Dyche on Everton's derby win, relegation battle and Brentford (Full Presser)

  • 5 months ago
Dyche on Everton's derby win, relegation battle and Brentford

Finch Farm, Liverpool, UK
00:00That's not quite correct.
00:02Oh! I thought we said quarter-past.
00:04We got a message saying it'd be brought forward to two.
00:07So ten minutes late!
00:09That's your fault, then.
00:11Andy stitched you right up.
00:12No, I've just been sitting with him.
00:13So he could have just said, no, we need to go.
00:16I'm not jumping on this grade.
00:20Jumped on enough this season.
00:21More to come.
00:22Sorry for stitching you up, Andy.
00:25Good afternoon, everyone, welcome to our pre-match press conference
00:28to preview our game against Brentford.
00:30We'll start off with Vinny at Sky.
00:31Sean, just to start with, how do you look back at last night now?
00:35Well, obviously very pleased for so many reasons.
00:40Firstly, the literal performance, which I thought was very good.
00:46The tactical side of the game, which is always the wonder as a manager and coaches,
00:51have we got it right, but can they deliver it?
00:53And they did.
00:54And it was right on the night.
00:57A lot of respect for Liverpool, what they're trying to achieve again,
01:00the manager and all they've done,
01:01but I thought it was a good performance that deserved a win.
01:05And then when you add in the feel in the stadium,
01:07which I thought was terrific at Forest as well,
01:09I said last night I thank the fans for that,
01:11because obviously the ugly performance, the ugly outcome,
01:15we all took a bit of heat on that, held our hands up,
01:17but they stayed connected to the team.
01:18I thought that was on show against Forest,
01:20and it was certainly on show again last night.
01:22So I think it's a win on all levels,
01:24not just the fact that we got another really important three points.
01:27What's the key to replicating that more and more and more?
01:31Well, the thing I've been harping on about the many things I repeat
01:34is the consistency, how can you find that?
01:37The consistency, the physical consistency against the demands of the game,
01:41of course, the game schedule and injuries and all that.
01:45The squad consistency, so when players do have to come in and out the side,
01:49can they deliver, can they replicate?
01:52And of course, there's also the flexibility,
01:53because games do offer different challenges, different problems.
01:57So, having the flexibility as a team to not only do what you've got to do,
02:02but try and work on the opposition and how you can open up different ways of operating to win games.
02:07So, it's easy to say consistency, but there's a lot more detail in amongst that.
02:12Yeah, and when we talk about consistency at the same time,
02:15without that eight-point deduction, you'd be safe,
02:17but safety is still in your own hands now.
02:19What does that say about the job that's been done this season?
02:23Well, it certainly says we're sticking to task, whatever comes at us.
02:28I think the players, I'm certainly proud of that because we've had some ups and downs ourselves.
02:33I think the challenge has been from outside with the points.
02:36I don't think that's helpful and I think everyone agrees that.
02:38So, sticking to task so far, there's more to come.
02:42I said to the players immediately after last night,
02:44they've got to enjoy that because it means a lot to the fans,
02:46it means a lot in this locality and to me, of course, by the way.
02:51But, you know, it has to be parked because the next one comes around,
02:53it's another important game, another chance, another opportunity to play at Goodison
02:57and get three points.
02:58So, there's a lot on the next game, but they do have to have a window to enjoy that last night.
03:03At the same time, when you ended a run at Goodison Park that stretches back to 2010,
03:08what steps have you taken there with that victory to change the narrative around the football?
03:15Well, like I said, I think Sunday was as important in a different way
03:20because, you know, we'd won and kept a clean sheet against Burnley.
03:24So, you think, OK, we changed it.
03:25Then we get another two points taken, so everyone feels like, here we go again.
03:29And then, unfortunately, followed that with a really poor performance.
03:32And then it was, how can you react from that?
03:35You know, myself, the staff and the team, but also the fans.
03:38And, you know, I think that's a really important factor.
03:40You know, I asked them to just stay connected and they have done.
03:43And I think Sunday was a really important factor with that
03:46because you could feel it straight away in the stadium, you know, the energy of the crowd.
03:50The staff go for the warm-up, I don't, but they were saying even the warm-up,
03:52you know, you could sense the early arrivals, there was like a real positive buzz about it.
03:57Then we won that one and then it goes into the derby, which is slightly different, of course.
04:01They should be up for that one for obvious reasons, but they were, you know, and they're in great voice.
04:05So, you know, that connectivity I've been asking for or hoping for,
04:11because you can't guarantee it between ourselves and the fans here, it's so, so powerful.
04:18And we've had spells when it's been right there and then we've had spells when it hasn't.
04:21And we're just beginning to earn it back again, I think.
04:23And the fans are certainly playing their part.
04:26The next challenge, I suppose, is to ensure that there's no hangover after what was a big occasion at Goodison Park.
04:31Yes, I mean, that's the challenge.
04:32That's why I nipped it in the bud last night and said, of course, enjoy it, enjoy the moment.
04:36But let's go and do it again.
04:38You know, we've got to go and perform again.
04:40A decent outfit in Brentford.
04:41They've just had a funny spell themselves and come out of that.
04:44Thomas is a fellow I like as well.
04:46I know him. I've spent a bit of time with him.
04:48I like what he does. I like how he talks.
04:49I like him as a person as well.
04:51I know a little bit about their club with Matt Benham and people like that.
04:54You know, they're a good outfit.
04:55So it's not an easy, there's no gimmies in this league.
04:57So I said to the players immediately, look, or not immediately, praise them first.
05:01And they said, right, you know, tomorrow we come in and we get on with business.
05:04Does that mean there's no feeling of safety already?
05:08No, there certainly shouldn't be.
05:09I'm not feeling that way.
05:10We've taken the big steps, but there's more to come, you know.
05:13And, you know, we can control the situation ourselves.
05:16And that's what we've always been aiming to do, even with the points taken away
05:19and all that sort of stuff, you know, grip hold of it and let's run with it.
05:22And I think we're beginning to show that again.
05:24Three wins out of four now, three home wins, three clean sheets.
05:27They're good signs.
05:28Do you feel that this game, though, could make you safe?
05:30And how important could that be ahead of an away trip to Luton?
05:33The mathematical things you always work on.
05:35So I'm not really bothered about the conjecture of it.
05:37Of course, it would be another big push in the right direction if you could beat Brentford.
05:41Squad-wise, any issues after the Merseyside derby as well?
05:45Mikalenko's unlikely.
05:48We'll see how that settles.
05:49He needs a scan on that to know the truth of it.
05:52But it's not great early signs.
05:54We'll see how quickly that settles.
05:56The others...
05:59No, most people have come through.
06:00Oh, Che won't be ready, I don't think.
06:02He's getting closer, but it'll be touch and go for him.
06:05Don't let Calvert-Lewin... OK, it felt like he's trusting his body more.
06:08Yeah, I thought he was excellent.
06:09He's had a bit of illness.
06:11So we're hopeful that that pass, he had it before the game.
06:13So I must commend him on that because I thought he was outstanding.
06:16His physical performance was outstanding and he's still not quite over it.
06:20So we'll hope that that settles down over the next day or two.
06:24Thanks, Vinny. All good.
06:25Just moving on from that, from Dominic, great performance last night.
06:29He's proving just how valuable he is, as we all know, when he's fully fit,
06:33fully hungry, fully ready to go.
06:34And it would have been nice maybe to see some more of that from him this season,
06:38if it hadn't been for some of the injuries.
06:40Yeah, I mean, this season hasn't been too bad on the injury front,
06:42but it just goes to show you when you've had an indifferent couple of years of injuries,
06:45it does take time, you know, to clear your mind of it, clear your body of it
06:48and to have that total freedom.
06:50That's what we planned, me and him, when we shared it,
06:53about the idea of getting him to a point where he can just play freely.
06:56And he's had moments when he hasn't.
06:58And I thought last night, I thought he was outstanding.
06:59I said to him afterwards, you know, that's the kind of form
07:02and that's the kind of performance that gets you back around that England thinking.
07:06It's too early yet.
07:07I'm not making big, bold statements or anything like that.
07:10I know Gareth will have players that he thinks are relevant to his group,
07:13but certainly with that kind of feeling to his performance and, of course, scoring,
07:18then he should be recognised where he is as a top centre-forward, in my opinion.
07:23Is it going to be a case of, in the future,
07:25keeping a really close eye on how he is, though, to manage that physical...
07:29We've been doing that, we've been doing that all season.
07:31So, you know, I think the medical staff and the science staff
07:33and feed him back into the coaches.
07:36We've been trying to monitor that.
07:37We took a risk on not playing him down at Chelsea when he might have been able to do it.
07:42But, you know, that risk-reward scenario,
07:44we took a little bit of risk with Ganna playing last night.
07:48He's had a bit of a tight calf, but he come through it.
07:50So we're pleased with that, he played very well.
07:53You know, these are fine lines at times,
07:55you know, especially when we're carrying a pretty thin squad in numbers.
07:59Thanks, Fraser. We'll go to Julia.
08:02Hey, Sean.
08:04Last night's performance, then, is that showing more the type of performances
08:08you're trying to build, a Sean Dyche-Everton side?
08:13I think it's showing a performance, not...
08:16I mean, I think they have to have the passion, belief and commitment,
08:20that's what the teams are like, to show.
08:23But there has to be flexibility, you know.
08:26Who are you playing? Liverpool are a very strong side, a very good side,
08:29and they can hurt you in different ways.
08:31So we have to operate against that, but still play our game.
08:33Against other teams, you might feel you can play more expensive, more open.
08:37My way of thinking about football has always been to win, you know.
08:40So I try and look at how we can win, rather than worrying about this,
08:43that and the other and all the modern brands and all that sort of stuff.
08:47I've always thought the best way you can have is to win.
08:49And then how do you work upon that?
08:50And if we can do it with glory and amazing football,
08:53then we try and do that.
08:54If we need to fight, we need to defend and be tactical like we did last night
08:58and find a different way of operating, then we've got to do that.
09:00That's what I think football should be.
09:02That's what I think it is as a coach and a manager.
09:04So that's what we look to do.
09:06Just going on against performances, since he's been back in the side,
09:09have come in for quite a lot of praise recently.
09:11And I know he got a goal against Forest and he performed well again last night.
09:14What does he bring to the side?
09:15And he is out of contract this summer.
09:17I appreciate the situation at the club.
09:19You probably don't know, but is he a player you would like to keep?
09:22He's a player I've got a lot of respect for.
09:23I've made that clear since I got here.
09:25And if you look down the period I've been here, he's played in most sides.
09:30Maybe we took a bit of a gamble or maybe rested him if he's had a slight injury.
09:35But he's experienced.
09:36He's very experienced.
09:37He's experienced here as well at playing at Goodison.
09:40He understands it, understands football and he's a good player.
09:43And I think coming back into the side, he's been very effective.
09:46How different a challenge are Brentford then for this weekend?
09:50They're good on the counter and set pieces.
09:52Yes, I mean, like I say, I've got a lot of respect for Thomas.
09:55We shared a bit of time together.
09:56Speaking about the idea, you know, they're not afraid to play the longer ball.
09:59They're not afraid to put the ball forward quickly.
10:01But they can work on counter and they can play.
10:03They try and vary their game.
10:04You know, I know me and Thomas were open with each other
10:06about the modern thoughts on football.
10:09And I've got a lot of respect for what they do there.
10:12They've just had a pretty tough spell themselves.
10:15And we had one. We're coming out of ours.
10:16They've come out of theirs.
10:17So it makes for a good game, one we want to win for sure.
10:21But like I say, they're a good side and they're showing that again.
10:24Finally for me, this is a question I didn't think I'd ask, but you went viral
10:27over an interview about a Green Day gig.
10:29I don't know if you are aware of that.
10:31I am. And today the singer, Billy Joe, you probably know more than I do
10:35about Green Day, has sent a message congratulating you on your Derby win.
10:39What do you make of all that?
10:39Well, this is all by accident.
10:42I didn't design it.
10:42It was an interview scenario about football and music with Jeff.
10:48And just it was actually a second hand story from Stuart Pearce,
10:51who got me into it and said, you've got to go and see him.
10:53And he told me exactly what I said on the on the podcast.
10:56Yeah, OK, let's go.
10:57And he was right.
10:58That's terrific.
10:59There's others.
11:00I mean, I was just recently, you know, I was with the lads from the Blossoms.
11:04They were great.
11:04You know, there's so many vaccines just in young.
11:07They're great.
11:07I miss so many out in this podcast.
11:09But I just happened to mention, along with Foo Fighter and the Kasabian,
11:12something to mention that Green Day was one that took me by surprise.
11:15And Stuart Pearce told me, he said, it will definitely take you by surprise.
11:18I wasn't expecting it to then get picked up by someone
11:21who listened to it and then go to the singer and the band.
11:24And then, oh, what's come next?
11:27The power of social media, I suppose.
11:29You've got yourself quite a list there for a Bradley Moore gig.
11:32Well, that'd be a good playlist.
11:33There's some good buns there.
11:35But there's many others I've seen.
11:36I've been very fortunate.
11:38Thank you.
11:39Thanks, Julian. We'll go to Karl.
11:42Hi, Sean.
11:43You said you were allowing the players a window to celebrate.
11:46I'm assuming that was quite a small window.
11:49Well, yeah, I mean, they're in today.
11:52And they asked me, Strava, were they being surprised?
11:53I said, yes, but obviously a light session, a warm-down session,
11:56a bit of feedback from the performance.
11:59No, I mean, enjoying it in a way, you know, the feel-good factor of it.
12:03I thought they earned it as well.
12:04You know, it's not like a lucky one.
12:06You have to play well against teams like that.
12:08And maybe they felt they had a softer performance, didn't quite play as well.
12:12And that's fine.
12:12I said, sometimes you need that as well.
12:14But no, I'd like to think the players earned that one and they deserve the respect they got.
12:18And the feel-good factor from that,
12:20my point was it needs parking quickly because the next one is the biggest one.
12:24You know, that's the way that I work.
12:25It's the way I always have done.
12:26I mean, the game is a results-driven game.
12:29But how much is the actual joy of a win?
12:34How important is that to the players?
12:37Well, I think not as much for the players, but as much for the people, you know, as much for the fans.
12:40My joy is the end of season when we get the work done.
12:44You know, the bit in the middle is just the ups and downs of it.
12:47You know, my real joy is getting the work done, particularly this season.
12:49A lot of challenges for myself as a manager, you know, my own personal part of all of this and the staff,
12:54the players and the fans in a different way, the club.
12:57So that's my joy at the end of the season.
13:00But the bit in between is for the fans.
13:01It's for the players.
13:02I want them to enjoy that.
13:03I want them to experience all the highs.
13:04And that is a very big high last night.
13:07There's no two ways about it.
13:07We're all concerned.
13:10Thanks, Karl.
13:10We'll go to Will.
13:11Hi, Sean.
13:12When you stayed up last season, you obviously said this is the start now.
13:15And that's been progressed quite clearly in the points that you've accrued.
13:18I think I said this is a step, not a start.
13:20I said this is a step.
13:21There's lots more steps to go.
13:22Yes, that's what I was going to ask you.
13:24What steps do you still think the club...
13:26Oh, there's miles to go.
13:28You know, I said in the interview before the game that it's another thing that I thought about, the truth line of the club.
13:33There's got to be a level where everyone gets it, where everyone across the board gets it.
13:36All the fans, all the people in the club, everyone.
13:38And I still think we're not quite there.
13:40I think we're kind of getting towards it.
13:41Some of the more reality of the club and the finances and where it is.
13:45And there's no quick fix at the moment.
13:47It has to be built upon.
13:48I think we're kind of getting there.
13:50I think the fans are kind of getting, OK, we're learning more about it.
13:54I would hope just from me trying to tell them the truth.
13:56They said they wanted it.
13:57I try and tell them the truth.
13:58It's not because I'm trying to be...
13:59At the end of last season, I enjoyed that.
14:01I wasn't being negative.
14:02I was just saying, look, just so everyone knows, this is going to be a work in progress.
14:05This is not...
14:06There's no fast fix at the moment.
14:07You know what I mean?
14:08They've tried that down the years.
14:09That hasn't worked.
14:10Unfortunately for decisions in the past, there's all these things that have happened with the points and everything.
14:16The learning side of that and then the rebalance, it has to happen.
14:19And it's so far happening on my watch.
14:21And we're trying the best we can to find all these balances off the pitch, on the pitch,
14:25but still go forwards with the team.
14:27And it's a big challenge, as you've seen this season.
14:29But I think there has been progress.
14:31And without the eight points, where we would be and all the rest of it.
14:34How much off the pitch do you think has changed?
14:36Because that's the side that a lot of fans don't see obviously, around Finch.
14:39Well, we're trying.
14:39I mean, the financial side is well documented in many different formats.
14:43We've rebalanced as much as we could.
14:45And some of the players that we lost last season, I wouldn't have wanted to, but that was the way it went.
14:50And trying to bring in players that work on deals that work for the club, rather than, you know, couldn't just cherry pick players.
14:55It was who was out there would be interested in doing a certain kind of deal to at least give us some strength as a squad.
15:01Working with the players we've got in developing, some of the younger players have come through and doing very nice.
15:05I thought Jimmy was another one who did fantastically well last night.
15:08You know, he had a couple of wobbles, but he's a young man, you know, learning about the game.
15:12Jack Harrison was very good, I thought, last night.
15:15You know, I mean, he's a bit more wise in the Premier League.
15:19Jared, quite obviously, and not mention of him.
15:21Miko continues to improve, you know, lots of different combinations of lots of different things.
15:26Trying to mould it all together and bring it all in line is a difficult, difficult place to be.
15:31You mentioned Jack Harrison has come back into the team, obviously in the summer.
15:36Is he a player you would like to bring back on a permanent basis?
15:39We'll have to worry about that when we get to the summer, because obviously we're still in that flux position of not knowing quite where it is.
15:44We're still planning as many things as we can.
15:47Myself and Kev, the scouts and the staff and looking at options and how we could mould things here first and also what's outside of here.
15:56But it is the shifting sands at the moment.
16:00Thanks, Bob. Any further questions in the open section before we go?
