• 9 hours ago
Mike Fisher proves he's the oldest swinger in town by still turning out for this local cricket team every week - at the age of 91.

The grandfather-of-two from Walsall, West Midlands, UK is still batting off opponents decades younger than him - 75 years after taking up the sport.

The RAF veteran turns out for two hours a week, every Friday, for his local team and says he can still play all over the field.

Mike, who is probably Britain's oldest cricketer, averages around eight runs a game - and has vowed to carry on playing for as long as he can.


00:00I like playing cricket because we get to exercise, we run in between the wickets, we should be
00:08running, we should be walking, running is most of it, and we're moving around the field
00:12all the time, every time we move around, so when I'm playing football, I'm usually standing
00:17in one position all the time.
00:19Yes, I'd recommend Cricket for anybody, he's a nice steady game to play, you don't get
00:26out of breath, you're only walking, so I'd like to play cricket, but I'd never really
00:34played cricket seriously at all when I was younger.
00:38My ambition is to still be playing at 92, that is my main thing, I was 91 last year
00:44and now I'm 92, whether I should get that far I don't know, but I should try.
