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Marea de Pasiones Capitulo 49 HD Completo
Marea de Pasiones Capitulo 50 HD Completo
Marea de Pasiones Capitulo 51 HD Completo
Marea de Pasiones Capitulo 49 HD Completo
00:00:00♪ Entre el día me descontrolaste y te llamé el domingo pa' enamorarte de mi ♪
00:00:08Peleón, ¿por qué besa a esta papá, Marcelo?
00:00:11Natalia, ¿tú le dijiste a tu papá a salir?
00:00:13Yo no le dije nada.
00:00:15¿Que le diga a Luisa que hay prostitución en el casino?
00:00:19Camila, Roberta y yo fuimos obligadas a ser cómplices.
00:00:23Ahora que he estado trabajando de cerca con el señor Santiago,
00:00:25me doy cuenta de que Nora, todo lo que me decía era verdad.
00:00:28Ella corre peligro si sigue aquí.
00:00:29Y quiero vengarme de Marcelo porque por su culpa se me cae todo a pedazos.
00:00:33La vida que construí, mi casa, mis cosas.
00:00:36Quiero que pague también.
00:00:38¿Y qué te parece?
00:00:40Me parece que tenemos un proyectazo en nuestras manos.
00:00:43Y que las constructoras están respondiendo bastante bien.
00:00:47Qué emoción.
00:00:50A mí me gusta el proyecto de Cobras.
00:00:53Betancur, el dueño, invita a la gerente ejecutiva
00:00:56y al diseñador del proyecto a que vayan a la Ciudad de México, a su casa.
00:01:01Hay que tomarle la palabra.
00:01:03¿Quiere que viajemos, Marcelo y yo?
00:01:07No. No, no, no.
00:01:10De ninguna manera.
00:01:12Con todo lo que está pasando, yo no puedo.
00:01:14No tengo cabeza para salir de viaje.
00:01:17Inventa algo, dile que le agradecemos, hazme quedar bien.
00:01:20No, ahorita no.
00:01:22¿A qué te refieres con lo que está pasando?
00:01:25Le pedí el divorcio a Zahid, tío.
00:01:28Evidentemente no se lo tomó nada bien.
00:01:32Y está manipulando a Natalia.
00:01:35No, no puedo. No me puedo ir y dejar aquí a Natalia.
00:01:38No, ahorita no es el momento. Perdón.
00:01:41Natalia te quiere.
00:01:44No creo que haga nada en contra de su madre, por mucho que haga Zahid.
00:01:49Eso que es mejor oír las propuestas personalmente.
00:01:54Por escrito, pues, se prestan a confusión.
00:01:58Yo sé. Yo sé, pero...
00:02:01Tío, las cosas son más complicadas que eso.
00:02:05De verdad, mira, inventa algo.
00:02:09Dile que agradecemos profundamente, ya tú sabes.
00:02:13Exúsame con él, ¿sí?
00:02:24Ademadrina, viniste justo cuando te necesitaba.
00:02:29Vine a dejarle los pasteles a la directora para que los parta en pedazos
00:02:34y los venda en la tiendita.
00:02:38¿Qué pasa, mi amor? ¿Qué tienes?
00:02:41Es que mis papás se van a separar y ya no voy a tener una familia.
00:02:46No digas eso, mi cielo.
00:02:49Si tus papás deciden divorciarse, pues, las cosas van a seguir igual.
00:02:56Vas a seguir teniendo tu mundo. Tu mundo no va a cambiar, ¿eh?
00:03:01A veces las personas se separan por su bien y por el bien de sus hijos.
00:03:07Pero papá, Zaid y yo queremos que todo sea como antes.
00:03:14Trata de entender a tu mamá.
00:03:17Ella está pasando por algunos cambios a raíz de que tu abuelita Leonor se fue al cielo.
00:03:23¿Y ella se quiere separar porque está triste?
00:03:27Sí, también, pero además hay otras cosas.
00:03:33Pero no te preocupes.
00:03:35Con el tiempo, las cosas se acomodan solitas. Solititas se acomodan.
00:03:41Si tienes miedo de cómo están sucediendo las cosas o te sientes triste,
00:03:47siempre voy a estar aquí para ti. ¿Te parece?
00:03:51Eres superada, madrina.
00:03:54Ay, mi amor, gracias. ¡Ay, a clases!
00:03:58Yo me tengo que ir a mi clase.
00:04:00Ay, espérame, espérame, espérame, porque te traje un pastelito, ¿eh?
00:04:04Te lo comes después de clase. No corras, mi cielo.
00:04:12Bueno, nosotros estamos aquí en representación de nuestros hijos.
00:04:16Reunirlos es casi imposible.
00:04:18No, pues si se tardaron tanto en encontrar a uno, imagínate.
00:04:22No es gracioso.
00:04:24Fíjate que después de la lectura, les tenemos una sorpresa.
00:04:29No me digas que dejaste tomar, Juanito, porque eso sería una gran sorpresa, ¿eh?
00:04:36Buenos días a todos.
00:04:37Buenos días.
00:04:38Muy buenos días. Por fin podemos empezar. Adelante.
00:04:42No, falta alguien todavía.
00:04:46Falta alguien más.
00:04:51Señor Bernal.
00:04:59¿Cómo sabes dónde...?
00:05:02Le sacaste la información con engaños a Ivonne.
00:05:04Es que de verdad, pobre mujer, que tenga que lidiar con...
00:05:06¿Qué tiene que ver eso? ¿Qué tiene que ver? Espérate.
00:05:08Es que no te puedes aparecer así como así.
00:05:10¿Qué tal que el niño se pone mal y qué? ¿Dónde te encuentro o qué?
00:05:12Ah, no, no, no, no.
00:05:13No vengas a hacer ahorita como que te interesa.
00:05:15Cuando tú me sacaste de tu vida y de la vida de mi hijo.
00:05:17No, no, no, no, no.
00:05:18Ahora a mí no me quieres hacer quedar como el malo del cuento.
00:05:20Mira, Osvaldo, si hacerte la víctima te hace sentir tranquila,
00:05:23te hace sentir tranquila, te hace sentir tranquila.
00:05:26Mira, Osvaldo, si hacerte la víctima te hace sentir tranquila, hazlo.
00:05:30Yo voy a recuperar a mi hijo y va a ser muy pronto.
00:05:33A ver, ya, espérate. Bájale, bájale.
00:05:35¿Ves cómo te pones?
00:05:36¿Sabes que vengo a hacerte un favor, ve?
00:05:39¿Qué favor?
00:05:41Santiago anda como un loco buscándote.
00:05:44No soporta la idea de que le diste alas y luego se las cortaste.
00:05:48Y encima vienes a ofenderme.
00:05:50Me ordenó encontrarte.
00:05:52¿Y le vas a decir dónde estoy?
00:05:53No, no le voy a decir dónde estás.
00:05:55Nomás escúchame.
00:05:58Pues no abras el negocio ese que quieres abrir, porque si lo haces se van a quitar a mi hijo.
00:06:01Entonces, mira, tú no lo abres, yo no le digo nada, no te hablas, no ves.
00:06:07Qué egoísta eres.
00:06:09No, si quieres decirle a Santiago Garjales dónde estoy, hazlo.
00:06:13Yo no voy a renunciar a mi hijo.
00:06:20Aquí debe de haber un error, el señor no tiene nada que estar haciendo.
00:06:22Mi mamá lo convocó.
00:06:24Yo solo obedezco las órdenes de la señora Leonor.
00:06:27Yo no quiero molestar a nadie.
00:06:29Bueno, entonces hazle un favor a todos en esta mesa y lárgate, por favor.
00:06:32Lárgate, por favor, lárgate.
00:06:33Señores, les pido que guarden con postura o me voy a ver en la necesidad de cancelar la lectura de este testamento.
00:06:39Por favor.
00:06:44Inicio mi lectura.
00:06:45Yo, Leonor Raygoza Cubeles, viuda de Grajalex, expreso en este documento mi última voluntad de dejar todos mis bienes personales,
00:06:54muebles e inmuebles a mis herederos legítimos, que son mis hijos por partes iguales.
00:06:59Bueno, perfecto, ahí está, ya te diste cuenta que nos va a dejar todos a nosotros.
00:07:02No entiendo por qué, ¿qué haces aquí, Marcelo?
00:07:04¿No te puedes largar?
00:07:09En cuanto a mis acciones en el consorcio hotelero Deluxe,
00:07:12que me hacían socia mayoritaria, he decidido dejar un 20% a Santiago,
00:07:17otro 20% para Ana,
00:07:20a mi hija Luisa el 50%,
00:07:23y el 10% restante al señor Marcelo Bernal Dorández,
00:07:28lo que lo convierte en un dueño más de nuestra cadena.
00:07:36Señor Notario, tiene que haber un error ahí.
00:07:38No, señor Bernal, no existe ningún error.
00:07:42Lo que he leído es lo que está en este testamento.
00:07:44Pues entonces lea bien, seguramente hay algo más ahí.
00:07:48Por supuesto que hay algo más.
00:07:54También deja a Isela Grajales y a su marido Juan Marrero,
00:07:58las acciones que invirtió en el Ico Resort.
00:08:01Solo serán productivas si se encargan de que ese hotel económico
00:08:04se construya por completo.
00:08:08Es todo.
00:08:10Pero no es posible.
00:08:13Nosotros hicimos a Leonor parte de esta familia.
00:08:17Ella era como una hermana.
00:08:19Para mí no es posible que me haya relegado de esta manera.
00:08:23Además, ahí también está parte de mi dinero.
00:08:26Ahí hay parte de mis bienes,
00:08:28que son la herencia de mi familia.
00:08:30Y Alejandro tuvo que haber pensado en mí.
00:08:33Y si no lo hizo, Leonor tuvo que haber pensado en mí.
00:08:36Isela, cálmate.
00:08:38Estás haciendo ruido.
00:08:40¿Según quién?
00:08:42Si me permiten continuar.
00:08:46Por último,
00:08:48la señora Leonor decidió dejarle al señor Zahid Espino
00:08:52el reloj de su difunto esposo,
00:08:54el señor Alejandro.
00:08:55Una valiosa reliquia para que recuerde a su padrino
00:08:58cada segundo que le quede de vida.
00:09:00Según las palabras que plasmó en su testamento.
00:09:04Yo no esperaba esto, Leonor.
00:09:06Claro que no lo esperabas, porque este testamento es una farsa.
00:09:09Tiago, tienes que respetar la voluntad de mi mamá, por favor.
00:09:12No hagas el ridículo.
00:09:14Este testamento
00:09:16tiene que ser anulado.
00:09:18Estoy de acuerdo. Debe de haber alguna manera.
00:09:20No, no, no, no.
00:09:21Nadie va a anular nada.
00:09:23Yo creo que esto lo hizo mi mamá
00:09:25porque quería compensarle a Marcelo
00:09:27los siete años que lo inculpamos.
00:09:29Así que vamos a respetar su última voluntad.
00:09:31Pues claro.
00:09:51No, no, no, no.
00:09:53No, no, no, no.
00:09:55No, no, no, no, no.
00:09:57No, no, no, no, no.
00:09:59No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:01No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:03No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:05No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:07No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:09No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:11No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:13No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:15No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:17No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:19No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:21No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:23No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:25No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:27No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:29No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:31No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:33No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:35No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:37No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:39No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:41No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:43No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:45No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:47No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:49No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:51No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:53No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:55No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:57No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:59No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:01No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:03No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:05No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:07No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:09No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:11No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:13No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:15No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:17No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:19No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:21No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:23No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:25No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:27No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:29No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:31No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:33No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:35No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:37No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:39No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:41No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:43No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:45No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:47No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:49No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:51No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:53No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:55No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:57No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:59No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:01No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:03No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:05No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:07No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:09No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:11No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:13No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:15No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:17No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:19No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:21No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:23No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:25No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:27No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:29No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:31No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:33No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:35No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:37No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:39No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:41No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:43No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:45No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:47No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:49No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:51No, no, no, no, no.
00:12:57I need you to forgive my family.
00:13:00When it comes to money, all you think about is greed.
00:13:06Calm down, Lucy. I understand.
00:13:08No. They were so unfair to you, Marcelo.
00:13:14You know what inheritance means.
00:13:17You are going to be one of the owners of Deluxe.
00:13:19My mom was a lot of things, but she had a huge heart.
00:13:24She knew how to accept her mistakes and she knew how to mend them.
00:13:29And for some reason, she put you there.
00:13:32Marcelo, your life is going to change.
00:13:35Luisa, I don't want any more problems with your family. I'm tired.
00:13:41I understand. Just think about it, okay?
00:13:45Promise me. Think about it.
00:13:49I promise.
00:13:59And this is from the bidding?
00:14:02Yes, that is a construction company in Mexico City.
00:14:05By the way, the owner invited us to go to Mexico City so we could see the works with our own eyes.
00:14:12I told you that there was no way.
00:14:14Right now, things are with Natalia.
00:14:16Luisa, we have to go.
00:14:19Felipe found out the address of Ordoñez.
00:14:22We can go and get the information.
00:14:24It's the perfect excuse.
00:14:26Luisa, we have...
00:14:28No, Marcelo, I can't leave Natalia here.
00:14:30Listen to me.
00:14:31Let's go.
00:14:32We get information about the robbery at your house.
00:14:34And we ask him if the two crimes were related.
00:14:37We can find your father's killer.
00:14:43Natalia is coming with us.
00:14:45I won't let her leave.
00:15:00I'm sure Luisa manipulated your mother to favor Marcelo.
00:15:04Of course, of course.
00:15:05And they probably brainwashed her against you.
00:15:08If they did that to you after so many years, what can they do to me?
00:15:11That's the worst of it.
00:15:12Your mother put that idiot over her own children.
00:15:14And I'm sure he won't give up that place.
00:15:17What you have to do, you know what it is?
00:15:19Impugnate that will.
00:15:21How can I show people that my mother was crazy?
00:15:24You have a psychiatrist nearby.
00:15:26Take advantage of her.
00:15:27Tell her that when she saw your mother,
00:15:29she perceived her emotionally disturbed by the death of her lover.
00:15:34Well, but...
00:15:35She and I have, you know, a relationship.
00:15:38I don't want to involve her in this.
00:15:39Besides, she already did your diagnosis and I...
00:15:41That's exactly why.
00:15:42Let her show you that she loves you.
00:15:44Let her get her hands dirty with you.
00:15:47You're right.
00:15:49It's the same thing that can be.
00:15:56You'll be happy.
00:15:57You did well.
00:16:00They gave her what you didn't give her.
00:16:03I have no relationship with Marcelo.
00:16:05And I don't care what happens to him or doesn't happen to him.
00:16:08My father is right about that, Mom.
00:16:11When a child bothers him,
00:16:13he turns his back on him and forgets about him.
00:16:16I don't care about Marcelo.
00:16:19But I feel sorry for you.
00:16:21Well, the feeling is mutual, Dad.
00:16:23Bea is in jail for something you did.
00:16:26And you're so cowardly that you'd rather she paid for you to face it.
00:16:30That's a lie!
00:16:32A lie?
00:16:33A lie!
00:16:35A slander!
00:16:38Are you going to believe him?
00:16:40That he's crazy about drugs?
00:16:43What are you saying?
00:16:45Look, Mom, I'm leaving to not make your day more difficult.
00:16:49But one day I'm going to prove what I'm telling you.
00:16:52You know perfectly well that that day will never come.
00:16:55We'll see.
00:17:01Me too, Bernardo.
00:17:04Come in.
00:17:06Hey, did Marcelo leave?
00:17:09I found it very strange that my mom left 10% of her shares.
00:17:14Me too.
00:17:17Why are you telling me this, Ana?
00:17:19Are you going to oppose?
00:17:21No, she could do with her shares what she wanted, really.
00:17:24I respect her.
00:17:26I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:17:31Yes, let him in.
00:17:33Thank you.
00:17:35No, stay, you're going to want to hear this.
00:17:39And who is it or what?
00:17:42Luisa, Ana, I'm sorry to introduce myself without warning,
00:17:45but I have important information.
00:17:47Did you get Fabiana Astorga?
00:17:49Nuria Bonfil, you will say.
00:17:51Is that her name?
00:17:53Yes, and it turns out that she has many criminal records.
00:17:55Fraud, identity theft, prostitution.
00:17:58I knew it.
00:17:59Yes, and there is more.
00:18:01Let's see, Nuria was locked up paying a three-year sentence
00:18:04when her father died.
00:18:06So, because of the conditions in which she was locked up,
00:18:08there is no way they were in a relationship.
00:18:10And what did she gain by inventing all this?
00:18:12I don't know, but maybe someone could pay her to set up that farce.
00:18:15And if Fabiana Astorga does not exist,
00:18:17how did you find Zahida on social networks?
00:18:31I don't want to drink them anymore.
00:18:36I don't want to drink them anymore.
00:18:38Do you want something else?
00:18:42Hi, Mom.
00:18:43I want to be fine.
00:18:46Can you tell me where you come from?
00:18:49Where did you spend the night?
00:18:53I was at a friend's house, Ana.
00:18:55I have to take care of a friend who got sick.
00:18:59Thank you for asking.
00:19:03What a disaster.
00:19:06What a disaster, Margarita.
00:19:11Can I ask you a favor?
00:19:13Yes, yes, ma'am.
00:19:15Throw them away.
00:19:17Throw them away.
00:19:19I need to get well.
00:19:21For me.
00:19:23For the good of my family.
00:19:25For everyone.
00:19:27Don't go.
00:19:29Oh, ma'am.
00:19:30I was going to tell you something,
00:19:32and now I don't know.
00:19:35Something else.
00:19:38The other day I went to see the doctor at the hospital
00:19:42and I saw Miss Camila enter a clinic
00:19:45with a boy.
00:19:47And it made me weird.
00:19:49Will she and he not be in charge?
00:19:58Only one. Throw the others away.
00:20:03I don't know if that woman invented a profile or a fake name.
00:20:06What did you ask me?
00:20:07That I help you find her?
00:20:08Because you were obsessed with the subject.
00:20:10Well, I searched the networks and I found her.
00:20:12Oh, that's weird, Said.
00:20:13Because I just searched that name on all the social networks
00:20:15and none of them looked like her.
00:20:17I guess you can show me the history of that social network
00:20:19on your cell phone.
00:20:20No, I can't show you.
00:20:21I always delete them.
00:20:22It's a habit that I already have.
00:20:23Oh, look, what a convenient habit.
00:20:25Or did you delete it because you're hiding something?
00:20:27Oh, I don't have time to be playing cops and robbers with you.
00:20:30If you don't know, we had a pretty hard day.
00:20:33Yes, very heavy.
00:20:34Because I imagine you were waiting for my mom to leave you
00:20:37the shares that Marcelo left you, right?
00:20:39It was the smartest and fairest thing.
00:20:41Totally agree.
00:20:42So I wonder why my mom made that decision.
00:20:46What did you do?
00:20:48What did my mom know that disappointed her so much?
00:20:56I've always dreamed of this moment, Camila.
00:21:00I love you.
00:21:02I love you.
00:21:13Do you want to explain to me what you were doing in a public hospital
00:21:16with that mequetrefe that you say is your boyfriend?
00:21:19What do you care?
00:21:20Don't talk to me like that.
00:21:22Like what?
00:21:24Like an adult who doesn't have to explain to her mom?
00:21:27No, no, no, you're very wrong.
00:21:29Look, you do have to give me explanations.
00:21:32Because I'm your mother, because you're my responsibility,
00:21:35because you depend on me financially,
00:21:38and because you live in this house, which is mine.
00:21:40If you gave me my inheritance, this wouldn't happen.
00:21:44Talk to that girl here and tell her I want to see her.
00:21:47Right now.
00:21:48What for?
00:21:49So you treat her the same way you treated my aunt Leonor's funeral?
00:21:53Do it.
00:21:55Oh, no?
00:21:57Well, then I'm going to go to your school and I'm going to ask your parents to talk to you.
00:22:00We're all going to get together and we're going to clarify things very well.
00:22:04And why don't you ask me right away?
00:22:06Camila, did you sleep with Iñaki?
00:22:09Yes, I did, Mom.
00:22:11It was so beautiful.
00:22:13I felt loved.
00:22:15I felt special.
00:22:16I felt loved.
00:22:17I felt like I cared about someone.
00:22:21How shameless!
00:22:25I just hope you're taking care of yourself.
00:22:34I already told you.
00:22:35I don't know what your mom was thinking.
00:22:37I have no idea.
00:22:39That's why I agree with Nicela and Santiago.
00:22:41Your mom got mad at me.
00:22:42That's why she disinherited me.
00:22:43That's what happened.
00:22:44But not because she was crazy.
00:22:46No, and I'm not going to allow it.
00:22:47Because my mom never showed a sign of mental illness.
00:22:51That's good for you and Santiago,
00:22:52but I'm not going to allow you to disrespect my mom.
00:22:55That's not it.
00:22:56I'm telling you that she disinherited me because she got mad at me
00:22:58because I didn't want her to marry that waiter.
00:22:59That's not true, Zahid!
00:23:00Because my mom changed her will a lot after Walter's death.
00:23:04Maybe that was it.
00:23:06Maybe my mom found out that you killed Walter, for example.
00:23:09Let's see.
00:23:10Can you explain to me how you found Nuria Bonfil
00:23:11on a supposed social network
00:23:12and now not a single profile of her name appears?
00:23:14I don't know.
00:23:15I don't know.
00:23:16Maybe she was trying to get Leonor out of all this.
00:23:18But you know what?
00:23:19It's convenient.
00:23:20I don't have to investigate anything.
00:23:21That's your job.
00:23:22Get to work.
00:23:23I distrust you more and more every day.
00:23:26I'm glad we're getting a divorce.
00:23:37I need you to write something down.
00:23:38I'm going to dictate it to you.
00:23:39Sit down.
00:23:40Sit down.
00:23:46Are you ready?
00:23:49Dear Mr. Santiago Garajales,
00:23:54since the day I saw you,
00:23:56I couldn't get you out of my head.
00:23:59Write, Yvonne.
00:24:02Every night I thought
00:24:05of you approaching me and pulling my hair.
00:24:07Sir, I'd rather...
00:24:09Write, Yvonne.
00:24:12It's an order.
00:24:13But it's my letter.
00:24:15It's an order.
00:24:18Taking off my clothes
00:24:22and making you
00:24:25what you wanted with me.
00:24:30Your mouth
00:24:32passing through every corner of my body.
00:24:34But sir...
00:24:42Making you with me
00:24:45what you want.
00:24:49Repeat that last part.
00:24:53you with me what you want.
00:24:55Very good.
00:24:57Look at me, look at me, look at me.
00:24:59Making you with me...
00:25:00Listen, I'm going to call you.
00:25:03Osvaldo, I didn't call you.
00:25:06Get out of my office!
00:25:07Get out of my office!
00:25:19Were you hiding from me?
00:25:21Leave me alone.
00:25:22No, no, leave me alone!
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00:34:12PM OMEGA
00:34:13SHERA, My woman is getting worse by the day.
00:34:15She is crazy.
00:34:17She wants to put all her assets in the name of her children.
00:34:19And she wants to give you the most
00:34:22for everything you lacked as a child.
00:34:26It's normal for her to think that way.
00:34:28It's a compensation for all the years
00:34:30that her daughter didn't have anything.
00:34:36Don't get your hopes up.
00:34:40I'm not going to let that lunatic give you
00:34:41what doesn't belong to you.
00:34:44Convince her.
00:34:46Tell her that...
00:34:49you're not interested in material things,
00:34:51that all you want is love.
00:34:53What if I don't?
00:34:59Are you going to do it?
00:35:00Well, no.
00:35:01Unless you let me go on the pretext
00:35:03of studying abroad.
00:35:06If you convince her,
00:35:10I'll do whatever you want.
00:35:14And you're already becoming a nuisance.
00:35:22What a great night, huh?
00:35:24Everyone was shocked.
00:35:25There are already several people interested
00:35:27in you accompanying them to the VIP casino.
00:35:28After seeing your sensual entrance,
00:35:30they were impressed.
00:35:32Can you try not to be one of those horrible old men?
00:35:36Work is work, my queen.
00:35:38No way.
00:35:40Zaid never comes here.
00:35:44Berta, is Nuria here? I need to talk to her.
00:35:48Nuria isn't here.
00:35:50And you don't know when she'll be back?
00:35:52It's urgent.
00:35:54Tell her to leave.
00:35:56How can you not know Zaid?
00:35:58He's capable of standing outside
00:36:00waiting for you to arrive.
00:36:02Let's see if they don't get me in trouble
00:36:04with the other girls.
00:36:06Berta, I don't want to see that guy again.
00:36:09Let's see.
00:36:14Don't you feel bad?
00:36:16That guy is disgusting.
00:36:18He's a pervert.
00:36:20I swear I almost broke his face.
00:36:22Why didn't you feel the same way
00:36:24when Nora told you what the disgusting guy
00:36:26was doing to her?
00:36:28She told me about your reaction
00:36:30and Osvaldo, you were very cruel.
00:36:32Yes, because at that time
00:36:34my mom got a lot of ideas in my head.
00:36:39You weren't a five-year-old
00:36:41to do everything your mom told you.
00:36:43Yes, I know.
00:36:45But I was insecure, jealous,
00:36:47I was bad.
00:36:49And you preferred to believe everyone
00:36:51except your wife.
00:36:53You were very comfortable
00:36:55in your male role.
00:36:57You stopped working,
00:36:59you took all the responsibility
00:37:01and expenses to her.
00:37:03You looked down on her,
00:37:05you questioned her honor.
00:37:07And look how late you realize
00:37:09that she was telling the truth.
00:37:11After you took Ruy from her.
00:37:13His only reason to be in life.
00:37:17I wish nothing had happened
00:37:19if that idiot Rajales had hit me.
00:37:21No, it's not his fault.
00:37:23Don't blame him again.
00:37:25He has nothing to do
00:37:27with what you did to Nora.
00:37:31I miss her so much.
00:37:34And now look,
00:37:36I'm left alone.
00:37:38I think
00:37:40you can still fix things, Osvaldo.
00:37:42Tell her
00:37:44how you feel,
00:37:46that you're sorry and apologize to her.
00:37:48And maybe
00:37:50she'll give you another chance.
00:37:58Why do you want to talk to Nuria?
00:38:00Because it turns out that a police officer
00:38:03found out that Nuria pretended to be Fabiana Astora.
00:38:05She has to leave Nayarit
00:38:07as soon as possible.
00:38:09And how much are you willing to pay
00:38:11for her to leave?
00:38:13Me? She has to pay me
00:38:15for the mistakes she made.
00:38:17Do you know what time she arrives?
00:38:19No, I don't know.
00:38:21She hasn't been here in days.
00:38:23And don't you have a phone
00:38:25or somewhere to find her?
00:38:27She's the one who always
00:38:29calls me, but don't worry.
00:38:32I'll give her your message when she calls me.
00:38:34I'll wait for your answer
00:38:36to get rid of this problem
00:38:38in my hands.
00:38:54I'm in a big trouble.
00:38:56Thanks to you and that idiot.
00:38:58The police is after me.
00:39:01I don't have money. I need to work and I can't.
00:39:03I just paid you.
00:39:05But I can't afford it. Lend me more.
00:39:07You know the rules here.
00:39:09There are no loans, no advance.
00:39:11Here you earn money by working.
00:39:13I know, but please, you can't do this to me.
00:39:15I swear I'll pay you double.
00:39:17I swear on my mom.
00:39:19No, what if you leave and don't come back?
00:39:21No, I'm not going to risk it.
00:39:25I thought we were friends.
00:39:31You were hiding from me?
00:39:33Leave me alone.
00:39:35No, you leave me alone!
00:39:37You're getting me in trouble in the casino
00:39:39and I'm not going to let you.
00:39:41What do you want?
00:39:43Do you think I'm stupid that I didn't realize
00:39:45you were listening?
00:39:47I want you to leave, but now!
00:39:49Otherwise, you know what can happen to you.
00:40:01Ten percent of the shares
00:40:03is a lot, son.
00:40:05I don't think it's a lot.
00:40:07The Grajales for seven years
00:40:09claimed that Marcelo was a murderer.
00:40:11That compensation is the least he deserves.
00:40:13Yes, but in the end,
00:40:15Leonor was not so guilty.
00:40:17Zahid is the real culprit
00:40:19because he stole all that.
00:40:21He couldn't pay for it with all the money in the world.
00:40:23He should pay for it with his freedom.
00:40:25Mom, I don't want to know anything else.
00:40:27It wasn't nice to be there and I had to put up with Santiago.
00:40:29How did Ana and Luisa take it?
00:40:31Very well. They respected
00:40:33what their mother wanted to say.
00:40:35Well, did they offer you a job
00:40:37at the company or what?
00:40:39No, I don't know what's going to happen.
00:40:41And the truth is
00:40:43I'm not going to accept that.
00:40:45Look, I understand you.
00:40:47I'm the same.
00:40:49Dignity, pride.
00:40:51But you should think about your daughter
00:40:53to improve her quality of life.
00:40:55Natalia's quality of life
00:40:57will continue to be the same.
00:40:59Luisa has most of the company's shares.
00:41:01Marcelo, it's a great opportunity.
00:41:03I'm not going to do it.
00:41:05I'm used to winning things
00:41:07for my effort.
00:41:09And that's how it's going to be.
00:41:11Okay, son.
00:41:13I'll be right back.
00:41:21Alfonso, what happened?
00:41:23I thought about it.
00:41:25It's not easy to hand over a father,
00:41:29But mine has to pay,
00:41:31and not Beatriz's.
00:41:33So I'm going to help you.
00:41:35Tonight I'm going to the casino
00:41:37to see what's going on there.
00:41:41How can you be coming here?
00:41:43If Cristobal sees you,
00:41:45they're going to fire me. What do you want?
00:41:47What was that circus you did on the phone?
00:41:49Do you think you can get me out of the game
00:41:51with all the things I know about you?
00:41:53I'm going to say it was self-defense.
00:41:55If you were the one who ran away from the crime scene,
00:41:57that's your fault.
00:41:59Because I was scared. I was a kid.
00:42:01I don't care about your things.
00:42:03You're still working for me,
00:42:05and you're going to do what I tell you.
00:42:07You're going to investigate.
00:42:09You're going to ask Marcelo
00:42:11what he's going to do with the shares
00:42:13that Leonor left him,
00:42:15which are a lot.
00:42:17Because if he's going to sell them,
00:42:19I'm going to buy them.
00:42:21And who's going to believe you?
00:42:25I know you told Bruno
00:42:27that the builder you invented
00:42:29built his ecological hotel.
00:42:31And I imagine you don't want anyone to know.
00:42:35That information is very valuable to Marcelo.
00:43:17Hey, good news.
00:43:19I'm the new head of staff at the casino.
00:43:21Because, well, I'm the head of staff.
00:43:23I'm the human resources manager.
00:43:25You knew that, right?
00:43:27I'm glad you like the news.
00:43:29Since when do you care so much about the casino?
00:43:31You've never been interested
00:43:33because you know that Zahid is in charge.
00:43:35Well, Zahid does appreciate my work.
00:43:37Not like you, or like my parents.
00:43:39The point is to give that position to Ana.
00:43:41It's stupid!
00:43:43Calm down, please.
00:43:45It's temporary.
00:43:47Ana needs the money.
00:43:49I want her to get involved in the company.
00:43:51Well, Ana has no idea
00:43:53about the responsibility
00:43:55of motivating your employees,
00:43:57taking care of them.
00:43:59She doesn't know about planning, control, integration.
00:44:01You do. You treat your employees very well.
00:44:03You motivate them a lot.
00:44:05Yes, that's right.
00:44:07Well, I'm your executive director
00:44:09and I've already made the decision.
00:44:11There's nothing you can do. I'm sorry.
00:44:13I just hope you don't regret your decision.
00:44:19I'm sure you will.
00:44:27I'm worried about Gael.
00:44:29I'm worried he won't wake up and is still in a state of hallucination.
00:44:31Hey, calm down.
00:44:33The body has to recover.
00:44:35Imagine all the stress he has
00:44:37after all the drugs
00:44:39Zahid gave him.
00:44:41Yes, but let's not talk about Zahid right now.
00:44:43No, no, no.
00:44:45Because there are other things
00:44:47we can talk about.
00:44:51I'm thinking about telling Luisa
00:44:53everything that happened with Zahid at the casino.
00:44:55But why?
00:44:57Ana, you have to think about these things.
00:44:59I already did. I swear.
00:45:01Zahid threatened me
00:45:03with telling everyone about us,
00:45:05but I don't care anymore.
00:45:07But when he realizes that Gael
00:45:09isn't at the winery,
00:45:11he's going to come after us. I know.
00:45:13So it's better to tell the whole truth
00:45:15at once to avoid misfortune.
00:45:17And the truth is that
00:45:19because of you, Ximena was prostituted.
00:45:21Are you going to tell Luisa?
00:45:23I know.
00:45:25I know she's going to hate me.
00:45:27But my family is in danger, Roberta.
00:45:29I have to do something.
00:45:31Honey, there's no need for you to risk it.
00:45:33Luisa is already divorcing Zahid.
00:45:35As soon as that happens, he's going to leave his life.
00:45:37All the bad things that happen at the casino
00:45:39are going to stop happening.
00:45:41There's no need for you to do anything.
00:45:43Let's give him time to time
00:45:45and let things happen.
00:45:47We don't have to say anything right now.
00:45:55Don't worry.
00:45:57Zahid is going to be your father forever.
00:45:59Only a few things are going to change.
00:46:01Understand me.
00:46:03What things?
00:46:05For example.
00:46:35Oh, look. I had already put the horns on you.
00:46:37What's going on?
00:46:39And in the studio, Nebulosa.
00:46:41I don't need anyone's approval.
00:46:43Handsome, but no joke.
00:46:45Or jackal, but fulfilled.
00:46:47At night, but without sleep.
00:46:49This Friday at the end of Noti.
00:46:51In the saying, in the day to day,
00:46:53we bring you a new flavor
00:46:55so that you face life with courage.
00:46:57You can be so irresponsible with your son's life.
00:46:59We are no longer girls to do stupid things.
00:47:01I'm not going to get tired
00:47:03of trying to open your eyes.
00:47:05Monday to Friday, 5.30 pm.
00:47:07With the stars.
00:47:33Today Esteban is getting married.
00:47:35Would you dare to stop that wedding?
00:47:37Legally I am a woman.
00:47:39You poisoned your own daughter.
00:47:41If you don't obey me, you will be responsible
00:47:43for Sami's death.
00:47:45I oppose. Tell me you don't love me.
00:47:47Monday to Friday, 8.30 pm.
00:47:49Imagine a future where your entrepreneurship
00:47:51transforms the life of your community
00:47:53in Nacional Monte de Piedad.
00:47:55And possible.
00:47:57We believe in the power of innovation
00:47:59to make that dream come true.
00:48:01Create the future you want for your business.
00:48:03Register at posible.org.mx
00:48:05A program supported by
00:48:07Nacional Monte de Piedad
00:48:09and Fundación Televisa.
00:48:11My mother.
00:48:13I came to know many things, and not only about me, but about both.
00:48:15What do we have to do to shut up?
00:48:17Malena and Rolando are lovers.
00:48:19I'm going to be yours.
00:48:21The words of condemning the family.
00:48:23Are the papers for the cancellation
00:48:25of your marriage to Rolando.
00:48:27Grand Finale, May 17, 6.30 pm.
00:48:29The presidential candidates
00:48:31come to third grade.
00:48:33The most important analysis table in Mexico
00:48:35will be with the aspirants
00:48:37of both coalitions
00:48:39to know their projects and proposals
00:48:41and thus keep you informed.
00:48:43Third grade, a program of N+,
00:48:45Monday, May 13, and Wednesday, May 15,
00:48:47after En Punto with the stars.
00:48:49This Sunday,
00:48:51consecrated and heirs will throw a lot on the stage.
00:48:53This challenge is sung.
00:48:55They will travel to the past to connect with their inner child.
00:48:57I was young, brothers.
00:48:59And they will receive the musical support
00:49:01of their secret weapons.
00:49:03Pedro Capo, Alex Fernandez,
00:49:05Pati Cantu, and Prince Royce.
00:49:07Juego de Voces, this Sunday,
00:49:09at 9pm, with the stars.
00:49:11The weekends are shocking.
00:49:13It's really very bad.
00:49:15As the saying goes, Mr. Tomas,
00:49:17the one who slips from Santos,
00:49:19does not stop until hell.
00:49:21The client asks for what he asks,
00:49:23not what he says in his little ballerinas.
00:49:25As the saying goes,
00:49:27this Saturday, at 7pm.
00:49:29Juan is my pride.
00:49:31He will have a life so different
00:49:33from his mother's and mine.
00:49:35Between love and a dream.
00:49:37That obsession of being a father
00:49:39keeps me away from Gabriel, but he is mine.
00:49:41Betrayal is born.
00:49:43I already control the actions of this company,
00:49:45and one day I will stay with Gabriel.
00:49:47The story of Juana starts June 3,
00:49:49at 9.30pm.
00:49:55The story of Juana starts June 3, at 9.30pm.
00:50:25Why did you do it?
00:50:27I did it because it was a test.
00:50:29A test to steal.
00:50:31Now that you marry me and leave me,
00:50:33I'm going to die in one of these.
00:50:35La Rosa de Guadalupe.
00:50:37Impact stories.
00:50:39Saturday with the stars.
00:50:41The presidential candidates
00:50:43come to third grade.
00:50:45The most important analysis table in Mexico
00:50:47will be with the candidates of both coalitions
00:50:49to learn about their projects and proposals
00:50:51and thus keep you informed.
00:50:53Third grade, a program of N+,
00:50:55Monday, May 13, and Wednesday, May 15,
00:50:57after En Punto with the stars.
00:50:59I'm going to have my party!
00:51:01I'm going to get out of the living room!
00:51:03I'm going to get out of the living room!
00:51:07Don't leave me here for a crime I did commit!
00:51:09Don't leave me here for a crime I did commit!
00:51:11They want to throw you out of your houses.
00:51:13And now what will the jackals do?
00:51:15We have to make a big plan.
00:51:17The Prince of the Neighborhood, season finale,
00:51:19this Sunday at 7.30pm.
00:51:21This week's stories are shocking.
00:51:23It's really very bad.
00:51:25As the saying goes,
00:51:27the one who slides from Santos
00:51:29does not stop until hell.
00:51:31The client asks for what he wants,
00:51:33it's not what his t-shirts say,
00:51:35and as the saying goes,
00:51:37what is promised is due.
00:51:39As the saying goes,
00:51:41this Saturday at 7pm.
00:51:43In Despierta, we wait for you with the information
00:51:45that will change the course of your day.
00:51:47The analysis of the stories
00:51:49will tell you everything about sports,
00:51:51entertainment and the climate.
00:52:19This Sunday at 7.30pm.
00:52:52Natalia knows a lot of things,
00:52:54and not just about me, but about both of us.
00:52:56What do we have to do to keep quiet?
00:52:58Malena and Rolando are lovers.
00:53:00I will never be yours.
00:53:02The charges of condemning our family
00:53:04are the papers for the cancellation
00:53:06of your marriage with Rolando.
00:53:08Grand Finale, May 17, 6.30pm.
00:53:10These wrestlers will ask for a break.
00:53:13Are we going on vacation or not?
00:53:16Do you need help?
00:53:18I only have three rooms.
00:53:20No way.
00:53:22I'm going to make a little hole for Brian.
00:53:24There's no terrace?
00:53:26We'll find out right now.
00:53:28Did you leave him alone in the room?
00:53:30He's free this Thursday at the end of the notice.
00:53:45La Rosa de Guadalupe,
00:53:47premiere episode, Thursday with the stars.
00:54:15The most important news of Mexico
00:54:17will be with the aspirants of both coalitions
00:54:19to know their projects and proposals
00:54:21and thus stay informed.
00:54:23Third grade, a program of N+.
00:54:25Monday, May 13 and Wednesday, May 15,
00:54:27after En Punto with the stars.
00:54:45The most important news of Mexico
00:54:47will be with the aspirants of both coalitions
00:54:49to know their projects and proposals
00:54:51and thus stay informed.
00:54:53Third grade, a program of N+.
00:54:55Monday, May 13 and Wednesday, May 15,
00:54:57after En Punto with the stars.
00:54:59The most important news of Mexico
00:55:01will be with the aspirants of both coalitions
00:55:03to know their projects and proposals
00:55:05and thus stay informed.
00:55:07Third grade, a program of N+.
00:55:09Monday, May 13 and Wednesday,
00:55:11after En Punto with the stars.
00:55:13Third grade, a program of N+.
00:55:15Monday, May 13 and Wednesday,
00:55:17after En Punto with the stars.
00:55:19Third grade, a program of N+.
00:55:21Monday, May 13 and Wednesday,
00:55:23after En Punto with the stars.
00:55:25Third grade, a program of N+.
00:55:27Monday, May 13 and Wednesday,
00:55:29after En Punto with the stars.
00:55:31Third grade, a program of N+.
00:55:33Monday, May 13 and Wednesday,
00:55:35after En Punto with the stars.
00:55:37Third grade, a program of N+.
00:55:39Monday, May 13 and Wednesday,
00:55:41after En Punto with the stars.
00:55:43Third grade, a program of N+.
00:55:45Monday, May 13 and Wednesday,
00:55:47after En Punto with the stars.
00:55:49Third grade, a program of N+.
00:55:51Monday, May 13 and Wednesday,
00:55:53after En Punto with the stars.
00:55:55Third grade, a program of N+.
00:55:57Web Studio
00:55:59I do not want to go traveling with you.
00:56:01Natalia, I'm not asking you if you want to or not.
00:56:04You're going to go.
00:56:06You can't force me to go
00:56:08because if I do, I'll cry and I'll say you're bad.
00:56:10Nati, ¿por qué haces esto, mi vida?
00:56:12Porque tú ya no quieres que papá Saeed sea mi papá y eso no me gusta.
00:56:16Nati, Saeed va a ser tu papá para siempre. Solo van a cambiar algunas cosas, entiéndeme.
00:56:22¿Y qué cosas?
00:56:24Que ya no va a vivir en la casa, por ejemplo.
00:56:27Que cuando vayamos de vacaciones, él no va a venir, por ejemplo.
00:56:30¿Y puedo ir de vacaciones con él?
00:56:32No, mi vida. Si tu papá y tú están juntos, yo tengo que estar ahí para cuidarte.
00:56:37¿Ves? Tú no quieres que esté con mi papá Saeed.
00:56:40¡Papá! ¡Papá!
00:56:44¿Qué pasó, mi amor? ¿Qué está pasando aquí?
00:56:47¿Qué pasó?
00:56:48No quiero ver a mi mamá y tampoco quiero ir de viaje con ella.
00:56:51Dile que se vaya sin mí.
00:56:53Muy bien, Natalia. No te puedo obligar a venir conmigo, pero yo tengo que ir.
00:56:56Porque es de trabajo y es importante.
00:56:59Le voy a decir a tu tía Ana que te cuide.
00:57:00No le vas a decir a Ana que la cuide. Aquí está su papá.
00:57:02No, señor. Se queda con Ana. Punto.
00:57:04Se va a quedar conmigo porque soy su papá.
00:57:06Y si tienes alguna duda, me llamas las veces que sean necesarias.
00:57:09¿O sabes qué puedes hacer?
00:57:10Contratarme a alguien para que me vigile y me trates como un criminal, que es lo que te falta.
00:57:14O mejor dinos, ¿a dónde vas?
00:57:17Perdón. A un viaje de negocios.
00:57:20Acabas de escuchar. Si tienes alguna duda, pregúntale a Juan.
00:57:23Yo no tengo por qué darte explicaciones.
00:57:26No, mi amor.
00:57:30Dios mío.
00:57:48Qué bueno que te encuentro. ¿Vas de salida?
00:57:51Voy a trabajar al casino, hermana. ¿Por qué? ¿Qué pasó?
00:57:54Necesito pedirte un favor muy grande.
00:57:57Mañana voy a salir de viaje. Es importante.
00:58:00Y quería que me cuides a Natalia. ¿Puedes?
00:58:03Por supuesto.
00:58:05Pero ¿de día y de noche? Porque ya sabes que con los horarios del casino está complicado.
00:58:09Sí, sí, yo sé. De día está bien.
00:58:12Si quieres, en la noche nada más asegúrate que se quede dormida y dile a Chelo.
00:58:17A seguir, no. Por favor.
00:58:20Lo que pasa es que desde que hablé con él del divorcio, como que no confío en él.
00:58:26Vete tranquila. Yo la cuido.
00:58:32Te amo. Te amo. Todo va a salir bien.
00:58:52Se me hace que se me adelantó el parto.
00:58:55¿Estás teniendo contracciones?
00:58:57Son cada vez más seguidas.
00:58:58Creo que rompí fuente hace como una hora.
00:59:00Ay, no, no puede ser.
00:59:01¡Auxilio! ¡Ayuda! ¡Custodias, por favor! ¡Ayuda! ¡Necesitamos ayuda, por favor! ¡Ayúdenos!
00:59:10Tranquila. Necesito que te calmes, ¿sí? Respira. Respira. Todo va a estar bien.
00:59:14Ok. Ahorita van a venir a ayudarnos. Todo va a estar bien, te lo prometo. Tranquila.
00:59:18¡Ayuda! ¡Pásenme, por favor, todo lo que tengan! ¡Cuchillos, lo que sea, por favor!
00:59:23¡Pásenme trapos, alcohol, agua, lo que tengan!
00:59:26Yo te voy a ayudar, ¿ok? Yo te voy a ayudar.
00:59:29Pero, ¿tú sabes cómo traer a un niño al mundo?
00:59:35No. No, pero somos mujeres. Somos mujeres y sabemos cómo traer a un niño al mundo.
00:59:39Yo te voy a ayudar. Necesito que confieses en mí.
00:59:42Todo va a estar bien, Fabi, te lo prometo. Respira. Respira. Respira, ¿ok?
00:59:46Vamos a hacer esto juntas.
00:59:53Tranquila. Tranquila.
00:59:55Tranquila. Tranquila.
01:00:08Traté de huir de ti, pero no puedo irme destrozándole el corazón a Isabel.
01:00:13Perdóname por hacerte llegar a esto.
01:00:15A Natalia no te la llevas a ningún lado, ¿cómo ves?
01:00:19¿Me vas a dejar de estar amenazando?
01:00:20Muy pronto vamos a estar con tu mamá, ya verás.
01:00:24Pero ella ya no te quiere.