• last year
Duke center Will Taylor thinks the offensive line is more aggressive this season, saying there's been "something different in the air" about them in preseason camp.
00:00 Well, I think first it starts with us on the O-line, obviously.
00:04 And I feel like everything we've been doing in this shortened off season,
00:08 we've taken every day and come out ready to work.
00:11 And Coach Fry has prepared us, gotten our minds right,
00:15 kind of helped build up a new type of culture and standard that we play to.
00:19 And I feel like everyone out here can feel it when we're practicing
00:24 that there's something different in the air about us.
00:26 And I'm excited to see what we do Saturday.
00:28 I feel like we're more physical.
00:30 That's the biggest thing.
00:32 I've had a lot of fun coming out here these past couple weeks through camp
00:35 where you line up across from a guy
00:38 and all you're thinking about is running straight through him.
00:41 It's fun to play like that.
00:43 It's fun to – the less you have to think about in your head,
00:46 the more you can think about being physical.
00:48 And I feel like that's going to be our key.
00:51 I feel like I'm a lead by example guy.
00:53 I feel like I come out here ready to work every day.
00:56 And, you know, there are going to be some days where I'm not bringing it as much
01:00 and someone else can pick me up and, you know, get my head right and then vice versa.
01:05 And, honestly, that's the main thing is, you know, you say I'm a veteran guy,
01:10 but some of our young guys, it's honestly been incredible watching them work
01:15 all through this camp.
01:17 And I feel like we're a whole room full of leaders.
01:21 And, you know, like I was saying, like one guy is dropping down,
01:24 another one picks it right back up.
01:26 So, it's fun to play with these guys.
01:28 Chase, you know, obviously I've got a lot of history with him.
01:31 He's a great leader.
01:34 You know, you saw at Clemson, he knows how to perform in pressure situations.
01:39 Got a great arm and just a great person in general.
01:42 You know, I'm definitely glad to have him behind us
01:44 and I'm glad to be protecting him.
01:46 Chase and football, so I guess we've probably been playing together
01:49 since about, I guess, seventh or eighth grade.
01:53 But, T-Ball goes back even further.
01:55 You know, we've been on the same teams and in the same county all our lives.
02:00 So, you know, it's definitely – it's tough to replicate that chemistry.
02:05 Yeah, I feel comfortable with him back there.
02:08 You know, I feel comfortable with any of our guys back there,
02:10 but I'm excited to see what Chase does Saturday.
02:13 Oh, definitely.
02:14 And I know I saw something they put out with Kevin Lehman talking about this.
02:18 You know, we wouldn't be able to do it without the kind of guys that we have
02:21 here and just people that take pride in doing the little things right.
02:25 And so, you know, it hasn't been something that's affecting us now
02:29 and I don't see it being an issue during the season.
