• 5 months ago


00:00Over here.
00:02Alright, I need you guys to come with me.
00:09Don't listen to him, you know he's a liar.
00:22Catherine's still hiding a lot from me, so I need you to look into that.
00:25I always do.
00:26You know, one of these days you're going to have to face the facts.
00:28Like it or not, this company's got your name on it.
00:31Well, that day's not today.
00:35Also, we need to figure out what we're doing about the Leo Group.
00:37I want to bury those guys.
00:38We do hold some shares of the stock, but not enough to join the board.
00:41Find more and give it to Catherine and the Yale Enterprise Group.
00:44Alright, but that could cost a fortune.
00:46Think indiscreet.
00:48Isn't Adam here?
00:57No offense, he deserves a better father than a pizza delivery boy.
01:08Thank you.
01:19Are you going in there, ma'am?
01:25Oh, look how hot it is right now.
01:26How did you do that?
01:27Because, like, see the little panels on the tree right there?
01:31Why don't you guys wait a second?
01:32I'll see you in a second.
01:36I'm going to hang out here and have a smoke break or something.
01:45George, what a coincidence.
01:46I just happened to be in the neighborhood.
01:50What are these?
01:52Let's go.
01:59Okay, I can't do it.
02:01And why are you doing this to me?
02:04Just tell me how I can see my grandson.
02:09Don't make me beg.
02:12Don't cry.
02:17The truth is, Catherine, Tony's mother,
02:21there's no easy way to say this,
02:23she thinks I'm a pizza delivery driver.
02:26A pizza boy?
02:28Oh, God.
02:30How on earth could she think that?
02:32I think maybe we ordered pizza delivery to the first night,
02:35to the hotel the first night we met.
02:37I don't know, it doesn't make a lot of sense.
02:39But if you want to meet Tony, then you've got to play along.
02:43Oh, George.
02:45Are you really so ashamed of me?
02:48Of where you came from?
02:53Mother, it's...
02:55You know, at a really young age,
02:56I knew that I saw what wealth did to people.
02:59I watched it rip people apart from the inside.
03:01I mean, look at that.
03:03And I never wanted that.
03:04And I don't want it for Tony, either.
03:07So what do I need to do?
03:09You need a cover, too.
03:10You need a cover, too.
03:11I can see your face in the newspaper every day.
03:14Miss Donna.
03:23I'd like you to meet my mother.
03:27Hi, Mrs...
03:28Oh, please, just call me Maggie.
03:31Hi, Maggie.
03:32Grandma, I have fear of space!
03:35Oh, sweetie.
03:36I'm just recovering from a bit of plastic surgery.
03:39Plastic surgery?
03:41I see.
03:45You know, once you just get older,
03:47you can't let go of your vanity.
03:53Come on, darling, you're with me.
03:55Oh, thank you.
03:57Apologize to him.
03:58You're so brave and honest.
04:01Honey, come sit with me.
04:13It's just so lovely to see you again.
04:16Thank you, Maggie.
04:17But have we met before?
04:22No, we haven't.
04:24You know, I meant to say,
04:25it's so lovely to finally meet you.
04:28Yes, it is.
04:32Look, Maggie, I...
04:35I figure George hasn't told you the truth yet
04:37about our relationship.
04:40You see, our marriage,
04:41it's based off of a deal that George and I made.
04:43I mean, we don't even...
04:44we don't even really know each other.
04:46We're just doing this for Tony.
04:48I mean, we're going to split up when he turns 16.
04:51So I just...
04:52Right now, I don't really see the point
04:55in you getting too close to Tony.
04:58I'm sorry, but I just...
05:00We don't want to confuse him.
05:07What are you two ladies talking about?
05:09Our contract, George, remember?
05:13Hi, Linda.
05:14Oh, that's great.
05:16And we're partnering with the Dauntons?
05:19Yeah, I mean, I just...
05:20I didn't expect that.
05:22But yes, go ahead and set up the board meeting right now.
05:25I'll be there soon, okay?
05:26All right, bye.
05:27I am so sorry, Maggie.
05:28I've got to run.
05:29Please understand.
05:31Hey, look, it really was lovely to meet you.
05:35Enjoy your time with Tony.
05:37Bye, sweetheart.
05:40Bye, George.
05:45Our family helped her,
05:47and that's the way she treats me?
05:50Mom, give me some time.
05:52I'll fix it.
06:04Good afternoon, folks.
06:05Please welcome your new president,
06:07Ms. Catherine Neal.
06:09I don't know what this is.
06:10The Dauntons managed this acquisition.
06:13Now I'm here.
06:15Enter in my seat.
06:18You can check your email for more details.
06:24Now, for those of you who have not yet been made aware,
06:27I am now the majority shareholder here.
06:29And by first order of business,
06:31I hereby release John Neal from his position
06:34as CEO of the Neal Group.
06:37Any objections?
06:42If you have any questions or concerns,
06:44you can direct those towards our new CFO, Linda Corks.
06:48But for now, shall we get started with the meeting?
06:52Sounds great.
06:56You're in my projector.
07:00Let's get started.
07:04Got all the details of it?
07:11You can schedule an appointment with my CFO.
07:23I'm listening.
07:24Are you happy ruining my life?
07:25Get to the point.
07:26You don't have to do this.
07:28On the contrary.
07:30I feel terrible about it, but I do have to do this.
07:33You want me to reinstate you as CEO
07:35and withdraw your dismissal?
07:38I'll give you a way out.
07:40But it's going to cost you.
07:42More than I'd like to lose.
07:49But not as your daughter.
07:51You're a bad husband and a terrible father,
07:53so sign this and you're released from it.
07:55Disinherit her like you disinherited me.
08:04Thank you so much for watching tonight.
08:07We really appreciate it.
08:08Hey, buddy.
08:10Look, you're going to go stay with Nan tonight, okay?
08:12Mommy, I don't want to go.
08:15I'm sorry, love.
08:16You've got to go with Nan.
08:17Ball's only tonight.
08:22Hey, big boy.
08:24Thank you so much.
08:27Thank you.
08:33Oh, my God.
08:35Good grief.
08:38Maggie, you work here, too?
08:41I own this place, darling.
08:42George works for me.
08:45You know how it is with family businesses.
08:49Just pick up a white coat.
08:52You know, I really never thought that I would enjoy
08:55going on a date with a man and his mother,
08:57but I've got to say, you guys really proved me wrong.
09:00Thank you.
09:01Thank you, Maggie, for everything tonight.
09:03That's great.
09:11It was a really, really delightful night, Georgie.
09:15Catherine's a decent girl.
09:17I can tell she would be a very good wife
09:19and certainly a good mother.
09:21I'm happy you say that, Mom.
09:23Well, too bad you're engaged to Vivian.
09:26Oh, God.
09:28Did you forget that?
09:29Did you forget that?
09:31I didn't.
09:33I don't think Vivian has.
09:36Listen, as sweet as it is,
09:40eventually this little fairy tale's gonna have to end.
09:45Good night, Mom.
09:46Good night, sweetie.
09:48I love you.
09:49Love you, too.
10:00How about the table for tomorrow?
10:02Do you want to come?
10:03Of course I do.
10:05You don't have to do that, though.
10:06You know, I had a really good time tonight with you and Maggie.
10:10Yeah, well,
10:11I'll pick out a good time tomorrow if you want.
10:15What do you have to do?
10:18What do you got going on here?
10:19Wait right here.
10:28Katherine, what's wrong?
10:30I thought this would be a nice surprise.
10:32It is a surprise.
10:35God, George, you just,
10:36you don't understand.
10:38This is a special place for us.
10:39This is where we met.
10:40We can see Tony here.
10:42It is a special place,
10:45but not in a good way.
10:49I'm sorry.
11:02I'm so sorry for what I did to you.
11:05But, please,
11:06give me a chance.
11:07I mean,
11:08could you please forgive me?
11:12how did you get my number?
11:14Daddy gave it to me.
11:17please, I'm begging you.
11:20Meet me on the roof,
11:22if you dare.
11:38you look like shit.
11:39Why are you doing this to me,
11:40you evil bitch?
11:42Tell me what I did to you.
11:43I want to hear you say it.
11:45Howard married another woman
11:47because of you,
11:48for her fucking money.
11:49Dad expelled me from the family
11:51because you made him.
11:53And my baby,
11:54my baby,
11:55my baby,
11:56I lost my baby.
11:58I didn't do anything to your baby.
11:59It's all your fault.
12:01Oh, my God.
12:02I thought that you came here to beg me.
12:04What do you want me to do?
12:18I love you.
12:20I loved you.
12:22Why did you turn your back on me?
12:26You ruined my fucking life.
12:27You're out of your mind.
12:28You're wrong.
12:30Dad will hate you forever.
12:31Mom believed you.
12:32But she's dead.
12:33You know what you are now?
12:34A pathetic orphan.
12:40Believe me.
12:42But she didn't kill herself
12:43because of those photos?
12:44How ironic.
12:45Mother never doubted you.
12:47You were her perfect angel.
12:49You doubted her?
12:51Poor mom.
12:52Why then?
12:54Tell me.
12:55Why did she do it?
12:56Why did she kill herself?
12:57Because she thought you were dead.
12:59You jumped off a fucking roof in shame.
13:01Her only and perfect daughter was gone.
13:07Oh, God.
13:10I'm sorry.
13:14You're welcome.
13:18You can follow her
13:19just like she followed you.
13:24Maybe she's not coming back.
13:26Are we talking about her jacket
13:27and purse you're with her?
13:30Maybe she's just getting some air.
13:32Oh, shit.
13:33Don't worry about it.
13:41What if it's her destiny?
13:53Oh, my God.
13:54No, don't.
13:56She's not breathing.
14:06Mommy, don't go.
14:07Oh, my God.
14:21Why are you shaking like that, dear sis?