New Cannock Mental Health Directory.

  • 4 months ago
We meet a couple of people at Hednesford Library, to find out about a new book/ directory to steer people the right way for mental health help. It's all part of National Mental Health Week this coming week.
00:00 Hello ladies, we're here at Hensford Library and who've we got? We've got George the elephant.
00:03 Hello George. And who've we got? Go on madam.
00:08 Miss Williams.
00:09 And?
00:10 Jackie Prescott.
00:11 And mental health, we've got the lethal mental health week, 13th to the 19th of May.
00:17 And in conjunction with that you've produced a rather special booklet I understand, is that right?
00:21 Yes we've produced a booklet, it's something for everyone.
00:24 So it's joining up community groups that are throughout Calic Chase
00:28 so that those people that might want to see if they can find some help
00:32 in their times of need, then they can find it in this booklet.
00:38 And it all stems from when we set up the mental health hub, when it was time to change.
00:45 So there's lots of information in there about the community groups and help for everyone.
00:50 Yep, and let's just flash your t-shirt and then it'll all become apparent why George,
00:54 so Calic Chase Mental Health Hub and George is your mascot.
00:58 Yes George is the mascot.
01:00 The elephant in the room is something that was always a talkie.
01:03 Ah, I've got you.
01:05 So that was very meaningful.
01:06 Sets the significance to it, yeah yeah.
01:08 Because people don't want to talk about their mental health.
01:10 Very true, very true.
01:11 We want to encourage people to break down the stigma, don't be afraid to talk about it.
01:16 Yeah, and there are, like you said, there are a lot of groups out there who do good work
01:20 but sometimes they're kind of not massive groups and people just aren't aware of them.
01:24 So this book hopefully will pull all that together.
01:27 Yes, yeah, so there's lots of help available for people and if you want to find it
01:32 you just pop into your library and the information's there.
01:35 Cool and that's where we are, Hensford Library at the backdrop, so there'll be a copy available here.
01:39 Right, well thank you ladies and thank you George.
