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00:00 >> All right, gentlemen, we went over all the rules in the dressing room.
00:02 Your trunks are both a little high, so keep your blows on the belt or above.
00:06 Guys, you're too big for me to wrestle with.
00:07 If I say stop, stop.
00:09 If I say break, take a step back.
00:10 I don't want to wrestle.
00:11 Questions, questions.
00:12 Good luck, guys.
00:14 >> Paulie, you asked, when did Mexicans start getting so big?
00:17 When did this happen?
00:18 We got a heavyweight right in front of you.
00:21 You made the Cain Velasquez reference.
00:23 This is a big Mexican heavyweight.
00:26 Chris, when you saw him walking around, man, you came into the meeting like,
00:28 can you see this kid's build?
00:30 >> He looks like a bodybuilder.
00:31 He's walking around campus, and I was like, what?
00:33 Is that guy fighting?
00:33 Is that guy a boxer?
00:35 >> We are underway, round number one.
00:37 When I talked about the contrast, it was because Feliz Jr., an outside fighter,
00:43 lean, relies on his speed, decorated amateur.
00:48 >> Navarro already turning his elbow here,
00:50 switching from the right hand stance he came out as.
00:52 >> And he got hit with a big left hand and then switched immediately.
00:54 We don't get a lot of heavyweights on our air.
00:56 >> Big shot.
00:57 >> Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.
01:00 >> The grappling has started early.
01:03 Referee said, I don't want any wrestling in this fight.
01:05 That's what we're getting.
01:06 >> These guys got into it at the weigh-in yesterday.
01:09 Had to be separated.
01:12 Bringing that bad blood into the ring.
01:14 Handling it where they're supposed to.
01:16 >> Navarro throwing big shots.
01:17 He's not even using any set-up.
01:18 >> This is what Navarro does.
01:19 He doesn't really jab.
01:20 He goes in and tries to land big punches.
01:23 >> That awkward bowling style, though, can create some problems.
01:31 >> Navarro fights like he's here for a good time, not a long time.
01:35 >> He's here for a reason, not this easy.
01:39 >> Even hitting the gloves.
01:42 >> I'm getting blown away, those tornadoes in the Midwest.
01:45 >> Even hitting the gloves, you can hear the impact of those shots, gentlemen.
01:49 >> I didn't know there was a tornado warning in Plant City tonight.
01:52 >> Yeah, these shots are making some breeze.
01:55 >> But you know what?
01:56 It would probably be worse for Feliz if Navarro was landing them.
01:58 Let's see now, as Feliz gets started, a good combination there.
02:02 >> Yeah, you see the short, tight punches from Feliz.
02:04 He set that up with a jab and then lets that power shot, that right hand,
02:08 shoot from that shoulder nice and smooth.
02:11 >> Fighting out of the Dominican Republic, national champion as an amateur,
02:15 five-time Golden Glove champion.
02:19 He's got the fundamentals.
02:20 You heard that slap.
02:22 >> That was a shot to the ribs.
02:23 >> [NOISE]
02:31 >> Good shot from Navarro, lead left hook.
02:33 While he's got Feliz along the ropes, another left hook while he's got him on
02:36 the ropes.
02:37 >> Navarro seems willing to walk through the fire to get the range he wants.
02:40 >> I think he has, it's a good idea.
02:42 >> Yeah, and also Feliz has to be careful not losing the real estate battle here
02:45 because he's not really staying that busy on the outside.
02:47 So it's the real estate battle that might influence the judges.
02:50 He's playing around, but
02:52 he hasn't really done a lot to cement control of the ring here.
02:55 >> You box a brawler, you brawl a boxer.
02:57 Right now Navarro doing the brawling.
03:00 >> Feliz, your point champ, he's trying to box.
03:03 He hasn't had much success so far.
03:06 >> [NOISE] >> I'll be honest with you, Jimmy,
03:10 I boxed whether you were brawling or boxing.
03:12 >> [LAUGH] >> I was still boxing.
03:14 >> Do you want to know?
03:15 >> [NOISE] >> Navarro, no surprise here,
03:20 trying to work his way to the corner.
03:21 Good punches off the ropes from Feliz Jr.
03:24 >> [NOISE] >> Big swing and
03:29 a miss from Navarro.
03:30 Nice head move from Feliz.
03:31 >> Good straight right.
03:32 >> [NOISE]
03:42 >> [APPLAUSE]
03:52 >> Welcome back to Pro Box TV.
04:09 And ready for round number two.
04:13 There are fights where we've said, hey, we can't see what this person's path is,
04:16 what their plan is.
04:17 That first round was all both men's plan.
04:18 >> No, it was not.
04:19 >> [LAUGH] >> There's no mystery there.
04:21 >> A thousand percent.
04:22 And listen, I like it.
04:24 I like the contrast in style.
04:25 Just like you said, Jimmy, these guys are very, very different in terms of their
04:28 build, their personality, and the way that they fight.
04:31 And the contrast in style makes for an entertaining matchup.
04:35 >> We start round number two.
04:36 [NOISE]
04:40 >> It is Cesar Navarro with his back to us in the white and gold.
04:44 Feliz Jr. in the white and black.
04:47 Feliz Jr., the seasoned amateur, competed at the top levels.
04:53 When it came to his amateur career, 7-0 as a pro, six knockouts.
04:58 Cesar Navarro, 11-1, nine knockouts.
05:03 >> Yeah, Feliz now getting working on that jab.
05:04 That's what you want to see more of.
05:07 He'll be able to keep a big shot.
05:10 And just like that, he's setting up those little pot shots there.
05:13 But what they'll do is they'll keep Navarro off balance.
05:15 And Navarro's looking for those big shots, and he's not even looking to set them up.
05:19 >> And both these guys do have power.
05:20 Navarro, nine KOs in his 11 wins, six KOs in Feliz's seven wins.
05:25 So, and plus the heavyweights.
05:27 It only takes one punch.
05:28 [NOISE]
05:32 >> That's the only thing about Navarro, throwing almost one-mil shots.
05:35 He's either all in or all out, because he's going to be tired from throwing those shots.
05:40 Now he's in that rest period, and it's allowing Feliz to sort of work on that center ring
05:44 and take that technical command.
05:46 >> And also, Feliz is a guy that once he finds his rhythm, he's very difficult,
05:49 because he is smooth, he can box, he does have that big amateur background like you said, Jimmy.
05:54 >> Yeah, five-time Golden Glove champion in Connecticut.
05:58 >> Nice angle there, and a nice knuckle punch.
06:00 We were talking about knuckle punching in the Merriweather fight, there we saw from Feliz.
06:06 >> Now Navarro, last time he fought anyone with experience, 13-1 Adam Stewart,
06:10 he kind of gassed himself out.
06:11 He went for big punches early and didn't have a lot of energy for the back half of that fight.
06:15 And you see now, Feliz Jr. starting to be a little more active as Navarro slows down.
06:20 >> Yeah, and when you gas out, you're actually more susceptible to those jabs,
06:23 because it's harder to move your head.
06:24 Saw Feliz a few seconds ago landing a few jabs,
06:26 and now let's see if Navarro is able to develop anything,
06:28 because he's got Feliz back on the ropes.
06:30 >> Look for Feliz, look for that uppercut.
06:33 Navarro is very forward over that front foot, very front foot heavy fighter.
06:39 And as you get tired, you start to lean more and more,
06:41 and we're seeing that here, good body work from Feliz.
06:44 Oh, short right hand.
06:46 >> Feliz's better technique now, starting to take charge here in round two.
06:50 >> This is the kind of fight he said he wanted.
06:52 He said, "I don't want to quit knuckling, I want to punish this guy a little bit.
06:54 I want to work him over a little bit.
06:56 Maybe make him quit."
06:58 He talked about a war of attrition in this fight.
07:02 >> I don't think he needs a war of attrition.
07:03 Feliz can just box from the outside, use that jab.
07:05 He's already got blood from the nose.
07:07 He cannot miss those jabs.
07:08 They're landing very hard.
07:10 >> That's the thing, Navarro's starting to fatigue.
07:12 >> Beautiful straight left, began that combination.
07:16 Navarro hitting the air now.
07:18 >> Yeah, he's at just different levels of boxers at this point.
07:22 >> And champ, you said he looks like a bodybuilder.
07:24 He's getting tired like a bodybuilder, too.
07:25 Throws punches like a bodybuilder.
07:27 >> Now the better technique of Feliz is starting to take charge here.
07:30 And Navarro is feeling it.
07:32 >> Feliz landing heavy, heavy blows.
07:34 >> I don't want to say saved by the bell, but that was a rough end of round number two.
07:41 Paulie, since you're nodding, I'll say it, saved by the bell.
07:43 >> Yeah, I mean, you get what you see, right?
07:48 >> I just got a wink from the Feliz corner.
07:50 Look at me, not a second wink.
07:52 Getting a big smile.
07:55 >> Feliz Jr. Starting to take over in that second round.
07:58 >> Yeah, it all came out the jab.
07:59 When he's in the right position, right range, he's finding really nice body shots, finding
08:03 all the holes.
08:04 We saw the body work on both sides.
08:05 And again, like I said, Navarro was leaning forward, especially Morris around right on,
08:09 and the gas tank started to wilt.
08:11 You saw Feliz, he could not miss.
08:14 Everything he threw was landing.
08:16 >> Sneaky right hand and found a home.
08:18 >> Big shot.
08:19 >> Pretty much at will.
08:20 >> Right in the temple there, too.
08:21 Those shots hurt, man.
08:23 >> And then Navarro comes back swinging, hits nothing but air.
08:26 >> Let's see what the decorated amateur, the undefeated professional from the Dominican
08:35 Republic, let's see what he does in round number three.
08:38 Feliz Jr. versus Cesar Navarro.
08:43 Navarro in the white and gold, Feliz Jr. in the white and black.
08:48 >> Feliz Jr. would be smart to be cautious early in the round, because Navarro got that
08:53 time to rest.
08:54 He got a full minute in that corner.
08:55 If he's going to come out strong, it's going to be in the beginning of the round.
08:58 Shots like that.
08:59 >> That left eye of Navarro starting to close up.
09:02 We start seeing some desperation punches, Paulie.
09:04 >> You know what?
09:05 Let's see if he's got the energy for them.
09:07 It seems like he's punched himself out.
09:09 And then the shots of Feliz, shorter, more crisp, are also wearing him down now.
09:13 >> And even when you do have a good chin, when you're tired, you just don't take punches
09:17 as well.
09:18 >> And he's getting arm weary with those shots he's throwing.
09:20 He was throwing them like a body builder before, just winging them in like fastballs.
09:24 >> Right through the center.
09:26 >> I think Navarro might need that break more than Feliz does.
09:30 >> Yeah.
09:31 >> Might have been on purpose.
09:33 >> Yeah, but you see how -- yeah, he's way --
09:36 >> Yeah, right under the cup.
09:38 That one's not pretty, right under the cup.
09:41 >> A lot of special.
09:43 >> Yeah, that's where the cup actually works against you more than it works for you.
09:47 >> That goes up and under.
09:49 >> That really hurts.
09:50 >> That might have been on purpose.
09:52 It might have been Navarro that needed a break.
09:55 >> I hate to say veteran move, but it's one of those things I've seen before.
09:59 >> By any means necessary, right?
10:01 >> Yeah.
10:02 >> This is a fight.
10:03 >> The most famous one that comes to mind is Feliz Trinidad against Fernando Vargas.
10:06 >> Yep.
10:07 >> When Fernando dropped him in about that fourth round, he was coming in for the finish.
10:10 Felix said, no, no, no, take this low blow with you.
10:13 >> That one hurts.
10:14 >> Watching it hurt.
10:17 >> Feliz Jr. right back at it.
10:20 Two minutes left to go in round number three.
10:24 Feliz Jr. trying to take their toll on Cesar Navarro.
10:28 >> Watch your head.
10:46 >> You can see Feliz trying to smother Navarro in that aggression.
10:53 Much better off at a distance.
10:57 >> You can see Navarro's eye is a little bit lumpy too, right?
11:00 Underneath his left eye.
11:01 >> Yeah, the left eye.
11:02 >> Left eye is almost closed from those jabs of Feliz.
11:04 >> Blood from the nose, another low blow there.
11:06 >> Also, great job sneaking in with that right hand.
11:08 It's always been targeted at that eye.
11:10 >> Good right hand from Navarro over the top.
11:12 >> Yeah, that can Feliz roll a little bit with it.
11:14 >> A little rubber necking on that.
11:16 >> Nice uppercut.
11:18 >> That's the thing, man.
11:20 >> Round Ooing and Awing as Feliz Jr. is trying to put combinations together.
11:26 >> The last minute of the last round is where Feliz really dominated.
11:29 >> This is where the technique comes into play here.
11:31 In the last minute, that's where you're most fatigued in the final minute.
11:34 Feliz's short, crisp shots, they burn less energy than those big, wide shots Navarro throws.
11:39 Coming into the last minute, it's going to be Feliz with more energy again.
11:42 >> And then also, as you lean forward and your opponent, who's bigger than you,
11:45 starts leaning on your back, that saps your legs as well.
11:47 >> That doesn't help you.
11:49 >> Feliz Jr. asserting his dominance in the last two rounds.
11:56 Navarro has gotten more arm weary.
11:59 >> Oh, good body shot.
12:00 >> Big arms look great at the gym, but they're hard to use in boxing.
12:03 They wear you out.
12:04 >> Yeah. I think Feliz should go back to using his jab, though,
12:06 and work on that lumpy eye of Navarro.
12:11 >> Feliz is just taking his mouthpiece out of his mouth.
12:13 He's breathing for air, too, now.
12:15 >> Closing seconds of round number three.
12:17 A round, once again, dominated by Fresneli Feliz Jr.
12:22 >> Ooh.
12:23 [ Bell rings ]
12:24 >> Timeout!
12:25 [ Applause ]
12:28 [ Speaking Spanish ]
12:31 [ Cheering ]
12:50 [ Speaking Spanish ]
12:53 >> Relaxation on the face of Fresneli Feliz Jr.,
13:02 and this is why everything going his way.
13:04 >> Yeah, I mean, that was another really good round for Feliz,
13:07 minus the really bad low blow thrown by Navarro,
13:10 but now you've seen some of those big shots.
13:12 Most of the hard shots were landed in the last minute of the round,
13:16 when Navarro's fatigue really set in.
13:19 >> Outside. Let's go outside. Get out.
13:21 >> If I'm Feliz, though, I don't want to waste any more time.
13:23 This is still a heavyweight fight, and Navarro's throwing big bombs.
13:27 >> Anything can happen. We begin round number four.
13:33 Navarro beaten up in the last couple rounds.
13:36 As you said, Chris, that low blow may have bought him
13:39 the longest rest he's had so far from the punches of Feliz Jr.
13:44 >> You know, we don't get a lot of heavyweights on our air,
13:46 but I really don't mind it. This is fun.
13:48 >> A lot of fun.
13:50 >> You don't underestimate the heart of a Mexican fighter.
13:52 >> Yeah, true.
13:53 >> Navarro sometimes looks arm-weary.
13:55 It looks like he's gone, and then he'll come back and throw some big, big shots.
13:59 If he lands one of those, especially early in the round
14:01 when his energy is fresh again--
14:02 >> And, Chad, that's what I meant about Feliz.
14:04 You've got to stop wasting time.
14:05 You should try and get this fight over with,
14:07 or at least get on your jab.
14:11 >> Navarro looks like a big, strong guy.
14:12 He's still throwing those left hooks with a lot of heat,
14:14 so it only takes one punch in the heavyweight division.
14:17 >> Also, Feliz Jr., he's had to throw a lot of punches the last couple rounds.
14:21 He may be taking a breather now as well,
14:23 not punching with the volume we've seen the last couple rounds.
14:27 >> It's funny, because it's almost like every Mexican fighter has to have that heart, right?
14:34 So once you come from a culture with that reputation,
14:37 you don't want to lose your Mexican card.
14:39 They'll pull it from you quick.
14:41 Every Mexican fighter will give you just a little bit more
14:45 than somebody from another culture who may be out,
14:48 at least not in the whole spectrum of the culture.
14:50 Literally, you don't find any Mexican fighters
14:52 that don't give you that full throttle every single time.
14:54 >> Paul, you don't make it out of the gym.
14:56 You trained, I'm sure, in Mexico.
14:58 You don't get out of the gym.
14:59 You wouldn't come back the next day.
15:01 >> You don't make it out of the kitchen of your house that you grew up in,
15:04 in Mexico, if you're going to talk.
15:07 >> You can kind of see here, Feliz is outclassing Navarro.
15:10 Navarro hanging around, hanging around.
15:12 Every once in a while, throw a big, big shot.
15:14 Throw a big, big shot in there.
15:16 If he would just be able to land one of those.
15:18 But if he's just not setting anything up,
15:20 and Feliz at this point has his timing.
15:22 >> A little admonishment from the referee as Feliz Jr. held onto the rope for a second.
15:27 >> Navarro didn't set anything up even in the first round.
15:29 He came out and sent Feliz in.
15:30 >> Beautiful overhand left.
15:32 >> That's what I think.
15:34 He's going to kind of hang around here.
15:35 He's going to take some punishment.
15:36 He's going to kind of hang around here.
15:38 >> A big right hand.
15:39 >> That's exactly what I'm talking about.
15:40 He's going to hang around and then he's going to come with a big, big shot.
15:43 He's not going anywhere.
15:44 >> No, he's super durable and very strong.
15:46 And Nick, you said, Chant, that Mexican warrior spirit,
15:50 that culture is keeping him in this fight.
15:53 >> Feliz Jr., of course.
15:55 >> And for context, these guys are big hearts in every culture.
15:58 But it's just like it feels like the Mexican fighters pride themselves on it the most.
16:01 So it's like any Mexican that steps in the ring almost has to carry that burden.
16:06 >> Feliz Jr., of course, from a boxing family.
16:12 His father a professional.
16:14 His brother beginning his professional career.
16:18 He was raised in the sport.
16:20 >> Nice shots from Navarro.
16:21 Double right hand to the body and then over the top to the head.
16:24 >> This fight's been fun, guys.
16:28 >> Yeah.
16:29 >> At a certain point you start asking yourself, if you're Feliz Jr.,
16:34 man, what am I going to have to hit this guy with to get him out of here?
16:36 >> That's the thing, man.
16:37 I mean, he misses a lot of those big shots.
16:39 Every once in a while he lands one.
16:40 It's like, man, the fight wears out.
16:42 Sometimes Feliz Jr. has his mouthpiece hanging out of his mouth because he's tired, too.
16:47 We've seen that at different times in the run.
16:49 What if Navarro lands a big shot when that mouthpiece is hanging out of his mouth?
16:52 Break his jaw or something?
16:53 You said that, right, Chant?
16:55 Feliz shouldn't play around here just trying to get Navarro out of there.
16:58 But letting this guy with a big heart survive in there, if you don't put him away,
17:03 he's going to keep being dangerous.
17:04 >> Speaking of heart, right, Eastern European fighters, unbelievably talented, strong, technical.
17:11 We've got a great one coming up, May 22nd.
17:14 By the way, come on out here.
17:15 ProBoxTV, the energy in this building, absolutely unbelievable.
17:20 They're appreciating the heavyweight fight they have in front of them right now.
17:24 >> We'll see Jukambia versus Redcatch in a couple of weeks.
17:27 >> It's going to be great.
17:28 >> I don't know how Redcatch wound up with the American flag.
17:30 Isn't he from Ukraine?
17:31 >> Yeah.
17:32 >> I was like, "He's Ukrainian."
17:33 >> Maybe we adopted him.
17:34 >> Jukambia has been on the air multiple times.
17:38 >> Yeah, casualty fighter.
17:39 >> And very impressive.
17:40 Highly ranked guy, too.
17:41 >> That's the wet corner of Feliz.
17:45 The corner, the ref should have them wipe that corner.
17:47 >> Yeah, you can see the water and the moisture on there.
17:50 >> That's exactly what they're doing.
17:52 >> My question is, if you're in the corner of Feliz Jr., cornered by his father,
17:55 are you giving the Emanuel Stewart, you know, a--
17:58 >> Yeah, Mike Tyson, get this guy out of here.
18:00 >> A thousand percent.
18:01 >> Big windmill shots and then right on the water.
18:03 >> Slipped right there.
18:04 He slid it to first base, nice.
18:05 >> So you'd be giving him that kind of business.
18:07 >> I would have given him that two rounds ago.
18:09 This guy is still dangerous.
18:10 You can't miss the jab.
18:11 Get the jab on him, set it up, break him down.
18:14 Similar to how we saw Niawe Inouye the other day.
18:17 He had a very dangerous guy in front of him.
18:19 He just stuck on the jab.
18:20 He's like, "All right, this guy hits hard.
18:21 I'm going to chop him down, chop him down, weaken him, get him out of there."
18:23 Ooh, good overhand left from Feliz Jr.
18:26 But here comes Navarro.
18:29 He's always got that explosion in there.
18:31 >> He saves it, he saves, might even take a few shots, saves it, and then just explodes out.
18:35 He doesn't waste time trying to set you up.
18:37 In his mind, that's a waste of time.
18:39 Even though it would be smarter.
18:41 Navarro says, "There's no jab I've seen that I like.
18:43 It's all about power punches."
18:46 >> It's that weightlifter mentality, though, too.
18:50 It's like you almost believe your own hype with the power, and you don't work on the technique as much.
18:55 >> Learn to over-rely on it, which Navarro so far has done.
18:58 It's been the hallmark of his career.
19:00 >> Ooh, good hook there by Navarro.
19:03 >> Navarro does have a nice left hook.
19:05 >> Leaning into Feliz again. Feliz may find the uppercut.
19:13 He may see it, he may look for it.
19:16 One thing we haven't seen a whole lot of is uppercuts, body punches, inside punches.
19:21 Feliz Jr. doing a good job from the outside.
19:24 >> Feliz doing the matador trick there.
19:26 >> Ooh.
19:27 >> Oh, man. >> Now getting some body work in.
19:30 Beautiful left.
19:31 >> He's the chin of Navarro, man. He's getting hit with really clean, hard shots.
19:36 >> Navarro's gonna have a chance here to come back, because Feliz may punch himself out with that combination.
19:40 Navarro not taking advantage. He may be recovering from the shots he took.
19:43 >> Thought I saw his knees buckle with that left-handed shot right over the top.
19:47 >> See, Feliz with that combination, it's almost like a sprint. He's trying to get his breath back.
19:52 That's where Navarro should be attacking.
19:54 Instead, he's giving Feliz a chance to reset.
19:56 And Feliz, on his part, while he's resetting, should be using his jab just to control that range.
20:01 >> Ooh.
20:03 >> Big overhand left attempt, just misses. Looks like it hit the shoulder of Navarro.
20:07 >> Yeah, fellas.
20:08 >> And listen, you can see the power. Feliz Jr. hits hard as well.
20:16 Navarro's got a great chin. He's taking some heavy, heavy shots all night long.
20:20 >> He's been saying it all night, that Mexican heart, keeping him on his feet.
20:24 A lot of fighters would have gone down from these.
20:26 >> Ref looking close. Ref looking very close.
20:28 Feliz could force a stoppage here, but he just let his hands go.
20:32 He's got Navarro in his own corner.
20:35 >> Time.
20:36 [bell ringing]
20:38 [crowd cheering]
20:40 >> Water on his head.
20:50 >> Okay.
20:51 Okay.
21:01 How you feel?
21:02 How many more rounds we got? How many more rounds?
21:04 Two more rounds.
21:05 >> Number six.
21:12 >> Fernando Feliz Jr. versus Cesar Navarro.
21:16 It has been all Feliz Jr. so far, but Navarro's had his punching moments.
21:20 >> Yeah, it seems like he's taking his time, biding his energy.
21:24 When he has a moment to explode and throw some big shots, he does.
21:28 Not too much success, but still dangerous.
21:30 Still throwing very, very vicious punches in there.
21:33 Falling a little bit short, but you never know, man.
21:35 Feliz Jr. I think should get on that jab, be a little more cautious.
21:39 >> The question is, in round number six,
21:41 this eight-round fight, how much is Feliz Jr. going to turn it up?
21:46 How much is he going to go into cruise control?
21:48 Maybe round number one went to Navarro,
21:51 but you got to say all the rest so far to Fernando Feliz Jr.
21:54 >> He said he wanted to punish him. He did say that, so he certainly is.
21:57 >> He certainly is.
21:58 >> Another thing, Paulie, early on in your career,
22:06 remember this is only the eighth fight for Fernando Feliz Jr.
22:09 Is it a matter of that frustration of wanting to get a guy out there
22:12 and not being able to do that, managing those emotions?
22:14 What do you think so far from Feliz Jr.?
22:16 Looks composed so far.
22:17 >> Yeah, it's composed and also getting ring experience.
22:19 You know you got a dangerous guy in front of you.
22:21 He's got an 11-1 record.
22:22 He's obviously going to show up to win.
22:24 He's going to have the winning mentality,
22:25 so you got to kind of beat it out of him.
22:27 And maybe, you know, with seven fights on your pro ledger,
22:31 you're still kind of feeling out the steps
22:34 as far as how to manage these rounds against fighters of a higher caliber.
22:38 There will be even higher calibers than Navarro,
22:40 but right now the way he's handling the rounds has been pretty solid.
22:43 >> Now, Feliz Jr. already has his next fight set up in Argentina.
22:46 He says that one might be at bridger weight,
22:48 which is not every belt recognizes it,
22:50 but it's right below heavyweight.
22:52 What do you think about that, Chris?
22:53 >> I think he's going to be going out to a slightly lighter weight.
22:55 >> I mean, both of these guys are too small for current heavyweights.
23:00 So it's a good idea for Feliz Jr. to work his way down to cruiserweight.
23:09 But cruiserweights are dangerous, man.
23:11 A lot of times they carry heavyweight punch, but they have fast hands.
23:17 >> They've got fast hands and good work on the power side from Feliz Jr.
23:21 >> Great job with the hook.
23:24 >> And Navarro comes back with a hard dig to the body, caught mostly on the elbow,
23:27 but still big heavy shots are still coming from Navarro.
23:36 Feliz Jr. doing a lot of body work this round.
23:38 Smart move.
23:39 >> One minute left in round number six.
23:43 Looks like Feliz Jr. is settling down a little bit, waiting for his opportunity.
23:47 >> Feliz Jr. looked at me and rolled his eyes like, "What's keeping this guy up?"
23:52 >> He's like, "I'm trying, I'm trying."
23:54 >> He's still there.
23:58 >> No question, the heart and the chin and the durability of Navarro tonight.
24:03 >> He's going to come back with a big shot if he gets a chance.
24:05 That's why Feliz -- while this guy's in the ring, Feliz has to still be alert for those big shots.
24:11 >> Feliz is so relaxed.
24:14 He's seeing these punches coming.
24:16 >> It's with those straight punches, the combinations, the jab, that straight right.
24:20 It can't miss.
24:21 It hasn't missed since round two.
24:23 >> Navarro seems to be taking them better now, though.
24:25 I don't know if Feliz Jr. is a little arm-weary, or sometimes you kind of just get used to a guy's punch.
24:32 >> That one hurt.
24:34 That one hurt.
24:35 >> Navarro now.
24:36 >> Big shot from Navarro.
24:37 >> I tell you, man, he keeps -- big shot at the end of the round.
24:41 >> Everything we've been saying.
24:44 >> That's why you can't sleep on him, no matter what you hit him with.
24:47 >> Come back, got you a bite.
24:49 >> Bring both these guys back.
24:51 These guys are fun.
24:53 [ Indiscernible ]
25:02 >> Says on Navarro's previous fights, it's been all power, nothing changing in this one.
25:08 >> Good body work in this round for Feliz Jr.
25:10 I think that's smart here.
25:11 You've got a guy who's very durable, taking the shots to the head well.
25:15 Better idea to focus on the body.
25:17 There's that shot we've been talking about all night long.
25:19 Navarro is still dangerous.
25:21 He's waiting for that shot, waiting for that opportunity.
25:23 That one didn't land super clean.
25:25 Didn't roll that over to the knuckles.
25:27 But still a shot delivered with power.
25:29 >> You just said it, the tactical deficiencies.
25:32 If you just turn that over a little bit more.
25:34 >> Game changer.
25:37 >> He's still throwing hard.
25:39 We talked about his gas tank.
25:41 We're late in the fight now.
25:43 He still has power.
25:45 >> Round number 7.
25:47 Undefeated.
25:49 For Nelly Feliz Jr.
25:51 Taking on the tough as nails.
25:53 Navarro 11-1.
25:55 But hasn't found a way tactically into this fight.
25:57 Throwing some power punches.
25:59 >> Navarro's a tank.
26:01 >> Yeah.
26:03 >> And a ton of heart too.
26:05 He's still trying to win.
26:07 >> He hasn't made what our broadcast partner says is the
26:10 agreement.
26:12 I'll stop trying to win if you stop trying to hurt me.
26:14 He's not doing that.
26:16 >> That silent agreement.
26:18 We don't have any of those on our air.
26:20 I don't think I've seen it so far.
26:22 >> Calling fights for you guys.
26:24 >> Everybody comes here to win.
26:26 >> So far the technique of Navarro.
26:28 >> He's got a lot of power.
26:30 >> So far the technique of Feliz Jr.
26:33 The accuracy of his punches.
26:35 You talk about the relaxed way he throws out the jab at the
26:38 right hand.
26:40 Incredibly accurate.
26:42 Not a ton of power behind any one shot.
26:44 But just seems to connect at will.
26:46 >> Very smooth, very athletic the way that Feliz Jr.
26:49 Operates in the ring.
26:51 And speaking of the power, he looks like he hits hard to me.
26:54 I think it's just Navarro is very durable.
26:56 >> It could be a rare distance fight for both of these guys,
27:01 right?
27:03 >> Yeah, right.
27:05 >> But a good experience for Feliz, nonetheless.
27:07 This is a guy who came to win.
27:09 A guy with a good record.
27:11 He'll be a confident feliz.
27:13 He's able to stay on top of things and come out with a
27:16 victory like he seems to be on his way to doing.
27:19 >> 19 fights between the two of them.
27:21 15 KO's.
27:23 These guys are not used to hearing the final bell.
27:26 >> Only one time has Feliz Jr.
27:28 Been unable to knock his opponent out.
27:30 Six knockouts in seven fights.
27:32 Navarro 9 of 11.
27:34 >> And his one loss actually was the decision, Navarro.
27:38 >> That was that Adam Stewart fight.
27:40 He started out throwing big punches.
27:42 As you can see, kind of ran out of gas a bit.
27:45 Stewart took that fight over.
27:47 >> That's kind of what happens when you're a young guy.
27:50 You start out throwing really big shots.
27:53 But hasn't been able to get his bearings going after that.
27:56 He comes back.
27:57 Every once in a while he shows himself to be alive.
28:00 But at this point he's kind of arm weary now.
28:03 >> Last round.
28:05 Feliz Jr.
28:06 Is going to go into kind of cruise control.
28:09 He's going to look for the finish.
28:11 It looks like he's cruising at this point.
28:13 >> You don't want to play around too much with a guy with a
28:16 big punch.
28:17 You got to get him out of there or you got to stay behind your
28:21 P's and Q's.
28:22 >> Throughout this fight, Feliz Jr.
28:24 Has not neglected his footwork.
28:26 Very light on his feet.
28:28 Angling very well.
28:29 >> Also got to think how much of this is gamesmanship from
28:32 Navarro.
28:33 He knows the last round is coming up.
28:35 He can come out, guns blazing.
28:37 Looking to either get the knockout or go out on the shield.
28:40 [cheers and applause]
28:50 [cheers and applause]
29:13 >> We get ready for the final round of this heavyweight
29:16 showdown.
29:17 Feliz Jr.
29:20 Versus Cesar Navarro.
29:22 Navarro so far tougher than a $2 steak.
29:25 With the technique of Feliz Jr.
29:27 In the story of this fight.
29:29 >> You know you're hungry, but even a $2 steak makes you think
29:38 about food.
29:39 >> We've been working a while.
29:41 >> We are underway.
29:43 The final round.
29:45 >> You don't know how you can give any round but the first
29:49 round to Feliz Jr.
29:52 >> Feliz on his toes.
29:54 >> Outside dancing.
29:55 >> Giving you that Ali rubber band jab off his toes.
30:05 >> See if Navarro presses the action.
30:08 He's had the occasional power punch in response to the
30:12 offense of Feliz Jr.
30:15 But can he find that miracle shot in the last round?
30:18 That's the question.
30:19 How hard will he work for it?
30:24 >> Waiting for that last salvo from Navarro.
30:28 Good left hand there from Navarro.
30:30 And a right hand.
30:31 Another low blow perhaps.
30:38 >> You guys are throwing a lot of leather.
30:43 >> Second one of the fight.
30:45 >> Another bad one.
30:46 >> That's also Feliz pulling his head down.
30:49 >> That one looked less intentional than the first.
31:06 >> Another effort from Navarro to slow down.
31:09 Feliz Jr.
31:10 Earlier in the fight when he was under assault.
31:16 Trying to turn things around in round number 8 where Feliz Jr.
31:20 Taking his foot off the gas a bit.
31:23 >> Good right hand from Navarro.
31:25 And a left hook that Feliz Jr.
31:27 Rolled with.
31:28 >> Talk about the chin of Navarro.
31:30 Feliz Jr.
31:31 Has eaten some big punches and hasn't shown any one shot has
31:35 been effective.
31:36 >> A lot of them he's been rolling with, sliding with.
31:39 He's got that athleticism.
31:40 He's so relaxed like I mentioned earlier.
31:42 I don't think he's been hit all that clean tonight.
31:45 Except for the low blows.
31:46 Those are very clean.
31:47 >> I don't care how relaxed you are.
31:49 >> I do not like when heavyweights are relaxed.
31:52 >> Left hook again.
31:53 >> And a body shot.
31:55 See, this is Navarro.
31:56 Navarro's got -- I know he's got one more salvo left in him.
32:00 >> Saves it.
32:01 He saves it.
32:02 >> Yep.
32:03 >> We're at one minute left in the final round.
32:06 >> Navarro, you can tell, he's got self-belief in his power.
32:09 He understands what he is and what he isn't.
32:12 And he's kept his heart in this fight throughout.
32:15 >> Shorten those shots up.
32:16 Feliz sees everything.
32:17 And at this point he's got his timing down so well.
32:20 >> Doesn't help that he's hindered with that eye, that lead eye being damaged.
32:24 >> A little bit overhand.
32:26 >> Feliz with a good shot selection, takes some stuff off some of the shots, throws some of the shots hard.
32:31 Mixes the speed.
32:32 >> He just has better variation to his attack.
32:35 A bit more seasoned as a boxer.
32:37 >> I think Feliz Jr. is a little fatigued as well.
32:39 The power hasn't been the same these last couple rounds.
32:41 >> Nice overhand left there.
32:44 The second half of this fight he has not been as busy.
32:47 I think he spent a lot of gas maybe trying to get Navarro out of there in the first four or five rounds.
32:51 He's slowed down since.
32:52 >> Yeah, the last three he's been more on, like you said, just cruise control.
32:56 >> Oh, good right hand.
32:59 >> Feliz Jr. shakes his head.
33:02 Last ten seconds of the round and the fight.
33:06 Probably had one last salvo and he did.
33:11 But it will not be enough as Feliz Jr. finishes the fight on his feet.
33:18 >> Crowd goes nuts.
33:19 >> Great stuff from the young heavyweight from Dominican Republic.
33:23 >> Good to see them embrace afterwards.
33:25 These guys almost went at each other at the weigh-in yesterday.
33:28 >> No better way to earn someone's respect.
33:30 Spend eight rounds together trying to beat each other's heads in.
33:34 >> A little soul searching, right?
33:37 Hey, gentlemen, we all know what puts asses in seats, right?
33:40 Get into it at the weigh-in.
33:42 And there's the left eye swollen almost completely shut.
33:47 Cesar Navarro has been an easy target throughout this fight for Nelly Feliz Jr.
33:53 >> Entertaining fight.
33:54 >> The crowd is still excited about what they just watched.
33:58 >> What we always see, you know, fighters just starting their careers is he learned a lot tonight.
34:03 He's learned a lot to take back to the gym.
34:05 >> Yeah, I think both of these guys learned a lot tonight.
34:07 More so Feliz Jr. obviously he found his boxing, his ability, using his variation, like you said, champ,
34:15 landed some big power shots, but he had a guy in front of him that was very durable and stayed dangerous throughout.
34:19 So he had to stay in his P's and Q's.
34:21 Every time he got lazy, Navarro would crack him with a big shot.
34:24 They were few and far between, but still dangerous.
34:27 >> Yeah, and as the rounds went on, there was less and less big shots being thrown by Navarro.
34:32 And then the misses were also fatiguing him more.
34:34 He stayed true to himself the whole fight.
34:36 Every once in a while he would let one go.
34:38 It was a big shot, but it was more Feliz's consistency, better technique, better shot selection,
34:42 better balance, counterpunching, and just shorter shots in general.
34:45 >> Yeah, rounds two, three, four, very, very dominant from Feliz Jr.
34:48 But then as you mentioned, Jimmy, rounds six, seven, eight, it seemed like Feliz Jr.
34:53 kind of went into cruise control, took his opportunities when he had them,
34:56 but didn't press the action the way that I think was warranted.
35:00 Maybe that was because Navarro still felt strong, still throwing dangerous punches.
35:04 But either way, very consistent work from Feliz Jr. tonight.
35:09 >> It was a little like the first Rocky hitting a side of beef for eight rounds.
35:13 That will tire you out as well.
35:16 >> There's a celebration from a very happy Feliz Jr. to come with a unanimous decision win.
35:21 Jim, let us know.
35:24 >> All right, ladies and gentlemen, let's have a huge round of applause for these warriors!
35:30 [Cheers and applause]
35:35 >> After ten, after eight rounds, we head to the judges' scorecards.
35:41 Judge Joanne Richards scores this bout 78-74.
35:46 Judge Joe Ware and Jacob Rust Sr. both score this bout 79-73
35:52 for your winner by unanimous decision and still undefeated,
35:59 Fennelly Feliz Jr.!
36:03 [Cheers and applause]
36:06 >> Fennelly Feliz Jr., no surprise, unanimous decision victory.
36:10 I would say only round number one.
36:12 >> Yeah, one judge had two rounds to Navarro.
36:15 Other two judges having one round.
36:17 >> Last round, you think?
36:18 >> I thought first and last, probably.
36:20 >> Feliz Jr., though, adding to his undefeated record, eight rounds.
