• last year
Daigneault Quote : Schedule is Now
00:00No, the schedule is now, you know, the schedule is always now there's no ahead or behind the schedule is just where you're at in the moment. And, you know, a linear, you know, and so it's, there's times where you feel like totally stuck or you feel like
00:15you're having regression and those are the exact hurdles that your team needs in order to pop and make your next real breakthrough. And so we don't get caught up in any, you know, artificial timeline we're just trying to get better every day
00:29and grow through every experience the positive ones the negative ones, and just allow everything to unfold as it does and allow our players to unfold as they do and I think, you know, if we do that, then we'll maximize the team,
00:43you know, for whatever period of time, you know we're on and so that's what our focus is trying to be very present.
