There will be no Little League World Series for the first time in the event's 73-year history due to the covid-19 virus that has shut down sports all over North America. More than 300,000 people attend the World Series each year over the 10-day event.
00:00 Music.
00:05 Because of all of the different tournaments that these teams have to get to after the regular season.
00:11 Once they go to all stars and they pick their all-star teams and then they go through districts and sectionals and states and so on, that takes time.
00:19 So if they can't start these by X date, they can't go through all the steps to get to the World Series.
00:27 If we can even host the World Series at all. There's always that sort of hope that you can get to the Little League World Series.
00:33 No Little League team from Wisconsin, the entire state, has ever gone to Williamsport.
00:39 But because every team that gets to that point and wins the World Series starts at that same local level that they all start at,
00:50 there's always that hope and this is almost like a lost year for them.
00:53 2021, hopefully, will be fine. This shouldn't touch the 2021 season. At least they're not even concerned with that right now.
01:03 All of these sort of local leagues, if they can get back on the field, that's the goal.
01:08 Southern California wants to start by June, late June, July 1st.
01:14 And they think at that point they can get a full season in, at least an abbreviated version.
01:19 So all of this is a crunch if they do resume, but the option is still open.
01:25 And that's one of the reasons Little League canceled, is they wanted to provide the hope to these kids and these coaches and families and everybody else
01:33 that you could still get back on the field if everything works out.
01:38 [Music]