wanted to greet our new CEO. It won't happen again
01:22:09 Everyone was stunned what was going on?
01:22:15 CEO
01:22:16 Claire definitely knew who miss Wilson was when she saw her showing so much respect towards Kevin. She was enraged
01:22:23 Claire grabbed miss Wilson's arm and said angrily miss Wilson. You're making a huge mistake
01:22:29 This is the new company security guard. What's wrong with you?
01:22:33 Miss Wilson frowned and pulled her arm away. She took her phone in a stack of documents out of her bag. I
01:22:41 Assure you that I'm not mistaken. These are the documents that our chief operating officer. Mr. Thomas Williams
01:22:47 Personally gave me regarding our new CEO
01:22:49 This photo looks quite a lot like this gentleman, doesn't it?
01:22:53 Brittany who was standing to the side rushed over and looked at the photo on miss Wilson's phone
01:22:59 It sure looked a lot like Kevin, but the man in the photo had a much more professional appearance
01:23:05 He also looked a lot younger and more handsome
01:23:08 Miss Wilson, you must be wrong. This is Kevin Williams. My former classmate. Look at his sloppy appearance
01:23:15 How could he possibly be the CEO of Williams media? Maybe he just looks a lot like him
01:23:20 Brittany pointed at Kevin's clothes with a look of utter disdain
01:23:24 They were all confused
01:23:26 How could the new CEO show up to the office wearing a t-shirt in baggy shorts riding a tiny broken?
01:23:34 electric scooter
01:23:36 Miss Wilson pushed up her glasses and her expression remained very calm
01:23:40 That sounds right the information our CEO gave me says that the new president's name is Kevin in this photo was actually taken three
01:23:48 Years ago, so of course he looks a little older now
01:23:51 Miss Wilson flipped open the documents in Brittany and Claire immediately went over to look at them when they saw the name Kevin written
01:24:00 Conspicuously on the front page. It was like they'd been struck by lightning
01:24:05 Claire Davis pretended to be calm and quickly flipped through the pages as she read her face got paler and paler
01:24:13 When she'd finished scanning them she came to the realization that the young man in scruffy clothes standing in front of her was in fact
01:24:21 their new CEO
01:24:23 Claire looked up at Kevin in disbelief, but when she saw the scorn in Kevin's eyes, she looked back down at her feet
01:24:31 What had she just done? She was an executive the company's publicity manager
01:24:36 But in front of all these people she had been shouting that she wanted to fire the new CEO and that she wanted to have him
01:24:43 arrested
01:24:45 For a moment Claire struggled to speak. She gritted her teeth carefully stepped forward and forced a smile
01:24:51 She said sir, sir. I'm really sorry
01:24:56 We've made a huge mistake
01:24:58 Nothing like this will never happen again in the future
01:25:01 There will be a future
01:25:03 Kevin looked at her out of the corner of his eye
01:25:05 Claire's face froze and she stuttered. Please don't do this. I know what I did was wrong, sir
01:25:12 Will you please give me another chance?
01:25:14 Ignoring the puzzled looks from everyone around her what Claire cared about the most right now was to protect her job in her position
01:25:23 Brittany who was standing off to the side also hurried to stand near Kevin her expression no longer looks so arrogant
01:25:29 Mr. Williams, it's all my fault. Don't be angry. Please accept my apologies
01:25:35 Kevin looked at her with an enigmatic smile. He didn't say a word
01:25:39 Brittany's voice became softer and softer as he looked at her. Finally. She couldn't bear to look him in the eyes
01:25:46 Kevin glanced at the time on his watch. He had no intention of continuing to waste time at the door
01:25:53 After thinking for a while, he looked at miss Wilson and pointed toward Victor Martin who was trying desperately not to be noticed
01:26:00 This man tried to fire me to protect the image of Williams media
01:26:05 After saying this he motioned towards miss Wilson and they both turned and headed towards the grand entrance to the Williams media head office
01:26:14 Claire Brittany and the others quickly followed only Victor Martin who had tears streaming down his face was left behind
01:26:23 He looked sadly at the group as they walked away from him
01:26:26 As soon as he entered the elegant entry hall of Williams media Kevin let out a deep sigh
01:26:32 Williams media was truly worthy of being the number one entertainment company in Chicago
01:26:37 The company's ambience its lavish details and luxurious decor
01:26:42 Everything about it just ooze success
01:26:45 Ever since he was expelled by the Williams family Kevin had not set foot in such an opulent place in a long time
01:26:52 it could best be described as exquisite from its world-class design to its perfectly chosen color scheme and
01:26:59 This wasn't limited to the entry hall
01:27:02 The overall style of Williams media's headquarters was truly stunning
01:27:07 The news of the new CEO taking office today had already spread throughout the entire company
01:27:13 Everyone who saw Kevin smiled and greeted him wanting to make a good first impression on the new CEO
01:27:20 Of course many people were surprised when they first saw Kevin
01:27:24 But none of them showed it his simple unpretentious appearance seemed to contrast with his new surroundings
01:27:30 He took the elevator to the 18th floor where his office was located
01:27:35 After entering the office Kevin sat on the big leather chair and looked at Claire and Brittany who had entered the room with him
01:27:42 Do you have anything else to talk to me about?
01:27:45 He flipped open some of the folders on his enormous desk and asked casually as he looked at the contents of the folders
01:27:52 Brittany and Claire looked at each other and Claire gave her niece a slight smile to comfort her
01:27:57 She took two steps forward and said sir about what happened today. I'm really very sorry
01:28:03 Now about the matter of Brittany signing her contract
01:28:07 Claire paused before finishing her sentence
01:28:10 Kevin didn't even raise his head as he chuckled to himself
01:28:14 Sign the contract he asked Brittany smiled awkwardly as she replied
01:28:19 Mr. Williams, did you forget that? I came here today to sign my contract
01:28:23 She bit her lower lip and looked at Kevin uncertainly
01:28:27 Kevin put down the folder that he'd been reviewing and leaned back in his very comfortable leather chair
01:28:33 This chair is really nice. He thought to himself
01:28:36 He smiled at the two of them, but didn't answer them right away
01:28:41 Seeing Kevin's reaction Claire wasn't sure what to think
01:28:44 Sir, how about this? I can accept any punishment you give me, but please don't cancel Brittany's contract. Okay?
01:28:51 Kevin laughed out loud. It's funny, but someone who didn't know me well might think I'm a bully Claire instantly blushed
01:29:00 Just as Claire was about to say something else. There was a knock on the CEO's office door
01:29:06 Miss Wilson walked over to the door and whispered a few words to someone outside
01:29:10 Then she closed the door and came to Kevin's side
01:29:13 Sir, Jason Jones the Jones family representative is here. He said he wants to discuss the company's financial future with you
01:29:21 As soon as Miss Wilson finished speaking Kevin got a stern look on his face
01:29:26 He was very unhappy to hear Jason Jones's name
01:29:30 Get that fool out of my office immediately and please inform the Jones family that if they want to cooperate with us
01:29:37 They shouldn't let that bonehead show his face around here
01:29:40 They can try again with a new representative as long as I approve of the new rep. I'll have no problem negotiating with them
01:29:48 Meanwhile Jason was waiting outside Kevin's office
01:29:52 Fantasizing about the new sports car grandma Jones would surely give him for setting up this deal
01:29:58 But he was shocked when Miss Wilson passed along the CEO's message as he watched Miss Wilson turn around to leave
01:30:05 Jason was stunned for a moment before he realized what had just happened
01:30:09 That bastard as soon as he swore everyone in the hall turned to look at him
01:30:15 Jason realized that he was still in Williams media territory
01:30:20 He immediately stopped talking and left the building while holding back the anger that was welling up inside him
01:30:27 At the Jones family mansion grandma Jones reacted by calling everyone over for an emergency family meeting
01:30:34 seeing that all the members of the family had arrived grandma Jones let out a sigh and said
01:30:39 Jj went to discuss the deal with Williams media, but he didn't succeed. I think some of you already know about it
01:30:48 Jason added
01:30:50 Grandma, Williams media obviously thinks they're better than us. They actually called me a fool
01:30:56 On top of that they told me to get out and never show my face again
01:31:00 Jason's face was turning red from anger
01:31:03 Grandma Jones who was sitting next to him was obviously distressed
01:31:07 When the rest of the family heard this they immediately started discussing amongst themselves. They were smart people so they understood right away what had happened
01:31:15 Williams media was the biggest entertainment company in Chicago and they had told Jason to scram
01:31:22 Jason didn't dare to fight them head-on
01:31:25 All he could do was run home and throw a tantrum
01:31:28 Even grandma Jones didn't dare to ask Williams media to explain themselves
01:31:32 She said to her grandson. I'm sorry. You have to suffer for this jj
01:31:37 Grandma Jones's heart ached the most for Jason
01:31:41 Seeing how upset he was she patted his arm and comforted him
01:31:45 The new ceo of Williams media is a young man in his early 20s
01:31:49 That's a very young age for someone to take the helm of such a powerful corporation
01:31:55 Naturally, he has his pride and it's normal that he doesn't like small families like ours
01:32:00 Grandma Jones paused for a moment and looked around the room
01:32:04 But the ceo of Williams media also said that as long as the candidate is satisfactory
01:32:10 He won't have any problem working with them
01:32:13 So I want to ask everyone who do you think is most suitable to represent us in these negotiations?
01:32:20 The people in the room stopped talking and looked at each other it was unusually quiet
01:32:25 Williams media had already told Jason Jones to get lost after that who would have the nerve to go back in there
01:32:32 Grandma Jones was disappointed when nobody stepped up to volunteer
01:32:36 What?
01:32:38 No one is willing to go she asked them
01:32:40 While everyone else remained silent Jason suddenly had what he thought was a particularly nasty idea
01:32:47 He stood up and said loudly
01:32:50 Grandma, I think Lily is the ideal choice to talk with Williams media about our offer
01:32:55 Jason's words suddenly made Lily the center of attention
01:32:59 She threw an angry look at Jason who was standing beside grandma smiling maliciously
01:33:04 While she knew that Jason always liked to cause trouble. She didn't expect him to be so shameless as to involve her in this mess
01:33:11 Lily tried to speak but only managed to stammer
01:33:15 but but grandma I
01:33:17 Lily was angry, but at the same time she was trying to figure out how to get out of this horrible predicament
01:33:22 She was about to finish her thought when Jason interrupted her again
01:33:27 Lily grandma just wants to give you a chance to help the family. Don't you care about our family?
01:33:33 Seeing the distraught look on Lily's face Jason smiled he continued
01:33:38 I know that your siren corporation just lost millions. You still seem to be short four or five million in capital, right?
01:33:45 I'm doing this for your own good if you're willing to help all of us the jones family and if the deal is successful
01:33:52 Grandma won't let your company go bankrupt. What choice did lily have? Hi guys kevin here
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01:34:06 Hi guys, kevin here. Listen to full episodes of insta empire exclusively on the pocket fm app
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01:34:16 Lily was still in shock after being nominated by jason to represent the jones family in their negotiations with williams media
01:34:25 She was at a loss for words
01:34:27 After jason finished speaking he walked over and stood in front of grandma jones
01:34:31 I think lily is really suitable. What do you think grandma?
01:34:35 In grandma jones's heart jason was the one that she liked the most so she naturally took his suggestion more seriously than the others
01:34:43 She reflected for a while and nodded in agreement
01:34:46 Then she looked at lily and smiled
01:34:48 Lily, you will go to williams media tomorrow do your best and above all don't let me down
01:34:54 grandma, I
01:34:57 Lily was struggling to come up with a way to get out of this, but she saw grandma jones wave her hand dismissively and say
01:35:03 Okay, today's meeting is adjourned do whatever you need to handle this
01:35:09 Don't accept no for an answer your family needs you
01:35:12 No one cared about lily's feelings or what she wanted to say once the meeting was over everyone filed out
01:35:20 Lily bit her lip as she watched jason leave the room with a big smile on his face
01:35:25 She angrily stomped her feet and walked out of the jones mansion wondering what she would do next
01:35:30 Lily was confused when she returned home. The more she thought about it
01:35:35 The more uncomfortable she felt in the eyes of everyone in the jones family. This was an impossible task
01:35:41 But now this hopeless task fell on her
01:35:45 She had no idea how she would approach the new ceo of williams media to talk about working together with her family
01:35:51 The more lily thought about it the more irritated she became
01:35:55 Finally lily decided to call rachel and ask her to come over to keep her company
01:36:00 She also wanted to know if her friend had any good suggestions
01:36:04 After rachel came over and the two of them chatted for a while lily felt a little less freaked out
01:36:09 Rachel got up and walked to the fridge. She took a can of soda and asked lily as she drank
01:36:14 Why isn't kevin at home today?
01:36:17 Lily smiled helplessly
01:36:19 When I left early this morning, he was already gone. I don't know where he went, but he still hasn't come back
01:36:25 Rachel curled her lips in disgust as she sat on the sofa. She leaned closer to lily and said
01:36:32 I really admire you. You haven't thought of getting a divorce after these two awful years
01:36:37 Lily only sighed and didn't say anything but rachel pressed it further
01:36:42 You should also think about yourself kevin is holding you back
01:36:46 Your parents want you to have a child, but you still haven't been able to get pregnant after two whole years
01:36:51 Plus your company still owes you so much money. If you find a rich and powerful husband your life won't be so hard
01:37:00 It's pointless for you to say all this now. We're already married. What are you getting at?
01:37:04 Those who get married can get a divorce rachel said indifferently
01:37:09 Lily shook her head and smiled. She didn't say anything else about it after a few minutes. They heard someone at the door
01:37:17 The two women looked up at the same time and saw kevin whistling as he walked in
01:37:21 With a contemptuous mocking smile on her face. Rachel watched kevin walk closer to them
01:37:27 As usual kevin was wearing a t-shirt and shorts. He looked like such a loser
01:37:31 Kevin naturally saw rachel's disdain for him, but he didn't care
01:37:36 He strode up to lily and sat on the sofa with a smile. He looked at her and said lily
01:37:41 Your company still needs four million, right?
01:37:44 Lily didn't even bother to look at him. She picked up an emery board and started to do her nails
01:37:49 Why are you asking this?
01:37:52 How dare you try to rub it in? Why do you always say things that make lily unhappy?
01:37:57 Are you afraid that her life will be too easy?
01:38:00 Rachel sat up straight and stared at kevin
01:38:03 Lily sighed and gave rachel a penetrating look that told her not to criticize kevin anymore
01:38:08 After all during the joneses family quarterly meeting when jason embarrassed her in front of so many people
01:38:14 It was kevin who helped lily
01:38:17 Now she naturally didn't want rachel to keep picking on him like this
01:38:21 Kevin turned his head and looked at rachel. He smiled mysteriously and said I hope you haven't forgotten what I said two days ago
01:38:29 If I can find four million to help lily get through this crisis
01:38:33 You should call me boss
01:38:35 When she heard him bring this up rachel instantly laughed
01:38:40 I sure did say that and if you can't find her four million bucks. How about you call me boss?
01:38:47 I've never seen someone as helpless as you who still likes to put on airs
01:38:51 Kevin sneered he took out a bank card from his pocket and handed it to lily
01:38:57 Lily, I originally wanted to bring you cash, but it was too much to carry around this card has four million dollars on it. Take it
01:39:05 Lily took the card in a daze and didn't know how to react
01:39:09 Rachel laughed again. She felt that kevin was acting like a fool again
01:39:14 I can't believe you're still carrying on with this lie. I'm dying of laughter
01:39:19 Who's the boss kevin asked quickly? It's not you
01:39:24 After saying this rachel realized that she had been tricked her face immediately turned red and she glared at kevin
01:39:32 Kevin chuckled and looked at lily who obviously didn't believe him and was about to toss the card in the trash
01:39:39 Lily, do you still have that card reader you use at work? Why don't you log in and check the balance of the account?
01:39:45 I wouldn't lie to you
01:39:47 Lily held the card in her hand and looked into kevin's eyes. She had her doubts
01:39:52 But she also wanted to believe him even though he didn't have a job
01:39:56 After all, he still relied on her to support him
01:39:59 Now he hands her a card and says that there are four million dollars on it
01:40:04 Anyone would find his words hard to believe
01:40:08 Lily since he asked you to try you should try he asked for it. I'm still waiting to hear him. Call me boss
01:40:15 Rachel crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked at kevin with a sneer
01:40:19 Lily tightened her grip on the bank card and looked at kevin who was waiting expectantly
01:40:24 Kevin, you really want me to check it out?
01:40:27 Don't worry. I would never lie to you
01:40:30 Kevin gave her a determined look
01:40:33 Lily nodded and said
01:40:35 Okay
01:40:37 Then she got up and walked to the study and turned on the card reader
01:40:40 The password is your birthday. Kevin reminded her in a low voice
01:40:44 Lily looked up at him and then entered the password after a moment the cards balance appeared on the screen
01:40:50 four million dollars
01:40:53 Lily was dumbfounded when rachel came over and saw the long long string of numbers. She stared open mouth at the screen
01:41:00 How is this possible?
01:41:02 She asked as soon as dorothy jones entered the house. She saw that something was up
01:41:07 She frowned and walked over to lily kevin and rachel in the study
01:41:11 What's going on?
01:41:13 When her gaze fell on the ridiculously high number on the card reader. She was absolutely stunned
01:41:18 Where did you get so much money from?
01:41:21 Lily looked up at her mother and then looked at kevin. She pursed her lips and replied
01:41:26 Kevin gave me the card
01:41:29 What?
01:41:30 Kevin gave it to you
01:41:31 Dorothy jones looked at kevin in disbelief. Where did you get so much money?
01:41:36 Kevin smiled and shook his finger at her playfully
01:41:39 I can't tell you so please don't ask but I can assure you that this money came from anonysaurus
01:41:45 Lily, just use it and don't worry
01:41:48 Then he turned to look at rachel. He scratched his ear and said
01:41:52 I believe you said you wanted to start calling me boss. You can start i'm waiting
01:41:59 Rachel stared at him in wide-eyed disbelief
01:42:02 She was really flustered and she raised a scolding finger toward kevin. She was tempted to berate him again
01:42:09 Before rachel did something rash lily quickly took the card in the reader and pulled kevin into the bedroom
01:42:14 We are the only ones in this room now kevin. Tell me the truth. Where did you get this money from?
01:42:21 Lily asked softly she locked the door behind her and walked slowly up to kevin
01:42:27 He looked at her guardedly, but he was secretly delighted
01:42:30 Lily was concerned about him, wasn't she?
01:42:33 He thought for a moment smiled and asked her gently
01:42:36 If I told you i'm actually an incredibly wealthy business executive and that this money is a drop in the bucket for me
01:42:44 Would you believe me?
01:42:46 Lily frowned at him and pulled away
01:42:48 Don't joke around forget it. If you really don't want to tell me I don't want to keep asking you
01:42:54 Anyway, you have to promise me that this isn't dirty money
01:42:57 I hope that you're not involved in anything illegal
01:42:59 Otherwise, I would rather see my company go bankrupt than to take a dime from you
01:43:04 Kevin sighed when he heard her say this don't worry. I guarantee that the money is legal
01:43:10 You just need to use it quickly to save your company
01:43:13 Lily had her doubts, but he was so convincing
01:43:16 She thought for a long moment before putting the card away as she did this. She said
01:43:21 Okay, I believe you
01:43:24 You can rest assured too. I will definitely pay you back as soon as possible. It may take some time, but i'll repay you
01:43:30 My money is your money. Kevin waved his hand nonchalantly and walked out of the room
01:43:36 When he got to the living room, he saw that rachel had already left
01:43:40 She ran away before she called me boss. He figured
01:43:45 Later dorothy was also wondering where kevin had gotten the four million dollars and lily pulled her aside
01:43:51 She spoke to her mother very quietly and seemed to calm her fears
01:43:54 Afterward dorothy's attitude towards kevin was a little gentler than before
01:43:59 Recently chicago had been in financial turmoil
01:44:04 And as the leading company in chicago williams media had suddenly taken on a young new ceo
01:44:10 Just when countless companies in the entertainment industry were dying to work with them
01:44:15 Williams media was rejecting all of them. They even turned away the larger companies that they had always done business with
01:44:22 It made sense that the ones who were able to join forces with williams media had to be tied to a wealthy chicago family
01:44:29 Or a large company
01:44:31 But this time what shocked everyone was that they were partnering with a relatively unknown family the jones family
01:44:38 Many people had never heard of lily before but she had actually managed to come to an agreement with williams media
01:44:45 In chicago the jones family was only considered to be a third-rate family
01:44:50 And lily was only from a minor branch of the jones family tree
01:44:54 In the upper crust most people didn't even know that she existed
01:44:58 Some people also heard that jason had approached williams media to discuss a partnership but was rejected
01:45:04 This was even more confusing
01:45:07 Even the great jason was chased away
01:45:10 How did lily this unimportant member of the jones family managed to get her foot in the door with williams media?
01:45:16 What was the new williams media ceo thinking?
01:45:20 Why did he choose to work with the insignificant little jones family instead of so many powerful companies?
01:45:26 Lily herself couldn't figure it out
01:45:29 No one would believe her
01:45:32 On the day when she went to discuss the partnership. She didn't get to see the ceo
01:45:36 All she had to do was sign the contract
01:45:40 Everything went over so smoothly making her feel like she was dreaming
01:45:43 The jones family had booked the entire banquet hall of the very luxurious whitsler hotel in chicago for that evening
01:45:51 Grandma jones brought everyone together to celebrate lily's success in sealing a deal between the jones family and williams media
01:45:59 Everyone in the jones family accepted grandma jones's request to attend the celebration banquet
01:46:06 On top of that grandma jones had invited a lot of famous people in the chicago area to attend their bash
01:46:12 There was only one goal and that was to let everyone know that the jones family had formed a partnership with williams media
01:46:20 In the future the family would definitely have a chance to become one of the top families in the windy city
01:46:26 As some people referred to their town
01:46:28 Lily had become the most noteworthy guest in the banquet hall
01:46:32 This was mainly because she had done so much for the jones family. So she was the most important invitee of the celebration
01:46:38 Kevin followed behind lily who was dressed ever so elegantly
01:46:42 Just as he was about to take a seat. He heard a cold rebuke from someone beside him
01:46:48 Please find another seat. This one is reserved for miss phoebe anderson
01:46:52 Of course, it was jason speaking
01:46:56 Behind him stood a beautiful young lady wearing an elegant silk dress that fit her very snugly from its low slit up to its high neckline
01:47:04 Kevin casually glanced up at her and looked away then turned back again to get another look
01:47:09 He felt that this woman seemed somewhat familiar. He thought he'd seen her somewhere before
01:47:14 Jason saw that kevin hadn't moved and was still staring at phoebe. He took a step forward and deliberately bumped into him
01:47:22 Didn't you hear me? This seat is reserved for miss anderson
01:47:26 Kevin wasn't prepared for this kind of physical aggression
01:47:29 He was a little shaken, but he still didn't leave his seat
01:47:32 He saw that jason was trying to please phoebe, but the young woman's face remained cold
01:47:38 Kevin raised his eyebrows
01:47:40 Miss anderson kevin replied with a questioning tone
01:47:43 Jason glanced at kevin out of the corner of his eye. He got more impatient
01:47:48 You don't even know who phoebe anderson is
01:47:51 A lot of people around them had noticed what was going on
01:47:54 Lily who was nearby had an embarrassed look on her face. She was very annoyed with jason again
01:48:01 Lily had already noticed that phoebe was sitting at another table
01:48:05 It was jason who deliberately arranged to find a new seat for her
01:48:09 And lily was certain that he must have done this to get even for her success with williams media
01:48:14 Jason was deeply jealous of her and he had deliberately bullied kevin just to embarrass her
01:48:20 Kevin remained in his seat, but when he looked over at lily, he saw the pained expression on her face
01:48:25 In a concerned tone. He asked her what's wrong lily. Are you feeling? Okay?
01:48:30 Lily shook her head. No, she was considering letting kevin give up a seat
01:48:35 It was better to avoid any unnecessary conflict which was sure to follow because grandma jones liked jason the most
01:48:42 Dorothy jones who was also nearby this awkward scene didn't say anything
01:48:47 But she kept motioning to kevin that she wanted him to take the initiative and give phoebe his seat
01:48:52 Phoebe was a distinguished guest invited by grandma jones
01:48:56 The anderson family was one of the most prestigious families in chicago
01:49:00 They had made billions in the global jewelry market and literally had countless assets
01:49:05 How could this squabble be resolved without insulting such an honored guest in her family and without upsetting grandma jones?
01:49:13 Hi guys, kevin here. Listen to full episodes of insta empire exclusively on the pocket fm app
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01:49:22 Hi guys, kevin here. Listen to full episodes of insta empire exclusively on the pocket fm app
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01:49:32 Lily was very worried that this whole argument with jason about phoebe's seat at the banquet would blow up and get her in trouble with
01:49:40 the family
01:49:42 As the eldest daughter of the anderson family phoebe was in the spotlight wherever she went
01:49:47 Dorothy jones knew very well what kind of influence someone like her would have on grandma jones
01:49:53 And if kevin offended phoebe in any way that would definitely have a negative impact on lily
01:49:59 However, kevin only cared about lily and didn't even notice the look that dorothy was giving him
01:50:05 Actually, he noticed but didn't want to do anything about it
01:50:10 Finally jason exploded
01:50:12 Don't you understand english? I've already told you 10 times to give up your seat. What's wrong with you?
01:50:18 Just move so miss anderson can have a seat
01:50:21 Phoebe scowled and looked impatiently at jason
01:50:25 Then her cool gaze fell on kevin
01:50:28 Seeing grandma jones also look over at them. Lily was worried about the impression that all this would make on the family matriarch
01:50:35 This would definitely tarnish lily's image
01:50:40 She turned her head to look at kevin who was completely ignoring jason and asked him quietly
01:50:45 Kevin, why don't you change seats?
01:50:48 When kevin heard his wife speak he immediately smiled and nodded
01:50:52 All right, lily as you wish
01:50:55 Then he stood up and walked to a different seat and sat down
01:50:58 But he didn't look at jason and phoebe anderson again
01:51:02 Jason was livid but after all he had to protect his image in front of phoebe
01:51:07 So he naturally couldn't act too impetuously
01:51:09 Phoebe had just sat down when she unconsciously looked at lily with a gaze that pierced right through her
01:51:16 In fact, phoebe was actually looking at the dream lover necklace on lily's neck
01:51:22 The dream lover necklace was something phoebe had desired for a long time
01:51:26 But up until now even though her family was in the jewelry business. There was no way for her to actually get one herself
01:51:35 She couldn't have imagined that she would see the long cherished dream lover necklace hanging gracefully on lily's neck
01:51:42 With her professional and trained eyes. She could tell right away that lily's necklace was real
01:51:47 Lily felt weird to be stared at so intently and felt slightly self-conscious
01:51:53 Miss anderson, I can't help but notice that you're staring at me. Is there something wrong?
01:51:59 phoebe smiled apologetically
01:52:02 Sorry, miss williams. Actually, I wanted to ask where did you buy your dream lover necklace?
01:52:08 Sensing the envy in phoebe's gaze lily's ego got a little boost
01:52:14 She never expected that a rich young lady like phoebe anderson would envy a piece of jewelry that she owned
01:52:21 Lily found this feeling to be very satisfying
01:52:24 Lily cleared her throat softly
01:52:27 This was given to me by a friend
01:52:31 Phoebe nodded in understanding as her gaze stayed glued to the dream lover
01:52:35 I'd like to ask you a favor. Could you perhaps ask your friend to help me buy a dream lover necklace?
01:52:41 After saying this she seemed worried that lily might turn down her request and quickly added
01:52:47 Don't worry. I'm not asking for a gift. How much did he pay for this beautiful necklace? I will pay him double
01:52:54 Double the price?
01:52:57 Everyone around the table who heard the conversation between phoebe and lily was shocked
01:53:01 A dream lover necklace was worth almost three million dollars
01:53:05 Double the price was close to six million. She was indeed the most prominent member of the anderson family such wealth
01:53:14 As lily and phoebe were sitting together the contrast between them was obvious
01:53:19 One was gentle and graceful and the other was detached and elegant
01:53:24 The men in the room were infatuated with them and the women were envious of them
01:53:28 Dorothy saw that her daughter hadn't responded yet and kicked her leg gently under the table
01:53:34 What are you spacing out for hurry up and answer her question?
01:53:38 Lily looked at her mother and only then did she realize that everyone was staring at her
01:53:44 She had no choice but to take her phone out of her bag
01:53:47 It took her a few seconds to find bradley smith's phone number in her contact list
01:53:53 She placed the call and waited anxiously
01:53:55 Kevin watched lily's actions with an amused smile. He was pretty sure he knew who she was calling
01:54:02 Anyway, he was sure it wouldn't be him if his guess was right. It was probably bradley smith
01:54:08 The call was answered pretty quickly. Lily saw phoebe staring at her very intently and decided to put it on speaker
01:54:15 Dorothy was close enough to see bradley smith's name on the screen and couldn't hide her displeasure
01:54:21 She glanced in kevin's direction
01:54:23 So it was bradley smith who gave lily the necklace
01:54:27 Dorothy couldn't imagine what would happen if kevin found out about this
01:54:31 She hoped that he and lily wouldn't argue over it, especially here at the banquet. It would definitely be awkward for everyone
01:54:39 Bradley smith was sitting alone at a roadside cafe drinking a beer when his phone rang
01:54:46 Someone from the williams family had recently told him to keep his distance from them because he had offended one of them
01:54:52 Smith's finances were suddenly in jeopardy and then the company's tax problem was discovered. He'd lost everything practically overnight
01:55:00 Up until now smith still hadn't figured out who it was that he had offended
01:55:05 He didn't even look at the caller id. He put down his beer and answered the phone with a gloomy voice
01:55:11 Hello, who is it?
01:55:15 Lily's face stiffened and she felt a little uncomfortable
01:55:18 After all bradley smith had always been gentle and considerate to her. Why did he sound so down today?
01:55:24 Bradley, it's me lily. I have something to ask you
01:55:29 Would it be possible for you to buy another dream lover necklace?
01:55:34 When he realized that it was lily calling bradley smith immediately brightened up. He quickly cleared his throat and adjusted his tone of voice
01:55:43 Lily, i'm really sorry. I was just having a rough day. So i'm sorry if my tone was so negative
01:55:50 Did you just ask me about the fake dream lover necklace?
01:55:54 fake
01:55:56 Lily immediately frowned and looked at phoebe who also had the same surprised expression
01:56:00 This was impossible. They couldn't both be mistaken about this. The necklace lily was wearing was definitely genuine
01:56:08 Bradley smith sighed on the other end of the phone
01:56:12 Yes, it's a copy
01:56:14 Unfortunately, your husband threw it on the ground, but luckily it wasn't broken. I took it home with me
01:56:20 If you want it, i'll send it over to you right now
01:56:22 Lily was incredibly confused if the real necklace wasn't given to her by bradley smith, then who would have given it to her?
01:56:31 She just couldn't figure out who would be willing to spend 2.8 million dollars to give her a dream lover necklace
01:56:38 After hanging up the phone lily saw how disappointed phoebe looked
01:56:42 Embarrassed and confused she murmured i'm really sorry miss anderson. I really don't know who gave me this necklace
01:56:49 Phoebe let out a sigh and shrugged it off
01:56:52 That's fine. Mrs. Williams. I have to say that i've just had no luck finding my own dream lover
01:56:58 So phoebe was disappointed and lily was extremely perplexed
01:57:03 Because the banquet had already begun. They just picked up their forks and ate lost in thought
01:57:08 While lily was absent-mindedly eating her meal. She unconsciously looked over at kevin who was digging into his own plate of food
01:57:16 She remembered very clearly that kevin had said that he would give her the real dream lover necklace
01:57:22 Could it really be him?
01:57:25 After all, he could easily find 4 million to help her company, couldn't he?
01:57:29 But then she thought about it again
01:57:32 The dream lover was worth almost 3 million dollars
01:57:35 No matter how cleverly kevin could borrow money
01:57:38 It would be very difficult to get another 3 million after already giving her all that money to help her company
01:57:44 On top of that he'd also have to figure out a way to find and purchase an authentic dream lover
01:57:50 How could he possibly do all that?
01:57:53 Lily was still thinking too much. Whoever had given her the dream lover was definitely not kevin
01:58:01 By now kevin was almost full. He put down his knife and fork and picked up his napkin to wipe his mouth
01:58:07 His eyes fell on phoebe who was sitting next to lily
01:58:10 He suddenly remembered why she seemed so familiar
01:58:13 The anderson family controlled one of the companies that wanted to cooperate with williams media
01:58:19 In the file that miss wilson had prepared about the anderson family. There was a publicity photo of phoebe anderson
01:58:26 This miss anderson was definitely an interesting woman
01:58:31 As kevin understood it. She was raised by her father to be the company's deputy president at a young age
01:58:37 She was already a reliable executive with a lot of experience
01:58:41 Although the dress she wore to the event wasn't very conspicuous
01:58:45 The simple ring on her finger was worth more than enough to buy a villa in the south of italy
01:58:51 Others might not notice it at all. But kevin could tell at a glance
01:58:56 The ring phoebe was wearing was a valuable antique
01:59:00 Kevin knew this because of all the time that he spent with his grandfather when he was young
01:59:05 Even in his childhood. He had come into contact with numerous professional figures in various industries
01:59:11 Starting when he was about 10 years old. He got to spend nearly three years with claude fields
01:59:16 An internationally renowned appraiser to learn how to identify and appraise antiques
01:59:23 The ring phoebe was wearing had a unique design
01:59:25 It was made of pure gold and it had a ruby of nearly perfect color set in a golden flower
01:59:31 He was certain that it was from the middle ages and had to have been worn by royalty
01:59:37 Based on the ruby alone. It was worth a fortune
01:59:41 But with the history likely attached to it kevin estimated that the ring was worth about three million dollars
01:59:47 Just as kevin was thinking about giving lily a beautiful ring one of these days
01:59:53 Grandma jones stood up and walked to the stage
01:59:55 With a great big smile. She spoke to the guests
01:59:59 Quiet, please lily
02:00:02 Please tell everyone about the secret of your successful negotiation with williams media. How did you do it?
02:00:09 We would all love to know
02:00:11 Grandma jones couldn't stop smiling. She gestured for lily to go up on the stage and then went back to take her seat
02:00:19 Lily stood up nervously and hesitated for a few seconds
02:00:23 She didn't go on the stage, but instead remained standing by her seat slightly embarrassed
02:00:28 Actually, it was nothing at all when I went over that day. I didn't get to see the president of williams media
02:00:35 It was his secretary who brought me the contract and asked me to sign it
02:00:39 Everyone was astonished to hear this
02:00:42 What they signed the contract right away?
02:00:45 someone said
02:00:47 So just like jason, she didn't get to see the new ceo of williams media either
02:00:52 another added
02:00:55 I thought she was very capable
02:00:56 Seems like she was just lucky that she went there when the new president of williams media was in a good mood
02:01:01 That's why she got the contract
02:01:04 Jason who was sitting beside grandma jones couldn't help but sneer when he heard the comments coming from the crowd
02:01:10 He turned his head to see grandma jones's reaction
02:01:14 But he was already coming up with an idea to get even with lily for making him look bad
02:01:19 Jason spoke up loudly so that everyone in the room could hear
02:01:23 Grandma, I think this is really unfair when I went to williams media. Maybe the new ceo was just in a bad mood
02:01:31 That's why he had his assistant chase me out
02:01:33 This time when lily went there, he must have realized how sincere our family was about working with them
02:01:39 That's why he gave us the contract
02:01:42 Jason glanced at lily dismissively and raised his voice a little
02:01:46 I think that the second person to go to williams media would have gotten the contract anyway, no matter who they were
02:01:52 Lily clenched her fist as she glared at jason, but she couldn't find the words to answer him
02:01:58 Grandma jones who had always loved jason listened intently to what her grandson had said
02:02:03 She nodded in agreement
02:02:06 JJ is right
02:02:08 Lily, you earned the contract with williams media pretty easily
02:02:12 But it's not all because of you
02:02:14 JJ also put in a lot of work and he suffered a lot
02:02:17 Obviously half of the credit goes to him
02:02:20 Lily was extremely annoyed by grandma jones's speech, but she didn't dare to argue with her. How could she?
02:02:27 Jason was clearly stealing the credit for her accomplishment
02:02:31 Of course, jason was very happy with the outcome. This definitely wasn't going well for lily
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