• 2 months ago
#ImranKhan #AliAminGandapur #Afghanistan #AsimMunir #11thHour #WaseemBadami #ARYNews

(Current Affairs)

- Waseem Badami

- Ali Amin Gandapur (CM KPK)

Is CM Ali Amin Gandapur firm on his statement regarding Afghanistan? - Big News

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ARY News is a leading Pakistani news channel that promises to bring you factual and timely international stories and stories about Pakistan, sports, entertainment, and business, amid others.
00:00In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful, Peace be upon you, today's program is very special because there are a lot of things related to Pakistan Tariq-e-Insaf.
00:17And there is no more relevant personality than him to comment on Pakistan Tariq-e-Insaf.
00:21Because there are internal matters of PTI, the table of negotiations, KPK government, talking to the establishment, there is no one more relevant than him.
00:30Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's Chief Executive, Chief Minister of the province, and of course Pakistan Tariq-e-Insaf's Senior Director, Mr. Ali Ameen Gandapur.
00:39We are here today, I thank you very much for taking the time.
00:42Thank you very much for your time.
00:44Pleasure sir.
00:45Sir, first thing first, there is a lot of discussion about a picture in which the army chief of Pakistan is sitting.
00:53You are sitting with him, Mr. Mohsin Naqvi is sitting with him.
00:55So, and a little while ago there was an announcement of ISPR in which they said about Afghan policy.
01:01The summary of this is that we do not have any disagreement with Afghanistan.
01:04But if there is support for Khawarij, then obviously we have a complaint with them.
01:11My question is in the context of tomorrow's meeting.
01:14In the context of Afghan policy, are you satisfied now?
01:16Because not long ago, in September, you said without taking names,
01:20everyone knew you were talking about agencies,
01:22that what kind of policy is this?
01:24And you keep your policy with you.
01:25My people are dying.
01:26Now I will send my own people to Afghanistan and make my own policy.
01:29Is that statement still there or has it been corrected after tomorrow?
01:32Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
01:34The first thing is that what I said about Afghanistan,
01:38the government has now come to that.
01:40And the government has also engaged them after my statement.
01:43They have put a lot of emphasis on me.
01:45Or the Government of Pakistan.
01:47Yes, yes.
01:48So I am still on my position.
01:50So now they have also engaged.
01:52After that engagement, they are saying that fruitful results are not coming.
01:55So I still said to them what I said earlier.
01:58That we have a very long border with Afghanistan, our province.
02:03And our language, our culture, our nations,
02:07they are also one.
02:09In this regard, a meeting, which I was saying earlier,
02:13and I have made them agree even now,
02:15that I will make a meeting with all my advisors,
02:19the different nations that are settled there,
02:21and their relatives or national brothers are on that side.
02:25So we will have such a negotiation between them,
02:28that the people coming from across the border,
02:30or our people go there and take protection,
02:32and then come and attack here.
02:34So we will have a ceasefire on that.
02:36So the benefit of that will be that,
02:38as I said earlier, I will repeat it again,
02:41that in the meantime, because of our wrong policies,
02:44the trust of our people is lost.
02:46Wrong policies in the near past, or in the distant past?
02:49We have always kept wrong policies, largely.
02:51Wrong policies have been coming for a long time.
02:53Is the policy okay today?
02:54It is very bad today.
02:56What exactly is wrong with our Afghan policy today?
02:59Look, it is our bad luck that
03:05Look, if Russia was defeated by a super power like Afghanistan,
03:08then it would not have been possible without Pakistan's help.
03:11Similarly, when America attacked Afghanistan,
03:14our policy was wrong that we gave up our bases to use them.
03:18Look, if you give up your bases to kill someone's children,
03:22then don't expect that you will get flowers from there.
03:25But at the same time, when America left,
03:28then Pakistan played a role,
03:31and they acknowledge that role.
03:33Because it was not possible for America to leave without Pakistan.
03:37It was a good role, in your opinion?
03:38Yes, absolutely.
03:39And the Army Chief himself agrees with this.
03:41And yesterday, the Army Chief also said that
03:44the successes that Afghanistan has had,
03:47against these super powers,
03:48it is a great character of Pakistan.
03:50What are you saying today that our Afghan policy today is very bad?
03:53After that, look, first the Mujahideen,
03:56after the Mujahideen,
03:58then the Taliban, then the terrorists.
04:01In this category, there are such people who are terrorists.
04:07There are such people who, after the Mujahideen,
04:10were made the Gurd Taliban and the Baird Taliban,
04:12and were promoted themselves.
04:14So, the loss that has been caused by all these things,
04:16the loss has been caused to our province,
04:18to our people, to our economy.
04:20It has been caused by the past.
04:21Today, you are saying that the Afghan policy is very bad today.
04:23Today, if they are not sitting with us,
04:25and we think that even after the negotiations,
04:28they are doing everything, then it is our bad luck.
04:30That why today, after their government was formed,
04:33for which they fought a war for four decades,
04:36today when it is formed,
04:37then why are they against us,
04:38and why are they doing this against us,
04:40that they are saying that they are doing it.
04:42So, we should think about this.
04:43On this, our position is that,
04:45because you give refuge to Fitna-ul-Khawarij,
04:47and then they do terrorism on our soil.
04:49Is this objection right?
04:51Does the current Afghan regime give refuge to Fitna-ul-Khawarij,
04:55Even if it gives,
04:56these are the reports of the agencies,
04:58and it is obvious that people are coming to us across the border.
05:01There is no doubt about this,
05:02there is no doubt about this.
05:03Why does it give?
05:04Have they started hating us now?
05:06It is our bad luck.
05:08They have started hating us.
05:10When they had a bad time here,
05:14we kept them close to us for lakhs of rupees,
05:16we supported them,
05:17we owned them,
05:18and today they have started hating us,
05:21and they feel happy to have us killed.
05:24So, it is obvious that it is because of the policies.
05:26It is because of the wrong policies.
05:27What else could be the reason?
05:28And moving forward,
05:29yesterday the Army Chief also said,
05:30according to the official press release,
05:31that in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,
05:32no major operations are being carried out.
05:35Not long ago,
05:37many friends of PTI used to come to our talk shows and object,
05:39that you are again going to carry out an operation,
05:41then there will be bloodshed,
05:42then there will be problems.
05:43Are you satisfied,
05:45after yesterday's discussion and today's statement,
05:47that there is really no operation,
05:48that there are only things happening in the targeted areas,
05:49which should be done?
05:50I was also satisfied,
05:51when we had our first operation meeting,
05:53we had a discussion in the name of Pakistan,
06:00and they said that they have given permission for the operation,
06:04and they started criticizing me,
06:05but I clearly stated,
06:06that neither is it an operation,
06:08nor can anyone carry out an operation without our permission.
06:11So, even today,
06:12there is no operation,
06:13there was no plan for an operation,
06:15nor is there a plan today,
06:17and we do not allow an operation,
06:19because after the operation,
06:20we did not get the results,
06:22which we should have got.
06:24So, the other intelligent base,
06:27there are attacks on our army,
06:29many people of our FC have been martyred in recent attacks,
06:33our police,
06:34along with the public,
06:35so obviously,
06:36if you are informed somewhere,
06:37that those terrorists,
06:38who are doing this,
06:39and they are present somewhere,
06:40so obviously,
06:41they also do our CDD,
06:42where the army is,
06:43and the army has not come here like this,
06:46in our previous government,
06:48which also had a government,
06:49when 245 was set up,
06:50so under 245,
06:51the army was called here.
06:54Was it also set up in your government,
06:55in the previous government?
06:56It was already set up.
06:57You continued it.
06:58All these operations,
06:59all the operations that have been done so far,
07:01which were not done in our government,
07:02but were done before our government,
07:05on their own,
07:06the same public,
07:07the elected government,
07:08they have given permission for it.
07:10And even today,
07:11if it happens,
07:12it will be with permission.
07:13So, it cannot happen without our permission.
07:15if you do not agree with the political point of view,
07:17then it is a different matter.
07:18People should be clear.
07:20The operations that took place in 2002,
07:21Whenever they took place,
07:22it was with the permission of the government,
07:23and it is still the same today.
07:24It took place in 2011,
07:25whose government it was,
07:26it is their responsibility.
07:27It is their responsibility.
07:28Asim Munir Sahib says,
07:29there is a special relationship between the people and the army.
07:32In this relationship,
07:33any false statement of the Gulf,
07:35is basically run through a specific agenda from outside the country.
07:41Does CMKP agree with this statement?
07:44this is absolutely right.
07:46If you look at the history,
07:49the history of the world,
07:50and the history of Islam,
07:52then you will understand,
07:54that we often think,
07:55and our people ask this question,
07:57that why only Pakistan?
08:01Why not Pakistan?
08:03And why are the conditions in Pakistan?
08:05There are 20 crore Muslims in India,
08:10There are so many Muslims in Pakistan.
08:11Here, there are more Muslims with us.
08:12Why not there?
08:13Why not anywhere else in the world?
08:15There is a reason for this.
08:17This state of Madinah,
08:20There is a very big relationship between this and Pakistan.
08:26Because the world studies things.
08:28If you look at that study,
08:30then one state of Madinah,
08:32came into existence in the name of Islam,
08:34and one Pakistan,
08:35came into existence in the name of Islam.
08:37One was that state,
08:39which came into existence on the 27th of Ramadan,
08:41and one Pakistan came into existence on the 27th of Ramadan.
08:43There are only two states in the world,
08:45in which migration took place,
08:47and in this migration,
08:48the foundation of that state was laid,
08:50by the migration of sacrifices.
08:51That is why international powers have joined with Pakistan.
08:53And Pakistan too.
08:54There are other big things like this,
08:56which you will see,
08:57I will not go into detail,
08:59it will take a lot of time.
09:00So, that is why the world knows,
09:02that the fortress of Islam can only be Pakistan.
09:04That is why people of foreign countries make statements against the army.
09:06That is why,
09:07when we say against us,
09:08there are foreign forces,
09:09and the enemies of Islam,
09:10who are working against us,
09:11the reasons for that are,
09:13that our,
09:14between us,
09:16the state of Madinah,
09:18and the state of Pakistan,
09:19the feeling of existence,
09:21between us,
09:22they have that gut feeling,
09:24and they fear this.
09:26They are afraid,
09:27that the Pakistanis,
09:28as a fortress,
09:29and the Arabic forces too,
09:30as a fortress of Islam,
09:32they are playing that role.
09:33So, whoever is making a false statement of Khalid,
09:35in this special relationship,
09:36between the people and the army,
09:37he is working under a foreign country's agenda.
09:40So, if I tell you his name,
09:41and those who are making it,
09:42they are those countries,
09:43and I will take their names.
09:44India is against you,
09:46it has always been.
09:47The things that are happening with you here in Afghanistan,
09:50there is a direct involvement of Iraq.
09:53if you say,
09:55they are in danger from us.
09:58if we call ourselves Muslims,
10:02about the Jews,
10:04which we Muslims have been told,
10:06in the Quran,
10:07in Islam,
10:08if you study it,
10:09it will become clear.
10:10Here, the indication was towards these people.
10:11There was no indication from any other side,
10:12in your opinion?
10:13Who can they be in danger from?
10:14They are in danger from us.
10:15So, here,
10:16you felt that the indication is from somewhere else,
10:17in this statement of the army chief.
10:18I didn't feel that.
10:19You didn't feel that.
10:20Right, right.
10:21By the way,
10:22did you talk about anything else,
10:23from a political point of view,
10:24the circumstances,
10:25the security of the day,
10:27when you met the army chief,
10:28did you talk about that?
10:29Yesterday's agenda,
10:30in my opinion,
10:31this was the last thing that happened.
10:32In that,
10:33I kept my point of view,
10:34on this matter,
10:36that it is okay
10:37to sit on a chair,
10:38without a mandate,
10:39but there is a chair on the ground.
10:42when he talked about 26th November,
10:46against us,
10:47people are being shot,
10:48and such things,
10:49I confronted him,
10:51I told him that,
10:52first of all,
10:53you have done something,
10:54you have shot people.
10:55You knew that I was present there,
11:00And on top of that,
11:01you are giving such irresponsible statements,
11:02sitting here,
11:03and you are expecting this.
11:06we had a heated debate,
11:07a heated debate.
11:08When the heated debate went on,
11:10on that,
11:11the whole thing,
11:12was presented in front of us.
11:13On that,
11:14we went towards 9th May.
11:16I told the statements before 9th May,
11:18the raga of 9th May,
11:19should not be played in front of me.
11:20I was picked up before 9th May,
11:21and in 9th May,
11:22I was neither the mastermind of 9th May,
11:23nor it was 9th May,
11:25on such a holy place,
11:26there was such a violation,
11:27of someone's going.
11:29I was picked up before that.
11:31whatever was done with me,
11:32whatever statements were asked from me,
11:34I said,
11:35I will go into details.
11:37you said all this,
11:39what did the Army Chief say?
11:41after that,
11:42he said,
11:44since 26th,
11:45Ishaq Dar Sahib was present,
11:47he said that,
11:48since he is a member of the committee,
11:49which is our committee,
11:51he said that,
11:52on that,
11:54your demands,
11:55there are two demands,
11:56that on 26th November,
11:57and 9th May,
11:58a commission should be made.
12:00we will discuss this matter there.
12:02when he started talking,
12:03I said,
12:04we will discuss this.
12:05If this matter is brought forward,
12:06then it will be discussed.
12:07It is obvious,
12:08we will answer it.
12:09I wanted to talk on this matter,
12:10but I have already started.
12:12you said,
12:13let's start.
12:14I said,
12:15let's start here.
12:16Mohsin Naqvi Sahib was also there.
12:18did you ask him,
12:19why did he fire?
12:20I have asked
12:21Mohsin Naqvi Sahib before,
12:22whenever we meet.
12:23In these words.
12:25in these words.
12:27the thing is that,
12:29the government,
12:30on 24th,
12:31So when the government imposes Section 245, then those who work under the government,
12:37now they work under the government or they work under the government, we will talk about
12:41the law.
12:42So similarly, those who work under the government, when they get an order and they are ready
12:47to obey that order, they agree, then what they do, then that is the whole government.
12:52There is no one personality who can order.
12:55So they have done it and they have done it wrong.
12:59So what is the answer when you ask them more than once, why did you fire the bullet,
13:03what answer did they give you?
13:05They have the same reasons, they are not agreeing to fire the bullet, but they say
13:09that because there was no permission and they entered the red zone and people entered
13:15there and there was also an order from the court that no protest can be held in Islamabad.
13:21So in those circumstances, the violation has been done, so in its reaction, it has been
13:26So we have demanded from the commission, so now they will prove to us that our people
13:30were in the red zone.
13:32We did not go to the red zone as you said.
13:35Look, I can't say anything about this, but they have also fired bullets at the D-Chowk,
13:39they have fired bullets at me.
13:41So I am a witness to that, that bullets were fired at the D-Chowk, so I was also involved
13:45in that, my car was hit, they went in front of me.
13:48So if they say that we drove in the red zone, then they are proving the red zone in the
13:53We say that they have also fired at the D-Chowk, we will prove it there.
13:56They say that your people were not martyred, we will prove it.
13:59They say that your people were not injured with bullets, we will prove that too.
14:02So make a commission.
14:03It's okay that Mr. Khan is a little bit, he was not very happy about the fact that you
14:07sided with Mr. Naqvi, he was not very happy.
14:10Look, I agree with Mr. Khan on this, and I have no complaints from our people about
14:14this, that they criticize.
14:16The reason is, look, I have two roles.
14:19You have to run the province too.
14:21You have to run the province too.
14:24You have to run the province too.
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18:38You have to run the province too.
18:41You have to run the province too.
18:44You have to run the province too.
18:47You have to run the province too.
18:50You have to run the province too.
18:53I am saying NFC because I will get a share of the population.
18:56I am saying NFC because I will get a share of the population.
18:59I am saying NFC because I will get a share of the population.
19:02I should get that share.
19:05It will be around 140 billion.
19:08If no one talks about it until now,
19:11I will be responsible for that.
19:14I will be responsible for that.
19:17I will take my right.
19:20I will take my right.
19:23I will take my right.
19:35The Army Chief is a father of the nation.
19:38The Army Chief is a father of the nation.
19:41Who said this?
19:44So, when she talks, it is about her personality, her thoughts, her comments, and she can answer them.
19:49She is a leader, she is the leader of the army chief, and she is the leader.
19:55Now, someone considers her as a father, someone considers her as a brother, that is her personal opinion.
19:58Everyone has their own opinion.
19:59Everyone has their own opinion.
20:00Whoever wants to understand it, can understand it.
20:02Now, regarding the negotiations, there was a meeting of the negotiating committee,
20:05but you had a separate meeting with Mr. Khan.
20:07He said that this is the real meeting.
20:09Find the news here, the rest is fine.
20:11So, Mr. Khan, are you satisfied with the success of the negotiations?
20:14Or do you think that they are making a fool out of us?
20:15But, okay, expose them.
20:17What do you think?
20:18I think that when a person does any work, because we have faith in Allah,
20:25if a person has a good thought, if he has a better thought,
20:30then, by the will of Allah, better things will come.
20:32This is what I think.
20:33A way will come.
20:34This is why I don't comment, because what I am doing,
20:37I am doing it with good intentions, with the permission of Mr. Khan.
20:40I am doing it for Pakistan.
20:42I am doing it in spite of the injustices that I am facing.
20:44So, I think that if I say that until there is no response,
20:49whatever it is, I think that I don't comment on it,
20:52because it is possible that my comments are not correct.
20:55And, by the will of Allah, the time is fixed,
20:57that when these things are going to be correct.
20:59So, in my opinion, with good intentions, without any doubt,
21:03a person should do everything.
21:04As it is, doubt is haraam in Islam.
21:06You should keep a good eye.
21:07You should keep a good eye.
21:08They say that if you have a doubt, don't do that.
21:10So, if I have a doubt on this, then I should not be a part of the committee.
21:14That is why I want to stay away from doubt.
21:17And in this, first of all, you are the Judicial Commissioner,
21:19and secondly, the release of the prisoners.
21:21Do you want the release of the prisoners through an executive order?
21:23Look, the release of the prisoners, that is,
21:25we don't have any such case on them.
21:27That is why you want to get rid of the executive order?
21:29No, legally.
21:30You want to get rid of the court process.
21:31The pressure on the courts…
21:32What then?
21:34Now, for example, our people of 26th November,
21:37each and every one of them were given F.I.Rs in 5-6 police stations.
21:40I arrested people from D.E. Khan,
21:42and put them in the Lahore case,
21:44even though they had gone there.
21:46Then I put them in Sargodha.
21:47Then I put them in Mianwali.
21:48All of this should not happen.
21:49So, they are making us go around.
21:50Then we apply for bail.
21:54The judge went on leave.
21:55Then the judge changed.
21:57Our people were not taken away.
21:58They were not presented.
21:59So, these tactics should be banned.
22:02Otherwise, we will get our work done legally.
22:04You don't want to get rid of the executive order?
22:05No, we don't need it.
22:06Look, this is a baseless case.
22:08There were innocent people.
22:09They had gone to peaceful protest.
22:10They were shot at.
22:12One of their police was killed.
22:14They were arrested illegally.
22:15So, it is an illegal act.
22:16It is not a one-time thing.
22:17It will end on its own.
22:18Sir, show some leniency.
22:20Now, you are saying that the third session,
22:21which is to be held on 17th,
22:23if the judicial commission is not formed in that,
22:24then the discussion will end.
22:25They will say,
22:26we will give some time,
22:27we will think and tell.
22:28Now, if the commission will not be formed in the third session,
22:30then the discussion will end.
22:31No, the commission will not be formed.
22:32It will not be announced.
22:33Yes, the commission will not be formed.
22:34Then, the TURs will also be formed in the commission.
22:36Who will be in the commission?
22:37Who will be the head?
22:38Who else will be there?
22:39How will all this happen on 17th?
22:40No, we are not saying that
22:41you should make the commission and give it.
22:42People should announce it.
22:43We are saying that
22:44we should have an agreement with this.
22:47That it will be formed.
22:48That the commission should be formed in this.
22:49And what is in the commission?
22:50You tell me.
22:51What is the danger in the commission?
22:54They say, we have done it.
22:55We are saying, make the commission.
22:57So, they should be happy.
23:00The second thing is that
23:01the people who are our bosses,
23:02we do not disown them.
23:04They did stupidity.
23:06They made a mistake.
23:07They entered somewhere.
23:08So, at least, I don't disown them.
23:10They were my people.
23:11They were the people of our party.
23:13And they should be punished
23:14or they should be forgiven?
23:15Whoever made a mistake,
23:17according to the law,
23:18they should be punished.
23:20As many as there are.
23:21If they have done this much,
23:23then this much punishment cannot be given to them.
23:25Now, what is happening?
23:26Now, one of our boys
23:28has just been released
23:29for a military trial.
23:30You may have seen his old video.
23:33He was such a brave,
23:36a boy who became the voice of the people.
23:38The deputy minister.
23:40Now, after coming back,
23:41he has lost his mental balance.
23:43And his speech,
23:45the pitch of his speech,
23:47that is a complete change.
23:49So, this...
23:50You are saying, we have done wrong to our people.
23:52Punish them for the crimes they have committed.
23:54They have not reached this stage.
23:57They must be reaching that stage.
23:59So, why have they been kept in such a state
24:01that they have reached this stage
24:03and they have gone to that stage.
24:04So, look, there are our own people.
24:06There is a mistake.
24:07Other than Allah,
24:08every human being is a statue of sin.
24:10He can make a mistake.
24:11A mistake does not mean
24:13that you make it unlawful,
24:15and make it a personal ego
24:17and go to that stage with someone.
24:18Sometimes you shoot him.
24:19Sometimes you torture him.
24:20You torture at that level
24:22which you have never done to those people
24:24who were really terrorists.
24:26You declare someone
24:28that he is a terrorist of social media.
24:30I don't know what name you have given him.
24:32You call someone a peaceful protester
24:34and say that he was armed.
24:36Where were we armed?
24:38If we were armed,
24:40then what has happened to us,
24:42after that,
24:44it would have been our casualties.
24:45And they have put a ranger on us.
24:46Do you know who is the owner
24:48of that ranger's car?
24:49Who is it?
24:50Check him.
24:52He is the nephew
24:54of a very responsible person
24:56of their party.
24:58He is on drugs.
25:00He was not driving himself.
25:02He is the owner.
25:03He was driving himself.
25:04He was driving himself.
25:05The owner was driving himself.
25:06He is with them.
25:07He is on drugs.
25:09And he was not coming with us.
25:11Later on,
25:12he parked his car
25:13at some internal place
25:15and made an FIR on us.
25:17What kind of humanity is this?
25:19I have an FIR of 302 on me.
25:23I have an FIR on Imran Khan of 9th May.
25:25In Lahore.
25:27Justice should be done.
25:29Absolutely right.
25:31Agreeing to this,
25:32I would say that
25:33when you are saying that
25:34some of our people made mistakes
25:35and someone went somewhere
25:36and someone did it,
25:37then I will own that.
25:38I don't own the mistake.
25:39If I have a person
25:40because of ignorance,
25:41because of mistake,
25:42because of stupidity,
25:43because of emotions,
25:44If he has done something,
25:45If he has crossed a line,
25:47then he should be punished
25:49for crossing that line.
25:50He should be punished.
25:51But this is not right.
25:52If I make a mistake
25:53and you give me
25:54such a big punishment,
25:55then this is not fair.
25:56But sir,
25:57don't you think
25:58this idea is right
25:59when they say
26:00that this was in 9th May
26:01and you were there
26:02so you should apologize.
26:04my leader,
26:05without any reason,
26:06when he is saying
26:07in the morning
26:08that if you want to arrest me,
26:09then do it.
26:10And you go there
26:11and break the doors,
26:12break the windows,
26:13break the windows,
26:14arrest me from outside,
26:15he is such a great leader,
26:16you drag him like this.
26:17So you yourself
26:18exposed people's emotions.
26:19And when you expose
26:20people's emotions,
26:21then people,
26:22if you protest in that,
26:23then obviously
26:24if someone goes
26:25a little further
26:26in their emotions
26:27in the protest,
26:28then you will make him
26:29that he has become
26:30a terrorist.
26:31It is not like that.
26:32So now,
26:33if we move forward
26:34in this,
26:35then you complete
26:36the topic of negotiations
26:38That if you
26:39say that
26:40I am a terrorist,
26:41then you
26:42make him a terrorist
26:43then you
26:44get out of the discussion.
26:45If you
26:46say that
26:47I am a
26:49then you
26:50get out of the discussion.
26:52of all,
26:53if we
26:54come to the
26:59ready to
27:00make a
27:04are you
27:05making a
27:08are you
27:09making a
27:11So, there is a gap of a few days in between.
27:13As soon as he came back, we had a meeting with Mr. Waqf Khan.
27:17And we have another meeting day after tomorrow, Inshallah.
27:22And you are busy.
27:23There are a lot of other things.
27:24On 17th and 16th, the decision has to be made.
27:29The decision is being made on a date.
27:31What do you have to say about that?
27:32There are a lot of other things.
27:33Chief Executive of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Honorable Ali Amin Ghandapur Sahib is with us.
27:38We will come back after a short break.
27:42Once again, we welcome Chief Executive of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Honorable Ali Amin Ghandapur Sahib is with us.
27:48Sir, thank you very much.
27:50Sir, we are trying to find a solution through discussions.
27:53Do you think that if there was a good opportunity on 26th, which was missed.
27:59If instead of going to D-Chowk, Sangjani would have gone,
28:03then the matter would have reached this stage and you would have found a way.
28:07My question is, as you are the leader of the party,
28:11despite the instructions of Mr. Khan, you could not convince Mr. Bushra to let Sangjani go.
28:19I will give a detailed answer.
28:21I was riding a horse one day.
28:23The horse got out of control.
28:27I have never ridden a horse so fast in my life.
28:30I went on a throttle at full speed.
28:32There was a bridge in front of me.
28:34When I turned the horse, it fell on me.
28:39The horse and I both fell down.
28:44At that time, I did not realize.
28:46They say that when you fall from a horse, get on it immediately.
28:49Because if you don't get on it, the horse gets on you.
28:52So I sat on it.
28:54When I came back to the place, I understood that I had done something wrong.
29:01My hand got jammed.
29:03I sat in the car.
29:05When I went to the doctor, he asked me what had happened.
29:10I was in a very bad condition.
29:12I told him to leave it.
29:14The cement would have been made somewhere.
29:16The horse would have been made somewhere.
29:18I was made somewhere.
29:20The horse was born somewhere during the war.
29:23The horse, the cement and the cement were mixed together.
29:28So it was done.
29:30I felt better.
29:31I told him to leave it.
29:33I told him that everything is in God's hands.
29:35Whatever had to happen, has happened.
29:37Now let's see what happens next.
29:39You are saying that leave it.
29:41What has happened has happened.
29:43Move on.
29:45Doesn't it bother you that Bhusla Sahiba
29:49leaves aside conspiracy theories.
29:51He himself said in front of the media after that episode
29:54that I have come to tell you that I was left alone.
29:59No one supported me.
30:01I was alone.
30:03We saw that you all were with me.
30:05Of course, that complaint was made from you.
30:07Doesn't it bother you that I was left alone?
30:11The horse has gone again.
30:13The thing is that
30:15if someone has made a statement,
30:17he can answer it.
30:20You can ask the other media people
30:22that if you were alone,
30:24then how did you come out of there?
30:28You say that no one was with you.
30:30How did you come out?
30:32Tell us the whole episode
30:34that how did you reach Mansehra from D-Chowk?
30:36How did you reach Peshawar from Mansehra?
30:38They will tell you the whole story.
30:40Whether she was alone or with whom,
30:42it will be clear.
30:44Tell us.
30:47I was with her.
30:49I have accepted it.
30:51Now I don't know.
30:53You are saying that I was left alone.
30:55I am quoting her statement.
30:57Both statements are on record.
30:59One is that she was not alone.
31:01This is a clarity.
31:03Don't make an impression.
31:05She wanted to be there,
31:07but you did not stay with her.
31:09You left her alone.
31:11Bushra Begum is very respectable for me.
31:13She is my wife.
31:15There is no question of leaving Bushra Begum alone.
31:17Saving other people's lives,
31:19arresting them from there,
31:21being arrested from there,
31:23the situation that was going on there.
31:25For me,
31:27I am the chief executive of the province.
31:29For me,
31:31the people of my province,
31:33and my whole nation,
31:35and for the whole province,
31:37it was very strange that
31:39anything could happen to Bushra Begum.
31:41I am proud of the fact that
31:45Allah does all this,
31:47that I was saved,
31:49and Bushra Begum was not harmed.
31:51In those circumstances,
31:53our cars were shot.
31:55We were followed to Marsera.
31:57We were followed to the border.
31:59We were shot on the way.
32:01We were hit by a car.
32:03This is a long story.
32:05Do you know why I did not tell this story to anyone?
32:09Last time,
32:11I was born in Saad Zillu.
32:15If anyone finds any difference in that story,
32:17or any institution,
32:19or any machine,
32:21says that I was there,
32:23or that there is any difference in that story,
32:25I am saying that there is a difference.
32:27It was a small thing that I went out,
32:29and I went out of there,
32:31and got in the car.
32:33If I tell this story,
32:35then you will forget Mission Impossible 2.
32:37Mission Impossible 1.
32:39It was a simple story.
32:41I think it was a miracle.
32:43It was a miracle.
32:45You have been through a lot of Mission Impossible.
32:47The first story,
32:49when everyone was sitting on the TV,
32:51the Prime Minister,
32:53was not on the TV,
32:55and the Prime Minister was not there.
32:57After 8 hours,
32:59the Prime Minister came,
33:01and you told him that there was a meeting.
33:03He had gone to a meeting.
33:05There was a meeting
33:07on Law and Order.
33:09I went to that meeting.
33:11As you know,
33:13I have a habit that
33:15even if I go somewhere,
33:17I don't take my phone with me.
33:19There are two reasons for that.
33:21First, I don't give my phone to anyone.
33:23Even if someone is there,
33:25I don't give my phone to anyone.
33:27I don't leave my phone in the car.
33:29I don't use my phone at all.
33:31The second reason?
33:33After that, I went to that meeting.
33:35That meeting was on Law and Order.
33:37It lasted for 2-2.5 hours.
33:39There were a few people
33:41who were not there.
33:43They were coming from Piddi.
33:45They were waiting.
33:47During that time,
33:49some of our MLA's were kidnapped.
33:51Zain Qureshi was also there.
33:53Zain Qureshi,
33:55Sharafzal Marwah,
33:57Sheikh Waqar,
33:59they were also inside.
34:01They were looking for them.
34:03I called them.
34:05I asked them what was going on.
34:07I asked them to sit with me.
34:09After that,
34:11when they arrived,
34:13we sat and discussed.
34:15When I came out,
34:17I found out that
34:19I had been kidnapped.
34:21My phone came to me.
34:23I called them.
34:25During that time,
34:27not a single leader of your party
34:29said that you are doing something stupid.
34:31Did a member of your squad
34:33tell you?
34:35You should know that
34:37there are people from my squad.
34:39I take care of security.
34:41I have been attacked before.
34:43I have security concerns.
34:45My squad members
34:47don't even tell me
34:49where they are going.
34:51My squad members
34:53didn't know what was going on
34:55because they didn't have a TV.
34:57They don't use mobile phones.
34:59My squad members
35:01are not allowed
35:03to use their phones
35:05when they travel with me.
35:07They are SOPs.
35:09Omar Ayub,
35:11the senior of your party,
35:13should be ashamed
35:15that he blamed the army.
35:17He should be ashamed
35:19that he blamed the army.
35:21He should be ashamed
35:23that he blamed the army.
35:25He should be ashamed
35:27that he blamed the army.
35:29He should be ashamed
35:31that he blamed the army.
35:33He should be ashamed
35:35that he blamed the army.
35:37He should be ashamed
35:39that he blamed the army.
35:41He should be ashamed
35:43that he blamed the army.
35:45He should be ashamed
35:47that he blamed the army.
35:49He should be ashamed
35:51that he blamed the army.
35:53He should be ashamed
35:55that he blamed the army.
35:57He should be ashamed
35:59that he blamed the army.
36:01He should be ashamed
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36:05He should be ashamed
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36:09He should be ashamed
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36:13He should be ashamed
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36:17He should be ashamed
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36:21He should be ashamed
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40:01He should be ashamed
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40:05He should be ashamed
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40:09He should be ashamed
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40:13He should be ashamed
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40:17He should be ashamed
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40:21He should be ashamed
40:23that he blamed the army.
40:25He should be ashamed
40:27that he blamed the army.
40:29He should be ashamed
40:31that he blamed the army.
40:33He should be ashamed
40:35that he blamed the army.
40:37He should be ashamed
40:39that he blamed the army.
40:41He should be ashamed
40:43that he blamed the army.
40:45Is Mr. Marwad's program going on in the party or?
40:49Look, the thing is that every person has shortcomings and good qualities.
40:57I think that when you make a decision in someone's life, you should look at both.
41:04So in that, I think, Mr. Marwad has talked about me like this many times.
41:10He does it.
41:12His hands are open too, right?
41:13Yes, he does it.
41:14But if I see that someone talks about me and I think that I should take it personally
41:20and I leave that sacrifice a little or a lot.
41:24Look, you have to come out of your own self.
41:27All these problems are the problems of the people who live in their own self.
41:30Why didn't it happen to me?
41:31Mr. Marwad talked to me like this twice.
41:33He came to Peshawar and did it.
41:34I never gave him an answer.
41:36Why didn't I?
41:37I remember that there was a time when no one was able to leave the party or could not leave.
41:47At that time, this guy played on the front foot, came to the front line and made a sacrifice.
41:53So in my opinion, that sacrifice is bigger than him talking about me.
41:56Okay, fine.
41:57This is my thought.
41:59And sir, by the way, I am not talking about Mr. Marwad.
42:00Generally, in your opinion, are there any other people in your party who are planted or play on both sides of the wicket?
42:07Look, what I hear about being planted, I have said the same thing.
42:11Now the thing is that after so much oppression, after so much oppression,
42:16so many FIRs, demolition of houses, children are out of school, children are not seen,
42:20jails, torture, handcuffs, kidnapping.
42:24After that, business is over.
42:27Even after that, the people who are standing with us,
42:30okay, people of that level cannot leave.
42:34Everyone says that there is no Iron Man.
42:37So after seeing all those things, I salute all those people.
42:42I have no complaint with the people of Punjab about this.
42:45Why didn't 50 people leave?
42:46Someone left, someone left.
42:47I don't have a complaint because he is not able to leave.
42:50But even his standing, people have rejected FIRs of 50-50 crores.
42:54Before this, our bosses, the first NPAs are still with us, the people of Punjab.
42:58I was in that election when Prahlad Ali's election took place.
43:01So Prahlad Ali sent a message to Khan Sahib that Ali Ameen is coming there.
43:04There was a voting going on.
43:05And everyone was standing in the back.
43:06So I stayed there for three days to take care of the people.
43:09There was an offer of 30 crores for one vote.
43:12People rejected it.
43:13After making so many sacrifices,
43:15Then you shouldn't have given the title.
43:17Now there must be some people in this, for example,
43:19who are not able to play openly due to some compulsion.
43:22They are not able to play openly.
43:23They say that they can't carry such a burden.
43:25If such people, due to some reason,
43:27due to some connection,
43:28due to some relationship,
43:30If they are doing a little bit of face-saving or life-saving,
43:34then you can't call them traitors.
43:37If they are doing some local management,
43:39they are living their lives.
43:41You can call them a bit of a problem.
43:43You can call them something like this.
43:44See, Mashallah, I mean,
43:46it is a very big setup.
43:48Even if there is no government,
43:56Okay, I didn't know that.
47:51Mufti Mehmood Sahib?
51:03Mufti Mehmood Sahib, thank you very much for your time.
51:05Bahut bahut shukriya.
