Jada Toys Mega Man Fire Man 1:12 Scale Action Figure

  • 6 months ago
Jada Toys Mega Man Fire Man 1:12 Scale Action Figure
00:00Just uttering the name Mega Man can get this guy hot in the collar. Here's a look
00:04at the brand new Jada toys Mega Man Fireman.
00:24From the groundbreaking video game Mega Man comes the iconic robot character
00:29action figures in 112 scale by Jada toys. Fireman comes equipped with alternate
00:33heads, hands and firestorm accessories with stand. The first robot has the power
00:36to melt any object in his path. The packaging also includes nostalgic
00:40details from the original video game. Don't let this hot-headed robot master
00:43get left out in the rain. Add some heat to your collection today. Careful Mega Man
00:49this robot master might be too hot to handle. Just before of course we get a
00:52closer look at the new Mega Man Fireman let me send a big thank you if I can to
00:55the folks over at Jada toys. They did provide this sample we could have a look
00:58at. Mega Man, Fireman and the soon-to-look-at Ice Man are all
01:01available online for $19.99 apiece which again I can't believe the price is as
01:05good as they are. Now when it comes to displaying Fireman especially when it
01:09comes to measuring him I'm including the flame that's on the end of his head but
01:12that's something that can be removable. With that in mind though Fireman is
01:16actually standing about five and a half inches in height where the figure is 13
01:19and a half centimeters tall. Come to think of it it's actually ironic that
01:22we're looking at Fireman before Ice Man because if you wanted to beat the boss
01:25battle in proper order you really did want to beat Ice Man first and then use
01:28the ice slashing to defeat Fireman after. Either way though we did have a look at
01:32least one figure already. Obviously being that this is the Mega Man line we want
01:36to look at the Blue Bomber first. Comparing the two Fireman is considerably
01:39taller. It also helps as well that he's got a flame coming out the top of his
01:42head. Fireman's accessory count is about the same as Mega Man's although instead
01:46of having swappable hands he has flame effects that go on the ends of his
01:49forearms. The figure also comes included like with Mega Man a clear acrylic
01:53display stand that has the adjustable neck. It adjusts in two places. As you can
01:57see there's the knuckle joints right there and this actually does come in
01:59handy when it comes to him actually using his flame effect. The flame
02:03effect actually is one thing that in the game instead of it looking like this
02:07because you would think that it would be fired off this way it actually comes
02:09more like sweeping waves of fire and this actually attaches there's a hole on
02:14the bottom of it if I got it facing the right way there's a hole on the bottom
02:17of it that then plugs on to the top there of the display stand. Now depending of
02:21course on how you want to have the figure displayed you likely won't have
02:24it at completely straight like this so you may want to just bend this down just
02:27a little bit and then he would have against a series of these. We don't have
02:30obviously more than one but I would almost be tempted to get another
02:33Fireman. Not only the fact that I could have the figure displayed with the two
02:36different head sculpts but also as well that I could have two display stands
02:39with the sweeping wave effects that he has in the game. The thing I like also
02:43about the figure is that he comes included these flame effects. Now these
02:45are actually ones that attach with universally sized ball pegs. The neat
02:50thing though about them is not only do they attach on the ends of his forearms
02:53but you could also technically use them as well for his alternate head sculpts.
02:56Now first of all that you'll see on the ends of his arms here Fireman does have
03:00these hexagonal holes. You just take the flame effects and just plug them in place
03:04do the exact same thing on the other side here as well and what you could
03:08also do too is see how he has a flame effect here on the top you could detach
03:11this and this also uses the exact same size peg. I couldn't be any more
03:15frustrated than when companies decide that they want to use holes of different
03:19sizes so like if you wanted to you couldn't you know you couldn't change
03:22the things around. Fireman though has the benefit you can see like with the flame
03:25being slightly different from one another if you wanted to have kind of
03:28more the pointed flame that could actually detach and that could just plug
03:31on to the top of his head as well. Now you could also use this one this is the
03:35one that kind of again has the flame kind of be curled back like this. The
03:38only downside to this one is with it being more closer the peg doesn't have
03:42as much chance to lift so like if you're plugging in place it sure plugs in to the
03:47end of fireman's head which kind of gives him this neat flaming like mohawk
03:50effect although I just can't plug it in all the way obviously because the peg
03:53you know obviously this is gonna be the part that's gonna get in the way of
03:55things. I kind of actually like it looking like this and then of course you
03:59can just take the other flame effects those will just plug on the ends of his
04:01forearms. You know to look at a fireman here kind of does remind me of one thing
04:05with Mega Man and we're just gonna bring back in the figure here for a second. I
04:08did when we had a look at Mega Man obviously point out the fact that his
04:11Mega Buster did actually come with a blast effect which just happened to have
04:15over here but there was no way to actually attach this onto his arm. I kind
04:19of wish in a way that they could have included a second Mega Buster for
04:21example it would have had a hole on the end of it that you could in fact take
04:24the blast effect and actually attach it onto the end of his arm and go with that
04:28same mentality had it been a universally sized hole they could have also then
04:32used it made it available so you could swap it out with the other Mega
04:36bosses on the ends of the level. So like for example even though Mega Man
04:39obviously would have changed the coloring of a suit for the stand in at
04:42least you could then take say fireman's attachments for example and attach them
04:45onto the Omega Mega Buster. Not the case unfortunately here. The figure also does
04:49come in clear with a swappable head sculpt. Just put the flame effect right
04:52over there. Actually you know what we'll just bring it up a little bit because it
04:55does make things a little bit side heavy here. He does also come with this
04:58alternate head sculpt here and you may look at this and say that you can't see
05:01quite really where the difference is. Well if you look at his eyes he has eyes
05:04are a little bit higher up to his head kind of looks like he's a little bit
05:06more ticked off. This is kind of more just a neutral expression. Obviously we
05:11haven't yet looked at Ice Man. I kind of like more the idea of angrier bosses on
05:14the ends of these. So again we'll just change these out. Very similar in fact to
05:18Mega Man. You're just gonna take the head here and just remove it from the
05:21Baldwin. I noticed though with fireman's that his neck came off a couple of times
05:25as well. So you may want to just kind of hold it on the end of the neck like this
05:27then take the alternate head sculpt that you want to use plug it on top like that
05:31and then because again like obviously it's using the exact same hole you could
05:34use any one of the effects. Again I kind of like this one just because it kind of
05:38gives them the look of a fiery mohawk although it just doesn't plug in place
05:41just as well. Now for the rest of the figure's body it's very similar in fact
05:45to actually Mega Man. So if you look at Mega Man's here I would imagine though
05:48looking at them that they're probably using the exact same boots. Wouldn't that be a
05:51safe assumption to make? They kind of actually look like eggs but they almost
05:55look like they are using I'm certain that they are actually using the same
05:58lower legs. The only thing obviously is that they have given him different lower
06:01knees because the knees are painted in there and sculpted actually in a nice
06:04kind of tomato red. The tomato colored red actually carries also over to his
06:08body. There are a few little areas here for example like his arms don't look as
06:11quite the same color as his torso but it's still pretty close. Very nicely
06:15painted again you get the head sculpt there on the side. I love the way they've
06:19actually painted a little well obviously they painted the yellow that's not the
06:22thing that's most exciting to me but I mean looking at he kind of looks like a
06:25smokestack or like the exhaust end of a car. One of my favorite characters
06:29actually was Heat Man. Heat Man was actually from Mega Man 2. Of the flame
06:33bosses I would actually choose Heat Man over Fire Man myself but obviously if
06:37we're starting things off with Mega Man 1 you'd have to include the flame boss
06:40from that level so that's probably why we're getting Heat Man first. Colors
06:43overall like I said are pretty good. I mean I don't see any real paint problems.
06:46I love the facts that they've actually added a little you know I don't know if
06:49that is just his his energy bar. I'd have to go back and look at the game again
06:54but he has like a little energy bar stat there on the back of his head and on the
06:57back of his body there as well. Again it's a really nicely painted figure. I
07:00don't really have any paint problem issues at all with the figure itself. Now
07:04for his articulation it's gonna be exactly the same as Mega Man so his
07:07head's gonna be on a ball joint first of all. As you already noticed though the
07:10figure does also have a secondary ball joint at the base of his neck so really
07:12between the two the work hand in hand like a tag team just tagging in the guy
07:16okay you're up next lower half of the neck between the two like I said the head
07:20does rotate quite easily now the arms the arms rotate all the way around I
07:23thought that the shoulders may have been something that would have been an issue
07:26but what ended being the case is that they attach the shoulders to the tops of
07:29his of his arms so when you are rotating you're technically rotating as
07:32well the shoulders smart they decided to do it that way and not actually have the
07:35shoulders here where you then you wouldn't be able to move the arms forward
07:38and back with the arms having now these on the end of their forearms I did
07:41notice like the arms are a little on the harder side to kind of get him to hold
07:44like if you want to have the arm straight up like this I noticed already
07:47like this arm is a little on the looser side it doesn't seem to be yet the case
07:50that the arms are drooping at least not yet but obviously this is just gonna be
07:54a little bit heavier because they're using a translucent like this orangey
07:57plastic which again looks fantastic on the figure but he does have an elbow
08:00bent still pretty much the same as Mega Man's this also does rotate back and
08:03forth the upper torso is gonna be on a ball joint the lower torso is also on a
08:07ball joint I may have also mentioned the review of Mega Man that it was a
08:10swivel joint but it is actually a ball joint there's one here and then one at
08:13the base of his abdomen likes to split out our ball joints also there's a
08:17little swivel at the top of the thigh forward and back movement on the legs
08:20there's a hinge only a single hinge on the knee lower leg does rotate and again
08:24with the egg feet that he has this rocks back and forth in an up-and-down
08:27motion there as well yeah fireman looks good really like to look at fireman
08:31still again prefer if I had the choice I probably would have chose heat man just
08:35because heat man looks like a big giant zippo lighter and again to bring back in
08:38Mega Man so you guys can see the differences of sizes you know heat man I
08:41like the idea I think it was smart first of all that Jada toys decided to have
08:45like all of these parts that attach on to fireman's body in various different
08:48areas are all universally sized so if you again wanted to have any one of
08:52these effects and I like that they also with each of the flame effects they're
08:55different from one another so it's not like they use the exact same ones for
08:58his arms for example as they did for the head again you can mix and match these
09:02if you wanted to at the end of it I kind of like the idea of him having the fire
09:05mohawk myself but again with the benefit of them using the exact same size pegs
09:09means that you can change them out exactly the way you want to have
09:12fireman displayed on your shelf I'm just looking at fireman here and then I keep
09:15looking back at Mega Man and it seems to be the case that Jada toys has used the
09:19reuse the tops of the arms were attached to the shoulders the top of the
09:22torso the abdomen area the trunks the tops of thighs and those egg-shaped
09:26feet which again like you can't fault any company for wanting to get the most
09:29out of their molds if it means that we do get ourselves a Mega Man and a
09:33fireman using similar elements to them then again that's not a bad thing at all
09:36looking also at Iceman that we will be looking at the upcoming reviews it seems
09:40to be the case again they're probably using some of the molds as much as they
09:43can get out of it although Iceman has a more portly or belly so I don't think
09:46they're probably using the exact same torso section the figure is again for
09:501999 I still can't believe that Jada toys includes as many accessories as
09:53they do for a $20 figure you would still think that you would get yourself
09:57probably a fireman maybe a couple of swappable arms or in this case swappable
10:00fire effects you still get the swappable fire effects but you also get as well
10:04like with Mega Man the adjustable neck display stand that also houses that
10:08fiery wave that he uses for his attack the thing I also really like about this
10:11figure as mentioned this review is that they decided as well to use universally
10:15sized pegs so that you don't you don't feel committed married to the idea that
10:19he has to have always the same ones attached on the ends of his arms and he
10:22has to use the same one on the on the top of his head there's some neat
10:25aspects of being able to customize the way that you want to display fireman I'm
10:29opting myself the fiery Mohawk but you may not want to do that you can also
10:32like I said change out with the ones that he has on the ends of his arms now
10:36we already have looked at Mega Man we are just wrapping up things right now
10:39with fireman and the upcoming review we're also gonna be looking at Iceman
10:42those seem to be at least of what we're gotten gotten with Mega Man figures
10:45those are the only three figures that jaded toys has released so far I already
10:49mentioned we are gonna be getting an elect man a bomb man a cut man and a
10:52guts man those are all already advertised upon the packaging I'm not
10:56just guessing I'm not just looking at a crystal ball they're clearly advertised
10:59on the bottom of the packaging so we're probably gonna be getting those figures
11:01as part of a second wave what do you guys think of fireman let me know down
11:05below in the comments section and of the mega mega boss that Mega Man has to
11:09obviously battle at the end of the levels who's your favorites let me know
11:12down below in the comments section you know I had already mentioned heat man he
11:15has pretty high on my list I mean obviously fireman was the og he's the
11:19original file fire wielder but again you can't beat a big giant zippo lighter
11:23fireman I would say is within the top five who's your favorite though big boss
11:27at last level boss from the Mega Man series doesn't have to be Mega Man one
11:31it doesn't have to even be the first three Mega Man's maybe one of your
11:34favorite final bosses is actually at the very end of the Mega Man franchise but
11:38who's your favorite let me know down below in the comments section in the
11:40meantime I'd like to again thank the folks over at Jada toys that did
11:43provide the sample of the fireman that we've wrapped up the review of in this
11:46video the earlier looked at Mega Man and the soon-to-be looked at Iceman they
11:50were all nice enough to provide samples we can have a look at of course as
11:53always guys if you guys enjoyed this video one throw it a like if you guys
11:56are loving the content you guys are seeing and want to stick around for the
11:58reviews of Iceman then definitely make sure if you haven't already that you hit
12:02that subscribe button down below and that you're turning on the Bell
12:04notification as always guys thanks for watching see you guys next time
