• last year


00:02:00When they highballed over the past bulldog Mac with a can on back of the Jaguar
00:02:07Stroking bore see cover starting to gain now fever you a trucking with a rubber duck and I'm about to pull a plug on here
00:03:54Son of a bitch
00:04:10Son of a bitch
00:04:13Long book, please
00:04:15Partner, you got the wrong vehicle that gal next game passed me doing about 80
00:04:19Then she slowed down to 40 to comb her hair
00:04:22Wouldn't let me pastor. I'm citing you for 11 miles over the speed limit reckless drive
00:04:29Hell that's $100 fine. Sure. Yes
00:04:33Well, hell it was worth it. What was worth that gal in the XKE doesn't have any pants on man
00:04:39I took a look down and bingo. There it was
00:04:46There what was
00:04:48Didn't you hear me? She doesn't have any pants on
00:04:52Look at her. She's just waiting there
00:04:59No panties or anything
00:05:13Okay, I'm gonna let you off with a stern warning you watch yourself you hear yes, sir
00:05:40Break a 1-9 with a smoky report. We got a bear running east on I-4-0
00:05:45It's 20s about a mile marker 2 4 3 anybody out there copy over
00:05:5210-4 good buddy. I surely. Thank you. What's your 20 day guy?
00:05:58We he's bound about the same spot where you at or what a mile over the shoulder, huh? Oh
00:06:07Yeah, I got an eyeball on you same partner it's a pretty fancy rig you're driving ain't it
00:06:13That's a big 10-4 good buddy. You got spider Mike at your back door. My hand is love machine
00:06:19You know why they call me love machine
00:06:22Quadrophonics out color TV. I got a big ball sitting right behind
00:06:28Get this a warm
00:06:30water water bed
00:06:33All the preacher comforts fit a
00:06:36Love machine you ain't all on go-go girls. Are you?
00:06:40Yeah, dude, that's just what he's hollering and they're closing up my sinuses, too
00:06:44I hope you got the way for the back up there kind of live. How about it now?
00:06:49Just simmer down boy back around down. Don't you recognize who this is come back?
00:06:55Negatory who this is. This is the duck yo bandit
00:07:01Spider Mike it's from the duck from Albuquerque
00:07:05We got us the best front door this gun bigger business. Hey, look at that. I heard more stories about you didn't Jesse James
00:07:12Oh my I guess, you know, you're running with a real desperado this time
00:07:16Ain't nobody more dedicated to the single minor pursuit of cheap thrills and that old love machine, but it does move
00:07:24Hey duck, what do you say we change his handle from love machine to pink pin this trip come back
00:07:30Yes, sonny boy. It took me a lot of money to get that in. Hey, man
00:07:34I don't care how long it took you pigpin
00:07:36All I know is that the pain is peeling off my cabin my fan don't work. So I may have to take the rocking chair
00:07:41Yeah, yeah. Okay. Come on charge it because I'm not moving out
00:07:46I'll break a 1-9 break a 1-9. I miss the cotton mouth to the rubber duck
00:07:52Roger cotton mouth. I got a copy on you. I'm a three four three need to bear for it
00:07:57Come on, ain't a bad sight. She's all clean and green bring it on up
00:08:02Well front door cotton mouth. It looks like you got me and two others in your rocking chair here. Come on
00:08:08Oh, that's definitely my pleasure
00:08:10Wake her breaker. The smell is getting intense back here. Now, who is this? Come on back
00:08:16This is a handsome love machine over here, right? And the fastest smack machine is slammed in the eyeball
00:08:21That's all well and good. But from what I hear
00:08:24Bulldogs is pussy what?
00:08:28He talking to me with that pussy pussy thing, hey, I'm gonna grab that alligator head of yours
00:08:40Ain't about to get me behind you big Ben
00:09:26Back them down back them down. We got a bear and a plain brown wrapper
00:09:55Nice day
00:09:56Screwing it down a bit. What's your boys?
00:09:59Jesus Christ
00:10:01Hello ID
00:10:03Boys, this is the Papa bear
00:10:06In a long time, it's been six years. Yeah
00:10:12Six years I
00:10:15Should have known that'd be you on the other end of that two-way what two-way the CB cottonmouth
00:10:22Couldn't have been me. I ain't got no CB
00:10:25Besides, I don't believe in police entrapment. Come on
00:10:29Cut mountain snake
00:10:31son of a bitch beach belly whale you
00:10:38Could write you up for
00:10:40doing 75
00:10:46Just for the sake of agreement in old times. Let's just say you were doing
00:10:5270 which could come to about about 35 plus the insurance
00:11:05Might be just a bit more than that
00:11:07Christ's sake Lyle. Come on. Now if you boys want to take your chances in court. Hey, I got me a real nice jail
00:11:15I'll impound your rigs all safe and sound and they'll just sit there
00:11:20How much is it Lyle 50 each?
00:11:24You rub me bastard
00:11:2660 they take it easy. This ain't an auction man who gives a shit. I make more than him anyway
00:11:32Well, it wipes me out. I can't even eat
00:11:34I'm doing my job
00:11:36Keeping my part of the highway safe. Yeah, well you keep it safe in a ditch somewhere feeding flies
00:11:4270 my ass. Hey cool it. I
00:11:46Can't call many more than raises y'all. Let's get out of here before we take something else easy come easy go
00:11:54Hey Lyle gonna be one of us pretty soon, you know
00:11:57How's that ain't you heard the teamsters are gonna be organizing the cops. Not this one. I don't want no part of your damn
00:12:07Game my damn Union Lyle. I'm independent remember
00:12:12At least we got one thing in common
00:12:16There ain't many of us left
00:12:26Had some fun love I'm Bay you got there. Well, how you meet this guy?
00:12:31We go all the way back. I'll give him my first ticket and fully intends to be right in my last
00:12:37One kick in the huevos rancheros and I'd have turned him into an omelet
00:12:43Hey y'all think you can stay out of trouble long enough to get something to eat. Yeah. Yeah, let's go and eat
00:12:49No, I don't feel like driving right now
00:12:51You have to buy me lunch
00:13:00Rafael's glide in
00:13:04Why is all this stuff on the table you have a garage sale or something
00:13:08I'm just trying to get it all into one bag as I plan to be traveling light. Ah
00:13:13She's selling this stuff. No, honey. She's a bird of plumage. She's giving away her feathers
00:13:21Ten four three dollars and a side
00:13:29The duck is on his way
00:13:31My birthday boy is coming. Uh, there's a ride for you. My cab doesn't show up. I'll sure think about it
00:13:38Mm. I'm sorry. It's a lot of trouble, but that thing out there needs a total rewire
00:13:44Here you should have this
00:13:46My forearm parts
00:13:49God knows what else? I wouldn't get this away if I was you here you go miss
00:13:52I'm gonna be you. Oh sure you are
00:13:57See my ID my driver's license low, baby
00:14:06Okay, we're down to this who wants it I'll take it how much five dollars ten twelve
00:14:16Are you kidding?
00:14:18fight over
00:14:31Hey, how's it Jack fine fill her up with that?
00:14:49You know that red thing you wanted that look much better on it in this well, no man, this is swallowing
00:15:12Did you miss me
00:15:16Take it someplace else, you know what you made me do
00:15:20How's my black widow? Oh, I'm still a widow honey, but I cannot complain
00:15:24What's going on here? Oh, Melissa. This is the duck. She needs a ride
00:15:29What happened the XK II I sold it. How do you two know each other?
00:15:35This is the guy I told you about the one that told the cop that I was nude driving. Oh, I should
00:15:41Get you
00:15:43Laughterous proposition. I sent him to the motel of his choice where I think he's probably still waiting for me
00:15:53You ever ride in the truck
00:15:58Do you want to
00:16:06Come on honey, I got a little birthday surprise for you. I bet you do. Don't you leave without me?
00:16:12You ain't mad at me. Are you?
00:16:16Watch how I handle this. Come on
00:16:20That's my ride that's it honey, come on baby don't be like that
00:16:26Skin, oh my heart belongs to you. Oh, yeah. Sure for about one hot second. Hey, well, it's not my fault
00:16:33Is it now when you're gonna get rid of that? Sorry old man of yours. He's not so sorry
00:16:37He's just had a little hard luck
00:16:40Yeah, and I'm looking at the very worst part of it ain't it
00:16:48My handles love machine. Oh miss. His name is Pigpen. That's temporary
00:17:02You just wait right there I'll let you know when you can come in
00:17:06Are you looking for a ride a nice lady like you she already has one with the deck. Thank you anyway
00:17:14I'll take you back to the truck then. Oh Pigpen
00:17:18Excuse me. Love machine. Just it's his birthday, honey. Give him a break. Come on. Let's go have that salad
00:17:26Thank you. I
00:17:29Think she likes yes obvious man, it's obvious
00:17:36Okay, it's ready you can come in now
00:17:55Help me unwrap the present
00:18:11What am I supposed to do
00:18:28Hey Pigpen look outside man
00:18:31What do you think that fat slob is up to check complaints I imagine
00:18:37Come here. Watch what I do here
00:18:40Man, I'm always game for some fun. What is he doing?
00:18:43They're gonna mess with the cop. How'd you know it's my birthday anyway, I
00:18:48Know a lot of things about you
00:18:51You do
00:19:03This dirty liar
00:19:07Hey, man boulder bill, he isn't heavy boulder belly is fat. There's a big difference
00:19:13What's when he gets out of the car? He starts bouncing around. He's like a beach ball a little bit turkey face
00:19:19He bounces like a quasi beaver
00:19:23I'll be damned. I should have known that's probably why he stooped so low to get cash
00:19:28He's saving for a little sex operations
00:19:36Hey guys glad to help a very nice talking to you good buddy my pleasure over and out
00:20:29Don't duck
00:20:44Where's the duck what dog
00:21:06He's got pain written all over his face
00:21:18Pig pen
00:21:22How much cash you got in your pocket I
00:21:25I still got an ass. Thank you
00:21:32Duck I don't know what you're doing man, but you better get your ass in here right now. I'm sorry. I gotta go
00:21:46Hey boy
00:21:48How are you fixed son of bitch
00:21:51Sorry, man, but I don't have nothing you know that
00:21:57Well in that case then young fella, I'm just gonna have to arrest you for vagrancy
00:22:04Stand up lean against that counter I said stand up
00:22:13Thanks friends y'all sure know how to mess up a birthday party man, well, it's late now
00:22:18So let's just be getting out of here
00:22:21Go get your things. Hey, I'm so sorry. Oh, they're tall that
00:22:26Come on man, they ain't breaking no law
00:22:29What's the matter?
00:22:31Your boy here. He's gone crazy, man
00:22:34He's trying to bust me on some bullshit vacancy charge, and I'm not going to no goddamn jail. Oh
00:22:41My lady's having a baby man. I gotta get home
00:22:45It's the truth Lyle, she's over nine months gone man. She's about to drop
00:22:58Anybody know who the father is
00:23:05Get over there
00:23:16Take that you
00:23:27Well you blew Arizona
00:23:37Y'all better get to your trucks. Yeah you too. Yeah
00:23:46All right, please
00:23:50Denison I waited for you my car broke down
00:23:58Excuse me, please get back. Hey
00:24:28Put it on their bill
00:24:55Just redecorated last month
00:25:09I don't have to work under these circumstances
00:25:15I own the place get those kids out of here. Come on. Let's go. Hey widow. You okay? Yeah, I'll make it
00:25:22Get it pack. God damn it. I'll get him when I'm ready
00:25:28I'll beat your ass now pack busting. Oh damn you get back
00:26:15Oh, I'll eat your hair dog you big son of a bitch
00:26:39Come on that ain't no cop that's a mule wearing a uniform hell of a fight duck. Thanks
00:26:52Give me a hand here. Come on back. Don't waste no time
00:27:04Come on let's hit let's go
00:27:13Hey Bobby you do better yanking the wires in that thing
00:27:19All right
00:27:26Pull that suckers out get them plug wires. Give me come on tear them out ain't going nowhere in this one
00:27:33Come on, man. That's not a bitch distributor out of there get the plug wires get the whole damn vest. Let's take it all
00:27:38Get it all let's go
00:27:44Where you going state line
00:27:49Yeah, why the hell not come on with them let's go they can't touch us there let's go
00:28:29Happy birthday
00:28:35Take care
00:29:28Don't just stand there like a bunch of dummies
00:29:32Get you out my road here it is here it is well bring it over here
00:29:41Well, where the hell have you been come on help me get the hell out of here see if you get a hex or anything
00:29:50I got it a nail file. Oh a nail file. Well, you know you can do it your nail file
00:30:01Oh, wait, wait
00:30:28Talk to you later
00:30:42Anyone of you jerks got a car you got any keys don't just stand there. Come on, will you hey
00:30:49Hey, hey, hold it. Will you hey?
00:30:53Hey, I need your car
00:30:56I'm coming during your car. All right, come on kid. I'm sorry. What are you doing?
00:31:02Nothing officer. What do you mean? Nothing? What's that you got in your mouth?
00:31:06What are you kids chewing on?
00:31:08Get the hell out of here get the hell out of here get out of here
00:31:13Go on get out of there
00:31:14Get the hell out of here
00:31:17I'll be back after your ass
00:31:35Break up break up. How's that nose of yours duck? It sure was pushing that cop around
00:31:42Yeah, I got off kind of slow start there I don't think it's broke though
00:31:45Hey duck, we was just getting wound up weren't we?
00:31:48Yeah, we were just fixing to bother him to death till the widow woman kicks his lights out
00:31:54You better move your ass
00:31:57How we travel now duck we're gonna get a certain amount of attention real soon
00:32:02Hey, you remember that old road we used to use when we was working with sharky?
00:32:05Well, there's just about room enough honor for us man. I think he'll give us a clean shot to the state line
00:32:11You got the white right here, I think old pack can handle that. All right, duck 10-4
00:32:15You got the lizard tongue here
00:32:17What do we got with us? Come on back old iguana here. I'm a lecherous old lizard with love in my mind
00:32:30I'm supposed to catch a plane to dallas to do what photograph a wedding?
00:32:41Well, you're not gonna be catching no plane for a while
00:32:48Hey, come on get out of there, will you come on? Hey, where's your turning signal? Where's your turn? Get the hell out of the way
00:33:03Give me something to wipe this shit off my face, will you?
00:33:14Want some coffee
00:33:23Good because we ain't got any I forgot it
00:33:37Okay, we're coming up on the hard left here we'll be going to a four-way intersection, okay
00:34:16Let's get her out of there
00:34:21Y'all baby got your key off I don't know man
00:34:29Is she all right
00:34:34Just just get my stuff, please
00:34:36You okay, miss? Yeah, i'm, okay
00:34:39Goddamn piece of white junk. I knew I should have bought myself a black truck. Well, come on. Let's haul ass
00:34:45Y'all just got yourself a passenger
00:34:54Hey, what are you all right? Yeah, i'm fine. I got a bruised butt the black hat, but i'm, okay
00:35:17That's one that's one that's one is that crazy cop from the tow ship
00:35:59Watch it
00:36:24Holy christ, I swear that was lyle wallace
00:36:29Lyle lyle
00:36:32Uh rubber duck here, is that you back here lyle got your ears on good buddy
00:36:40I hear you
00:36:44Are you okay you need a meat wagon or something?
00:36:48You'll need something else you son of a bitch once I get my hands on you
00:36:53Hey until you get a little better control of that machinery i'd suggest you lay off them acrobatics. Yeah. Well, listen
00:37:00I'm gonna have to stay policing on this
00:37:03And when we do
00:37:05We're gonna lunch on your ass. You son of a bitch
00:37:08Hey, i'm, sorry. Lyle. You're coming in real broken and carbo
00:37:13Uh, besides that you gotta catch us first, right?
00:37:1710 years
00:37:19I think you're in 10 years with a little time off for good behavior. This is lyle wallace
00:37:25And the tosha county sheriff's office
00:37:28need assistance
00:37:31I'm down by the old farmhouse on 109. Amen
00:37:37Well, I think i've had about enough of this thank you very much
00:37:40I think i'll just take my things and get out
00:37:46If you want to just pull over i'm sure I can hit your ride very easily
00:37:53Okay, i'm ready
00:37:56Weren't you listening to me I said i'm ready to get out
00:38:01You want out
00:38:05We're being chased you want out jump
00:38:10Do you want to add the man act to your collection man acts for 18 year olds not someone who's seen the best side of 30
00:38:45My name is bob bookman, sir, and I hate truckers
00:38:51Lyle wallace sheriff's office natosha county
00:39:01Ah get your hands off me
00:39:06It's around here somewhere it's an old back way into new mexico
00:39:16Got here we are get ready for a hard turn
00:39:50This ain't no damn road, it's a trail hell it ain't even that would you do me a favor?
00:39:59Would you rub up that window man the window is broke shit
00:40:13Get it an invisible escape route
00:40:15They'll never catch us now
00:40:19Now here's the plan
00:40:21When we get up to the pass, we'll put on our fish costumes
00:40:24And i'll hand out the vaseline an extra ration of rum for the men
00:40:29That's a good
00:40:52God look at all this dust. Why don't you roll your window up tight?
00:40:59Hey, uh, this is the doctor big fish y'all still with us back there
00:41:04My water bed is sloshing around somewhere. It's gonna break doesn't have this much action since i caught those twins in carl's bed
00:41:11I'm, just following your smell pig
00:41:14Watch your turn
00:41:17Why don't you like what you're doing shut up or you drive the son of a bitch
00:41:24Tell him to get on one side or the other need car get on one side of the road or the other
00:41:43Oh, we can't wait now
00:42:01Shut up, there's no point in getting mad. Okay. I ain't mad i'm scared to death. I know
00:42:45I got him cheap. I got him
00:42:59What happened to him, I don't know he's pulled off here for some reason another
00:43:07Them cops they ain't after power today on their driving one just went over the side
00:43:12Well, there's some bad trouble. Let me tell you
00:43:15They're falling all over the road over here
00:44:48Breaker this is spider mike at the back door. Got us a smoky coming up fast. I'm gonna see if I can't slow him down a taste
00:45:00Hey, I see him to your left watch out
00:45:20You lousy son of a
00:45:24Well pigpen, I think he deserves a break today. What do you say?
00:45:28Why don't we just uh, let him on through don't you know?
00:45:31Hey, that's a big diphole
00:45:37All right, uh
00:45:41Hey, how about we close this door i'll get the draft
00:45:53Jesus christ looks like they're making a sandwich out of the sheriff back there
00:46:03You must have a bear trap pig because you sure have caught one
00:46:20I think you boys been practicing
00:46:52Good work sheriff
00:46:55No more smoky
00:46:59This is sheriff
00:47:00lyle wallace
00:47:03the sheriff of natchez
00:47:05Do you read me?
00:47:07Uh, this is chief stacy love of highwild dulcey, new mexico. I got a copy on you. I'm on highway 109
00:47:14I'm on the trail of a convoy of runaway truckers
00:47:19Are they being led by a man called rummer ducky?
00:47:22I suspect and they'll be crossing your state line pretty quick
00:47:27Uh, thank you, sir. We'll give you any help we can
00:47:31We'd appreciate it
00:47:33if you'd send a
00:47:35a car
00:47:37and uh
00:47:43New pair of pants
00:47:50Attention all units attention all units. This is chief stacy. Love come back, please
00:48:05New mexico here we come. I love you
00:48:15New mexico, I'm supposed to be in texas
00:48:21Hey do that again that wasn't half bad
00:48:55Break a break. Uh, this is love machine looking at them rigs up on the hill
00:49:00Uh 10 roger, we got you. Come on
00:49:04Well, what you doing up there fellas over?
00:49:07We're waiting for you guys
00:49:08We've been listening to you modulating for the last half hour and we hip to what all's going down and uh
00:49:14We want to give you guys some congratulations especially the rubber duck for a job well done don't you know boy we're famous now
00:49:22Hey, we thank you very much fellas 10-4
00:49:25If it'd be all right with you guys the bald eagle sneaky snake and this here is big nasty
00:49:31Uh, we'd be right proud to be part of your little old convoy. Come on
00:49:34Yeah, sure. Why not just slip in the back door fellas
00:49:38We sure do. Thank you all and we all be proud to take a back door to the rubber duck
00:49:43Don't forget about us
00:49:47Looks like we've got some long friends of jesus back there
00:49:58And I don't read nothing in scripture that says thy shall not put the pedal to the metal
00:50:04Welcome aboard there reverend. We could sure use some spiritual help here. I think you can handle it
00:50:14Brother rubber, what is that guy's name? He ain't no reverend
00:50:25Why do they call you the duck
00:50:27Because it rhymes with luck
00:50:30Now my daddy always told me I ought to be just like a duck said stay smooth on the surface and paddle like the devil underneath
00:50:43What you looking for I thought i'd have a beer do you want one
00:50:48No, thanks i'm trying to quit but you can get me one of those t-shirts that's on the dresser back there
00:50:56Here you go, thank you, you're welcome
00:51:05You know a couple of years ago I was living with a man I didn't like very much
00:51:09He talked me into doing something. I really didn't want to do
00:51:12Hang gliding damn
00:51:18Speed up honey
00:51:21Hang gliding, but I tried it
00:51:28And you know what I was right I hated it 50 trucks a whole convoy of trucks busted I mean they're running like there was need
00:51:36Let's go
00:51:40Thank god it worked how about the boyfriend
00:51:45That didn't work
00:51:51Any kids
00:51:54I was married. I got a couple of kids living up in spokane. Do you ever get to see them?
00:51:59when I can
00:52:01They're okay. I got a good mom
00:52:09You got room for one septic sam the sewer man
00:52:12You got the pack rat and the white rat here and welcome aboard you dump it. We pump it
00:52:18Just remember we keep pigs cesspools and foul odors all the way at the back
00:52:25Well, howdy boys welcome to the convoy that's right boys put her on in there
00:52:30new mexico
00:52:35Tons of pedal on red hot metal and jesus freaks on grass
00:52:39We is going for broke in a cloud of smoke with a thousand screaming trucks saying praise the lord
00:52:44Just shut the back door and follow that rubber duck ten four
00:52:48Y'all got the mississippi flash here
00:52:50And i'm here to tell you the only things in life that count are fast trucks fast women and fast food
00:52:57Do you know how big this thing is how big look just look out there, man
00:53:02Hey, look, I swear we got a goddamn convoy look at that. See a crazy thing
00:53:09That's incredible, where are they all coming from everywhere
00:53:15I can't believe it
00:53:17Why don't ask me ask them i'm running for my life myself. Yeah, but they're all following you
00:53:24No, they ain't i'm just in front by the time we found old stacy's town those trucks was having a ball
00:53:30Those trucks was having a ball
00:53:32But there's a watch out sign on the county line and them bears was ball to wall. They even had a bear in the air. Come on
00:53:39Hey, doc. There's a bear in the air
00:53:45Attention all trucks all trucks attention
00:53:49This is federal agent hamilton
00:53:52I'm ordering you to stop your vehicles immediately
00:53:56You are traveling in violation of federal law
00:54:05Attention driver martin penwald
00:54:10Martin penwald
00:54:12It does sound kind of funny doesn't it? You are under arrest
00:54:17Stop your vehicle immediately. I don't believe this what is going on?
00:54:23You're doing it all wrong hamilton. All you gotta say is a rubber duck
00:54:29Do you copy me rubber duck rubber duck
00:54:36That's a cp handle he won't answer to anything else
00:54:45Attention mr. Rubber duck stop your vehicle immediately. You are under arrest
00:54:59Obviously, they can't hear me they can't hear you sir. I checked this equipment out before we took off
00:55:06This is an integrated system
00:55:09It's comprised of a face lock loop and crystal now. We know that they're on channel 19 of the cp frequency below us
00:55:16Let's go. Come on
00:55:19Decimal switch, so that's like a computerized system that scans
00:55:26In their trucks sir
00:55:28Okay, they're ready. Hello. Sure. Fly wallace. We're down here ready and waiting. Did you press a button sir?
00:55:41They got a language all their own
00:55:49Well, then you try it
00:55:54Uh breaker one nine breaker one nine, this is the bear in the air officer lyle wallace
00:56:02Calling rubber jerk and that rampant piece of black crap at your side dog. Come on
00:56:11Please don't be using that kind of language on the air. Wow, especially don't be using it in regard to my beautiful black truck over
00:56:18That thing you call a truck
00:56:21It's the worst pile of garbage. I have had the misfortune. I'll write the citation on and uh
00:56:31You better take a look up the road there fella
00:56:34Because we got us a roadblock
00:56:36with 20 armed men
00:56:40Okay, men get ready because they're coming
00:56:43And they all got orders to shoot you and that rattling piece of crap full of holes
00:56:50Unless you pull over you're here. Come on
00:56:54Okay, lyle i'll tell you what you do you go up there and stand personally on that roadblock you
00:57:01But before you do take a good look at the signs on the side of my trailer. It says chemicals
00:57:06That's explosive lyle
00:57:08nitromanide class b explosive
00:57:11I don't know what that'll do but I wouldn't want to be in the immediate vicinity when we make contact with your damn roadblock
00:57:17Are you serious?
00:57:20You must be out of your mind
00:57:24Now why wasn't I told he's carrying explosives
00:57:28He's just bluffing sir
00:57:30That's confirmed in this report here that he's carrying 10 000 gallons of nitromanide
00:57:36That is a class b explosive, sir chief the front truck is carrying explosives
00:57:41This is official now, I want to speak to who's in charge down there. Give me the man in charge down there
00:57:53There's going to be a terrible explosion down there. Yes, I mean it now get back to me immediately get back
00:57:59Are you gone? Are you deaf down there?
00:58:06Chief, uh, will somebody uh, get back to me come back to me chief
00:58:21Is there anyone down there who can answer me
00:58:28Wait a second, uh, my mother wants to talk to you get your asses out of there now
00:58:54Let's go
00:59:27Hey, you can come up for air now
00:59:36Oh my god headed right for my town
00:59:39I want all traffic stopped. I want somebody to wave them through get traffic control at every signal
00:59:45and hurry
00:59:48See I told you it was nothing
00:59:54Come on sergeant, let's get going
01:00:10Do you read me
01:00:12Come on
01:00:28What's wrong with that guy
01:00:51Break one nine for 18 wheel eddie. I'm screwing it down in my cab over peep
01:00:57Trying to catch up with you convoy and I say damn the double nickel. Come on
01:01:03It'll be a pleasure to have you join a convoy 18 wheeler. Come ahead on
01:01:19Duck did you see what you did? I think they're on our side
01:02:00Citizens of new mexico
01:02:02Many of you may have heard that we seem to be having a phenomenon in our state
01:02:07six trucks crossed our border
01:02:09Followed closely by the arizona state police
01:02:12They were soon joined by many many more
01:02:15It seems they're not interested in stopping. They've ignored roadblocks and official orders
01:02:20My god, take a look ladies and gentlemen. Can you see that?
01:02:22They seem to have grown. It's not six of one and half a dozen of another anymore. It's 25 50 100
01:02:29Ladies and gentlemen, i'm looking back back back as far as I can see and there's just no end to it
01:02:36Now we're here we're gonna find out who they are
01:02:38What they are and where they're going
01:02:41So far, no one's been hurt except uh, maybe the pride of a couple of law enforcement officers
01:02:52Breaker 1-9 to the rubber duck breaker 1-9 to the rubber duck breaker 1-9 to the rubber duck
01:03:01My name's chuck ornaldi
01:03:04i'm a special assistant
01:03:06And press representative for governor haskins of new mexico
01:03:10I'd like you to know that governor haskins has had a long time interest in the problems of the trucking industry
01:03:15I would like to help work out some of those problems
01:03:19Uh, which ones do you have in mind over?
01:03:24We'd like to know is this convoy some sort of protest demonstration and if it is
01:03:32What's its purpose?
01:03:36The purpose of the convoy is to keep moving
01:03:40Ask him what he wants to know
01:03:43You want to run this
01:03:48Hey, look
01:03:49I'm a little busy right now as you can see
01:03:53Why don't you uh, try and talk to some of them back there? All right. Well do rubber duck, uh
01:03:59I'll be back to you later
01:04:01Good buddy
01:04:07This is chuck ornaldi of the governor's office, sir, I wonder if I could talk to you call the old iguana
01:04:13Old iguana, eh, where were you born, sir?
01:04:20I've been driving 18 wheelers longer than any trucker. How about it? Think I ought to talk to him? Yeah, I do
01:04:2770 and some states and 80 and others and they didn't catch up with him
01:04:32We're second kind of beating our eyeballs out coast to coast and half of the damn smokies ripped us off for our green stands
01:04:38So you believe in what the rubber duck's doing? Is that it?
01:04:41I'm tired of seeing the way black people have to live went to vietnam and got shot for the right to live in a ghetto
01:04:48I go from a to b the faster I can get from a to b the more money I make at 55
01:04:54I can't deal with it big oil companies that raise the prices
01:04:59Oil and gas which gets back to the consumer. We got to raise all our prices things all happen big money's what i'm trying to say
01:05:09They're talking about their future not just yours. Well, the whole thing was a cover-up for watergate. It went way back to nixon first thing to remember
01:05:17Nixon nixon got caught with his pants down before the guys from the washington post had it out
01:05:23And uh governor rockefeller retired as governor of new york who just happens to be president of standard oil
01:05:29Not to mention his brother david. He opened up chase manhattan banks for the first time in history of free world behind the iron curtain
01:05:36I'm, not telling you how to run the country, but this whole 55 double nickel was a jive-ass turkey rack
01:05:42And I don't like people giving me bullshit
01:05:46Yes, well you put that very well, sir, uh
01:05:49Thank you very much
01:05:50Sir, I wonder if I could ask you why you're out in this convoy with a rubber duck
01:05:54Well, i'm just along to kick ass and for the ride
01:05:59Yeah, but certainly you must have some kind of personal grievance against the laws of this state
01:06:05No, I just like kicking ass you sure a pretty red-headed little boy
01:06:09Why right in my truck?
01:06:11We ought to have supper
01:06:15Why do you think you have the right to break the laws of this state
01:06:18You want me to tell you why?
01:06:19Yes, I like to okay. Watch this. Jesus christ
01:06:25Some of these people are crazy. Watch this
01:06:31Well, reverend, can you tell me if you see this convoy as more of a spiritual than a political event?
01:06:37well life
01:06:38Itself is a spiritual
01:06:58Breaker 1-9 breaker 1-9 to the rubber duck. This is chuck arnaldi. Can I talk to you again, please?
01:07:04Uh, there's the duck chuck. What'd you learn?
01:07:07I learned a lot
01:07:09Now look the governor
01:07:11Is very interested in meeting with you personally he is prepared to fly here at once and get together with all of you
01:07:18So we've set aside a field here in albuquerque where you can spend the night
01:07:23Oh, look, the police have orders not to bother you. That's the truth
01:07:32Can I level with you level with me I want to talk to him off the record I don't want this on the television
01:07:39I don't want this printed
01:07:44Can you hear me yeah
01:07:48The governor has been requested to call out the national guard on you
01:07:54But this is an election year and the governor wants to hell he expects to be part of it on a senatorial level
01:08:04These people out here watching you do you know who they are what they are
01:08:09Do you?
01:08:11They're voters
01:08:13How's it gonna look to them if the governor tells the army to blow the shit out of your convoy
01:08:20Maybe you can help it
01:08:22Maybe he can help you
01:08:29Do we have any choice
01:08:40Spider mike calling the duck say duck. I just gotta skip from my home 20. My old lady's about to pop
01:08:46You're talking to a damn near daddy. Can you dig it?
01:08:49Hey, that's great news, right?
01:08:52I'm gonna have to split though
01:08:54So, uh, y'all take care
01:08:56I'm gonna miss you buddy. Give our love the old lady. Hey mike. This is a love machine. It's been good traveling with you
01:09:02Good luck with your baby. Okay. It was nice meeting you mike
01:09:06We'll catch you later baby maker
01:09:08Hey, michael partner, keep the pedal to the metal and get on home to that good little woman breaker one nine
01:09:13This is a saddle burner here wishing spider mike high riding back to texas, sir
01:09:18Say hello to the alamo for me, huh?
01:09:21Next time we hook up you'll all get to meet my son
01:09:24Y'all take care. Keep him moving. All right for me
01:09:29Jesus I hope he makes it
01:09:31He's going through some bad country for a black truck driver
01:09:35Governor you couldn't ask for a better opportunity to make the headlines
01:09:47Trash just plain old trash
01:09:50No average people trash
01:09:54To tell you the truth henry, I think this damn convoy has more public support than we do
01:10:02Bring in sheriff wallace
01:10:04I'm afraid sheriff wallace left for texas in a hurry, texas. Well, what the hell is he going to do in texas?
01:10:11Now we'll run the rpm up about 2100
01:10:17And it'll fall back to about 18
01:10:21That's your normal operating range when you pull us up
01:10:27You really love this truck, don't you I certainly do not love this truck
01:10:34You ought to meet ramlin jack over here talk about a man who loves a truck bumper to bumper
01:10:40He named his dog kenworth
01:10:42I like knowing how she runs, but I
01:10:46It's really the private
01:10:48Although there is no official comment at this time. It seems to be a mass protest
01:11:27Hey, man, leo give him a chance to drive
01:11:30A couple pictures. No, no, I don't think so. You're not gonna get no pictures
01:11:34You know what you can do with your money, huh? No, you take your body out of here
01:11:57Oh, you sure are one dumb black son of a bitch
01:12:05You got here a little too late for the fun you would have enjoyed it
01:12:14Man you sure know how to hurt it was just an arrest
01:12:20I'll bleed georgie. Whatever you say. I just don't hit me anymore. I didn't hit you
01:12:27I help you up. Thank you, sir, but I don't need any more of your help
01:12:34Let's go live yeah
01:12:36Yeah, listen boy if I hear anything about your kid i'll let you know
01:12:45Looks like you're gonna be with us for a while what for bait
01:13:01Won't do that
01:13:02Not his style. Listen, our syndicate would be very interested in buying your story or any photographs you might have we'll give you a very good
01:13:09What's a very good deal?
01:13:11Oh, if the photographs are good, uh, five hundred dollars
01:13:15More like twenty five hundred dollars, then you'll have an exclusive for the first installment. I don't think hey. Hey, hey
01:13:21This is no time to be talking business
01:13:24I think i'll get dressed
01:13:26Hey, you're the rubber that's right, but i'm in a real hurry now try to work a deal. So am I brother? So am I?
01:13:33You're all wet is that so
01:13:38It's becoming guess what what i'm about to sell you out
01:13:45You all right
01:13:48You you were that convoy
01:13:53Don't you worry i'll get your help
01:14:06I ain't selling those stories
01:14:08The hell you're not
01:14:10We're talking about a lot of money. Whoever buys the story is gonna have to pay through the nose
01:14:15I believe that
01:14:18And we're going to need it because I see a lot of lawyers in our future you do, huh?
01:14:24And i'm involved
01:14:26You are, huh?
01:14:30What in
01:14:31Don't give me any more of your nonsense, please. I'm really trying to help
01:14:35I know you are
01:14:37I'm serious. I'm really interested in knowing what it is. You think you're involved in
01:14:43Because i'm beginning to think I got no idea
01:14:47There'll be
01:14:51We can go talk it over in the truck if you want
01:15:07Is there any 18 wheelers out there westbound can read me come on
01:15:13Hey, uh, you got the spanish fly here. I got a copy on you go
01:15:18I need a message relayed west just a rubber duck in the convoy
01:15:51Bobby you know, you're ready son
01:15:53You're perfect. I'll come back
01:15:56Nah, wait a minute, man
01:15:59What you got in your mind
01:16:01It's disneyland
01:16:02Let's get off this merry-go-round. I didn't fight my way out of breaker one nine for 10 33
01:16:08Spider mike's in jail in alvarez, texas. Tiny's beat him half to death. He needs help
01:16:13Breaker breaker. This is mother trucker 10 33 emergency repeat spider. Mike needs help
01:16:22I don't know what to do. Bobby
01:16:25I've been thinking about all those towns we're going through and all them people who was cheering this man
01:16:30People falling in behind us
01:16:32And I think I figured it out
01:16:35The only reason they're coming in behind us is who the hell else they got nobody that's who
01:16:41This guy up here man, he may not be any straighter than anybody else
01:16:44But he sees something down here that he wants to use or he wouldn't even be messing with us
01:16:49So that means he's worth dealing with
01:16:53Look at all that
01:16:56When I used to steal cookies the faster I run the less I had to sleep
01:17:02Breaker one nine for 10 33. This is the midnight mover spider mike's and truckers held down in alvarez, texas
01:17:16Give me time alone with him first
01:17:23I'm sure the perimeters
01:17:29Ask him
01:17:54Jerry askins duck glad you could take the time to see me. I mean, I know how busy you are
01:18:00Boy it looks like you got a hell of a cross-section of people here
01:18:04I mean, there's no question that uh, well most of the bitches, uh, probably legitimate, but you know, uh
01:18:12I think the question we're facing is uh, how do we take effective action together?
01:18:16I mean, I know your cause or causes should be defined and uh, katie darling. How are you governor? Welcome the press awaiting
01:18:23Oh good, let's go to the 10. All right
01:18:26Well, just have a little talk with the duck. We got a legitimate hero here, you know a public figure
01:18:39I mean, it's obvious this represents something more than the banning of the 55 mile speed limit, right?
01:18:45Nothing to do with it
01:18:51And my age we can uh, draft up the list of your previous listen spider mikes down in alvarez, texas
01:18:57No time to beat the hell out of our wallace got spider-man in jail
01:19:01He broke his back
01:19:04I will be elected
01:19:15Good to see you
01:19:17So happy to have you here in albuquerque
01:19:19Well, it's great to be here because you're doing such a wonderful job all of you. And in fact
01:19:23I'd like to just have a moment
01:19:26Just a minute, you know better than that
01:19:27I'd like to have a moment alone with the duck and then i'll be happy to talk to all of you
01:19:33Everybody out, please
01:19:54Think he's gonna need some help
01:19:58Yeah, let's go but i'll give you my word that i'll apply all the pressure I can and I can apply pressure
01:20:07But I wouldn't plan a return visit to arizona for a while if I were you I don't good
01:20:14Black or white, what'd you have in mind?
01:20:19Black what else do you have in mind? I want to take you to washington dc as a people's leader
01:20:27Which is just what you've become
01:20:30See, I need you there duck. Come on reverend. We've got a problem
01:20:42I think you need me here
01:20:45all of you
01:20:49Okay, let us through
01:20:53They got mad they got spider mike
01:20:55Lyle and tiny alvarez had him in trucker's hell. I hear they beat him
01:20:58Yeah, he either beat him half to death and got him in jail. What the hell is lyle doing in alvarez, texas?
01:21:04Yeah, don't worry. I'll go get him
01:21:06I'll go get him
01:21:12Will you grow up I mean all of you will you just grow up
01:21:16Hey, will you help us? That's what i'm trying to do. No, i'm just one man
01:21:21you know, I can't reach out of my office and uh
01:21:24Pluck criminals out of jail left and right
01:21:30Sometimes you have to sacrifice the individual bullshit
01:21:36He's right, you know
01:21:39It could take weeks months
01:21:42Don't kill this. You started something very good here
01:21:45Look, i'll do all I can to help you, but i'm afraid he's just going to have to fend for himself for a while
01:21:52Is that it yeah, that's it
01:21:57Okay partner I gotta go you're in charge now, you know what we need and what we're up against
01:22:06get what you can from the man and
01:22:08She'll help
01:22:10You're leaving
01:22:14Hey, why does it always have to be you?
01:22:19I don't know just when we were starting to get something accomplished. What about all these people don't you give a damn?
01:22:24What's gonna happen to them?
01:22:32You can do me a favor we can stay here a day watch it
01:22:36You can do me a favor stay here and help bobby sort this out
01:22:41You ain't so good at stringing them words together as you are
01:22:45Where you going
01:22:57Hey, hey duck you coming back
01:23:12Son of a bitch
01:24:14Uh melissa
01:24:16Our company didn't stay with uh
01:24:19The press people they seem to like it
01:24:23I just didn't feel like it
01:24:25Oh, uh, well
01:24:32Uh, man
01:24:37Can I let you off something please
01:24:41No, no, thank you
01:24:46Oh boy
01:24:48Uh, he's lonely long highway sure grind the souls off us cowpokes
01:26:18We don't smoke
01:27:14I think i'll get back
01:28:23We had nine of our best to coming out of the west and the ultimate hammer was down
01:28:28Yes speed trap city and we showed no pity because the whole damn place was a pie
01:28:32We could tell by the smell it was truckers. Hell and the devil and dirty lie
01:29:05Where the hell are you going
01:31:19The keys where are the keys let's look in the back
01:31:31I knew you'd come
01:31:33But I never figured you'd need help too. I didn't bring nobody
01:31:38They came on their own
01:31:41This is between you and me you knew it
01:31:49Now look what you've done, uh, nothing but a two-bit lying cheating law-breaking tracker
01:31:58What the hell are you
01:32:01Take a look at yourself
01:32:04Just a broke down old
01:32:07Grab-taking piece of meanness
01:32:10You tell me old man. What good are you?
01:32:14I am the lord
01:32:16Don't you understand I represent the law
01:32:25Well piss on you and piss on your law
01:32:31I sure am glad to see you
01:32:33You ought to be shot right where you're standing
01:32:37So help me if I had a gun I'd do it myself
01:32:41And that badge make it all right, wouldn't it
01:32:49Throw him in a cell and get a doctor for him
01:33:00Wasn't him fat man didn't have nothing to do with it. It was alvarez
01:33:07Forget it. I ain't forgetting nothing because this ain't over yet
01:33:13It is for me
01:33:21Man i'm, sorry, don't worry about it. I'm really sorry
01:33:30I hate somebody else paying my dues
01:34:20Uh breaker one nine to calling all trucks
01:34:23Anyone who don't like the sound of mexico can speak up now or split
01:34:27Wait, I gotta have a conference
01:34:29Wait, wait, wait. Okay. It's okay with them
01:34:33You got it
01:34:44And you boys get down to mazatlán just order me about four fingers of tequila in a malt glass. I'll be right behind you
01:34:50Yeah, well the bald eagle's been tuned into that. He's not glad we didn't pick haiti to go leave us
01:35:03How about you I love mexico don't leave without me
01:35:12Last tequila
01:35:32Shall we
01:35:49Hey bobby, we're gonna be turning up here about a quarter of a mile heading for the river
01:36:02Did you hear me bobby por favor by draco
01:36:21Okay kids school time come on
01:37:09Hey bobby, where are you at?
01:37:11Jesus christ. Hey doc. I kind of got a little problem here. We can handle it though, but certainly looks like a problem
01:37:20Man there's no time to be having problems. We're almost there
01:37:23Hey doc. Well, look, uh, we're gonna pull behind there at the bridge, but we'll meet you in old mexico
01:37:27Okay, we'll meet you at the facade at the red
01:37:33What the hell's going on bobby
01:37:36All right, we're doing fine. It'll be okay, but don't let the back door slap you in the ass, buddy
01:37:40Driver's license, please. I heard you buddy. Your registration's in the glove box. You take care of your own license. That's a 10 30, buddy
01:37:50It was his fault we were just lining our own
01:38:13He's coming
01:38:44Breaker 1-9 breaker 1-9
01:38:47This is the bear in the hardware at your front door
01:38:51If you don't get your ass out of that truck with your hands in the air, i'm gonna blow you sky high
01:38:58Come on
01:39:07Martin do you read me? This is lyle wallace. Well, I guess this is as far as it goes. You better get on out
01:39:19I'm staying I said get out. Come on
01:39:49Let's get this door out of the street
01:39:57Did you hear me
01:40:12That's it it's all yours colonel fire when you're ready
01:40:19Hey duck you're finished you're finished you're finished
01:40:31Let's get out of here
01:41:13You poor son of a bitch
01:41:28Get up get up
01:43:28A lonely breed
01:43:31hard men
01:43:32proud men
01:43:34Not too proud to cry
01:43:36Nor shed a tear
01:43:41The living embodiment of the american cowboy tradition
01:43:48Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to honor this great native american son
01:43:55Who gave his life to dramatize a cause so vital to us all
01:44:02as many great americas before him had
01:44:07As you can see
01:44:09These truckers are going to start passing
01:44:12Paying their respects to their lost comrade the rubber duck. We have an amen for our sister here
01:44:20Amen in there max
01:44:23Their jimmies
01:44:25their k-wappers
01:44:27fruit liners
01:44:28garbage trucks
01:44:30dump trucks
01:44:32and even limousines
01:44:34Truckers all
01:44:40From the covered wagons and trains to the 18 wheelers
01:44:45That keeps this country alive
01:44:48his controlled
01:44:51Made this cause so vital
01:44:54That I promise
01:44:55To take it to washington and present it to the senate myself
01:45:08You can do your part as well
01:45:11What do you think you're doing this thing isn't over they're selling tickets to bum
01:45:16You can contribute you get white right to the white house
01:45:21And i'll be there to back you up. Hey pig pan. Would you give us a statement?
01:45:26Hey chuck
01:45:27You gotta make him believe this is part of it. Okay, bullshit. Ladies and gentlemen
01:45:31We will guarantee that the rubber's duck's voice will be heard
01:45:42You ever see a duck couldn't swim
01:45:51Papa stop that truck. This is civil disobedience. Stop that truck
01:46:00We're on our own
01:46:02Tell him like it is pig pan. You got it. Yes, sir
01:46:05ladies and gentlemen
01:46:07the true spirit of america
01:46:09I'm sure you see
01:46:12This demonstration that you're seeing now is probably only their way of paying their respect
01:46:21So much
01:46:32I warned you about this. It's out of control gentlemen. Let the governor get out
01:46:41He's using the truck is for a red carpet to the white house somebody ought to dehorn that rotten son of a
01:46:51Float by the throne
01:46:56What do you think the federal government was doing here, what do you think this is a parade
01:47:11Damn it
01:47:35Seat covers starting to gain now beaver you a trucking with a rubber duck and i'm about to pull a plug on your drain
01:48:14Like a texas lizard on glass
01:48:161 000 pedals was mashing the metal and bears was a walk in the grass
01:48:21We trucked all day and we trucked all night big benny improving our style
01:48:25We could tell by the smell he was heading for hell and the devil was a dirty lie
01:48:38Come on
01:48:59Now lyle was a creep he's tacky and cheap but he had him a badge and a gun
01:49:03He hated the duck and he hated his truck and he loved to bust truckers for fun
01:49:07So he followed the line and he bided his time. He watched for his chance to strike
01:49:11And he picked up a trucker he had wiry over certain damn trucker to call spider
01:49:15My but the great rubber duck sort of run out of luck when he crossed that final bridge
01:49:20There's choppers and rigs full of guns and pigs. They walled the wall on the ridge
01:49:25He showed no fear as he grabbed his gear and he stuck it to granddaddy low
01:49:29Them guns went boom and his ass went zoom and the mac took a terminal blow
01:49:34Oh, how about you big nasty come on there say listen big nasty
01:49:38Wish you aren't glad to use a long on this here to run the kick-ass. Don't you know?
01:49:42On 10-4. I know you can't say kick-ass on the c-beat back
01:49:46Well that big black mac stopped dead in their tracks when the trailer blew high in the air
01:49:51There was pieces of truck and some pieces of duck and junk and debris everywhere
01:49:55Then the rig took a drink and commenced to sink and there was no duck no more
01:49:59But that evil smile from dirty old lyle showed south from the north texas shore
01:50:08We got a mighty horn boy makes you do what's right
01:50:16On 10-4 big fan, what's your 20?
01:50:21Hell yeah, I know what to do with them hogs out there for sure. Well, listen good buddy
01:50:26Keep the bucket off in your class and the bears off in your ass. Well catch on the flip-flop
01:50:31This here's a rubber duck on the side southbound and down we go home. Bye. Bye
