NBA return gains momentum, decision could come in weeks

  • 5 months ago
NBA players, owners working together to get season back
00:00 As the NBA examines possible ways to resume its season or at least play a postseason,
00:07 regional representatives of the Players Association have reportedly began texting players to gauge interest in resuming play.
00:14 I'm joined now by SINBA writer Rohan Nedkarni.
00:17 Rohan, the Players Association released a statement saying the NBPA is not engaging in any formal poll of its players,
00:24 but what is the benefit of this informal poll here?
00:27 Yeah, Matty, I think they're trying to figure out, you know, is every player even on board with the idea of coming back?
00:34 You know, I think ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski reporting that Adam Silver sent in a conference call with, you know,
00:40 basically the entire Players Association on Friday that he couldn't necessarily guarantee their safety with 100 percent confidence
00:47 in the event that they return. I think the Players Association, they've been involved in this process from the beginning.
00:53 They're working with the league on solutions, but they can only come back if they have the full support of every player.
00:59 And I think they're trying to find out, is it worth it for these guys to come back?
01:03 Obviously, the players have a huge incentive, as do the owners and everyone involved for everyone to make money again
01:08 and not have to start from scratch with the CBA. But for some players, you know, those concerns might not outweigh their health concerns.
01:15 Right. And if we compare this to other sporting events that have been held amid this pandemic, UFC, for example,
01:20 fighters had to sign a contract saying that they will not hold the UFC liable if they do contract COVID-19.
01:26 Rohan Nankardi, thank you so much for the insight.
01:29 Thank you.
01:31 Thank you.
