Joy as the BBC series Happy Valley picked up two awards but shock about the ITV drama based on the Horizon Scandal - but here's why.
00:00 It was the British Academy of Film and Television Awards last night. Yes, the BAFTAs were back.
00:07 Whilst there was shock, there was no award for ITV's Mr Bates vs the Post Office,
00:13 the most monumental drama of last year based on a true story. We'll have more on why that is later.
00:22 But first of all, Happy Valley, yes that BBC series, how can you forget it, won two awards.
00:29 One included Sarah Lancashire winning another award.
00:33 She won the Best Actress prize for her work in the final season of the show.
00:38 The show also took home the P&O Cruise's Memorable Moment Award for its final confrontation
00:45 between two long-standing nemesis, Police Sergeant Catherine K Wood,
00:51 obviously that's Sarah Lancashire, and also Tommy Lee Royce, James Norton.
00:56 Those who feel infuriated that Mr Bates vs the Post Office didn't win an award,
01:03 basically when the drama was broadcast, it was after the broadcasting deadline for this year's BAFTAs,
01:10 so it will be eligible for next year's BAFTAs, and that's of course based on the shocking Horizon scandal,
01:17 which has literally dominated the headlines ever since.