• l’année dernière
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❤️‍ To support the project: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/paulbrinkkemper/money-maker-the-goldsmiths-tale/description
⭐ Website: https://www.moneymaker.games/

2-6 players
Ages 11+
⌛ 90+ minutes

Introducing Money Maker – the board game that lets you live out the dream of printing your own money in the heart of the Golden Age of Amsterdam! Ever dreamt of making it big, of rolling in riches and conquering the world of finance? Well, grab your top hat and monocle, because it's time to turn those dreams into a reality!

In the 17th century, Amsterdam hit the jackpot with its Golden Age. The city became the ultimate global trading hotspot thanks to companies bringing in treasures from around the world.

The streets were buzzing with famous painters like Rembrandt and Vermeer, whose masterpieces still shine today. Amsterdam's iconic canals and charming canal houses were built during this time, making it a watery wonderland.

This is the scene of Money Maker, and here you play as an enterprising goldsmith who invented the most profitable business model in history: Banking


00:00 Once upon a time, there was a goldsmith of sound reputation who had a secure vault to
00:09 store his gold.
00:10 One day, a fellow citizen asked the goldsmith if he could store his gold in the goldsmith's
00:15 vault for safekeeping.
00:17 The goldsmith agreed and in return gave the man a credit note as a receipt and wrote on
00:22 it how much gold he had stored in the goldsmith's vault.
00:25 Some time later, another person came with that same credit note to claim the gold.
00:30 It became clear that people had a lot of trust in the goldsmith's credit as they traded it
00:34 as if it was the actual gold.
00:36 This gave the goldsmith a clever idea.
00:38 He thought, "What if I write more credits than I have gold?
00:42 I could use those extra credits to fund a trade ship.
00:45 The trade ship will yield products that I can sell on the market, so I will have money
00:49 to back my credit plus a little extra profit for myself.
00:53 And that way, I will get rich without working for it."
00:57 And just like that, banking as we know it was invented.
01:00 The clever goldsmith became a banker and made a lot of money.
01:04 He created even more credits and invested in even more companies, which created products
01:09 that he sold on the market.
01:11 When this extra credit came into circulation, prices of goods and services slowly went up.
01:17 While the townspeople didn't like the rising prices, it meant more profit for the banker.
01:22 But then something happened.
01:24 Some people came to take their gold out of the bank.
01:27 But the banker did not have enough gold in the vault.
01:29 He said, "Please come back later.
01:32 I will have it next week."
01:34 The people who previous believed that their gold was safe in the banker's vault started
01:37 to lose their confidence.
01:39 And when all confidence was gone, a bank run happened.
01:43 They took up torches and pitchforks, went to the bank and demanded that the banker give
01:47 them all their gold immediately.
01:49 But to their horror, they saw that the bank vault was empty.
01:53 The mob became enraged and threw the banker in the dungeon until he had repaid all of
01:57 his debts.
01:58 And when he could not do that, they burned him at the stake.
02:01 And all of his worthless promises to gold burned with him.
02:05 The townsfolk had learned their lesson.
02:08 Everything was back in order in the city that had known so much turmoil.
02:12 And they lived happily ever after.
02:14 Until one day, years later, a clever goldsmith noticed that the people who stored their gold
02:19 in his vault often left it in there for a long time.
02:23 And he started a bank.
02:24 [MUSIC]
02:34 [MUSIC]
02:44 [MUSIC]
02:54 (gentle music)
02:57 (gentle music)
