Dr. Phil Says Trump's Trial Jury Is Troubling for Prosecution & Defense

  • 4 months ago
Donald Trump's hush money criminal trial in NYC could face an unfair playing field based on the jury -- but in terms of who it benefits, it's a crapshoot ... so says Dr. Phil.


00:00This is a difficult jury to seat and as you know, you don't pick a jury, you deselect
00:08a jury and when I look at who's on that jury, I wonder who they didn't pick because who's
00:15on there is very troubling.
00:17Why is it troubling?
00:18Well, first off, you've got two lawyers on this panel and for both the defense and the
00:23prosecution, that is a very dangerous jury because as you know, when you've got somebody
00:29with specialized knowledge on a jury, the rest of the panel can easily, they can completely
00:36defer to them.
00:38They get in there and there's a jury charge that's 40 or 50 pages long.
00:42They can say, hey, listen, this is what you do, so guide us through this.
00:47You could wind up trying your case to a jury of one and that's very dangerous for prosecution
00:52and defense.
00:54Really because the country is so politically charged, it's not farfetched to think that
00:59someone would put themselves on this jury, want to be on the jury because they feel either
01:05they support Donald Trump.
01:06One way or the other.
01:07Yeah, one way or the other.
01:08There could be what we call a weapon juror on here, somebody that is a sleeper in there
01:12that has an agenda one way or the other.
01:14If you're Donald Trump and his side, you're hoping that you can maybe hang this jury.
01:20There's no way you're going to get a jury that's going to acquit in this kind of a venue.
01:29That would be a very long shot, but all he's got to get is one.
01:33From the prosecution side, this is a very defense-oriented jury.
01:38When you're on the prosecution side, you don't usually want a sophisticated jury.
01:44You don't want, you've got two lawyers, you've got teachers, you've got college graduates,
01:50a wealth manager, you've got a lot of very sophisticated, educated people.
01:54That's not usually what a prosecutor is looking for on a jury, so demographically, it looks
02:00like a defense jury, but because of the political overtones, that's not necessarily the case.
02:08This is a real crapshoot.
