Vit Krejci | Orlando Magic | Mar. 23, 2022

  • 6 months ago
Vit Krejci | Orlando Magic | Mar. 23, 2022
00:07 >> Nick Gallo, KC, the defense tonight overall very strong,
00:12 kind of back to what you all have leaned into all season long.
00:17 Why do you think that was the case?
00:18 >> Well, I think, especially in the second unit, we build that trust of,
00:25 if we're gonna get beat, there's another guy behind us.
00:29 That's gonna cover us on the rim.
00:32 And when you play with that confidence that you know that there's guys behind you,
00:38 that they're gonna help you if you're gonna get beat one on one.
00:43 You're more confident in that.
00:45 And I think we play with that trust throughout the whole game.
00:47 >> And then, they didn't hit a field goal for
00:52 almost eight minutes in that second quarter.
00:54 What's the feeling like that out there on the floor during a stretch like that when
00:58 your defense is so locked in?
01:00 >> Yeah, I mean, it goes to the same, just the confidence.
01:03 We build a lot of confidence in that eight minute stretch.
01:07 We build the confidence in our defense and
01:11 that carried over throughout the whole game.
01:14 I think our defense was really good today.
01:17 Obviously, there are things that we can get better, but
01:21 I think our rotation today was really good.
01:25 So I think we got them a little crazy because we were rotating to all guys.
01:31 They had to penetrate multiple times.
01:32 They couldn't score on the first try.
01:35 So I think we made it really difficult for them to score.
01:37 >> Paris Lawson,
01:41 I wanted to ask you about the offensive side of the ball for you guys,
01:44 especially in that second unit.
01:45 You guys scored 52 points tonight.
01:46 You had your first career double-double.
01:49 Just what did you feel with that group out there on the floor and
01:52 just kind of how you guys were able to generate your looks?
01:54 >> Yeah, so I mean, we're just trying to play as a team.
02:00 So we had a game plan going in, playing them three days ago.
02:05 We kind of knew what kind of defense they play and we knew how to attack them.
02:09 So I think we showed the ball pretty well today.
02:12 And luckily for me, the shots went in.
02:16 So then I built my confidence a little bit.
02:17 But again, all that confidence came from the defense.
02:22 Like you said, they haven't scored for eight minutes.
02:24 And whether we would make shots or not,
02:27 that was just a big confidence boost for us.
02:30 >> Jomasato, The Oklahoman.
02:40 Veed, I wanted to ask you about Tao.
02:41 Mark was complimenting his work ethic and
02:44 just how he sort of fought through the ups and downs.
02:46 What have you seen from him as a teammate and just how hard he works?
02:50 >> Yeah, I mean, I think his biggest thing was just being consistent.
02:54 It was a difficult start of the year for him, but he just kept getting better.
03:01 He was really balling in G League especially.
03:05 And he just kept his positive mind.
03:09 And that what got him through all that.
03:11 And it's just so nice to see him playing well here.
03:17 Obviously, last year he got a big minutes, he got a big confidence.
03:23 And I'm glad to see him getting that confidence back.
03:26 >> He always seems so level headed and sort of stoic when he's out there.
03:32 Is that how sort of he's like even in practice and stuff?
03:36 >> Yeah, I mean, he doesn't show a lot of emotions.
03:40 But that goes with what I said before.
03:44 He was just focused on one thing.
03:46 Just getting that confidence back.
03:48 And he played the same way if he played in a G League,
03:52 in a practice or in the NBA game.
03:55 He just kept his confidence.
03:56 I mean, he just kept his focus on what he was trying to accomplish.
04:00 And happy to see that all that come along and
04:04 now he's definitely got that confidence back.
04:19 >> A bit great game, great win first of all.
04:24 You hear me?
04:25 >> Yeah, yeah, I can hear you.
04:27 >> Great win.
04:28 For you to be so impactful and having that performance tonight,
04:32 what does it mean for you?
04:34 What kind of confidence booster for you is?
04:38 >> Well, my performance tonight came from playing good,
04:42 without us playing good defense and contesting all those shots,
04:46 I couldn't get 12 rebounds, so 11 rebounds is how many I get.
04:50 So I wouldn't be able to do that without playing that defense.
04:56 So it's just a confidence in all of our team basically,
05:00 that we got each other back.
05:02 And we can rely on each other on defense and
05:05 then sharing the ball on offense.
