TV star defends telling mother and baby to leave show over ‘gurgles’

  • 5 months ago
TV star defends telling mother and baby to leave show over 'gurgles'9 News, Today


00:00 I have no idea if she was breastfeeding or not because I'm on stage. For those that wouldn't know,
00:05 when you're on a lit stage, seeing the audience is like looking into a dark room
00:10 while someone shines a flashlight in your face. You can make out shapes, silhouettes. I could see
00:14 there was likely a woman holding a baby. That's all I could see. The breastfeeding was never part
00:20 of it. I didn't even hear about that until two days after this thing happened. So that was news
00:26 to me, literally. And yet, you see it all across the media. Breastfeeding mom, breastfeeding mom.
00:30 That is a non-issue in this thing because if it were the father, I would have acted the exact
00:38 same way. It had to do with the baby making noise and yeah, it was an audio issue, purely.
00:48 I had nothing to do with the mom. I have nothing against moms, obviously.
