Avon and Somerset Police conduct a weapons sweep in Bristol City Centre in a bid to tackle knife crime

  • 5 months ago
00:00 Today we're doing what we call a weapons sweep of the area, just to make sure there's no weapons
00:04 been discarded or hidden away, people might use in the future. We do these fairly regularly
00:10 around the parts of the city but this place especially. So the aim is to try and take more
00:15 weapons off our streets but it's not just exclusively that, like we found drugs,
00:20 bank cards, things like that before as well. We do it in a range of locations across the
00:26 city centre. Castle Park is somewhere where we found weapons and knives before,
00:32 so that's one of the reasons why we come here. So yeah, so we're out here today and
00:37 hopefully there's a bit of reassurance for the public and also it's good to get these
00:45 knives off the streets, there's also surrender bins as well. We've had incidents in the past
00:50 which have involved knives, hence why we do a lot around here. We do get a lot of groups gathering
00:56 and mainly in the summer but sometimes the winter as well, depending on the weather, but yes,
01:00 definitely an area we've had incidents in the past and we don't want to reoccur.
01:03 Yeah, so hopefully something like this with a load of us out and about,
01:07 it's good visibility and hopefully it can provide some reassurance for the public that we are doing
01:14 things and we do want to act and do what we can to get these knives off the streets so they can't
01:20 be used in any violence.
