First Man Into Space (1959)

  • 5 months ago


00:00:00 [Gunshots]
00:00:10 [Street noise]
00:00:20 [Train sounds]
00:00:30 [Train sounds]
00:00:40 [Train sounds]
00:01:00 [Radio chatter]
00:01:04 Check 15,000 feet.
00:01:09 We're scanning correctly, sir.
00:01:12 [Radio chatter]
00:01:22 [Radio chatter]
00:01:32 Control, control, I'm switching on now. Over.
00:01:36 Motor recorders, are you receiving signals correctly?
00:01:42 Motor recorder okay.
00:01:44 Beam director checking okay, sir.
00:01:47 Pilot's heartbeat steady, sir.
00:01:49 Air friction recorder working correctly, sir.
00:01:52 Electronic brain and gyros recording correctly, sir.
00:01:56 [Beeping]
00:01:59 [Engine noise]
00:02:02 [Radio chatter]
00:02:06 Check. Ready and waiting for your countdown.
00:02:09 [Engine noise]
00:02:15 [Radio chatter]
00:02:24 [Engine noise]
00:02:29 Y-12 detach and airborne. Firing rocket motor.
00:02:34 [Engine noise]
00:02:53 [Music]
00:03:13 [Music]
00:03:42 [Music]
00:03:52 [Music]
00:04:02 [Music]
00:04:23 Surprising the previous highest.
00:04:25 10,000 feet. Still the heat barrier.
00:04:28 [Engine noise]
00:04:35 Will you speak with him, Commander?
00:04:37 He's near the controllability barrier. It will be difficult for him.
00:04:42 Control to Y-12.
00:04:43 Control to Y-12, do you read me?
00:04:45 Y-12 to Control, reading you loud and clear. Over.
00:04:50 You are approaching controllability barrier.
00:04:53 Steady as you go. Hold on tight.
00:04:57 [Engine noise]
00:05:21 [Music]
00:05:45 [Engine noise]
00:05:59 Through controllability barrier. Gyro stabilizers holding steady.
00:06:03 He's made it.
00:06:04 God. A big achievement.
00:06:07 It's great.
00:06:08 Pilot's heartbeat steady, sir. Pilot's pulse checking okay.
00:06:14 Control to Y-12. Control to Y-12, do you read me? Over.
00:06:21 Y-12 to Control.
00:06:24 All sign of G pressure gone.
00:06:26 We have you at 230,000 feet. Check.
00:06:33 Check.
00:06:34 Now hold on, boy. You're reaching the ionosphere.
00:06:37 Your motor will burn out in exactly five seconds.
00:06:40 Check. Four. Three. Two.
00:06:45 [Explosion]
00:06:49 That's the burn out. He's okay.
00:06:52 [Music]
00:07:13 Take it easy, Dan. We're reaching maximum test height of 300,000 feet.
00:07:18 We're in modified atmosphere.
00:07:20 She's riding steady. I feel as though I could go on.
00:07:24 Test your controls and prepare to turn.
00:07:26 Let her go, Chuck. See what she'll do.
00:07:28 Think he's all right, Doctor?
00:07:30 Heartbeat is almost normal.
00:07:32 But with release of pressure, judgment may be unsolved for some seconds.
00:07:36 Shall I take over remote control?
00:07:37 No. Give him a few more seconds.
00:07:42 Dan, do you hear me?
00:07:44 I repeat, do you read me?
00:07:46 [Music]
00:08:06 [Explosion]
00:08:30 Cannot direct hands towards stabilizers.
00:08:33 Steady me. Steady me.
00:08:35 Electronic controls take off stabilizers.
00:08:37 My eyes are up like that at equalization.
00:08:39 Keep at it.
00:08:40 [Music]
00:08:56 Yes, Dan? This is Dr. Farnason speaking.
00:08:59 You are weightless.
00:09:01 Without concentration, you cannot coordinate your senses.
00:09:05 Listen to me.
00:09:07 Tell me what to do, Doc. Tell me what to do.
00:09:09 First, control yourself.
00:09:13 Now, forget everything else and watch your left hand.
00:09:21 Without taking your eyes off it, put it down until it is resting on something.
00:09:27 No matter what.
00:09:29 Take your time.
00:09:31 Be quick, Doctor. If he hits atmosphere at this speed, he'll burn up.
00:09:36 When you have hold with your left hand, do the same with your right.
00:09:44 Bring it slowly forward until you can grasp the stabilizer.
00:09:50 Watch carefully until you are steady.
00:10:01 Now concentrate and you will regain control of Y-12.
00:10:14 You're moving outside the preset radar position.
00:10:16 We're going to lose you.
00:10:17 Can't help it. Can't help it.
00:10:19 I've got control, but I can't reduce speed.
00:10:27 Radar control. Y-12 gliding outside preset orbit.
00:10:30 Track five degrees west.
00:10:31 Tracking five degrees west, sir.
00:10:34 It's not holding. Look, it's going.
00:10:37 His only chance is to bounce the atmosphere until he loses enough speed.
00:10:41 Radar control.
00:10:42 Yes, sir.
00:10:43 Keep tracking west.
00:10:44 Track west. Keep going.
00:10:46 Keep going.
00:10:47 Keep tracking.
00:11:12 Well, if we don't hear soon, we never will.
00:11:15 Why didn't he obey orders, stick to the test plan?
00:11:18 They should have.
00:11:19 You cannot blame your brother for this tragedy, Commander Prasket.
00:11:22 For a few vital seconds, he was not himself.
00:11:24 I wish I could agree with you, Doctor.
00:11:26 We do not yet understand the physiological conditions a man may have to endure at such heights.
00:11:31 My brother has always been unpredictable.
00:11:33 He's a heck of a good pilot, the best we ever had.
00:11:35 Well, he knew the limits. Why did he disobey orders?
00:11:38 It was a physiological condition clouding his judgment.
00:11:42 Chuck, we progressed a long way in the development of aviation medicine.
00:11:46 But the conditions we simulate in the high-altitude test chamber just aren't the real thing.
00:11:51 (phone ringing)
00:11:54 Captain Richards' office. Commander Prescott speaking.
00:11:56 Huh?
00:11:58 Is the pilot all right?
00:12:00 Where?
00:12:04 Say that again slowly.
00:12:06 Puerto Rico. Yes, yes. I know the place. Between Albuquerque and Santa Fe.
00:12:09 Yes, sir. Don't let anyone near it. We'll be right over.
00:12:12 We found the Y-12s. They're badly damaged, but in one piece.
00:12:15 And Lieutenant Prescott, is he safe?
00:12:17 Yes, he's all right.
00:12:19 Yes, sir?
00:12:20 Have Hyatt bring around my car on the double.
00:12:23 Salvage officer speaking.
00:12:25 Captain Richards, team up the Y-12 crew.
00:12:27 Get them loaded and have a salvage crane follow me to Puerco.
00:12:30 I'll radio directions, but get going.
00:12:32 Well, Commander, looks like you're losing me another night's sleep.
00:12:37 Very soon, sir.
00:12:39 Commander Prescott, U.S. Navy. Where's the plane?
00:12:56 Just off the road over there.
00:12:58 We're sure glad to see you. We're mighty cold and hungry.
00:13:01 Should have been off duty a couple hours ago.
00:13:03 Well, thanks for sticking around. Where's the pilot?
00:13:05 Oh, he's around here someplace. The plane's just over here.
00:13:08 All right, thanks.
00:13:09 Take it easy, Clancy. It's me, Whitney. I brought the Navy.
00:13:24 Ha! What in a land yacht?
00:13:26 Ha ha.
00:13:27 Sea come down?
00:13:28 Yeah, right down the valley. We took a quick look and radioed in the headquarters.
00:13:32 Where's the pilot?
00:13:33 The relief patrol took him into town.
00:13:35 Into town? He's okay?
00:13:37 Sure. He looked like a man from Mars when I get up.
00:13:40 Talk sense? What do you mean?
00:13:43 I don't know. Kind of high, I guess.
00:13:46 But I'll tell you one thing.
00:13:47 I'll send in a report to you in the morning, sir.
00:13:52 Fine.
00:13:53 Well, she's badly beaten up, but with any luck, the instruments might be okay.
00:13:56 Let's hope so.
00:13:58 Good evening, sir.
00:13:59 Boy, that Pottis is the zaniest guy I ever saw.
00:14:01 How come?
00:14:02 He had me take him into town for a change of clothes. Said he had some dainty to see.
00:14:05 Couldn't even wait for coffee.
00:14:07 Well, I guess I know where that'll be. Mind if I borrow the car, Skipper?
00:14:10 Sure. We'll ride back to the salvage crew.
00:14:12 Thank you, sir.
00:14:13 Take it easy.
00:14:15 (SIREN WAILING)
00:14:17 (SIREN WAILING)
00:14:19 (SIREN WAILING)
00:14:20 (SIREN WAILING)
00:14:26 (SIREN WAILING)
00:14:28 (SIREN WAILING)
00:14:30 (SIREN WAILING)
00:14:32 (SIREN WAILING)
00:14:34 (SIREN WAILING)
00:14:36 (SIREN WAILING)
00:14:38 (SIREN WAILING)
00:14:40 (SIREN WAILING)
00:14:42 (SIREN WAILING)
00:14:44 (SIREN WAILING)
00:14:47 (SIREN WAILING)
00:14:48 Oh, Dan, I wish you were not a test pilot.
00:14:52 It is so dangerous.
00:14:54 Honey, it's my future. It's our future.
00:14:58 Who's gonna forget the first man in space?
00:15:01 They don't forget Lindbergh or the Wright brothers.
00:15:04 You talk too much.
00:15:06 You can always shut me up.
00:15:08 I will.
00:15:09 (SIREN WAILING)
00:15:10 (ALARM BUZZING)
00:15:18 (ALARM BUZZING)
00:15:23 (ALARM BUZZING)
00:15:32 (ALARM BUZZING)
00:15:35 (ALARM BUZZING)
00:15:40 Oh, don't talk with the macaroni. Answer the door.
00:15:44 Is Lieutenant Prescott here?
00:15:57 Yes. In there.
00:15:59 What?
00:16:03 (DOOR OPENS)
00:16:04 Hiya, brother. Have a drink.
00:16:08 What the heck's the matter with you?
00:16:10 You just wrecked $10 million worth of aircraft
00:16:12 and I find you lolliganging around here.
00:16:14 Why aren't you back at the base making out your report?
00:16:16 As a matter of fact, I was just on my way.
00:16:18 Okay, wise guy.
00:16:20 Taylor.
00:16:24 Escort Lieutenant Prescott back to the base
00:16:30 and inform the duty officer that he's confined to quarters
00:16:32 until further notice.
00:16:33 Yes, sir.
00:16:34 Now, get up.
00:16:37 You can see how it is, honey.
00:16:42 I'll phone you as soon as I can.
00:16:43 You can pull all the rank you want.
00:16:47 You're very good at doing that.
00:16:49 But just remember this.
00:16:50 You couldn't pilot a kiddie cart across the other side of the street.
00:16:53 If it weren't for guys like me, you'd be dead. Nothing.
00:16:55 Nothing.
00:16:56 Why did you treat him that way?
00:17:03 Right now, he has no business playing house with you.
00:17:05 He's got a job to do and that comes first.
00:17:07 Not always, Commander.
00:17:09 Dan knows what he's doing.
00:17:11 Does he?
00:17:12 I'm not so sure.
00:17:14 (SIREN WAILING)
00:17:15 (HORN HONKING)
00:17:43 (HORN HONKING)
00:17:44 Why don't you quit writing, my boy, Chuck?
00:18:02 It's the bad orders.
00:18:03 Whitewalls are wrecking.
00:18:04 We were darn lucky to salvage the instruments.
00:18:06 All right, but you got to look at it both ways.
00:18:08 Just think of the progress we've made.
00:18:10 Come in.
00:18:12 Yes, sir?
00:18:13 Simmons, take this to Commander Barrett.
00:18:15 Tell him I'll be there in five minutes.
00:18:16 Yes, sir.
00:18:17 I got something else here you can worry about.
00:18:20 I'm putting White 13 on a four-week countdown, as of tonight.
00:18:24 Four weeks?
00:18:25 Yeah, the Pentagon just came through with a priority go-ahead.
00:18:27 Oh, are we really sweating blood to get this on time?
00:18:31 All right, then sweat blood and read your orders.
00:18:33 I have an apex to fire in 30 minutes.
00:18:38 (EXPLOSION)
00:18:39 (EXPLOSION)
00:18:41 (EXPLOSION)
00:18:42 (EXPLOSION)
00:18:43 (EXPLOSION)
00:18:45 (EXPLOSION)
00:18:47 (EXPLOSION)
00:18:49 (EXPLOSION)
00:18:50 (EXPLOSION)
00:19:18 Look at that baby go. Isn't she beautiful?
00:19:20 You're, um, released on Captain Richard's orders.
00:19:25 It's about time.
00:19:26 It's not all.
00:19:28 It seems the Pentagon is so impressed with your fame
00:19:30 that you're to pilot Y-13.
00:19:31 That's great.
00:19:33 But you're not so very happy about it, are you?
00:19:36 I just want to be sure of one thing, that there are no mistakes.
00:19:38 That you obey every instruction given to you.
00:19:40 Your reactions are slow up there.
00:19:42 That's not the answer I want.
00:19:43 What do you want me to say?
00:19:44 I want you to say that you understand that you're the pilot,
00:19:46 but I give the orders.
00:19:47 Unfortunately, I think you'd do anything for this.
00:19:49 Get off my back, will you?
00:19:51 I'll get off your back as soon as you realize
00:19:53 that we're developing a piloted space plane
00:19:55 and not a record-breaking hero.
00:19:56 All right.
00:19:58 As I said before, your reaction is slow up there.
00:20:00 We'll see to it that you get plenty of time for a check-out.
00:20:03 Before the next flight.
00:20:05 Dr. Von Essen will give you a thorough indoctrination
00:20:08 so that your reactions are automatic.
00:20:10 Now, get your things together and get over to Aviation Medicine.
00:20:12 Yes, sir.
00:20:14 Yes, sir.
00:20:15 Miss Francesca?
00:20:34 Yes?
00:20:35 What are you doing here?
00:20:36 I'm sorry, Commander, but I'm in a hurry.
00:20:38 Chief, what is Miss Francesca doing here?
00:20:43 Checking in some material with Dr. Von Essen, sir.
00:20:45 I don't understand you, Chief. What sort of material?
00:20:47 She's on Dr. Von Essen's staff, sir.
00:20:49 Aviation Medicine Department.
00:20:51 I wish she was working here.
00:20:53 I'm all for scientists and skirts.
00:20:55 You and the rest of the Navy.
00:20:59 Come in.
00:21:03 Commander Prescott.
00:21:06 Congratulations.
00:21:08 Y-13 should be a fine project.
00:21:10 Thank you, Doctor.
00:21:11 Sit down.
00:21:12 Cigarette?
00:21:13 No, no, thanks.
00:21:14 Say, Doctor, do you, uh...
00:21:16 Do you have a Miss Francesca on your staff?
00:21:19 She do not visit us often enough at the university.
00:21:22 How long has she been working for you?
00:21:23 Some months.
00:21:25 She's in charge of the cardiographs
00:21:27 and probably knows more about your brother's heart
00:21:29 than he does himself.
00:21:30 Yes, from what I've seen, I wouldn't be surprised.
00:21:32 She's good for him.
00:21:34 He's quieter, calmer, and in love.
00:21:37 In love?
00:21:39 Are you kidding?
00:21:41 You're too close to your projects, Commander.
00:21:43 You do not notice people enough.
00:21:45 Are you sure of this?
00:21:46 I shall not say it otherwise.
00:21:48 Well, what do you know?
00:21:53 What sort of an idiot does that make me?
00:21:56 Why in the heck didn't Dan say something?
00:21:58 You don't seem to have your brother's entire confidence.
00:22:01 No, uh, no, Doctor, I'm afraid I don't.
00:22:04 You wish it were any other man than Dan
00:22:07 who should pilot Y-13?
00:22:09 Well, he's not the man I'd personally pick for the job.
00:22:11 Why not?
00:22:12 I just don't think it's in his nature
00:22:14 to stay inside any organized pattern.
00:22:16 It's not an unnatural characteristic
00:22:18 to find in a man who risks his life for a new achievement.
00:22:20 Maybe so, but on a project such as this,
00:22:22 I prefer to have someone more reliable.
00:22:24 Well, he will be my care until you are ready for the flight.
00:22:27 I'll pay some attention to his psychology.
00:22:29 Yes, would you let the psychiatrist work on him, Doctor?
00:22:32 Make him understand that
00:22:34 even though he's up there in space alone,
00:22:36 he still has to obey orders.
00:22:39 Attention all personnel.
00:22:41 Stand by for Y-13 rocket motor testing.
00:22:44 Stand by for Y-13 rocket motor testing.
00:22:46 Y-13 tied down.
00:23:12 Tuning completed.
00:23:14 Stand clear for test.
00:23:16 Stand clear for test.
00:23:18 Stand clear for test.
00:23:21 Stand clear for test.
00:23:23 (rocket engine roaring)
00:23:25 (rocket engine roaring)
00:23:27 (dramatic music)
00:23:51 (dramatic music)
00:23:53 (dramatic music)
00:23:55 (dramatic music)
00:23:57 (dramatic music)
00:23:59 (dramatic music)
00:24:01 (dramatic music)
00:24:03 (dramatic music)
00:24:05 (dramatic music)
00:24:07 (dramatic music)
00:24:09 (dramatic music)
00:24:11 (dramatic music)
00:24:13 (dramatic music)
00:24:15 ♪ (dramatic music)
00:24:42 - Like to go on the flight plan again?
00:24:44 - What, again?
00:24:45 I know it blindfolded!
00:24:45 - I know, let's go over it again, huh?
00:24:47 - Okay, okay.
00:24:49 We blast off at 45,000 feet,
00:24:51 crash the heat barrier,
00:24:52 out into the stratosphere in six seconds.
00:24:54 50 seconds later, I break through the chemosphere.
00:24:56 - Then you switch off your refrigeration plant.
00:24:58 - Check, but keep tracking me.
00:24:59 Buffeting in Y-12 was so severe,
00:25:01 I couldn't read my instruments.
00:25:02 - Well, that and the controllability barrier.
00:25:04 - Yeah, that's really tough.
00:25:05 There's much as you can do to hold on.
00:25:07 - You sure you can take over when you reach ionosphere?
00:25:09 I mean, if you want to,
00:25:10 we can take you past rocket furnace.
00:25:12 - No, no, that won't be necessary.
00:25:14 Now that I know what to expect, I'll be ready.
00:25:16 - Y-13 countdown, zero minus 54 minutes.
00:25:20 Repeat, zero minus 54 minutes.
00:25:23 - Well, Von Nessen did a good job.
00:25:24 You look pretty good.
00:25:25 - Never felt better.
00:25:27 I wish he was coming today, though.
00:25:28 I like to have him around.
00:25:30 - The Air Force has priority today.
00:25:32 - Y-13 countdown.
00:25:34 All personnel assemble.
00:25:36 All personnel assemble for takeoff.
00:25:38 - Well, good luck.
00:25:40 And you take it easy.
00:25:42 - Thanks, Chuck, but don't worry.
00:25:44 I'll bring you back all the dope you need for Y-14,
00:25:46 and then some.
00:25:47 Come on, let's go, huh?
00:25:48 - Right.
00:25:50 - Five, four, three, two, one, drop.
00:25:58 (rocket roaring)
00:26:00 (airplane roaring)
00:26:03 - Y-13 to control.
00:26:14 Y-13 to control.
00:26:16 G-pressure gone.
00:26:18 I'm weightless.
00:26:20 - But gyro's holding steady.
00:26:22 - Okay, Dan, we're with you.
00:26:24 Now check controls for atmosphere bite.
00:26:26 - I'm checking now.
00:26:30 - Steady her up, that's enough.
00:26:31 - Take it easy, Chuck.
00:26:32 - Approaching 500,000 feet, check?
00:26:42 - Check.
00:26:43 - You're doing fine, boy.
00:26:48 Now commence your turn in 15 seconds.
00:26:53 - Chuck, she feels like she'd go on forever.
00:26:55 - Stop talking, concentrate.
00:26:59 - 580,000.
00:27:00 590,000.
00:27:09 600,000.
00:27:17 - Your altitude is 600,000 feet.
00:27:19 Prepare to turn.
00:27:20 (airplane roaring)
00:27:23 (airplane roaring)
00:27:26 - Dan, Y-13, Y-13.
00:27:32 Commence your turn immediately.
00:27:33 - No, sir, I'm going straight up.
00:27:36 First man into space.
00:27:38 - Commence your turn, commence your turn!
00:27:40 - Sir, we're losing contact.
00:27:43 - Switch to remote control.
00:27:45 - Over to remote control, sir.
00:27:47 - Dan, are you reading me?
00:27:48 - So long, see you in space.
00:27:51 - Dan, Dan, are you reading me?
00:27:53 Are you reading me?
00:27:54 - Remote control, no response, sir.
00:27:56 - The outer atmosphere, I mean, sack up now.
00:27:58 - He's still climbing.
00:28:01 (explosion booms)
00:28:03 - The fool's fired his emergency boost.
00:28:14 - This is emergency.
00:28:17 Keep all radio beams open.
00:28:19 Instruct all radar to keep scanning constantly.
00:28:21 Bring in everyone.
00:28:21 Warn all spotters.
00:28:23 This is an intercontinental priority.
00:28:25 - Yes, sir, yes, sir.
00:28:27 - Well, he's on his own now.
00:28:32 The first man into space.
00:28:34 He'll either hit the moon or orbit the Earth
00:28:37 the rest of his life.
00:28:38 (dramatic music)
00:28:42 (dramatic music)
00:28:45 (dramatic music)
00:28:48 (dramatic music)
00:28:50 (dramatic music)
00:28:53 - Control, control.
00:29:17 I've done it.
00:29:18 250 miles.
00:29:19 250 miles.
00:29:20 I'm going to turn now.
00:29:23 (dramatic music)
00:29:26 (explosion booms)
00:29:31 This is Y-13, Y-13 calling from over 250 miles in space.
00:29:48 My rocket motors have burned up
00:29:50 and my gyro-stabilizers cannot turn me at this height.
00:29:53 I'm going to use release mechanism
00:29:57 to catapult myself in the nose away from the plane.
00:29:59 Control, control, are you reading me?
00:30:06 This is Y-13.
00:30:07 Control, control, are you reading me?
00:30:11 This is Y-13.
00:30:12 Y-13 calling control.
00:30:19 (rumbling)
00:30:21 - I'm ready to submit your right now.
00:30:23 Pressing ejector button now.
00:30:26 - Wish me luck.
00:30:27 (explosion booms)
00:30:32 (dramatic music)
00:30:35 - Yeah.
00:30:49 Yeah.
00:30:51 Yeah, see, see.
00:30:53 Kalinsky.
00:30:55 Yeah, yeah, sure.
00:30:58 We'll take care of it right away.
00:31:00 - Yes, sir.
00:31:01 - I got a call from a Mexican farmer called Sanchez.
00:31:03 He says he's caught sight of a parachute floating down.
00:31:05 It landed just outside his farm.
00:31:07 I don't know, he says there's something like
00:31:09 a front half of a plane or something attached to the chute.
00:31:12 - Where's he located, sir?
00:31:14 - Just off Route 17, about 10 miles south of El Verado.
00:31:17 Look, you better get the nearest patrol car
00:31:19 out there right away.
00:31:19 - Yes, sir.
00:31:21 - Meantime, I'll call the Navy base.
00:31:22 It might have something to do with the rocket firing.
00:31:24 Hello, get me the duty officer at the Navy base.
00:31:28 (sirens blaring)
00:31:31 (radio chatter)
00:31:37 - Yeah.
00:31:45 Yeah.
00:31:47 Yeah, okay.
00:31:53 Have him call me back.
00:31:54 Morning, Commander.
00:31:56 - Morning. - Glad you could make it.
00:31:58 I'm Wilson, Assistant Chief of State Police.
00:32:00 - Well, thanks for phoning in, Chief.
00:32:02 Whereabouts is it?
00:32:03 - Well, just up the airways in the bushes.
00:32:04 - Any, anyone hurt, any damage?
00:32:06 - No, dropped about a half a mile from the nearest farm.
00:32:09 Came down like a dame in a feather bed.
00:32:11 - No, no sign of the pilot, though, huh?
00:32:14 - Well, you better come and look for yourself.
00:32:17 (aircraft rumbling)
00:32:20 - Well, what do you make of it, Commander?
00:32:32 - I don't know, it's too early to say.
00:32:35 I've never seen anything like this before.
00:32:39 - We'll have to go into the test lab.
00:32:40 - Well, the pilot's had it, that's for certain.
00:32:44 - Smash canopy, you mean, huh?
00:32:45 - Yeah, he couldn't live up there in space.
00:32:48 - You got a minute, sir?
00:32:49 - Why?
00:32:50 - Could you come up and take a look
00:32:50 at what we got up here?
00:32:51 There's a farm.
00:32:52 - Are you okay?
00:32:54 - Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm okay.
00:32:55 Salvage 2 is right behind me.
00:32:56 - Oh, well, look, will you have one of your men stand guard?
00:32:59 I've got to go into Albuquerque and make a call.
00:33:01 - Oh, sure, I'll be here myself.
00:33:03 - Well, thanks for your help.
00:33:04 - I'm always glad to help the Navy.
00:33:05 What's the trouble?
00:33:06 - Oh, it's this Mexican farmer.
00:33:07 He's had a lot of cattle slaughtered
00:33:09 for no reason I can see.
00:33:10 - Well, let's go and see.
00:33:11 - Okay.
00:33:12 (car engine rumbling)
00:33:15 (dramatic music)
00:33:40 - I knew this would happen.
00:33:42 I didn't want him to go on.
00:33:44 - Yes, I understand.
00:33:46 - How can you understand?
00:33:48 To you, Dan was just a piece of machinery.
00:33:50 - No, that's not true.
00:33:51 - You wanted him to risk his life.
00:33:53 - I had to put Y-13 into space with Dan as a pilot
00:33:56 because those are my orders.
00:33:57 - Orders?
00:33:58 - Dan couldn't exist unless you were risking his life.
00:34:04 If he weren't piloting Y-13,
00:34:06 he'd find his own brand of danger somewhere else.
00:34:08 He had to prove he was the best.
00:34:10 - If you knew all this, why didn't you try and stop him?
00:34:14 - I did.
00:34:15 - I don't believe you.
00:34:18 - I've been trying to stop him ever since we were kids.
00:34:23 He was always climbing the highest tree
00:34:27 or swimming further than anyone else.
00:34:29 I would Dan, it was all the way or nothing.
00:34:32 - He wanted to be the first man into space.
00:34:36 - And he was.
00:34:37 Before we lost track of him,
00:34:38 he was higher than any man had ever been.
00:34:40 - Higher than any man, that's all you can think of.
00:34:43 I wanted him to give up flying, to settle down.
00:34:46 - If he had, do you think he'd ever been happy?
00:34:48 - No, you're right.
00:34:52 I just can't believe he's gone.
00:34:56 - I've got to get back to the base.
00:35:01 You'll be all right here alone?
00:35:04 - Alone?
00:35:06 Yes, I'll be all right.
00:35:09 - Come.
00:35:10 - Chuck.
00:35:11 I didn't mean to blame you.
00:35:15 - Look, I'll stop by the aviation medicine department
00:35:19 tomorrow and see you if you'd like.
00:35:21 - Thank you, I'd like that.
00:35:24 - Goodbye, dear.
00:35:27 (somber music)
00:35:29 (engine rumbling)
00:35:38 (dramatic music)
00:35:41 (machine whirring)
00:35:49 - We're running some metallurgical tests.
00:36:00 It seems as if the skin was subjected
00:36:03 to some sort of incrustation we've never heard of.
00:36:06 - Any idea how high he went?
00:36:07 - Oh, in weakened gravity, Paul, he could go a long way.
00:36:10 Could be anything, 250, 350 miles.
00:36:13 - Chutes seem okay, as the usual signs of scorching.
00:36:16 - Yeah, the automatic escape mechanism
00:36:18 operated perfectly too.
00:36:20 And this breaking chute opened just right,
00:36:22 as soon as it hit full atmosphere density.
00:36:24 It was too late to save Dan.
00:36:27 Nobody could live once the canopy burst,
00:36:29 and he'd be dead in a second.
00:36:30 Have a look over here.
00:36:33 There's incrustation, there's some remarkable qualities.
00:36:36 (footsteps thudding)
00:36:39 You see?
00:36:47 Nothing, nothing at all.
00:36:50 X-rays will not pass through it.
00:36:54 - No luck here either, sir.
00:36:57 - Thank you.
00:36:58 This is the infrared photograph.
00:37:06 But the rays do not penetrate
00:37:07 to show us what is below the surface.
00:37:09 Then here, under the ultraviolet lamp.
00:37:14 I can't understand it.
00:37:18 It's resistant to any identification
00:37:20 or penetration test we can do here.
00:37:22 We'll take a photograph anyway.
00:37:24 There may be some reflection we cannot observe,
00:37:26 though I doubt it.
00:37:28 - Hmm.
00:37:29 So far then, your tests are negative.
00:37:31 Well, let's hope the metallurgical report
00:37:34 will give us a line.
00:37:35 - Let's hope.
00:37:36 - Let me know as soon as you have it.
00:37:38 Well, good night, Doctor.
00:37:40 - Good night, Chuck.
00:37:41 - Good night. - Good night, sir.
00:37:42 - You know, you better get some sleep.
00:37:48 - I will, Skipper, thanks.
00:37:49 - What is this stuff, Doctor?
00:37:54 Do you think a chemical breakdown could tell us anything?
00:37:57 - We do not even know the primary reactor.
00:38:00 I'd send a sample to my own laboratory.
00:38:03 We may find the answer more quickly.
00:38:05 - You know, I can't get him out of my mind, Doctor.
00:38:09 I can just see him up there now in the cockpit.
00:38:14 He wanted you there today.
00:38:18 Maybe if you had been, if only I had--
00:38:22 - You mustn't blame yourself, Chuck.
00:38:24 - You're right.
00:38:27 Look, I'll check with you first thing in the morning, huh?
00:38:31 - Mm-hmm.
00:38:32 (suspenseful music)
00:38:39, (suspenseful music)
00:38:44 (suspenseful music)
00:38:47 (suspenseful music)
00:38:50 (alarm blaring)
00:38:54 (suspenseful music)
00:38:57 (growling)
00:38:59 (growling)
00:39:01 (growling)
00:39:03 (growling)
00:39:06 (growling)
00:39:08 (glass shattering)
00:39:28 (glass shattering)
00:39:30 (screaming)
00:39:41 (growling)
00:39:43 (suspenseful music)
00:39:48 (growling)
00:39:51 - Yes, I'll do that.
00:40:08 Thank you, sir, and goodbye.
00:40:10 Come in.
00:40:11 Hi, Chuck.
00:40:14 Glad you came by.
00:40:15 I wanna talk to you.
00:40:16 - Have you seen this, Gifford?
00:40:18 - No, sir.
00:40:19 - There's not the headline.
00:40:22 Read, read further down.
00:40:23 - In the past 24 hours, death has struck
00:40:29 in mysterious and terrifying ways.
00:40:31 The type of wound inflicted is fearful and inhuman.
00:40:35 - Read the middle part, sir,
00:40:36 where it talks about the slaughtered cattle.
00:40:39 That farm is right next door to where Y13 fell.
00:40:42 I've gotta call in now to Chief Wilson.
00:40:45 - I don't get the time.
00:40:46 (phone ringing)
00:40:48 - Yeah?
00:40:49 - Call for Commander Prescott, sir.
00:40:50 - Thank you, sir.
00:40:52 Commander Prescott?
00:40:53 Yes, Wilson, where are you?
00:40:55 Alameda?
00:40:56 What?
00:40:59 Yes, well, I'll be there as soon as I can.
00:41:16 Like I said, Commander, about the wounds
00:41:18 on the Mexican cattle.
00:41:19 See, look, this one's the same.
00:41:21 It's like a tearing jag there across the throat, see?
00:41:23 - Mm.
00:41:24 Who or what could cause this wanton destruction?
00:41:30 - I don't know, but it seems to lack the taste of blood.
00:41:33 You see, it looks like it's been scooped up or something.
00:41:37 And then look here, look.
00:41:38 It takes more than human strength to do this,
00:41:42 unless he had an axe.
00:41:44 (dramatic music)
00:41:46 - Chief.
00:42:05 - Yeah?
00:42:06 - Give me your flashlight.
00:42:08 Here.
00:42:12 Look there.
00:42:13 See on the edge of the wound there?
00:42:15 - What?
00:42:16 - Those little shiny specks.
00:42:18 - Oh, yeah, yeah, I see.
00:42:22 Yeah, it's funny, I never noticed those before.
00:42:25 What do you suppose they are?
00:42:27 - When you do an autopsy, will you send a sample of that
00:42:29 to a doctor of biology and aviation medicine?
00:42:31 - Sure.
00:42:33 You think they mean something?
00:42:35 - I don't know.
00:42:36 I'd like to take a look at that Mexican's cattle.
00:42:40 - Maybe we'll go over as soon as we're through here.
00:42:42 (dramatic music)
00:42:45 - Well, there you are, Commander, take a look.
00:42:58 There's a dozen more like it in the lower pasture.
00:43:00 (speaking in foreign language)
00:43:04 - Who won't kill Clara?
00:43:06 She win many prizes at Feria.
00:43:08 - You see what I mean?
00:43:09 It's the same thing.
00:43:11 The throat ripped right open.
00:43:13 - Hmm, looks like it kills whatever comes near.
00:43:15 - Yeah.
00:43:16 - Any idea what sort of a weapon could cause such a gash?
00:43:19 - No, not yet, but we're working on it.
00:43:22 - Yeah, right.
00:43:23 I'll show you later.
00:43:23 (dramatic music)
00:43:25 - Oh, yeah, those shiny specks again.
00:43:28 - Mm-hmm.
00:43:28 Would you send a sample of this
00:43:29 also over to aviation medicine?
00:43:31 - Sure.
00:43:33 What are you trying to say, Commander,
00:43:35 that something from outer space came out of that missile?
00:43:37 - I don't know, but I'd like to have them compare it
00:43:39 to the sample we took from the nurse at the blood bank.
00:43:41 - Okay.
00:43:43 You think it's gonna help us find the killer?
00:43:46 - Well, I can't say, but let's hope we catch it
00:43:48 before it does any more killing.
00:43:50 - Well, it can't escape my roadblocks forever.
00:43:53 But if you've got any ideas, Commander,
00:43:54 you better let me in on 'em.
00:43:56 (dramatic music)
00:43:59 Here, put that in.
00:44:04 There.
00:44:05 What is it?
00:44:09 (dramatic music)
00:44:12 Looks like a high-altitude oxygen leak.
00:44:14 I gotta get back to the base.
00:44:17 I've got a lot of work to do.
00:44:18 But don't worry, I'll keep in touch.
00:44:20 - Yeah, sure.
00:44:21 (speaking in foreign language)
00:44:28 (dramatic music)
00:44:38 - Doc, I gotta go now.
00:44:40 I'll be back this way next thing.
00:44:43 (dramatic music)
00:44:51 Hey, don't forget to keep my side warm.
00:45:05 - Don't worry, I won't let it get cold.
00:45:09 (dramatic music)
00:45:11 (grunting)
00:45:15 (dramatic music)
00:45:17 (growling)
00:45:20 (dramatic music)
00:45:22 (growling)
00:45:25 (dramatic music)
00:45:27 (grunting)
00:45:30 (dramatic music)
00:45:32 (dramatic music)
00:45:36 (gun firing)
00:45:39 (dramatic music)
00:45:41 (engine rumbling)
00:46:11 - Hello, I'm Commander Prescott.
00:46:12 I'd like to see Miss Francesca.
00:46:14 - I'll see if she's free.
00:46:15 They're just finishing an altitude test.
00:46:17 Commander Prescott, to see Miss Francesca.
00:46:23 I'll bring him down.
00:46:26 Come with me, Commander.
00:46:28 - Thank you.
00:46:29 (machine whirring)
00:46:33 - Watch out for spirit density
00:46:39 and final reaction carefully.
00:46:41 Only 10 seconds to normal.
00:46:42 Right, open the chamber.
00:46:48, careful with this helmet., careful with this helmet.,
00:46:53 (footsteps tapping)
00:46:56 Careful with this helmet.
00:47:17 - Hello, dear.
00:47:20 - Hello, Commander, good to see you.
00:47:21 - How are you feeling?
00:47:23 - All right.
00:47:23 I've got plenty to do.
00:47:25 It keeps my mind open.
00:47:26 - Yes, it does, doesn't it?
00:47:28 I was on the way over to see about some blood tests
00:47:31 the police sent over this morning,
00:47:32 and I thought I'd stick my head in and say hello.
00:47:34 - That's very nice.
00:47:36 Do you want me to see if they're ready?
00:47:37 - I'd appreciate it, thanks.
00:47:39 - Pathological?
00:47:42 Hello?
00:47:46 Are those blood tests ready for Commander Prescott?
00:47:48 They are.
00:47:50 Could you please send them down?
00:47:51 He's waiting for them.
00:47:53 Thank you.
00:47:54 - Well, that's fast work.
00:47:57 - We try our best.
00:47:58 Do you want some coffee?
00:48:00 - Yes, I would, thank you.
00:48:01 - Black? - Please.
00:48:04 - Sugar? - No, thanks.
00:48:08 I'm fine.
00:48:09 - You look tired.
00:48:13 - Well, maybe this will help.
00:48:15 How did you ever end up in Albuquerque?
00:48:20 - I came with my father two years ago.
00:48:22 He and Dr. Van Essen were very good friends.
00:48:26 They were at school together.
00:48:27 And when my father died,
00:48:31 Dr. Van Essen asked me to stay on and help him.
00:48:35 - What part of Italy are you from?
00:48:36 - Turin, from the north of Italy.
00:48:39 - Ever get homesick?
00:48:41 - Not anymore.
00:48:41 - Well, it's strange.
00:48:44 First time I met you, I thought,
00:48:45 well, it just goes to show you how wrong a person can be.
00:48:50 - Do you want some coffee?
00:48:51 - No, thanks, I'm fine.
00:48:52 - Thank you.
00:48:55 - Edited in both samples are innumerable particles
00:49:01 of meteorite dust that show no sign of structural damage,
00:49:04 such as would be expected from passage through atmosphere.
00:49:06 Detailed analysis will be needed
00:49:09 before a confirmed opinion can be given.
00:49:10 The full report is requested on the origin of the dust.
00:49:13 - Has this got anything to do with damage?
00:49:18 - Anything to do with Dan?
00:49:20 - I don't know.
00:49:21 Look, Tia, I've got to get back to the base.
00:49:24 I'll see you again as soon as I can.
00:49:26 Thanks for the coffee.
00:49:27 - Goodbye, Chuck.
00:49:29 (engine rumbling)
00:49:32 (engine rumbling)
00:49:36 (engine rumbling)
00:49:39 (door opens)
00:49:41 - We have the results of the metallurgical tests.
00:50:08 - Hang on a second, will you, doctor?
00:50:09 I'd like you to take a look at this.
00:50:10 - Later, later.
00:50:11 Come over here.
00:50:12 I want to show you something.
00:50:14 - Uh...
00:50:15 - Here.
00:50:17 This is a sample of our new secret alloy,
00:50:22 of which the fuselage of Y-13 is made.
00:50:25 You know the terrific heat and pressure it will stand.
00:50:27 - Yeah?
00:50:28 - This is a piece from the fuselage,
00:50:30 which was coated with this strange substance.
00:50:33 Notice, the metal underneath has not been affected.
00:50:37 Now, this is a piece we removed from the stabilizer
00:50:41 that has escaped being encrusted.
00:50:44 Look, it has undergone a complete transformation.
00:50:48 It does not even retain a resemblance to metal.
00:50:51 It's like crumbling carbon.
00:50:54 And if I grind it...
00:50:57 there's nothing left but powder.
00:51:00 - What could cause this transformation, doctor?
00:51:04 - Difficult to say.
00:51:06 Possibly cosmic rays.
00:51:07 We do not yet know or understand.
00:51:09 - The word is, Coder, this transformation hasn't occurred, right?
00:51:11 - Exactly.
00:51:12 - So then it could be that this is some sort of cosmic protection.
00:51:16 - Could be.
00:51:17 - Commander Prescott, report to Captain Richard's office, please.
00:51:20 Commander Prescott, report to Captain Richard's office, please.
00:51:23 - I'll, uh... I'll be right back, doctor.
00:51:25 - Although I accept your explanation, señor Capitán,
00:51:33 there is no doubt that it was providence that His Excellency was not killed.
00:51:37 - But the place where the tail section of Y-13 fell is 10 miles from your town.
00:51:42 - What is 10 miles, señor, when you do not know where your missiles go?
00:51:46 - What's he getting at?
00:51:47 - He's referring to the rocket that almost hit Juarez.
00:51:49 - But that was a captured German V-2.
00:51:52 It happened nearly 10 years ago.
00:51:54 - What is 10 years, señor?
00:51:55 You still do not know where your missiles go.
00:51:58 - He has the whole story, sir.
00:51:59 The low-flying projectile you lost over Argentina last year,
00:52:02 the Apex missile that disappeared last week?
00:52:04 - That is so, señor Capitán.
00:52:06 - Where are they, eh?
00:52:08 - As if I knew.
00:52:09 If they're not up there, they must be down here.
00:52:11 - Glad you're here, Commander.
00:52:17 Meet Señor Ramón de Guerrera, Consul for Mexico at Santa Fe.
00:52:21 - Hello. - Mr. Harold Atkins, State Department,
00:52:23 Commander Prescott.
00:52:24 - Mr. Atkins?
00:52:25 - It seems that His Excellency, the Minister for Social Services,
00:52:29 was opening a new boring ensamblido on...
00:52:31 - Señores, it was the moment of truth.
00:52:35 A great silence descended upon the crowd.
00:52:38 5,000 people.
00:52:40 10,000 eyes, señor Comandante, fixed on the blade.
00:52:44 And suddenly there is a roar from space.
00:52:47 It was greater than the roar of the Oles that would greet the final triumph.
00:52:51 All the eyes look up when they look down.
00:52:54 - Did he miss the kill?
00:52:55 - Of course.
00:52:57 Suddenly there is a tremendous...
00:52:59 The crowd scatters, the bull is scared,
00:53:01 jumps over the barrera, nearly into the lap of His Excellency.
00:53:05 Then the bull escapes and wrecks the market.
00:53:09 - The farm-lovers left a Y-13 tail section later on in the day.
00:53:13 - Y-13? - Yeah.
00:53:14 - How soon can we get a salvage crew down there?
00:53:16 - I'm afraid it's not quite as simple as that, Commander.
00:53:18 There are formalities and...
00:53:20 - Señores, here is a list, Señor Capitán,
00:53:24 but it is not complete.
00:53:28 20,000 pesos!
00:53:32 - It must have been the bull of the century.
00:53:35 - Señor Capitán, it was a bull,
00:53:38 worthy of Manolet himself.
00:53:40 - Señor Consul, I hope you will cooperate
00:53:42 by allowing us to salvage the tail section.
00:53:45 - I will use my personal influence.
00:53:47 - Thank you.
00:53:48 - And the United States government will see about adequate compensation.
00:53:50 - Please impress upon His Excellency
00:53:52 that both our countries will benefit from permission
00:53:54 to send a salvage crew under the crash site
00:53:57 at the earliest possible moment.
00:53:59 - Of course, Señor Capitán.
00:54:01 - Well, buenos días, señores.
00:54:03 - Buenos días. - Buenos días, Señor.
00:54:05 - Oh, and, Capitán,
00:54:08 I hope the next time you lose a missile,
00:54:11 you shoot it in some other direction.
00:54:13 - Boy, we fire a dozen missiles every week.
00:54:21 - Because something goes wrong once in a while,
00:54:24 this kind of thing has to happen.
00:54:26 - Now, look, Chuck, Wilson's just called.
00:54:28 Things are getting pretty serious.
00:54:29 There have been three more killings.
00:54:31 - Three? - Yeah.
00:54:32 - Did he give any details? - Mm-hmm.
00:54:34 A truck driver at a roadside diner just outside Los Alamos
00:54:38 and an elderly couple up by Green Valley.
00:54:40 - Oh, Green Valley, why, that's...
00:54:43 How is it traveling those distances
00:54:45 in such a short space of time?
00:54:47 - It can drive.
00:54:48 Wilson found a truck with a steering column
00:54:50 and foot controls bent so far out of shape
00:54:52 it can't be driven another yard.
00:54:54 - Yeah, beginning to get a picture.
00:54:56 We know it has great strength,
00:54:58 it's clumsy, smashes everything it touches,
00:55:01 and it has mechanical knowledge.
00:55:04 - What makes you think this has anything to do with Y-13?
00:55:06 - Captain, I'd like to have you take a look at something in the lab.
00:55:08 I think it's a-- [buzzer]
00:55:09 - Excuse me.
00:55:10 - Captain Richards.
00:55:11 - Commander Lawson, sir.
00:55:13 The S-21 rocket motor's ready on testbed number two.
00:55:16 We fire in 30 minutes.
00:55:17 - Hold it. How long will you need me?
00:55:19 - As fast as I can.
00:55:20 - Delay your test by one hour.
00:55:22 Fire at 1730.
00:55:23 - But, sir, we're all set.
00:55:25 - Look, it's about time you boys realized
00:55:27 there's more than one baby in this nursery.
00:55:29 Delay your test till 1730.
00:55:31 - I can give you 30 minutes. Let's go.
00:55:34 Assuming that there is life in outer space,
00:55:37 it would have to create a protective coating
00:55:39 in order to survive those destructive elements up there.
00:55:42 - You mean like the primeval creatures
00:55:43 that crawl out of the sea and grew skin
00:55:45 to protect themselves against the sun?
00:55:47 - Yes. Y-13 has penetrated a new world.
00:55:50 So this coating was formed on Y-13
00:55:53 to protect it from those destructive forces in space.
00:55:56 - Huh. It's an interesting theory, but I--
00:55:58 - But suppose the same thing happened in the cockpit?
00:56:02 Let me show you something.
00:56:04 Yes.
00:56:10 If you notice, this is flexible and harmless to touch.
00:56:17 Let me demonstrate on this piece of sponge rubber here.
00:56:21 I'll wrap this around my hand.
00:56:25 Watch this.
00:56:29 Oh, my God.
00:56:37 If this were human throat, that's how it could be slashed.
00:56:44 Look closely into these gashes.
00:56:47 Meteorite dust.
00:56:49 The same as in the wounds of all the victims. Meteorite dust.
00:56:53 So there's only one interpretation I can put on all this.
00:56:59 This monster kills,
00:57:03 but only because for some reason or other it needs this blood.
00:57:07 No one has seen it and lived.
00:57:12 What are you getting at, Chuck?
00:57:15 I'm afraid this monster is dead.
00:57:18 - Say, that guy's off course. - Yeah, he's looted, okay.
00:57:28 Here we go.
00:57:31 (Rumbling)
00:57:33 Hold on, I'm gonna take him.
00:58:00 (Tires screeching)
00:58:02 Okay, I'll handle it.
00:58:07 (Gunshots)
00:58:22 (Gunshots)
00:58:24 (Gunshots)
00:58:52 Dan's metabolism must have changed, but what form has it taken?
00:58:57 Without knowing the kind of cosmic rays to which Dan was subjected
00:59:01 and their effect on the physical basis of life, I could not say.
00:59:05 Perhaps it caused a blood change.
00:59:08 Why, it's incredible to think of your brother as a blood-drinking...
00:59:17 Tia, would you get Dan's metabolism charts and cardiograms?
00:59:21 We're gonna need your help.
00:59:23 Yes, I have them all here.
00:59:25 Suppose when the canopy burst,
00:59:30 his blood absorbed a high content of nitrogen, and he would die.
00:59:34 The human body cannot survive in a rarefied atmosphere
00:59:37 without the protection of spacesuits and pressurized cabins.
00:59:41 But you're forgetting about that protective coating on Y-13.
00:59:44 And if it formed quickly enough on Dan...
00:59:47 Yes, it might have kept him alive.
00:59:49 And if, instead of death, a new metabolism was created
00:59:52 which starved his body and his brain of blood, what then?
00:59:56 We know very little, only that by some mysterious means
00:59:59 the cells controlling growth and reproduction
01:00:02 are changed by exposure to some cosmic rays.
01:00:06 Beyond that, I could only guess.
01:00:08 Yes, I'm only guessing, too, Doctor.
01:00:11 But I think Dan would be more at home in space than on Earth.
01:00:16 And what has been going on hasn't been wanton killing,
01:00:19 but only his need to replace this blood that has been changed.
01:00:23 He would need some proper transfusions.
01:00:25 It would be useless to drink it.
01:00:27 Yes, unless he was obeying some animalistic instinct.
01:00:32 [siren wailing]
01:00:35 [siren wailing]
01:00:38 [roaring]
01:01:04 [roaring]
01:01:07 Your hunch was right, Commander.
01:01:20 Look at this.
01:01:22 It's Dan's space helmet. Where'd you find it?
01:01:24 Not too far from here, in a car with his latest victim.
01:01:28 And now we know what he looks like--
01:01:30 a great, big, lumbering, deformed monster.
01:01:33 Seems you can't kill him. The bullets bounce off.
01:01:36 It's the coating. It's a perfect protection.
01:01:39 Like armor plate.
01:01:41 I've assigned a platoon of Marines to help, Wilson.
01:01:44 Look, I know he's got to be stopped,
01:01:47 but remember, he's still Lieutenant Prescott,
01:01:50 and if he can drive a car, he still retains some intelligence.
01:01:54 He's not all monster.
01:01:57 [roaring]
01:02:00 What do you suggest, Commander?
01:02:03 We just let him roam the state, killing at random?
01:02:05 No, Chief, that's not what I meant.
01:02:07 Well, look, we've got the works on him.
01:02:09 The next time we find him, we'll try tear gas first.
01:02:11 If that doesn't work, we can let the Marines blast him.
01:02:14 Stands to reason, Chuck. If we can't stop him, we gotta destroy him.
01:02:17 In the meantime, I gotta talk to Washington.
01:02:20 Doctor, can you take me to your office?
01:02:22 I wanna get a long-distance conference line open.
01:02:24 Of course, Captain. Come with me.
01:02:27 I like you along, Chief.
01:02:30 Chuck, why did this have to happen?
01:02:33 Dear, we're conquering a new world.
01:02:38 The dangers have to be faced. Someone has to start.
01:02:40 But why Dan?
01:02:42 Who could stop him? I couldn't, even though I tried.
01:02:44 You couldn't either.
01:02:46 No, I couldn't.
01:02:48 Now, though, you were right about one thing.
01:02:51 It was a piece of machinery that I wanted in the cockpit of Y-13, not Dan.
01:02:55 It is all right.
01:02:57 It is hard to remember sometimes that people matter more than machines.
01:03:02 It is...
01:03:04 Well, he can't breathe.
01:03:18 (Groaning)
01:03:20 In there!
01:03:27 Stop firing! Leave him alone!
01:03:38 Get out of here and warn the others to stay away from him.
01:03:41 We've got to get to Von Essen and tell him to open up a high-altitude chamber.
01:03:44 Come on.
01:03:47 (Groaning)
01:03:49 Where's your nearest PA system?
01:03:51 Reception hall.
01:03:53 You better get to Von Essen. I'll stick with Dan.
01:03:55 Go on.
01:03:57 (Groaning)
01:03:59 (Groaning)
01:04:14 (Groaning)
01:04:16 (Screaming)
01:04:28 Dan! Dan, listen to me.
01:04:35 It was Chuck. Listen, I'm trying to...
01:04:37 (Groaning)
01:04:39 Attention, everyone.
01:04:45 Do not leave your offices.
01:04:47 Don't go into the corridor. It's dangerous.
01:04:49 Your life is in danger. Repeat, your life is in danger to go into the corridor.
01:04:53 Dr. Von Essen, he's going the wrong way.
01:04:58 Try and direct him on the PA system. I'll follow him.
01:05:00 Look, Captain, why don't you let me call my men and blast him?
01:05:03 Forget it. I'll take full responsibility.
01:05:05 Dan, listen to me.
01:05:07 You are in the wrong corridor.
01:05:09 Remember the building.
01:05:11 From the reception hall, you should turn right.
01:05:14 Do not go straight on.
01:05:16 Turn right.
01:05:18 Dan, you have come a long way to find me,
01:05:21 and I am very near.
01:05:23 If you are following my directions correctly,
01:05:26 you will be approaching the building.
01:05:29 I will be there.
01:05:31 If you are following my directions correctly,
01:05:34 you will be approaching the staircase
01:05:37 leading to the high-altitude chamber
01:05:40 where I am waiting for you.
01:05:43 Remember, you must turn left onto the staircase.
01:05:49 If you are on the staircase, you are almost there.
01:05:54 Dan, try hard to remember.
01:05:58 The chamber is at the end of the corridor,
01:06:01 leading straight from the bottom of the staircase.
01:06:06 Take your time, Dan.
01:06:10 I'm here in the high-altitude chamber,
01:06:14 waiting to help you.
01:06:17 Come straight into the chamber.
01:06:27 He's coming this way.
01:06:30 Captain, open the door to the chamber.
01:06:33 - Larson. - Yes, Doctor.
01:06:35 Take Mr. Wilson over to the atmosphere controls.
01:06:39 Get as many recorders in operation as you can.
01:06:56 Look out, Skipper.
01:06:59 ( grunting )
01:07:03 ( grunting )
01:07:06 ( grunting )
01:07:20 ( grunting )
01:07:24 ( grunting )
01:07:27 With those hands, you'll never be able to connect the inside controls.
01:07:38 - I'm going in. - Chuck, you can't.
01:07:40 - I've got to. - Chuck!
01:07:43 ( grunting )
01:07:50 ( grunting )
01:07:53 - Mr. Vincent, can you hear me? - Yes, Chuck.
01:07:58 Start overing atmosphere immediately.
01:08:00 Take it up as high and as fast as you can.
01:08:02 All right, Chuck.
01:08:04 Proceed, Larson. Open inlet valve.
01:08:07 Allow for rise to 30,000 feet in 60 seconds.
01:08:16 Chuck, it's Chuck.
01:08:19 Dan, Dan, it's Chuck, your brother. Don't you know me?
01:08:23 Chuck, we want to--
01:08:26 We want to help you.
01:08:29 We want to help you, Dan.
01:08:32 Dan. Dan, don't you know me?
01:08:44 - It's Chuck. - Don't you know me?
01:08:47 Chuck?
01:08:50 Dan, we're trying to help you.
01:09:00 Sit down in the pilot seat.
01:09:03 Sit down.
01:09:06 That's right. Back up. Easy.
01:09:12 Sit down in the pilots.
01:09:15 Back up. Back up, darling. That's right.
01:09:19 Look upon this. Give me some oxygen, quick.
01:09:26 All right, Chuck.
01:09:39 Dan.
01:09:42 Listen. Dr. Von Essen is here.
01:09:46 He wants to help you.
01:09:50 Dan, I'm here at the window.
01:09:55 Dr. Von Essen.
01:09:57 Doctor, I've been searching for you.
01:10:01 Everything seems strange and dark.
01:10:05 I couldn't find you.
01:10:07 Tell me about it, Dan.
01:10:10 If I know what's happened, I can help you.
01:10:13 Under this stuff,
01:10:16 I feel like I'm suffering from some terrible disease.
01:10:22 Like I have no blood in my veins.
01:10:26 But the rarefied atmosphere we are giving you, it helps.
01:10:30 Like clean, fresh air.
01:10:33 I can breathe and think again.
01:10:36 I'm at 30,000 feet. Can Chuck take any more?
01:10:40 Be still, Chuck. Don't exert yourself.
01:10:46 Take it very steadily up to 38,000 feet, but no more.
01:10:50 Go on, Dan.
01:10:53 There's not much to tell.
01:10:57 I have no memory.
01:11:00 Only an instinct to stay alive
01:11:05 and to find you.
01:11:08 I've been looking for you
01:11:12 in a maze of fear and doubt.
01:11:16 We're steady at 38,000.
01:11:19 Hold it there.
01:11:21 Dan, to find out what's wrong with you,
01:11:24 I must do a blood pressure test.
01:11:27 All right, Doctor.
01:11:30 [footsteps]
01:11:33 [door opens]
01:11:39 [footsteps]
01:11:42 [door closes]
01:11:52 [footsteps]
01:11:55 [footsteps]
01:11:58 [footsteps]
01:12:01 Dan, can you tell us what happened up there in space?
01:12:08 Yeah.
01:12:10 It was like running into the tail end of a hurricane.
01:12:15 Only it was a stream of meteorite dust we hit.
01:12:20 At first, it was like 50,000 machine guns.
01:12:25 All hammered at once.
01:12:28 First the canopy, then my visor melted.
01:12:33 I thought my blood was starting to boil.
01:12:37 Then this coating started to form fast,
01:12:42 cooling and protective.
01:12:46 But it was too late.
01:12:50 The last thing I remember was
01:12:55 pressing the button of the nose ejector.
01:12:59 Then I thought I died.
01:13:02 How high did you go, Dan?
01:13:05 About 250 miles.
01:13:08 Maybe 300. I don't know.
01:13:12 Chuck, did you hear that?
01:13:15 Yeah, Dan. I'm listening.
01:13:18 You thought I was kidding when I said
01:13:21 I'd bring back all the dope you wanted.
01:13:24 Well, I've got it all.
01:13:27 With the covering of this stuff,
01:13:30 the Y-14 will be able to go through that meteorite dust
01:13:34 straight up.
01:13:36 [coughing]
01:13:39 It will be able to go on forever.
01:13:46 Rest, Dan. Rest.
01:13:50 He can't breathe.
01:13:53 Take it higher.
01:13:55 Chuck, it's no good.
01:14:00 I'm finished.
01:14:04 We shall take him higher.
01:14:06 But if we do, we'd kill Chuck.
01:14:13 - Kia. - Yes, Dan.
01:14:17 I'm sorry things had to happen this way.
01:14:22 But you see, I just had to be
01:14:28 the first man into space.
01:14:34 [explosion]
01:14:37 Neutralize atmosphere.
01:14:45 Right, Captain. Open the door.
01:14:53 [door creaking]
01:14:56 [whistling]
01:14:59 [whistling]
01:15:02 [whistling]
01:15:31 No, dear.
01:15:33 - Take care of Dan, will you? - Sure, sure.
01:15:36 There's nothing we can do.
01:15:41 You know, Doctor, this is the part of my job I dread.
01:15:47 Y-13 cost Dan his life.
01:15:50 We go ahead with Y-14 soon.
01:15:55 I wonder if we've learned enough.
01:15:58 The conquest of new worlds always makes demands on human life.
01:16:03 And there will always be men who will accept the risks.
01:16:07 [music playing]
01:16:10 [music playing]
01:16:13 [music playing]
01:16:17 [music playing]
01:16:20 [music playing]
01:16:23 [music playing]
01:16:26 [music playing]
01:16:29 [music playing]
01:16:32 [music playing]
01:16:35 [music playing]
01:16:38 [music playing]
01:16:41 [music playing]
01:16:44 [music playing]
01:16:47 [BLANK_AUDIO]