• last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Okay, so let's talk a little bit
00:05 about this petition going on in Missouri.
00:07 Very interesting, professional sports teams
00:09 delivering 340,000 voter signatures.
00:14 And look, there's just a lot of push
00:16 to get sports betting done in Missouri,
00:18 but unfortunately there's just a few people
00:21 that are really not interested in making this happen.
00:24 I don't know, do petitions like this,
00:26 what do they really mean in the end, Pat?
00:28 I think that's really the bottom line.
00:29 Does that get legislators to take a deeper look?
00:32 Does it actually result in things going on the ballot?
00:35 Does it annoy legislatures?
00:36 How does this work?
00:38 - Yeah, so this is a petition drive
00:41 pushed by the professional sports organizations in Missouri.
00:45 They've been fed up with the efforts by the legislator
00:48 to get sports betting across the line and legalize it.
00:52 They've been behind the proposal in the legislator
00:56 for the past three years.
00:58 It's gotten stuck and beaten to death
01:02 multiple times in Missouri.
01:05 And so they put this together last summer,
01:09 started in earnest in January
01:11 to get all the signatures they needed.
01:13 They need 140,000 around there, verified signatures,
01:18 and it has to be representative
01:20 of the districts across the state and everything.
01:22 So there's a few more things that need to be checked
01:26 and ensured that it meets all the boxes.
01:30 But with a 340,000, that's well over the goal
01:35 they initially set out to do.
01:36 They turned it in ahead of the deadline.
01:39 So it looks like they're pretty sure they've got it.
01:41 Three mascots turned it in at the secretary of state,
01:43 nice photo op there.
01:45 And what it does, assuming everything's all verified,
01:49 it'll put it on November ballot for Missourians
01:52 to go and say, yeah, we want sports betting.
01:55 They were hoping, again, they were pushing it
01:57 the past three sessions to get through the legislative way,
02:01 but because that failed, they're trying this end around.
02:05 So if Missourians say, yeah, we want it,
02:07 which polls kind of suggest they do want it,
02:09 60% or more of Missouri voters say they want sports betting
02:15 to benefit education, which is what this proposal does,
02:19 then yeah, it'll be probably in action next year
02:24 if all goes according to the plan.
02:26 So again, plenty of things to kind of still sort out.
02:30 First of all, needs to get all those boxes checked
02:33 to make sure it's on the ballot,
02:34 then the voters have to approve it.
02:35 But yeah, I mean, this is progress in Missouri, really,
02:40 when you look at everything that we've talked about
02:43 the past two years, three years,
02:45 I don't even know how long we've been talking about it
02:46 on the show now.
02:47 - Yeah, a while.
02:48 - But Missouri might be the next state to legalize
02:52 just because of this petition.
02:54 (upbeat music)
02:57 (bells chiming)
