Kizil Goncalar - Episode 6 (English Subtitles)

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Kizil Goncalar - Episode 6 (English Subtitles)
00:00:00It is suitable for people over the age of 7. It contains violence and negative elements.
00:00:30This video is a derivative work of the Turkish Government.
00:00:32Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
00:00:34Please do not attempt this at home.
00:01:24Tell me, where is Seyfi's daughter?
00:01:26Tell me!
00:01:28Tell me!
00:01:30You slandered her!
00:01:32You slandered her!
00:01:34You slandered her!
00:01:36Tell me!
00:02:06There is no God but Allah, and there is no god but Allah, and there is no god but Allah. Amen.
00:02:46Do you ask because we won't be together?
00:02:53What do you think?
00:02:55I don't think you're angry because you're sick.
00:02:58But you're confused because you wouldn't do it if there wasn't such hatred.
00:03:04If we turn our backs on what he did, our hearts will be broken.
00:03:09I'm glad I went back and did it.
00:03:11But if we look at his good intentions and his conversation with you, our hearts will soften.
00:03:20Would you give up sending me abroad?
00:03:25It's up to his conscience.
00:03:29Tell me, my darling.
00:03:31What if we can't go?
00:03:35Oh, I forgot to buy olives.
00:03:46What will I do if we can't go?
00:03:51Don't call the bad.
00:03:55Then I'll run away, mom.
00:04:00Look, I swear to God, I'll protect you like two eyes.
00:04:30Hello, mom.
00:04:32May I?
00:04:42I was on my way to the lodging.
00:04:45I said I'd bring the materials.
00:04:48We'll have a hospital.
00:04:51Zeynep, my beautiful daughter.
00:04:56Thank you.
00:05:00Did you have breakfast? Tea?
00:05:03I have a stomachache. By the way, what I eat touches a lot.
00:05:07May God heal you.
00:05:09I brought vinegar from the country.
00:05:12Open your stomach a spoon.
00:05:14Zeynep, come on, give it in the closet.
00:05:16Okay, we'll take care of it. Sit down.
00:05:27Is everything okay?
00:05:29Thank God.
00:05:31How is it going to work from home?
00:05:34Mr. Naim, are you satisfied?
00:05:38We're trying to get used to it.
00:05:40God is great.
00:05:42Zeynep, my daughter.
00:05:45How was your conversation with Mr. Cüneyt?
00:05:52God is gone.
00:06:08Dad, what day was it today?
00:06:15Did you forget what day it was?
00:06:20What was the date?
00:06:22I mean, I'm thinking about the end of the card.
00:06:25What was the exact date?
00:06:27It has to be February 12, look at the newspaper.
00:06:30Right, right.
00:06:33Will Mrs. Meryem come?
00:06:35Why not?
00:06:36What if they don't come?
00:06:38Son, don't answer the question with the question.
00:06:40It felt like they were late, that's why I'm asking.
00:06:42They'll come, dad, they'll come.
00:06:44When I was reading the newspaper,
00:06:46I bought two bottles of water, dad.
00:06:48You haven't solved it for a long time.
00:06:50Maybe you will.
00:06:59And they call it the pen brush of the brain for the water texture.
00:07:04Dad, can you sign it for me?
00:07:09It doesn't matter.
00:07:11The doctor said you should check it every day.
00:07:13To see if there is a problem with the motor skills,
00:07:16which is caused by falling.
00:07:30Is it enough?
00:07:31Is it enough?
00:07:37Well, how do you feel?
00:07:41I mean, headache, something else.
00:07:45What do you mean something else?
00:07:47It's like a dizziness.
00:07:50I mean, you fell,
00:07:52okay, the motor skills may be in place,
00:07:54but it's caused by trauma,
00:07:56confusion or something.
00:07:58No, I'm fine.
00:07:59What happened? Did something happen?
00:08:04You came from a funeral the other day.
00:08:07Did I?
00:08:09Did I say something bad? I don't remember.
00:08:12It doesn't matter.
00:08:14She's a good woman.
00:08:16A good woman.
00:08:22I'll be right back.
00:08:29I'll be right back.
00:08:39Where is it? Where is this notebook?
00:08:46Mira, where are you?
00:08:49Pen, I'm taking it from you.
00:08:55Thank you.
00:09:00Take the orange juice to your grandfather.
00:09:02What's that?
00:09:04It's nothing, come on.
00:09:07It was a waste.
00:09:09I saved what I could save.
00:09:12You can do that in the kitchen.
00:09:15I'll take care of the damage right now.
00:09:20We used one-third of the two-package,
00:09:23it was one-third.
00:09:25When we calculate the family fee,
00:09:27we work two hours more.
00:09:29No way.
00:09:31Did you calculate it in your head?
00:09:34Don't make me do it.
00:09:36I'll get it from the grocery store.
00:09:38Where are you going in such a hurry?
00:09:40We'll tell Mr. Naim, he'll bring it.
00:09:42Don't tell him.
00:09:48Tell him to say something.
00:09:52Is he saying anything to you or your daughter?
00:09:55No, no.
00:09:56We're used to seeing ourselves, that's why.
00:09:59I'll go and bring the pastries right now.
00:10:09Is something wrong, mom?
00:10:12No, no, no.
00:10:14I'm a little confused.
00:10:16I came here in a hurry,
00:10:18I got to work right away, that's probably why.
00:10:20Our master asks for a consultation.
00:10:23You know better than me.
00:10:26Consultation is a tradition, as you said.
00:10:31Let's ask those who know the way.
00:10:36Excuse me.
00:10:38Thank you.
00:10:40Smart girl,
00:10:55Thank you.
00:10:58Mom, I'm glad we came without going.
00:11:00What if he couldn't find us?
00:11:02For God's sake.
00:11:04We're already late.
00:11:06Let's get ready as soon as possible.
00:11:13Good morning, Grandpa.
00:11:17Pascal principle.
00:11:18What is it?
00:11:22Liquid pressure is equal everywhere.
00:11:25Good morning.
00:11:29Know your value.
00:11:31I don't have a good morning.
00:11:33What happened again?
00:11:35We had a discussion with a friend at the seminar and he got upset.
00:11:38He humiliated the boy even more.
00:11:41It is very normal to argue with adults in adolescence.
00:11:45This is one of the symptoms of aging.
00:11:48You have to work hard.
00:11:50Okay, Dad.
00:11:54By the way,
00:11:58happy birthday.
00:12:07Open it, I wonder what it is.
00:12:19Well, maybe it's not for my taste.
00:12:22I have a brooch that my late grandmother bought.
00:12:26What is this, white gold?
00:12:28I liked it very much.
00:12:48What did you do to the spoon? Did you put it in?
00:13:19I couldn't.
00:13:22Did you take care of the guys?
00:13:31I'll come too.
00:13:37Don't be ridiculous. Just don't let him catch the spoon.
00:13:48Don't let him catch the spoon.
00:14:05My daughter.
00:14:07Your phone is ringing.
00:14:14Hello, teacher.
00:14:16Hello, Cüneyt.
00:14:19How are you?
00:14:20Thank you, I'm fine. How are you?
00:14:24I'm fine enough to want to be fine.
00:14:26I'd like to talk to you.
00:14:29At a suitable time.
00:14:31Cüneyt, as I said, by appointment.
00:14:33The program is a bit complicated at the moment.
00:14:36I know, I know. I called the hospital first, but I couldn't reach it.
00:14:41Yes, something happened.
00:14:43Shall we talk later?
00:14:46What happened?
00:14:49Did I do anything to upset you?
00:14:53No, no, no, Cüneyt.
00:14:56My father is sick.
00:14:58He had a serious attack. I'm worried about him.
00:15:03I was rude.
00:15:05I'm sorry.
00:15:07May God heal you.
00:15:09Don't say anything when we meet.
00:15:11Do you have a request?
00:15:13Let's do something we can do right away.
00:15:15We were at the hospital anyway.
00:15:16Let's just say I didn't hear it.
00:15:18Thank you. We're taking care of everything.
00:15:20I'm sorry.
00:15:22I won't be able to help you with therapy these days.
00:15:25Not at all. Don't worry about it.
00:15:28Have a good day.
00:15:29Thank you.
00:15:44The hardest test in the world is the child.
00:15:49Isn't that right?
00:15:53Or the test of the child.
00:15:54Isn't that right?
00:15:57If a father destroys his child, both will laugh.
00:16:01But if a father destroys his child, both will cry.
00:16:08This Levent is a good child.
00:16:13Is my uncle okay?
00:16:14Are you okay?
00:16:23If I ask you what you're talking about when you get up and sit in this post, it's a different matter.
00:16:30Should we ask my father?
00:16:32No, ma'am.
00:16:34You can't ask him everything.
00:16:36He's going to sit in this post and preach.
00:16:39He'll bring it before I ask.
00:16:41Am I going to remind people of my position after this hour?
00:16:46You're right.
00:16:49Should we tell someone, Sadim?
00:16:51Cüneyt's favorite person.
00:16:53He understands.
00:16:55He doesn't even work on his conversations anyway.
00:16:57He's interfering.
00:16:59Whatever he thinks.
00:17:01That's right.
00:17:03That's right.
00:17:05Actually, he didn't speak badly.
00:17:07He said it was too bad.
00:17:09He said it was too bad.
00:17:11It's too bad.
00:17:13Am I too smart?
00:17:15Am I too attractive?
00:17:17So something is too much.
00:17:19That's too much.
00:17:21It's going to be bad, ma'am.
00:17:23If he says something wrong in this post,
00:17:25God bless.
00:17:27I swear to God, we can't explain this to the people.
00:17:29No, Cüneyt wouldn't do such a thing, God willing.
00:17:32God willing, but...
00:17:34Be careful.
00:17:40How is the girl's education going?
00:17:45Our daughter is doing everything in style.
00:17:48God bless.
00:17:50God bless.
00:17:52Should I be relaxed?
00:17:54Dad, I think...
00:17:56I shouldn't.
00:17:58I think I shouldn't be relaxed.
00:18:01I want you to take your daughter.
00:18:04I want you to take your daughter.
00:18:06I want you to take your daughter.
00:18:07I want you to take your daughter.
00:18:09Tell her once again.
00:18:12Tell her once again.
00:18:21Come on, my daughter.
00:18:24I don't have any hope.
00:18:33Come on, my daughter.
00:18:35Cüneyt, come here.
00:18:38There was something I wanted to talk to you about, Yiğit.
00:18:43Peace be upon you.
00:18:45And upon you.
00:18:47I wanted to talk to you about something.
00:18:49Let me tell you first.
00:18:51Did you like this sermon?
00:18:57As long as my mind and heart are satisfied.
00:18:59Enough, enough.
00:19:01Why not?
00:19:03You are the smartest.
00:19:08Did you hear the sound?
00:19:10Did you hear the sound?
00:19:22Anyway, what was I saying?
00:19:28You are our precious.
00:19:31You are still young.
00:19:33Look, we are getting old slowly.
00:19:35We are getting old slowly.
00:19:37Young people will follow you.
00:19:40You know, this lodge has a business.
00:19:43And the mansion is big.
00:19:45Maybe it will grow bigger in time.
00:19:47Every mansion is a fabrication, uncle.
00:19:51It is so.
00:19:53Certainly, the most important thing is our Lord's will.
00:19:55For example, you.
00:19:57What a beautiful thing you did.
00:19:59You are following the sunnah of our Prophet by trying to get married.
00:20:02Isn't it?
00:20:03I hope so.
00:20:05Thank you.
00:20:07But I still want to ask you something.
00:20:12Are you sure?
00:20:18Now, the sunnah of marriage is
00:20:21to build a home.
00:20:24These doors are facing each other.
00:20:27Uncle, do you have a problem?
00:20:28Come in.
00:20:42Peace be upon you.
00:20:44And peace be upon you.
00:20:46Mr. Cüneyt.
00:20:48How are you?
00:20:50Peace be upon you, too.
00:20:52I was going to ask something from my uncle.
00:20:55What were you going to say?
00:20:56This is about Mr. Levent.
00:20:58We will take care of it.
00:21:00It is not a problem.
00:21:04Ms. Yasin.
00:21:06What was your problem?
00:21:08No, no. I will wait.
00:21:10No, it is good that you are here.
00:21:13It is a good coincidence.
00:21:15You can prepare the pastries.
00:21:17Dr. Levent's father is seriously ill.
00:21:19I want to go and visit him.
00:21:21Okay, okay. You can go.
00:21:23But let's go together.
00:21:24Visiting a patient is a sunnah.
00:21:27The more you share, the more blessings you get.
00:21:30Okay, we will go.
00:21:32We will go.
00:21:34It is a good idea.
00:21:36Does Mr. Arif know the address?
00:21:38Sultan Neighborhood.
00:21:40Dere Street.
00:21:42Pazar Street, No. 9.
00:21:44Is that Levent's side?
00:21:46That's right.
00:21:48We will go.
00:21:50We will go.
00:21:52I will tell Arif.
00:21:54We will go there.
00:21:56Then be safe.
00:22:07What kind of doctor is he?
00:22:09He helped us a lot when we were doing the examination.
00:22:15He is a very good person.
00:22:17He is a very good person.
00:22:21Was his name Levent?
00:22:24Yeser Hanım.
00:22:26Why did you come?
00:22:29I was at the lodge.
00:22:31I was wondering if you needed anything.
00:22:33I needed something.
00:22:37After my conversation.
00:22:39If you make pastries, we will go and buy them.
00:22:43If you want, give me the address.
00:22:45I will send it. Don't carry it.
00:22:47No need.
00:23:03The photos have arrived, but there is a problem.
00:23:06What photo?
00:23:10They took it for the passport, dad.
00:23:13Yes, Zeynep's mother.
00:23:35They will solve it.
00:23:37Dad, this is Mr. Irfan.
00:23:39Does he know the sensitivity of Zeynep's situation?
00:23:42If he doesn't know, he knows what to do.
00:23:44There is nothing to do.
00:23:46Are you going to ask the girl's father?
00:23:50If this situation is heard,
00:23:52everyone will get into each other.
00:23:54First of all, the girl's mother's head will burn.
00:24:01Meryem, are you going to make Zeynep angry?
00:24:04The story of Meryem Cesar and the girl Zeynep.
00:24:07These lands.
00:24:10It's so cliché.
00:24:18If Mira did that move, I would be very angry.
00:24:21Do you hit him like that?
00:24:24I was looking at his career list.
00:24:26Why are you ashamed to look for a job, baby?
00:24:29On the contrary, I am proud of you.
00:24:30I am proud of you.
00:24:32What did you do up there?
00:24:37If we can send Meryem without an accident,
00:24:40we are trying to solve a little problem about the passport.
00:24:45If her husband or someone else hears it, the whole plan will be ruined.
00:24:49You're right.
00:24:51Is there anything I can do?
00:24:53No, no. We'll take care of it.
00:24:55Don't talk about it around.
00:24:58No, no, of course.
00:25:01Oh, Meryem is here. I'm going.
00:25:06Come on, get up.
00:25:16Thank you.
00:25:24There's a leak.
00:25:27There's something missing in the suitcases.
00:25:30I had it counted in the warehouse in the morning.
00:25:32Did something happen while you were counting?
00:25:37Maybe the collector missed it.
00:25:41Didn't you get it?
00:25:45I counted it and got it.
00:25:47The warehouse is full.
00:25:49I got it first.
00:25:56I'll find it.
00:26:00The collector is one of us.
00:26:02We can't be brave.
00:26:04If there's a leak, it's a big punishment.
00:26:10For sure.
00:26:12For sure.
00:26:14I'll count it one by one when I get it back.
00:26:19It means he did it.
00:26:23Let's not blame the man right away.
00:26:25Why don't you look at the car?
00:26:28Maybe it's not on the shore.
00:26:30Good idea.
00:26:32I'll take a look.
00:26:41My son will get me out of this.
00:26:43Oh, my God.
00:26:45He'll get me out of this.
00:26:53My son will get me out of this.
00:27:04My wife.
00:27:06My wife.
00:27:08My wife.
00:27:10What are you doing?
00:27:12What are you doing?
00:27:14Why did you bring them here?
00:27:16What's your problem?
00:27:18If I want to hurt you, should I put them there?
00:27:21Then why did you bring them here?
00:27:23I didn't understand, uncle.
00:27:25I didn't have a name on that list.
00:27:27When I saw the collars, I understood.
00:27:29Those collars are because I'm mad at you.
00:27:31What are you going to do with Nasal?
00:27:33What's it to you?
00:27:35So you don't get in trouble.
00:27:40For you.
00:27:53After I put you to sin.
00:27:56I was going to do something.
00:27:59I was going to replace his money.
00:28:02Don't reach out to me.
00:28:05You're not that kind of person.
00:28:09You're a very good person.
00:28:14It would be very good.
00:28:15It would be very good.
00:28:21If you come to the meetings.
00:28:23If you show yourself.
00:28:25If there's something serious.
00:28:27They're already...
00:28:29What are you saying, uncle?
00:28:31Someone like me?
00:28:36They won't accept me.
00:28:38They will.
00:28:40We will.
00:28:43Think like a family.
00:28:45We don't need you.
00:28:47You're not afraid of Efe.
00:28:49If you're right.
00:28:51If you're sincere.
00:28:57I didn't know.
00:28:59I'll talk.
00:29:01I made a mistake.
00:29:04I'll make up for it.
00:29:06Now I'm here.
00:29:08I'm counting on you to do what you say.
00:29:11In principle.
00:29:22Then I'll wait for your news.
00:29:30You saved me from sin.
00:29:33I won't forget that.
00:29:36God bless you.
00:29:39From now on.
00:29:41Don't worry.
00:29:45God bless you.
00:30:20How are you, grandpa?
00:30:23I'm better than you.
00:30:27Why are you standing at the door like that?
00:30:30You didn't recognize me the other day.
00:30:37I'm sorry.
00:30:40But I asked Levent.
00:30:42I didn't do anything to break it.
00:30:45No, my mother understood.
00:30:48Tell me a gift.
00:30:50What gift?
00:30:52Birthday gift.
00:30:54What do you want?
00:30:56We don't celebrate birthdays.
00:30:58It's not our custom.
00:31:00You don't celebrate it because it's a sin.
00:31:03Okay, dad.
00:31:06Not for you.
00:31:08Mina's birthday.
00:31:10You're alive.
00:31:12What should I get?
00:31:13Don't worry.
00:31:15I'll think about it.
00:31:17Think about it.
00:31:19Give me the book.
00:31:21I'll give it to you later.
00:31:28Get a pen from Mina's room.
00:31:30A wooden pen.
00:31:34I couldn't put it in the drawer.
00:31:36It's a mess.
00:31:38Is that the mother and daughter?
00:31:43Come in.
00:31:49Grandpa asked for a pen.
00:31:51A wooden pen.
00:32:00Happy birthday.
00:32:06God bless you.
00:32:09Are you upset?
00:32:10No, I'm not.
00:32:12No, Mira.
00:32:14There's no discussion in Arabic.
00:32:16You're doing it in Arabic.
00:32:19People say what they don't know is their enemy.
00:32:22Don't say mom and dad.
00:32:31Is there no news?
00:32:37If you want him to come back, pray.
00:32:40I don't know.
00:32:42You wish on your birthday.
00:32:44It's not a big deal.
00:32:46But you say something in Arabic.
00:32:48It's not obligatory.
00:32:50It's not a condition.
00:32:52Don't you ever get bored of talking big?
00:32:55Don't you ever do anything childish?
00:32:58Don't you ever dance?
00:33:03Did you do dhikr?
00:33:04Did you do dhikr?
00:33:06What do you think, Zeynep?
00:33:10Did he kiss you?
00:33:13Oh, my God.
00:33:15He hit his voice.
00:33:17That's right.
00:33:19If my dad hears, he'll kill me.
00:33:21He'll hurt me even more.
00:33:23But I don't do that anyway.
00:33:25But I did.
00:33:27Do you think I'm a bad person?
00:33:29I don't know.
00:33:31Men should be careful.
00:33:32I don't understand.
00:33:34My mom would understand.
00:33:36If you don't, I'll pray for your mom.
00:33:42Thank you.
00:33:49I'm out.
00:34:03We've been talking about very pessimistic things lately.
00:34:07I'm depressed.
00:34:09This is for you.
00:34:17I'm saying we're depressed, Meryem.
00:34:19And you're crying without opening your eyes.
00:34:22I've never been like this before.
00:34:26What was the point?
00:34:28You're going to say now that you've already helped us a lot.
00:34:33I'll say,
00:34:35you and your daughter have touched our lives.
00:34:39You saved my father's life.
00:34:45Open your eyes.
00:34:58I noticed the other day.
00:34:59I'm opening half of the fridge at night.
00:35:02There's food.
00:35:05The house smells great.
00:35:08All of Miran's clothes are in place.
00:35:12There's no fight in the neighborhood.
00:35:14No noise.
00:35:18I mean,
00:35:20these are not the things that make a home.
00:35:23But it's nice to take a burden off of people.
00:35:27I'm not used to this, Meryem.
00:35:30I mean, you don't have much time with our bakery.
00:35:32I saw that.
00:35:34Maybe it will speed up this business.
00:35:36That's the thing.
00:35:38Exchange card.
00:35:40The company puts it in while buying.
00:35:42If you don't like it,
00:35:44you can go to the store and change it with something else.
00:35:46At the same price.
00:35:50I don't know.
00:35:52I don't know.
00:35:53You can go to the store and change it with something else.
00:35:55At the same price.
00:35:57A gift shows its willingness to be a gift.
00:35:59Can it ever be changed?
00:36:01What has the world become?
00:36:07We're going to go now.
00:36:11Yes, you will go.
00:36:15I'll leave the bakery to you on the way.
00:36:19We can't do anything without you.
00:36:21I can't even make pastries.
00:36:24I'll teach Mrs. Hande.
00:36:30She'll always remember you.
00:36:34While your hand is injured,
00:36:36teach Mira how to wrap leaves.
00:36:38Hande and pastry.
00:36:44I'll teach her.
00:36:47I'll teach you too, doctor.
00:36:54Come on, man.
00:36:56Are you crazy?
00:36:58Don't go.
00:37:00Brother, I have to go.
00:37:02Okay, come on.
00:37:04You'll be seen from afar, but you won't go in.
00:37:06No, man.
00:37:08You're talking nonsense.
00:37:10Can, come on.
00:37:12Go in.
00:37:14Come on, brother.
00:37:16We've seen them.
00:37:18Talk to me.
00:37:20Don't shout.
00:37:21I'm not, Farizet.
00:37:23What will you do, man?
00:37:26Come on, let's go together.
00:37:28Come on.
00:37:34Are you coming, Erko?
00:37:51Come on.
00:38:05It's burning in the oven.
00:38:07Turbo, turbo.
00:38:09It's expensive.
00:38:11My daughter, you'll burn.
00:38:16Are you going to make pastries in the greenhouse?
00:38:18Are you tired?
00:38:19Is it sold there?
00:38:21If you do, it will be sold.
00:38:23Of course I do.
00:38:25You just ask.
00:38:27Is there a drum oven in France?
00:38:29What do they have?
00:38:31Grandpa said there was a famous pastry in France.
00:38:37Croissant, croissant.
00:38:39God forbid.
00:38:42What is there?
00:38:44Old buildings.
00:38:46There's a huge tower.
00:38:47Do we miss this place?
00:38:49Didn't it happen when we came from the country?
00:38:52People miss the place at the end of the day.
00:38:57Mom, I don't miss anything else after you're with me.
00:39:00I'm luckier than Mira.
00:39:02She misses her mother very much.
00:39:05My inner daughter.
00:39:08I wish I could stay with every lamb mother.
00:39:11Look, it's her birthday.
00:39:14Did you get married?
00:39:15Did you get married?
00:39:19What are you going to get married to when you never celebrate?
00:39:23Come on, take a plate of pastries to Grandpa.
00:39:26Hurry up.
00:39:46Thank you.
00:39:48Can I leave early today?
00:39:51I told you Mrs. Müeyser was wandering around in the morning.
00:39:54She came home.
00:39:56Is that why you're late?
00:39:58She thinks I'm making pastries at home.
00:40:00When she suddenly raided, I had a problem.
00:40:03I go to the lodge, I deliver the pastries, and I'm at home.
00:40:06I don't know what to do.
00:40:08I don't know what to do.
00:40:10I don't know what to do.
00:40:12I don't know what to do.
00:40:13I don't know what to do.
00:40:15I don't know what to do.
00:40:17I don't know what to do.
00:40:22I'm leaving early tomorrow.
00:40:24I deliver the pastries and I am at home.
00:40:26Of course.
00:40:28We're at the tail end, Meryem.
00:40:31Let's not risk it anymore.
00:40:33You can go.
00:40:35God bless you.
00:40:43What is the purpose of the eye?
00:41:04To look.
00:41:05That's all.
00:41:07The tongue also has adultery.
00:41:12You will not approach adultery by lying, slandering.
00:41:19We will not approach.
00:41:21This issue has already been discussed very clearly.
00:41:24Adultery is a disgrace and a very bad way.
00:41:28In Surah Al-Mumtahina, the Lord of the Worlds, Jalla Jalaluhu,
00:41:31says to our Prophet, peace be upon him,
00:41:34When the believing women come to you to obey you not to adultery,
00:41:39ask forgiveness for them.
00:41:43Very nice.
00:41:49However, he says,
00:41:51it is necessary for the believers not to fabricate slander between their hands and feet.
00:42:00So what are we going to do?
00:42:02We will speak in our own language.
00:42:05To slander a woman,
00:42:10both in your hereafter and in your world,
00:42:13is your reason for cursing.
00:42:15May Allah protect you.
00:42:17I ask forgiveness.
00:42:19What is this?
00:42:21Is it so easy?
00:42:24Do not like to talk so much.
00:42:27Is it so easy to slander someone?
00:42:30Is it so easy?
00:42:31It is considered a sin.
00:42:33What is a sin?
00:42:35A big sin.
00:42:37A very big sin.
00:42:42That's enough for today.
00:42:45May Allah protect you.
00:43:00May Allah protect you.
00:43:11Peace be upon you, Saad Uday.
00:43:13And upon you.
00:43:15Peace be upon you.
00:43:17You spoke very strongly.
00:43:21It was a nice conversation that will correct the direction of those who make mistakes.
00:43:26May Allah bless you.
00:43:28You are welcome.
00:43:29This is our duty.
00:43:33Are you angry with them?
00:43:35Where did you get this from?
00:43:37It's nothing like that.
00:43:38You saw it wrong.
00:43:43I was going to say something.
00:43:45Let the ladies come to visit the patient.
00:43:49It is obvious that Cüneyt cares about this doctor named Levent.
00:43:52So it is important for us.
00:43:54And it is necessary to support the lady of the house.
00:43:58We would go to Beşiktaş and take care of our business.
00:44:01Such things are a means of representation, Your Highness.
00:44:05It shows both our etiquette and the greatness of our family.
00:44:09And what is it?
00:44:10You are all men everywhere.
00:44:18Tell them to come.
00:44:21Of course, Your Highness.
00:44:25Goodbye, Your Highness.
00:44:31Come, Arif.
00:44:33Peace be upon you.
00:44:35And upon you.
00:44:36What happened?
00:44:38We went to Arsa in the morning with Cimentoğlu.
00:44:41We will throw the first floor curtain.
00:44:45We calculated.
00:44:46The earthquake, the disaster, everything was based on it.
00:44:51Oh my God!
00:44:55Sir, there was an opening in the warehouse in the morning.
00:44:58It came out of Naim.
00:45:04What does that mean?
00:45:06No, I mean, he left the collars in the trunk.
00:45:10Then he found it and brought it.
00:45:12Then say it like that, Arif.
00:45:14Like slandering a man.
00:45:16God forbid.
00:45:18No, sir. God forbid.
00:45:19Arif, look.
00:45:21For Cüneyt, Zeynep's mother and father are very precious.
00:45:25Don't say the opposite of Naim.
00:45:28If they have a job, do it.
00:45:29If they have a need, go.
00:45:31If you don't have the most important thing, bring it to me.
00:45:35And a little bit of slander.
00:45:38Come on.
00:45:46Cimentoğlu, is that all?
00:45:54We were going to see the boss.
00:45:56Selin, are you available?
00:45:58Available. He's waiting for you. Come on in.
00:46:03I'm here. This place is nice.
00:46:06Brother, you can't believe it.
00:46:09You didn't get it wrong, did you?
00:46:10Your name is not Selin.
00:46:16What's up, brother?
00:46:17How are you?
00:46:22I'm not good, Hande.
00:46:23Don't answer my phone.
00:46:24What do you mean, for God's sake?
00:46:26No, brother, that's not possible.
00:46:28I dropped my phone.
00:46:30Even where I went to make the news.
00:46:33So you dropped your phone where you went secretly.
00:46:36Get well soon.
00:46:37The news exploded.
00:46:38You exploded, too, then.
00:46:42I'll go, I'll get it tonight.
00:46:43I'll take care of it somehow.
00:46:45I would have known if the news had already exploded.
00:46:49Are you kidding me?
00:46:51What do you mean?
00:46:53You came, I begged you, I gave you a job.
00:46:55You didn't send a letter.
00:46:57He didn't take a black photo.
00:46:59You put it on the money.
00:47:00Now he's here. What do you say?
00:47:02Speak the truth.
00:47:03What are you talking about?
00:47:04Am I a swindler?
00:47:05Why should I put you on the money?
00:47:07What's going on here?
00:47:08What's going on here?
00:47:09Whatever the money is, I'll give it.
00:47:10I'll sell the news somewhere else.
00:47:12Go and hire a lawyer.
00:47:13You jackal.
00:47:14Wait a minute.
00:47:15Why are you yelling like a bear?
00:47:16Who are you?
00:47:17Who are you?
00:47:18You're going in like you're stepping on it.
00:47:19I'm going to step on it now.
00:47:24What do you want?
00:47:25What do you want?
00:47:26Do you want your debt?
00:47:27Who are you?
00:47:28What do you want from this girl?
00:47:29Do you want your debt?
00:47:31Here's your debt.
00:47:32Is that enough?
00:47:33Take this card.
00:47:35If that's not enough, you'll send İbal.
00:47:36Seçkin, come on.
00:47:37He's a bastard.
00:47:38Come on.
00:47:41Look at this.
00:47:43Look at the man she's walking around with.
00:47:44He's a swindler.
00:47:46He's a swindler.
00:47:47He's a swindler.
00:47:48Okay, Seçkin.
00:47:49Okay, come on.
00:47:51Collect the money.
00:47:52Send it to your account.
00:47:54And he's taking a break there.
00:47:55I don't care.
00:47:56Thank you.
00:47:57Enough, enough.
00:47:58What are you doing?
00:48:00Is the Alfa Men's Show over?
00:48:01What show?
00:48:02What are you talking about?
00:48:03I entered that room for you.
00:48:04And you threw money in the man's face.
00:48:05Because that was the problem.
00:48:06I solved your problem.
00:48:07Really, Seçkin?
00:48:08Couldn't I do it?
00:48:09Do you think we're really experiencing something like this for the first time?
00:48:10Do you think we're really experiencing something like this for the first time?
00:48:12What did you do?
00:48:13Did you surround your armor and save me now?
00:48:14Didn't we save you?
00:48:15The man is right, brother.
00:48:16The man is right.
00:48:17I signed, I made a contract, I took an advance.
00:48:18How can I take the news to someone else?
00:48:19I have to do this job.
00:48:20There's a compensation for this job.
00:48:21Wait a minute.
00:48:22This news is that news of those Meryem's.
00:48:23Brother, they're going to go abroad anyway.
00:48:24They're going to go abroad.
00:48:25I don't know how.
00:48:26I don't know how.
00:48:27I don't know how.
00:48:28I don't know how.
00:48:29I don't know how.
00:48:30I don't know how.
00:48:31I don't know how.
00:48:32I don't know how.
00:48:33I don't know how.
00:48:34I don't know how.
00:48:35I don't know how.
00:48:37I don't know how.
00:48:38I don't know how.
00:48:39I don't know how.
00:48:40I don't know how.
00:48:41I don't know how.
00:48:42I don't know how.
00:48:43I don't know how.
00:48:44I don't know how.
00:48:45I don't know how.
00:48:46I don't know how.
00:48:47I don't know how.
00:48:48They're going abroad anyway.
00:48:49I was going to explode the news as soon as they came out.
00:48:51I'm also the last person to sell you morality.
00:48:52We talked about this, you know.
00:48:53If you do, of course.
00:48:54I will.
00:48:55I will.
00:48:56When I went to the lodge last time, I dropped my phone.
00:48:57What if they find it?
00:48:58I'd know if they did.
00:48:59I took a picture inside.
00:49:00So then ...
00:49:01So then okay, you have time.
00:49:02Okay, okay, you have time.
00:49:04Don't be afraid, we'll get the phone back.
00:49:08I need to see someone.
00:49:10Okay, then let's go.
00:49:12Agent work is our job.
00:49:14Come on, come on, come on, come on.
00:49:16Agent work doesn't wait, come on.
00:49:28Don't come, okay?
00:49:30I'll go, you lock the door and wait here.
00:49:32I'll come, too.
00:49:36Wait here, lock the door.
00:50:18We were going to leave these.
00:50:20Take it.
00:50:22Mrs. Muesser will see you.
00:50:36Did you come?
00:50:42We delivered, Mrs. Muesser.
00:50:44If you don't mind,
00:50:46let's go home before it gets dark.
00:50:48We'll spend the evening here together.
00:50:50We're going to visit somewhere.
00:50:52Mr. Cuneyt's request.
00:50:54You're family now.
00:50:56We'll go together.
00:50:58I understand, Mrs. Muesser.
00:51:00Where, who?
00:51:02You'll see when you get there.
00:51:12What if I don't come?
00:51:16I mean,
00:51:18what if we don't come?
00:51:22Hayran, where did this come from?
00:51:24Sir, now the place we don't know
00:51:26the place we don't know
00:51:28you're the one who knows it.
00:51:30We're going to visit a patient.
00:51:32We'll see, we'll come back.
00:51:34That's it.
00:51:36Well, now that you're
00:51:38from our family.
00:51:40Sir, now
00:51:42when I took that doctor
00:51:44to Cuneyt's hospital
00:51:46we couldn't do anything.
00:51:48Maybe that's why.
00:51:50Why don't you go?
00:51:52Why don't you go?
00:51:54Mr. Naim,
00:51:56we didn't do anything wrong to the doctor,
00:51:58did we?
00:52:00We didn't do anything wrong, sir.
00:52:02Of course we didn't.
00:52:06Mr. Levent is very exceptional.
00:52:08He's very respectful.
00:52:10His problem is Cuneyt.
00:52:12That's it.
00:52:14How can we do then?
00:52:16How can we do then?
00:52:20We'll come then.
00:52:24Be safe.
00:52:26Can't I leave this room
00:52:28with my own will once,
00:52:30my friend?
00:52:32Let Dr. Levent go.
00:52:46Let him go.
00:53:02Don't get me into trouble.
00:53:04Tell me if you took it from Hakkı.
00:53:06Look, if you're so curious,
00:53:08call Hakkı and ask.
00:53:10You'll find out if I took it from him or not.
00:53:12Let him go.
00:53:14Are you crazy?
00:53:16Get out of here.
00:53:20I called the police.
00:53:22I called.
00:53:24They'll arrest you.
00:53:26What will come out of us?
00:53:30Something will come out of you.
00:53:32My daughter, I'll lose you.
00:53:34No one can find you.
00:53:36What are you talking about?
00:53:38Get out of here.
00:53:40Write down your phone number.
00:53:56Take the bag.
00:54:08This is missing.
00:54:10This is missing.
00:54:12What do you mean?
00:54:14No, no.
00:54:16I'll take care of it.
00:54:18I'll take care of it.
00:54:20Wait a minute, brother.
00:54:24Can you give me a minute?
00:54:26Wait a minute.
00:54:28Wait a minute.
00:54:30Wait a minute.
00:54:32What is this?
00:54:34I'll take care of it.
00:54:36Tell Hakkı to let him go.
00:54:38Look at me.
00:54:40What are you doing?
00:54:42Calm down.
00:54:44Look at me.
00:54:46Okay, I'll take care of it.
00:54:48Wait a minute.
00:54:50Come here.
00:54:54Let me go.
00:54:56Tell him to come here.
00:54:58Let me go.
00:55:00Let me go.
00:55:02Let me go.
00:55:09Say hello to your grandfather.
00:55:11I'll take care of it.
00:55:13I'll take care of it.
00:55:15I'll take care of it.
00:55:17Pay your father's debt.
00:55:26Is this something to say now?
00:55:30Didn't you tell Maritan?
00:55:32Shut up.
00:55:34Don't mess with me.
00:55:36Don't mess with me.
00:55:38His father didn't let his mother do it.
00:55:44Let them go.
00:55:46Get out of here.
00:55:48Come on.
00:55:50Get lost.
00:56:00Are you okay?
00:56:02Are you okay?
00:56:06Are you really doing this for your father?
00:56:12We can talk to my father.
00:56:14I'll help you.
00:56:16Don't go.
00:56:20I need to think.
00:56:22I need to be alone.
00:56:26If you'll excuse me...
00:56:58Whenever I call you, I have a problem.
00:57:00Sit down.
00:57:06What can I order?
00:57:08It's a little urgent.
00:57:10I dropped my phone at the lodge that day.
00:57:12I need to get it.
00:57:16One of the women found it and put it somewhere.
00:57:18They don't touch anyone's property there.
00:57:20Don't worry.
00:57:22You learned it early.
00:57:24If I go and ask you...
00:57:26I'm not going to the lodge.
00:57:28I'm going to Mr. Sadi.
00:57:30What did you do?
00:57:32You put me there when you were leaving.
00:57:34Did you declare your crime now?
00:57:36You're right.
00:57:38I'm really sorry.
00:57:40But there's an explanation.
00:57:42I need to know if he can get that phone.
00:57:44He can't be alive at this time.
00:57:46We'll blow up one day.
00:57:48We'll blow up.
00:57:50Not just me.
00:57:52You know the sensitivity of the situation.
00:57:54I'm sorry.
00:57:56But no one but you can solve this.
00:58:02I don't promise.
00:58:04Maybe tomorrow.
00:58:06But you'll wait to hear from me.
00:58:16My brother's home phone.
00:58:18He has to stay between us.
00:58:24Thank you so much.
00:58:26We'll talk about it when everything's over.
00:58:28If it's over.
00:59:24Do we bother you?
00:59:28But if not, it's good.
00:59:32You stole the idea from that singer.
00:59:34What can we do?
00:59:36We're not as creative as you.
00:59:54I'm sorry.
01:00:24We're celebrating your birthday.
01:00:30We're celebrating your birthday.
01:00:32Dad, don't be silly.
01:00:34I didn't even tell anyone the truth.
01:00:36They'll say, where's your mother?
01:00:38What do I care?
01:00:40Why can't I celebrate my daughter's birthday?
01:00:46What was that kid?
01:00:48I broke his heart.
01:00:50He can come too.
01:00:52You can call me.
01:01:14We came to uncle Levent.
01:01:16Don't give him a surprise.
01:01:22What's up, Meryem?
01:01:24Is everything okay?
01:01:26Is Betin okay?
01:01:28No, mom.
01:01:30He's a little hungry.
01:01:34We'll ask the lady of the house.
01:01:36She'll put it in the pastries early.
01:01:38You won't have anything left.
01:01:52Let's go.
01:02:00Hello, Mr. Levent.
01:02:02Hello, Mr. Levent.
01:02:04Get well soon.
01:02:06Thank you.
01:02:08I'm sorry.
01:02:10I'm a little surprised.
01:02:14In the name of God.
01:02:22Thank you.
01:02:32Stay cool.
01:02:38Why did you bother?
01:02:40You shouldn't have taken off your shoes.
01:02:42There's no slipper, though.
01:02:44No, sir.
01:02:46Don't bother.
01:02:48We're fine like this.
01:02:50It's a short visit to the patient.
01:02:54Thank you.
01:02:58Where should the ladies go?
01:03:02Let's go to the kitchen.
01:03:04I don't want to get in the way of the lady of the house.
01:03:06The lady of the house is not here.
01:03:08We're the ones in charge.
01:03:10But yes, the kitchen is fine.
01:03:12Ladies, please.
01:03:22Is your father available?
01:03:26We were caught unprepared.
01:03:28I'll see if he's available.
01:03:30I'll let you know.
01:03:42My father wants to celebrate his birthday.
01:03:44He called you, too.
01:03:50My daughter.
01:03:52Are you studying?
01:03:54Yes, dad.
01:03:56The guests are here.
01:03:58From the lodge.
01:04:00Those mortals.
01:04:04I swear.
01:04:06Are they here right now?
01:04:08Ladies and gentlemen.
01:04:10They're all here.
01:04:12Come on, put something on.
01:04:14Come on, say hello.
01:04:16I can't get out of my room.
01:04:18Zeynep, Meryem, they brought them all.
01:04:20Don't tell anyone.
01:04:24What are you saying?
01:04:26Were they pretending?
01:04:28Come on, put on something normal.
01:04:30Come on.
01:04:32Normal for whom?
01:04:36Come on.
01:05:00The mortals are here, dad.
01:05:02From the lodge.
01:05:04You know I had a patient.
01:05:06The whole family is here.
01:05:08To wish you a happy birthday.
01:05:12Are you okay?
01:05:14What should I say?
01:05:18Is the girl's mother here?
01:05:20She's here.
01:05:22She's here, dad.
01:05:24If you're not okay,
01:05:26I'll say I'm not available.
01:05:28I don't want.
01:05:30Let them pray.
01:05:34Do you understand?
01:05:36Come on.
01:05:38Come on.
01:05:46We looked at the AVM in Çevriyolu.
01:05:48In the kitchen design.
01:05:50Although the counter there was acrylic.
01:05:52They made granite here.
01:05:54The cabinets were always like this.
01:05:56I was telling you, you remember, right?
01:05:58The man told us a lot.
01:06:00Some of these lids can be painted.
01:06:02There was also a model with a wet floor feature.
01:06:04So you don't swell for years.
01:06:06You took your picture.
01:06:12God will give you, too.
01:06:14I hope so.
01:06:16She's right.
01:06:18They did a good job.
01:06:22It's like there's no oven there.
01:06:32Maybe it's a memory.
01:06:40I mean, I'll say it's possible.
01:06:42Look at it.
01:06:48I'm sorry.
01:06:50Welcome back.
01:06:52How are you?
01:06:54Thank you.
01:06:56When Cüneyt mentioned it,
01:06:58we said let's get up and come.
01:07:00You did well.
01:07:02What do you drink?
01:07:04We don't drink anything.
01:07:08If you have a glass of tea,
01:07:10we'll drink it.
01:07:12Of course.
01:07:14Is your father available?
01:07:16Let's go out and pray for him.
01:07:20He's resting right now.
01:07:22I'm so sorry.
01:07:24Is that so?
01:07:26We'll pray here.
01:07:28Thank you.
01:07:30I'll tell the ladies to make tea.
01:07:32Thank you.
01:07:40Have a good evening.
01:07:42I saw you at the hospital.
01:07:44I'm sure you've seen it.
01:07:46You were flying again.
01:07:48I don't think you remember.
01:07:50I don't remember your father
01:07:52messing with the drawer.
01:07:56I'll take care of the ladies.
01:07:58They're going to make tea.
01:08:02Thank you.
01:08:08Thank you.
01:08:10How are you?
01:08:12Have a good evening.
01:08:14Thank you.
01:08:16My name is Mira.
01:08:20It's beautiful.
01:08:26What do you drink?
01:08:28What do the gentlemen drink?
01:08:30We'll take care of it.
01:08:32I'll make tea.
01:08:36Where's your mother?
01:08:38My mother is abroad.
01:08:40Is that so?
01:08:44She left you alone.
01:08:46That's what happened.
01:08:48It's okay.
01:08:50You'll miss her.
01:08:52You'll appreciate her more.
01:08:54We'll make tea.
01:08:56We came to visit your grandfather.
01:08:58We'll pray for him.
01:09:00You'll pray.
01:09:02But my grandfather's disease
01:09:04has no cure.
01:09:06Your prayers won't go in vain.
01:09:12Does it ever go in vain?
01:09:14Healing is from God.
01:09:16If God wants,
01:09:18he can lift your grandfather up one day.
01:09:20Just believe.
01:09:28I'll show you my brother's room.
01:09:30Come on.
01:09:32Well done.
01:09:34Let him visit.
01:09:36Talk nicely.
01:09:38We'll talk nicely.
01:09:40Come on.
01:09:52Why are you being mean?
01:09:54What's up, brother?
01:09:56My mother is sad.
01:09:58I'd spend a lot on you.
01:10:02But I forgave you because you didn't read.
01:10:04I didn't do it to pay him back.
01:10:06Then you don't want to pay him back now.
01:10:12I have to go into my father's room.
01:10:14But my father
01:10:16shouldn't follow me.
01:10:18You'll stand there in the kitchen.
01:10:20You'll wait.
01:10:22If he comes,
01:10:24you'll wait.
01:10:26What will you do?
01:10:28None of your business.
01:10:30I'll disgrace you.
01:10:52the boy
01:10:54Levent talked about.
01:10:56I didn't let you come to me.
01:10:58I don't ask for prayers.
01:11:00I don't ask for help from prayers.
01:11:02I don't open my hand to anyone.
01:11:10Do you want me to kill you?
01:11:12Do you want me to kill you?
01:11:18It'll take a minute.
01:11:28Then it's not my field.
01:11:32It's exactly your field.
01:11:34Everyone is afraid of the aftermath.
01:11:38If there was no believer in the hereafter,
01:11:40everyone would be religious.
01:11:44Of course.
01:11:46But according to you,
01:11:50since the believer in the hereafter
01:11:52was created by man,
01:11:54man needs
01:11:56such a thing.
01:12:00To be immortal.
01:12:02He said you should be silent
01:12:04about what is not discussed.
01:12:08Look, look.
01:12:12Wittgenstein, huh?
01:12:14If it can be discussed about immortality,
01:12:18it is possible
01:12:22It's like talking about gravity.
01:12:26Since you are subject to gravity here,
01:12:30you absolutely accept it as true.
01:12:32You accept it.
01:12:34But a living ghost
01:12:36in the space
01:12:38has never been subjected to gravity.
01:12:40How will you explain
01:12:42gravity to it?
01:12:46is something you can imagine
01:12:48because you are immortal.
01:12:52can there be
01:12:54an immortal creature
01:12:56somewhere in the universe?
01:13:02I can't say it scientifically.
01:13:04Then scientifically.
01:13:08Can this creature
01:13:10exist since the beginning of the universe?
01:13:16We can't know.
01:13:18It may be.
01:13:20Then the universe
01:13:22may know how to create
01:13:24an immortal creature.
01:13:26It may be.
01:13:32If there is such information in the universe,
01:13:34then what is death?
01:13:38Death is the
01:13:40stop of a metabolism.
01:13:42Nothing else.
01:13:44But as a metabolism?
01:13:48can it stop
01:13:50the metabolism
01:13:54The elements that bring
01:13:56the metabolism together don't die.
01:14:00Does an atom die?
01:14:02If you look at it this way,
01:14:04nothing dies.
01:14:06I look at it this way.
01:14:12before you kill me,
01:14:14there is no moral obstacle
01:14:22I'm struggling to find a person
01:14:24to kill me.
01:14:26Come on.
01:14:28Let's go down
01:14:30to the mortals.
01:14:34We say mortals.
01:14:36I say mortals.
01:14:46I've needed you for 40 years.
01:14:48You're not here. Come in.
01:14:50Let's talk about it later.
01:14:56The mortals are here.
01:14:58All of them.
01:15:00What happened?
01:15:02I talked to Cüneyt. My father is sick.
01:15:04They came to get better.
01:15:06They are all here.
01:15:08Meryem is here. Zeynep is here.
01:15:10Don't let them see you.
01:15:14My father is weird.
01:15:16Go to Mira.
01:15:18Calm down.
01:15:20My father will take care of it.
01:15:22The prince with a white coat
01:15:24is on his way to be king.
01:15:26Stop it.
01:15:40If we knew you were coming,
01:15:42we would have prepared.
01:15:44I'm Mira's aunt.
01:15:46We came uninvited
01:15:48because of your father's illness.
01:15:50I'm sorry.
01:15:52But your daughter took care of us.
01:15:56Actually, both of us are strangers
01:15:58in this part of the house.
01:16:00Why? What do you do?
01:16:02I'm a journalist.
01:16:06I mean, I don't work now.
01:16:08Mira is preparing for her exams.
01:16:14I mean,
01:16:16our wives work in the lodge.
01:16:20Is your husband a journalist?
01:16:22My husband?
01:16:24I think you just came in together.
01:16:30God bless your father.
01:16:32Thank you.
01:16:34He's not my chosen husband.
01:16:36I'm not married.
01:16:38He's my brother's friend.
01:16:40He's a doctor.
01:16:42He's a doctor?
01:16:44How old is he?
01:16:46Why aren't you married?
01:16:52What's your name?
01:16:54My name is Feyza.
01:16:56My mother is Asna.
01:16:58My aunt is Muessar.
01:17:00There's Cüneyt inside.
01:17:02My father is Sadüday.
01:17:04I'm Zeynep's father's wife.
01:17:06Nice to meet you, Feyza.
01:17:08Nice name.
01:17:10I hope you get married soon.
01:17:12God willing.
01:17:22You're a little late.
01:17:24We're late.
01:17:28How old are you
01:17:30when you get married, Feyza?
01:17:36I'll put the tea.
01:17:40Where are the glasses?
01:17:44I think it's over there.
01:17:52What are you doing, Mr. Seçkin?
01:18:02Online trade.
01:18:04Digital economy.
01:18:10It's digital.
01:18:14They told me.
01:18:16I didn't like it.
01:18:18We're gold.
01:18:20Gold is good.
01:18:22Don't look.
01:18:24You can look at the wheat stock market.
01:18:26If you look at it,
01:18:28if you take it step by step,
01:18:30you don't miss any of them.
01:18:32I'm waiting for the credit note.
01:18:34What if it comes out?
01:18:36You have to look at the central bank's
01:18:38gross reserve for this.
01:18:40I don't think this gross reserve
01:18:42can change.
01:18:44If the oil price changes,
01:18:46they have to regulate it.
01:18:48They say we'll think about interest.
01:18:50I think it's a quick transition
01:18:52to the dollar.
01:18:54You're very interested.
01:18:56Don't look.
01:18:58We have nothing to do with it.
01:19:00We're worried
01:19:02about losing its value.
01:19:04You're not here.
01:19:06Of course.
01:19:08We can't know as much as you do.
01:19:12Mr. Hüdayi,
01:19:14how much of a portfolio
01:19:16are we talking about?
01:19:18Can I take your phone?
01:19:20Of course.
01:19:28Me too.
01:19:30Can you help me?
01:19:34With what?
01:19:42Dad, are you okay?
01:19:44He's the master of physics.
01:19:50He says it's a once in a while.
01:19:52That's why I didn't know the joke.
01:19:56Sir, I'm sorry.
01:19:58My name is Saad Hüdayi.
01:20:00This is my brother, Naim.
01:20:02We wish you
01:20:04urgent healing.
01:20:06Don't worry.
01:20:08You continue your conversation.
01:20:10I'm comfortable here.
01:20:12Let this young man sit next to me.
01:20:24I want to ask you something
01:20:26while you're here.
01:20:28Is this the wedding?
01:20:30No way.
01:20:36it's completely false.
01:20:38There's no place for adultery in our religion.
01:20:40How is it possible?
01:20:42Are they doing something like a wedding?
01:20:44It's a choice.
01:20:46It's like
01:20:48the immorality of adultery.
01:20:50It's a dirty way.
01:20:52It's not about us.
01:20:54Do girls really believe it?
01:20:56Is there such a thing?
01:20:58It's a choice.
01:21:00Because there is so much ignorance in religion,
01:21:02people are deceived.
01:21:04Is it possible?
01:21:06Of course.
01:21:08There are so many sources.
01:21:10People are surprised.
01:21:12True sources are also obvious.
01:21:14I don't think so.
01:21:16How not?
01:21:20Sunnah, Hadith,
01:21:24and community.
01:21:28But not everyone accepts every hadith.
01:21:32Not everyone understands the verses in the same way.
01:21:34That's why
01:21:36we have people like
01:21:38Murshid Effendi.
01:21:42What about
01:21:44those who don't see Murshid Effendi
01:21:46as a murshid?
01:21:50Naim Effendi.
01:21:54there is also the issue of sect.
01:21:58They all think differently.
01:22:00Our Prophet,
01:22:02peace be upon him,
01:22:04blessed two separations.
01:22:08As far as I know,
01:22:10there have been many sect wars
01:22:12in history.
01:22:14For example,
01:22:16Turkey-Iran issue.
01:22:18Iran issue is very different.
01:22:20When we look at it politically,
01:22:22this is the Ottoman-Iran issue.
01:22:24Wait a minute.
01:22:26You say so,
01:22:28but there was before the Ottomans.
01:22:30There has always been a heterodox approach in Iran.
01:22:32This is in all religions.
01:22:34Mr. Seçkin,
01:22:36isn't there in Christianity?
01:22:38There is.
01:22:40Well, sir,
01:22:42how will people know
01:22:44what is right and what is wrong?
01:22:46Everyone thinks that
01:22:48they read and know
01:22:50and there are wars.
01:22:52What will happen?
01:22:54Mr. Levent,
01:22:56the same thing applies to your profession.
01:22:58For example,
01:23:00a doctor's treatment
01:23:02is rejected by another doctor.
01:23:04What happens?
01:23:06People die because of wrong treatments.
01:23:12there is a principle
01:23:14to advance in the light of science.
01:23:16My grandfather was a tanker.
01:23:18Don't forget what I said.
01:23:20Take care of my father.
01:23:26Mira, I'm Mr. Levent's daughter.
01:23:28Oh, my God.
01:23:30Dad, I'm going to get a paper.
01:23:32Okay, girl.
01:23:48Science and knowledge
01:23:50are the most beautiful
01:23:52forms of religion.
01:23:54It is so in religion,
01:23:56but I wish it were so
01:23:58in reality.
01:24:02Our seven hero soldiers
01:24:04were martyred.
01:24:06Science is a religious matter,
01:24:08but religion is a religious matter.
01:24:10It is a religious matter,
01:24:12but religion is a religious matter.
01:24:14It is a religious matter,
01:24:16but religion is a religious matter.
01:24:18As long as science does not
01:24:20corner you in a religious matter,
01:24:22there is no problem.
01:24:24Sir, now,
01:24:26if we cannot meet
01:24:28the current standards of science
01:24:30in terms of religion,
01:24:32does it mean that we cannot
01:24:34do it in the future?
01:24:38Then you don't accept it.
01:24:40We do.
01:24:44We don't agree.
01:24:46How can you not agree?
01:24:48Otherwise, the theory of evolution
01:24:50is accepted in all universities.
01:24:52Mr. Suhail,
01:24:54what is your opinion on this?
01:24:56You discussed a very
01:24:58controversial issue.
01:25:00It didn't seem like
01:25:02you could convince each other.
01:25:04But when you were discussing
01:25:06whether the angels had wings,
01:25:08our seven soldiers
01:25:10were martyred at the agency.
01:25:12You didn't hear that.
01:25:14The state officials,
01:25:16together with the families
01:25:18of our martyrs...
01:25:20God bless you.
01:25:22God bless you.
01:25:24Thank you for coming
01:25:26to pray for me.
01:25:28I ask you
01:25:30to pray for our martyrs.
01:25:32Yes, sir.
01:25:38I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan.
01:25:40In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
01:25:44To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.
01:25:46God Almighty has spoken the truth.
01:25:50May God treat all our martyrs
01:25:52with His mercy and mercy.
01:25:54God willing.
01:26:10Are you using your medicines?
01:26:16You must be feeling better.
01:26:18I'll write you the new ones.
01:26:20Uncle Levent,
01:26:22I was going to give you the tea.
01:26:40God bless you.
01:26:58Thank you very much for coming.
01:27:00Thank you, sir.
01:27:02God bless you.
01:27:04God bless you.
01:27:06I'm very pleased.
01:27:08God bless you.
01:27:16thank you for the conversation
01:27:18you had with my father.
01:27:20Not at all.
01:27:22I'd like to have a chat with you,
01:27:24so that you don't miss anything.
01:27:30Mr. Naim,
01:27:32Mrs. Meryem is always busy.
01:27:34I hope she continues like this.
01:27:36I'm glad to hear that.
01:27:38Thank you, Mrs. Meryem.
01:28:38Good evening.
01:28:40What are you doing here?
01:28:42I saw you that day.
01:28:44At the lodge.
01:28:48You saw me?
01:28:50Didn't you say anything?
01:28:52I didn't.
01:28:56I recognized you by your eyes.
01:29:00Which eyes?
01:29:02I don't know.
01:29:05Whichever crowd you're in,
01:29:08I recognize you by your eyes.
01:29:13So you caught me.
01:29:18I wish.
01:29:22Years ago, when you ran away,
01:29:24I was going to catch you.
01:29:26What would you do?
01:29:28If you caught me?
01:29:34What's up?
01:29:36Why did you come?
01:29:38I want something from you, Arif.
01:29:40Something as important as
01:29:42bringing me there that day.
01:29:44Tell me.
01:29:46Right now.
01:29:50That day,
01:29:52I dropped my phone.
01:29:54I dropped it near the room
01:29:56of Mr. Sadi Hüdayi.
01:29:58What were you doing there?
01:30:00Someone complained to the school
01:30:02that I wrote on the Internet
01:30:04that you don't like me.
01:30:06I said that.
01:30:08I was going to talk.
01:30:10Then I gave up.
01:30:12I was afraid.
01:30:14I left.
01:30:18It's harder than dry and sorrow, isn't it?
01:30:24Can you do it?
01:30:26The doctor knows everything.
01:30:28Get your father better.
01:30:30Get your father better, then.
01:30:32Mr. Sadi Hüdayi.
01:30:34The great Cüneyt Efendi
01:30:36came to your house, didn't he?
01:30:38Such a hug.
01:30:40Such an excitement.
01:30:44Those holy people
01:30:46prayed to you.
01:30:48Without guidance.
01:30:50They don't understand.
01:30:52They don't see.
01:30:54Their eyes are closed.
01:30:56His friend didn't shut up.
01:30:58What was his name?
01:31:02He's always like that.
01:31:06Let them pray
01:31:08for my son-in-law.
01:31:10Let them pray for Cüneyt Efendi.
01:31:18You two are like a cat and a mouse.
01:31:20You made me hungry.
01:31:26Put it in the fridge.
01:31:34Praise be to God.
01:31:42My mother
01:31:44never leaves the shop.
01:31:46She said,
01:31:48well done.
01:31:50How did she say?
01:31:52Don't look her in the eyes.
01:31:54She said something nice.
01:32:00I'll be right back.
01:32:02In the name of God.
01:32:20Zeynep, watch your father.
01:32:22Let me know if he comes.
01:32:24Mom, are you okay?
01:32:48We're in trouble.
01:32:50He knows everything.
01:32:52He knows I lied.
01:32:54He knows I'm not at home.
01:32:56He knows I came to you.
01:32:58Calm down.
01:33:00He talked to Naim.
01:33:02He didn't tell me.
01:33:04He's after me.
01:33:06They'll kill us.
01:33:08Save my daughter.
01:33:10Calm down.
01:33:12If he knew, he'd tell Naim.
01:33:14There's something he's waiting for.
01:33:16We'll take care of it.
01:33:18Come to me in an hour.
01:33:36Sorry, Cüneyt.
01:33:38It was urgent.
01:33:40Don't mention it.
01:33:48That's what you were talking about.
01:33:50You said I was late to read the Koran.
01:33:52They were very surprised.
01:33:56They even brought a teacher from another lodge.
01:33:58I wonder if he's afraid of us.
01:34:00Did it work?
01:34:04Then what happened?
01:34:08When I was 10 years old,
01:34:10suddenly, one day,
01:34:12I lost my tongue.
01:34:14We call it psychiatry.
01:34:16In extreme stress situations,
01:34:18in traumatic situations,
01:34:20in everyday life,
01:34:22you may not be able to do
01:34:24what you can easily do.
01:34:26Then this syndrome disappears.
01:34:28Like the coming of the season of the tree.
01:34:34What season is it now?
01:34:38I don't know.
01:34:42Do you have such ranks?
01:34:44Like in professional life.
01:34:46Of course, there are.
01:34:50But there is no description
01:34:52of the spiritual ranks
01:34:54like the generation in karate.
01:34:58According to what, then?
01:35:00There is a people who can stay,
01:35:02and a people who can stay.
01:35:08The people who can stay
01:35:10is your uncle, Mr. Yuday.
01:35:12He speaks well.
01:35:16You deserve it.
01:35:18You're welcome.
01:35:20But the people in the lodge
01:35:22see you like that.
01:35:24The people you try to treat
01:35:26find it fun, let's say.
01:35:28Don't you find it fun?
01:35:30People have fun.
01:35:36They walk from one place to another
01:35:38in a kind of rush.
01:35:40But every time I look at them,
01:35:42I see the same thing.
01:35:48Your father.
01:35:52They all inevitably
01:35:54come to an end
01:35:56at every step they take.
01:35:58At every step they take.
01:36:02The greatest skill
01:36:04is to forget it.
01:36:06The greatest skill
01:36:08is to forget it.
01:36:12It's not a loss.
01:36:14It's a gift.
01:36:16If they knew,
01:36:18they wouldn't have lived.
01:36:20Do you know?
01:36:22I don't know.
01:36:26Maybe I'll die young,
01:36:28like the martyrs in the news.
01:36:30Cüneyt, isn't this a little heavy?
01:36:32I mean,
01:36:34when I first met you,
01:36:36you talked about wars
01:36:38that I didn't know about.
01:36:40About your responsibilities.
01:36:42It's like you're acting like
01:36:44you're responsible for everything
01:36:46that happens in the world.
01:36:48Could this be harming you?
01:36:50The point here
01:36:52is not that I don't hear responsibility.
01:36:54It's that you don't hear it.
01:36:56I don't hear it.
01:36:58I don't hear it.
01:37:00When I see people
01:37:02who waste their money,
01:37:04I see people
01:37:06who don't share
01:37:08when they can,
01:37:10and don't help
01:37:12when they can.
01:37:14Wherever you look,
01:37:16you see what's not there, Cüneyt.
01:37:18What's going to happen
01:37:20to what you look at?
01:37:22The world is waiting for an approach.
01:37:24To adapt to it
01:37:26you have to make an effort
01:37:28to adapt to it.
01:37:30If you just fight with the world,
01:37:32it won't give you anything but war.
01:37:34Then there's no trade,
01:37:36you can't educate anyone,
01:37:38you can't get married,
01:37:40you can't start a family.
01:37:42Who decides that?
01:37:44No one.
01:37:48Only logic.
01:37:50You always see the other side
01:37:52as an enemy in war.
01:37:54And unfortunately,
01:37:56there's nothing they can do
01:37:58about it.
01:38:00Isn't that a little unfair
01:38:02to the other side, Cüneyt?
01:38:04What do you advise then?
01:38:06As a doctor.
01:38:08You'll give yourself
01:38:10some time.
01:38:12This is not something
01:38:14we can solve in one day.
01:38:16Be careful, doctor.
01:38:18This war
01:38:20is not over.
01:38:22Be careful
01:38:24who you're with in this war.
01:38:44You were right.
01:38:46God bless you again.
01:38:48God bless you too.
01:38:50As I said,
01:38:52I talked to our elders.
01:38:56They didn't break
01:38:58when I asked.
01:39:02Your mother is waiting for you.
01:39:06God bless you.
01:39:10Do you keep your promise?
01:39:14Are you hungry?
01:39:16We were just about to eat.
01:39:18Should I make you something?
01:39:20No, thanks.
01:39:22I'm not eating today.
01:39:24I'll eat later.
01:39:26If you
01:39:28have time,
01:39:32I hope you'll come to the lodge.
01:39:38God bless you.
01:39:40God bless you too.
01:39:46God bless you too.
01:42:36I don't know.
01:42:45This is about the man that came that day?
01:42:48If you can't handle it, I just crossed over to Europe.
01:42:50You can't send them all the way to Kadıköy.
01:42:53Sometimes you need such things.
01:42:56But you made a big deal out of it, that's all right.
01:42:59No, dad, I'm sorry. I'm worried about something else.
01:43:02I don't know about that, but you won't expect anything from me.
01:44:02I don't know about that, but you won't expect anything from me.
01:44:24Come in Meryem, come in.
01:44:30May God help us. I don't know how we're going to get out of this.
01:44:34You have to calm down first, okay? Don't be afraid. We'll take care of it.
01:44:38We'll take care of it.
01:44:52Stop, get up and wait.
01:45:01Where is he? Where is he?
01:45:04Ma'am. Meryem.
01:45:06Ma'am. Where is he?
01:45:07Ma'am, can you please calm down?
01:45:11I'm going to call the police. Please.
01:45:13Ms. Nilsen.
01:45:15Shame on you. Shame on you.
01:45:18We knew you were a good person. We knew you were honest.
01:45:22I defended you against my brother.
01:45:24Aren't you ashamed of your daughter?
01:45:26Don't talk without knowing. Are you accusing me?
01:45:28Ma'am, please calm down.
01:45:30Shame on you.
01:45:32Shame on you too.
01:45:34You ruined the house of your men.
01:45:36You are committing adultery.
01:45:39Wait a minute. Adultery? What's going on?
01:45:41Ms. Meryem is here to help her daughter.
01:45:43Because of Cüneyt.
01:45:47What does that mean?
01:45:49I came here for Zeynep.
01:45:52Look, I'm a psychiatrist.
01:45:54Cüneyt came to get an idea because of his sensitive situation.
01:45:57What sensitive? What does it have to do with you?
01:45:58I can't tell you that much.
01:46:00Medicine is not moral.
01:46:02You can ask Mr. Sadi Uday.
01:46:06Cüneyt is having a hard time.
01:46:09I was afraid it would do harm to my daughter.
01:46:13Please, call Mr. Sadi Uday. He knows.
01:46:17Is it that bad, Cüneyt?
01:46:22We're all trying to help her.
01:46:28Did I slander you, Meryem?
01:46:54I know it's a sin.
01:46:55I know it's a sin, too.
01:46:57I came and went here.
01:47:00I was desperate.
01:47:02But how could I tell Naime?
01:47:04My mother would kill me.
01:47:06I need to know if Cüneyt will get better.
01:47:11You should have told me, Meryem.
01:47:13They were hiding the doctor.
01:47:15I was afraid.
01:47:17Forgive me.
01:47:19We came from the country when we heard the news.
01:47:22I didn't know who to trust.
01:47:25Forgive me.
01:47:27May God forgive you and me.
01:47:31I still blamed you.
01:47:36How would you know?
01:47:39Does Cüneyt come often to see this doctor?
01:47:42Will he tell you what he's talking about?
01:47:46If he thinks it's appropriate.
01:47:48Cüneyt will get better.
01:47:51Her childhood was hard.
01:47:53That's why.
01:47:55But he'll get better.
01:47:57Cüneyt is a very blessed man.
01:47:59He will be a good husband to his daughter.
01:48:02I promise.
01:48:05I'll go now.
01:48:07If you don't mind,
01:48:09I'd like to talk to the doctor before I go.
01:48:12He's in the same place as I am.
01:48:15I don't feel good.
01:48:19Meryem, please.
01:48:24It's my problem.
01:48:34Did you count the hundreds?
01:48:36How many are there?
01:48:38All of them?
01:48:40What about Elif Boğaz?
01:48:43It was supposed to be 44.
01:48:44But Halide and Kübra Nur took him home to work.
01:48:47Did you check the pages?
01:48:49There's nothing broken, right?
01:48:50I did.
01:48:52Well done, Zeynep.
01:48:55You can be a sister here, you know?
01:48:59And the girls loved you very much.
01:49:01Thank them. They're fine, too.
01:49:04But you have to pay attention to their studies.
01:49:07For example, Kübra Nur.
01:49:08Where does she hang out the most?
01:49:10In the extensions.
01:49:13Well, what does Hümeyra do the most to study better?
01:49:17When she doesn't leave the house.
01:49:18She works better with her friends here.
01:49:22Well done.
01:49:25What about you?
01:49:29Are you happy here?
01:49:31I mean, are you happy that you came?
01:49:37Is it because of Mr. Cüneyt?
01:49:44I'm glad you came.
01:49:46Look, there's a whole new life ahead of you.
01:49:50Everyone's eyes are on you.
01:49:53We couldn't have stayed there anyway, because of the earthquake.
01:49:55Wouldn't you want to come if it wasn't for the earthquake?
01:49:58I'd like to.
01:50:02Visitors started coming there.
01:50:04They look after the country a lot.
01:50:07Well, when the time comes, that's nice, too.
01:50:10Of course, it will be your companion on the road.
01:50:13He'll pick you up when you fall.
01:50:14He'll take care of you when you get sick.
01:50:16You'll live together.
01:50:19When age is equal to age, you live together, but...
01:50:22The men who live there are also in demand.
01:50:25They're looking for girls like waiters.
01:50:31It's not that hard.
01:50:34And when there's an age difference, you don't even understand your own language.
01:50:38May God help you.
01:50:42Did they want you to play, too?
01:50:44They asked for my father.
01:50:49But look, your father didn't give it to you.
01:50:52So it really means a lot to you.
01:50:55He brought you here and spent the rest of your life with the help of his advisor.
01:51:15Did you find it?
01:51:22God bless you.
01:51:24You're welcome.
01:51:26You said I dropped it.
01:51:28It's true.
01:51:30I charged it.
01:51:32You're a good man.
01:51:34You're a good man.
01:51:36You're a good man.
01:51:38You're a good man.
01:51:40You're a good man.
01:51:42You're a good man.
01:51:44Thank you. I'd take care of it.
01:51:46I have to go to school right now.
01:51:48Turn it on.
01:51:50Excuse me?
01:51:52I charged it.
01:51:54Turn it on.
01:51:56I turn it on at school.
01:52:02The phone you said was mine.
01:52:07Turn it on.
01:52:14The phone you said was mine.
01:52:16I charge it.
01:52:18I charge it.
01:52:20I charge it.
01:52:26Wait, wait, wait.
01:52:30Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
01:52:32Come on in, guys.
01:52:34Come on in.
01:52:36Come on in, kids.
01:52:38Take off your coats.
01:52:42My dear.
01:52:48Come in, come in.
01:52:50Young people.
01:52:52What's going on?
01:52:54What's going on?
01:52:56Seçkin, take care of the kids. We'll be right back.
01:52:58Okay, okay.
01:53:00Come on, let's go.
01:53:02What's going on?
01:53:04Come in, come in.
01:53:06What's going on?
01:53:08What's going on?
01:53:10I'll tell you something.
01:53:12Isn't Seçkin coming today?
01:53:14How do you know?
01:53:16Seçkin saw you.
01:53:18Didn't you see Seçkin?
01:53:24The kid is like a snake.
01:53:26Go away.
01:53:28He didn't answer my message anyway.
01:53:34A lady should always look nice.
01:53:38I don't know.
01:53:40I don't know.
01:53:42Don't bother me.
01:53:44Come on, take something nice out of here.
01:53:46You'll see a star with a tail.
01:53:48Come on.
01:53:50Come on, take something out of here.
01:53:54Come on.
01:54:02Thank you, dear.
01:54:06Thank you.
01:54:08Be polite, girl.
01:54:10They're coming to ask you.
01:54:14Don't embarrass me.
01:54:16My baby.
01:54:18May God meet you with the best.
01:54:24I swear, ladies.
01:54:26I've never seen anything more delicious,
01:54:28more healing, more beneficial
01:54:30than being a wife or husband in this world.
01:54:32But look, I say in the world.
01:54:34As a worldly thing.
01:54:36Of course, the greatest virtue
01:54:38is the virtue of servitude to God.
01:54:44I see it.
01:54:46I see it.
01:54:48The man does not notice the woman.
01:54:50He is hungry when he talks about the world.
01:54:52The man says, no, my trade is so good,
01:54:54so good.
01:54:56I earned this, I did that.
01:54:58The woman says, I can do this, I can do that.
01:55:00Whatever you can do,
01:55:02if it doesn't work,
01:55:04you're on fire.
01:55:06I swear you're on fire.
01:55:08I swear you're on fire.
01:55:22But my wife,
01:55:24what you say is that you are lucky in both man and wife,
01:55:28Not at all.
01:55:30You thought Leyla was beautiful,
01:55:32didn't you?
01:55:36Beauty seems like something you have
01:55:38at first sight.
01:55:40But did you see it in the eyes of faith?
01:55:44beauty is from ear to ear
01:55:46with love.
01:55:48If you see a fault,
01:55:50you see a fault.
01:55:52If you see another way,
01:55:54you see another.
01:56:12Cüneyt Efendi.
01:56:14My son.
01:56:16Mrs. Nehser.
01:56:18How are you?
01:56:22Tell me how God wants me to be.
01:56:26God wants the goodness of every servant.
01:56:28God wants the goodness of every servant.
01:56:30Everything is for the servant.
01:56:32Only loneliness is for God.
01:56:34That's right.
01:56:38to realize that you can't be alone,
01:56:40you have to be alone.
01:56:44To realize that level.
01:56:46You went from level to level.
01:56:50We couldn't follow.
01:56:52We couldn't understand.
01:56:54Didn't we know?
01:56:56Your mother, your father.
01:56:58We couldn't fill that void.
01:57:00Maybe this girl
01:57:02will fill that void
01:57:04with Zeynep.
01:57:10But it's fresh, Cüneyt.
01:57:12It is necessary not to frighten,
01:57:14not to frighten.
01:57:16She can't understand the level you've reached.
01:57:18She can't know.
01:57:20We see you.
01:57:22We know the guardian in you.
01:57:24But he...
01:57:26Does he think I'm crazy?
01:57:28Mrs. Muheser.
01:57:30What's up?
01:57:32Your family.
01:57:34I'm not saying anything.
01:57:38I'm with Hüdayi Efendi.
01:57:40I'm with you.
01:57:44Cüneyt Efendi.
01:57:46You have a position.
01:57:50But we are here at the command of God.
01:57:54I've been a hindrance to your service.
01:57:56Mrs. Muheser.
01:57:58Order is the command of God.
01:58:00We are watching you.
01:58:02You will watch us.
01:58:04You won't go around
01:58:06and talk to people.
01:58:10Like you did to my mother.
01:58:36Oh my God.
01:58:38Can we meet?
01:58:40I'm already ashamed.
01:58:42You look beautiful,
01:58:44my dear daughter.
01:58:46You look beautiful.
01:58:50Why didn't you wear your wristband?
01:58:52He's bringing his own gift.
01:58:54What is this?
01:58:56Where is it?
01:58:58You didn't even buy me a gift once.
01:59:00You couldn't find a place for you.
01:59:04Come on, bring it.
01:59:06I'm so curious.
01:59:08You go.
01:59:10I'll be right back.
01:59:12Okay, find it.
01:59:25I'm coming.
01:59:27I think you should hurry up.
01:59:43Snake, snake.
01:59:47Those who don't have their CVs made,
01:59:49could they come?
01:59:51It depends on what gift you bring.
01:59:54Give it to me.
01:59:56Do you have a father?
01:59:58Give it to me.
02:00:08I'll take it.
02:00:10How did you get it?
02:00:12Did you go back there?
02:00:14Don't call me brother.
02:00:23Thank you.
02:00:25I'm glad to see you.
02:00:27I'm glad I came.
02:00:29Come on, enjoy.
02:00:44They're beautiful, aren't they?
02:00:46They are.
02:00:50I can't get rid of
02:00:52the smell of that hot memory.
02:00:54What's that?
02:00:57Socks and the floor.
02:00:59Socks and the floor.
02:01:04you raised your hand
02:01:06about fantasy, didn't you?
02:01:08It has nothing to do with it.
02:01:10Socks and the floor.
02:01:12Socks and the floor.
02:01:16Everything comes and goes in this world.
02:01:20But even when you pull your hand from the world,
02:01:22if God gave you life,
02:01:24if he is with your wife,
02:01:26if he asks about the state of your children
02:01:28and respects them,
02:01:30then you have lived a life like life.
02:01:36you can do whatever you want.
02:01:38What will happen?
02:01:40I don't know, mom.
02:01:42I don't know.
02:01:44Tell me, my husband.
02:01:46Tell me, my daughter.
02:01:48When your husband pulls your hand
02:01:50and takes you in his arms,
02:01:52doesn't your heart beat?
02:01:54Oh, my God.
02:01:56What did you do
02:01:58to make your heart beat like that?
02:02:02Yes, mom.
02:02:04Are you afraid?
02:02:06Let him be afraid of me.
02:02:08God bless you.
02:02:10This is a longing
02:02:12that God has given us.
02:02:14In the halal circle.
02:02:16Every woman who has a mind
02:02:18will run after that halal circle.
02:02:20This is the law of God.
02:02:22God has many laws.
02:02:24There is wisdom in what they say.
02:02:26But Prophet Jesus,
02:02:28Prophet Yahya,
02:02:30and Rabia
02:02:32were at the door of another wisdom.
02:02:34There is no such thing
02:02:36that you will get married.
02:02:38God bless them.
02:02:40But am I saying that, sister?
02:02:42We went to visit a house yesterday.
02:02:44You were there.
02:02:46Did the lady of the house go abroad?
02:02:48It was like an orphan at home.
02:02:50In a dilapidated state.
02:02:52You saw it.
02:02:54There was no light in the eyes of the man.
02:02:56Isn't it a pity?
02:02:58His daughter is so poor.
02:03:00There are acquaintances, my brother.
02:03:02You are right.
02:03:04Tövbe estağfirullah.
02:03:18Come, my brother.
02:03:24Our guest from the upper neighborhood.
02:03:26Tell me your name, dear.
02:03:28Nadire Hanım.
02:03:30Kiss your mother's hand.
02:03:34Invite Nadire.
02:03:36This is Mümine.
02:03:38The daughter of Osman Efendi.
02:03:40Nice to meet you, dear.
02:03:46Our humble guest is Meryem.
02:03:48Her daughter is Zeynep.
02:03:50They will be husband and wife with Naim Efendi's daughter.
02:03:54Nadire will join our conversations from now on.
02:03:56She was willing to help our lodge.
02:03:58Thank you.
02:04:00You will teach her the way.
02:04:04With the method.
02:04:08My daughter Zeynep.
02:04:10You listen to the elders here.
02:04:16Well done.
02:04:18Your mother will tell you.
02:04:20But you can ask me and Feyza
02:04:22everything you want.
02:04:26God bless you, mother.
02:04:32Let's take a picture.
02:04:36Come on.
02:04:40Cake is coming.
02:04:50Happy birthday to you.
02:04:52Happy birthday to you.
02:04:54Happy birthday to you.
02:04:56Happy birthday.
02:04:58Happy birthday.
02:05:00Happy birthday to you.
02:05:04Wish, wish.
02:05:06Wish, wish.
02:05:08Wish, wish.
02:05:16Pray for her to come back.
02:05:18I don't know how to pray.
02:05:20You wish on her birthday.
02:05:22It's nothing.
02:05:40Come, come, come.
02:06:06Come on.
02:06:10Open this for me.
02:06:12Young people.
02:06:14Listen to me.
02:06:16If you're bored,
02:06:18then I have to tell you
02:06:20about this environment.
02:06:22In the old days,
02:06:24when you were young,
02:06:26a very long time ago,
02:06:28we used to wait
02:06:30for birthday parties
02:06:32at home.
02:06:34Because we couldn't go anywhere
02:06:36because of our age.
02:06:38So, girls and boys...
02:06:40Wait a minute.
02:06:42I won't say anything bad.
02:06:44So, girls and boys
02:06:46used to hang out
02:06:48and chat like this.
02:06:50And these chats
02:06:52weren't good for us.
02:06:54You can imagine.
02:06:56So, do you know
02:06:58what happened to us
02:07:00at the end of the day?
02:07:02Who has the music?
02:07:04Give it to me.
02:07:06Wait a minute.
02:07:12The rest of you
02:07:14have to rap
02:07:16on the floor
02:07:18with your socks.
02:07:20I'll show you.
02:07:42Those shoes will come off.
02:07:44Those socks will touch the floor.
02:07:46Just like we grew up with that smell,
02:07:48you will grow up with that smell.
02:07:50Come on, take it off.
02:07:52Take it off.
02:08:04No, no.
02:08:06Come here.
02:08:08No, no.
02:08:12Everybody wait now.
02:08:14Go with the flow now.
02:08:16It's automatic.
02:08:42I feel bad. I'm going to sleep.
02:08:44My daughter.
02:08:46Don't scare your mother.
02:08:48Mom, you always
02:08:50get into trouble because of me.
02:08:54Look, it's not like that.
02:08:56Pull yourself together.
02:08:58Look, people are trying for you.
02:09:00For their sake.
02:09:04Go wash your face.
02:09:06And pray twice.
02:09:08Come on.
02:09:12Come on.
02:09:18bowls are here.
02:09:20Tea cups,
02:09:22cups are here.
02:09:24Everything is in place.
02:09:32They said it's full.
02:09:38Is your husband
02:09:42May he rest in peace.
02:09:44Don't speak badly.
02:09:46God is with you.
02:09:50How is the peace in the neighborhood?
02:09:54I'm managing.
02:09:56Is there anyone coming and going to your door?
02:10:02all kinds of people have come and gone through that door.
02:10:06We don't even live after all.
02:10:08Is it happening?
02:10:12It's happening.
02:10:20If you organize your clothes,
02:10:22it will decrease.
02:10:24It will even end.
02:10:26The more you look like us,
02:10:28the more comfortable you will be.
02:10:30Someone from us will come and go to your door.
02:10:32So that the neighborhood can see and understand.
02:10:34God bless you.
02:10:36The hard part
02:10:38starts with you,
02:10:40ends with you.
02:10:42Will you be able to do it?
02:10:44Will you be able to
02:10:46protect your dignity?
02:10:48What are you doing here,
02:10:52God bless you.
02:10:54Well done.
02:11:00The pastry came out of the bag,
02:11:04We didn't throw it away because it was useless.
02:11:30Mr. Cuneyt, what are you doing?
02:11:32Get out.
02:11:34Stop, what happened?
02:11:36I'm sick.
02:11:38I'm sick.
02:11:40The one who gave me the medicine,
02:11:42did he give it to me so that I would be healed?
02:11:44I don't know, I can't know.
02:11:46Then get out.
02:11:48Because of that girl.
02:11:54You've been bad since that girl came.
02:11:56I swear,
02:11:58that girl doesn't look good on you.
02:12:02She doesn't love you anyway.
02:12:04She doesn't want you.
02:12:06She said she was going to marry someone in her hometown.
02:12:08She said yes to you to not yell at her.
02:12:12As my father said in the forest,
02:12:16the one who loves loves in every way.
02:12:18The one who loves does not see the bad.
02:12:20The more that girl looks at you,
02:12:22the worse you get.
02:12:28For the sake of God,
02:13:02For the sake of God, please.
02:13:20Mom, what did you do?
02:13:22It's a sin.
02:13:24And my birthday was three months ago.
02:13:26My beautiful daughter.
02:13:28My one and only.
02:13:30They asked our prophet.
02:13:32Why did you choose Monday over Thursday
02:13:34to fast?
02:13:36He said, Thursday is connected to Friday.
02:13:40is my birthday.
02:13:42God created me
02:13:44so that he would be praised.
02:13:48The lord of the two worlds
02:13:50celebrates his birthday every week.
02:13:52I won't miss my Monday-Thursday fast either.
02:13:54I won't miss my Monday-Thursday fast either.
02:13:58May God accept.
02:14:24May God accept.
02:14:26Mrs. Meryem,
02:14:28His Highness Mirjit
02:14:30is waiting for you.
02:14:34Mom, can I come too?
02:14:36You sit at home.
02:14:38Wait for the news.
02:14:40May God accept.
02:15:04Young people,
02:15:06what do we have here?
02:15:08Oh, my God!
02:15:10What do we have here?
02:15:12Oh, my God!
02:15:22Put the plates there.
02:15:26I'm so tired.
02:15:28I'll be sore tomorrow.
02:15:30Come on.
02:15:38Come on.
02:15:54Are you going to talk about
02:15:56the waiters in the park?
02:15:58It happens once a year.
02:16:00Leave the kids alone.
02:16:04Peace be upon you, sir.
02:16:06Peace be upon you, too.
02:16:10Peace be upon you, sir.
02:16:12Peace be upon you.
02:16:36Peace be upon you, too.
02:16:58What's the rush, mom?
02:17:00Why did His Highness Mirjit call you?
02:17:06Why did His Highness Mirjit call you?
02:17:10Not to me,
02:17:12not to anyone.
02:17:14Go and give your account to my teacher.
02:17:20The insolence.
02:17:36Cüneyt Efendi.
02:17:38My parents are not at home.
02:17:48Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:06Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:08Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:10Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:12Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:14Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:16Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:18Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:20Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:22Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:24Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:26Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:28Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:30Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:32Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:34Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:36Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:38Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:40Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:42Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:44Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:46Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:48Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:50Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:52Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:54Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:56Cüneyt Efendi.
02:18:58Cüneyt Efendi.
02:19:00Cüneyt Efendi.
02:19:02Cüneyt Efendi.
02:19:04Cüneyt Efendi.
02:19:06Cüneyt Efendi.
02:19:08Cüneyt Efendi.
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02:19:16Cüneyt Efendi.
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02:19:20Cüneyt Efendi.
02:19:22Cüneyt Efendi.
02:19:24Cüneyt Efendi.
02:19:26Cüneyt Efendi.
02:19:28Cüneyt Efendi.
02:19:30Cüneyt Efendi.
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02:19:58Cüneyt Efendi.
02:20:00Cüneyt Efendi.
02:20:02Cüneyt Efendi.
02:20:04Cüneyt Efendi.
02:20:06Cüneyt Efendi.
02:20:08Cüneyt Efendi.
02:20:10Cüneyt Efendi.
02:20:12Cüneyt Efendi.
02:20:14Cüneyt Efendi.
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02:20:38Cüneyt Efendi.
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02:20:52Cüneyt Efendi.
02:20:54Cüneyt Efendi.
02:20:56Cüneyt Efendi.
02:20:58Cüneyt Efendi.
