• 6 months ago
00:06:56Geçmiş olsun.
00:07:00Şöyle konuşalım mı?
00:08:07Aslan, şimdi konuşmasak olur mu lütfen?
00:08:17Aslanla konuştum.
00:08:19Bir süre çiftlik evde kalacaksınız.
00:08:21Eşyalarını alırsın, sonra Turgut Çiftliği'ye bırakır seni, tamam mı?
00:08:30Tamam kızım.
00:08:37Ailemize hoş geldin, gelin hanım.
00:08:59Kahvaltıdan sonra Aslan'ın odasını bir temizleyin, bir süre burada kalacaklar.
00:09:03Tamam mı? Her şey eksiksiz olsun.
00:09:05Tamam mı yavrum?
00:09:07Aa, hayırdır anneciğim ya?
00:09:10Aslanlar burada mı kalmaya karar verdi?
00:09:17Yani, Aslan'ın bekar evinde kalacaklardı ya, o yüzden sordum.
00:09:35Farkındaysan evimiz kurşunlandı.
00:09:37Yani, ben ölebilirdim, babaannesi ölebilirdi, kardeşleri, yeğenleri ölebilirdi.
00:09:46Ortada böyle bir güvenlik tehditi varken, Aslan ailesini bırakıp gider mi çiftlikten ha?
00:09:51Tabii, tabii, tabii anneciğim.
00:09:54Bırakmaz, zaten bu işin peşini bırakmaz Aslan.
00:09:58Eko da bir uyansın, gördüğü, duyduğu ne varsa anlatır.
00:10:02Bu işin altında kimin parmağı var çıkar ortaya, sen hiç merak etme anneciğim.
00:10:14O hastanedeki adamları ara da, Eko'nun durumunu anlık bildirsinler bana, tamam mı?
00:10:19Yani ifade verirken ona göre davranayım.
00:10:21Tamam, tamam anneciğim.
00:10:38Heh, arayamadım, kusura bakma. Nasıl, var mı bir gelişme?
00:10:46Valla, Hülyan ne sabahın köründe geldi çiftliğe, Aslanlar da bugün geliyormuş.
00:10:52Ya ben vereceğimi verdim, sen yapacağını yaptın, ödeme ne zaman?
00:10:58Ya ama çok tatsız olmuyor mu bu gecikmeler?
00:11:04Tamam, tamam, iyiyiz, iyiyiz, iyiyiz. Çocuklar da iyi, merak etme.
00:11:08Geçti gitti işte ya. Tamam, görüşürüz, hadi.
00:11:11Hadi eyvallah.
00:11:15Kimdi o?
00:11:18Ne dedi?
00:11:19Ne oluyor ya, sabah sabah?
00:11:23Sorguya çeker gibi, ne oluyor? Allah Allah ya.
00:11:38Soykanlı düğün diye manşıratırmış evvelyadın.
00:11:42Daha nereye konuşlanmışlar bir de çekmek için şerefsizler.
00:11:48Bizim Çağrı'nın haberi var mı bundan?
00:11:50Yolladım az önce.
00:12:02En son ben Ekrem'e çok lafa tuttum.
00:12:07Olsa o kadar lafa tutmasaydım.
00:12:11Belki başka türlü olurdu.
00:12:13Saçmalama, sakın kendini suçlama.
00:12:19Sana da gelebilirdi o kurşun.
00:12:35Nasıl durum doktor?
00:12:37Ameliyat iyi geçti. Hayatın tehlikesi yok, durum iyi.
00:12:44Odayı alacağız, birkaç saate kendine gelir.
00:12:47Çok sağ ol, senin hakkın ödenmez doktor, çok sağ ol.
00:12:49Geçmiş olsun.
00:12:50Sağ ol.
00:12:51Tigri sen deminle Yağmur'u al, bugün onlara eşlik edelim.
00:12:53Tamam dayıcığım.
00:12:54Ben burada kalmak istiyorum.
00:12:56Hem yanında biri olmuş olur.
00:12:58Saçmalama, ne yapacaksın ya hastanede?
00:13:01Abla lütfen, vurulduğunda ben yanındaydım.
00:13:03Kalmak istiyorsan kal, burası güvenli. Sana eşya ve kıyafeti emin ederler.
00:13:06Sağ ol enişte.
00:13:08Abla lütfen en azından bunu yapayım.
00:13:16Her saat başı mesaj atacaksın bana, tamam mı?
00:13:23Dikkat et.
00:13:25Dikkat et.
00:13:40Dikkat et.
00:14:11Sen iyi misin?
00:14:16İyi misin diyorum.
00:16:11Atilla Bey odasında değil, bir notunuz varsa ben ileteyim kendisine.
00:16:14Hayır, kendim iletmeyi tercih ederim.
00:17:11Bu haberi kim yazdı?
00:17:16Sen mi yazdın?
00:17:18Yani ben Atilla Bey'in emriyle.
00:17:22Bu da İstanbul Cumhuriyet Savcılığı'nın emri.
00:17:25Haber hakkında yayın yasağı getirildi.
00:17:28Şimdi, kaldırıver bakayım o haberi.
00:17:32Hadi koçum.
00:17:33Hayırlı haberler.
00:18:03İstanbul Cumhuriyet Savcılığı
00:18:33İstanbul Cumhuriyet Savcılığı
00:18:59Evet, evet nezaketçim.
00:19:00Vallahi gözümüz aydın.
00:19:02Yani ameliyat çok iyi geçmiş.
00:19:04Hiçbir şey kalmadı demiş doktorlar.
00:19:08Estağfurullah nezaket olur mu öyle şey?
00:19:11Yani Ekrem bizim de evladımız.
00:19:13Soykanlara emanet.
00:19:14Tabi tabi gözümüz gibi bakıyoruz.
00:19:16Tabi hiç aklın kalmasın burada.
00:19:19Tamam hadi.
00:19:20Bir şeye ihtiyacınız olsa ara.
00:19:22Tamam mı? Hadi.
00:19:23Allah'a emanet olun.
00:19:25Çok selamlar herkese.
00:19:29Bak ekonomi çıkmış.
00:19:41O sosyal medya hesaplarını hemen kapatıyorsun bugün.
00:19:45Ne alaka şimdi?
00:19:46Abinle kaç defa uyardık biz seni.
00:19:49Düğünden paylaştığın görüntüler boy boy etrafta.
00:19:53Annesi mannesi yok.
00:19:54Bak artık rezillik istemiyorum tamam mı?
00:19:57O sosyal medyadaki o takipçilerine vay vay yapıyorsun.
00:19:59Hemen kapatıyorsun bugün.
00:20:03Yoksa neler olabileceğini çok iyi biliyorsun.
00:20:05Bak beni zorlama tamam mı?
00:20:09Bana istemediğim şeyler yaptırma.
00:20:19Anne kaç yaşında oldu bu kız?
00:20:21Nedir bu hesap kapatmalar falan?
00:20:23Karışma artık kızın hayatına.
00:20:26Böyle bir durumda hepinize karışırım ben.
00:20:29Yarının hangi gün olduğunu biliyorsun.
00:20:31Hadi bana da karışsana.
00:20:34Yarının hangi gün olduğunu biliyorum be.
00:20:36Sen evden dışarıya çıkmayacaksın Leyla.
00:20:39Neler yaşadığımızın farkında mısın sen?
00:20:42Ekrem vuruldu Ekrem.
00:20:43Bu seninki bahanende bu mu?
00:20:51Size afiyet olsun.
00:20:54Yarın hiç kimse beni bu evde tutamaz.
00:21:00Biri sosyal medyada bizi rezil eder.
00:21:02Diğeri böyle tövbe estağfurullah.
00:21:05Böyle anormal anormal hareketler.
00:21:23Ayça'cığım ben iyiyim.
00:21:25İyiyim ben merak etme sen.
00:21:29İyi Ayça'cığım herkes de iyi.
00:21:32Var mı bir arayan soran bir durum?
00:21:39Nasıl bir aciliyetmiş?
00:21:53Yeni bir danışan değil mi bu?
00:21:58Tamam yok.
00:21:59Hayır hayır sen başkasına yönlendirme.
00:22:01Ben zaten şimdi ofise geçeceğim.
00:22:03Öğleden sonraya verirsin randevunu.
00:22:05Tamam sen de geçersin.
00:22:09Ayça'cığım iyiyim dedim ya canım.
00:22:13Merak etme iyi gelir bana da uzaklaşmak.
00:22:17Hadi görüşürüz sağ ol.
00:22:23Merak etme.
00:22:34Yenge alayım ben onu.
00:22:35Tamam tamam.
00:22:36Alırım alırım bırak sen.
00:22:44Turgut bu arada çiftliğe gitmiyoruz.
00:22:46Benim ofise geçeceğiz olur mu?
00:22:54Ne yapıyorsun Turgut?
00:22:56Aslan ağabey arıyor.
00:22:57Anlamadım izin mi alacağız ondan?
00:22:59Aynen yenge.
00:23:08Dayıcığım müsait misin bir maruzatım var da.
00:23:10Ne oldu Turgut söyle bıraktın mı devrini çiftliğe?
00:23:13Heh işte konu tam da o.
00:23:15Yenge çiftliğe değil de ofisine gitmek istiyormuş ne yapalım?
00:23:17Tövbe yarabbim ya.
00:23:20Bugünü mü bulmuşsun?
00:23:21Bugünü mü bulmuşsun?
00:23:22Valla bilmiyorum ki sorayım mı?
00:23:29Tamam sen de git.
00:23:30Ofise de gir.
00:23:31Gireni çıkanı da kontrol et tamam?
00:23:33Ondan sonra da götür işi bitince çiftliğe bırak.
00:23:35Tamam dayıcığım tamam görüşürüz.
00:23:38Ne oldu dayın izin verdi mi?
00:23:40Gidiyor muyuz?
00:23:41Verdi verdi buyur yenge.
00:23:52Hadi lan hadi binin.
00:24:07Sen niye oynamıyorsun?
00:24:10Sen de mi yengenin bacısı mısın?
00:24:12He bacısıyım ama Yağmur'u tercih ediyorum.
00:24:15Yağmur ben, Yağmur Akın.
00:24:17Ablacığım niye baştan söylemiyorsun ya?
00:24:19Ablacığım mı?
00:24:21Sen beni mahvettin.
00:24:22Sen beni bitirdin.
00:24:23Ben seni nasıl öpüyorum?
00:24:24Sen öper ağzımın ortasına *** mi?
00:24:26Tamam sakin ol ben seni öptüm.
00:24:28Ben şimdi nasıl anlatacağım abiye bizi?
00:24:31Bizi mi?
00:24:35Sade misin ya?
00:24:37Sade misin?
00:24:51Eko uyandı mı?
00:25:02Sen iyi misin peki?
00:25:21İyi olacak iyi.
00:25:22Yine gözlerinin içi gülecek böyle.
00:25:32Alo anne.
00:25:33Yağmur iyi misin?
00:25:35Hastanede misin hala sen?
00:25:36Evet evet iyiyim ama ne oldu?
00:25:38Böyle bir günde seni rahatsız etmek istemezdim oğlum.
00:25:41Baban evi satıyor.
00:25:44Birileri geldi evi kesiyorlar.
00:25:46Kapora falan vermişler kızı.
00:25:49Allah aşkına benim bu evde hiç mi hakkım yok?
00:25:51Ya anneciğim adama miras kalmış.
00:25:54İstediğini yapar.
00:25:55Kanunen yok bir hakkın yani.
00:25:57Ablanın başı kalabalık şimdi onlar bir şey istiyor.
00:26:01Ama ne olursun bir şey yap.
00:26:03Allah aşkına bir şey yap.
00:26:04Bir şey yap Yağmur babanı falan konuş.
00:26:06Vazgeçir onu ne olursun.
00:26:10Sence dinler mi beni?
00:26:12Ben ne yapayım Yağmur ya?
00:26:14Allah aşkına ben ne yapayım?
00:26:16Yemin ediyorum artık dayanacak gücüm kalmadı.
00:26:19Daha ben size dert olmak istemiyorum.
00:26:22İstemiyorum ama ben ne yapayım?
00:26:24Ben bu yaştan sonra nereye gideyim?
00:26:27Yağmur ne olursun.
00:26:29Bilseydim böyle olacağını ben gerçekten.
00:26:32Anne tamam benim kapatmam lazım.
00:26:34Sen sakin ol tamam mı?
00:26:35Ben bir yolunu bulup halledeceğim.
00:26:37Tamam baba haber bekliyorum söz.
00:26:40Lütfen lütfen ya.
00:26:41Tamam anneciğim.
00:26:48Yanlış anlama ama sizin yaptığınız iş biraz bana ters geliyor.
00:26:51Ben niye gelip namahremimi size anlatayım ki?
00:26:54Yani size derken genel olarak.
00:26:57Zaten terapi dediğin insanın kendi kendisinin dedikodusunu yapmasıdır.
00:27:01Dön kardeşim.
00:27:03Çok yanlış.
00:27:11Turgut Bey ne yapıyorsunuz?
00:27:13Üst araması yenge.
00:27:22Kusura bakmayın lütfen buyurun.
00:27:24Teşekkür ederim.
00:27:48Bir şey soracağım.
00:27:49Buraya çok psikopat geliyor mu?
00:28:02Lütfen kusura bakmayın tekrar.
00:28:04Dün gece tatsız bir olay yaşandı.
00:28:06O yüzden bu saçmalıkları özür diliyorum.
00:28:09Bilmez miyim Devine Hanım?
00:28:10Kolay değil yaşadığınız şeyler.
00:28:12Çok geçmiş olsun.
00:28:16Metin Karamut.
00:28:18Buyurun Metin Bey sizi dinliyorum.
00:28:20Nedir bu kadar acil olan?
00:28:23Biliyorum buraya bu şekilde gelmemem gerekirdi evet.
00:28:26Ama başka şansım yoktu.
00:28:28Haber atlatmam gerekiyordu.
00:28:30Ben de bu yolu tercih ettim.
00:28:33Ne haberi anlayamadım?
00:28:36U5 TV'de magazin muhabiriyim.
00:28:39Senden küçücük bir röportaj istiyorum.
00:28:41Dün yaşadıklarını bütün herkes duysun.
00:28:43Aslan Soykan'ın karısını tüm Türkiye tanısın.
00:29:00Demek benden röportaj istiyorsunuz.
00:29:31Ahmet kayda gir Ahmet.
00:29:32Ahmet'e de başlarım sana.
00:29:33Yürü git.
00:29:35Başlarım şimdi sana da anlatırız.
00:29:37Sen ne çekiyorsun oğlum?
00:29:38Yürü lan kamera.
00:29:39Ne vuruyorsun lan?
00:29:40Ne vuruyorsun lan?
00:29:41Yavaş lan çekil.
00:29:44Öldürürüm lan seni burada.
00:29:46Öldürürüm lan seni burada.
00:29:47Bırak lan.
00:29:48Başlarım ikinize de lan.
00:29:49Bırak lan.
00:29:50Bırak ya.
00:29:51Alacağımızı al bir sefer.
00:29:52Lan yürü lan.
00:29:56Gönder lan şunları.
00:30:10Of of.
00:30:30Hadi çekil şuradan ya.
00:30:31Aç yolu aç.
00:30:33Hadi be yenge.
00:30:34Neredesin ya?
00:32:55Dur be.
00:32:59Yenge iyi misin?
00:33:24İyisin değil mi?
00:33:39Beni evime götürür müsün Turgut?
00:33:42Kendi evime gitmek istiyorum.
00:33:44Gel yenge geçelim benim arabaya geçelim.
00:33:49Gel benim arabaya geçelim bunu alırım.
00:33:56Turgut neredesiniz?
00:33:57Saat kaç oldu niye gelmiyorsunuz?
00:33:59Şimdi biz Demi yengenin evine geçiyoruz.
00:34:01Kendi evine geçmek istedi.
00:34:02Biraz şeyde.
00:34:04Turgut beni delirtme.
00:34:05Niye eve gelmiyorsunuz onu söyle.
00:34:07Vallahi Hülya anne aradığın iyi oldu aslında.
00:34:09Ben de ne yapayım hastanımı arayayım diyordum.
00:34:11Ne yapacağımı şaşırdım.
00:34:12Bak beni zıvanadan çıkartma tamam mı?
00:34:14Adam gibi anlat şunu.
00:34:16Ya yenge kendini iyi hissetmiyor bir atak durum oldu da.
00:34:20Ne atağı?
00:34:22Şeyi panik kaynaklı bir durum.
00:34:24Hülya anne panik.
00:34:27Tamam o zaman evini bırak.
00:34:30Evin önden ayrılma ben hallederim.
00:34:32Tamam Hülya anne kapatıyorum.
00:34:44Arabayı hazırlasınlar çıkış yapacağım.
00:34:48İhsan abi benim abimdir.
00:34:50Canım abim benim.
00:34:54Güzel abim benim.
00:34:57Ama unutmayın.
00:35:00Dal kırıldığı yerden.
00:35:04İnsan kırıldığı kalpten kopar.
00:35:10Bekrem abi.
00:35:15Hadi bakalım.
00:35:17Hadi bakalım.
00:35:18Morfini biraz fazla buldun da bize mi yürüyorsun acaba ha?
00:35:24Dur dur dur lan dur dur.
00:35:26Dur oğlum dur yavaş yavaş.
00:35:30İyisin iyi.
00:35:32Abi özür dilerim ya.
00:35:35Fark etmeyince şey oldu.
00:35:38Sen şimdi onu bırak da.
00:35:40Ne dedin ne dedin bir daha şöyle bakayım.
00:35:42Dal kırıldığı yerden.
00:35:45Kırıldığı yerden.
00:35:48Abi ne bileyim ne nereden ya.
00:35:51Hem kafa yerine de iki dayadılar ilacı.
00:35:55O değildi abi.
00:35:58Ben gerçekten özür dilerim.
00:36:02İçine ettin düğünü.
00:36:04İnsan vurulunca özür diler mi lan?
00:36:06Öyle bir şey yok.
00:36:10Sen bize lazımsın.
00:36:11Kolay mı öyle vurulup ölmek?
00:36:13Hem bu kadar seni seven insan varken burada.
00:36:20Çok korkuttun lan bizi.
00:36:29Hepinizin mi?
00:36:30He bak burada bir de.
00:36:34Yağmur da var.
00:36:35Yağmur da çok korktu.
00:36:37Hatta vurulmadan önce berabermişsiniz.
00:36:39İlla dedi ki hastanede ben dedi yanında olacağım.
00:36:41Sağ olsun.
00:36:43Sağ olun.
00:36:44Çok teşekkür ederim.
00:36:48İyisin iyi.
00:36:49Kafalı illoş.
00:36:51Seni var ya seni.
00:36:53Oğlum insanlar bu kafaya gelmek için neler yapıyorlar.
00:36:55Sen keyfini çıkar.
00:37:08Seni vuranı gördün mü?
00:37:11Yok abi.
00:37:13Kask vardı adamın kafasında.
00:37:15Kask vardı.
00:37:16Kask vardı.
00:37:19Çok ani gelişti zaten.
00:37:20Şey yapan adam o.
00:37:21O an.
00:37:24Vati kansızının işini bu abi.
00:37:28Ya sen bunlara sıkıntı yapma Ekrem abi.
00:37:31Biz ateşi yaktık.
00:37:32Motoru ve adamı da bulacağız eli kulağında.
00:37:35Bulunca ne yapacaksınız?
00:37:37Akşam haberlerini yetiştireceğiz Nasipse.
00:37:44Çabuk gel.
00:37:47Çabuk Akaya.
00:38:06Anne ne haber?
00:38:07İyiyim oğlum sen nasılsın?
00:38:09Eyvallah iyidir.
00:38:10Ekonun yanından çıktım şimdi.
00:38:12Gözünü açtı.
00:38:13Onu haber vereyim sana.
00:38:15Oo çok şükür.
00:38:16Nasıl kendinde mi?
00:38:18İyi iyi çok şükür.
00:38:19Canavar gibi.
00:38:20Konuştun mu sen peki?
00:38:22Ne anlattı?
00:38:24İfade vermiş mi?
00:38:26Vuran adamı görmüş mü?
00:38:29Sen niye bu kadar fazla merak ettin?
00:38:31Niye bu kadar soru soruyorsun bana?
00:38:34Neyi merak edeceğim oğlum?
00:38:36Ekrem'i tabii ki.
00:38:42Öyle mi?
00:38:48İyi iyi durumu.
00:38:51Haber vereyim dedim sana.
00:38:52Tamam konuşuruz.
00:38:53Hadi eyvallah.
00:39:08Hoş geldin.
00:39:09Bak her şerde hoş bulduk.
00:39:12Sağ ol.
00:39:13Eyvallah buyur.
00:39:18Bunlar nereye gidecek?
00:39:20Gerçi sorması bile heyecan verir ama.
00:39:24Bunun içine satmıyorsunuz değil mi?
00:39:27Sen ne biçim konuşuyorsun Kürşat?
00:39:30Küfür etsen daha iyiydi.
00:39:33Biz Türk evladını zehirleyecek kadar şeref yoksul muyuz?
00:39:40Estağfurullah ise bir daha böyle sorular sorma.
00:39:43Biz malımızı sadece Davura satarız.
00:39:47Bunların hepsi yurt dışına gidecek.
00:39:50Sen komisyonuna bak.
00:39:52Gerisine karışma.
00:39:53Tamam mı?
00:40:07Hayırdır inşallah yerim.
00:40:09Hangi dağda kurt öldü?
00:40:13Eko uyandı.
00:40:14Bir sıkıntısı yok çok şükür.
00:40:15Onu haber vereyim dedim sana.
00:40:18Haberini aldım.
00:40:19Haberim var.
00:40:21Ati'den haber var mı?
00:40:25İyi bari.
00:40:27Soykanlara bulaşmanın cezasını bilecek kadar aklı varmış.
00:40:31Ama elim üstünde.
00:40:33Bir iz bulursam haber ederim sana.
00:40:40Hadi bakalım.
00:40:55Her şey yolunda değil mi?
00:40:58Ne diyeceğim ben şimdi bu adama ya?
00:41:02Dayıcığım, yenge.
00:41:05Biraz bunaldı.
00:41:07Şimdi eve gel.
00:41:21Yenge, bir muhabiri dövdü.
00:41:24Şimdi iyi.
00:41:38Yaktın bizi yenge, yaktın.
00:41:55Ne hissedeceğimi bile bilmiyorum Ezgi.
00:41:58Allah'tan siz düğünün sonuna kalmadınız çıktınız hemen.
00:42:01Haberi görünce öldük meraktan demin.
00:42:03Neyse, herkes iyi.
00:42:05Herkes yaşıyor en azından.
00:42:07Senin bir şeye ihtiyacın var mı bak?
00:42:09Söyle varsa.
00:42:11Yani, aslında sizi görmek iyi gelirdi şimdi.
00:42:16Neredesiniz siz?
00:42:17Evde misiniz?
00:42:19Biz mi?
00:42:24Şimdi defne falan da var.
00:42:26Telefonda konuşsak kuzum?
00:42:29Görüntülü arayayım mı ben seni?
00:42:31Yok canım ya, yok.
00:42:33Bir şey yapma, aramam.
00:42:36Kusura bakmayın ya, ben düşüncesizlik ettim.
00:42:40Ben olsam ben de korkardım benimle görüşmeye.
00:42:46Ezgi pardon, kapı çalıyor. Ben seni arayayım mı sonra?
00:42:49Tamam kuzum.
00:42:51Ne oldu, ne dedi?
00:43:13Geçmiş olsun.
00:43:16Teşekkür ederim.
00:43:18Ben de teşekkür ederim.
00:43:20It's been a while.
00:43:25I'm so sorry.
00:43:28I think Turgut said you had a panic attack.
00:43:31I don't get it. Is that why you said it was a while?
00:43:37Yes, why would I say that?
00:43:39I thought you were talking about last night's events.
00:43:47It was an attack on the wedding.
00:43:50That's why I didn't say it. We're used to it.
00:43:55Was it a surprise for you?
00:43:57Of course, it was a surprise.
00:43:59You may be used to it, but I'm not.
00:44:03You can guess.
00:44:05Is that so?
00:44:07Did my son give you the wrong impression?
00:44:10Did he promise you a rose garden or something?
00:44:13But roses don't have thorns, as you can see.
00:44:16Now do you understand which family you're in?
00:44:19The power you're possessed by.
00:44:22It brings you a lot of hostility.
00:44:25Do you think I'm after that power, Ms. Hülya?
00:44:28Is that why I'm with you?
00:44:30I didn't even want your last name.
00:44:32Yes, you didn't want it. You were going to be Devin Akın.
00:44:34Could you? You couldn't.
00:44:36You can't.
00:44:38Because today you're a bastard in everyone's eyes.
00:44:41It would be good if you carried the burden of this.
00:44:44What are those burdens, Ms. Hülya?
00:44:46What do I have to do?
00:44:47There's a lot you have to do.
00:44:49But there are other things we need to talk about.
00:44:52But not now, not today.
00:44:54Today you take your suitcase and go back to where you belong, okay?
00:44:59I'm not going anywhere, Ms. Hülya.
00:45:01I'm at home.
00:45:03Thank you for coming all the way here.
00:45:09Would you like another cup of tea?
00:45:14No, thanks.
00:45:44Thank you.
00:46:15How is your son?
00:46:17He's fine, mom. What happened?
00:46:21I was at Devin's house. I just left.
00:46:24What do you mean, at his house?
00:46:26He had to be at the clinic. He was going to go to the farmhouse.
00:46:29What do you mean, at his house? I don't get it.
00:46:31You don't know.
00:46:33I don't know.
00:46:35I don't know.
00:46:37I don't know.
00:46:39I don't know.
00:46:41I don't know.
00:46:43You don't know.
00:46:46What's wrong, mom?
00:46:48He had a nervous breakdown.
00:46:52He scolded Turgut.
00:46:54He said, I don't want to come, you're going to leave me at home.
00:46:58I said, come, I'll take you.
00:47:01I didn't want Aslan to lose his mind.
00:47:04I said a lot of things.
00:47:07And I had a hard time.
00:47:15Don't get upset when you see her, okay?
00:47:18She may be right in her own way.
00:47:21The wedding is ruined.
00:47:24Okay, hang up.
00:47:26Hang up the phone. I'll take care of it.
00:47:28See you in the evening. Hang up.
00:47:44Aslan, they burned the engine.
00:47:47But the chassis number is not completely erased.
00:47:50They say we'll save it somehow.
00:47:53We'll walk from there to this detector.
00:47:56Thank you.
00:47:58Ati, the private jet is here.
00:48:00He's around here, obviously.
00:48:02We're looking at all the holes he can get into.
00:48:05We'll find it.
00:48:07What happened to you, Aslan?
00:48:14I'm solving it.
00:48:19I'm going to drive the car.
00:48:44What's up, İbo?
00:48:46You turned the door of this house into the door of the hangar.
00:48:49But let me remind you.
00:48:51You can't come to this house waving your hand and arm like this.
00:48:54Well, I come to wave my hand and arm, Hülya.
00:48:58All your sacrifices are the fear of the forest.
00:49:02None of them will work.
00:49:04This house is still in danger.
00:49:07Are you afraid of what will happen, İbo?
00:49:09If there is, don't come.
00:49:10If you're coming, know your place.
00:49:12Guns exploded here last night.
00:49:16You must have been curious about your mother.
00:49:19Your excuse is ready.
00:49:20You'll use it in a few weeks.
00:49:23My mother is the light of my eyes.
00:49:25I'm getting her news.
00:49:27Don't worry.
00:49:29I was actually curious about you.
00:49:42I'm waiting for you.
00:50:02Shall we have a coffee alone?
00:50:06Let's not drink, İbo.
00:50:08Let's not drink.
00:50:09You saw your mother.
00:50:11Come on, excuse me.
00:50:15My mother asked me about the bride upstairs.
00:50:19She couldn't join the farm, right?
00:50:21What a shame.
00:50:22What a shame.
00:50:24I wonder where I am now.
00:50:28Whatever he says, he says.
00:50:30I don't care.
00:50:31He should have known that joining this family was expensive.
00:50:39Did you know, Hülya?
00:50:47That choosing Yusuf Sorkan was expensive.
00:50:54I see, father.
00:50:55It's not possible otherwise, Hülya.
00:51:00If you had chosen the right man at the right time,
00:51:07you wouldn't have had to pay this price.
00:51:11Right or wrong doesn't concern you at all, İbo.
00:51:15I chose the right man at the right time.
00:52:07Don't worry.
00:52:12Don't worry about me.
00:52:15I decide what to worry about my wife.
00:52:19That's one.
00:52:23I try to stay calm.
00:52:25But my patience forces me.
00:52:28Don't send me such dirty photos again.
00:52:31I won't.
00:52:39Will you come here?
00:52:43Where are you going?
00:52:52They will come to sign tomorrow.
00:52:55With your father.
00:52:57Mom, calm down.
00:53:00I'll find a way.
00:53:03What will you find, Yağmur?
00:53:05I said I'd be a tenant.
00:53:06They say 45,000.
00:53:07They're crazy.
00:53:22It's over.
00:53:23I'll be homeless after this age.
00:53:26I've been crying for hours.
00:53:28What did I do to deserve this?
00:53:33I don't know.
00:54:03I don't know.
00:54:06I don't know.
00:54:09I don't know.
00:54:33Someone was shot last night.
00:54:36At our wedding.
00:54:39Ekrem could have died.
00:54:41My brother could have died.
00:54:43You didn't even look at my face.
00:54:49I said, are you okay?
00:54:51I said, are you okay?
00:54:52As if I had a bee in my arm last night.
00:54:55You carried me from place to place with your men all day.
00:54:58As if I were a thing.
00:55:01I said, maybe he'll call.
00:55:02I didn't call.
00:55:04I said, he'll definitely come to see me.
00:55:06I didn't come.
00:55:08We were going to stay at the farmhouse for a while.
00:55:11Your mother told me.
00:55:13My lion, my mother.
00:55:16I'm curious.
00:55:18I want to understand.
00:55:19You tell me, please.
00:55:20Why did you make me feel so worthless and stupid?
00:55:35Because I was ashamed.
00:55:41I didn't know what to do.
00:55:44I didn't know what to say.
00:55:49I didn't look at your face.
00:55:53I couldn't look.
00:56:04I couldn't look at your face.
00:56:07I couldn't look at your face.
00:56:33What are we going to do?
00:56:34Are we going to sit in a cafe like we used to?
00:56:36That's what I'm going to do.
00:56:37But I won't take you.
00:56:38If there's a fight you're going to join, you can go.
00:56:41Come on, don't do that.
00:56:43Come on, we'll go home slowly in your coffee.
00:56:46I know you don't want to, but...
00:56:49We're going to stay at the farmhouse for a while.
00:56:51That's the safest place right now.
00:56:53Is that the safest place?
00:56:55Last night, someone was killed just in front of you.
00:56:58Is that really the safest place?
00:57:01You can go home.
00:57:03I'm not going anywhere. My house is safe enough.
00:57:05This is not something to talk about right now.
00:57:08Don't be crazy, please.
00:57:10I'm trying to protect you on the one hand.
00:57:13On the one hand, I'm trying to protect my family.
00:57:17On the one hand, I'm trying to protect my patience.
00:57:22But you're pushing me too hard.
00:57:24Am I pushing you?
00:57:26Do I feel abnormal?
00:57:28These things we're going through.
00:57:37Yes, I feel abnormal.
00:57:40Why? Because...
00:57:42This is your normal.
00:57:45I married you knowing this.
00:57:47I married you accepting this.
00:57:50That's why I don't even have the right to experience any trauma.
00:57:55Is it a lie?
00:57:57Didn't you take this path knowing all this?
00:57:59Now, am I responsible for all this?
00:58:02Look at the man who talks about shame.
00:58:05Look at the man who says, I'm ashamed to even look at your face.
00:58:08Didn't you say last night before the wedding,
00:58:11You can't see a gun in my hand, I have nothing to do with such things.
00:58:14Don't worry.
00:58:16You were setting fire to the air at night.
00:58:18To stop that ridiculous fight.
00:58:21What if you were at the door with that gun and that anger before the attack?
00:58:26Were you going to be a killer?
00:58:32What are you doing?
00:58:49I'm singing.
00:58:56I mean, from my heart.
00:59:01Which song are you singing?
00:59:06I can't sing.
00:59:10You don't like it.
00:59:17What happened?
00:59:20Are you okay?
00:59:22I'm fine.
00:59:24It hurts a little.
00:59:27I started to feel what they gave me this morning.
00:59:35Are you really scared?
00:59:40Is something going to happen to me?
00:59:48Kay, Kay.
00:59:51Wait a minute, they hit me the other day.
01:00:08We look beautiful, don't we?
01:00:19You are very beautiful.
01:00:28I like the song more than you sing.
01:00:37How many times did you beat my body?
01:00:40How many times did you beat my vows?
01:00:43When you drink, a sip.
01:00:45When you take, a breath.
01:01:17Look, I'm still the same guy you felt when you first met me.
01:01:27I promise you.
01:01:29I will never give you a promise I can't keep.
01:01:32I beg you.
01:01:36Let's go home.
01:01:38Let's go home because there's no other way.
01:01:41You're in the safest place right now.
01:01:42I'm temporary.
01:01:43Look at me.
01:01:44Look, temporary.
01:01:47My family needs me.
01:01:50I need you.
01:01:54We'll move in later.
01:01:56We're in a completely different place.
01:01:57We're alone.
01:01:58I promise.
01:02:03Okay, I accept.
01:02:06I'll come.
01:02:10But you'll give me another promise I can keep.
01:02:15Last night, everyone who organized that attack.
01:02:19When you find him, you won't do anything.
01:02:24You won't take revenge.
01:02:27You won't turn it into a stupid blood case.
01:02:32If you can promise me this right now, I'll take my suitcase and come to your house.
01:02:38Come on, my lion.
01:02:40Now promise me.
01:02:42I'll come to your house right away.
01:02:55You can't.
01:02:57There's a word I can't get out of your mouth.
01:03:09I'm going to finish this gambling business.
01:03:12I'm going to clean up.
01:03:14It's all empty.
01:03:16You can't clean up anything.
01:03:20Because if you clean it up, you'll lose all your power.
01:03:25You need that power.
01:03:28You love that power.
01:03:35You love everything more than anyone else.
01:03:44Do you understand?
01:03:55I love you.
01:04:20Is he here? Are you sure?
01:04:24He's the only man who can know where Ati is.
01:04:26He's a bagman.
01:04:28He's a guy named Lokman.
01:04:30Is he hot?
01:04:31Let's see.
01:04:39This place is only for subscribers, brother.
01:04:41We can't take it.
01:04:42We didn't come to the park.
01:04:44What's up? Why did you come?
01:04:46We're going to see Lokman, brother. We're short on time.
01:04:48No, there's no Lokman.
01:04:53We're going to see Lokman.
01:05:20We're going to see Lokman.
01:05:50We're going to see Lokman.
01:06:10Why are you making us fight?
01:06:12Why don't you ask him what your problem is?
01:06:14What's our problem?
01:06:16Don't talk nonsense.
01:06:18Get out of the way.
01:06:20Calm down.
01:06:22Look, our problem is simple.
01:06:24Where are we going to service the customer?
01:06:27I don't know who you're talking about.
01:06:29I swear I don't know him.
01:06:31Son, our brother was shot.
01:06:33Do you understand what this means?
01:06:36Look, I swear I'm not kidding.
01:06:38I'll blow your brains out.
01:06:47He'll talk.
01:06:49Are you going to talk?
01:06:57I'm going to talk.
01:07:15I'm going to talk.
01:07:41He didn't come?
01:07:56Who could have done this attack?
01:07:58Did you find anything?
01:08:01I mean, something like that.
01:08:03Who could it be?
01:08:22I found you here.
01:08:26But you're not home.
01:08:31Look at me.
01:08:37Look at me.
01:08:46Ask me.
01:08:51Did you shoot Ekrem?
01:09:45Do you want this?
01:10:14What do you want from me? Tell me, what do you want from me?
01:10:44What do you want from me? Tell me, what do you want from me?
01:11:14What do you want from me? Tell me, what do you want from me?
01:11:44I'm a blood relative. If I take the name of the important person in the business world, I'm a blood relative.
01:12:00What do you want from me? Tell me, what do you want from me?
01:12:14I don't give a fuck about your father's problems.
01:12:21Good morning.
01:12:23Good morning, aunt.
01:12:24Good morning.
01:12:28I made you some ayran.
01:12:34Where did you get these?
01:12:36This is double cheese and this is sausage.
01:12:40Enjoy your meal.
01:12:42Where are we going?
01:12:44We're going to a friend's clinic. I'll walk you there.
01:12:54Aunt, don't get us in trouble again.
01:12:58I ate a lion's head yesterday. I'm afraid of you.
01:13:04What did I do? Did I say anything to you?
01:13:09I'm sorry, but you're a little bit of a nut.
01:13:14Let's have a chat. Believe me, my conversation is great.
01:13:21But I'm a little afraid of you.
01:13:25I'm sorry.
01:13:27No, aunt. I did it because you asked.
01:13:36Let's talk then.
01:13:38Go ahead, ask.
01:13:40No, aunt, please. You go first.
01:13:43Okay. Which team are you in?
01:13:45I can't talk about that. It's forbidden.
01:13:48The doctor forbids it. It stresses me out.
01:13:50When this cough comes together, my blood sugar goes up.
01:13:58What's your favorite song?
01:14:02Why are you asking me to sing a song? I don't think I'm good enough for you.
01:14:06It's a very formal approach.
01:14:10Do I have to listen to a song?
01:14:15I'm sorry.
01:14:18What do you listen to the most?
01:14:20What do I listen to the most?
01:15:20Good morning.
01:15:24Good morning.
01:15:47Ceylan, don't do that.
01:15:49Leave it. That's how he treats me.
01:15:52My dear.
01:15:54Where is the girl?
01:16:03She had to leave early, mom and dad.
01:16:07She wasn't here last night either.
01:16:13What did he do? He kidnapped her, didn't he?
01:16:15The daughter-in-law, right?
01:16:20Look, look, look, look.
01:16:22Look at him.
01:16:25Of course, the daughter-in-law will come.
01:16:27Her reign will end.
01:16:30I'm not afraid of anyone after this hour, mom.
01:16:34He couldn't bring his granddaughter-in-law to the table.
01:16:38What can I do?
01:16:39What can I do?
01:16:41If I wanted,
01:16:43I know how to make the daughter-in-law sit at the table.
01:16:50He looks at my phone.
01:16:55Good morning.
01:16:57I'm leaving.
01:16:59Look at me. Take Kazim with you. Don't leave without me.
01:17:04Leyla, are you going?
01:17:06Yes, I'm going, mom.
01:17:08Do you have anything to say?
01:17:12Bekri, I'm coming too.
01:17:15With pleasure.
01:17:20Enjoy your meal.
01:17:33Can you stop?
01:17:35Can you stop?
01:17:39Mom, look at me.
01:17:44Leyla is waiting. Get out of the way.
01:17:46I'm sorry.
01:17:48I'm sorry for what I said last night, even if I didn't mean to.
01:17:52Okay, I broke you.
01:17:54I'm sorry, mom.
01:17:55I'm sorry.
01:18:03Is there anything?
01:18:07A smile?
01:18:20Come here.
01:18:26I don't need big moves like you imagined.
01:18:31I won't let you in.
01:18:33I'll check your phone.
01:18:55I'm sorry.
01:19:03How are you?
01:19:05I don't know.
01:19:07It's bad.
01:19:13Look, the place is clean. There's no trigger.
01:19:16Can you wait outside, please?
01:19:19Of course, if you don't need therapy.
01:19:21No, I'm sorry.
01:19:25I'm sorry.
01:19:37Can you wait outside the apartment?
01:19:40If anyone comes and goes, you can call them.
01:19:47I'll go.
01:19:54Turgut, I'm sorry.
01:19:56I'll call you.
01:19:58I'll call you.
01:20:00I'm sorry, Turgut.
01:20:02I'm sorry.
01:20:17Thank you.
01:20:38Welcome, doctor.
01:20:42Thank you.
01:20:47How long have you been here?
01:20:50About a week. I'll be here for another week.
01:20:54Okay, okay. Of course, we'll talk.
01:20:57I heard. He must be crazy.
01:21:00No, don't do anything. Don't do anything until I get back.
01:21:03I'm not going to be a complainer anyway.
01:21:06Okay, okay.
01:21:08No, don't worry about me. No one can find me here.
01:21:12Okay, we'll talk.
01:21:15I'll call you, okay?
01:21:18Okay, we'll talk.
01:21:21What is this?
01:21:38Who is this?
01:21:44I don't know.
01:22:14I don't know.
01:22:45Who are you?
01:22:52I don't know.
01:23:01I don't know.
01:23:08I don't know.
01:23:15I don't know.
01:23:35I don't know.
01:24:44If everything was solved by talking, Ati, who would be the king of the forests instead of the lion today?
01:24:57Your father.
01:25:07Fear has no use for death, Ati. That's it.
01:25:15It's like our family's wedding.
01:25:19We do air entrances like this.
01:25:23You're not bad either.
01:25:25Welcome, family.
01:25:28But something's stuck in my head.
01:25:32Now, here and there.
01:25:36Are we sitting in the right place?
01:25:37I mean, isn't this Matine?
01:25:40I guess there's something else, right?
01:25:42What should I call you now?
01:25:44Should I call you doctor or sister-in-law?
01:25:46This is not a therapy, Cihan. You can say whatever you want.
01:25:50If it's not Matine, why did we meet, doctor?
01:25:56Because I need you this time.
01:26:00Come on.
01:26:02Good God.
01:26:06Go ahead.
01:26:09There's something I want to know about the lion.
01:26:16The lion...
01:26:20Did it ever kill anyone?
01:26:31What are you trying to say?
01:26:37The truth.
01:26:40Did you know that?
01:26:55A person needs to be a lion to recognize traps,
01:26:58a fox to scare the wolves, sometimes.
01:27:03Like the name of this book,
01:27:06the lion was always the prince of our family, okay?
01:27:09My father didn't know much about books,
01:27:14but he used to say,
01:27:16if you don't let someone else get stronger,
01:27:18you'll get in the way of your own destruction.
01:27:21So the lion killed when it was necessary to prevent the destruction of its family.
01:27:27Is that what you mean?
01:27:36I didn't say that.
01:27:37You said it.
01:27:39You're very careless, doctor.
01:27:43What do you say then, Cihan?
01:27:46Leave that book and give me an answer.
01:27:49Yes or no.
01:27:51Did the lion kill anyone?
01:27:55Don't ask me the questions you know the answer to.
01:28:01But I can do something like this for you.
01:28:04A thin stick.
01:28:05A stick.
01:28:07I can tell you things you don't know.
01:28:09For example?
01:28:10For example,
01:28:12the lion wants to clean up our mess.
01:28:15But that's not going to happen.
01:28:25There's power.
01:28:27The lion can't give up that power.
01:28:29It's not like that.
01:28:36You're in love with him because of that.
01:28:40Because he's the kind of guy who can blind you when you need him.
01:28:47Is that a lie?
01:29:02Come on, Ati.
01:29:03Come on, Ati.
01:29:05Don't do it.
01:29:06I came into this world with a silver spoon in my mouth.
01:29:09But now you're leaving with a black bag in your head.
01:29:14Don't do it. I beg you.
01:29:15I didn't do it. I'm telling you I didn't do it.
01:29:17You didn't do anything, man.
01:29:19I know you didn't do anything.
01:29:21Don't do it. I beg you.
01:29:22But you're against the lion.
01:29:24And there's a price for that.
01:29:27Do you understand?
01:29:28Let's talk, man.
01:29:29I'm telling you I didn't do it.
01:29:30Let's talk.
01:29:34You couldn't even die like a man, Ati.
01:29:37Don't do it.
01:29:38Don't do it, lion.
01:29:39I didn't do it, lion.
01:29:40Listen to me.
01:30:03Don't do it.
01:30:04I beg you.
01:30:05Don't do it.
01:30:32Do you want that power?
01:30:34There's only one thing you have to do.
01:30:37Don't fight.
01:30:40You have a bad enemy.
01:30:43You have to fight him.
01:30:49Don't run away from that war.
01:30:51I'm not running away from anything.
01:30:53I'm not after power or anything.
01:30:55There's nothing to be ashamed of.
01:30:57That's human nature.
01:31:00It wants to go on.
01:31:04What do you want?
01:31:06There's only one thing you have to do.
01:31:08You're going to that house.
01:31:10You're going to fight the lion.
01:31:14You're talking nonsense.
01:31:18Can I tell you something?
01:31:21One day you'll understand what it means to be a lion.
01:31:25That power.
01:31:27That power will poison you.
01:31:29You won't even realize what happened.
01:31:32You're going to scream right and left.
01:31:35You know that day.
01:31:39You won't even care if the lion killed someone or not.
01:31:43Do you understand me?
01:31:47Is that so?
01:31:57We're talking so openly.
01:31:59If you're not here today as a psychologist.
01:32:04I'll ask you another question.
01:32:08From where you know.
01:32:13People die their fathers.
01:32:16They're faster than the loss of their inheritance.
01:32:21Why didn't you?
01:32:29Why didn't you let your father die, Cihan?
01:32:59Why didn't you let your father die, Cihan?
01:33:30Are you okay?
01:34:33Why don't you text me?
01:34:37I'm tired.
01:34:39Didn't I tell you to let me know every hour?
01:34:42Okay, I slept.
01:34:44How's Ekrem?
01:34:47Ekrem is better today.
01:34:49He had a little problem yesterday.
01:34:53Did you talk to my mom?
01:34:58What happened?
01:34:59Sadik is right now.
01:35:01What happened, Yağmur?
01:35:08My father is selling the house.
01:35:11Mom, he called me yesterday.
01:35:13They're going to meet at home this afternoon and sign it.
01:35:17I was going to think about something, but...
01:35:21It just came to my mind.
01:35:23Well done, Yağmur.
01:35:25Are you telling me now?
01:35:27Sister, please don't come to me.
01:35:29We didn't tell you anything because you're too busy.
01:35:32You're a good cat, Yağmur.
01:35:34You're a good cat, girl.
01:35:36Okay, hang up.
01:35:38I'll take care of it.
01:35:41Is everything okay?
01:35:43It's okay.
01:35:45Turn around, Turgut.
01:35:47We're going to my mom.
01:36:09What is this?
01:36:12It's nothing.
01:36:13It's a pain killer.
01:36:14Can you give it to me?
01:36:16I know what this is.
01:36:20Where did you find these?
01:36:24How long have you been using it?
01:36:26What do you mean?
01:36:27Yağmur, answer me.
01:36:29What do you care?
01:36:36It's all for this, isn't it?
01:36:39What are you talking about?
01:36:41You stayed with me for this, didn't you?
01:36:43What are you talking about?
01:36:45It was a lie last night.
01:36:46What are you talking about?
01:36:47It was closed last night, wasn't it?
01:36:49What are you talking about?
01:36:50I stayed here because I was curious about you.
01:36:52I stayed here for you.
01:36:53I mean, I stayed because of my humanity.
01:36:57What are you asking me for?
01:37:00Do you think we kissed and kissed with you?
01:37:04What's going on with you?
01:37:05Who are you?
01:37:06Are you my mother?
01:37:08Are you my father?
01:37:09Who are you?
01:37:11Mom, if my father was confused, it wouldn't be like this now.
01:37:22I'm sorry.
01:37:52I'm sorry.
01:38:15What did you do to deserve this?
01:38:18I'm visiting my ex-girlfriend under your supervision.
01:38:22I'm sorry.
01:38:34What do you think is normal?
01:38:40You said yesterday.
01:38:41Abnormal, abnormal movements.
01:38:44That's what I'm talking about.
01:38:47I've been thinking since yesterday.
01:38:50I can't find a way.
01:38:53What's normal?
01:38:58What's abnormal?
01:39:00Am I normal?
01:39:03Who decides that?
01:39:07You started asking silly questions again, Leyla.
01:39:10Is it abnormal to say silly?
01:39:12It's normal.
01:39:21I'm ashamed when I do something I'm ashamed of.
01:39:25Why are you ashamed of me when you do something bad?
01:39:38Am I a bad thing you did?
01:39:50I didn't do anything bad.
01:39:52I just loved someone you didn't want.
01:40:04Come on, don't waste time.
01:40:12Let's go.
01:40:34Ms. Gül, your gift is ready.
01:40:35I'll deliver it after I leave you.
01:40:43What do you want from me?
01:40:44Don't shout.
01:40:45What do you want from me?
01:40:46Don't shout.
01:40:47Do you want to take my life?
01:40:48What are you waiting for?
01:40:49Do you want my life?
01:40:50Take my life.
01:40:51Take my life.
01:40:52It's enough.
01:40:53It's enough for you.
01:40:55Are you asking me what I'm going to do?
01:40:57Are you asking me?
01:40:58The house is mine, the park is mine.
01:40:59I'll sell it to you as you want.
01:41:01What's going on?
01:41:03Why are you shouting again?
01:41:05I'm crazy.
01:41:06Crazy girl.
01:41:07I'm crazy.
01:41:08I'm crazy.
01:41:09I'm crazy.
01:41:10I'm crazy.
01:41:11Crazy girl.
01:41:12Thank God.
01:41:15Okay mom, go inside.
01:41:17Crazy girl, I'm not leaving here.
01:41:18I'm not going from here.
01:41:20He can't get me out of this house.
01:41:21Mom, go inside.
01:41:25May God punish you.
01:41:29Get well soon.
01:41:30Duygu's been attacked.
01:41:32Are you all right?
01:41:34It's obvious.
01:41:35You must have been worried about your daughters.
01:41:37Why did you come in front of the door?
01:41:39Nothing happened.
01:41:40I'm not letting you sell it.
01:41:41Devin, it's over.
01:41:44I've already sold it.
01:41:45It's too late now.
01:41:46Come on, sell it.
01:41:47Can you sell it? Come on, sell it.
01:41:48We'll see.
01:41:52I'm available. I'm very available.
01:41:54Go ahead.
01:41:56I understand.
01:41:58Now, we're waiting for the laboratory results.
01:42:00If they come, I'll see them.
01:42:02I'll think about it and then I'll come back to you.
01:42:10Oh, my nephew, welcome.
01:42:24Peace be upon you.
01:42:29And upon you.
01:42:30If you had told me you were coming, I would have prepared.
01:42:40The one on the top is cooked.
01:42:44Eat it, it's very good.
01:42:54Eat it, it'll make your liver bleed.
01:42:56Son, bring me a new torch.
01:43:07It should be hot.
01:43:09Tell me, what are we in debt to for your visit?
01:43:16We're in debt to a bloodless, dishonorable man.
01:43:28He's the one who shot the man I love like a brother.
01:43:36He tried to turn my wedding into a funeral.
01:43:40You were there, you saw it.
01:43:42He knew that the tender would go to Ati while he was doing all this.
01:43:50He called Ati while I was dealing with my dear.
01:43:56He said, Ati, run.
01:43:58Run, the lion will eat you.
01:44:06It's not about protecting the trouble, of course.
01:44:08The trouble is bleeding.
01:44:10Black money has to bleed in a week.
01:44:16After that, the donkey is in the shade.
01:44:35All accounts are closed.
01:44:45There's only one account left.
01:44:47Only one account.
01:44:49Now you're going to give me an account, Ibrahim.
01:44:55Okay, it's done.
01:45:05Do you really think you can sell this house while I'm here?
01:45:09What kind of person are you?
01:45:11The woman is living alone here.
01:45:13She doesn't work, she doesn't do anything.
01:45:15Is that all you're thinking about?
01:45:17What's going on?
01:45:18Did you become a mafia one day?
01:45:20Of course, but that's what's expected of you.
01:45:22Going to the headlines, attacking journalists.
01:45:26Don't talk about things you don't know.
01:45:28There's nothing I don't know.
01:45:30Everything is clear.
01:45:32The way you're going is not the way.
01:45:37I warned you, I'm warning you now.
01:45:39Be careful.
01:45:40Don't say I'll finish that sentence.
01:45:45Stay away from here.
01:45:47I'm not letting you sell this house.
01:45:49If it's easy, sell it.
01:45:51Let's see if I can stop you.
01:45:53I'll stop you.
01:45:55You've been trying for months.
01:45:57I'll tell those guys what kind of a man you are.
01:46:10Mr. Zafer.
01:46:11Welcome, how are you?
01:46:14I'm Devin Akın.
01:46:16Mr. Zafer, everything is ready.
01:46:19You saw the house, you liked it.
01:46:21I got an appointment from TAPO.
01:46:23Let's go to TAPO and finish this job.
01:46:25Mr. Zafer, no.
01:46:26My mother lives alone in this house.
01:46:28She has nowhere to go.
01:46:30Don't get upset, ma'am.
01:46:32We gave up on buying the house.
01:46:35We've been like this for the last second.
01:46:36I'm sorry, but...
01:46:38You can keep the car.
01:46:40It's already a small amount.
01:46:41I don't understand.
01:46:43Why did you give up?
01:46:45One minute, what happened?
01:46:46We liked another apartment.
01:46:49It's more comfortable for the kids.
01:46:51I'm sorry.
01:46:53It's been a long time, Ms. Devin.
01:46:55We just saw the news.
01:46:57We didn't know you lived in this house.
01:46:59Please apologize to us.
01:47:01Please say hello to Mr. Aslan.
01:47:06Have a nice day.
01:47:18Let's go, Turgut.
01:47:48Let's go.
01:48:29Wow, half a father.
01:48:35You know that your brother is not alive, right?
01:48:38You know that my father didn't see your bloodlessness, right?
01:48:44Slow down.
01:48:46It's the end of the world.
01:48:49Be careful.
01:48:50You know where you stand.
01:48:52Are you telling me this?
01:48:56Is the man who shot Ekrem telling me this?
01:48:59You are the servant of God.
01:49:00Look, nothing happened to that kid.
01:49:02Otherwise, I would have made you live the king of the apocalypse.
01:49:04You know me.
01:49:05I didn't tell anyone to shoot Ekrem.
01:49:08But your mother didn't talk like that when she shot Kemal.
01:49:12Your people are alive.
01:49:14Will our people explode?
01:49:16He made a mistake there, too.
01:49:17I didn't do anything wrong.
01:49:18I didn't do anything wrong.
01:49:20I did what I had to do.
01:49:22I wanted to show you the security of the farmhouse.
01:49:26By shooting your family's house?
01:49:30A chance is better than a thousand advices.
01:49:33I saw that you don't understand your advice.
01:49:36I did what I had to do.
01:49:38Your mother was at home.
01:49:39Your mother.
01:49:41What kind of a man are you?
01:49:42What kind of a son are you?
01:49:44Is it up to you to question my manhood and my sonhood?
01:49:49Come on, mind your own business.
01:49:53Look, you know very well that I can't kill you, don't you?
01:49:57Because that surname is a bulletproof vest for you.
01:50:00You know that very well, too.
01:50:01But you are my patience.
01:50:07I erased my brother in a pen.
01:50:10I erased you.
01:50:12But you are my patience.
01:50:14Don't be too crazy.
01:50:17You'll get hurt.
01:50:19I experienced that damage once when I knew my enemy.
01:50:22I knew you.
01:50:25But unfortunately, you didn't know me.
01:50:27Let me tell you.
01:50:30They say don't hold your tail.
01:50:35Don't let go when you hold it.
01:50:38Do you understand?
01:50:41From now on, don't even be afraid of your shadow.
01:50:48Look, you know.
01:50:49They're crazy about this.
01:50:53And there's a reason for this.
01:50:55You know that.
01:51:10He's here.
01:51:12What is it?
01:51:14The photograph of the smuggler.
01:51:21Yıldırım Söz'e.
01:51:22His car will go to the village from here.
01:51:27We found out where the shipment will be made.
01:51:32I'm going to Yıldırım Söz'e.
01:51:34I'm going to Yıldırım Söz'e.
01:51:36I'm going to Yıldırım Söz'e.
01:51:39Where is it?
01:51:40In Silivri, the cement factory of a man named Kürşat.
01:51:53The capital is too big, Aslan.
01:51:55İbo played big.
01:51:56If the shipment is made, Koyunlu will win five times.
01:52:00What if it doesn't happen?
01:52:03He'll blow up.
01:52:10So you know, this is not a joke.
01:52:12The smuggler and İbo's shipment will pay attention to a word.
01:52:18What should we do?
01:52:21We have to do it.
01:52:23We have to do it.
01:52:25We have to do it.
01:52:26We have to do it.
01:52:31But you have to promise me one more thing.
01:52:36Last night, everyone who organized that attack...
01:52:40When you find him, you won't do anything.
01:52:45You won't take revenge.
01:52:48You won't turn it into a stupid blood case.
01:52:56What do you want from me?
01:52:59I want you to help Aslan.
01:53:02I want you to help Aslan.
01:53:05I want you to help him.
01:53:08I want you to help him.
01:53:10It's definitely Yağmur İşgüzar's doing.
01:53:12He must have asked for help.
01:53:14He's a lion, he's a man of his word.
01:53:16He loves this kind of work.
01:53:18He never misses an opportunity.
01:53:20He's bound to do what a lion does.
01:53:24No, did I ask for help from you?
01:53:26I didn't ask for help.
01:53:28What do you care?
01:53:28It's my mother's house, isn't it?
01:53:32I'm sorry, but...
01:53:34...if I hadn't seen that smile you gave to Uncle Bey...
01:53:37...I'd have believed what you said.
01:53:40I'm so sorry.
01:53:52Why don't you start by coming back tomorrow?
01:53:56Look at these details.
01:54:07Thank you.
01:54:08Yenge, I hope I didn't get it wrong.
01:54:15No, you didn't.
01:54:17Thank you.
01:54:25Hello, Ms. Devine. Ms. Hülya sent this to you.
01:54:30Ms. Hülya?
01:54:31Yes, ma'am. Have a nice day.
01:54:39Ms. Hülya sent this to you.
01:54:54Hello, Devine.
01:54:58How are you?
01:55:00I'm fine. I'm fine, Ms. Hülya. Thank you.
01:55:03How are you?
01:55:05I'm not very well, dear. I'm a little sad.
01:55:09You know, what we've been through lately is very unpleasant.
01:55:12Especially for you.
01:55:14I mean, which woman would want to go through something like this on her wedding day?
01:55:18I personally couldn't put myself in your shoes.
01:55:21I was unfair to you.
01:55:24You're afraid.
01:55:26I mean, you're afraid of coming home, sitting at this table, being a concubine.
01:55:31Ms. Hülya, I'm not afraid of anything.
01:55:33You're right, but you should know this.
01:55:35As long as you're married to Aslan, your place is always ready at this table.
01:55:39Accept my gift.
01:55:41Have a nice day.
01:56:24Get the silverware out.
01:56:26Everyone should be at the table on time.
01:56:28Let's have a nice meal.
01:56:29Of course, dear.
01:57:30I'll add another person to the party's list of guests tomorrow night.
01:57:35Ceylan Soykan.
01:57:59Ceylan Soykan.
01:58:05It's not over, is it?
01:58:07Your trouble is not over.
01:58:14Who do you call a human being?
01:58:17There's a thief, there's a thief.
01:58:19This is Istanbul, girl.
01:58:23You broke my foot.
01:58:37I was in the bathroom, I couldn't answer the phone.
01:58:39I'm sorry.
01:58:41I bought some weird oranges.
01:58:43Would you look at these?
01:58:53What is this?
01:58:55Your mother's gift.
01:58:56Your mother's gift.
01:58:59Did my mother come here?
01:59:01No, she sent it.
01:59:03Then she called.
01:59:05She called.
01:59:08A call?
01:59:11What happened? Did she like it?
01:59:22Let's say she was very thin to my mother.
01:59:26Very thin.
01:59:30I've never seen her so thin.
01:59:32With this thin gift, you have no right to a surname.
01:59:35How thin, right?
01:59:37Yeah, of course.
01:59:41It's a very open subject.
01:59:44Of course, I think.
01:59:46Of course, you think about it again, analyze it.
01:59:50What about you?
01:59:52What's it to you?
01:59:54Did I ask you for help?
01:59:56I don't understand. What help? What are you talking about?
01:59:59Don't do it, for God's sake.
02:00:01Is it up to you to solve my mother's problem?
02:00:03What about your mother? What happened to your mother?
02:00:05Did something happen to your mother?
02:00:07If it happened, why don't you tell me?
02:00:12Don't you know?
02:00:14What don't I know?
02:00:16What? What happened?
02:00:18My father took my mother out of the house.
02:00:21I thought Yağmur told you.
02:00:25Anyway, is it solved?
02:00:28It's solved, it's solved.
02:00:30So why did you think of me? What does it have to do with me?
02:00:33I don't know. I called the housekeepers in advance. I talked to them. I thought you scared them.
02:00:37But you didn't.
02:00:39So they found out that I was the bride of the nobles.
02:00:43And they gave up buying a house out of fear. Is that okay?
02:00:47Is it good?
02:00:55What did you do to the informant?
02:01:01What are you going to do? Are you going to find him and beat him up?
02:01:04You've already humiliated him, my daughter.
02:01:07You didn't leave it to me. You snatched it, Elif.
02:01:10Didn't you snatch it?
02:01:12Didn't you snatch it?
02:01:15Didn't you snatch it?
02:01:18I didn't snatch it, that's all.
02:01:20What do you want from me?
02:01:21What do you want from me?
02:01:44Let's go home.
02:01:48Come here.
02:01:50You asked me for a promise, and I couldn't give you that promise.
02:02:00Now I'm here to give you that promise.
02:02:04What did you say?
02:02:05Even when you find Eko Yuvan,
02:02:08don't let the blood go to waste.
02:02:10Even if you find him,
02:02:13you said you'd never do anything, right?
02:02:19I found the one who did it.
02:02:23I found the one who made me do it.
02:02:27But I didn't do anything.
02:02:31I had a chance, but I didn't do anything.
02:02:35For the first time in my life,
02:02:41I left something like that unreturned.
02:02:46For you.
02:02:49For you.
02:02:53I kept my promise.
02:02:56Come home with me.
02:02:58Come home.
02:03:00Come on.
02:03:02We'll stay for a while.
02:03:05we'll go to our own house.
02:03:07Look, look at me.
02:03:11My family needs me.
02:03:12I need you, too, my girl.
02:03:15I need you.
02:03:16My family needs me.
02:03:17I need you, too, my girl.
02:03:32People make their fathers' deaths
02:03:35pass faster than their heirs' loss.
02:03:40Why didn't it happen to you?
02:03:42Why couldn't you
02:03:46your father's death, Cihan?
02:03:47Why couldn't you overcome your father's death, Cihan?
02:04:10Did you get a letter again?
02:04:17Didn't you say
02:04:18not to touch anyone else's belongings?
02:04:22Someone played with your settings again.
02:04:25Don't take it out on me.
02:04:28Whoever hurt you, go and settle the score with him.
02:04:30Leave me alone.
02:04:47I love you.
02:05:03Dinner is almost ready. Don't be late.
02:05:17I'm ready.
02:05:19We can go.
02:06:17I love you.
02:06:47I love you.
02:07:17I love you.
02:07:18I love you.
02:07:20I love you.
02:07:47It happened now.
02:08:17Enjoy your meal.
02:08:18Thank you.
02:08:48I love you.
02:08:49I love you.
02:08:50I love you.
02:09:47I love you.
02:09:48I love you.
02:09:49I love you.
02:09:50I love you.
02:09:51I love you.
02:09:52I love you.
02:09:53I love you.
02:09:54I love you.
02:09:55I love you.
02:09:56I love you.
02:09:57I love you.
02:09:58I love you.
02:09:59I love you.
02:10:00I love you.
02:10:01I love you.
02:10:02I love you.
02:10:03I love you.
02:10:04I love you.
02:10:05I love you.
02:10:06I love you.
02:10:07I love you.
02:10:08I love you.
02:10:09I love you.
02:10:10I love you.
02:10:11I love you.
02:10:12I love you.
02:10:13I love you.
02:10:14I love you.
02:10:15I love you.
02:10:24Aslan took the secular old fan aramızda kalsın bu devin bilmesin iyi geceler
02:10:32Nasıl ya
02:10:33Sen bilmiyor musun neyi bilmiyor muyum devin babam
02:10:38Annemin evini satmaya kalktı da
02:10:41Bende yağmur sana söyledi falan zannettim peki benden beni neden düşündüm benle ne alakası varmış
02:10:46Ne bileyim işte bir müstakbel ev sahiplerini aradım konuştum korkuttun zannettim ama yapmamışsın
02:11:06İstanbul'un Silivri ilçesinde bulunan bir çimento fabrikasının atık deposunda bugün saat 20 sularında henüz bilinmeyen bir nedenle yangın çıktı sayın seyirciler
02:11:15Bölgedeki kuvvetli rüzgar nedeniyle yangının kısa sürede tüm fabrikaya yayılması bölge halkını tedirgin etti
02:11:21Alevlerin büyümesi ve itfaiye ekiplerinin yetersiz kalması üzerine beton mikserleriyle yangın yerine su taşındı
02:11:27Sevkiyatın nereden yapılacağını bulduk
02:11:33Kürşat diye bir yer çimento fabrikasından Silivri'de
02:11:37Sermaye çok büyük Aslan
02:11:39İbo büyük oynamış
02:11:41Sevkiyat gerçekleşirse koyduğunun 5 katını kazandı
02:11:44Ya gerçekleşmezse
02:11:46Kısa sürede savaş alanına dönen fabrikadan işçilerin tahliyesi dakikalar içerisinde sağlanırken
02:11:52Çıkan yangında Yıldırım Sözen ismindeki bir işçi hayatını kaybetti
02:11:57Tetikçinin fotoğrafı
02:11:59Yıldırım Sözen
02:12:01Sabıkası buradan köye yol olur
02:12:03Tetikçi de
02:12:05İbon'un sevkiyatı da bir lafına bakar
02:12:09Ne yapalım
02:12:14Eko yuvarını bulduğun zaman bile
02:12:19Asla bir şey yapmayacaksın dedin değil mi
02:12:23Yapanı da buldun
02:12:27Yaptıranı da buldun
02:12:31Ama bir şey yapmadın
02:12:35Hayatımda ilk defa
02:12:41Öyle bir şeyi karşılıksız bıraktım
02:12:43Sende canım
02:14:43Altyazı M.K.
