Duke has had success in avoiding COVID-19 outbreaks so far, and now the Blue Devils are doubling the ACC's requirement by going to daily testing of players during the season.
00:00Well, the first thing I think all of us need to realize and
00:04know is that player health and safety is number one in everything we're doing.
00:11We're taking the time that it takes and that's why I'm mentioning time.
00:16So it's not just the testing, it's the protocols,
00:19it's the two different locker rooms that we're using.
00:23It's the physical distancing, it's the masking.
00:27I feel really awkward now without a mask because I wear one all day long.
00:33It is every bit of this requires our players to have extreme discipline.
00:39Could not be more proud of them and what they've done.
00:43I think the NBA has showed us that to whatever level you can create a bubble,
00:48that's what you have to do.
00:50And our guys have done a great job with that without necessarily being
00:55in a bubble, but hygiene, masking, distancing, all of that has played a role in it.
01:02Testing has played a role in it.
01:04We've been twice a week, a big part of the time since we've been back.
01:10And our guys have done great with that.
01:14We are moving into, in the next few days,
01:17we'll be going into daily testing that we're gonna do here.
01:21I think the conference is doing three tests a week, every institution,
01:27but we're gonna be moving into a daily regimen.
01:31It takes time, we're willing to give the time to do that again.
01:35We wanna keep our players safe,
01:37we wanna keep all of our personnel that work with our players.
01:41And everyone that comes in contact with them, it's important to us.
01:45So it's important to Duke University, it's very important to us, and
01:49we're gonna be diligent in every aspect in that regard.
01:54So we got a lot of different ways we're going about traveling and
01:58how we're gonna do it.
01:59And it's a unique time, I've learned a lot about,
02:06I mean a great deal about how you can prevent the spread of any infectious disease.
02:12And we will continue on a lot of these paths in the future.
02:16Hopefully COVID-19 gets behind us at some point.
02:20But I still think we've all learned a lot about trying to stay healthy and safe.