Insta Empire - Long

  • 2 days ago
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00:00:00What are you looking at?
00:00:02Your sister.
00:00:05I think I'm gonna ask your grandma for her hand.
00:00:09She's off limits, brother. She's married off to that goofball.
00:00:13I don't care. She deserves better.
00:00:16I think your whole family would agree.
00:00:20You're not gonna do anything stupid.
00:00:23Watch me.
00:00:31Hello, everyone. I'd like to make a teeny tiny toast.
00:00:36Does anybody here think Grandma Jones looks a day over 40?
00:00:42A very happy birthday to the woman who forged a path of her own.
00:00:47Grandma Jones!
00:00:49You are truly deserving of the throne.
00:00:52Hear, hear.
00:00:56Now on to the second part.
00:00:58Grandma Jones, I'd like to ask you for something.
00:01:02Ask away, Bradley.
00:01:04I'd like to marry Lily.
00:01:12You know she deserves better.
00:01:16Someone who can take good care of her.
00:01:20Fly her to the islands.
00:01:24Really treat her like royalty.
00:01:29I can't believe you, Bradley.
00:01:31I think it's a great idea, Bradley.
00:01:34We'll just have to figure out a way to...
00:01:36Stop it.
00:01:37Don't interrupt my mother when she's speaking.
00:01:40Know your place.
00:01:42Do you have any idea how offensive that is to me and my wife?
00:01:49Bradley truly is, always was, a better choice.
00:01:57Everybody knows it.
00:01:59Right, people?
00:02:01I mean, unlike you, he has a respectable job.
00:02:04Earned six figures.
00:02:06He knows how to dress and behave.
00:02:11I mean, look at that necklace around Lily's neck.
00:02:15That is an original Dream Lover piece.
00:02:18I made ten ever made.
00:02:21Do you know who got her that?
00:02:23An admirer had sent the Dream Lover necklace to Lily.
00:02:27But she was never able to figure out the true identity of the sender.
00:02:33You think Bradley got her that?
00:02:36With his salary?
00:02:37Could it be Kevin who sent the necklace?
00:02:40But how would he do that with just a few hundred in his bank account?
00:02:46You need to apologize to Bradley.
00:02:48For what? Tell him the truth?
00:02:49Apologize to him now!
00:02:51Not gonna happen.
00:02:53Get your hands off of him!
00:03:01You are a disgrace.
00:03:03You brought nothing but shame to this family.
00:03:06Come, sweetheart.
00:03:07Kevin was completely drenched.
00:03:09He was attacked, made fun of, and left hung out to dry.
00:03:14That's it.
00:03:15I've had it with this family.
00:03:19The only reason I would ever come back is if you and Dorothy and Bradley apologized to me.
00:03:28It had been two years since they were married.
00:03:34Things had been rough between them lately.
00:03:36But Kevin always came through.
00:03:38And he expected the same from his wife.
00:03:41He was hurt that she wouldn't stick up for him in this moment.
00:03:44Let him go, Lily.
00:03:50Later that day, things got even weirder.
00:03:54Someone's here to see you.
00:03:56What did you say your name was again?
00:03:58This is Adriana Wright.
00:03:59The president of the Wright family.
00:04:01Oh my god.
00:04:03What a pleasant surprise.
00:04:05Hello, Miss Jones.
00:04:06Happy birthday.
00:04:07Oh, thank you.
00:04:11What is this?
00:04:13Could it be the coveted emerald bracelet you're so famous for giving?
00:04:18Grandma, stop it.
00:04:22Um, I can't seem to find Kevin.
00:04:25Is he around?
00:04:33I'm afraid he...
00:04:35He just left.
00:04:37Oh, well, if that's the case, we better get going.
00:04:40But no, no, no.
00:04:41You just got here.
00:04:42Have a cocktail or two.
00:04:44We have some wonderful...
00:04:45I appreciate the offer, but I can't.
00:04:47I was here on an official business.
00:04:49Oh, but you...
00:04:50At any rate, it was nice to be the face of the new Grandma Jones.
00:04:55You take care.
00:04:57What just happened?
00:04:59How does your good-for-nothing husband know Adriana Wright?
00:05:04I don't know, Grandma.
00:05:08Someone go find that loser!
00:05:17First he insults a guest, then he starts a fight with Jason.
00:05:22I don't know.
00:05:23Then he starts a fight with Jason?
00:05:26I don't understand what you see in him.
00:05:28Mom, you know it was Jason who started it all.
00:05:32And Kevin would have never laughed if you didn't embarrass him in front of everyone.
00:05:37Oh, you should have never married him.
00:05:40And you should...
00:05:43I should what?
00:05:44Lily wasn't done.
00:05:46She knew she had said enough.
00:05:48But also, not enough.
00:05:51Seeing this intensified Bradley's jealousy of Kevin.
00:05:56Take it from me, there's no shame in divorce.
00:05:57Mom, stop!
00:05:59Oh, you're so difficult.
00:06:06What are you... you followed us?
00:06:10Come with me.
00:06:11I need to speak with Kevin.
00:06:12You're hurting me, let go!
00:06:13I don't want to talk to that jerk for one minute.
00:06:16He's my husband.
00:06:20Okay, hey now, just take it easy.
00:06:22See, all you two really care about is getting on Grandma Jones' good side, right?
00:06:27You're way out of line.
00:06:31I'm what?
00:06:35I'll show you out of line.
00:06:44Ah, come here!
00:07:04Open the door.
00:07:06Open the door.
00:07:08Bradley, what are you doing?
00:07:10Shut up!
00:07:11Just let me think about this.
00:07:14Don't talk to me that way.
00:07:18Kevin always knew there was a side to you.
00:07:20Kevin this, Kevin that.
00:07:22Can't you see he is a loser?
00:07:25Don't you get that?
00:07:27There's a reason I'm here.
00:07:29I'm here to help you.
00:07:31I'm here to help you.
00:07:33I'm here to help you.
00:07:35Don't you get that?
00:07:37There's a reason I fell in love with him.
00:07:43I have loved you for so long.
00:07:46What about my love?
00:07:50People in love don't behave this way, Bradley.
00:07:53If you're so in love with him, why did you accept a random gift from a random stranger?
00:07:58That was because...
00:07:59Because you are a attention-grabbing...
00:08:03That's why.
00:08:06I mean, how many men have you...
00:08:14You wanted to marry my daughter, and now you're calling her a...
00:08:18What kind of man are you?
00:08:21One more word out of your stupid little mouth, and it will be your last.
00:08:28Let them go, Bradley.
00:08:30Don't come any closer.
00:08:32Careful, Kevin. He has a gun.
00:08:34You're not getting away with this.
00:08:36I'm the guy you want. I'm right here.
00:08:38You're not even any use to your own family. Why should I have any use for you?
00:08:44Don't come any closer.
00:08:46Although I was surprised that Adriana Wright knew you.
00:08:51Nah, you know what? It doesn't even matter.
00:08:53Don't come any closer.
00:08:59Or I'll hurt them.
00:09:06You son of a...
00:09:07Let them go.
00:09:09They might let you off.
00:09:11There's a little slap on the wrist.
00:09:16I hope they keep you away for years, Bradley.
00:09:20I'm sorry.
00:09:22I hope they keep you away for years, Bradley.
00:09:26Well, they can't do nothing to me, not if I have hostages, right?
00:09:34Well, what's the situation inside?
00:09:36Ma'am, Miss Jones, please.
00:09:43Let us do our job.
00:09:45When I want to update as available, I'll let you know.
00:09:48I donate to your fund to be treated like a common civilian.
00:09:53What is happening, Emmett?
00:09:55Kevin, let's try to talk some sense into Bradley.
00:09:57Take me as your hostage. Let him go.
00:10:00Lily couldn't believe that Kevin was offering himself in exchange for them.
00:10:05After the way he'd been humiliated, all her pent-up emotions hit her at once.
00:10:11No, run away while you still can. Don't put yourself in danger.
00:10:14Zip it!
00:10:16Kevin knows what he's doing. We should be the ones to go.
00:10:18Let him go.
00:10:20Let me take their spot, and we'll figure something out.
00:10:26What is that idiot doing in there?
00:10:28He was the one that phoned us.
00:10:32I can't believe that Bradley would do such a thing.
00:10:35He's always been such a well-mannered, well-behaved boy.
00:10:38Excuse me. Talk to me.
00:10:40We're in position, over.
00:10:42Do you have eyes on the suspect?
00:10:44Unit six, copy. We have a clear view.
00:10:47Copy that. Wait for my command.
00:10:52Copy that.
00:10:53Well, ma'am, that well-behaved boy is currently holding your daughter and your granddaughter hostage.
00:10:59With a gun.
00:11:01Kevin is trying to talk them out of it.
00:11:04Emmett, do something! You've got to save my family! Please go!
00:11:09I'm on it, ma'am. I'm on it.
00:11:12You've worked way too hard to be ruining your life for this.
00:11:16But there's still time.
00:11:17We still have time for what?
00:11:20I'm all in on this.
00:11:22If you let them go now, I'm sure the family won't press charges.
00:11:29Yes, absolutely. I can talk to Grandma James, I promise.
00:11:32No way. I hope you run.
00:11:33Shut up.
00:11:35Shut up, Lily.
00:11:36Bradley, she will listen to me. Let us go.
00:11:41We both want him safe, right?
00:11:45We'll figure something out.
00:11:48Okay, hero.
00:11:51Let's play musical chairs.
00:12:03Cuff him.
00:12:05Good and tight, Mama Bear.
00:12:13It's going to be okay.
00:12:15I love you.
00:12:17Go. Get out of here.
00:12:20Sayonara, princess.
00:12:35Oh, my darling. Are you all right?
00:12:38Yes, I am.
00:12:40My baby.
00:12:46Did he hurt you?
00:12:49Oh, thank you, Emmett.
00:12:51Thank you for saving my family.
00:12:54Uh, Miss Jones, Kevin is still in there.
00:12:57I'm sure he'll be okay.
00:12:59I'm sure he will.
00:13:01Uh, Miss Jones, Kevin is still in there.
00:13:05Isn't he family, too?
00:13:07No, he's not.
00:13:10Miss Lily, I can take care of that for you.
00:13:12Yeah, please.
00:13:16I'm not leaving without him.
00:13:18Oh, Lily.
00:13:19No, don't.
00:13:20He's my husband.
00:13:22Kevin had just saved their lives.
00:13:24And Grandma Jones had the audacity to say he wasn't part of the family?
00:13:29You really think this family cares about you?
00:13:32I don't have the best dynamic. What do you want me to say?
00:13:35So you don't care that they...
00:13:40I care if Lily's safe.
00:13:42And she is now.
00:13:44I pity you, man.
00:13:46You're a lost cause.
00:13:49You're a cosmic orphan. Does that make you laugh?
00:13:54Is this funny to you?
00:13:56No, no, no, no.
00:13:57What makes me laugh is that your firm lost all of its investors.
00:14:03What did you say?
00:14:05I said...
00:14:09Your firm has no more investors.
00:14:12Williams Media pulled out.
00:14:14Williams Media was the biggest investor Bradley's firm had.
00:14:19But that's ridiculous, if you just hear...
00:14:22And the news of them pulling out was known only to Bradley and the board members.
00:14:30How in the world did Kevin know this?
00:14:37Where did you hear about that?
00:14:39Didn't they ever tell you you offended someone from the group?
00:14:43I bet you can't even remember his own name.
00:14:45Also, what do you think they will do to your family when they find out that you're not only broke...
00:14:51But you're about to lose their money as well.
00:14:57Oh, no, no, no. Tell me.
00:15:02Oh, you don't seem so good now, do you?
00:15:05It was finally happening. Kevin was going to reveal his true identity.
00:15:09Until 12 hours ago, he was just a house husband who used to wash his wife's dirty laundry...
00:15:15Pick up after her family ate and endured all sorts of humiliation despite being the richest man in town.
00:15:26Kevin, where are you? You said you would help me.
00:15:31I'll be right there.
00:15:33Dude, why don't you tell me you're a billionaire?
00:15:36I just want to keep it a secret for now.
00:15:44So glad you could finally make it. These dishes aren't going to wash themselves.
00:15:50Dishes? Seriously? I do a lot more than dishes.
00:15:54I've become my mother-in-law's very own maidservant.
00:15:57But I could never tell him the truth because it would upset Lily.
00:16:01Silencing his thoughts, Kevin turned to his mother-in-law.
00:16:06You know, you've been so generous to me and Lily.
00:16:09The least I can do is the dishes. So just let me know if there's anything else.
00:16:13You could get a job. You could make some money.
00:16:16You know, our Lily could have married anyone.
00:16:19God knows what got into her, and she chose you.
00:16:23I'll prove my love for her.
00:16:25One day, you'll see. I'll be worthy of Lily.
00:16:32I highly doubt that.
00:16:34The only reason why I'm not pushing Lily to divorce you
00:16:38is because she was so stupid not to get a prenup.
00:16:42She is the chairman of a huge corporation,
00:16:46and I don't want you taking half of her money.
00:16:56Welcome home, babe.
00:16:58Kevin still got butterflies every time he looked at Lily.
00:17:02Judy was undeniable.
00:17:04But that's not why he loved her.
00:17:06She was the most driven and hard-working woman he had ever met.
00:17:11She had worked her way up from assistant to chairman
00:17:14within a very short span of time.
00:17:17Hey, Kevin.
00:17:19Hi, Rachel.
00:17:21Nice shirt.
00:17:23Oh, I was doing the dishes earlier.
00:17:26That's so cute.
00:17:28In my house, we pay someone to do that.
00:17:30Rachel, please don't be mean.
00:17:34You're going to make us proud one day, right?
00:17:39Kevin was born into one of the wealthiest families in Chicago.
00:17:43Kevin hid it from her
00:17:45because he did not want Lily to marry him for his money.
00:17:48But then, as luck would have it,
00:17:51Kevin literally lost everything the day that they got engaged.
00:17:57I'm engaged.
00:17:59You fool, markets have crashed.
00:18:01Your bet was wrong.
00:18:03You are bankrupt.
00:18:07You are a spoiled prince.
00:18:09I'm kicking you out of the family.
00:18:11You need to learn a lesson.
00:18:13And now, two years later...
00:18:17...he is the richest man in Chicago.
00:18:19But how will he tell his wife?
00:18:22She still thinks that he's just some unemployed schmuck.
00:18:26He needs to trust her before he can reveal his secret.
00:18:30Why don't you freshen up?
00:18:35All right, right away.
00:18:37Okay. Thank you.
00:18:39After changing his shirt for the second time that night,
00:18:43Kevin walked towards the living room
00:18:45but stopped when he heard a woman's voice.
00:18:49Kevin walked towards the living room
00:18:51but stopped when he heard Rachel whispering to Lily.
00:18:55I don't know how you do it.
00:18:57You're a boss.
00:19:00And Kevin's kind of pathetic.
00:19:02He's like one of those before pictures in a commercial.
00:19:05Oh my God. Why do you stay with him?
00:19:07He wasn't always like this.
00:19:09He was...
00:19:10When we first met, he was so confident
00:19:12and he was so charming.
00:19:14And I don't know what happened to him
00:19:16but I just feel like if I stay with him long enough
00:19:19he might find himself again.
00:19:24And I really love the man that he used to be.
00:19:28But do you love him now?
00:19:31I don't...
00:19:32I would be lying if I didn't admit that sometimes I feel like
00:19:36I don't know, more of a caretaker than a partner.
00:19:40And I don't know, he's just been so closed off lately
00:19:43and his romance is completely gone.
00:19:47I don't know.
00:19:48I just know that if I ever told him this directly
00:19:50that I would lose him.
00:19:52I love him. I really do.
00:19:54I just, I don't know...
00:19:56I don't know if I'm in love with him anymore.
00:19:59You could have any guy you want.
00:20:02You're stunning, kind, killing it at your job.
00:20:07Have you thought about getting a divorce?
00:20:10You shouldn't stay with someone out of pity.
00:20:13Rachel, I don't pity him.
00:20:16I love him, I just want him to be the man he used to be.
00:20:19I want him to be the man that I know that he is.
00:20:21And honestly, okay.
00:20:23Rachel, I don't want to talk about this.
00:20:25I spent my entire day putting out fires at work.
00:20:27I don't want to do it at home.
00:20:28Of course, I know what you mean.
00:20:31But what is going on at work?
00:20:32You seem more stressed out than usual.
00:20:34Well, we got a new contract last month
00:20:37and there was an error in the calculation of some data.
00:20:41So, the product didn't meet the requirements
00:20:44and now we have to compensate the client with $7 million.
00:20:48And our company doesn't have that.
00:20:51So, we have to find an external investor
00:20:55to give us $4 million by the end of the week
00:20:58or else we are most likely going to go bankrupt.
00:21:00And I'm not doing that to my employees.
00:21:03How are you going to find someone willing to invest $4 million in less than a week?
00:21:08I don't know.
00:21:11I don't know.
00:21:23I have to help her.
00:21:25I've got to prove to Lily that I'm the man she married.
00:21:29Not this shell of a human that I've been for the past two years.
00:21:36I have to build an empire.
00:21:46Kevin, I was wrong about you.
00:21:48Your family needs you.
00:21:50We've gone bankrupt.
00:21:51Please save us with your new money.
00:21:56Yeah, right.
00:21:57If you do, I promise that I'll find a way to make it up to you.
00:22:02You'll be a member of the Williams family again.
00:22:05Don't you want to be the man you used to be?
00:22:09I don't know if I'm in love with him anymore.
00:22:12I just want him to be the man he used to be.
00:22:22Have you checked your value?
00:22:31It had been over two years since he had last touched his VIP black card.
00:22:36Kevin turns the card and dials a number behind it.
00:22:41Hello, Mr. Williams. Welcome to the VIP customer service.
00:22:43How may I help you today?
00:22:45Yes, could you check the balance of my account?
00:22:48Of course. One moment, please.
00:22:51Hello? Mr. Williams? Are you still there?
00:22:56Mr. Williams, I apologize, but the balance on your black card is unfortunately too big for me to handle over the phone.
00:23:05It appears that the digits are higher than our computer is able to process.
00:23:09In order to get your exact account balance, we need you to come in person and meet with someone from our VIP office.
00:23:15Would that work for you?
00:23:18Give me a second.
00:23:22Are you saying that my balance has so many numbers, your computer can't even handle it?
00:23:29Yes, I didn't know that was even possible.
00:23:33Oh, did you hear that? Your husband's calling his bank to check his balance.
00:23:38I have worked this job for over ten years, and this is the first time this has happened.
00:23:43Mr. Williams, I think it's safe to say that you are the richest man in Chicago.
00:23:50Hey, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but you mentioned that your company needs four million dollars or you're going to be in big trouble.
00:23:58And I think that I can help.
00:24:01You? Kevin, who's been living off of his wife for the past two years? Are you delusional?
00:24:07She needs four million dollars. Stop trying to be some kind of big hero.
00:24:12You don't believe me?
00:24:18I want you to remember this moment, because it kind of feels so good when I get to say I told you so.
00:24:22Okay, Kevin, stop. Rachel, please, please stop.
00:24:26Listen, as much as I appreciate it and as much as I would love for you to help me with the four million dollars,
00:24:34I don't think that's possible, because you haven't had a job since we got married.
00:24:41Okay, Rachel, you can stay as long as you want.
00:24:43Without saying goodbye, Lily leaves for her bedroom.
00:24:47So I guess I'll just finish the dishes.
00:24:49Best of luck with that four million.
00:24:59Kevin lies on the couch thinking about the conversation he had with his bank.
00:25:04Is he really the richest man in Chicago?
00:25:07Can he finally be the man he was when he first met his wife, Lily?
00:25:12Kevin's eyes become heavy, and he falls asleep.
00:25:29Of course you fell asleep. You were probably playing video games all night.
00:25:35I don't know what my daughter sees in you.
00:25:38I'm using the car to run some errands, so why don't you make yourself useful for once and drop your wife to work?
00:25:55Hey, Lil, you ready?
00:25:57Yeah, sorry, I'm running late.
00:25:59All right, well, your mom's taking the car, so I'm going to drop you off on the bike.
00:26:02Kevin felt his mouth literally drop when he saw her.
00:26:06Standing in a feminine take on a classic pinstripe business suit, Lily looked absolutely stunning.
00:26:14You look beautiful.
00:26:18Sorry, can we go? I'm running so late.
00:26:21Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's go.
00:26:22Okay, that's great.
00:26:26Kevin helped lift Lily onto the back of his motorbike, and she wrapped her arms around Kevin's waist.
00:26:33He loved this feeling.
00:26:36From this moment forward, he was going to start steering their relationship.
00:26:40He was going to be the man who Lily wanted him to be, the man that she deserved.
00:26:47You okay? You seem a little stressed.
00:26:51Yeah, yeah, you could say that I'm stressed.
00:26:55We just got the report back this morning, and it basically confirmed my worst nightmare,
00:27:00which is that we are not going to get any external investor support.
00:27:04So by the end of the week, we are going to declare bankruptcy.
00:27:09And this morning, all the major shareholders are holding a meeting, and I have to be there.
00:27:16And to be honest, I just feel so terrible about everything,
00:27:19about all the employees that are going to lose their jobs, and I feel like it's all my fault.
00:27:23Well, it wasn't your decision, so it's not going to be your fault.
00:27:26No, it is my fault. I'm the chairman.
00:27:28I'm the chairman of the company, which means that I'm responsible for everything that happens.
00:27:34So yes, it is. Let's go.
00:27:46Hi. Have a good day, baby.
00:27:50Yeah, you're welcome.
00:27:54Hi, Bradley! Hi! Oh my gosh. Oh, it's so good to see you.
00:28:00Hey, why do you need a crappy Uber bike to drop you off at work?
00:28:02Oh, no.
00:28:03You should have just called me. I would have picked you up.
00:28:06It's nothing.
00:28:07How are you doing? I'm Kevin, and that's my bike. And I'm her husband.
00:28:14Oh, so this is the famous Kevin.
00:28:17Yes, this is him.
00:28:18Yeah, Rachel's told me everything about you.
00:28:21Is she?
00:28:22She, uh, she also does a fair impression.
00:28:26Oh, yeah.
00:28:30Anyway, Lily, I am so glad that I bumped into you. You know, I heard about everything that's been going on with your company.
00:28:37And, you know, my heart aches for you.
00:28:42So, uh, I got a little pick-me-up for you.
00:28:47Bradley reached into his car and took out a gift box.
00:28:53With a snake-like smile, Bradley hands the box to Lily.
00:28:59It was a beautiful diamond necklace, hardly a pick-me-up from a co-worker.
00:29:05Bradley, this is, this is too much. I can't, this is extravagant. I can't accept this.
00:29:09Come on. I know you'll like it.
00:29:10Kevin understood immediately that Bradley was blatantly hitting on his wife.
00:29:15Saving Lily's company was one thing, but first he had to handle Bradley.
00:29:21A beautiful woman deserves a beautiful necklace.
00:29:24Ain't that right, Kevin?
00:29:27Is this the dream lover's necklace?
00:29:30What's that?
00:29:32Well, it'd be impossible because it's really hard to get the original.
00:29:36There's only ten in the world, and each one costs 2.8 million dollars.
00:29:41Hey, Kevin!
00:29:43How could you?
00:29:44I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to.
00:29:47You did that on purpose.
00:29:49No, this is not a knock-off. It's a top-of-the-line copy.
00:29:53Lily, I remembered how much you admired this thing. You know, Rachel told me about it.
00:29:59I paid a hundred grand to a jeweler to create a copy for you.
00:30:03I'm so sorry. I know this was an accident, right, Kevin?
00:30:07I'm not sorry. You deserve something that's actually real.
00:30:11Not some cheap knock-off from a douchebag like you.
00:30:13Whoa! Okay, you, stop, stop, stop.
00:30:17I need you to apologize to Bradley right now.
00:30:22He's a representative of Williams Corporation.
00:30:24You're going to invest the money to save my company, alright?
00:30:36I'm sorry that I broke your necklace.
00:30:44Thank you. I'm so sorry. I'm running very late, but I will see you.
00:30:57Hey, stop!
00:31:00I know you can hear me.
00:31:03You're a loser.
00:31:05Poor Lily shall never have anything nice thanks to you.
00:31:09First of all, Lily's my wife.
00:31:11So stay away from her.
00:31:13And second of all, big guy, I'm the only one who buys her expensive gifts.
00:31:18And thirdly, this is a lot of my weight. You're blocking my path.
00:31:27Nice try, idiot!
00:31:32You can't even afford a car! How the hell do you ever buy her anything nice?
00:31:42I'm sorry.
00:32:08Williams Manor.
00:32:12We meet again.
00:32:32Hey. Yeah, I'm sorry about earlier.
00:32:35I know how stressed you've been and I shouldn't have done that and taken Bradley's bait.
00:32:42The guy just gets under my skin.
00:32:44Yeah, that guy is the best chance that I have at saving my company.
00:32:48He directly reports to the Williams family. I don't know if you know who they are, but they're the richest family in Chicago and I need them.
00:32:55Everything's going to be okay. I promise.
00:32:59I love you, Lily.
00:33:01Yeah, I know.
00:33:04Listen, I really have to get back to work. It's busy. I'll just talk to you later.
00:33:11Kevin was amazed that after all of these years, Lily still had not connected the fact that his last name was the same last name as the Williams company.
00:33:20She must think that it's just a coincidence.
00:33:23Well, she was right about one thing.
00:33:25Even though the Williams family was secretly bankrupt, there was a Williams family member who was now officially the richest man in Chicago and he was going to save her company.
00:33:35Kevin just couldn't tell her the truth just yet, though.
00:33:38He may have lied to her for far too long about his true family.
00:33:42He needed to pick the right moment to be honest with her or else he could risk losing her forever.
00:33:55I knew you'd come.
00:34:02Why don't we cut the fake formalities?
00:34:08You look good, Kev.
00:34:11I can see that you've been enjoying your freedom.
00:34:17I've been enjoying it.
00:34:19I can see that you've been enjoying your freedom.
00:34:24And the sabbatical.
00:34:26Obviously, it's really done wonders for you.
00:34:32You call kicking someone out of the family a sabbatical?
00:34:38That was unfortunate.
00:34:41But at the time, it was necessary.
00:34:42Let's not dwell on events of the past, son.
00:34:45Let's get to business.
00:34:49I came because I believe that I can solve your crisis with my investment.
00:34:56And I'll do it in exchange for two conditions.
00:35:03Number one, by six o'clock tonight, you're going to get me a dream lover's necklace.
00:35:09You're going to get me a dream lover's necklace.
00:35:12And number two, you're going to fire one of your board members.
00:35:21Consider it done.
00:35:23Kevin's grandfather nodded at his uncle to make some calls.
00:35:36Let's get down to business.
00:35:37How much money do you need?
00:35:39Used to being in charge, Kevin's grandfather widened his eyes.
00:35:44He liked this new version of Kevin.
00:35:46It's not a lot of money.
00:35:48What's not a lot of money?
00:35:50Eight billion dollars.
00:35:52Eight billion dollars is not a lot of money.
00:35:57You know I was kicked out of this family for a lot less.
00:36:01Oh, I'm not going to beg you, boy.
00:36:03Remember, you're also Williams.
00:36:05This is our legacy that is at stake.
00:36:08Is it done?
00:36:10Kevin looked at his uncle, a man he had always feared.
00:36:14Now the tables had turned.
00:36:16He was fulfilling Kevin's demands.
00:36:20The demands have been met.
00:36:22Now, will you help us or not?
00:36:26As much as I'd love to help, grandpa, I don't have eight billion dollars to give.
00:36:33Oh, don't play dumb, boy.
00:36:35Have you not checked the value of your stocks?
00:36:3820% of the shares you own are worth at least 9.3 billion, and that is increasing on the daily.
00:36:45Kevin's heart started racing just the day before he had just 50 dollars in savings,
00:36:50and now he had more than nine billion dollars?
00:36:53You care about my legacy.
00:36:56Did you care about my legacy two years ago when you kicked me out of the family?
00:37:01And now you expect me to care about you?
00:37:03Did you know I'm married?
00:37:06Yeah, I got engaged the day before you decided to send me into exile.
00:37:13I'm the son-in-law of another family,
00:37:16and I'm not going to throw them on their bus to have loyalty to you.
00:37:21The only reason you reached out is because you're declaring bankruptcy.
00:37:26You left me for dead,
00:37:29and now you want me to bring you back to life.
00:37:35Because I'll help you build an empire.
00:37:40You want to be the man again?
00:37:43You'll be the most successful Williams known to date.
00:37:47I'll let you have Williams Media.
00:37:50Williams Media?
00:37:52That's Uncle's company.
00:37:55You sure are fond of Uncle.
00:37:58You sure are fond of giving away things that aren't your own.
00:38:02He would gladly offer it to save the family.
00:38:05Williams Media is one of our most profitable and high-profile companies.
00:38:12It is the largest and most successful entertainment company in America.
00:38:16Just think of all the celebrities we've signed.
00:38:19Tomorrow you'll take over his head.
00:38:21You'll have a company to run.
00:38:23A purpose.
00:38:25So, what do you say?
00:38:31I'll accept your conditions.
00:38:35Williams Media will be my first acquisition
00:38:40on my journey to build my own family empire.
00:38:44Tomorrow the people at my bank will get on it.
00:38:59Good boy.
00:39:16I just wanted to shoot you a call
00:39:19and apologize for earlier today.
00:39:25I just, I want things to feel the way that they used to feel between us.
00:39:30But, anyway, sorry.
00:39:33I was just calling about my family gathering
00:39:36and I wanted to see if you could maybe pick up something new to wear.
00:39:41My family can just be so judgmental
00:39:44and it would mean so much to me
00:39:47if you just made a good impression.
00:39:49Especially because they have so much pressure on me right now about my job.
00:39:51Of course.
00:39:53Anything for you.
00:39:55I promise to make you and your family proud tonight.
00:39:58I love you.
00:40:00Okay, thank you.
00:40:08That's so embarrassing.
00:40:11Like, how does our chairwoman get married to a man with a broken lower body?
00:40:21It's just like something you can find in the dark.
00:40:24I know. He's such a loser.
00:40:27It's a miracle I haven't divorced you.
00:40:33It's so funny because you never get what happened or what he's still in.
00:40:41He swore that he would get her a dream lover's necklace.
00:40:46A dream lover's...
00:40:48We've seen what he drives.
00:40:51How in the world would he be able to afford something as rare and luxurious as the dream lover?
00:40:57He's not just broke, he's delusional. What an idiot.
00:41:04Hi, good afternoon guys.
00:41:06Seems like there's a lot of things that you don't know
00:41:09so I'd be extra thoughtful before calling someone else an idiot.
00:41:14That make sense?
00:41:22Alright, that's enough.
00:41:25Lily knew that Kevin wasn't an idiot, just wished that he would remember that.
00:41:30Then maybe they both could give their relationship another go.
00:41:34She hadn't given up on him, yet.
00:41:39Kevin, you and Lily have been married for more than two years now and still no children.
00:41:46Does your family have any genetic history or issues with fertility?
00:41:52Are you questioning my manhood?
00:41:55And no, both my parents are very healthy and as far as I know there's no genetic disease on my side of the family.
00:42:01Really? You know, it's weird.
00:42:04I don't really know your parents that well.
00:42:07Maybe we should schedule a doctor's appointment for you and your parents to get tested
00:42:11and that way we can see if there are any bad genes on your side.
00:42:16There's no need. Are you trying to find reasons to break up my marriage?
00:42:20Why are you being so defensive?
00:42:23All I'm asking is for your parents to get a checkup.
00:42:27Honestly, Kevin, this is for your own good and I won't take no for an answer.
00:42:34Dorothy, can we please do this some other time? I have a college reunion I have to go to.
00:42:44Kevin, is that you?
00:42:46Tucker, how you doing, man?
00:42:48It's so good to see you. You haven't aged a day, dude.
00:42:51Is that your nice new car out there?
00:42:53Let's just say I'm a lucky guy.
00:42:55And you're still as eccentric as ever.
00:42:57Is that your ride over there?
00:42:59Well, hey, that is the first thing I bought with my own money, so I kind of love it a little bit.
00:43:02Hey, boys.
00:43:04Guess who's coming to the party?
00:43:09Wow. She looks stunning.
00:43:12I'm not surprised, though. She was the most popular girl in high school.
00:43:15I figured she would have left Chicago by now.
00:43:17You know, I heard that Brittany's about to become a superstar.
00:43:20She's too sweet to ever brag about it, but she's going to sign with Williams Media next week.
00:43:24No way.
00:43:26Williams Media is the biggest media company in America.
00:43:28If Brittany signs with them, she'll be famous like that.
00:43:30Kevin felt a little excited at the idea of running Williams Media
00:43:34and talking with Brittany, who would be his newest client.
00:43:39Kevin walks up to Brittany.
00:43:42Brittany frowned and looked very unhappy.
00:43:45She raised her hand to cover her nose.
00:43:48What is that strange smell?
00:43:50It's, like, literally sucky.
00:43:52Hey, Kevin.
00:43:54Have you taken a shower?
00:43:56Who dresses like that to a school reunion?
00:43:59I'm still a weirdo.
00:44:08Hey, Kev.
00:44:10Don't forget to get the new suit for tonight.
00:44:14Yeah, baby, I could.
00:44:19Lily got home from work to find an unfamiliar man.
00:44:24I'm sorry. Mom, who's this?
00:44:26He's been waiting for you.
00:44:28Oh, okay.
00:44:30I was told to deliver this to you with caution.
00:44:32To not leave until I personally got this to you safely.
00:44:37Who's it from?
00:44:39From our boss at the Williams family.
00:44:41Good day, miss.
00:44:46It's your boss.
00:44:52When she opened it, she was instantly stunned.
00:44:57Her mother's eyes widened.
00:44:59She could not help but let out a scream.
00:45:02Oh, my God!
00:45:03This is the dream lover.
00:45:08Whoever your admirer is, is very generous.
00:45:11Lily could tell at a glance that this was an authentic dream lover.
00:45:14The one she was holding was definitely genuine.
00:45:17Lily looked at it and felt that it was surreal.
00:45:20Was she dreaming?
00:45:22Who exactly gave it to her?
00:45:24Could it be Bradley Smith?
00:45:26It had to be.
00:45:28He was the only person she knew who had direct ties to the Williams family.
00:45:31And he had promised publicly to find her the real one.
00:45:34She had butterflies.
00:45:37You must wear the dream lover necklace tonight.
00:45:40Oh, Mom.
00:45:42It's too much.
00:45:44She said modestly, but deep down she knew it was out of guilt
00:45:47that Kevin would hate seeing her wearing this extravagant gift from Bradley.
00:45:50Especially after everything that happened this morning.
00:45:53Just try it on.
00:45:56As her mother placed the necklace around her collarbones,
00:45:58she finally felt what it was like to be seen by a man.
00:46:01She couldn't deny how wonderful it felt to receive appreciation like this.
00:46:05Her hands fell to the pendant,
00:46:08and she thought of how unhappy she'd been this last year.
00:46:11How the love between her and Kevin had been fading.
00:46:14You look beautiful, Lily.
00:46:17You deserve this.
00:46:19You've worked so hard.
00:46:22I only wish you would allow yourself more happiness in life.
00:46:25She did deserve this.
00:46:26This feeling.
00:46:28She had held onto this dream with Kevin for far too long.
00:46:31She was ready to move on.
00:46:34It wasn't about Bradley.
00:46:36She didn't admire him in that way.
00:46:38It was about loving herself.
00:46:41She took a deep breath and knew what she had to do.
00:46:44She had made her decision.
00:46:46Tonight, she would tell Kevin that it was over.
00:46:49She didn't love him anymore.
00:46:52The door creaked open.
00:46:53Through it stepped the most handsome man Lily had ever seen.
00:46:56Kevin's hair perfectly placed,
00:46:59and he wore a custom fit suit,
00:47:02tatered to his body, which looked extremely ripped.
00:47:09She hadn't remembered how fit he was,
00:47:12since he always wore oversized clothes and sweatpants most days,
00:47:15and he smelled familiar.
00:47:17It was her favorite scent,
00:47:19a cologne she had bought him long ago.
00:47:21Everything she was just feeling slipped away for a moment.
00:47:24Was this real?
00:47:27She was torn.
00:47:29She had just made the decision to leave,
00:47:32but now Kevin walked in,
00:47:34reminding her of what made her fall in love with him in the first place.
00:47:37What was she going to do?
00:47:40Would Kevin get the chance to reveal who he really was and save their love?
00:47:43Oh, God.
00:47:46So many people showed up this year.
00:47:52It is so nice to see you again.
00:47:54How you doing?
00:47:56Take a look at that. Gorgeous.
00:48:00Hi. Oh, my gosh.
00:48:02It's so nice to see you.
00:48:04You look beautiful. I love your dress.
00:48:06Hi, hon. How are you?
00:48:10Nice to see you.
00:48:12Oh, my gosh. The cousins are here.
00:48:14Oh, did they?
00:48:22It's not every day that I get to see you in your regular clothes.
00:48:24Nice suit.
00:48:26I think I saw one on sale at the mall for what?
00:48:2975, 100 bucks?
00:48:32Great quality.
00:48:35Is that true?
00:48:37Why didn't you get a decent suit?
00:48:39I just didn't want to pay for one.
00:48:41Oh, you didn't pay for it?
00:48:43Let the shop owner take one look at you
00:48:45and just see how pathetic you are
00:48:46and just give it to you for free.
00:48:50Okay, let's sit down.
00:48:52Let's sit down real quick.
00:48:56Your dress looks cheap.
00:48:58My suit costs 20 grand.
00:49:00It's designer.
00:49:02Look, man.
00:49:04Why don't you just calm down?
00:49:06Don't touch me.
00:49:08Don't get my suit dirty.
00:49:10It's just a $20,000 suit.
00:49:12It's going to get me dirty.
00:49:16She might dress casual.
00:49:21But she likes fine jewelry.
00:49:23She might dress casual.
00:49:27But she likes fine jewelry.
00:49:33Now that Kevin had put Jason in his place,
00:49:36he looked around and then looked directly at him.
00:49:39Didn't you see the dream lover on Lily's neck?
00:49:42It's worth a hundred of your fancy suits.
00:49:44Everyone's gaze shifted to Lily.
00:49:47To be precise, they were all staring at Lily's neck.
00:49:50Following Kevin's rebuke,
00:49:52the entire audience suddenly fell silent,
00:49:54so quiet that all you could hear
00:49:56was the delicate piano music in the background.
00:49:59The crowd exploded with questions and comments.
00:50:02One relative said,
00:50:04Or am I seeing things?
00:50:06Is she actually wearing a dream lover?
00:50:09Another said,
00:50:11Heavens, that's really a dream lover.
00:50:14There are only 10 of them in the world.
00:50:16It's a woman's dream.
00:50:18All the women present were excited.
00:50:21Even most of the men were shocked.
00:50:23There were a few people there
00:50:25who had never heard of the dream lover necklace,
00:50:27but now they were well aware of it.
00:50:29Everyone looked at her in amazement.
00:50:32For a moment,
00:50:34Lily became the most eye-catching woman
00:50:36in the entire hall.
00:50:38Countless envious gazes fell on her body,
00:50:40which definitely was a boost to her ego.
00:50:42Lily unconsciously shifted her attention to Kevin,
00:50:45who was standing at her side.
00:50:47He seems somewhat different tonight,
00:50:49she thought.
00:50:51Jason stared at the necklace on Lily's neck and lied.
00:50:54I think you're just trying to trick everyone.
00:50:56That's no dream lover.
00:50:58Where did your family get enough money
00:51:00to buy such a rare piece of jewelry?
00:51:02I think you're just wearing a fake.
00:51:04Kevin snapped back.
00:51:06It's none of your business how much money we have.
00:51:08We don't answer to you.
00:51:09Dorothy walked over and called to her son-in-law,
00:51:13After giving Kevin a warning look,
00:51:15Dorothy smiled and stepped in front of Jason.
00:51:19Kevin is younger than you,
00:51:21so he doesn't know how to bite his tongue.
00:51:23Why are you arguing with him anyway?
00:51:25And where are your parents?
00:51:27Why didn't I see them come today?
00:51:29Dorothy wanted to change the topic
00:51:31to give everyone a diplomatic way out,
00:51:33but Jason's heart was burning with anger.
00:51:35Jason said,
00:51:36My parents are overseas on company business.
00:51:38They aren't lazy like you.
00:51:40You don't have anything to do all day long,
00:51:42do you?
00:51:44You have your little son-in-law
00:51:46to wait on you hand and foot,
00:51:48and you don't even need to babysit him.
00:51:50Jason's words made Dorothy extremely embarrassed.
00:51:52At that moment,
00:51:54a mature older voice interrupted them.
00:51:56What in heaven's name is everyone doing here?
00:51:58Jason said,
00:52:00I don't know,
00:52:02but I'm going to tell you.
00:52:03What in heaven's name is everyone doing here?
00:52:07Jason's face lit up.
00:52:09He turned around and saw
00:52:11that someone was supporting the family matriarch,
00:52:13Mrs. Victoria Jones,
00:52:15as she slowly walked over.
00:52:17He practically ran to her.
00:52:19Mrs. Jones,
00:52:21or Grandma Jones,
00:52:23as everyone called her,
00:52:25looked at her favorite grandson.
00:52:27Her wrinkled face broke into a kind, warm smile.
00:52:29But when she saw Kevin standing beside Lily,
00:52:31her smile vanished.
00:52:33Kevin knew that Grandma Jones
00:52:35had always disliked him,
00:52:37but he didn't really care.
00:52:39All right,
00:52:41since everyone is almost here,
00:52:43we can all take a seat,
00:52:45Grandma Jones said
00:52:47as she looked at the crowd of relatives.
00:52:49After she had finished speaking,
00:52:51she took Jason by the hand
00:52:53and walked towards the main table.
00:52:55After everyone took a seat,
00:52:57Grandma Jones said a few pleasant words
00:52:59and encouraged everyone to work hard for the family.
00:53:01Then the banquet began.
00:53:03Kevin sat at the table full of exquisite food.
00:53:05Boy, was he hungry.
00:53:07Once he heard the banquet was starting,
00:53:09he dug in.
00:53:11He really didn't care
00:53:13if he grossed out the other people at the table.
00:53:15Lily and Dorothy stared at him a few times,
00:53:17but Kevin pretended not to see.
00:53:19After all,
00:53:21it was just a meal
00:53:23and he would eat however he wanted.
00:53:25And his table manners weren't that bad.
00:53:27He just ate a little fast.
00:53:29At the main table,
00:53:31Grandma Jones spoke again.
00:53:33She said,
00:53:35this is a reliable source
00:53:37that the CEO of Williams Media has changed.
00:53:39I was told that he is a young man
00:53:41about the same age as JJ.
00:53:43She looked lovingly at her grandson, Jason.
00:53:45The new CEO will be officially appointed tomorrow.
00:53:47As soon as her voice faded,
00:53:49everyone there started chattering
00:53:51about this unexpected news.
00:53:53They had so many questions.
00:53:55Why did Williams Media
00:53:57suddenly change their CEO?
00:53:59This was unheard of.
00:54:01But everyone knew
00:54:03it was a great opportunity.
00:54:05For years,
00:54:07the Jones family had controlled
00:54:09several small media and advertising companies.
00:54:11They all wanted to work with Williams Media.
00:54:13Because Williams Media was so powerful,
00:54:15as long as the Jones family
00:54:17could reach an agreement with them,
00:54:19it was safe to say
00:54:21that the Jones family
00:54:23could rise to a whole new level.
00:54:25But they had already sent
00:54:27countless people to seek a partnership with Williams.
00:54:29Their offers had all been harshly rejected.
00:54:31After all,
00:54:33Williams Media is one of the most
00:54:35prestigious families in the city.
00:54:37It was normal for them
00:54:39to look down on the tiny little Jones family.
00:54:41But now that they were changing their CEO
00:54:43and such a young man,
00:54:45there might be a slight possibility
00:54:47to join forces with them.
00:54:49Naturally, the Jones family
00:54:51wouldn't pass up such a golden opportunity.
00:54:53They just had to give it a try.
00:54:55When Kevin,
00:54:57who was busy with his meal,
00:54:59heard the news about Williams Media,
00:55:01he raised his head.
00:55:03He had tears in his eyes.
00:55:05Grandma Jones was pretty well informed.
00:55:07Grandma Jones watched everyone's reaction
00:55:09with a great big smile on her face.
00:55:11She slowly opened her mouth
00:55:13and asked them,
00:55:15Does anyone have an idea
00:55:17of how to pay a visit
00:55:19to the new Williams Media CEO?
00:55:21If anyone can form a partnership
00:55:23between our families,
00:55:25I will reward them well.
00:55:27I'm willing to go,
00:55:29said one of them.
00:55:31Another shouted out,
00:55:33and yet another said excitedly,
00:55:35Let me go.
00:55:37I'm the best one here at teamwork.
00:55:39Lily wanted desperately to speak up
00:55:41so that she could play a part
00:55:43in all of this.
00:55:45But when she thought of her low-ranking position
00:55:47in the Jones family,
00:55:49she ended up sitting quietly,
00:55:51waiting to see what would happen.
00:55:53One after another,
00:55:55the family members shared their opinions.
00:55:57Grandma Jones nodded her head in satisfaction.
00:55:59Finally, she set her eyes on Jason,
00:56:01who was sitting beside her
00:56:03patting Jason's hand.
00:56:05She said,
00:56:07JJ, I will leave this matter up to you.
00:56:09Don't let me down.
00:56:11Don't worry, Grandma.
00:56:13I'll definitely get them to make a deal.
00:56:15Jason smacked his chest confidently.
00:56:17Kevin put down his fork
00:56:19and picked up a napkin to wipe his mouth.
00:56:21He looked over at Jason,
00:56:23who was now standing in front of Grandma Jones,
00:56:25and he couldn't help laughing to himself.
00:56:27He wanted to make a deal?
00:56:29What gave him such confidence?
00:56:31Jason didn't know
00:56:33that he had already deeply offended
00:56:35the new head of Williams Media,
00:56:37and he still wanted to talk about
00:56:39cooperating with Williams Media.
00:56:41Kevin thought to himself with a slight chuckle.
00:56:44After the gathering was over,
00:56:46Kevin took Lily and Dorothy home.
00:56:48As they drove along,
00:56:50Lily didn't pay any attention
00:56:52to what Kevin was saying.
00:56:54She was preoccupied with what Grandma Jones
00:56:56had just said about forming a partnership
00:56:58with Williams Media.
00:57:00What will I do?
00:57:01She wondered.
00:57:03On their way home from the family get-together,
00:57:05Lily thought about her own dreams.
00:57:07If only she could get a chance
00:57:09to talk with Williams Media
00:57:11about forming an alliance.
00:57:13As long as the partnership
00:57:15turned out to be successful,
00:57:17her own company, Siren Corporation,
00:57:19would be saved.
00:57:21If Lily couldn't get any more financial aid,
00:57:23she had to ask Bradley Smith for help.
00:57:25However, she thought he'd just bought
00:57:27the extravagant dream lover necklace
00:57:29and given it to her.
00:57:31She didn't have the funds on hand
00:57:33to help her company.
00:57:35The more Lily thought about it,
00:57:37the more irritated she became.
00:57:39When Kevin noticed Lily frowning,
00:57:41he could easily guess why she was upset,
00:57:43but he didn't say a word.
00:57:45When Kevin was ready to go to sleep that night,
00:57:47he hopped up on his bed.
00:57:49He lay there and looked at his wife
00:57:51who was just about to lie down
00:57:53in her own bed and said thoughtfully,
00:57:55Lily, don't worry.
00:57:57Jason Jones definitely won't be able
00:57:59to talk with Williams Media tomorrow
00:58:01about the deal.
00:58:03Aside from you,
00:58:05no one else can succeed.
00:58:07After he'd said this,
00:58:09he didn't care how Lily would react.
00:58:11Kevin yawned, closed his eyes,
00:58:13and went to sleep.
00:58:15Lily was stunned for a moment.
00:58:17She didn't expect Kevin
00:58:19to actually read her mind,
00:58:21but what he said really left her speechless.
00:58:23She wasn't entirely sure he was right,
00:58:25that if she went to talk
00:58:27with Williams Media about the partnership,
00:58:29it would definitely succeed.
00:58:31He didn't deny anyone other than her.
00:58:33He sure didn't know
00:58:35how to comfort someone.
00:58:37Rolling her eyes,
00:58:39Lily turned off the light.
00:58:41She put the whole thing out of her mind
00:58:43and went to sleep.
00:58:45Early the next morning
00:58:47after Lily left for work,
00:58:49Kevin also headed out.
00:58:51Uncle Thomas gave him a call
00:58:53early in the morning
00:58:55and told him that Miss Sandra Wilson,
00:58:57his new chief of staff,
00:58:59was ready and that everyone
00:59:01would go to Williams Media.
00:59:03Williams Media was located
00:59:05in the fanciest part
00:59:07of downtown Chicago.
00:59:09It was in a majestic
00:59:1150-story office building
00:59:13that was taller than
00:59:15all the surrounding buildings.
00:59:17The building's parking garage
00:59:19was filled with all kinds
00:59:21of luxury cars, sports cars,
00:59:23and high-end SUVs.
00:59:25Lots of them were electric.
00:59:27Without exception,
00:59:29all of these cars
00:59:31were driven by electric cars.
00:59:33Williams Media was known
00:59:35as an industry leader
00:59:37in entertainment.
00:59:39They managed their artists
00:59:41very closely and saw them regularly.
00:59:43So the lot was always
00:59:45filled with luxury cars.
00:59:47Looking at all the fancy rides,
00:59:49Kevin thought that it seemed
00:59:51unusual for a CEO like him
00:59:53to ride an electric scooter
00:59:55to work.
00:59:57Just as Kevin was about
00:59:59to park his scooter
01:00:01Kevin jumped off his scooter.
01:00:03He must have jumped
01:00:05nearly six feet away.
01:00:07He turned around and saw
01:00:09that there was a small dent
01:00:11in the front of the Ferrari
01:00:13along with a long scratch
01:00:15in the paint.
01:00:17His electric scooter
01:00:19had been hit hard
01:00:21and the rear wheel
01:00:23was bent out of shape.
01:00:25This was the electric
01:00:27scooter that he had
01:00:29just bought yesterday.
01:00:31A slender white leg emerged.
01:00:33Why don't you watch
01:00:35where you're going?
01:00:37The driver said.
01:00:39The woman's tone was harsh.
01:00:41When she was completely
01:00:43out of the car,
01:00:45the bystanders suddenly gasped.
01:00:47She's so beautiful.
01:00:49Who is this big star?
01:00:51They said.
01:00:53The willowy beauty
01:00:55wore a tight blue skirt
01:00:57that showed off her figure.
01:00:59Her high heels
01:01:01were expected to meet
01:01:03her here today.
01:01:05Could it be that she was here
01:01:07to sign a contract
01:01:09with Williams media?
01:01:11That was quite a coincidence.
01:01:13Although his electric
01:01:15scooter was wrecked,
01:01:17Kevin wasn't injured.
01:01:19Britney was a new performer
01:01:21who was about to sign
01:01:23a contract with his
01:01:25company so naturally
01:01:27he wasn't going
01:01:29to argue with her.
01:01:31someone mention that the security guard at Williams Media suddenly had a heart attack
01:01:35and was sent to the hospital. So the company hired a young man as a security guard. Could
01:01:40it be Kevin? Why don't you watch what you're doing? Look at all the damage to my car. I'm
01:01:46sure you can't afford to fix it. Brittany looked at the dents and scratches on the front of the
01:01:51Ferrari and felt her heart sink. This was her brand new car. It had now been trashed the first
01:01:57time she drove it. Hearing this Kevin immediately furrowed his brow. It was clearly you who hit me.
01:02:05Why are you blaming me instead? At the moment, a deep male voice came from nearby. What happened
01:02:11here? The onlooker stepped out of the way and Kevin saw a man in a blue suit walking over with
01:02:16two security guards. When Victor Martin saw the scene in front of him, he was instantly stunned
01:02:22by Brittany's beauty. He stepped forward and said with a smile. You're Brittany Davis, aren't you?
01:02:29A few days ago, I heard that you'd be coming in to sign your contract. I didn't expect you to be
01:02:33here yet. Brittany gave him a faint smile. Now she looked gentle and polite, completely different
01:02:40from a minute ago when she was chastising Kevin. I'm sorry, she said. This happened as I was coming
01:02:46in. What can you do about it? On hearing this, Mr. Martin instantly felt more self-assured and cocky.
01:02:53He had to help Brittany right away. He said, Don't worry, this is just a small matter.
01:02:59Looking at Kevin, the man said with a serious face. Do you know where you are? Who said you
01:03:05could ride an electric bike here? Kevin looked around and said, Who says I can't ride an electric
01:03:11bike in here? Besides, she's the one who hit me. Can't you figure that out? If I say you can't
01:03:18ride here, then you can't ride here. Why would someone in a Ferrari hit someone on a scooter?
01:03:24While the man spoke, he pointed at Kevin with a disdainful expression.
01:03:29Kevin looked at the man and his good mood was ruined. Brittany's mouth trembled as she complained.
01:03:35Mr. Martin, is he the new guard you just hired? I'm afraid he'll annoy a lot of people.
01:03:42When Victor Martin heard Brittany's words, he suddenly remembered that the old guard had
01:03:46suddenly left yesterday. He was told that the new guard would come to work today. He looked at Kevin
01:03:52who was wearing a baggy T-shirt and shorts and then looked at the electric scooter lying on the
01:03:57ground. He was sure that Kevin was the new security guard. I definitely won't allow someone like this
01:04:03to continue working here. Don't worry, ma'am. I'll fire him right now. After he finished speaking,
01:04:10he pointed at Kevin and said, You're fired. Please pack up your things and leave. Kevin still had a
01:04:16scowl on his face. He read the name plate on the man's chest. His title was Victor Martin
01:04:21production assistant. What was the company structure like at Williams Media anyway?
01:04:27A production assistant could fire another employee at will. He replied, You want to fire me,
01:04:34assistant Victor Martin, right? I would like to ask you a simple question. Who gave you the right
01:04:40to fire someone all by yourself? Kevin looked at the man with a smile, not caring what the people
01:04:45around him thought. Kevin's question made Mr. Martin's face hardened. He didn't really have
01:04:51the right to fire anyone he wanted. After all, he was just a production assistant. He glared at Kevin
01:04:56angrily. He was about to curse at him when he was interrupted by Brittany. You said Mr. Martin
01:05:03isn't qualified to fire you, right? Then the department manager should be qualified. You just
01:05:08wait. Brittany looked at Kevin with disgust. After she finished speaking, she took out her phone,
01:05:14wrote two text messages and sent them out. In less than five minutes, a woman wearing a gray
01:05:20professional suit walked up to them with a cold, bitter expression on her face. Kevin waited
01:05:25patiently by his Rex scooter to see what would happen. Brittany was still angry about her dented
01:05:30Ferrari and had texted her contacts at Williams Media for help. The mature, stunning woman who
01:05:36came to her rescue looked to be about 40 years old. Her professional attire gave her an air of
01:05:42experience and charm. She was Claire Davis, the manager of Williams Media's publicity department.
01:05:49She was also Brittany's aunt. It was thanks to her that Brittany had gotten a chance to sign
01:05:54a contract with Williams Media. Auntie! Brittany called out like a spoiled child. She then walked
01:06:01to her aunt's side and held her arm as she whispered a few words into her ear. When Victor
01:06:07Martin, the other Williams Media employees and the two security guards saw Claire, they immediately
01:06:12greeted her with smiling faces. Miss Davis, good morning. Claire Davis politely returned their
01:06:19greetings with a casual good morning. Then she turned her attention to Kevin and said sternly,
01:06:25did you hit her car? Apologize to her right now or we will call the police and ask them to handle
01:06:31this matter. Hearing her threats, Kevin let out a laugh. I don't know you. Why should I listen to
01:06:37you? If you want to call the police, go ahead. Anyway, I didn't crash into her. She crashed into
01:06:44me. So what am I afraid of? One of the bystanders said, he doesn't even know the publicity manager.
01:06:51He really should be fired. Just wait. Miss Davis will definitely fire him.
01:06:57Another Williams Media employee added. Seeing Kevin's nonchalant look, Claire's expression
01:07:03became even colder. She raised her hand pointed right at Kevin and said, you're the new security
01:07:10guard, aren't you? I'll tell you right now. You've been fired. Get out of here or I'll call the
01:07:15police and they'll take you down to the police station. Send me to the police station. Kevin
01:07:22raised his eyebrows and pointed at himself. Britney sneered. Don't you understand English?
01:07:28Just my luck to see you today. I'll bet you can't even afford to fix my car.
01:07:34I won't argue with you anymore. Just hurry up and get out of here.
01:07:38Kevin smirked and didn't say anything. Just when Claire was about to scold him some more,
01:07:43they were all startled by the sound of a car horn. A brand new Lamborghini pulled up and
01:07:49stopped in front of everyone. They saw a beautiful young woman in a wine red professional ensemble.
01:07:56She adjusted her gold rimmed glasses and stepped out of the car.
01:08:00She went straight to Kevin, shook his hand and greeted him with a warm smile.
01:08:06Sorry, sir. I went to get the company's new quarterly reports for you,
01:08:10but I lost track of the time. I hope you can forgive me. At a glance, Kevin already knew
01:08:15that this was Miss Wilson, the chief of staff that his uncle had told him about.
01:08:20Miss Wilson straightened her back and looked at the young man in front of her nervously.
01:08:25She explained again. I'm sorry, sir, but I didn't expect the expressway to be so backed up.
01:08:31This isn't how I wanted to greet our new CEO. It won't happen again.
01:08:36Everyone was stunned. What was going on, CEO? Claire definitely knew who Miss Wilson was.
01:08:45When she saw her showing so much respect towards Kevin, she was enraged.
01:08:50Claire grabbed Miss Wilson's arm and said angrily, Miss Wilson, you're making a huge
01:08:55mistake. This is the new company security guard. What's wrong with you?
01:09:00Miss Wilson frowned and pulled her arm away.
01:09:03She took her phone and a stack of documents out of her bag.
01:09:06I assure you that I'm not mistaken. These are the documents that our chief operating officer,
01:09:12Mr. Thomas Williams, personally gave me regarding our new CEO.
01:09:16This photo looks quite a lot like this gentleman, doesn't it?
01:09:20Brittany, who was standing to the side, rushed over and looked at the photo on Miss Wilson's
01:09:25phone. It sure looked a lot like Kevin, but the man in the photo had a much more professional
01:09:30appearance. He also looked a lot younger and more handsome. Miss Wilson, you must be wrong.
01:09:36This is Kevin Williams, my former classmate. Look at his sloppy appearance. How could he
01:09:41possibly be the CEO of Williams Media? Maybe he just looks a lot like him.
01:09:47Brittany pointed at Kevin's clothes with a look of utter disdain.
01:09:51They were all confused. How could the new CEO show up to the office wearing a T-shirt and baggy
01:09:57shorts, riding a tiny, broken electric scooter? Miss Wilson pushed up her glasses and her
01:10:04expression remained very calm. That sounds right. The information our CEO gave me says that the new
01:10:11president's name is Kevin. And this photo was actually taken three years ago. So, of course,
01:10:16he looks a little older now. Miss Wilson flipped open the documents and Brittany and Claire
01:10:22immediately went over to look at them. When they saw the name Kevin written conspicuously on the
01:10:27front page, it was like they'd been struck by lightning. Claire Davis pretended to be calm and
01:10:34quickly flipped through the pages. As she read, her face got paler and paler. When she'd finished
01:10:40scanning them, she came to the realization that the young man in scruffy clothes standing in front
01:10:45of her was, in fact, their new CEO. Claire looked up at Kevin in disbelief, but when she saw the
01:10:53scorn in Kevin's eyes, she looked back down at her feet. What had she just done? She was an executive,
01:11:01the company's publicity manager. But in front of all these people, she had been shouting that she
01:11:06wanted to fire the new CEO and that she wanted to have him arrested. For a moment, Claire struggled
01:11:12to speak. She gritted her teeth, carefully stepped forward and forced a smile. She said,
01:11:19Sir, Sir, I'm really sorry. We've made a huge mistake. Nothing like this will never happen
01:11:26again in the future. There will be a future? Kevin looked at her out of the corner of his eye.
01:11:32Claire's face froze and she stuttered. Please don't do this. I know what I did was wrong. Sir,
01:11:38will you please give me another chance? Ignoring the puzzled looks from everyone around her,
01:11:44what Claire cared about the most right now was to protect her job and her position.
01:11:49Brittany, who was standing off to the side, also hurried to stand near Kevin.
01:11:53Her expression no longer looked so arrogant. Mr. Williams, it's all my fault. Don't be angry.
01:11:59Please accept my apologies. Kevin looked at her with an enigmatic smile. He didn't say a word.
01:12:06Brittany's voice became softer and softer as he looked at her. Finally, she couldn't bear to look
01:12:11him in the eyes. Kevin glanced at the time on his watch. He had no intention of continuing to waste
01:12:18time at the door. After thinking for a while, he looked at Miss Wilson and pointed toward Victor
01:12:24Martin, who was trying desperately not to be noticed. This man tried to fire me to protect
01:12:29the image of Williams Media. After saying this, he motioned toward Miss Wilson, and they both
01:12:36turned and headed toward the grand entrance to the Williams Media head office. Claire, Brittany,
01:12:42and the others quickly followed. Only Victor Martin, who had tears streaming down his face,
01:12:47was left behind. He looked sadly at the group as they walked away from him. As soon as he entered
01:12:54the elegant entry hall of Williams Media, Kevin let out a deep sigh. Williams Media was truly
01:13:00worthy of being the number one entertainment company in Chicago. The company's ambiance,
01:13:05its lavish details, and luxurious decor, everything about it just oozed success.
01:13:11Ever since he was expelled by the Williams family, Kevin had not set foot in such an opulent place in
01:13:17a long time. It could best be described as exquisite, from its world-class design to its
01:13:23perfectly chosen color scheme. And this wasn't limited to the entry hall. The overall style of
01:13:30Williams Media's headquarters was truly stunning. The news of the new CEO taking office today had
01:13:37already spread throughout the entire company. Everyone who saw Kevin smiled and greeted him,
01:13:43wanting to make a good first impression on the new CEO. Of course, many people were surprised
01:13:49when they first saw Kevin, but none of them showed it. His simple, unpretentious appearance
01:13:53seemed to contrast with his new surroundings. He took the elevator to the 18th floor,
01:13:59where his office was located. After entering the office, Kevin sat on the big leather chair
01:14:05and looked at Claire and Brittany who had entered the room with him.
01:14:08Do you have anything else to talk to me about? He flipped open some of the folders on his
01:14:13enormous desk and asked casually as he looked at the contents of the folders.
01:14:18Brittany and Claire looked at each other and Claire gave her niece a slight smile to comfort her.
01:14:23She took two steps forward and said, Sir, about what happened today, I'm really very sorry.
01:14:30Now, about the matter of Brittany signing her contract. Claire paused before finishing her
01:14:35sentence. Kevin didn't even raise his head as he chuckled to himself. Sign the contract? He asked.
01:14:43Brittany smiled awkwardly as she replied. Mr. Williams, did you forget that I came here today
01:14:48to sign my contract? She bit her lower lip and looked at Kevin uncertainly. Kevin put down the
01:14:54folder that he'd been reviewing and leaned back in his very comfortable leather chair.
01:14:59This chair is really nice, he thought to himself. He smiled at the two of them,
01:15:04but didn't answer them right away. Seeing Kevin's reaction, Claire wasn't sure what to think.
01:15:10Sir, how about this? I can accept any punishment you give me, but please don't cancel Brittany's
01:15:16contract. Okay? Kevin laughed out loud. It's funny, but someone who didn't know me well might
01:15:23think I'm a bully. Claire instantly blushed. Just as Claire was about to say something else,
01:15:29there was a knock on the CEO's office door. Miss Wilson walked over to the door and whispered a
01:15:34few words to someone outside. Then she closed the door and came to Kevin's side. Sir, Jason Jones,
01:15:41the Jones family representative, is here. He said he wants to discuss the company's financial future
01:15:46with you. As soon as Miss Wilson finished speaking, Kevin got a stern look on his face.
01:15:52He was very unhappy to hear Jason Jones's name. Get that fool out of my office immediately,
01:15:59and please inform the Jones family that if they want to cooperate with us,
01:16:03they shouldn't let that bonehead show his face around here. They can try again with a new
01:16:08representative. As long as I approve of the new rep, I'll have no problem negotiating with them.
01:16:15Meanwhile, Jason was waiting outside Kevin's office, fantasizing about the new sports car
01:16:20Grandma Jones would surely give him for setting up this deal. But he was shocked when Miss Wilson
01:16:25passed along the CEO's message. As he watched Miss Wilson turn around to leave, Jason was
01:16:32stunned for a moment before he realized what had just happened. That's weird. As soon as he swore,
01:16:39everyone in the hall turned to look at him. Jason realized that he was still in Williams
01:16:44media territory. He immediately stopped talking and left the building while holding back the
01:16:50anger that was welling up inside him. At the Jones family mansion, Grandma Jones reacted by
01:16:57calling everyone over for an emergency family meeting. Seeing that all the members of the
01:17:02family had arrived, Grandma Jones let out a sigh and said, JJ went to discuss the deal with Williams
01:17:08media, but he didn't succeed. I think some of you already know about it. Jason added, Grandma,
01:17:17Williams media obviously thinks they're better than us. They actually called me a fool. On top
01:17:22of that, they told me to get out and never show my face again. Jason's face was turning red from
01:17:28anger. Grandma Jones, who was sitting next to him, was obviously distressed. When the rest of the
01:17:33family heard this, they immediately started discussing amongst themselves. They were smart
01:17:38people, so they understood right away what had happened. Williams media was the biggest
01:17:43entertainment company in Chicago, and they had told Jason to scram. Jason didn't dare to fight
01:17:49them head on. All he could do was run home and throw a tantrum. Even Grandma Jones didn't dare
01:17:55to ask Williams media to explain themselves. She said to her grandson, I'm sorry you have to
01:18:02suffer for this, JJ. Grandma Jones's heart ached the most for Jason. Seeing how upset he was, she
01:18:08patted his arm and comforted him. The new CEO of Williams media is a young man in his early 20s.
01:18:16That's a very young age for someone to take the helm of such a powerful corporation.
01:18:21Naturally, he has his pride, and it's normal that he doesn't like small families like ours.
01:18:27Grandma Jones paused for a moment and looked around the room. But the CEO of Williams media
01:18:33also said that as long as the candidate is satisfactory, he won't have any problem working
01:18:38with them. So I want to ask everyone, who do you think is most suitable to represent us in these
01:18:44negotiations? The people in the room stopped talking and looked at each other. It was unusually
01:18:50quiet. Williams media had already told Jason Jones to get lost. After that, who would have
01:18:56the nerve to go back in there? Grandma Jones was disappointed when nobody stepped up to volunteer.
01:19:02What? No one is willing to go, she asked them. While everyone else remained silent, Jason suddenly
01:19:09had what he thought was a particularly nasty idea. He stood up and said loudly. Grandma,
01:19:16I think Lily is the ideal choice to talk with Williams media about our offer. Jason's words
01:19:22suddenly made Lily the center of attention. She threw an angry look at Jason who was standing
01:19:27beside Grandma smiling maliciously. While she knew that Jason always liked to cause trouble,
01:19:33she didn't expect him to be so shameless as to involve her in this mess. Lily tried to speak,
01:19:39but only managed to stammer. But but Grandma, I Lily was angry. But at the same time, she was
01:19:45trying to figure out how to get out of this horrible predicament. She was about to finish
01:19:50her thought when Jason interrupted her again. Lily, Grandma just wants to give you a chance to
01:19:55help the family. Don't you care about our family? Seeing the distraught look on Lily's face, Jason
01:20:02smiled. He continued. I know that your siren corporation just lost millions. You still seem
01:20:08to be short four or 5 million in capital, right? I'm doing this for your own good. If you're willing
01:20:13to help all of us, the Jones family, and if the deal is successful, Grandma won't let your company
01:20:20go bankrupt. What choice did Lily have? Lily was still in shock after being nominated by Jason to
01:20:26represent the Jones family in their negotiations with Williams media. She was at a loss for words.
01:20:33After Jason finished speaking, he walked over and stood in front of Grandma Jones.
01:20:37I think Lily is really suitable. What do you think Grandma? In Grandma Jones's heart, Jason was the
01:20:43one that she liked the most. So she naturally took his suggestion more seriously than the others.
01:20:49She reflected for a while and nodded in agreement. Then she looked at Lily and smiled. Lily,
01:20:55you will go to Williams media tomorrow. Do your best and above all, don't let me down.
01:21:01Grandma, I Lily was struggling to come up with a way to get out of this.
01:21:06But she saw Grandma Jones wave her hand dismissively and say, Okay, today's meeting is
01:21:11adjourned. Do whatever you need to handle this. Don't accept no for an answer. Your family needs
01:21:18you. No one cared about Lily's feelings or what she wanted to say. Once the meeting was over,
01:21:24everyone filed out. Lily bit her lip as she watched Jason leave the room with a big smile on
01:21:30his face. She angrily stomped her feet and walked out of the Jones mansion wondering what she would
01:21:35do next. Lily was confused. When she returned home, the more she thought about it, the more
01:21:41uncomfortable she felt. In the eyes of everyone in the Jones family, this was an impossible task.
01:21:48But now this hopeless task fell on her. She had no idea how she would approach the new CEO of
01:21:54Williams media to talk about working together with her family. The more Lily thought about
01:21:59it, the more irritated she became. Finally, Lily decided to call Rachel and ask her to come over
01:22:04to keep her company. She also wanted to know if her friend had any good suggestions. After Rachel
01:22:10came over and the two of them chatted for a while, Lily felt a little less freaked out.
01:22:15Rachel got up and walked to the fridge. She took a can of soda and asked Lily as she drank.
01:22:20Why isn't Kevin at home today? Lily smiled helplessly. When I left early this morning,
01:22:26he was already gone. I don't know where he went. But he still hasn't come back.
01:22:31Rachel curled her lips in disgust as she sat on the sofa. She leaned closer to Lily and said,
01:22:37I really admire you. You haven't thought of getting a divorce after these two awful years.
01:22:43Lily only sighed and didn't say anything. But Rachel pressed it further.
01:22:47You should also think about yourself. Kevin is holding you back. Your parents want you to have
01:22:53a child, but you still haven't been able to get pregnant after two whole years. Plus, your company
01:22:58still owes you so much money. If you find a rich and powerful husband, your life won't be so hard.
01:23:05It's pointless for you to say all this now. We're already married. What are you getting at?
01:23:11Those who get married can get a divorce, Rachel said indifferently. Lily shook her head and smiled.
01:23:17She didn't say anything else about it. After a few minutes, they heard someone at the door.
01:23:23The two women looked up at the same time and saw Kevin whistling as he walked in.
01:23:27With a contemptuous mocking smile on her face, Rachel watched Kevin walk closer to them.
01:23:32As usual, Kevin was wearing a T-shirt and shorts. He looked like such a loser.
01:23:38Kevin naturally saw Rachel's disdain for him, but he didn't care. He strode up to Lily and sat on
01:23:43the sofa with a smile. He looked at her and said, Lily, your company still needs four million, right?
01:23:50Lily didn't even bother to look at him. She picked up an emery board and started to do her nails.
01:23:55Why are you asking this? How dare you try to rub it in?
01:24:00Why do you always say things that make Lily unhappy? Are you afraid that her life will be
01:24:05too easy? Rachel sat up straight and stared at Kevin. Lily sighed and gave Rachel a penetrating
01:24:11look that told her not to criticize Kevin anymore. After all, during the Jones' family
01:24:16quarterly meeting, when Jason embarrassed her in front of so many people, it was Kevin who
01:24:21helped Lily. Now she naturally didn't want Rachel to keep picking on him like this.
01:24:27Kevin turned his head and looked at Rachel. He smiled mysteriously and said,
01:24:31I hope you haven't forgotten what I said two days ago. If I can find four million to help Lily get
01:24:37through this crisis, you should call me boss. When she heard him bring this up, Rachel instantly
01:24:45laughed. I sure did say that. And if you can't find her four million bucks, how about you call
01:24:52me boss? I've never seen someone as helpless as you who still likes to put on airs.
01:24:58Kevin sneered. He took out a bank card from his pocket and handed it to Lily. Lily,
01:25:03I originally wanted to bring you cash, but it was too much to carry around.
01:25:07This card has four million dollars on it. Take it. Lily took the card in a daze and didn't know
01:25:13how to react. Rachel laughed again. She felt that Kevin was acting like a fool again. I can't believe
01:25:20you're still carrying on with this lie. I'm dying of laughter. Who's the boss? Kevin asked quickly.
01:25:29It's not you. After saying this, Rachel realized that she had been tricked.
01:25:34Her face immediately turned red and she glared at Kevin. Kevin chuckled and looked at Lily,
01:25:40who obviously didn't believe him and was about to toss the card in the trash. Lily, do you still
01:25:45have that card reader you use at work? Why don't you log in and check the balance of the account?
01:25:51I wouldn't lie to you. Lily held the card in her hand and looked into Kevin's eyes.
01:25:56She had her doubts, but she also wanted to believe him, even though he didn't have a job.
01:26:02After all, he still relied on her to support him. Now he hands her a card and says that there are
01:26:08four million dollars on it. Anyone would find his words hard to believe. But Kevin had swallowed
01:26:13his pride one too many times now. He finally had enough of his clueless wife thinking him as a
01:26:19less of a man. Time to show who wore the pants in the house. To find out what happens next,
01:26:26download the Pocket FM app and listen to the audio series Insta Empire for free.