• 7 months ago
China has invested heavily in Hungary's infrastructure and EV cars.
00:00There are a lot of debates about the value of Chinese investment within Hungary for the electric vehicle and battery factories.
00:07It is said that currently they can only run on imported energy and imported workforce.
00:13They put a strain on Hungarian water supply and the environment and they have a low added value.
00:20About the infrastructure projects we know only a few details.
00:25We can take the example of the Budapest-Belgrade cargo train line that evades all major Hungarian cities.
00:34It is built by Hungary from Chinese credit and it is said to cost four times more than usual for this kind of project.
00:43And also the estimates for the return on investment are very bad.
00:48It is said that the investment will pay for itself in more than 100 years.
00:54But this is the past so we have to look at the future and we'll see what the two leaders would announce today.
01:01Gábor Tanács for Euronews in Budapest.
