A viral hypothetical question asks, ‘Would you rather find yourself alone in the forest with a bear or a man?’. Most people are picking the bear and it’s shedding a light on the gendered violence crisis.
00:00 Would you rather find yourself alone in a forest with a bear or with a man?
00:10 Man is scary.
00:11 Um, with a bear.
00:12 Well I've heard about bears, they don't always attack you, right?
00:16 Unless you like f***ing, so maybe a bear.
00:21 Depends what man, but probably a bear.
00:23 This viral hypothetical had the internet talking after more women picked the bear than the
00:30 man.
00:31 So why would more women and gender diverse people feel more comfortable with a wild animal
00:37 than with a man?
00:39 The worst thing the bear can do is kill me.
00:43 The bear sees me as a human being.
00:45 The bear hurts me, people won't question whether or not it happened.
00:48 Nobody will ask me what I was wearing when the bear attacked me.
00:52 Men were also asked whether they'd prefer their daughter or granddaughter to be left
00:58 alone in the forest with a bear or with a man.
01:02 Maybe the bear.
01:04 Why?
01:05 It might not do anything.
01:08 She's good enough.
01:09 Oh my gosh, I feel like that's a positive choice.
01:12 If you had to leave your daughter in the woods with a woman or a bear.
01:17 A woman.
01:18 Oh.
01:19 The fact that we live in a society where that's what women have to deal with all the
01:24 time.
01:27 Of the fear, you felt the fear of leaving your daughter in the woods with a man.
01:32 This hypothetical situation isn't actually about a bear.
01:37 And it's not about the likelihood of a bear attacking someone versus a man attacking someone.
01:44 It's about listening to the everyday experiences of gendered violence and the everyday threat
01:51 of gendered violence.
01:52 [Music]