• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Dobbiamo far capire ai nostri studenti come entrare nel mondo del lavoro, non soltanto formandoli nel percorso di studi, ma anche mostrandogli i trucchi per fare un buon colloquio o scrivere un curriculum"". Così Maria Paola Monaco, delegata della Rettrice all'inclusione e alla diversità UniFi alla conferenza stampa di presentazione del Festival del Lavoro 2024 a Firenze.


00:00 This participation is based on an initiative that has been carried out by the consultants of the work,
00:07 which is a very important initiative because it brings together two different worlds.
00:12 Our students who are facing the world of work and those who have been working for years.
00:18 The consultants play a very important role in our work market
00:23 because they accompany the company in the various choices it has to make.
00:26 And so we have to make our students understand how to enter that world.
00:31 Not only by training them in the best possible way along the way,
00:37 for example in our course, the degree course in legal services,
00:45 which provides a specific curriculum for consultants of the work,
00:48 but also by explaining the tricks that are necessary to do a good job interview,
00:56 to write a curriculum in a suitable way,
00:59 to show the best of what they have learned on the benches.
