In the gripping CBS firefighter drama series Fire Country, tensions rise and secrets unravel in Season 2 Episode 9. Watch as the ensemble cast, including Billy Burke, Max Thieriot, Diane Farr and more, deliver powerful performances that delve deep into the complexities of family dynamics and personal struggles. Stream Fire Country now on Paramount+ for an intense and emotionally charged viewing experience.
Fire Country Cast:
Billy Burke, Max Thieriot, Kevin Alejandro, Diane Farr, Jordan Calloway, Stephanie Arcila, Jules Latimer and Michael Trucco
Stream Fire Country Season 2 now on Paramount+!
Fire Country Cast:
Billy Burke, Max Thieriot, Kevin Alejandro, Diane Farr, Jordan Calloway, Stephanie Arcila, Jules Latimer and Michael Trucco
Stream Fire Country Season 2 now on Paramount+!
Short filmTranscript
00:00Hey mom, hey, how are you two doing? I just wish we knew that there'd be a three right to come back to
00:10Honestly, I dig it
00:13It's I don't know things are a little looser here. I'm gonna sleep outside to the barracks. It's almost like we're just firefighters
00:23It's like being in a bubble
00:24I mean when you put your camp next to Armageddon all the BS and reality just floats away
00:30And it's real simple. We have we have one goal stop that fire
00:36Your dad's keeping a secret
00:40Something's going on with him. He won't tell me what it is. Maybe I'll talk to me