• 5 months ago


00:00 [Music]
00:05 Tell me you love me too.
00:06 [Music]
00:08 I appreciate it that you have a fiancé waiting for you upstairs.
00:11 That was supposed to be you up there.
00:13 [Music]
00:13 You thought it was me laying in that bed.
00:15 [Music]
00:17 No, God no.
00:19 [Music]
00:20 I'm bad at this, just listen.
00:21 [Music]
00:27 The engagement was forced on me that night we met.
00:29 [Music]
00:31 I thought I was laying next to Vivian in bed.
00:32 That's the only reason why I agreed to it.
00:34 [Music]
00:35 All I ever want is to be with you.
00:37 I want to marry you.
00:38 [Music]
00:39 I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
00:41 [Music]
00:56 Well, I guess that's my cue.
00:59 [Music]
01:03 I'll always love you, Kat.
01:05 [Music]
01:05 I love you too.
01:06 [Music]
01:07 I understand that you're in charge of me.
01:09 [Music]
01:09 Wait, who said my love for you was friendship?
01:11 [Music]
01:15 There's something I have to tell you before I leave the country.
01:17 [Music]
01:19 John Neal's still in the city.
01:20 [Music]
01:22 Someone's helping him out.
01:23 [Music]
01:24 Oh, God.
01:24 [Music]
01:25 That woman will never stop.
01:26 [Music]
01:27 What's the plan?
01:28 [Music]
01:29 I don't know.
01:29 [Music]
01:31 Can you give me a second, Colin?
01:32 [Music]
01:45 Anything wrong with the chicken?
01:46 [Music]
01:47 No.
01:47 [Music]
01:49 You know you can count on me, right?
01:50 [Music]
01:51 Whether it's delivering pizza or running a company.
01:53 [Music]
01:53 I know.
01:54 [Music]
01:56 You need anything from me?
01:57 [Music]
01:58 Actually, yes.
01:58 [Music]
02:00 Mr. Daunton.
02:01 [Music]
02:06 Here.
02:07 [Music]
02:11 Okay.
02:11 [Music]
02:12 I got it.
02:12 [Music]
02:14 Howard, do you want me to push?
02:15 [Music]
02:16 What do you mean?
02:17 [Music]
02:17 I mean, it is your father after all.
02:18 [Music]
02:20 I know.
02:20 [Music]
02:22 Show him no mercy.
02:23 [Music]
02:26 So this prosecution won't affect Yale Enterprise?
02:28 [Music]
02:29 No.
02:29 As we stated in our previous meeting, George, this lawsuit is for John Neal alone.
02:33 For his dishonesty and his partnership with your corporation.
02:36 [Music]
02:37 Just make sure nobody else gets wrapped up into it.
02:39 Especially Yale Enterprise.
02:40 [Music]
02:40 On the contrary, sir.
02:41 [Music]
02:42 Yale Enterprise could actually benefit from this.
02:44 [Music]
02:44 Good job.
02:45 My pleasure.
02:45 [Music]
02:54 Oh, good shit.
02:55 [Music]
03:05 Cheers.
03:06 [Music]
03:08 What's up?
03:09 [Music]
03:11 Nothing.
03:12 [Music]
03:13 What's happening?
03:13 [Music]
03:14 She's in the back changing. I just checked on her.
03:16 [Music]
03:16 Is that okay with you?
03:17 [Music]
03:19 Sure.
03:19 [Music]
03:28 Hello again, everyone. Thank you.
03:30 Thank you so much for coming back and being here with us today.
03:33 I cannot tell you how much joy it brings me to introduce to you Yale Enterprise's latest business venture.
03:39 It is just so special to me to be able to share with you our designs for the modern businesswoman.
03:45 It is something that is very close and personal to me, as I'm sure you can all understand.
03:49 There's nothing like looking your best and feeling your best and being in your power.
03:53 So, thank you once again so much for being here.
03:56 Do nothing but a thief!
03:57 Do nothing but a thief!
03:58 [Music]
03:59 What?
03:59 Guys, open your eyes.
04:01 You must know me, John Neal.
04:02 And see, Catherine Neal is my daughter, who we kicked out of our family eight years ago.
04:06 She blamed me and then took the entire company for herself.
04:10 She trapped her sister.
04:11 We didn't miscarry her. She sent her to prison.
04:13 I don't know what she'd done to me.
04:14 Let's go.
04:15 Wait.
04:15 Which?
04:16 Which?
04:17 Which?
04:17 Which?
04:18 I'm so sorry, everybody, about that.
04:19 I'm sure you're all having a lot of questions and thoughts about what you just heard and saw.
04:23 I think we can all agree that he is definitely mentally unstable right now.
04:27 I'm so sorry.
04:28 [Music]
04:35 Hello?
04:36 It worked. People are asking for refunds.
04:39 So soon?
04:40 It's because I'm a man of honor.
04:41 People in the town know me. They love to believe my words.
04:44 Fabulous.
04:45 I gave up my old man dignity and got my ass kicked out.
04:48 You better.
04:49 We're cool. Everything that belongs to her is all yours.
04:52 [Music]
04:58 Do you have good news? Found them?
05:00 [Muffled voice]
05:06 Don't worry. Take your time.
05:08 I have a backup plan.
05:10 The press is behaving harshly towards us. They're gossiping around about your family.
05:13 Oh, enough with the personal shit about me, okay?
05:17 I just want to know about the product. Is it selling?
05:20 It's very bad.
05:22 No new orders since last Friday, and we're too busy issuing refunds.
05:26 Can you at least just tell me one good thing?
05:28 A new retailer reached out and would like to meet you.
05:30 Okay, okay, good, good. Um, when are we meeting them?
05:34 Mr. Johnson declined because he thought it could be a trap.
05:37 I'll take my chances.
05:39 [Music]
05:44 So...
05:46 [Music]
05:53 It was you.
05:55 Oh, what a surprise.
05:57 You knew it was me and yet you showed up anyways.
05:59 Yes.
06:00 Oh, well, I was just curious as to what you had to say.
06:02 Oh, well, it's quite simple.
06:04 [Paper rustling]
06:06 Sign it.
06:07 What is this?
06:09 [Music]
06:12 I don't understand. Do you even love George?
06:15 I don't need to love him. It was never his business in the first place anyways.
06:19 But Johnson's asked for this engagement.
06:23 George has to fulfill it. It's my family's honor.
06:26 The Shanks will stop at nothing to make sure that everything happens the way it's supposed to be.
06:31 Oh, well, I admire your determination and your loyalty to your family.
06:38 But I will not divorce George.
06:41 These are tomorrow's headlines.
06:45 Photos, stories, everything that people need to know about you.
06:51 You wouldn't want that to happen, though, would you?
06:55 So my father had my press conference.
06:58 That was the setup.
07:00 By me?
07:01 Yes.
07:02 Sign it, though, and I'll make all the negative press about you go away.
07:05 I'll just be discarded as that delusional ramblings of an old madman.
07:09 Oh, Vivian.
07:11 You do realize that everything that you're offering me right now, George could provide for me.
07:18 I don't think so.
07:21 Look.
07:23 The Johnson's and the Shanks were never mentioned in the same breath.
07:26 That's right.
07:28 These are my parents.
07:30 Don't you think it's funny how George never dared raise his voice at me?
07:35 Oh, yeah, and I guess that explains why he invited you up for the second dance after me.
07:41 Well, I wonder what the Royal Police will think about your lies.
07:48 I wonder what the Royal Police will think about your lies, Your Highness.
08:00 You better have some really good evidence if you're going to call another press conference.
08:03 Yeah, well, I have an ace.
08:05 Which is?
08:06 It came from Vivian, the new sales associate I was supposed to meet with yesterday.
08:11 That was a trap.
08:12 Yeah, for her.
08:15 She tried to blackmail me and then she gave me this as an ultimatum.
08:27 The Shanks are a royal family, too.
08:29 Am I right?
08:31 And their family ranks higher than yours.
08:34 I didn't think she'd give you all this.
08:36 Yeah, me either.
08:37 I thought that you would tell me all of this.
08:39 I was just blackmailed by a princess to divorce you.
08:41 I thought you'd tear it up as soon as you saw it.
08:43 You don't crack under pressure.
08:45 Oh, thank you so much for the vote of confidence.
08:47 But is that really all you have to say for yourself?
08:50 What do you want me to say?
08:51 God, you remember all of that standing up for me bullshit that you said?
08:55 It just, it feels like right now you're leaving me alone to face these threats by myself.
09:00 And you're not even giving me all the facts.
09:02 What can I say?
09:03 You're still the only girl I ever care about.
09:05 You are missing the point right now.
09:12 I promise I'll figure out a way to sort this out, okay?
09:14 But if I act too rashly, then I can put my family at risk.
09:16 Catherine!
09:17 Will you turn around and talk to me?
09:19 George, I appreciate this big picture thinking thing that you're doing here.
09:22 But all I ever wanted was just a normal guy who would stand by my side no matter what.
09:27 I might not be normal, but I will stand by you always.
09:29 Just drop it, okay?
09:31 Vivian scared the shit out of you.
09:33 What happens next if Her Majesty the Queen asks you to beat the shit out of me?
09:37 My God, I would be so fucked.
09:39 Catherine, Catherine.
09:40 Look here, I promise you, I will defend you with my life, okay?
09:45 Fuck the shanks.
09:47 And if the Queen has a problem with you, I'll punch Her Majesty right in the fucking face.
09:53 Alright?
09:54 Alright.
10:09 It is just so lovely to see you here this evening.
10:12 Why do you want me here today?
10:13 Oh, you're the talk of the conversation.
10:16 Hello.
10:29 Hi everyone, thank you so much for coming today.
10:32 I know the last time we were all in this room it was quite the fiasco,
10:36 but it makes me very happy to finally be able to clear the air today.
10:40 My father, John Neal, has been declared as mentally unfit after psychiatric evaluation
10:46 and has been charged by the local police department with disturbing the peace.
10:50 The claims he made against me of mental and physical abuse were untrue
10:56 and I am currently suing him for defamation.
10:58 Catherine, there had been no money for today's party.
11:06 [indistinct chatter]
11:10 Hey, a once smart man who now can no longer form a complete sentence,
11:18 but after all he's done, I have to say, it's a little bit amusing.
11:22 John Neal did not act alone, though.
11:24 No, if he did, he would have acted much slower.
11:27 The real mastermind here is Miss Vivian Shanks,
11:33 a noble Italian princess who risks her integrity to frame an innocent woman out of jealousy.
11:42 Shall we hear it?
11:44 Don't play it.
11:49 What's all this about?
11:55 There's no need to play it, madame.
11:57 You're a sinner, a selling royal immigrant.
12:01 How dare you? What did I do?
12:02 Don't make a fool of yourself, Shanks.
12:04 Let go!
12:05 I can walk by myself.
12:08 Thank you so much.
12:15 Thank you.
12:22 Well, it looks like you don't have to punch your majesty in the face anymore.
12:27 Yeah, I know what you said in a way.
12:29 There's one thing that's still on my mind.
12:34 I know what you mean.
12:36 I guess there's no one left here to stop us.
12:42 I'm this other woman now.
12:44 And I always want to remember everything with you.
12:47 No, no, no, I shouldn't.
12:49 Just say it.
12:51 Say it.
12:53 George Johnson, I love you.
12:57 I love you.
12:59 I missed you so much.
13:12 How was Europe?
13:13 What?
13:14 Did you get my love signal?
13:16 No.
13:17 He's on an island in North Lake.
13:19 Gosh, you know you are an ass.
13:21 Daddy, I want pizza!
13:24 Daddy doesn't do pizza anymore.
13:27 Who says?
13:28 Let's get some pizza.
13:30 I never fucking have my own.
13:36 You should just go home.
13:50 Daddy, I told you you are more than welcome to come here and visit me anytime you want to.
13:54 Mom, I already threw my stuff in the trash.
13:56 Well, then you'll need to move my stuff too.
13:58 You guys, I'm so sad.
14:00 Calvert's going back to Australia tomorrow.
14:02 Oh, no.
14:03 Cheers, guys.
14:05 Cheers.
14:06 You know, you haven't really been mean to me recently.
14:13 You haven't given me a reason to be mean.
14:15 Oh, I don't think that's it.
14:17 You're actually starting to like me.
14:19 That's never going to happen.
14:21 That's never going to happen.
14:23 [Laughing]
14:24 [Door opening]
14:26 (door creaking)
