• 6 months ago
Al Sur del Corazón Capitulo 10 Completo
Al Sur del Corazón Capitulo 11 Completo
Al Sur del Corazón Capitulo 12 Completo
Al Sur del Corazón Capitulo 10 Completo
00:00Whoa, it's done present and oh, I'm sure del Corazón
00:13Siento que se mudó y te quiere hablar que este ciego ya no puede ver
00:18Este sueldo no te va a escuchar el amor no tiene que doler
00:23Pero hace tiempo que este amor me duele todo me duele
00:30Me la paso en la calle bien solo y tú en la casa aburrida
00:34Me abriste mil heridas yo la mantenía escondidas esta serie ya me la vi y aunque tiene varios finales
00:43en el próximo capítulo tu ya no sales
00:46Necesito un segundo
00:50Este amor es de loco
00:56Que tú no eres pa tanto y yo no soy tan poco
01:12Dice el corazón va a llevarte la mitad porque tú no tenía
01:26Necesito un segundo
01:38Porque tú no
01:46Bueno y
01:47Que dice yo te voy a cobrar un precio justo lo suficiente para yo tener una entrada y tú sigues igual
01:54Impresionante ni te arrogáis
01:57Emilia estoy buscando una solución no no estás buscando una solución
02:01Te estás colgando de mi trabajo para vivir como un parásito
02:04Si estas a alturas de la vida tú no tienes nada bueno por algo será porque nunca me preocupó
02:11Yo no quiero discutir contigo emilia de verdad no quiero discutir yo lo estuve pensando y creo que es lo mejor
02:17Tú me pagas un arriendo por mi parte del campo yo mientras tanto busco algo en que trabajar
02:23Porque si no voy a tener que buscar un comprador que se que sea adecuado para mí
02:31Acepto el trato pero con una condición
02:35A ver
02:38Yo te pago el arriendo mes a mes pero te vas de octavio
02:42Y me vaya si no te quiero cerca y bueno te diste cuenta que mis hijas tampoco
02:48perdón porque dices eso yo ni siquiera tenía la oportunidad de acercarme a ella no esa oportunidad de las arreastras en muchos años
02:55allá allá
02:56yo no quiero discutir de verdad
02:59Yo tampoco
03:01acepta el trato y te vas
03:04Sabes que emilia con esa actitud no vas a ganar nada no quiero ganar nada quiero vivir en paz
03:09Es que tú debieras estar agradecida de mí debieras agradecerme que yo no te echa el agua
03:18perdona pero yo estoy jugando a ser el papá de la trini y ni siquiera te estoy exigiendo saber quién es el verdadero padre
03:26Me está chantajeando no no no no no solamente quiero que tú le tomes el peso a mi buena onda
03:34Por tu buena onda
03:36acepta el trato y ándate de aquí
03:40Emilia no te vayas en mala de verdad legalmente la mitad de todo esto es mío
03:51acepta mi trato y ándate de aquí o si no nos vamos a tribunales y te vas a demorar años
04:00en ganarme un juicio
04:11por favor como va a existir un fantasma de una novia llorona no te pasaste
04:16oiga usted bien incrédula se nota que santiaguina nombre es que primero la maldición de las bravas ahora una novia que anda llorando
04:23corta la mano ya que hay una cantidad de cuentos que ni te explico mi amor
04:29Y como te fue con tu jefe bien bien mira no me dejó renunciar
04:34pero me dijo que puedo
04:36Trabajar y viajar a santiago solamente para las cosas urgentes yo tengo un jefe total
04:41bueno pues estáis a la mugre por el pues lo mínimo no te lo mereces mi amor
04:49Mira mi papá dice que vienen a comer en la noche el juan y la meche
04:53pa que le avisan a una ola ya voy a pedir que me traigan un chanchito entonces
04:59Y rico
05:01y por qué no prepara esas galletitas que hizo ayer para el cafecito digo yo así todos cooperamos con qué galletitas yo no la
05:08probé es que eran para un vecino le gustaron sí sí yo creo que le encantaron
05:14eran para la gracia
05:17Por qué le está haciendo galletas a la gracia
05:20bueno porque si estoy armando vida acá en el campo me pareció buena onda y además que quiero tener una amiga acá
05:27Pero la cita gracia es tan repasca por búsquese otra amiga mejor
05:33Reservada un poco tímida no ya bueno pero no tenemos por qué ser mejores amigas de un día para otro pero
05:38nada es como de mi edad y podemos hablar de bien cuando no
05:41obvio por supuesto está bien mi amor
05:44ya yo las dejo porque tengo que ir a ver una máquina le está fallando el enfriador
05:49Ya nos vemos chao nos vemos después la comida con el panito y la leche
05:59Qué pasa
06:01No, no
06:03Es que igual yo me dio raro eso de andar haciéndose la simpática con la cita gracia po
06:09a ver
06:10Aquí nadie se anda haciendo como la simpática yo fui tal como soy
06:17Ya po pero yo le digo al tiro que las bravas no son nada andar haciendo amistad
06:21Bueno estoy segura de que conmigo eso va a ser distinto
06:42De lista con la planificación del mes y también aprovechó ser el cierre de cuentas
06:46Hiciste los pagos si todo menos los de los operadores porque tienen que venir a hacer la mantención de la maquinaria antes de liberar el
06:53pago pero si bueno agresó cuando haya buscar a la tv
06:58muchas gracias
06:59gracias diciendo gracias aquí pesado si de verdad te lo agradezco tengo la cabeza de más en cualquier lado que vino el papá
07:08Aquí vino a hablar el tema del fundo con la mamá por suerte la abuela no lo vio
07:13Pero para que vino si lo podría haber llamado por lo mismo digo yo
07:16lo único que viene ese caballero a provocar parece que le gustara
07:24Así que te llevan galletas
07:36Me dejaste en visto
07:41No te miento que tomado de más ojalá no te haya molestado la vale lo hizo de buena persona que es
07:52Oye tanto mensajito
07:58Hoy yo no tengo ni un pelo de tonta conozco esa carita yo la inventé
08:03Así que santa gracia al fin andan malos
08:10Cheria nada más
08:13y sabéis que yo iré a buscar a la trini aprovecho de ver el tema de los operadores en serio
08:21ya gracias feliz te quiero
08:24también te quiero
08:32Dime si
08:53Mi papá es súper buena onda de verdad no sé por qué lo odian tanto en mi casa
09:01Ya pero es un rollo de mi mamá con él no mío
09:04la cosa es que ahora está aquí no justo que sólo porque lo odian no me deje conocerlo bien te digo algo
09:10sentí que tuvimos como una conexión
09:12como que éramos parecidos
09:15Como los gestos la forma de hablar la mirada
09:46Y ahí está bien si no necesito tanta leña tampoco mejor que sobre que falte dice la tía mecha
09:51Sí y a ti no te falta una parece
09:54sube que ahora andáis de profe particular
09:56Como la cita valentina andada de lo más contenta parecía perro con dos colas
10:03Bueno si quieres yo no tengo problema
10:06Pero tú tenés tu pega también po después ni te vamos a ver con tanta cuestión
10:11pero igual tengo tiempo de mala señorita valentina es simpática
10:15Se le da natural lo de los caballos no encuentro cuál es el problema
10:20Dios los cría y el diablo los juntaba
10:25En serio y cada vez más pega aquí y más encima
10:30todos los problemas que tiene la cita valentina con todas sus mañas
10:34te nomás mujer como siempre
10:38Parece que te gusta la idea
10:41Cuidadito que esa mujer ya tiene dueño así no tengo nada que ver ahí que estáis hablando
10:47Saben lo que debería hacer que mirar a las chiquillas como una
10:53Solterita y desperdicia porque el que no agarra lo que Dios le da buena miseria tendrá
11:23gracias gracias
11:25Oscar, can you say hi to my dad, please?
11:28Yes, I'll tell him.
11:33Why are you saying hi to him?
11:35Why does it bother you so much?
11:36Because you don't know him.
11:38I don't know him because you don't let me.
11:40You have me in a bad way and you always tell me the same story.
11:43Because he didn't let me, because he didn't leave me.
11:45Excuse me, does that seem like little to you?
11:48I'm never going to forgive him, Trini, never.
11:51That's your problem, not mine.
11:53I was a baby, I don't have to think like you do.
11:59Do you have five minutes?
12:06He was here again and they scared him.
12:08He went to see me at the dairy.
12:10Of course, he doesn't dare to come to the house because he knows I have good aim.
12:17He wants to rent the field.
12:20I guess you told him no.
12:22What does he want me to do?
12:24Half of it is his.
12:25No, it's going to be impossible.
12:27And besides, he can tell Trini that he's not his father.
12:30That was part of the deal.
12:32I rent the field, he leaves Octavio and doesn't approach the girls.
12:37I don't trust him.
12:39Me neither, Mom.
12:41It's the only thing that came to my mind.
12:42If you have a better idea, tell me.
12:53No, I have to keep working.
12:56I just wanted to tell you that I'm thinking of staying.
12:59I talked to your mom.
13:01Stay for what?
13:02I love the idea.
13:03Do you really want to stay?
13:05Well, if it doesn't bother you, I...
13:06Of course not.
13:07Gracia, don't look at me like that.
13:09I want to try.
13:11Try what?
13:12To show you that even if it's late, I can still be the father...
13:16I don't need a father anymore.
13:18But I do.
13:19See you later.
13:21See you later?
13:23I love that you want to stay.
13:24Yes, let's talk a lot more.
13:25Let's go.
13:28See how nice it is?
13:30How beautiful it is.
13:31Let's go.
13:49Come on, Trini. What's wrong?
13:52What do you mean nothing? You've been quiet all this time.
13:54Why would I talk if everything I say isn't true?
13:57Do you think I'm stupid?
13:59That's not true.
14:01Even my mom challenges me less than you do.
14:03Well, if I challenge you, it's because I'm taking care of you.
14:05If you challenge me, it's because I'm a burden to you.
14:08You're always fighting with me.
14:10It would be better for you if I didn't exist.
14:16Trini, look at me.
14:29Trini, look at me.
14:33Trini, Trini.
14:36You're what I love the most in this world.
14:39That's not true.
14:40You did it to console me.
14:42No, I'm telling you from the bottom of my heart.
14:45How can I not love you if you're the best in the family?
14:50Did you know that I chose your name?
14:52I don't believe you.
14:53I don't believe you.
14:54I don't believe you.
14:55I don't believe you.
14:56I don't believe you.
14:57Did you know that I chose your name?
14:59I don't believe you.
15:00Moms choose that.
15:03Well, in this case, it was me.
15:06I remember that you were born and I looked at you and I thought you had to be called like that.
15:10You had big eyes like now and a nose like a dot.
15:15I'm proud of my name.
15:16When I was a kid, I didn't like mine either, but now I love it.
15:22Let's not fight, Mom.
15:23But you're the one who fights.
15:25You're my older sister, not my mom, so stop challenging me.
15:32I promise I'll do my best.
15:36Can I tell you a secret?
15:38When I was a baby, the only person I talked to was me.
15:46I love you.
15:49Will you forgive me?
15:53Hey, I really love my name.
15:55Thanks for choosing me.
16:06Work here?
16:08Yes, but it's not such a stable job.
16:11There are many expectations.
16:12No, so I can earn you a few pesos.
16:14No, it's not that much.
16:16But whatever it is, it's good for me.
16:18And I'm happy.
16:19Thank you very much for thinking of me too.
16:21No, of course.
16:22We needed someone trustworthy.
16:24Since we didn't find anyone...
16:26Look, the only thing I hope is that you don't let us down.
16:30No, how can I let you down?
16:32In fact, you'll be so happy with my performance
16:35that you'll be looking for excuses to go out to party.
16:38Oh, that's great.
16:39Then we'll be able to go out every night.
16:42No, no, no.
16:43No, Mom, without so much detail.
16:46Mom, don't make a scene.
16:47And don't let anyone stay here
16:50until we have something to do.
16:53Nothing more.
16:55No, that's enough.
16:56So, what do we do with that, Juan?
16:59Hey, when did we talk about money?
17:01You see?
17:02He got so...
17:03Okay, okay, calm down.
17:04I'll take care of that.
17:08What's up?
17:15Wait here, I'm going to make it short.
17:17Okay, but at least leave the keys to listen to music.
17:22In your hands.
17:29Is it closed?
17:37We meet again.
17:39For the big guys.
17:41They say so.
17:42What are you doing there?
17:43I came to talk to Ramire.
17:45I need the operators to fix a machine for me,
17:47but they're having breakfast.
17:50I also came to talk to him.
17:52And if we wait for him together,
17:53we can have a coffee.
17:54I'm in a hurry.
17:55And I have Latina waiting for me in the car.
17:59Hey, and...
18:00You didn't answer me anything on WhatsApp.
18:02About the cookies.
18:05No, no, no.
18:06I was...
18:07You caught me working.
18:08Ah, of course.
18:09Well, but answering a WhatsApp is about 15 seconds.
18:11I sent you a question.
18:13I was on the tractor and...
18:15Well, if I don't answer you, I don't answer you.
18:17How much?
18:18No, obvious, obvious.
18:19I just wanted to know if...
18:21If Vale knew where she was.
18:23I don't know, like...
18:24Like a reason to fear.
18:25I thought maybe she had made you angry.
18:27No, no.
18:28She was loving.
18:29Oh, I see.
18:31Yes, I think she's a little lonely.
18:32She feels lonely here.
18:34She told me you were getting married.
18:36Ah, no.
18:37How can this happen?
18:39We're just hanging out.
18:40She came to stay here with me to see what's going on.
18:43To catch up.
18:44It's good that she's staying.
18:48I'm leaving.
18:53Well, let's have a coffee some other day.
19:04It was bad.
19:06It was closed.
19:09No, no, no, no, no.
19:12How can a blind person see how that guy looks at you?
19:16You're talking nonsense.
19:18I don't know.
19:19But be careful there.
19:21Because I caught how he looks at you.
19:24You're drunk, aren't you?
19:25I'm thing.
19:26The one you drink?
19:28Ah, yes.
19:29Drunk as a mule.
19:30I have a bad mood.
19:32But the fact is that I have things to do.
19:34We're going to the beach.
19:38Do you want to go?
19:40Let's go.
19:42Let's go.
19:43We'll go.
19:44Do you want to go with me?
19:52The only thing I have in the kitchen is to suck your fingers.
19:57Look at me, I'm talking to you.
19:59What's up?
20:02Why don't you give me a hand in the kitchen?
20:04I'll do it, you come here.
20:05I have malice.
20:07Mucho amor.
20:11Hello, teacher.
20:15How are you?
20:17Don't call me teacher if I didn't teach you anything.
20:19You're going to teach me, right?
20:22Look, I need to learn urgently.
20:25Yes, well, I don't have a problem.
20:26If you want, happy, happy help.
20:29Thank you.
20:30I promise you that I will be the best student.
20:33Do we agree tomorrow then?
20:36Of course, I'm always going around here, so there's no problem.
20:41I love it.
20:43Well, excuse me, I'll leave you.
20:47Hey, thanks again.
20:51I'm dying to learn how to ride a horse.
20:54Knight, good night.
20:56Don Felipe, how are you?
20:57Fine, and you?
20:58Fine, fine, fine.
20:58You have to go to eat, I guess, right?
21:00No, thank you very much, but I have things to do.
21:02But what do you have to do so much at this time?
21:04You have to eat so well in life.
21:05Well, whatever it is, there are always things to do.
21:09Well, I left you the fire.
21:12With permission.
21:13Thanks, Pablito.
21:15Hey, this is delicious.
21:16Hey, he's a charm.
21:19Like my brother.
21:20Imagine if we grew up together.
21:22You know what I would like?
21:24To find Polola.
21:25I find that he is a little lonely, suddenly, and I...
21:28I wish him the best, that bastard.
21:33They arrived, it seems.
21:38Hello, good night.
21:41Thank you, Pelica, for opening the door.
21:43Hey, I have a pico sour, but it's super delicious.
21:46I read everything, Manuel.
21:47Come in, come in.
21:48Welcome to Puerto Aztay.
21:51Thank you, thank you.
21:53How are you? Welcome.
21:54Well, you already met the bar.
21:55Thank you.
21:55Yes, well, we hope to have you here soon.
21:57Oh yes, I hope the same.
22:00Oh, but how good, they already introduced themselves.
22:03Hello, Meche.
22:06Valentina, I want you to meet Meche and Juan.
22:09The best.
22:10Yes, but you don't know that they are the best friends I have here in Puerto Aztay.
22:15Oh, how cute.
22:17The best.
22:17Come in, come in.
22:18Excuse me.
22:23Mom, I don't want to lie to you.
22:26That day I saw my dad.
22:29At the grocery store.
22:31I went to drop off the expensive ones.
22:34And did you talk to him?
22:36We couldn't because Gracia didn't let me.
22:38My son was in a hurry.
22:40I don't understand why he gets angry when he sees him.
22:43Like he doesn't want me to be alone with him, just like you.
22:47What happens is that Gracia had a very bad time when your dad abandoned us.
22:54But I don't hate him.
22:56You still have to understand that.
22:58Besides, I wouldn't do anything, I'm his daughter.
23:00No, yes, yes, of course.
23:01But, but...
23:03I don't want you to get your hopes up with him.
23:05I don't want you to have a bad time like your brothers did.
23:08Mom, I already know how to defend myself, I'm not a little goat.
23:11Oh, but I don't care.
23:12I'm going to defend you the same way, until you're old.
23:16The only one who understands me is Mila.
23:24Anyway, today Gracia told me some super nice things.
23:29She told me that she chose the name that when the girl cried,
23:32that the only thing that calmed me down was her.
23:34Oh, well, that's true.
23:37Yes, all that is true, it's because...
23:41Because Gracia loves you very much.
23:44Well, we all love you very much.
23:46She said that you were the person she loved the most in the world.
23:48I know she said that so I wouldn't get mad.
23:54She said it because it's true.
23:57She loves you very much. You're very lucky.
23:59We all love you very much.
24:01You're our gift, you're...
24:03You're our piggy.
24:05That's why it's important that you never forget
24:07that even if you find us unpleasant,
24:10that we don't understand you,
24:12we will always, always take care of you.
24:17Yes, but you don't forget that I want to take care of you too.
24:23Obviously, if you're a brava.
24:28No, really, so when he fell...
24:31No, no, it's a lie, it's a lie.
24:34It's the same, it's the same.
24:36Hey, I want to make a toast to thank life
24:41first for these tremendous friends it gave me.
24:44It's been a while since anyone came.
24:46The black man doesn't get me out of my head.
24:50Well, let's take advantage and make...
24:52Let's add the toast to the fact that...
24:54Well, I told you, you're starting to get more out of it.
24:57And enjoy this pleasant moment.
25:06Well, I also want to make a toast.
25:09Yes, because I'm happy to continue
25:11meeting all the friends of my father-in-law.
25:14And it seems that I'm going to get used to living here very quickly.
25:17And maybe we'll also have a big celebration soon.
25:23Right, my love?
25:25Do you want someone to celebrate your birthday, my love?
25:30Don't be silly.
25:31If for some reason I'm staying here in the bar,
25:33cut it out.
25:35And are you having a good time here?
25:37Do they treat you well?
25:38Yes, yes, everything is super good.
25:39Well, I'm super sociable, so...
25:43I try to talk to all the people in the area.
25:45I even went to the house of the neighbors.
25:47Eat, my love.
25:47Thank you.
25:48Of the Bravas?
25:50And did they welcome you?
25:51Yes, yes, super good.
25:52I went to leave some cookies to Gracia,
25:54who has met her a couple of times here.
25:56Hey, the pecking is delicious, huh?
25:57Yes, it's delicious.
25:59Try this.
26:00Very good, very good.
26:02Anyway, they are super special.
26:04I find it a bit strange to live like...
26:07I don't know, so enclosed with the curse and karma.
26:12I don't know, I find them like a sect.
26:14Okay, okay, okay.
26:15Here we all know each other.
26:17Meche is a good friend of Mrs. Emilia, in fact.
26:19Oh, oh, sorry, sorry.
26:21Sometimes, because I talk too much, I get lost.
26:24Sorry, I have no idea.
26:25No, no, calm down.
26:27We all know her here and we know how they are.
26:30So don't worry.
26:31No, really, don't worry.
26:33But the truth is that she has not had a good time in life
26:36and they are super strong women who have come out ahead
26:39and they deserve all my respect.
26:40Yes, yes.
26:42Well, I'm going to reserve my opinion.
26:47Come on, Valentina.
26:48Tell me, what did you think of the bed?
26:49Was it what you expected?
26:51Yes, no, less, more?
26:54More, much more, yes.
26:55Everything here has its charm.
26:57It's like being, I don't know,
26:58stuck in the photos that one sees in the Instagram stories.
27:02Attention, platoon.
27:04The food is almost ready.
27:05Go to the dining room.
27:12Let's go.
27:17Hey, it's just that today in the afternoon, no, no, no,
27:21I don't know, I couldn't tell you something
27:24that I'm a little, like, choked up, really.
27:27Is it private?
27:28No, no, no, on the contrary, Meche, no.
27:30It's also good that you listen to it.
27:33No, well, we are friends and you know me,
27:36I am direct and...
27:42for me it is deeply unpleasant
27:44that Francisco is there in the hostel.
27:48And nothing, I wanted to ask you,
27:50if it were possible,
27:53to get him out of there.
28:21What were you doing?
28:23Looking at old photos.
28:29Trini told me that you had met Francisco.
28:33Yes, he appeared again.
28:35What a rage.
28:37And Trini is a happy mother.
28:41Luckily we were together.
28:43I don't know what your dad came for.
28:48I hurry to stir the chicken coop.
28:51And we were fine.
28:55If Trini knows the truth, I'm going to die.
28:59She won't know.
29:01You have to be calm.
29:03You have to trust.
29:06What if it is known?
29:08Trini's world is going to collapse, Mom.
29:12It will be known.
29:17we have to be together in this.
29:20As always.
29:51That bitch.
29:53That scared bitch is here in my house.
29:56After all the dirty things she did to us.
29:59Get out of here.
30:01Mom, Mom.
30:03Do you realize how she got?
30:06she always gets like this when there's something she doesn't like.
30:08It's not new.
30:09Why did you come?
30:13I came to celebrate.
30:16Luckily we're going to be partners, right?
30:22I want us to sign the lease contract
30:25I'm here to tell you that I'm going to
30:28accept Trinidad as my daughter
30:30without asking any questions.
30:33Why did you say that, Dad?
