• last year
Majella McAlister, Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council's Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Economic Development and Planning with Michael McKenna, the council's Deputy Director of Investment and Business Development, explaing what the new office space at the former Glengormley Police Station site will mean for the borough.


00:00 So we're here in Glangormley today to mark the sod cutting and the launch of our new
00:11 workspace hub in the centre of the town. This project has been supported by the Leveling
00:16 Up Fund and by the council. So we're delighted to have created an innovative, dynamic hub
00:22 in the middle of Glangormley which will be available to entrepreneurs, start-up businesses
00:27 and early growth businesses. We hope to have the facility completed by the end of 2025
00:33 and available to new occupants for early 26th. What will be significant and unique about
00:38 this actual facility will be that we will have professional wraparound support for anyone
00:43 who is interested in starting up a business in this area. Importantly, what we want to
00:49 do is really create a community of entrepreneurs and businesses that will operate from this
00:53 facility and that we will then be able to support both directly from the council and
00:58 through our partner organisations like our enterprise agencies, Invest NI and other partners.
01:04 We think importantly this project will also not only stimulate local business and local
01:08 business start-up, for us it's about supporting the future of Glangormley Town Centre as well.
01:13 Once completed around 300 people can work on this site and we see that as a real opportunity
01:18 for the local businesses in the town centre and the area really to benefit from that working
01:23 population coming in daily and spending that money at the drone centre.
