Hudutsuz Sevda - Episode 31 (English Subtitles)

  • 4 months ago
Hudutsuz Sevda - Episode 31 (English Subtitles)
00:00:19Some money up for sale and money up for sale nation one lesson
00:00:26Tell her sending the kisilla
00:00:29Sen hem beni damla maya git hem de ne lan o elindeki silah öyle mi lan ben senin hayatını kurtarmaya gidiyorum
00:00:36eğer becerebilirsem
00:00:40yaptıkların ortaya çıkmayacak mı zannediyorsun nasıl çıkacakmış
00:00:44Sen ötmezsen acaba nasıl çıkacak benim yaptığım taber
00:00:48Donanına sakın bakma bana
00:00:51lan oğlum
00:00:57Zaten yeterince pisliğin içine batmışsın
00:00:59Bak burdan gideriz
00:01:01Birlikte gideriz
00:01:03Alır götürürüm ben seni
00:01:05Nihat Merten yaptırdı dersin
00:01:07Bildiğin herşeyi anlatırsın
00:01:09Tamam seni döverler kemiklerini kırarlar
00:01:11Ama Fikret bu
00:01:13Kardeşini öldürebilecek bir adam değil
00:01:15Senin aksine
00:01:17Şu kadarını söyleyebilir miyim
00:01:19Kardeşini öldürebilecek bir adam değil
00:01:21Şu kadarını söyleyeyim sana
00:01:25Herkesi öldürmeye plan yaptın
00:01:33Zeynep'i Halil İbrahim'i
00:01:35Ama sen
00:01:37Yemin ederim
00:01:39Aklımın ucundan bile geçmezdin
00:01:47Öncelikle aklımın ucundan geçme
00:01:51Onu da severdim
00:01:53Vallahi onu da severdim
00:01:57Ama o da aynı senin gibi
00:02:01O Halil İbrahim'in peşinden gitti sonra
00:02:03Hak etti
00:02:05Hak etti yani
00:02:09O değilse de
00:02:11Olan oldu
00:02:13Hak etti yani
00:02:17Sen sevdiklerini mi vuruyorsun
00:02:19Bende mi vuracağım
00:02:21Sen sevdiklerini mi vuruyorsun
00:02:23Bende mi vuracağım
00:02:25Üzgünüm Vedat abi
00:03:49Hayatım sabahtan beri elli kere aradın bırak arar o seni
00:03:51Evden çıktım dedi de
00:03:53Kesin bunun başına bir iş geldi ya
00:03:55Mesaj atacağım
00:03:59Telefonunun yanından ayırmaz ki bu
00:04:01Fikret abinin yanına gitmiştir belki
00:04:03Onun yanındayken açmaz telefonunu
00:04:05Doğru diyorsun
00:04:07Fikret abiye arayacağım
00:04:11Telefon çalıyor
00:04:13Telefon çalıyor
00:04:15Telefon çalıyor
00:04:17Telefon çalıyor
00:04:19Telefon çalıyor
00:04:21Söyle Yavuz
00:04:23Levent senin yanında mı
00:04:25Yo değil hayırdır
00:04:27Abi bu beni aradı
00:04:29Bu Tuncay işini çözdüm dedi
00:04:31Seni gelip alacağım Fikret'in yanına gidelim dedi
00:04:33Arıyorum arıyorum açmıyor şu an
00:04:35Tuncay işini çözmüş derken
00:04:37O ne demek
00:04:39Hiçbir şey söylemedi
00:04:41Gelecektik yanında konuşacaktık
00:04:43Sen evde misin
00:04:47Tamam ben geliyorum sana
00:04:49Geleyim mi bende
00:04:51Yok Leyla yok
00:04:53Ne bileyim belki
00:04:55Ben paranoya yapıyorumdur
00:04:57Kafamda kuruyorumdur
00:04:59Bir şeydir
00:05:01Gideyim ben
00:05:03İyi dikkat et
00:05:41Müsait miydin canım
00:05:43Evet müsaitim abi
00:05:45Biraz konuşalım mı
00:05:47Olur tabi konuşalım
00:06:19Güzel kardeşim
00:06:21Biliyorum son zamanlarda
00:06:23Her şey üst üste geldi
00:06:25Senin hayatın
00:06:29Kardeşimizin ölümü derken
00:06:31Toparlamak zor
00:06:35Ama elimizde olanları da
00:06:37Kaybetmek ne kadar doğru
00:06:39Onu bilmiyorum
00:06:45Neyden bahsediyorsun abi
00:06:51Ben senin abinim
00:06:53Neyden bahsettiğimi de
00:06:55Neyi kastettiğimi de çok iyi biliyorsun
00:07:01Abi bu aralar böyle işte
00:07:03Tamam bu aralarsa
00:07:05Problem yok
00:07:09Öyle zamanlarda doğrusu
00:07:11Biraz ara vermektir zaten
00:07:17Ama benim gibi
00:07:19Dönülmeyecek bir yola girmeni de istemem
00:07:21Canım benim
00:07:25Dönülmeyecek yol nasıl oluyor
00:07:29Yani işte
00:07:31Yani işte
00:07:33Damla olunca
00:07:35Yuvan dağılıyor
00:07:37Ayşe de üstüne
00:07:39Tuzu biberi ekince
00:07:41Dönülmeyecek bir yola
00:07:43Girmiş oluyorsun
00:07:47Sonradan istesen de dönemiyorsun
00:07:51Ne o
00:07:55Ayşe'ye mi dönmek istiyorsun
00:07:57Damlayı mı suçluyorsun
00:08:03Senle Halil İbrahim'di Zeynep
00:08:05Ben sadece kendimden bir örnek verdim
00:08:07Yok merak ettim abi
00:08:11Madem kendinden örnek verdin
00:08:13Cevap ver o zaman bana
00:08:15Ben de
00:08:17Bizim durumumuza benziyor mu benzemiyor mu
00:08:19Sana söyleyeyim
00:08:27Ayşe'nin hataları oldu
00:08:31Ama yuva yıkmaya
00:08:33Değer miydi diye soruyorsan
00:08:43Peki Damla
00:08:47Eğer Damla'ya aşık olsaydım
00:08:53İnan aşk için her şeye değer
00:08:57Yani Damla'nın iyi insan olması
00:09:01Yaşananlara değerdi dedirtmiyor
00:09:09Yani sizin çocuğunuz olduğu için
00:09:11Böyle düşünmekte haklısın abi
00:09:13Ayşe ile boşanmanız bile
00:09:15Aranızdaki bağ kopartmıyor
00:09:17Aşk konusuna gelince de
00:09:21Her şeye değerdi demek
00:09:23Belki de doğru değildir
00:09:25En azından
00:09:27İki taraftan biri için
00:09:29O ne demek
00:09:35Benim Halil İbrahim'e aşık olmam
00:09:37Onun bana aşık olması
00:09:41Her şeyi çözmek için yeterli değil
00:09:47Siz birbirinize aşık olarak
00:09:49Bir sürü sorunu çözdünüz Zeynep
00:09:51Çözülmez denilen
00:09:59Sahip olduğun şey
00:10:01Herkesin sahip olabileceği bir şey değil
00:10:07Bunu kaybetmeniz tamam
00:10:17Gel Elif gel
00:10:21Fikret Bey Yavuz aşağıdaymış
00:10:23Hafizde bekliyormuş
00:10:25Tamam sağ ol
00:10:49Halil İbrahim bir şey demiş mi
00:10:51Halil İbrahim demez de
00:10:55Abim kendince
00:10:57Çocuk sahibi olmaman önemli değil
00:11:01Herkes çocuk sahibi olur
00:11:03Ama böyle bir aşka sahip olamaz diyor
00:11:05Yalan mı söylüyor Zeynep
00:11:07Doğruyu söylüyor
00:11:09Ben Halil İbrahim'i sevmekten vazgeçmiyorum Elif
00:11:13Onun benden vazgeçmesini istiyorum sadece
00:11:21Ben Halil İbrahim'i sevmekten vazgeçmiyorum Elif
00:11:41Hoş geldin
00:11:43Hoş bulduk abi
00:11:45Ne oluyor hayırdır
00:11:47Anladığım dediğine
00:11:49Tunca işini çözdüm derken
00:11:51Kimi kastediyor bilmiyorum abi
00:11:53Bilmiyorum ben böyle şeyleri telefonla
00:11:55Konuşmam zaten biliyorsun
00:11:57Levent de bağıra çağıra anlatır
00:11:59Anlatmadığına göre gerçekten bir şey buldu bu
00:12:01Yani evde bekledim gelmedi
00:12:03Arıyorum telefonlarıma cevap vermiyor
00:12:05Bunun başına
00:12:07Bir şey gelmiş olabilir yani
00:12:13Ayşe'yi aradı mı Leyla
00:12:17Levent hiçbir şey söylemeden çıkıp gitmiş evden
00:12:19Allah Allah
00:12:21Elli defa söyledik tek kezme diye
00:12:25İnşallah bir şey olmamıştır
00:12:29Birini mirini takip ediyordur bu
00:12:31O yüzden açmamıştır telefonunu
00:12:37Böyle şüphelendiği birinin falan peşindeyse
00:12:39Belki onlandır hakikaten
00:12:47Zeynep'le konuşmuş bizim kızlar
00:12:57Anladım geri dönmeyecek
00:13:05Eda Nur'la Sema çok üstüne düşmediğine göre
00:13:09Zeynep bir şekilde ikna etmiştir onları
00:13:13Belli ki anlattı
00:13:17Aşağıdaki odayı mı diyorsun
00:13:19Başka şeyler tabur olsun
00:13:21Kardeş şu Zeynep'in de senin de bildiğin
00:13:23Hatta kızların da bildiği
00:13:25Ama benim bilmediğim şeyi anlatacaksın mı artık bana
00:13:33Zeynep'le benim çocuğumuz olma ihtimali kalmadı artık
00:13:37Aşağıdaki odayı bahane etti Zeynep anlayacağın
00:13:41Benim çocukları ne kadar sevdiğimi bilirsin
00:13:43Beni bundan mahrum etmemek için
00:13:47Benden vazgeçti
00:13:55Çok üzüldüm ben
00:14:01Senin için de Zeynep için de zor
00:14:09Ulan ben de diyordum
00:14:11Şu işler bitince
00:14:17Ne güzel anne baba olur sizinle
00:14:19Ben de
00:14:23Ama artık bir önemi kalmadı
00:14:27Çocuktan daha önemli bir mesele var
00:14:31Zeynep'in benim yüzümden başına gelmeyen kalmadı
00:14:35Onun güvenliği her şeyden daha önemli
00:14:37Ben de artık bağrıma taş basacağım
00:14:41Bu ayrılığı yaşayacağım
00:14:49İkimizde yetim öksüz adamlarız
00:14:53Yok mu bir yetim öksüz ne bileyim
00:14:55Sizin analık babalık yapacağınız
00:14:57Kol kanat geleceğiniz
00:14:59Zeynep de illa ki bir gün güvende olur
00:15:01Sen de ikna edersin geri dönmesi için
00:15:09Konuştuklarımız aramızda kalsın
00:15:23Rahatlayacağım ama
00:15:25Herkesin rahatı yerinde
00:15:27Buyurun komutanım
00:15:31Ne yaptınız dayı
00:15:33Komutana gösterdim yerleri
00:15:37Ne diyorsunuz komutanım
00:15:39Valla iki ihtimal var
00:15:43Ya ben jandarmayla
00:15:45Aynı saat aynı dakikada
00:15:47Eşgüdümle olarak operasyon yapacağım
00:15:49Depolara gireceğiz
00:15:51İkinci ihtimal
00:15:53Kankara verdiğimiz bir söz için
00:15:55Arkadaş her gece
00:15:57Farklı bir mekana operasyon yapacak
00:15:59Ertesi gün bizde gelip
00:16:01Silahları ele geçireceğiz
00:16:03Nihat'ın haberi olursa
00:16:05Diğer depolar için tedbir alır
00:16:07Zoru ben sevmiyorum
00:16:09Kankan seviyor ona söyle
00:16:11İkinci plan iyi
00:16:13Tedbir alırsa daha fazla adam kaybeder
00:16:15Ortaya çıkmamak için
00:16:17Her gün evlat acısı hissedecek
00:16:19Ama sesini çıkarmayacak
00:16:23Eşkıya olan sensin
00:16:25Sana iş öğretecek değiliz
00:16:27Bizim sirenimiz var
00:16:31Ama senin ne sirenin var
00:16:33Ne frenin var
00:16:35Seni söylediğin gibi olsun
00:16:39Bizim çocukları da dahil edecek miyiz bu operasyona
00:16:43Oğuz ile Mecnun'un başında olduğu operasyona
00:16:45Senden başkasını dahil edemeyiz
00:16:49Bu kadarız yani
00:16:51Bizim bu kadar adamla neler yaptığımızı bilsen
00:16:53Dervişliği bırakırdın
00:16:57Dayının adı Derviş
00:16:59Kendi değil
00:17:01Gerçek Derviş kendini saklarmış Yürük
00:17:03Sen bilmezsin bu işleri
00:17:07Yeğeninden düşün
00:17:09Hani baktığında
00:17:11Eşkıya'ya benzer bir hali mi var
00:17:13Ama dışarıdan görsen
00:17:15Beyefendi bir çocuk
00:17:21Ali Can
00:17:23Hikmet'in telefonda böyle varaya uğarıyorsun
00:17:25Umarım önemli bir şeydir
00:17:33Fahili belli mi
00:17:37Buranın etrafını sarın
00:17:39O kansızı bulun
00:17:41Bana olay yerinde konumunu at
00:17:43Birazdan geleceğim
00:17:45Kim öldürülmüş komutanım
00:17:47Hikmet mi
00:17:49Nesimin oğlu Levent
00:17:53Levent mi
00:17:59Ben dedim Yavuz'a da
00:18:01Levent'e de evden çıkmayın diye
00:18:07Bu Nihat'a vurmadığımız sürece
00:18:09Bu adam her gün bizden birini vuracak
00:18:11Levent'in cenazesinden sonra
00:18:13Vakit kaybetmememiz lazım
00:18:15Bu yapacağını yaptı
00:18:17Bir süre geri çekilecektir
00:18:19Biz de tepesine bineriz onu
00:19:53Neredesin sen
00:20:05Dışarıdaydım Nesim Amca
00:20:09Dışarıda nerede
00:20:17Yine mi annene gittin
00:20:19Nereye gideceğim ki başka Nesim Amca
00:20:23Başka gidecek bir yerim mi var
00:20:35Levent abin nerede biliyor musun
00:20:39Ben çıkarken oturuyordu
00:20:41Anneme gideceğim dedim
00:20:43Oğlum gece vakti gitme etme
00:20:45Bilmem ne dedi
00:20:47Ama söylemedi bana bir yere gideceğini
00:20:49Telefonuna da cevap vermiyor
00:20:51Kumara mı gitti acaba
00:20:53Valla kankalarına sor Nesim Amca
00:20:55Bana sorma onlar biliyordur onu
00:20:57Mesela Fikret'e sor
00:20:59Yavuz'a sor Halil İbrahim'e sor
00:21:01Tamam da uzatma
00:21:03Tamam bir şey sorduk
00:21:17Ne diyor Tamer
00:21:21Onun bir şeyden haberi yok
00:21:23Daha doğrusu kendinden bile haberi yok
00:21:25Yine gitmiş Asiye'nin mezarına
00:21:27Ah yavrum ah Tamer
00:21:29Hayır benim anlamadığım
00:21:31Yavuz Levent'i niye arıyormuş ki
00:21:33Fikret'e gideceklermiş filan
00:21:35Mevzu ne yani
00:21:37Mevzu sen değilsindir o kesin de
00:21:39İş güçtür ne olacak
00:21:41O benim akılsız abime volkanı filan
00:21:43Vurdurtacaksa Fikret Bey
00:21:45Söyle oğluna benim işime karışmasın baba
00:21:49Senin işlerine öyle bir karışırım ki
00:21:51Aklın başından gider
00:21:53O volkan filan filan
00:21:55Hiç hoşlanmadığım işler benim
00:21:57Hem bir erkeğe
00:21:59Çocukların üstünden böyle şeyler yapılmaz
00:22:01Ben çocuklarım üstünden yapmıyorum baba
00:22:03Kendi hayatımla ilgili yapıyorum
00:22:05Kendi hayatınla oynama diyorum işte kızım
00:22:11Kaçtır arıyorum açmıyor
00:22:43Yine ne oldu da
00:22:45Halil İbrahim o saatte geldi acaba
00:22:47Bir çaktırmadan kocana sorsana
00:22:49Dur ben bir mesaj atayım şotaya
00:23:03Selamun Aleyküm
00:23:05Aleyküm Selam
00:23:09Hayır olsun Halil İbrahim
00:23:11Hayır da değil maalesef
00:23:15Evet ortalarda yok
00:23:17Bala mı bir şey oldu
00:23:29Hayırdır ne oldu
00:23:31Biri mi öldü
00:23:33İnfaz etmiştir
00:23:45Nasıl infaz
00:23:47Yolda durdurmuşlar arabasını
00:23:53Bir çok kez ateş etmişler
00:23:57Jandarma bulduğunda ölümüş
00:24:45Kim bulduğu kişi onu fark etti
00:24:49Kıydı Levente
00:24:53Kim yaptı abi bunu
00:24:57Kim abi bu
00:24:59Bunu yapan kim
00:25:01Hadi Nihat Marten telefonlarımızı dinliyor diyeceğim
00:25:03Hadi diyelim ki dinliyor
00:25:07Adam bana isim bile vermedi ki
00:25:09Ne oldu
00:25:11Yolda gelirken ölünü kesip öldürdüler mi adamı bir anda
00:25:13Dediğim gibi
00:25:15Nihat Marten sizi hedefe koydu
00:25:19Fikret de başaramadı
00:25:21Levente başardı
00:25:23Sıra sende
00:25:27Tamam gelsinler
00:25:37Kim öldü
00:25:43Size bir soru sordum cevabını öğrenebilir miyim
00:25:45Kim öldü
00:25:51Levente öldürmüşler
00:26:03Dayım onu yapmış
00:26:05Başka kim olabilir Zeynep
00:26:07Tam da Tunca ile ilgili bir şeyler öğrendiği sırada yapmışlar
00:26:29O evden bir sızma olabilir mi
00:26:31Asiye öldükten sonra
00:26:33Hızvan Bey bütün çalışanları değiştirdi
00:26:35Hızvan Bey bütün çalışanları değiştirmiş
00:26:39Hepsi kendi adamları yani
00:26:43Ne yapalım abi
00:26:47Nasıl yapalım
00:26:49Ailesinin haberi var mı
00:26:51Halil İbrahim
00:26:53Haber vermek için yola çıkmışlardır
00:26:57Onlardan önce sen duydun yani
00:27:01Oğuz yanımdaydı
00:27:03Ona haber geldi
00:27:07Ne diyeyim
00:27:13Az önce Yavuz'a sıra sende dediğini duydum
00:27:19Hepiniz kendinize çok dikkat edin
00:27:23Belli ki dayım olacak adam durmayacak
00:27:59Tamam Nergis sağ ol
00:28:03Ne diyor hanım
00:28:05Bir şey demiyor
00:28:07Halil İbrahim Yavuz'a Levent'le ikiniz dikkat edin
00:28:09Nihat Marten ikinizi hedefe koydu demiş
00:28:11Bunu duyan oğlun ne yapmış peki
00:28:15Tek başına korumasız
00:28:17Elini kolunu sallaya sallaya evden çıkıp gitmiş
00:28:19Kim Levent ne yapsın Allah aşkına baba
00:28:23Yani Nihat Marten de Halil İbrahim dururken
00:28:25Fikret dururken Levent'i mi hedefe koyacak
00:28:33Bu ses de ne
00:28:37Kayıp bulundu
00:28:39Bizimki kim bilir
00:28:41Kendini nasıl bir belaya düşürdüyse
00:28:43Karakolluk oldu
00:28:45Tamer aç oğlum kapıyı
00:28:47Ayşe abla sen bak
00:28:49Ben bu deli binbaşıya uyuz oluyorum zaten
00:28:51Ayşe otur kızım otur
00:28:53Oğlum koca binbaşı
00:28:55Tabi sen askerlik yapmadığın için
00:28:57Bilmezsin ne demek olduğunu
00:28:59Aranı iyi tut
00:29:07İyi akşamlar Nesin Bey
00:29:09İyi akşamlar komutanım
00:29:13Müsaitsiniz konuşacaklarım var
00:29:15Baş başa mı
00:29:17Bütün aile bir arada olursa daha iyi olur
00:29:19Tabi buyrun
00:29:21Delikanlı sende gel
00:29:23Buyrun komutanım
00:29:29Hoş geldin komutanım
00:29:31Hoş geldin komutanım
00:29:33Ayşe bir çay koy kızım komutanım
00:29:35Hiç bir şeye gerek yok
00:29:37Teşekkür ederim
00:29:39Buyrun komutanım buyrun otur
00:29:41İnşallah Levent bir yanlış yapmamıştır komutanım
00:29:43Biri yanlış yaptı ama
00:29:45O oğlumuz Levent değil
00:29:53Levent kaç gibi çıktı evden
00:29:55Bilmiyoruz ama
00:29:57Neden sordunuz binbaşı
00:30:01En son kim gördü
00:30:03Onu soruyorum
00:30:05Aşağıda Tamerle birlikteydi
00:30:07Sonra Yavuz Leto'yu aramış
00:30:09Sana geleceğim demiş
00:30:11Sonra da çıkmış
00:30:15Bir sorun mu var
00:30:17Levent iyi çocuktur
00:30:19Yani kimseye zararı olmaz
00:30:23Nesin Bey
00:30:25Size acı bir haber vermek zorundayım
00:30:37Taranmış bir aracın içinde
00:30:39Cansız bulundu
00:30:55Ne diyor komutan
00:30:57Ben bir şey anlamadım
00:31:05Kızım al anneni içeri git
00:31:07Anne hadi gel içeri geçelim
00:31:09Ne demek anne içeri geçelim
00:31:11Komutanım birini bana açıklasın
00:31:13Hadi Zuhal
00:31:15Ben anlatırım sana sonra
00:31:17Bize gel
00:31:25Yani oğlum ölmüş mü komutanım
00:31:37Kim yapmış bunu
00:31:39Henüz bilmiyoruz
00:31:41Ama öğreneceğiz
00:31:43Başınız sağ olsun
00:31:47Hayatlardan yapmıştır bunu
00:31:49Oğlumu hedefe koyduğunu duydum
00:31:51Sırf bana
00:31:53Ceza vermek için yaptı bunu
00:31:57Kim yaptıysa bedelini ödeyecek
00:31:59Güven bana
00:32:03Önce annem
00:32:05Sonra kardeşim şimdi de Levent abim
00:32:09Kim neyin bedelini ödedi ki bugüne kadar
00:32:11Herkes evde miydi bu gece
00:32:13Herkes evdeydi komutanım
00:32:15Levent'in çıktığını bile anlamadık
00:32:17Ta ki Yavuzlar arayıp
00:32:19Nerede kaldı
00:32:21Levent'le görüşecektik diyene kadar
00:32:23Ben bu işi iyice tetkik edip
00:32:25Edindiğim bilgileri seninle paylaşacağım
00:32:27O vakte kadar benden haber bekle
00:32:41Senden tek bir şey istiyorum komutanım
00:32:47Bana oğlumun katilini bul
00:33:41Bir haftadır basılmadık yerimiz kalmadı
00:33:43Kim öttü Musa kim
00:33:45Silah depolarımızı kim biliyor
00:33:47Senden benden başka
00:33:49Depolarımızdaki elemanların kimseyle teması yok
00:33:51Sizinde dediğiniz gibi
00:33:53Sizden benden hariç bir bilen de yok
00:33:55Tabi siz kimseyle paylaşmadıysanız Nihat Bey
00:33:57Ne yapalım
00:33:59Ne yapalım
00:34:01Ne yapalım
00:34:03Ne yapalım
00:34:05Ne yapalım
00:34:07Ne yapalım
00:34:09Ne yapalım
00:34:11Ne yapalım
00:34:17Kolay gelsin
00:34:19Kolay gelsin
00:34:21Kolay gelsin
00:34:23Kolay gelsin
00:34:25Kolay gelsin
00:34:27There's no one to give you your name, but it's a precautionary measure against you.
00:34:30Could you stay away from here for a while?
00:34:32Don't talk nonsense, Musa.
00:34:34Don't talk nonsense. I'm not going anywhere.
00:34:40I'm not going anywhere without burying everyone.
00:34:47If you let me in...
00:34:51...kill Binbashir on the night I'm arrested.
00:34:54Yes, sir.
00:34:57Since they don't understand beauty...
00:35:01...let's talk in the language they understand.
00:35:13Nedim, I don't like this Zuhal as much as I like my sin.
00:35:17You just lived.
00:35:19I wonder if you should go to seven.
00:35:21Thank you, dear.
00:35:23I thought about calming her down.
00:35:26Did they come to us?
00:35:28No, they didn't.
00:35:29But they came to the cemetery, Mrs. Nedim.
00:35:31We went to the girl's cemetery.
00:35:33Well, you know...
00:35:35...Levent has been with Fikret all the time lately.
00:35:38He didn't change his stance despite his family.
00:35:40He took a stand against your brother.
00:35:43It's normal for me to go.
00:35:46But this Ayşe filled Fikret.
00:35:48She caused Tuncay's death.
00:35:50I don't want to see her face.
00:35:51Mom, you don't have a plan.
00:35:53You're mad at Ayşe.
00:35:55You're kicking her out of here.
00:35:57What do you want Fikret?
00:35:59Do you want her to die?
00:36:00Do you want her to die?
00:36:03I'm not done with you yet.
00:36:10Yes, dear.
00:36:11Come on, let's go.
00:36:13What come on? What happened?
00:36:15Leyla sent a message.
00:36:17It would be a shame if we don't go because Levent's seven.
00:36:20Where did this come from?
00:36:22What if I tell you to go?
00:36:24What would you say?
00:36:26Maybe Zeynep wants to see someone.
00:36:28Come on, Nedim.
00:36:32Okay, then you say so.
00:36:34I'll go to the other side of the world for my daughter.
00:36:37Come on, let me get something on me.
00:36:44I'll go and check.
00:36:46There's no adjustment right now.
00:36:48You don't wear colorful things now.
00:36:53Zeynep, where did it come from?
00:36:55You're not going to see my brother-in-law, are you?
00:37:01I'm going to keep an eye on your brother-in-law.
00:37:06I don't understand.
00:37:09I said I texted Leyla.
00:37:13Leyla had a friend.
00:37:16Okay, Zeynep, I know who Didem is.
00:37:18I don't even know what you have to do with your brother-in-law.
00:37:24I mean, I thought about Halil Ibrahim.
00:37:30Zeynep, are you going to see Halil Ibrahim's daughter?
00:37:39Yes, Elif.
00:37:40Zeynep, I'm going to scream now.
00:37:42Enough of your nonsense.
00:37:45I mean, I think she's a good girl.
00:37:51She's beautiful.
00:37:53I think Halil Ibrahim likes her, too.
00:37:58Zeynep, don't do this, please.
00:38:01You can't joke about this.
00:38:03Do you realize what you're doing?
00:38:05Besides, is Halil Ibrahim a man who will forget you, see him and run after him?
00:38:13I mean, let me go there.
00:38:16Let Didem see with his own eyes that we broke up.
00:38:21Then we'll see what happens.
00:38:33The commander is waiting for you.
00:38:35Please follow me.
00:38:41The commander is waiting for you.
00:38:49Commander, Nihat Mertan is here.
00:38:51Let him in.
00:38:55Please, have a seat.
00:39:10What's up, commander?
00:39:13Why did you call me here?
00:39:17What are you doing here?
00:39:19Well, there's something I want to ask you both.
00:39:22That's why you're here.
00:39:24I didn't want to waste the time of the state by asking separately.
00:39:28You confess to each other because of your hostility.
00:39:33I thought I'd send you to the courthouse and then have a nice coffee.
00:39:40What are we going to confess to each other?
00:39:48Well, commander.
00:39:50Our hostility doesn't end until one of us dies.
00:39:54That's why I have nothing to say about this person.
00:39:59I have a lot to do.
00:40:02What do you mean, commander?
00:40:04Well, time will tell.
00:40:07As I told him.
00:40:11I'm not in a hurry.
00:40:13Now, commander.
00:40:17I'm asking you again.
00:40:20Why did you call me here?
00:40:23Because our state needs you.
00:40:27Why did you call me here?
00:40:30Because our state needs you.
00:40:33I know, but...
00:40:35...since I'm a serious tax officer who contributes to our state... time is precious, too.
00:40:46I wonder what's precious.
00:40:49For example, a lot of weapons warehouses were raided this week.
00:40:53Are these yours?
00:40:56Who says that?
00:40:58Is it him?
00:41:01The people say so.
00:41:03Because it belongs to the Martin family.
00:41:06The people.
00:41:09The people will talk, commander.
00:41:13If you have the documents, you can talk, too.
00:41:16If not, excuse me.
00:41:18Wait a minute.
00:41:20That family also says that this man raided your weapons warehouses.
00:41:28I'm just an ordinary citizen, commander.
00:41:30How can I know where Nihat Martin's warehouses are?
00:41:34If I knew...
00:41:38...I'd call the gendarmerie.
00:41:45Look at me, you bastard.
00:41:51I'll put you in chains.
00:41:53I'll make you wander the streets.
00:41:58You don't know who I am yet.
00:42:01But I'll teach you.
00:42:11Take this chain.
00:42:15And don't forget this.
00:42:32Don't call me here again without an arrest warrant.
00:42:47...I'll talk to you like I talk to this.
00:42:51Nihat Martin.
00:42:53I won't let you in so you can get out.
00:42:58Thousands of weapons were seized in the warehouses.
00:43:02Now you go...
00:43:04...tell your partners...
00:43:08...if they let you live... can come and talk to me as you want.
00:43:15I'm going.
00:43:26What's that chain, Pasha?
00:43:28Didn't you say you'd call him here?
00:43:31That you'd make him whine and force him to make mistakes?
00:43:34He didn't react at all.
00:43:37But he gave it to his son's chain.
00:43:39Do you know what your job is?
00:43:41To set yourself a target.
00:43:43You broke up with your wife.
00:43:45Are you happy now?
00:43:47You can't play with these guys.
00:43:49They'll make you eat that chain.
00:43:51Eat who?
00:44:05It would have been better if you hadn't broken up with the girl.
00:44:08Now it's all messed up.
00:44:13It's been seven days.
00:44:15There's still no news of those who killed my son.
00:44:20Nesim...'s obvious that the same person who killed Tuncay and Levent... the same person, Nesim.
00:44:30...whoever did this... not the man of this place.
00:44:34He's coming...
00:44:36...and he's going to kill him.
00:44:38He's going to kill him.
00:44:40He's not the man of this place.
00:44:42He's coming...
00:44:44...and he's going to kill him.
00:44:46He's going to kill him.
00:44:48Otherwise, I would have heard that there was a stranger here.
00:44:53I asked the nearby hotels...
00:44:56...if there was anyone coming from the west.
00:44:59There was no one suspicious.
00:45:01If it was someone from outside, how would Levent recognize him?
00:45:05He said, I solved this on the phone.
00:45:09He knew who killed Tuncay.
00:45:11The same person killed Levent.
00:45:16If Hakan hadn't died...
00:45:18...we wouldn't have talked about this so much.
00:45:21I would have said, he did it or he got it done.
00:45:24But for days, we were on one side...
00:45:26...Halil Ibrahim was on one side...
00:45:28...and you were on the other side.
00:45:31No, there's not a single trace.
00:45:34I was very hopeful about the gendarmerie.
00:45:37He promised me that he would find him.
00:45:40It's obvious that they don't have the strength... fight against Nihat Marten.
00:45:46Nihat Marten doesn't hold fire with his hands, Mr. Nesin.
00:45:51Who knows who he's using this time.
00:45:54Whatever he's using on me...
00:45:56...the person who's going to pay for it is obvious.
00:45:59It's Nihat.
00:46:07Nihat Marten
00:46:18You take care of your guests.
00:46:21I'll take care of those who are calling for the funeral.
00:46:24Thank you, Bacanak.
00:46:26I can't answer to anyone.
00:46:37I'm sorry for your loss.
00:46:39Thank you, friends.
00:46:41Welcome, dervish.
00:46:43Thank you.
00:46:44Welcome, sir.
00:46:45Please, have a seat.
00:46:47Tamer, get up.
00:46:49Get yourself a chair.
00:46:51Come on.
00:46:57I just heard something.
00:46:59About Nihat Marten's warehouses.
00:47:02You've been bleeding for a week.
00:47:05Thank you.
00:47:06I was with Nihat Marten a while ago.
00:47:15I hope you killed him.
00:47:17They were together in the police station.
00:47:20They called to see if the warehouses were yours.
00:47:25Why did they call you?
00:47:27They're asking if you raided them.
00:47:30What did you say?
00:47:32I can't confess in front of the commander.
00:47:35But your uncle understood who did it.
00:47:42Did he ask Levent?
00:47:44He doesn't know anything, Mr. Nesin.
00:47:47Apparently, he couldn't prove it in the gendarmerie.
00:47:53Tamer, where are you going?
00:47:55I'm going to check on the people at the door.
00:47:57Let's treat our guests.
00:48:03I'll tell them to come in.
00:48:09I don't understand this either.
00:48:11They were very close to Levent.
00:48:13After his mother's death, it was a big blow.
00:48:16Levent didn't have much sincerity at the time.
00:48:20Levent was protecting Tamer.
00:48:23No, they were always close.
00:48:26In fact, they were side by side before they died.
00:48:29He made Tamer go to his mother's grave.
00:48:33Levent said, don't get in trouble at night.
00:48:37And he got in trouble.
00:48:41Was Tamer in the cemetery when Levent died?
00:48:44He was there in the morning and evening.
00:48:46He disappears and stays there for hours.
00:49:00What have you been through, Zeynep?
00:49:02Actually, I talked to Leyla.
00:49:04I said I'd come to the past, but...
00:49:06My sister said she'd get a little better.
00:49:09I'm fine, Didem.
00:49:11I mean, I'm better, thank you.
00:49:13How are you?
00:49:15It's been a long time since we've seen each other.
00:49:18I mean, I haven't changed much.
00:49:21I said I'd live in Istanbul.
00:49:23I looked, it didn't happen.
00:49:25I came back because I missed this place.
00:49:27What exactly did you miss about this place, Didem?
00:49:30Don't say that, Leyla.
00:49:32I love this place.
00:49:34I mean, the people here, too.
00:49:36The people here?
00:49:38Yes, I mean, the opposite, but I love the opposite.
00:49:46Why are you looking at me like you're different from me?
00:49:49Are your husbands very quiet?
00:49:53I realized I wanted a quiet life.
00:49:56That's why I made different decisions.
00:50:00What decisions?
00:50:03Halil and Ibrahim broke up.
00:50:07Are you serious?
00:50:10Unfortunately, I am.
00:50:13I mean, if it's not very special, can I find out why?
00:50:17Everyone has their own reasons.
00:50:20Can I ask you something?
00:50:22Everyone was saying how much you love each other.
00:50:25That's why I'm asking.
00:50:28Love is up to a point, Didem.
00:50:32I can't do it anymore.
00:50:34I said I want a quiet life.
00:50:38I mean, I don't like tough, bad guys like you.
00:50:46The prison changed my mind a little bit.
00:50:49After what happened there.
00:50:52Of course, you're right about that, too.
00:50:56You think like that, but doesn't Halil Ibrahim tell you to stop?
00:51:02Doesn't he take a step back?
00:51:04He doesn't know what taking a step back is.
00:51:07I said it's over.
00:51:10He said it's okay if it's over.
00:51:13I'm sorry.
00:51:19If you're going to sit here and talk, why don't you bring your husbands some coffee or something?
00:51:23I don't like guys anyway. Am I going to serve?
00:51:26Don't do it. We'll take care of it.
00:51:39Can you help Leyla?
00:51:42I don't want to talk to Ibrahim.
00:51:45Of course, honey.
00:52:12I don't want to talk to him.
00:52:42Thank you.
00:52:52Thank you.
00:53:12Thank you.
00:53:14Thank you.
00:53:39There were other ways to kill yourself, Zeynep.
00:53:44I'm sorry.
00:53:50Then we'll excuse ourselves.
00:53:53I'm sorry for your loss again.
00:53:55Thank you.
00:53:56Thank you, brother.
00:53:58Thank you, Dervis.
00:53:59Thank you.
00:54:00Fikret, can we talk?
00:54:11Go to a restaurant when you're done here.
00:54:13I have something to talk to you about.
00:54:15What is it?
00:54:16I think I solved it.
00:54:20This is not the place.
00:54:23Halil Ibrahim.
00:54:25The last one to say I solved this is dead.
00:54:28Don't drive me crazy.
00:54:30Don't tell anyone anything.
00:54:32Go to the restaurant.
00:55:03I'm sorry.
00:55:13I'm sorry.
00:55:15I'm sorry.
00:55:32Didn't you make coffee for Damla?
00:55:35Who is he, mom?
00:55:37Is he the one who left my dead brother in the middle and set up my husband?
00:55:42I wasn't going to drink anyway.
00:55:44I'm glad you didn't.
00:55:48I don't understand people's insensitivity.
00:55:51I really don't understand.
00:55:53And I won't understand.
00:56:01Despite all the bad things that have happened,
00:56:04I came here to say that the mortal world is here today and not tomorrow.
00:56:12Do you still think it doesn't exist?
00:56:15Besides, the girl you thought didn't cause someone's death.
00:56:20But you did.
00:56:23Despite that, I came here.
00:56:27Suhal lost his child.
00:56:29I came here to say that I know what the pain of a child is.
00:56:34There is nothing more than the pain of a child, Nedim.
00:56:38The mortal world.
00:56:41No one should upset anyone anymore.
00:56:44Everyone should be happy.
00:56:47Yes, of course.
00:56:48But you don't die with the dead.
00:56:51May God give them a long life.
00:56:55They have children.
00:56:57The main thing is what we're going to do for them from now on.
00:57:02What are we going to do for their happiness?
00:57:04This is important.
00:57:05First of all, you're going to do this.
00:57:08You're going to reject your children who have destroyed other people's homes, Nergis.
00:57:16Okay, Ayşe.
00:57:19I reject Damla.
00:57:23Your mother rejects you.
00:57:25She rejects Nedim and Zeynep.
00:57:27Where will this end?
00:57:29Why am I rejecting Zeynep, dear?
00:57:31I haven't seen anything wrong with my daughter.
00:57:34I'm behind all her decisions.
00:57:38She wanted to get married yesterday. She got married.
00:57:41She wants to leave today.
00:57:43She can leave.
00:57:45I wish you were all as clear as her.
00:57:49I'm clear.
00:57:51Nedim's mother.
00:57:53Look, he's still calling her mother.
00:57:56Excuse me, what attribute do you call her mother?
00:58:00Next to your mother.
00:58:02My brother is dead. I'm in pain.
00:58:04He came here and he's talking nonsense.
00:58:07I'm very sorry for your brother's death, Ayşe.
00:58:12He was a much more kind-hearted, pure-hearted, fun-loving person than most people, Levent.
00:58:20Is that so?
00:58:21Is that why you married Levent, my husband?
00:58:24Ayşe, there was nothing between me and Levent.
00:58:28He was the one I was hoping for.
00:58:31But nothing happened between us.
00:58:34As I said, I loved Levent very much, too.
00:58:38If there's anything on me, I'm ready to do it.
00:58:45I haven't even talked to Fikret yet.
00:58:51But of course, if he thinks it's appropriate...
00:59:00I want to name my son Levent.
00:59:13What are you talking about, dear?
00:59:16No child, no son, no name.
00:59:19I didn't have a chance to tell you because of the bad news that came one after another.
00:59:26But since someone came, I'll tell you.
00:59:34I'm pregnant.
00:59:48I love you, Levent.
00:59:59Look at me! I'll kill you, Yolun!
01:00:01She's not ashamed!
01:00:02Okay, okay.
01:00:06I'll kill you, too! I'll put a red mark on your belly!
01:00:08I'll destroy you!
01:00:09You're going to kill yourself like that?
01:00:12Ayşe, what's going on?
01:00:13She came to my house and said she was pregnant with my husband.
01:00:16What can I do?
01:00:17Okay, calm down.
01:00:20Sit down.
01:00:40Commander, you know something. Why are you hiding it from us?
01:00:43Who killed Levent and Tuncay?
01:00:45Osman, if I knew something, I would have told you first.
01:00:48I mean, is this guy so professional that he didn't leave any traces?
01:00:52I mean, he left traces that are not professional, but we can't get anywhere.
01:00:57What do you mean, commander?
01:00:59He shot the car. He was shot inside and outside the vehicle.
01:01:03There is no bullet in it, but there is gunpowder mark.
01:01:06There is no trace of the man in the police records.
01:01:10What do you mean?
01:01:11I mean, there is no car coming and going.
01:01:13I mean, is the man in the car?
01:01:18There are two possibilities. Either he was in the car or he got lost after he cut his way in the forest and finished his job.
01:01:28What is he doing here?
01:01:30Calm down, calm down.
01:01:43Thank you.
01:01:48Serkan was ignorant.
01:01:51He came to fill someone.
01:01:53I regret it.
01:01:55He came to apologize to you.
01:01:57If you say no, if you say I won't forgive, it's my right.
01:02:03I'll send him away.
01:02:09My son was ignorant.
01:02:10He came to apologize to you.
01:02:12If you say no, if you say I won't forgive, it's my right.
01:02:15Especially when we live in a world full of mercy.
01:02:19But brother Davut.
01:02:21I heard that you were with us in our hardest days.
01:02:25You stood up for us.
01:02:28To your memory.
01:02:34Thank you, Osman.
01:02:40Thank you.
01:02:53Forgive me.
01:02:56We did it, we did it.
01:02:59Look, I'm warning you for the last time.
01:03:02I'll send you to Aura when you make the slightest mistake.
01:03:05Excuse me, brother Davut.
01:03:08There's nothing wrong from now on.
01:03:11It will be right in front of us.
01:03:13He'll do whatever we say.
01:03:16Is that right, Serkan?
01:03:25Serkan, can you take care of this?
01:03:31Thank you.
01:03:33Halil Ibrahim.
01:03:36Halil Ibrahim, brother.
01:03:38Okay, I'm here.
01:03:42Forgive me, please.
01:03:44He came to apologize to Osman.
01:03:46We'll see about that.
01:03:48He immediately forgave our naive ones, didn't he?
01:03:51He held it, he brought it from his arm, that's his father. What can he do, Turan?
01:03:54Good, but tell him to stay away from me.
01:03:57I'm his father, but...
01:04:02Okay, Serkan.
01:04:04Go to Eda.
01:04:06How can I help you?
01:04:08Take care of yourself.
01:04:10He's the boss here.
01:04:12He'll do whatever he says.
01:04:16Okay, father.
01:04:18Excuse me.
01:04:21Davut, have you ever beaten this boy before?
01:04:27Either he never got beaten in his life, he didn't get beaten once.
01:04:31Or he didn't understand anything, he'll beat us in the future.
01:04:33He'll beat us.
01:04:36I didn't insist, dervish.
01:04:38I told him to go.
01:04:40But what Hakan did, what he made him do...
01:04:43Then when he learned what happened to him...
01:04:46He came to his senses.
01:04:48I hope he stays in his senses.
01:04:50I'm telling you.
01:04:52Then don't call him my son.
01:04:54You know what will happen in the smallest mistake.
01:04:58I know, Halil Ibrahim.
01:05:00He knows, too.
01:05:04Excuse me.
01:05:10What did you call Fikret to say?
01:05:14You understand, uncle, why I called him.
01:05:17Do I really understand?
01:05:19Uncle, what are you talking about?
01:05:22You'll learn when Fikret comes, Osman.
01:05:25Turan, do you know?
01:05:27What do I know, son?
01:05:28You came from the same place with the same car.
01:05:31They didn't say anything in the car, Osman.
01:05:33So you solved it.
01:05:35Look, Turan, I'm going crazy.
01:05:37I'm begging you, tell Eda,
01:05:39before Fikret comes, give me a personal meal or something.
01:05:42Look, I'm not leaving anywhere from here.
01:05:44I'm already dying of hunger and curiosity.
01:05:59Zeynep, you didn't do any of what you said, did you?
01:06:02Elif, I think it happened.
01:06:04My God, how can a person do such a bad thing to himself?
01:06:08I really don't understand, Zeynep.
01:06:11I'll tell you something.
01:06:13You tell me this.
01:06:15Are you testing Halil Ibrahim or something?
01:06:18I mean, you can't give him a child.
01:06:21Do you think you'll choose another woman or something?
01:06:28I don't know that part yet, but...
01:06:31My biggest goal is to get out of Halil Ibrahim's choices.
01:06:35I say I can only put our relationship in such an irreversible way.
01:06:39Why don't you understand?
01:06:41You're going to put another woman in your life, irreversible...
01:06:44I'm not putting anyone in, Elif.
01:06:46I mean...
01:06:48Didem is a good girl.
01:06:51I think he's someone who suits Halil Ibrahim.
01:06:54What do you think?
01:06:55What do you think?
01:06:57What does Didem say about this?
01:06:59I'm not even talking about Halil Ibrahim.
01:07:01I got it.
01:07:03I got his point of view.
01:07:06I told him I was leaving Halil Ibrahim.
01:07:09I got his point of view twice.
01:07:12And he's a good guy, isn't he?
01:07:34Take it.
01:07:37I have a headache.
01:07:39Don't stand like that. Calm down, for God's sake.
01:07:41Okay, I'll calm down, but...
01:07:43What could have happened in Taziye's house?
01:07:45I swear I'm going to have a headache.
01:07:47Did Asiye faint? Did you see her? What happened?
01:07:50I saw Asiye.
01:07:52She ran into her nephew.
01:07:55That's not the point.
01:07:57I'm ready, I'm listening. Tell me.
01:08:02Damla is pregnant.
01:08:04Come on, open your eyes, Nedim.
01:08:07Calm down.
01:08:09Don't say a word about this, or I'll break your heart.
01:08:12Mom, I don't have a heart to break.
01:08:16What's going to happen now?
01:08:18Nothing's going to happen.
01:08:19I didn't let Ayse get into trouble.
01:08:22So that she wouldn't find the courage from me.
01:08:24But I won't let this child be born, calm down.
01:08:27You won't let it.
01:08:29I mean, if you hadn't sent the girl, you would have taken care of it.
01:08:34But we can't take Nergis away from her.
01:08:37Neither the girl, nor the grandchild.
01:08:39Either this will be taken care of with beauty,
01:08:41or I'll find a way.
01:08:44Oh, my head.
01:08:46Ten minutes.
01:08:47Oh, bed.
01:08:52My daughter, when I didn't know you were pregnant,
01:08:56why did you say it in front of so many people at home?
01:09:00So that Ayse would hear, mom, what's going to happen?
01:09:02My dear, look, my beautiful daughter.
01:09:04If there is such a thing, share it with me.
01:09:07Let's talk, let's make a plan.
01:09:09Whatever you're losing, you're losing because of this marriage.
01:09:12Mom, at least be happy.
01:09:14You'll have a grandchild.
01:09:17At least someone should be happy.
01:09:20Does Fikret know?
01:09:22No, he doesn't know.
01:09:24I mean, if he didn't tell Ayse and Nedim.
01:09:26He doesn't know.
01:09:28Now, is it true that Fikret heard such news from others?
01:09:33What will they do, mom?
01:09:35Most likely,
01:09:37everything to have the child adopted.
01:09:48Don't cry, my daughter, don't cry, we'll solve it.
01:09:51How are you going to solve this, dad?
01:09:54I can't bring back what's gone, but I'll take our revenge.
01:09:59It's too late, dad.
01:10:01Too late.
01:10:05I'm sorry.
01:10:07I'm sorry.
01:10:09I'm sorry.
01:10:11I'm sorry.
01:10:13I'm sorry.
01:10:15I'm sorry.
01:10:17I'm sorry.
01:10:20Uncle Nesim,
01:10:22it's like you're not talking about the same thing.
01:10:24You come with me, Tamer, come,
01:10:27then you'll come and tell aunt what I did.
01:10:38Where are we going, uncle Nesim?
01:10:42To kill Nihat.
01:10:45Now, how's it going to be?
01:10:47Don't worry, son. Nothing will happen to you.
01:10:49No, Uncle Nesim, I don't mean that.
01:10:52I'm just trying to learn how you're going to do it.
01:10:55I'll say I'm here to talk.
01:10:57Then I'll do what I have to do.
01:10:59Then they can shoot me or not. I don't care.
01:11:04There are guards at the door, Uncle Nesim.
01:11:06How are you going to get in with a gun?
01:11:08I'll get in with two guns.
01:11:10After they take Tekin, they don't do a face turn.
01:11:14That's what happened when I came last time.
01:11:16Look, leave me at the door. Go, save your life.
01:11:20You're the only man in the family.
01:11:23Uncle Nesim, let me get my gun and come.
01:11:27Don't get your gun, son.
01:11:29I promised Asiye.
01:11:31You're the only one left in our family, okay?
01:11:34Then I'll get my phone and come.
01:11:36Wait for me at the door, okay?
01:11:38Okay. Don't tell anyone anything.
01:11:41I'll be waiting at the door.
01:11:43Come on.
01:11:46Come on.
01:11:59Hello, Brother Musa.
01:12:01We're coming to raid that place with Uncle Nesim.
01:12:07No, Brother. It's just the two of us.
01:12:08What about Halil and Ibrahim?
01:12:10What about Halil and Ibrahim? We're both coming.
01:12:12Yes. Look, Brother.
01:12:13I'll bring him there.
01:12:15Then you'll do whatever you have to do.
01:12:18But don't blame me, okay?
01:12:45Come on.
01:12:52Sir, Tamer called.
01:12:54Nesim Kulpa is coming to kill you.
01:12:57With whom?
01:12:59He's coming with Tamer.
01:13:02Let him come.
01:13:03Sir, I was going to tell Nesim to take care of it,
01:13:06but Tamer told me not to reveal it.
01:13:09Asiye's son is telling the truth.
01:13:12If you have to, take the blame.
01:13:14Go to jail.
01:13:16Die, Musa.
01:13:19But don't let anything happen to Tamer.
01:13:22He's our most important weapon in everyone's possession.
01:13:31How do we do it, sir?
01:13:34I don't think we should kill Nesim.
01:13:38Look, he's lost his mind.
01:13:42Every step he takes is good for us.
01:13:47Let everyone see it.
01:13:50Let Dursun and Rizvan see it, too.
01:13:54As they see Nesim, they'll see their tomorrows.
01:14:12Fikret is here.
01:14:14Where is he?
01:14:17He's not talking to us, Osman.
01:14:19We were in a hurry to tell you.
01:14:20We didn't understand a thing.
01:14:22Now you're saying you'll talk to us.
01:14:24Osman, I'll tell you.
01:14:25Anyway, you talk to us.
01:14:27At least, he's telling us before we kill him.
01:14:30Thank you.
01:14:32Let's talk in private.
01:14:34Leave the room to us.
01:14:42Uncle, who is it?
01:14:44Asiye's son.
01:14:46Uncle, who is Asiye's son?
01:14:49Asiye's son is Tamer.
01:14:52What's up with Tamer? What's the matter?
01:14:58Would you like something to drink?
01:15:00Can you stay with us for a while, Eda?
01:15:02Okay, of course.
01:15:14You're creating a mystery.
01:15:17Don't make me go crazy.
01:15:21Tell me.
01:15:22I'll go and kill everyone.
01:15:27It's not that easy to kill.
01:15:32You tell me first.
01:15:35I'll take care of the easy part.
01:15:37They shot him from a silver sedan, he said.
01:15:40He didn't have a license plate.
01:15:43That's right.
01:15:46I noticed when I came to the station.
01:15:49There was a silver sedan with a loose license plate.
01:15:53I asked whose it was.
01:15:58They said it was Tamer's.
01:16:07What are you saying, you liar?
01:16:12When Levent died, he told everyone that he was at home.
01:16:16In the gendarmerie.
01:16:18He said Nesim was in the cemetery.
01:16:32Let's say he came to Tunca when he was going to shoot me.
01:16:38Let's say I understood that.
01:16:48He saved him from death many times.
01:16:52How will he kill him?
01:16:55If Levent realized that he killed Tunca,
01:16:59he might have no choice.
01:17:03Either Levent did it while he was bringing him to you,
01:17:06or he hid it in his car.
01:17:36Even if the mother is different...
01:17:44He couldn't have done this.
01:17:52He couldn't.
01:18:05He couldn't.
01:18:32What are we going to do, Brother Ali?
01:18:36He's your brother.
01:18:38Let's reveal the truth.
01:18:43Then you can do whatever you want.
01:18:47How are we going to reveal the truth?
01:18:50If I take this,
01:18:52if I break 32 bones,
01:18:54he won't talk after this hour.
01:18:57The one who wants you to stay is Nihat Martan.
01:19:00Just as Levent and Yavuz want.
01:19:02Next is Yavuz.
01:19:04So, we're going to bait Yavuz with Tamer.
01:19:08The truth will be revealed.
01:19:48Go home.
01:19:49Uncle Nesim, I...
01:19:50Don't take too long.
01:19:52Come on, go home.
01:20:06Tell Mr. Nihat I'm here.
01:20:10Sir, do you have a gun?
01:20:12Mr. Nesim is here.
01:20:18Here, they're waiting.
01:20:43Do you have a gun, Mr. Nesim?
01:20:45I gave the gun to my friends at the door, Musa.
01:20:49We'll call again.
01:20:51Mr. Nesim!
01:20:52Don't make it hard for us.
01:20:56Get your hands off me!
01:21:00Get your hands off me!
01:21:10Let me go!
01:21:11I said let me go!
01:21:12Let me go!
01:21:14Let me go!
01:21:16I said let me go!
01:21:17Calm down, Nesim.
01:21:18Let me go!
01:21:19Sit him down.
01:21:27Who brought you here?
01:21:29I came alone.
01:21:32He came with Ms. Asya's son, sir.
01:21:34Don't let him go.
01:21:37It's not his fault.
01:21:39He left me here.
01:21:41He doesn't know why I'm here.
01:21:43Keep him downstairs.
01:21:45Let him explain.
01:21:47Yes, sir.
01:21:55How is the pain of a child, Nesim?
01:22:00You don't know who to get it out of, do you?
01:22:03I know it very well, Nihat.
01:22:06That's why I'm here.
01:22:08Who am I going to get it out of, Nesim?
01:22:11I lost two of my children.
01:22:13Who am I going to get the pain out of?
01:22:16You already got the pain out.
01:22:18You took Rızvan's son.
01:22:20You took my son.
01:22:22You took my son.
01:22:24Isn't that enough?
01:22:26It's not enough.
01:22:29Halil Ibrahim shot my son in the neck.
01:22:36Do you think this pain will go away easily?
01:22:40Your children already deserved to die.
01:22:48Didn't you deserve to die?
01:22:51Don't talk nonsense.
01:22:52Kill him.
01:23:04Why should I end your pain...
01:23:08...when you have to kill every day, Nesim?
01:23:14Call the gendarmerie.
01:23:15Tell them to come and get it.
01:23:18Bring Tamer here.
01:23:19Yes, sir.
01:23:22Don't you understand?
01:23:23Your son didn't do anything wrong.
01:23:24He already lost his mother.
01:23:26He lost his brother.
01:23:27He was like Levent's brother.
01:23:30Let me go.
01:23:31Let me go.
01:23:32I said let me go.
01:23:33Let me go.
01:23:41Come, son.
01:23:46Come here.
01:23:48I told you to come.
01:23:49I told you to come.
01:23:51Well done.
01:23:53My first heir.
01:23:57You did what my sons couldn't do.
01:24:00Well done.
01:24:02I just started, Uncle Nihat.
01:24:05Fikret and Eto are still alive.
01:24:07That fear is enough for him.
01:24:09Let him live a few more days.
01:24:12Sit down.
01:24:14You did the right thing by killing Levent.
01:24:18Now it's Dursun's son, Yavuz's turn.
01:24:26This Halil Ibrahim warned them, Uncle.
01:24:30No one can walk alone because of his fear.
01:24:33But I will find a way to bring him down.
01:24:38Look at me.
01:24:39If you feel like you're giving the slightest explanation...
01:24:43...let me know.
01:24:45I can't lose you.
01:24:47I'll keep you at a distance.
01:24:49Well, Uncle Nihat... one is smarter than you.
01:24:54What I've been through the most so far...
01:24:56...was that no one cared about me.
01:24:58It worked for me for the first time in my life.
01:25:00Even Nesim couldn't fool me.
01:25:02Look, we came here together.
01:25:04I don't know what to do.
01:25:06I don't know what to do.
01:25:08Look, we came here together.
01:25:11What are you going to do with him?
01:25:13I'll take him to the police station with you.
01:25:16With me?
01:25:17Don't be afraid, son.
01:25:20If you two go together...
01:25:22...the police station will stop suspecting you.
01:25:27...this guy is a bit strange.
01:25:29I hope he doesn't throw us in jail.
01:25:31Don't worry, son.
01:25:32There's nothing out there.
01:25:33There's no explosive weapon.
01:25:35There's no wound.
01:25:37You'll be home for dinner.
01:25:39Whatever you say.
01:25:44Let's go.
01:26:08Let me go!
01:26:12...are you okay? Did they do something to you?
01:26:14What can they do to me, Uncle Nesim?
01:26:17Tamer, I'm sorry.
01:26:18It's all because of me.
01:26:21But don't worry.
01:26:23I'll tell them you didn't do anything wrong at the police station.
01:26:26Don't worry, Uncle Nesim.
01:26:28If necessary, I'll go inside with you...
01:26:31...and throw you in jail.
01:26:33I'll throw you to the pashas.
01:26:36My brave son.
01:26:37My brave Tamer.
01:26:45My brave son.
01:26:49If you're done hugging me...
01:26:51...sit down.
01:26:52The gendarmes will be here soon.
01:26:55They should have called me.
01:26:58He said he was done.
01:27:02Don't upset yourself, Uncle Nesim.
01:27:04Of course I won't.
01:27:16Aunt... my mother okay?
01:27:19She's fine.
01:27:23...why doesn't my mother want Damla to have a baby?
01:27:27Either she can't convince Fikret...
01:27:29...or she has someone else in mind.
01:27:31I don't know.
01:27:33What does it matter to her...
01:27:35...who's going to marry whom and who's going to have a baby?
01:27:39I thought she'd tell Damla to have a baby...
01:27:41...because she's upset with Ayse.
01:27:44Where's my mother?
01:27:45She's sitting in the living room.
01:27:47She must be making plans to make it up to you.
01:27:51I'll go ask her... she's going to handle this.
01:28:10Mom, I want to talk to you.
01:28:13About what?
01:28:14About you waiting to talk to my brother.
01:28:17There's nothing to talk about.
01:28:18I don't think there's anything to talk about either.
01:28:20What do you mean?
01:28:21This is about our family.
01:28:23As a member of the family...
01:28:25...I have the right to express my opinion.
01:28:28Mom, you can't want a baby to die.
01:28:31You're not the mother of the baby.
01:28:33You're not the one who's going to give birth.
01:28:34You can't decide that.
01:28:35He's going to inherit our last name.
01:28:37Your last name?
01:28:39That's horrible.
01:28:41Mom, look at what you're getting into.
01:28:43You're talking about putting an end to a baby's life.
01:28:45And you want this just because of your ego.
01:28:48Look, you're going through a sensitive period.
01:28:51It's normal for you to think that way.
01:28:56I'm going through a sensitive period?
01:28:59I want everyone to have a baby.
01:29:01Is that it?
01:29:03No, dear.
01:29:05It's not like that.
01:29:06I didn't mean it that way, Mom.
01:29:09Mom, stop worrying about who's going to live and who's going to die.
01:29:13Stop worrying.
01:29:15Damla can give birth if she wants to.
01:29:16She can't if she doesn't want to.
01:29:18If my brother didn't want a baby, he would have taken precautions.
01:29:22No one can pressure anyone about this.
01:29:25If I hear that you're pressuring me, you'll find me in front of you.
01:29:43I'm sorry.
01:30:10It's not the baby's fault.
01:30:11I told Tamer to get in front of me and take me to Nihat.
01:30:15He didn't know if I was going to pull the trigger.
01:30:20You couldn't pull the trigger anyway.
01:30:23Where did this suicide come from?
01:30:25It's not a suicide.
01:30:27It's a revenge.
01:30:29Nihat killed my son.
01:30:31If you're not going to do anything today, when are you going to do it, Commander?
01:30:35I will.
01:30:37I will.
01:30:38I will.
01:30:40If I find the person who killed Nihat Martin,
01:30:43you'll see what I'm going to do to him.
01:30:46I'm saying my son is dead.
01:30:48Of course you don't know.
01:30:50You don't have a child.
01:30:52I don't have a child?
01:30:54Do you know how many children I've raised?
01:30:57I buried them in the ground with my own hands.
01:31:00You have a child because it comes from your wife.
01:31:03Isn't it mine?
01:31:05I couldn't show any love to Levent.
01:31:09I couldn't tell him once, I love you.
01:31:14You shot yourself for your son.
01:31:17While Rızvan was going to kill his own son.
01:31:20Are you going to say I love you?
01:31:24Did he know you were betraying him?
01:31:27Did he know I loved him?
01:31:29Did he know I loved him more than anyone else?
01:31:32He's a child.
01:31:34Doesn't he know?
01:31:36He's gone, Levent.
01:31:40He's gone, my son.
01:31:45Cry, Nesim.
01:31:58Empty it.
01:32:04Empty it.
01:32:19Here you go, father.
01:32:21Thank you, my daughter.
01:32:23Enjoy your meal.
01:32:25Thank you.
01:32:30Where is your father? He doesn't even answer my calls.
01:32:32I don't know, father Rızvan.
01:32:34He hung up and left.
01:32:36I guess he went to talk to Fikret.
01:32:39Did he go to talk to Fikret?
01:32:41What is he going to talk to Fikret?
01:32:43Of course, you don't know anything.
01:32:46This family is usually behind you.
01:32:52What are you saying, my daughter?
01:32:54Father, I'm really sorry for you.
01:32:57I passed myself, but they don't deserve a father like you.
01:33:01I mean...
01:33:03That's for sure.
01:33:05For sure, but...
01:33:09Ayşe, what's going on? Can you tell me?
01:33:12Oh, never mind, honey.
01:33:14I'll solve my own problems.
01:33:17But when I see you alone like this, I'm so sad.
01:33:25If your mother is making you say these words,
01:33:28don't talk to me again.
01:33:32It's over, we're divorced.
01:33:35Why should I talk to you about that, father?
01:33:38You deserve much better.
01:33:41That's for sure.
01:33:43It's over for us, my daughter.
01:33:46I wasted my life between those two women.
01:33:51Maybe that was wrong.
01:33:54I mean, since you're a free person now,
01:33:57wouldn't you like to have a home with a young, beautiful person
01:34:01who will love you very much, who will value you very much?
01:34:05Who doesn't want to be happy, my daughter?
01:34:08But I see that a child is not a child, a spouse is not a spouse.
01:34:13You're a witness, too.
01:34:15You don't have to live such a life, father.
01:34:18You are a very strong, very successful, very wealthy person.
01:34:23I mean, there are a lot of people who want to be with you.
01:34:26There are, of course.
01:34:28It's over for us, my daughter.
01:34:31Leave this to me.
01:34:33I'll find the best for you.
01:34:36Ayşe, where do you get these from?
01:34:41Now, I have a friend.
01:34:44He came to the funeral and saw you there.
01:34:48He said, did Rızvan really leave his wife?
01:34:51I said yes.
01:34:53I don't know if being single is an obstacle for you, my school friend.
01:34:57I'll tell him to go after you.
01:34:59I mean, age is not a problem.
01:35:03Now, how are we going to do something like this? I didn't know.
01:35:07But I told Nedim.
01:35:09I said I was going to start a new life, but I said it with such anger.
01:35:14Well, it's obvious.
01:35:17That's my job.
01:35:19He'll come tonight.
01:35:20You take a look, say hello.
01:35:23If you like it, I'll take care of the rest.
01:35:39Levent said it himself, you know?
01:35:43He said he ran into Asiye in that repair.
01:35:46And I didn't give a chance that something like this would happen.
01:35:50If it were up to me, I'd crush that Tamer like a bug 50 times.
01:35:56My poor Levent was always an obstacle for me.
01:36:09What should we do?
01:36:13How should we do it?
01:36:15We're both the brothers of their wives.
01:36:18I don't even count Fikret.
01:36:22If we try to make him confess,
01:36:24he won't confess easily.
01:36:27We can't do anything without confessing.
01:36:29If we cut it into slices, he won't say anything again.
01:36:35I have something on my mind.
01:36:37But it's a little risky.
01:36:39Is there any risk left?
01:36:41Okay, you get me out.
01:36:43As long as it's clear.
01:36:44Don't worry.
01:36:49Is Leyla at their house?
01:37:00Bacanak, are you crazy?
01:37:03How could you do such a thing?
01:37:05I'm crazy, Bacanak, I'm crazy.
01:37:07But if you're asking why I got Tamer involved in this,
01:37:11you're right in the end.
01:37:14Dad, it's not about me.
01:37:16No one told me anything in the police station or there.
01:37:19But the thing that really bothers me is that
01:37:22if we had organized Nihat's going there a little more,
01:37:25we would have finished him there.
01:37:27What happened?
01:37:29You were saying, I'm with Nihat, I'm with Nihat.
01:37:31What's it to you?
01:37:33That Levent was before my brother died.
01:37:35Don't you have a husband?
01:37:37Call him, let him take you away from here.
01:37:39What's it to you?
01:37:41They're going to kill him.
01:37:43For God's sake, stop.
01:37:45Could you talk?
01:37:47Did Nihat kill my son?
01:37:49I talked, I talked.
01:37:51He said he killed him himself.
01:37:54He even said he was going to kill Yavuz and Fikret.
01:37:59Dad, these guys are not the guys you can deal with.
01:38:03Look, we have Rizvan, your father, and you.
01:38:07So I'm asking both of you,
01:38:08if you don't think about yourself, think about us.
01:38:11Who do we have left?
01:38:13Anyway, everyone will pay for what they did.
01:38:16Look, Ayşe is right, Nesim.
01:38:19Life goes on somehow.
01:38:22That Nihat should know that
01:38:25we're on our way.
01:38:28We're going to get stronger.
01:38:30You have grandchildren.
01:38:32I have children.
01:38:34We will always be there.
01:38:36We will be more.
01:38:38Nihat will be gone.
01:39:00Mr. Fikret.
01:39:03Have a seat.
01:39:09Your mother and your sister want to talk to you.
01:39:17What am I going to tell them, Aşot Aga?
01:39:20How can I tell them that our brother killed our sister?
01:39:25You're right.
01:39:29I think they'll talk to you about something else.
01:39:33You think so?
01:39:36Do you think so?
01:39:38Do you know?
01:39:40I'll tell you as much as I've heard from my wife.
01:39:45Don't be shocked later.
01:39:47Get me used to it.
01:39:49Get me used to it, don't be shocked.
01:39:51What is the agenda of the ladies?
01:39:54Ms. Damla.
01:39:56Dude, it's not over yet.
01:39:59What Damla?
01:40:01I don't think it's going to end this time, Mr. Fikret.
01:40:12Tell me.
01:40:14Damla is expecting a baby.
01:40:19Who told you that?
01:40:23She told me.
01:40:25Ms. Ayşe.
01:40:49My daughter.
01:40:51How did your husband start telling you about the baby?
01:40:54We told him to get used to it.
01:40:56The baby is six months old.
01:40:57Let Mr. Fikret get used to it first.
01:41:00He got used to it, didn't he?
01:41:04What mom?
01:41:06There's a thing called precaution.
01:41:08He knows how to put a gun to his head when he gets out of the house.
01:41:11That's a precaution, that's a precaution.
01:41:13Maybe he did it on purpose, mom.
01:41:16Did you think about that?
01:41:20If that were the case, Fikret would be here by now.
01:41:23Obviously, there's a situation.
01:41:24Especially if your husband, Ayşe, actually told you about it.
01:41:28Now, open the bottle.
01:41:30This job will find Nedim in the morning.
01:41:32I wish you hadn't said, I don't want to see your face.
01:41:36We would have given the good news.
01:41:38Don't say good news and bother me.
01:41:40Calm down now, next to the girl.
01:41:55Where's your tea and sugar?
01:42:00What if you had exploded in Egypt?
01:42:02I don't understand, Mr. Fikret.
01:42:04I'm saying, you made a movie.
01:42:08You're waiting for me to watch it.
01:42:12Is what we heard true?
01:42:14First, you tell him.
01:42:16Nobody told me anything.
01:42:18I hear everything from you.
01:42:20I don't know if it's true or not.
01:42:21But if someone is pregnant with me,
01:42:24I don't care.
01:42:26I don't care.
01:42:29I don't think it's for you, either.
01:42:31Of course not, brother.
01:42:33What do you mean, of course not?
01:42:35Of course it is.
01:42:37I don't understand.
01:42:39Why don't you understand, son?
01:42:41I don't want a grandchild born in two.
01:42:43It's that clear.
01:42:45Keep it in mind.
01:42:47I won't do it again, mom.
01:42:49Brother, you're an adult.
01:42:51This is entirely your decision.
01:42:54If the situation is as Damla said,
01:42:56I'm very happy.
01:43:00This is none of your business.
01:43:02Did you hear that, mom?
01:43:04Thank you, Zeynep.
01:43:10I have a topic.
01:43:12It concerns everyone.
01:43:14I'll tell you when it's ready,
01:43:16but don't play around with it.
01:43:18If you don't listen to me,
01:43:20I don't listen to you at all.
01:43:24What mom?
01:43:29We know who killed Tuncay.
01:43:45Who killed him?
01:43:46Who killed him?
01:43:48Who, brother?
01:43:55and Tamer
01:44:00who killed Tuncay.
01:44:13what are you saying?
01:44:17Are you sure?
01:44:19Everything is expected from Tamer,
01:44:22but one of the dead is his brother,
01:44:25the other is his spiritual brother.
01:44:27We're sure.
01:44:30Everything will be clear tonight.
01:44:32What are you waiting for, son?
01:44:35That devil killed my two children.
01:44:38You're sure when it's me,
01:44:40but why can't you be sure when it's you?
01:44:42I want you to admit it, aunt.
01:44:44After all, he has a father.
01:44:46Then I don't want to carry all the responsibility on my back.
01:44:49But if you leave it to Mr. Rizvan,
01:44:52I don't think he'll feel sorry for Asiye's son, Mr. Fikret.
01:44:55What do you mean?
01:44:57My Tuncay will die,
01:44:59he will live, right?
01:45:01There is no such world.
01:45:06I've been a mother to you all these years.
01:45:09I know you're a good boy.
01:45:12You know what to do.
01:45:17Either you do it,
01:45:19or I don't give you the right to be a mother.
01:45:24I'll be right back.
01:45:37you said you were sure, but who did you learn it from?
01:45:42Halil Ibrahim solved it.
01:45:47If Halil Ibrahim says so, it's true.
01:45:54What are you going to do?
01:45:58Did you hear my mother?
01:46:00If you're asking what's on my mind,
01:46:04she killed our brother, Zeynep.
01:46:08Tuncay didn't do anything wrong.
01:46:10Tuncay didn't do anything wrong.
01:46:16Tuncay meant Halil Ibrahim.
01:46:19Halil Ibrahim forgave him.
01:46:21Tuncay changed.
01:46:25Can't Tamer change?
01:46:28We're talking about Asiye's son.
01:46:32My mother is no different from Asiye.
01:46:35Look, she's after your unborn child.
01:46:39She's after you.
01:46:50Halil Ibrahim left this decision to you, didn't he?
01:46:55I wish he hadn't.
01:47:00Halil Ibrahim,
01:47:02even if people are bad, he gives them a chance.
01:47:04He gives them a chance.
01:47:07He gives Tamer a chance by leaving this decision to you.
01:47:12My mother says you can't do it if you don't kill.
01:47:17You say you can't do it if you kill.
01:47:24Give me a minute.
01:47:34Give me a minute.
01:48:05You haven't eaten in days.
01:48:09I don't know.
01:48:11Get up and eat something.
01:48:14Come on.
01:48:23Did you make this?
01:48:29Thank you. It's delicious.
01:48:32Thank you. It's delicious.
01:48:34Thank you, but we didn't come here to score points.
01:48:37Maybe we'll have a little trouble.
01:48:42If you have a problem, I'll listen.
01:48:45I have a problem.
01:48:47Two people I love so much have broken up
01:48:49and they need to get together right away.
01:48:52I have a problem, too.
01:48:54Are you crazy?
01:48:56The girl is dying for you there.
01:48:58Her name is shaking.
01:48:59You're here because of her.
01:49:00You broke up without eating or drinking.
01:49:01But you're separate, aren't you?
01:49:04Did Zeynep tell you anything?
01:49:06Zeynep told us how much she loves you.
01:49:08She told us very well.
01:49:09But she can't tell you or you don't want to understand.
01:49:13Maybe it's better that Zeynep isn't here.
01:49:17Didn't you see what happened to her?
01:49:20Is it better than losing someone you love completely?
01:49:24Don't shoot the girl from a weak point, Halil Ibrahim.
01:49:27Look, I'm here, too.
01:49:29We lost Yasemin.
01:49:31But life went on.
01:49:33It wasn't bad either.
01:49:35You fell in love with someone called Zeynep.
01:49:38If you have to lose her in fate, you lose her, too.
01:49:41But you're not a coward.
01:49:43You're acting like a coward right now.
01:49:45I'm afraid.
01:49:46Sema, what don't you understand?
01:49:48I don't want to lose the people I love anymore.
01:49:51You're actually afraid of this, Halil Ibrahim.
01:49:53If you don't hold that girl and get her out of your hands,
01:49:55you'll already have lost her.
01:49:56And it won't bring you anything but regret for the rest of your life.
01:50:00I'd rather regret than be a reason.
01:50:03And a lifetime.
01:50:05Long live Zeynep.
01:50:07Even if I die of longing, I'll protect you.
01:50:27Here you go.
01:50:29Thank you, Gamze.
01:50:31Enjoy your meal.
01:50:37Do you know my late mother?
01:50:40No, we've never met, unfortunately.
01:50:43I think she would have loved you very much if she had seen you.
01:50:46I don't know.
01:50:48I don't know.
01:50:50I don't know.
01:50:52I don't know.
01:50:54I don't know.
01:50:56I don't know.
01:50:58Eat well.
01:51:00Thank you.
01:51:08Zuhal, your daughter has gone crazy,
01:51:12getting a guest to serve.
01:51:14She says she'll make you coffee and then she's not around.
01:51:19It's all right, they're close friends.
01:51:22Thank you, the girl got out on the wrong side of the road.
01:51:24Ayşe didn't leave me alone even for a day like this.
01:51:28My late brother Levent...
01:51:32...talked so badly about Ayşe's friends...
01:51:35...that I couldn't even think of it.
01:51:38Otherwise, I would have told him to introduce us to each other.
01:51:44...are they your relatives?
01:51:47Don't you think they're all older than you?
01:51:49They're like your sisters.
01:51:51Dad, what did we say? We said they were fine.
01:51:53He's still talking.
01:52:12So, Gamze...
01:52:15...did it go as you planned?
01:52:19So, Ayşe...
01:52:20...what are you up to?
01:52:23Your wealth, your son...
01:52:27I think you forgot what kind of a family I come from, Ayşe.
01:52:30Do you think they'll let me marry Rızvan Leto?
01:52:33They will, they will. Why wouldn't they?
01:52:36How is that going to work?
01:52:39You'll tell them...
01:52:42...I promised $1 million for every age difference between us...
01:52:46...and $10 million for every child I'm going to have.
01:52:50Ayşe, you were bad at math at school.
01:52:53You got $30 million at the wedding table.
01:52:59I know what I'm talking about, honey.
01:53:02Don't worry.
01:53:05Ayşe, are you serious?
01:53:07Of course I am.
01:53:09I mean, the man's heir is almost gone.
01:53:12Fikret is gone.
01:53:14Zeynep is gone.
01:53:15Tamer and Leyla have already remarried my aunt.
01:53:20The man wants to be happy.
01:53:22He wants a wife.
01:53:24He wants to be a father again.
01:53:31You made me so happy to think about it.
01:53:34If my father hears about this...
01:53:36...he'll wonder if I can give birth.
01:53:39That's another story.
01:53:41But I'm not a saleswoman.
01:53:43If Rızvan Leto wants to have a wife and a family...
01:53:46...he'll convince me.
01:53:51You don't know my father yet.
01:53:55He'll take your mind and your heart.
01:53:59Just don't say no.
01:54:20Did you take care of it, Leyla?
01:54:23I did everything I could.
01:54:25Yavuz, there won't be a mistake, right?
01:54:28No, dear.
01:54:30If you did everything I said, there won't be a mistake.
01:54:33Let's go.
01:54:50Let's go.
01:55:03Were you here?
01:55:05We were here.
01:55:06I've been here for a long time.
01:55:08Yavuz came to see me.
01:55:10I'll ask for your permission.
01:55:12Good evening, everyone.
01:55:13Why don't you go together?
01:55:15Go home, dear.
01:55:17I'm not going home, Father Rızvan.
01:55:19We're going to meet with Fikret.
01:55:21He's at the Yaili house.
01:55:23I'm going to go to him.
01:55:25What's he doing there?
01:55:27What's going to happen, father?
01:55:29He's gone to celebrate.
01:55:30What celebration?
01:55:31Don't get involved.
01:55:33Don't get involved.
01:55:35There's something about Damla.
01:55:37Let's not talk about it among so many people.
01:55:39We wanted to talk alone.
01:55:41He called me to the Yaili house.
01:55:43I'm going there.
01:55:46Of course.
01:55:47Go quickly.
01:55:48You'll catch up with him before he gets better.
01:55:52Okay, father.
01:55:54Anyway, good evening, everyone.
01:55:56Good evening.
01:56:02Yavuz, be careful, okay?
01:56:04Okay, Leyla.
01:56:19Excuse me, I'll leave, too.
01:56:21Okay, excuse me.
01:56:25Thank you for your feet.
01:56:27I'm glad to meet you.
01:56:31Good evening.
01:56:33Good evening.
01:56:35Gamze, can you drop me off?
01:56:37Of course, I'll drop you off.
01:56:39Good evening.
01:56:40See you, Leyla.
01:56:42Come on.
01:56:48Come on.
01:57:06Rizvan father.
01:57:08Shall we talk alone downstairs?
01:57:10Of course, my daughter.
01:57:12My daughter, leave him alone.
01:57:14Fikret is Fikret.
01:57:16Are you bored, my daughter?
01:57:18Ayşe is like my daughter.
01:57:20Fikret is either there or not.
01:57:22Come on, my daughter.
01:57:32I'm leaving.
01:57:33Where are you going at this hour?
01:57:35What's that hat on your head?
01:57:37I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
01:57:39I couldn't go today.
01:57:40The hat is here, in case it rains.
01:57:42You'll get caught at night, son.
01:57:44You'll go straight tomorrow.
01:57:46Zuhal, leave the boy alone.
01:57:48He couldn't go to his mother because of me today.
01:57:51Uncle Esin, if my father asks, you say he slept.
01:57:53Don't worry about the man, okay?
01:57:55Don't worry, son, don't worry.
01:57:57Ayşe will make him faint by morning anyway.
01:59:14I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
01:59:16I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
01:59:18I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
01:59:22I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
01:59:24I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
01:59:44I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
01:59:46I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
01:59:48I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
01:59:50I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
01:59:52I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
01:59:54I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
01:59:56I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
01:59:58I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:00I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:02I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:04I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:06I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:08I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:10I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:12I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:14I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:16I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
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02:00:22I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:24I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:26I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:28I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:30I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
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02:00:34I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:36I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:38I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:40I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:42I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:44I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:46I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:48I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:50I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:52I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:54I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:56I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:00:58I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:01:00I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:01:02I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:01:04I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:01:06I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:01:08I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:01:10I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:01:12I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:01:14I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:01:16I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:01:18I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:01:20I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:01:22I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:01:24I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:01:26I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:01:28I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:01:30I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:01:32I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:01:34I'm going to my mother's, aunt.
02:01:36I will be in my mother's, aunt.
02:01:58What I've seen in my life.
02:02:02You are the most foolish men in the world.
02:02:06And you will be in charge of the Leto family, won't you?
02:03:36Let's go.
02:04:00From now on, you are brothers with your brother.
02:04:06Let's go.
02:04:36I have no problem with you.
02:04:39I was after Yavuz.
02:04:47You were after Levent yesterday.
02:04:52Before him, you were after Tuncay.
02:04:56Anything else?
02:05:05I can explain, brother.
02:05:07Be a gentleman.
02:05:09No more lies.
02:05:17Be honest.
02:05:21Maybe you have a chance.
02:05:22I will let you live in a place where no one will see you.
02:05:34I will be your last brother.
02:05:39Be honest.
02:05:41I will be honest.
02:05:48You want me to be your last brother.
02:05:52When was the last time you were my brother?
02:05:57Your sister married the man who killed my brother.
02:06:03You were his partner.
02:06:05He was his brother.
02:06:10What about my mother?
02:06:13You always saw my mother as a bad person.
02:06:16You always saw my mother as a whore.
02:06:19Is your mother a good person?
02:06:22She is the root of all evil.
02:06:24But what?
02:06:26Nedim's children, Melek.
02:06:28Asiye's children.
02:06:34That's it.
02:06:40I heard.
02:06:43I heard.
02:06:46You are making yourself a child from a unmarried wife.
02:06:53Soon you will be the father of a Tarik and a Tamer.
02:07:01Ayse's children will get up and humiliate them.
02:07:06Are you ready?
02:07:18I have never seen my brother apart from the others.
02:07:23Including Tarik.
02:07:27None of us are flawless.
02:07:32But you.
02:07:36You killed your brother.
02:07:40You killed your brother Levent.
02:07:47You made an unforgivable mistake.
02:07:50An unforgivable mistake.
02:07:56We can't bring back the dead.
02:08:01Now tell me this.
02:08:03Why shouldn't I kill you?
02:08:17Should I be afraid of you?
02:08:20What will you tell my father?
02:08:24What will you tell my father?
02:08:31This is your last chance, brother.
02:08:37Say you regret it.
02:08:39Say you made a mistake.
02:08:42Say you are sorry.
02:08:45Look, there is a way.
02:08:47Say you regret it.
02:08:54I regret it.
02:08:57I regret it.
02:09:01After I shot Tuncay,
02:09:04I got out of that car
02:09:08and didn't shoot you both.
02:09:11I regret it a lot, brother.
02:09:14I regret it a lot.
02:09:17I regret it.
02:09:47I regret it.
02:10:03Don't be upset with me.
02:10:08Get out of here.
02:10:12If you want to do anything to me,
02:10:14let my father do it. Call my father here.
