Prevenzione furti d’auto, Iperti (LoJack): “Fondamentale la collaborazione tra pubblico e privato”

  • 5 months ago
(Adnkronos) - L’amministratore delegato di LoJack Italia evidenzia come sia fondamentale lavorare insieme alle istituzioni, partendo dal rapporto con le forze dell’ordine, per sfruttare la tecnologia a vantaggio della prevenzione dei furti e del recupero dei veicoli rubati.


00:00Well, together we win, in fact Logec offers its service to its customers, but in the
00:18implementation, the collaboration with the forces of the order is fundamental, we with
00:23the technology we help to locate the vehicle and then we pass the ball to the forces of
00:30the order.
00:31The collaboration is also very important with associations, with institutions and recently
00:38we have, for example, made an important intervention together with the forces of the order, there
00:45was an international organization that operated on Verona and following a vehicle with Logec
00:53installed we reached this garage where they were preparing the vehicles to then be exported,
01:03it was a band of Bulgarians and let's say they were changing the targets, the identity
01:10of the vehicles and the forces of the order were able to complete an operation on which
01:15they had been working for several months.
