• last year
Great News for Pakistan Economy - ARY Breaking News

#imf #pakistan #breakingnews #arynews
00:00 Pakistan has approved a $1.1 billion investment.
00:06 According to the IMF, Pakistan has successfully completed its second assessment.
00:11 Pakistan took a nine-month loan program from the IMF in July 2023.
00:15 Pakistan made serious efforts to achieve the goals of the loan program.
00:19 After the loan program, Pakistan's economic growth rate is reaching 2%.
00:23 The rate of inflation in Pakistan has begun to decrease.
00:26 The rate of inflation will decrease by 20% in June.
00:30 Pakistan's pure exchange rate of 4.5% has increased to $8 billion.
00:35 Tariff adjustment played an important role in the Tawanahi sector.
00:39 The increase in the loan rate was reduced.
00:42 Tawanahi sector needs reforms.
00:45 Strong and advanced reforms should be brought in.
00:49 BISP should be used to protect the poor.
00:52 The institutions of the government should be strengthened.
00:55 Governments should follow the policy framework to move forward with reforms.
01:00 Pakistan obtained a $3 billion standby program on July 12, 2023.
01:05 In July 2023, the government received $1.2 billion in the period of the PDM.
01:09 In January 2024, the government received $70 crore.
01:13 Pakistan has received $1.9 billion in the standby loan program.
01:18 here.
