Natalità: Fater lancia l’Osservatorio che ascolta i genitori

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Preoccupati per i bassi redditi e per il precariato del lavoro e attraversati da un senso di inadeguatezza. I genitori chiedono di essere aiutati attraverso un ecosistema positivo che attraversi aziende e comunità e che dia loro delle risposte.

È partita dall’ascolto la costituzione del primo Osservatorio Fater, presentato agli Stati generali della natalità, che raccoglie sfide e difficoltà di chi oggi fa figli in Italia.


00:00 [Music]
00:04 Parents concerned about low income and job precariousness
00:08 who ask for help through a positive ecosystem
00:12 that through companies, communities and that gives them answers.
00:16 It started from listening to the constitution of the first FATR observatory
00:20 presented to the United States of America.
00:22 The project was born from a joint venture between Angelin Industries and Procter & Gamble
00:27 in collaboration with the Eumetra Research Institute
00:30 has connected a community of over 3,000 parents waiting
00:33 with daughters of ages ranging from 0 to 6 years and potential parents
00:38 and a team of experts with various skills
00:40 among which psychologists of the age of evolution, educators, pedagogists, pediatricians, gynecologists, social workers.
00:47 Italian parents have told us a little bit of psychological loneliness, a sense of inadequacy
00:54 therefore a bit of performance stress compared to a perfect parent model that they can not reach.
01:01 We were inspired by a phrase of an African proverb that says that to raise a child you need an entire village.
01:09 Here we at Pampers want to help create this village.
01:12 The activity we are launching is called Pampers Village
01:15 and thanks to this observatory will be composed of a lot of information,
01:19 a lot of answers compared to these parents' needs.
01:22 Pampers Village is already a digital platform that is available in our Pampers app
01:27 which is called the Poccole app, which is widely distributed, two-thirds of parents in Italy have it.
01:32 From digital our village Pampers will also become a physical village
01:36 and therefore we can't wait to take it around Italy.
01:40 The observatory was built on the basis of the People First program
01:44 and starts from internal policies of the company that aim at the well-being of people with a focus on parenthood.
01:51 Starting from the three-month paternity leave,
01:55 we give all the fathers the possibility to follow the child and the mother for three months at home.
02:02 It has a 250 euro monthly rental bonus, which is a tangible investment of the company
02:08 to be close to the families at a time when the expenses are high.
02:12 It has a program where we follow the parents from when they give us the good news until they return to work.
02:18 And then, perhaps one thing that is at the heart of everything,
02:21 our choice to make it possible to work hybrid 5 days out of 5.
02:26 So in every job that is possible, people have full freedom to choose where to work
02:32 and also with what schedules, in order to better integrate and harmonize their personal and professional needs.
