What If (2024) ep 2 chinese drama eng sub

  • 4 months ago
What If (2024) ep 2 chinese drama eng sub
00:00 [Xiaohongshu]
00:04 I didn't expect the fall would be so bad.
00:16 You can't fall when you're old.
00:19 You'll get all kinds of problems.
00:21 What are you two going to do?
00:24 You go to Shanghai first.
00:26 I don't think I can go.
00:30 I don't dare to ask.
00:31 Isn't it the flight to China on Saturday?
00:33 Are you still going to delay it?
00:34 What should I say
00:38 about Mr. Jie?
00:40 Ask his sister to help you.
00:43 No.
00:44 His sister is in the US.
00:46 She just got married.
00:47 She can't come back.
00:48 Guo Guo.
00:51 You have to think it through.
00:53 Make the worst plan.
00:56 If you can't meet him,
00:58 will you go?
00:59 [Xiaohongshu]
01:01 I like your frankness.
01:09 If this choice
01:11 makes you lose what you have now,
01:13 can you accept it?
01:14 Next month,
01:16 I hope to see you in Shanghai.
01:18 I have to tell you.
01:20 Don't delay yourself
01:22 because of others.
01:23 Look at me.
01:26 I'm just an example.
01:28 I got married early.
01:29 Then I was trapped by my family.
01:31 I missed
01:33 a bright future right in front of you.
01:35 Do you know what's the most disgusting thing?
01:38 No matter how well you do,
01:41 others will say
01:43 I didn't do my job well
01:44 and didn't educate my children well.
01:46 I'm thinking
01:47 if I'm not worthy of my position.
01:48 Is everything I do wrong?
01:50 So I'm telling you.
01:52 When you meet someone,
01:53 don't think about sacrificing yourself first.
01:56 No one can fulfill you.
01:58 Only you can fulfill yourself.
02:00 You're here.
02:16 (The hospital)
02:18 How is he today?
02:30 Does his wound still hurt?
02:31 He just got the injection.
02:32 He doesn't dare to hurt now.
02:33 He can't move.
02:36 He can't eat.
02:37 He's uncomfortable.
02:39 We feel more uncomfortable.
02:41 Have you eaten?
02:45 I'll eat first.
02:46 Okay.
02:47 You can't eat?
02:48 Have you eaten?
02:49 I've eaten.
02:50 I ate with Ping.
02:52 Okay.
02:53 Guo Guo.
02:55 You've been working all day.
02:57 Let me send you home.
02:58 I'm fine.
02:59 I won't go to work tomorrow.
03:02 I've already handed in my work.
03:04 Okay.
03:07 Okay.
03:09 (Ping)
03:11 Ping asked me today
03:34 if I was going to Shanghai.
03:36 I said I hadn't discussed it with you.
03:39 But it's already like this.
03:41 I heard...
03:45 Is...
03:47 Is Guo Guo here?
03:50 Uncle, you're awake.
03:51 It's me.
03:52 How are you?
03:57 How do you feel?
03:59 I feel much better today.
04:04 I feel like I'm stronger.
04:07 Guo Guo.
04:08 I...
04:09 I want to talk to you.
04:12 Uncle, what do you want to say?
04:14 Go ahead. I'm listening.
04:15 I'm so happy
04:19 that you're here to see me.
04:22 I should be.
04:23 Jian Jian told me
04:27 that you're going to Shanghai.
04:30 I don't know
04:32 when I'll see you again, Guo Guo.
04:37 It won't be long, Uncle.
04:38 I can come back to see you often.
04:40 Take care of yourself.
04:42 You'll get better soon.
04:44 We'll go to the restaurant together.
04:46 Okay?
04:46 I'm not afraid of you laughing at me
04:51 because of your good words.
04:53 I came to work in Leshang
04:55 from the north.
04:58 I've never been out of the village.
05:01 Look at me now.
05:06 I'm not out of the village.
05:08 I'm not sure
05:12 if I can work in the field.
05:15 You're not going back, Uncle?
05:17 I've been thinking
05:22 that
05:24 when people get old,
05:26 they have no hope.
05:30 If Jian Jian
05:34 is with me,
05:37 I don't want to live.
05:41 I'm afraid I can't live without him.
05:48 (Leshang)
05:50 You...
06:08 You go first.
06:11 Did the landlord contact you?
06:17 No.
06:18 We'll talk about it tomorrow.
06:20 What do you want to say?
06:25 I want to say
06:28 if you don't miss me...
06:33 What do I miss you?
06:38 I want to say
06:43 if you don't miss me,
06:44 don't pretend you still miss me.
06:48 (Leshang)
06:50 What nonsense are you talking about?
06:55 You're still thinking about it before you leave.
06:57 When you miss me,
07:06 remember that I miss you, too.
07:09 I'm thinking if you're hungry,
07:11 tired,
07:14 or
07:15 you're sleeping without taking a shower
07:17 or playing games at night.
07:19 But you're gone.
07:22 Who will care about me?
07:26 Guo Guo.
07:28 Can you stop...
07:31 Stop what?
07:34 Why don't you say it?
07:40 I mean...
07:45 Can you call me more often?
07:47 Send me more videos.
07:50 I know.
07:53 Don't worry. I'll call you every day.
07:56 Okay?
07:57 Be good.
08:00 Take care of yourself for me, okay?
08:02 Let's eat well,
08:07 work well,
08:10 and take care of ourselves.
08:12 Okay?
08:13 I'm sorry, Guo Guo.
08:26 I lost my job.
08:29 I can't go to Shanghai with you.
08:31 I'm sorry.
08:34 I understand.
08:35 It's okay.
08:37 Take good care of Uncle and Aunt.
08:39 They need you more than I do.
08:42 I'm fine. I'm really fine.
08:45 Here.
08:47 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
08:50 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
08:53 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
09:21 Here.
09:22 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
09:25 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
09:28 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
09:31 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
09:34 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
09:37 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
09:40 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
09:43 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
09:46 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
09:49 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
09:52 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
09:55 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
09:58 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
10:01 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
10:04 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
10:07 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
10:10 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
10:13 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
10:16 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
10:19 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
10:47 [Shenzhen Yun Ji Hospital]
10:49 Why don't you go with me?
11:02 You're so funny.
11:03 It's a chance that many people can't get
11:05 even if they eat with you every day.
11:08 [I just want to spend my life with you]
11:12 [A good life is a simple song in my heart]
11:18 I just want to be an ordinary person.
11:20 How good it is to be honest.
11:21 I want to be with you.
11:24 [You are thinking of me in other places, right?]
11:36 [I want to be with you]
11:40 [I want to be with you]
11:44 [I want to be with you]
11:48 [I want to be with you]
11:53 [I want to be with you]
11:56 [I want to be with you]
12:03 [I want to be with you]
12:08 [I want to be with you]
12:09 [I want to be with you]
12:10 [I want to be with you]
12:11 [I want to be with you]
12:12 [I want to be with you]
12:13 [I want to be with you]
12:14 [I want to be with you]
12:15 [I want to be with you]
12:16 [I want to be with you]
12:17 [I want to be with you]
12:18 [I want to be with you]
12:19 [I want to be with you]
12:20 [I want to be with you]
12:21 [I want to be with you]
12:22 [I want to be with you]
12:23 [I want to be with you]
12:24 [I want to be with you]
12:25 [I want to be with you]
12:26 [I want to be with you]
12:27 [I want to be with you]
12:28 [I want to be with you]
12:29 [I want to be with you]
12:30 [I want to be with you]
12:31 [I want to be with you]
12:32 [I want to be with you]
12:33 [I want to be with you]
12:34 [I want to be with you]
12:35 [I want to be with you]
12:36 [I want to be with you]
12:37 [I want to be with you]
12:38 [I want to be with you]
12:39 [I want to be with you]
12:40 [I want to be with you]
12:41 [I want to be with you]
12:42 [I want to be with you]
12:43 [I want to be with you]
12:44 [I want to be with you]
12:45 [I want to be with you]
12:46 [I want to be with you]
12:47 [I want to be with you]
12:48 [I want to be with you]
12:49 [I want to be with you]
12:50 [I want to be with you]
12:52 [You have never left my world]
12:58 [I want to be with you]
13:04 [I want to be with you]
13:08 [You are thinking of me in other places]
13:15 [I want to be with you]
13:19 [I want to be with you]
13:21 [I want to be with you]
13:24 [I want to talk to you]
13:28 [This is a good dream]
13:32 Big head fish
13:36 [I want to be with you]
13:38 [I want to be with you]
13:40 [I want to be with you]
13:42 [I want to be with you]
13:44 [I want to be with you]
13:46 [I want to be with you]
13:48 [I want to be with you]
13:50 [I want to be with you]
13:52 [I want to be with you]
13:53 [I want to be with you]
13:54 [I want to be with you]
13:55 [I want to be with you]
13:56 [I want to be with you]
13:57 [I want to be with you]
13:58 [I want to be with you]
13:59 [I want to be with you]
14:00 [I want to be with you]
14:01 [I want to be with you]
14:02 [I want to be with you]
14:03 [I want to be with you]
14:04 [I want to be with you]
14:05 [I want to be with you]
14:06 [I want to be with you]
14:07 [I want to be with you]
14:08 [I want to be with you]
14:09 [I want to be with you]
14:10 [I want to be with you]
14:11 [I want to be with you]
14:12 [I want to be with you]
14:13 [I want to be with you]
14:14 [I want to be with you]
14:15 [I want to be with you]
14:16 [I want to be with you]
14:17 [I want to be with you]
14:18 [I want to be with you]
14:19 [I want to be with you]
14:20 [I want to be with you]
14:21 [I want to be with you]
14:22 [I want to be with you]
14:23 [I want to be with you]
14:24 [I want to be with you]
14:25 [I want to be with you]
14:26 [I want to be with you]
14:27 [I want to be with you]
14:28 [I want to be with you]
14:29 [I want to be with you]
14:30 [I want to be with you]
14:31 [I want to be with you]
14:32 [I want to be with you]
14:33 [I want to be with you]
14:34 [I want to be with you]
14:35 [I want to be with you]
14:36 [I want to be with you]
14:37 [I want to be with you]
14:38 [I want to be with you]
14:39 [I want to be with you]
14:40 [I want to be with you]
14:41 [I want to be with you]
14:42 [I want to be with you]
14:43 [I want to be with you]
14:44 [I want to be with you]
14:45 [I want to be with you]
14:46 [I want to be with you]
14:47 [I want to be with you]
14:48 [I want to be with you]
14:49 [I want to be with you]
14:50 [I want to be with you]
14:51 [I want to be with you]
14:52 [I want to be with you]
14:53 [I want to be with you]
14:54 [I want to be with you]
14:55 [I want to be with you]
14:56 [I want to be with you]
14:57 [I want to be with you]
14:58 [I want to be with you]
14:59 [I want to be with you]
15:00 [I want to be with you]
15:01 [I want to be with you]
15:02 [I want to be with you]
15:03 [I want to be with you]
15:04 [I want to be with you]
15:05 [I want to be with you]
15:06 [I want to be with you]
15:07 [I want to be with you]
15:08 [I want to be with you]
15:09 [I want to be with you]
15:10 [I want to be with you]
15:11 [I want to be with you]
15:12 [I want to be with you]
15:13 [I want to be with you]
15:14 [I want to be with you]
15:15 [I want to be with you]
15:16 [I want to be with you]
15:17 [I want to be with you]
15:18 [I want to be with you]
15:19 [I want to be with you]
15:20 [I want to be with you]
15:21 [I want to be with you]
15:22 [I want to be with you]
15:23 [I want to be with you]
15:24 [I want to be with you]
15:25 [I want to be with you]
15:26 [I want to be with you]
15:27 [I want to be with you]
15:28 [I want to be with you]
15:29 [I want to be with you]
15:30 [I want to be with you]
15:31 [I want to be with you]
15:32 [I want to be with you]
15:33 [I want to be with you]
15:34 [I want to be with you]
15:35 [I want to be with you]
15:36 [I want to be with you]
15:37 [I want to be with you]
15:38 [I want to be with you]
15:39 [I want to be with you]
15:40 [I want to be with you]
15:41 [I want to be with you]
15:42 [I want to be with you]
15:43 [I want to be with you]
15:44 [I want to be with you]
15:45 [I want to be with you]
15:46 [I want to be with you]
15:47 [I want to be with you]
15:48 [I want to be with you]
15:49 [I want to be with you]
15:50 [I want to be with you]
15:51 [I want to be with you]
15:52 [I want to be with you]
15:53 [I want to be with you]
15:55 It's early in the morning.
15:56 You must be busy.
15:57 Give it to me.
15:59 Go inside and get some sleep.
16:00 I'm looking for grandma.
16:02 It's okay. I'm going to the supermarket later
16:03 to buy some stuff.
16:04 Yu Jian, did you hear that?
16:06 Drive Gou Gou there.
16:08 No need, mom.
16:09 She's busy today.
16:10 I can go by myself.
16:11 Let's go.
16:13 You're looking for Chou Chou?
16:15 Gou Gou.
16:16 Gou Gou.
16:17 Gou Gou.
16:18 Gou Gou.
16:27 Yes?
16:29 [I want to be with you]
16:32 [I want to be with you]
16:35 [I want to be with you]
16:38 [I want to be with you]
16:41 [I want to be with you]
17:09 If I had known that
17:10 life in the circle was like this,
17:12 would I have made the same choice
17:15 or opened my life in Shanghai?
17:19 [The Circle]
17:23 [The Circle]
17:26 [The Circle]
17:29 [The Circle]
17:32 [The Circle]
17:35 [The Circle]
17:38 [The Circle]
17:41 [The Circle]
17:44 [The Circle]
17:47 [The Circle]
17:50 [The Circle]
17:52 [The Circle]
17:57 [The Circle]
18:01 [The Circle]
18:03 [The Circle]
18:25 [The Circle]
18:27 [The Circle]
18:30 Hello, your package.
18:46 Thank you.
18:47 [The Circle]
18:49 [The Circle]
18:51 [The Circle]
18:53 [The Circle]
18:55 [The Circle]
18:57 [The Circle]
18:59 [The Circle]
19:01 [The Circle]
19:03 [The Circle]
19:05 [The Circle]
19:07 [The Circle]
19:09 I have talked to Yun Shu.
19:11 He will fly to your window later.
19:13 [The Circle]
19:15 [The Circle]
19:19 [The Circle]
19:22 [The Circle]
19:25 [The Circle]
19:28 [The Circle]
19:31 [The Circle]
19:34 [The Circle]
19:37 [The Circle]
19:40 [The Circle]
19:43 [The Circle]
19:46 [The Circle]
19:49 [The Circle]
19:52 [The Circle]
19:55 [The Circle]
19:58 [The Circle]
20:26 You can't go without a card.
20:28 You have to register.
20:29 Oh, I see.
20:31 Thank you.
20:32 You're welcome.
20:33 Xia Guo.
20:36 Sister Nan.
20:38 Why don't you go up?
20:40 I didn't find the elevator's floor button.
20:44 Come with me.
20:46 Okay.
20:47 It's so confusing.
20:53 I see.
20:54 Xia Guo.
20:58 You have to register on the first day of work.
21:01 You can take the elevator with this card.
21:04 The elevator will send you to the corresponding floor according to the information inside.
21:07 Okay, thank you, Sister Nan.
21:08 Are you done?
21:10 I have filled in the QR code.
21:11 You can use this first.
21:15 Let's go.
21:17 [The Circle]
21:19 Hello.
21:31 Xia Guo.
21:35 Shanghai is different from Le Cheng's environment.
21:37 You have a lot to learn.
21:39 You can be curious,
21:41 but you have to learn to hide.
21:42 I understand, Sister Nan.
21:46 I picked you up from L.A.
21:48 I have high hopes for you.
21:50 But I believe that your ability
21:52 will soon adapt to this environment.
21:54 Thank you, Sister Nan.
21:56 I will work hard.
21:57 This is the environment you will work in.
22:04 This is the environment you will work in.
22:06 Are you a new colleague?
22:16 Hello.
22:18 Let me help you.
22:19 Thank you.
22:20 Just call me Lucy.
22:21 I am also from the marketing department.
22:22 Lucy, hello.
22:24 But we have to hurry up.
22:25 The meeting will start soon.
22:27 Okay.
22:31 Is this the uniform of our factory?
22:34 Don't you require uniforms to work in the company?
22:39 Only the factory has uniforms.
22:42 Our headquarters doesn't have uniforms.
22:44 I see.
22:46 I'll take it off.
22:47 Honey, let me ask you.
22:51 Did you know Director Cheng before?
22:54 I don't know him.
22:56 I met him for the first time in Le Cheng.
22:57 What's wrong?
22:58 Nothing.
23:00 I will be your food stall.
23:02 You can talk to me more.
23:04 I also like Sichuan food.
23:05 Really?
23:06 Okay.
23:07 I will recommend you delicious Sichuan food.
23:08 Hello.
23:11 Are you new?
23:12 Yes.
23:14 Where are you from?
23:15 I am from Le Shan in Sichuan.
23:16 My name is Xia Guo.
23:17 You are from Sichuan?
23:19 No wonder you look like a local.
23:21 Are you also from Sichuan?
23:23 No.
23:25 But I like your Sichuan accent.
23:29 Okay.
23:30 The morning meeting is about to begin.
23:31 Let's go.
23:32 Larry, the meeting is about to begin.
23:34 The meeting is about to begin.
23:35 Let's go.
23:36 Hello, Mr. Xue.
23:56 Hello, Mr. Xue.
23:57 Let's not beat around the bush.
24:25 Let's look at the curve of this year compared to last year.
24:28 Last year, at least we had a very beautiful revenue curve.
24:34 Look at this year.
24:35 Mr. Xue.
24:38 Our sales department has made progress.
24:40 But compared to last year, the same period only increased by 2%.
24:46 Now it's the fourth quarter.
24:47 Big and small, add up.
24:49 If you follow this growth rate,
24:52 I'm afraid that Shanghai's performance will be the best this year.
24:55 And you should know the consequences better than I do.
24:59 Mr. Xue.
25:01 I didn't expect to see the legendary Mr. Xue on the first day.
25:04 He is now in training.
25:06 The pressure on the site is a bit low.
25:08 If we can't do it last month,
25:09 we'll still pay your salary and bonus.
25:12 Send it to everyone as a deposit.
25:13 Otherwise, everyone will not have a bonus.
25:15 I can't afford to buy a ticket for the New Year.
25:17 Yes.
25:18 Yes.
25:19 Yes.
25:20 The sales department is responsible for making money.
25:31 The marketing department should give enough support.
25:33 I looked at the data for the past two months.
25:36 Mr. Chen, it seems that you are particularly conservative.
25:38 The focus is on the Internet celebrity live broadcast.
25:43 Mr. Xue.
25:44 Our competitors are guests.
25:47 They have a new product at the end of the last quarter.
25:49 It's a shock to our market share.
25:53 But our marketing department has stood firm and resisted pressure.
25:56 We didn't let the opponent get any advantage.
25:58 As for the live broadcast,
26:01 I don't think this issue needs to be discussed here.
26:04 After all, this is something you and the board of directors know.
26:08 To put it simply, it's your marketing department.
26:12 So far, there's nothing going on.
26:16 You know my principle.
26:18 If you step on the ground, you can't fall back.
26:20 We'll have a new way in the second half of the year.
26:23 When it's our turn,
26:25 we're not going to be soft.
26:27 As long as the sales department and the marketing department can work together,
26:31 I'm sure everyone will have a chance.
26:33 New colleague of the marketing department?
26:45 My new colleague is called Xia Guo.
26:47 I recruited him from Leshan.
26:49 Hello, Mr. Xue.
26:52 Hello, everyone.
26:53 My name is Xia Guo.
26:54 Please give me your advice.
26:56 It seems that Mr. Chen is recruiting soldiers to buy horses.
27:05 It's going to be a big deal.
27:06 The reason I recruited Xia Guo
27:10 is because he is very familiar with the southwest area.
27:13 He is in the logistics area.
27:15 We all know that the focus of this year is to live on the Internet.
27:19 For online sales,
27:21 logistics is the focus of the post-production.
27:24 I'm looking forward to seeing your results.
27:28 Let's all get moving.
27:31 Do your job well.
27:33 Lucy, you'll go to the warehouse and check the inventory.
27:37 Coco, you'll go with Xiao Jie.
27:40 They'll check the live stream.
27:41 Laurie, you must develop more channels for live streaming.
27:44 Go ahead.
27:45 Okay.
27:46 Xia Guo.
27:49 Wait a minute.
27:50 I believe that you should have experienced
27:57 the strategy of online sales that Mr. Xue proposed to me.
28:02 But I think this is a big trend.
28:05 We must take over this market.
28:08 Okay, Nan.
28:09 I'll try my best.
28:10 I need you to make a list of information for me.
28:14 I'll send it to you later.
28:16 Okay.
28:17 And join me for a lunch meeting with Xiao Jie at noon.
28:21 After the lunch meeting, go to the warehouse
28:24 and familiarize yourself with the delivery process in Shanghai.
28:27 -Do you understand? -Yes.
28:28 -Go for it. -Okay.
28:30 (Live Stream)
28:34 (Live Stream)
28:38 (Live Stream)
28:42 (Live Stream)
28:46 (Live Stream)
28:50 (Live Stream)
28:54 (Live Stream)
28:58 (Live Stream)
29:02 (Live Stream)
29:06 (Live Stream)
29:10 (Live Stream)
29:38 Hello, Miss.
29:39 What kind of service do you need?
29:41 I sprained my ankle. I want to have a massage.
29:45 Are you a member of our company?
29:47 No.
29:49 But this is your first time, right?
29:50 Yes.
29:51 We have an activity today.
29:53 You can experience it.
29:54 It's free.
29:55 -That's great. -Yes.
29:57 What a coincidence.
29:58 Please come in.
29:59 Okay.
30:00 -Thank you. -You're welcome.
30:06 4,800 yuan.
30:08 I paid 4,800 yuan for a card.
30:11 Am I crazy?
30:13 I didn't need to spend a penny for a free massage.
30:15 I spent 4,800 yuan.
30:18 I'm so angry.
30:21 Guo Guo.
30:22 We've been talking about this for 20 minutes.
30:24 I feel bad.
30:29 The big sister is too good at talking.
30:31 She keeps saying this and that.
30:34 I think it's worth it.
30:39 But I feel like something is wrong.
30:41 80 massage cards.
30:43 How can I do 80 massages?
30:46 I'm so angry.
30:48 Guo Guo.
30:49 You often go to Le Shen.
30:51 Why did you go to Shanghai?
30:53 You're a fool.
30:54 I'm not a fool.
30:57 You know what?
30:58 The big sister gave me this oil.
31:00 She only gave me this oil.
31:02 I'm just a consumer.
31:05 This is not a trick.
31:06 Your needs and your efforts are not equal.
31:09 I can do 80 massages.
31:12 80 massages.
31:13 Are you angry?
31:16 You're talking about me.
31:17 When did I say that?
31:19 I'm just helping you analyze.
31:21 Let's try not to make such mistakes in the future.
31:23 You hate me, right?
31:25 I hate you, too.
31:26 Who is it?
31:30 Your sister.
31:31 Your sister.
31:32 What sister?
31:34 You ordered it.
31:41 You're not angry now.
31:42 You're playing tricks with me.
31:45 It's hard to order in this store.
31:47 I didn't get what I wanted to order before.
31:49 How did you get it?
31:50 I found someone who ran on his legs.
31:52 I got it with money.
31:53 A lot of money, right?
31:54 We don't have to save this kind of money.
31:57 After all, what you want to eat is more important than anything.
32:00 Tell me what you want to eat.
32:01 I'll send it to you.
32:02 I want you.
32:04 Isn't the video enough?
32:06 Then I'll have to fly over as soon as possible.
32:08 I'll wait for you.
32:09 You're the best.
32:12 Are you following Xia You's video again?
32:16 Are you tired?
32:18 Can you eat?
32:19 You scared me.
32:20 I'm not tired.
32:22 It's okay.
32:23 What's okay?
32:24 Is he still pestering you now?
32:27 I told you.
32:29 Don't contact him.
32:30 She's my girlfriend.
32:33 Why don't you contact her?
32:34 Girlfriend?
32:37 Don't think I'm annoying.
32:39 I think you spoiled it.
32:41 She didn't take you as a thing.
32:43 This was your dad's hospital.
32:44 I want her to go to Shanghai.
32:45 Can you let it go?
32:46 She left you.
32:48 What do you mean, I'm gone?
32:51 I'll take care of my dad.
32:52 She has no obligation to stay.
32:54 Yu Jian.
32:55 How have I been treating Xia Guo with your dad all these years?
32:57 You don't know.
32:58 You're like a daughter.
33:00 You just left.
33:02 How can you get married in the future?
33:05 You're a mother and a daughter.
33:07 Okay.
33:08 I know.
33:09 Go home.
33:10 I'm here to change shifts with you.
33:11 I've been up all night.
33:13 I've been working all day.
33:14 Go back to bed.
33:15 Okay.
33:17 I'll keep my phone on.
33:18 You can find me anytime.
33:19 By the way.
33:21 I think the nurse Liu is good.
33:24 She's not married yet.
33:26 Why don't you add her on WeChat?
33:27 Mom, when did you develop a hobby?
33:29 I'm so annoyed.
33:30 Listen, I'll eat it later.
33:32 If you don't eat it, I'll buy you some fruit.
33:35 I'm so annoyed.
33:37 I'm so annoyed.
33:38 Xia Guo.
33:47 Did you bring this chili sauce?
33:48 Yes.
33:50 It's delicious.
33:51 You lend me a picture.
33:52 I'll go back and see if I can buy it.
33:54 Don't buy it.
33:55 I have a lot.
33:56 You can eat it.
33:57 How can I do that?
34:00 I'll go back and find it.
34:01 If I can't find it, I'll buy it for you.
34:03 You're welcome.
34:04 Just eat mine.
34:05 You're so nice.
34:07 What's this?
34:12 Chili sauce.
34:14 Whose?
34:15 Guo Guo's.
34:16 I'm still taking pictures.
34:17 Can you give it back to me?
34:18 You want it?
34:21 Then say something nice.
34:24 Larry.
34:25 I can't hear you.
34:26 Larry.
34:30 Can you give my chili sauce back to me?
34:32 Take it.
34:33 I'll teach you.
34:38 Your hands are so hot.
34:41 Do you think my hands are cold?
34:43 Are you cold?
34:45 Guo Guo.
34:52 You see, our company has a lot of heat.
34:54 You're wearing a sweater.
34:56 It's still a high-heeled.
34:57 Isn't it hot?
34:58 I'm not hot.
35:00 I'm a little afraid of cold.
35:01 You see, our company has so many girls.
35:07 It's not a fight.
35:09 Look at you.
35:11 Don't you miss a lot of opportunities?
35:13 The key is that your figure is still so good.
35:21 Guo Guo.
35:22 Have you finished eating?
35:23 Do you remember that we have something very important to do?
35:25 Hurry up.
35:26 Larry, I'm sorry.
35:28 We're leaving.
35:29 Bye.
35:30 Why didn't you call me?
35:31 What do you want to eat?
35:36 How do you feel about this time?
35:42 Very good.
35:43 I think everyone in the company is ambitious.
35:46 Full of positive energy.
35:47 And very harmonious.
35:49 Oh my god.
35:50 I didn't expect it.
35:51 I can hear these two words from other people's mouths in my life.
35:56 Believe it?
35:58 This is a living wine.
35:59 You know our company is not eliminated, right?
36:02 I know.
36:03 The whole group is pulling through the assessment.
36:05 Shanghai's company.
36:07 It's not our turn, is it?
36:08 No matter how good the Shanghai company's performance is.
36:11 Our Mr. Xue will also talk to the worst-performing employees here one-on-one.
36:16 One-on-one.
36:19 And all the people he's talked to are out of the question.
36:22 All of them resigned.
36:24 And before going to work, they had to leave because of the pervert's request.
36:28 I'm sorry.
36:32 Your stuff fell.
36:34 Throw it away for me.
36:37 How do you have Rebecca's badge?
36:46 I found it in the morning.
36:49 This is the last sacrifice to be eliminated.
36:53 But someone like me who's here to do the material.
36:55 Do you also want to take the annual assessment of Shanghai?
36:58 For Mr. Xue, it doesn't matter if you're a newbie or not.
37:01 And it's the lowest cost for a newbie to do the material.
37:05 Like Angela from the sales department and Orlando.
37:08 The company spent a lot of money to send them to the Haijiang elite course.
37:12 How much loss is the company going to lose if they do the material?
37:14 Lucy.
37:17 Lucy.
37:18 What kind of people can go to this elite course?
37:21 It's not impossible if you want to pay for it.
37:24 But it's too expensive.
37:26 Ordinary people can't afford it.
37:28 I suggest you think about how to complete the KPI.
37:31 Otherwise, the only one waiting for you is Huangpu River, not Haijiang.
37:36 Is Mr. Xue really so scary?
37:38 It seems that when you first came to work, you really didn't understand the air of our company.
37:42 Besides, you came with Mr. Chen.
37:44 This is not an advantage. It could be a flag.
37:47 Isn't our department very dangerous?
37:52 You finally understand.
37:55 Hello, is Mr. Xue here?
38:06 Mom, I found the quotation form last year.
38:11 And then I...
38:14 What's up?
38:15 Mr. Xue, I'm Xia Guo from the marketing department.
38:18 Mr. Chen asked me...
38:19 I know, you say.
38:20 Mr. Chen asked me to bring the file to you.
38:23 Put it on the table.
38:24 I compared the quotation form last year.
38:28 And then you...
38:29 What else?
38:30 Because I'm going to the live room,
38:34 so I have to take this file back as soon as possible.
38:37 You have to take it back as soon as possible.
38:40 And I have to finish it seriously.
38:43 So what should I do?
38:45 You're right.
38:47 Then I'll go out first.
38:49 It seems to be the same as last year.
38:54 I'm sorry.
38:55 Mr. Xue, can I ask you when I can come over and get your front screen?
39:00 I'll finish it as soon as possible and then hand it over to your Mr. Chen, okay?
39:05 You can do your work now.
39:07 Thank you, Mr. Xue.
39:08 No, thank you.
39:10 I'm sorry.
39:11 You don't have to watch this.
39:12 No.
39:13 Did you consider the project last time?
39:15 Can we talk about it again?
39:18 Come on, everyone.
39:20 Pay attention.
39:22 No.35 chain.
39:24 Hurry up and order.
39:26 Buy a pot of potatoes and give a set of three kitchen knives.
39:28 That's right.
39:29 Three kitchen knives.
39:30 Hurry up and order if you like it.
39:32 It's gone.
39:33 Gone.
39:34 Come on, three, two, one.
39:35 It's so fast.
39:37 Just sell 2,000 items and let us wait.
39:40 Miss put our product on the back.
39:42 That means our product is easy to sell.
39:43 Isn't that the best?
39:45 Yesterday, when I was live-streaming, I accidentally put a little cake in it.
39:50 Wait for me.
39:51 Everyone asked me where this cake came from.
39:53 Today, I want to meet the requirements of the fans.
39:56 I brought you this raw baby cake that is good for the body.
40:01 This cake is made of plant-based sugar.
40:03 It's very suitable for girls who are losing sugar.
40:05 There are currently 2,000 items.
40:07 Only 2,000 items.
40:08 On the link.
40:09 Gone.
40:11 Gone.
40:13 It's gone.
40:14 We didn't wait in vain.
40:16 I really didn't expect this cake to be so popular in our live room.
40:20 What? You want more?
40:22 I'll see if I can add another wave to everyone.
40:25 Can you add another wave?
40:27 Xiaoguang, work harder.
40:32 Don't worry.
40:33 Don't ask. It's too late.
40:35 The live broadcast is so fast.
40:36 Why don't you eat a big piece?
40:37 No, I can't do it.
40:38 I'll do it right away.
40:39 And the order for this raw baby cake.
40:42 Don't worry.
40:43 Babies, the next operation must be faster.
40:46 Okay?
40:47 Hello, the number you have dialed is not available.
40:51 Add another 8,000.
40:52 Good.
40:53 Good news.
40:54 Good food.
40:55 Decided to add another 8,000 boxes of cake to our live broadcast room.
40:59 Baby has an extra order.
41:01 What?
41:02 My computer.
41:03 Why not use it for the first night?
41:05 Baby, baby, the yellow flowers are cold.
41:07 But I have to go through the work process.
41:09 And how do you know if there is any goods in the warehouse?
41:11 Now is the season of annual sales.
41:12 What if there is no goods in the warehouse?
41:14 I knew we should respond at random.
41:16 Does the warehouse have goods?
41:17 What does it matter to us?
41:18 I'm the sales department.
41:19 Sales is the first.
41:21 Besides, if the sales is good, your market department is also good.
41:25 You just wait to get credit.
41:30 How do you let me solve such a big mess?
41:33 There was such a big accident in the live broadcast room.
41:35 Do you know what the consequences will be?
41:37 The warehouse can't ship goods now.
41:39 The offline sales are affected.
41:41 As the boss of the market department, do you not even have a plan?
41:44 Mr. Xue, I seem to remember that the group has not stipulated the number of different sales channels.
41:52 Online live broadcast is also making money for the company.
41:54 Is there anything wrong with this?
41:56 You have reason.
41:58 Do you think you have no responsibility?
42:00 Do you know what the function of the market department is?
42:03 Rules are used to break.
42:05 Times have been improving and developing.
42:07 Why do you have to be so cruel?
42:09 Don't you let go of those rules?
42:11 Are you teaching me?
42:12 I dare not.
42:13 Mr. Xue, I just think that as the general manager of Haowei,
42:18 should you support and promote the cooperation of online live broadcast?
42:22 Because we don't occupy the position of live broadcast,
42:24 other competitors will also occupy it.
42:26 What's more, the company will see the sales total in the end.
42:29 Chen Nan, listen.
42:33 Any decision in the company must be made in this way.
42:36 And as the general manager of the company,
42:38 I don't allow anyone to break this rule.
42:42 Do you understand?
42:43 Yes.
42:44 I have discussed with your general manager Chen about the matter in the live broadcast room yesterday.
43:01 He will punish you alone.
43:02 You will be deducted 3,000 yuan from your salary.
43:04 3,000 yuan.
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44:51 ♪ Are you thinking of me too? ♪
