Kaeloo S1E17 (English CC)

  • 4 months ago
00:00Hello, buddies!
00:49Hello, buddies!
00:52I'm bored. What game can we play?
00:55That game's for little girls.
00:57Hide and seek!
00:57Little girls!
00:59Little girls!
01:03Little girls!
01:05Okay, go on then! Suggest a game that isn't "for girls"!
01:17Yeah, well, I have a better idea! We're going to play peace!
01:21No bang-bang?
01:22Let's Play Peace!
01:27Okay, two teams! Mr. Cat with Stumpy, and me with Quack-Quack!
01:32So, this land is ours, and this is yours.
01:34And why not the other way around, huh?
01:37Umm... however you want it, Stumpy!
01:39Okay, and how do we play "peace"?
01:40Do we start a war first?
01:44No! The first person who gets violent is the loser. That's what playing peace is about!
01:49Hey, that's lame! Can't we shoot each other a little bit first?
02:00I'm dying...
02:03Stumpy, this game is about peace! We discuss things around a table, we laugh, "ha ha ha ha ha ha ha", and everyone is happy! Yay!
02:10Yeah... I'm not really feelin' this game.
02:13If I understand correctly, the objective of this game is to make you two angry.
02:16Yes! The first person to get angry is the loser.
02:18Okay! The cat is a superior species to the duck.
02:23Oh, yeah? Why's that?
02:24Because ducks can't lick their own derrieres!
02:28Me neither!
02:29Umm... that was good! Let's say that was just a warm-up.
02:33Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
02:37Okay, let's start the game, but... be gentle, okay?
02:41It's impossible to be so ugly! Show us a photo of your parents so we can have a laugh.
02:46Good one, Quack-Quack.
02:47Umm... cats are really dumb.
02:51You have bad breath and your sister's a -
02:53Be careful with what ya say about my sister.
02:56Not your sister, those two's sister!
02:58Oh... that's right, I don't have a sister.
03:01In the hierarchy of living things, frogs and ducks are just below... toilet paper!
03:17I'm warning you, nobody calls me a "quack"!
03:19Go on! Turn the other cheek, Quack-Quack!
03:22Mr. Cat, you lose! You got mad!
03:24But not at all! I was completely calm when I smacked him with that mallet!
03:27I'll show you what happens when I get mad.
03:35Now THERE, I was angry.
03:38I know what you're up to, Mr. Cat! If you think that saying bad words is going to make us lose our calm...
03:43It's worth a shot.
03:46Assh*le! P*ssy! B*stard! **** your ****ing ****! ****! I'll sh*t in your beak!
03:51Are you sleeping, are you sleeping, Brother John? Brother John? I don't hear anything! I don't hear anything at all!
03:56Oh, la, la, I'm bored! I'm bored to death!
04:01Stumpy, peace is a game that's full of subtlety. It's all about negotiation.
04:06Oh yeah... but we need somethin' to negotiate over!
04:13This land is ours, and this land is yours, and this land...
04:16Is also ours!
04:22Why isn't it ours? Or... why don't we take turns occupying it, huh? We can swap every week!
04:27It's ours, or I'll roast the duck.
04:29Cool! This is startin' to look like a video game!
04:34You're very close to losing, Mr. Cat!
04:37No! Look at me, Froggy! Do you see the smallest sign of irritation? The slightest hint of anger?
04:46Mr. Cat!
04:49You can't use weapons to make peace! That's bad!
04:51Oh, yeah? And what do peacekeeping troops do?
04:59So this is ours! Now leave us in peace, or there'll be hell to pay.
05:04Yeah, leave us in peace!
05:06Stumpy, stay with us!
05:09Choose the side of peace!
05:10Not the side of war!
05:12What do I get out of it?
05:13Well, you could... win the Nobel Peace Prize!
05:15The Nobel Peas Prize?
05:17I don't care about peas! I eat nuts!
05:19But it comes with a big check!
05:21Oh... if peace can buy me the whole Mr. Coolskin comic book series... long live peace!
05:27- Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace! Peace!
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