Matin infos - 25/04/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Matin infos - 25/04/2024


00:00This is L'Hordu Journal, thank you for joining us on Mediantv at the end of this edition.
00:18In Morocco, the head of the government presented this Wednesday in front of the Parliament the assessment of the half-term of the executive,
00:27the opportunity also to present the future missions of the Moroccan government. More details in a moment.
00:37In the Middle East, Israel launched an offensive action on the south of Lebanon and advanced to Gaza in its preparations for a terrestrial operation on Rafah in its war against Hamas, despite the warnings of the international community.
00:53And then the Congolese state accuses the Apple group of using in its products illegally mined and exploited, which would come from Congolese mines, within which many human rights are violated. We talk about it in this newspaper.
01:11The head of the government presented this Wednesday in front of the Parliament the assessment of the half-term of the executive and the missions of the future period.
01:25Aziz Arnouch spoke about an unprecedented social revolution led by King Mohamed VI and which was activated with this government. Aziz Arnouch rented the construction sites such as the Côte de la Famille, which is under reconstruction, or the great social coverage project for all.
01:42The head of the government stated that such a project aims to achieve health coverage and to propose a health offer that preserves the dignity of each citizen.
01:52Aziz Arnouch also highlighted the challenge of creating a quality school that guarantees the equality of opportunities and the resilience of the national economy through the encouragement of job-generating investments.
02:05I suggest you listen to a excerpt from the executive's social assessment.
02:09The commitment of our government, guided by the orientations of our King, may God glorify him, is to leave no family or Moroccan citizen to suffer the suffering of poverty and indigence without giving them a public aid guaranteeing their dignity.
02:30Our bet is to sublimate the national medical coverage to guarantee a health offer preserving the dignity of our citizens.
02:40Our bet is to build a quality school that can provide future generations with a great future. Our challenge is to consolidate the national economy and to encourage job-generating investments.
02:56Our bet is to modernize the Moroccan administration to make it a sustainable and integrated development mechanism.
03:03Here are the main lines of the social pact that the government aspires to complete, and here are the priorities that put the Moroccan citizen and the Moroccan family at the center of its concerns.
03:17The head of the government also mentioned the achievements on the economic level. I suggest you listen to him.
03:25Since the beginning of the state in Irsa, the government has taken a firm stance.
03:31Since the advent of our government, we have managed to launch a series of important decisions to mitigate the impact of the various crises on several impacted national sectors,
03:41mainly employment and the preservation of the purchasing power that we have been able to preserve by establishing an immediate employment program to absorb the setbacks of the pandemic.
03:52This allowed us to recover several jobs and generate more than 221,000 jobs within the Orach program, with a budget of 4.5 billion dirhams.
04:09I also mention the Força program, which has benefited 21,000 entrepreneurs.
04:15We have also paid the debts of the TVA, which amounted to 20 million dirhams, to inflate national coffers and smoothen the trade of small and medium-sized businesses that suffered during the pandemic.
04:31We have also arranged several exceptional programs under royal impetus, with 20 billion dirhams to remedy the disastrous effects of drought, which is an unprecedented event.
04:42These funds have also ensured national provision of agricultural donations while regulating the prices of their production.
04:53In addition, 2 billion dirhams have been injected into the tourism sector to help nearly 800 national hotel facilities, while paying a net monthly salary of 2,000 dirhams in favor of workers in the tourism sector.
05:08And to talk about the half-term report of the Moroccan Executive, I invite you to listen to the analysis of Latef Komat, Director of the Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences at Casablanca.
05:21In fact, it is a report on several levels. First of all, on the social level, on the economic level, on the institutional level.
05:30We must remember that we are in the middle of a mandate and that most of the projects are medium- and long-term projects, but of course they are on the path of implementation and reinforcement.
05:40And here I am referring in particular to the social state project. You know that this is a project that has been initiated by His Majesty for three years now, which is halfway through.
05:50We have taken very important steps through the generalization of medical coverage, through family allocations and, of course, through the generalization of retirement benefits,
06:07but also benefits for job losses, which are planned for 2024-2026. So it is a project that is in the process of being implemented, with what has just been approved by His Majesty,
06:21in particular everything related to housing assistance. You know that there is an ambitious housing assistance project, but also everything related to direct social assistance,
06:29which started this year with 25 billion dirhams and which plans a budget of 29 billion dirhams by 2026. So on this front, things are moving forward.
06:40With, of course, other social corollaries, including the school, so the school also through the reform of the different levels of the school, from preschool to high school,
06:51of course, you know that in Morocco we have the project of generalizing the preschool, but also of reforming the school through pilot projects that are being generalized.
07:02And of course, there is the reform of higher education, in the case of what is called the Pastry, which provides a pedagogical reform, but also more momentum for research and innovation.
07:13So on this front, things are moving forward. Of course, there is the economic aspect as well, on which there was a very difficult conjuncture.
07:21You know that Morocco suffered from the Covid crisis, that there were international circumstances, especially everything related to war, which impacted economic dynamics, but also drought.
07:33And so all of this has made it true that the economic aspect has experienced difficulties. We have a growth rate of around 3%, knowing that the objective is to go to a rate of 4 to 6%.
07:46But there is a dynamic of investment. The merit of this government is that it has put in place, in fact, the guidelines for a resumption of investment,
07:56through the investment charter, which has begun to give results. You know that the National Commission, which held its last meeting, the fourth, a few days ago,
08:06has on the table today more than 82 projects, with an investment envelope of 115 billion dirhams, and with the prospect of creating 100,000 direct and indirect jobs.
08:17And so, in principle, there should be a momentum of investment, both national and above all international.
08:23You know that international investment is of great interest to sectors in Morocco, apart from, of course, the global trade in Morocco, namely automotive, aeronautics and electronics.
08:33Today, we have other sectors, all that is renewable energy, all that is green hydrogen, to say that the economy, it is true that there has been a difficulty in recent years.
08:44But, in fact, Morocco has the merit of setting the groundwork for a resumption such as we are doing today.
08:52And on the international scene, in the Middle East, Israel launched an offensive on the south of Lebanon and advanced to Gaza in its preparations for a terrestrial operation on the Fah,
09:02in its war against Hamas, despite the warnings of the international community.
09:08On the northern front of Israel, the Israeli army confirmed earlier this Thursday air strikes the day before against Hezbollah infrastructures in Marun Haraz and against an observation post of Hezbollah in Marqaba, in the south of Lebanon.
09:22It had announced on Wednesday an offensive on the entire south of Lebanon and specified that its aircraft and artillery had hit 40 targets.
09:30The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon said yesterday that there had been no crossings of borders.
09:37At the same time, the Israeli army carried out new deadly strikes on Wednesday and Thursday in the Gaza Strip, especially in the Rafah sector.
09:48Mohamed Ould El-Sheikh Al-Razouani, who has been running Lamoritandi since 2019, announced in a letter this Wednesday that he will run for a second term in the presidential election on June 29.
10:02Al-Razouani, a big favorite of the scrutiny, will face his rival, the second-in-command of the 2019 presidential election, the human rights activist Biram Ould Abed, who also announced his candidacy on Wednesday.
10:15Al-Razouani, president in exercise of the African Union, promised in his letter to consolidate the national unity, to improve the living conditions of the most disadvantaged, to guarantee security and stability and to fight against corruption and the diversion of public funds.
10:29His party had largely won the legislative elections a year ago, gaining 107 seats out of 176, far ahead of the Tawassul party, which had won 11 seats.
10:41According to a presidential decree, the election campaign will officially begin on Friday, June 14 at midnight and will end on Thursday, June 27 at midnight.
10:51The Congolese state accuses the Apple group of using illegally exploited minerals in its products, which would come from Congolese mines within which many human rights are violated, according to lawyers appointed by the Democratic Republic of Congo.
11:11These minerals would then be transported out of the Democratic Republic of Congo and especially to Rwanda, where they would be planted. They come out of the file submitted by the RDC that the Apple company uses.
11:27According to lawyers appointed by the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Apple company uses illegally exploited minerals in its products, which would come from Congolese mines within which many human rights are violated, according to lawyers appointed by the Democratic Republic of Congo.
11:53Here is our special page dedicated to the International Marocan Agricultural Fair.
11:59Maroc and the Netherlands have identified several sectors of cooperation, innovation in the agricultural field and water management.
12:28Jeroen Rodenberg, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Morocco, speaks to us about the contribution and participation of Dutch companies at the International Agricultural Fair in Meknes. I invite you to listen to him.
12:45I am very happy to be back here in Siam. Why? Because Siam has dedicated this edition to a very big challenge for Morocco, the Netherlands, and that is climate change.
13:00In this area, there are a lot of needs. As I said, in the Netherlands and Morocco, we need new techniques, we need innovation, and we thought that a Dutch participation could be very useful for Morocco.
13:22We are former partners, especially in the agricultural field, and we have invited a 15th Dutch company to show their innovation and expertise.
13:38You probably know that the Netherlands is an agricultural power. It is a rather small area, but thanks to a deep innovation and investment, we have been able to establish a very strong agricultural sector.
13:58We are, after the United States, the second largest exporter of agricultural products, but we have challenges. We must transform ourselves into a more sustainable agriculture.
14:10I believe that our paths cross because, like you, we have challenges in the water sector, for example, and we think that with our programs, our partnership, we can establish strong links between companies, but also between the academic world, which is already existing.
14:37I am here to support the Dutch companies.
14:42We stay at the International Agriculture Show. Our special envoy on site, Oumay Mahasbila, invites us to a trip to the heart of the pavilion of agriculture of the future. She took a tour of the new agrodigital pole of the show.
14:58The sector of technological innovation has fully invited itself to the International Agriculture Show in Meknes. For this 16th edition, companies and start-ups dedicated to technological innovation in the world of agriculture are at the rendezvous to present their new solutions to develop a connected agriculture.
15:18Within the agrodigital pole, this pole that reveals current and future solutions, farmers discover different technologies used, such as connected objects or different ultra-precise sensors.
15:31We have developed a solution for cattle owners, which allows them to track their cattle, in any case for large owners, for large areas, which allows them to tag the animals at the level of their ears to allow traceability of the animal and its day, from the acquisition of the animal to its birth, until its cessation.
16:02We started from the principle that a cattle is a bit like an immobilization for the owner, the cattle owner, and that we could follow this cattle in order to follow its life cycle and know whether it has done its tour, whether it has gone out to pasture, whether it has eaten, whether it has drunk.
16:19We are strongly in the field of agriculture because we know that Morocco has a huge potential that has not been exploited to date. So we may have talked about the impact of drought, of water shortages, but we are aware that digitization can improve the performance of Moroccan agriculture.
16:37This is an evidence, it is something that is proven around the world, that digitization brings a lot of things in terms of efficiency.
16:46Like many sectors, the world of agriculture continues its transformation by adapting to the age of time, with the addition of new technologies. For several years, agricultural operators have been adopting TEC more and more, in different forms and for various purposes.
17:04Our vocation is to digitize agricultural operations, i.e. to set up systems for the daily management of Moroccan, small, medium and large agricultural operations.
17:19We are the publisher of an ERP, as in computer jargon, an ERP is a software that manages all the facets of an agricultural enterprise. Our ERP currently has more than 200 customers, we have more than a thousand users across Morocco.
17:38In addition to these new tools, SIAM 2024 highlights the innovations intended to support the agro-ecological transition, which concerns a majority of agricultural, food and agro-environmental chains.
17:53This new technology that we introduced in Morocco in 2016 brings a lot of solutions for our agriculture in Morocco, especially in the current context where there is a rarity of rain and where we can no longer make forage crops that require a lot of water.
18:14As an example, I can give you the forage crops. To produce a kilo of forage on the field, we need between 300 and 600 liters for a kilo, whereas in this type of unit, we can produce a kilo of forage with a single liter, which makes a considerable economy.
18:39Support and accelerate innovation, agri-food sovereignty, sustainability, resilience and agricultural competitiveness, so many missions for all these start-ups that bring a new look to this vital sector.
18:56This concludes this page dedicated to the International Agriculture Salon in Morocco.
19:08Thank you.
19:38Thank you.
20:08Thank you.
20:38Thank you.