Duke freshman is the latest Chicago player to come to the Blue Devils. He talks about the Chicago-Duke pipeline and his favorite players from the Windy City
00:00 I was definitely in contact with him during the recruiting period and then after I committed a little bit, but I kind of haven't talked to him like that.
00:09 I'm definitely going to have to hit him up and talk to him about that for sure.
00:12 You know, it's great just to be another basketball player from Chicago to come here to Duke and then North Carolina.
00:20 It's a great setting to be here. It's very peaceful to be here.
00:23 It's just a great feeling just having the opportunity to play under a great coach and Coach K and just being coached by the other guys.
00:32 Then playing alongside great players as well, just night in and night out is going to be really fun.
00:38 Just playing on this team, you get better every day.
00:42 The competition is good and you learn something every day, so it's been really interesting to me.
00:48 Toughness, mentally, just always have to stay mentally tough and just keep my head straight and always be positive.
00:57 Jahliel Okafor, as far as my favorite Dookie for sure, because he went to Whitney Young.
01:06 Just seeing, hearing his story and everything, his story getting out.
01:10 My favorite player from Chicago is probably Derrick Rose. Derrick Rose, I love his game.