Brignone: “È stata una stagione stupenda”

  • 5 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Federica Brignone ha partecipato al primo evento clean-up del 2024 organizzato da Caffè Borbone e Plastic Free Odv Onlus a Clusone. È stata l’occasione per fare un bilancio della stagione sciistica appena conclusa con tante soddisfazioni.


00:00 How was the season?
00:04 It was splendid, as you say, it was crazy.
00:08 I certainly didn't think I would have a season like this at a high level,
00:13 let's say last summer.
00:16 Obviously I continued because I'm in good shape, I'm well,
00:20 I want to do it, I'm very motivated,
00:22 but I still got it, I didn't think I would be so stable all weekend.
00:29 I did well in three disciplines,
00:32 and the balance was really positive,
00:36 and that taught me a lot.
00:38 It was also great because I had a good time,
00:41 I was relaxed, I had fun,
00:43 and the results came,
00:45 and I think they were very good results,
00:49 with a comeback, with difficult conditions,
00:52 I won in particular conditions,
00:55 and these things made me really happy,
00:59 and made me proud of who I am as an athlete and as a person.
01:04 Are you already thinking about the next holiday?
01:07 We have already started a little work on the skis,
01:09 at least for next season,
01:11 but at the end of April we'll be off and I'll go surfing somewhere.
