Court métrageTranscription
00:00 (Bruit de vent)
00:04 Le syndrome de la Chine.
00:06 C'est à propos des gens, des gens qui mentent,
00:11 et des gens confrontés à l'agonie de dire la vérité.
00:16 Des gens comme Kimberly Wells, un journaliste de télévision payé pour sourire, pas pour penser.
00:22 Un peu de mots sur un vétérinaire qui fait des appels à la maison sur des poissons malades, ou est-ce des appels à l'aquarium ?
00:28 Richard Adams, un caméraman qui n'a jamais appris à jouer par les règles.
00:32 "When you get that out of the room, get that radiation all over that cute little body."
00:36 Jack Goodell, an engineer who knows too much to tell the truth.
00:40 "In anything that man ever does, there's some element of risk, right ?
00:44 Well, that's why we have what we call defense in depth."
00:47 And cares too much to lie.
00:49 "No accident."
00:50 It will start with a tremor in a nuclear power plant.
00:54 Where it will end will depend on three people.
00:57 "I would say you're probably lucky to be alive."
01:00 "The same for the rest of Southern California."
01:02 Jane Fonda.
01:04 "Let's face it, you didn't get this job because of your investigative abilities."
01:07 "Kimberly, don't fight it."
01:09 Jack Lemmon.
01:10 "There was a vibration !"
01:13 Michael Douglas.
01:14 "You don't know that accident is the right word."
01:16 "Accident is the right word !"
01:18 The China Syndrome.
01:20 The harder they try, the more resistance they meet.
01:25 "They've got their own security man. Do you hear what I'm saying ? Do you want me to make it any clearer ?"
01:30 The closer they get, the more threatening it becomes.
01:34 The China Syndrome.
01:36 Today, only a handful of people know what it really means.
01:42 And they're scared.
01:45 Soon, you will know.
01:51 The China Syndrome.
01:54 "The China Syndrome"
02:00 [SILENCE]