• last year
A little tour of the new garden bed I've dug out for the seedlings I've been growing over the past few months and a progress update.
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00:09 Hello again. Back in this week I'm just going to show you what I've been planting in the ground.
00:15 And it's great to be able to say that after a few months.
00:18 So I'll just start here with, I have a raised bed as well, so I'll start with that.
00:24 So, here you can see I've got some vegetables growing.
00:33 These are Brussels sprouts. I had to buy these because I have seed but I didn't start them in time.
00:37 And they needed to be started really early in the season.
00:40 So I got these in a gardening centre and they were very healthy looking.
00:44 So this was one pack of Brussels sprouts for around £3.
00:49 They're probably a bit crowded but I just want to see if they all come on.
00:54 And they were only planted yesterday. No slug damage overnight which is nice.
00:59 And here is a couple of broad beans. I have loads of seeds for different types of beans and peas.
01:07 But again I didn't get them in the ground early enough.
01:10 I had no room to put them anywhere.
01:13 And over here are broccoli that I planted from seed a while back.
01:20 They've been out in the elements and all well out in a pot.
01:23 And I think they'll survive whatever comes at them now and take off.
01:29 So broccoli is great too. You can leave them, if you don't like the vegetable, they're great, great plants for bees and pollinators.
01:41 So the head of a broccoli is just a mass of tiny yellow flowers.
01:48 If you let it, if you don't pick it, that's it.
01:53 On here are some of the things I've been growing from seed.
02:03 Well there's more Brussels sprouts up here which I bought.
02:08 And there's a couple of other things.
02:11 There's the thing about going to a garden centre.
02:13 You should go and blindfold it down and dump it for compost and come back with a good load of tiny things.
02:20 So up the back are some of the larkspur, the delfiniums, which haven't come on as well as I'd hoped.
02:31 They like to be in the ground and they like cold temperatures.
02:35 So a lot of them died away like in pots.
02:39 A couple are looking OK. There's about 10 in the ground up there.
02:44 Quite small, quite hard to see there.
02:47 And over in the corner there's a couple of dirty pieces of silver money plant, honestly.
02:52 Also known as venaria. That plant has so many names.
02:56 Down here I have clarkia, also grown from seed in a wonderbox with a little bit of soil on it.
03:11 And these are some gladiola that were already in the ground.
03:17 I just kind of dug around them and left them and actually chopped a few down by accident.
03:22 But I've replanted the bulbs so hopefully they'll come back.
03:27 Here are some cornflower. There's a mix here of neon calendula, bright orange one.
03:34 These are older calendula. Some of them are relative flower actually.
03:40 I'm just hoping they make it.
03:44 And then these bushy floppy things are California poppies, bright yellow poppies.
03:53 And here is one I picked up. I tried to grow this from seed and it never happened.
03:59 This is marjoram. Beautiful smell already off it.
04:03 I got that for, I think it was 2 euro in a garden centre.
04:09 Let's see what else here.
04:14 A couple of wee alpines and some sweet lilies in the ground.
04:21 And these were a mustary plant that I grew from seed.
04:25 If any of you have been watching from before you'll know about this.
04:29 But it turns out that these are beets of some sort.
04:34 If you can see there. The UK for all known.
04:39 So a wee red bulb on this one. Am I showing it right? There it is.
04:47 A big red bulb so I think that's some kind of beet.
04:53 And then on up here more cornflower.
04:57 And some cosmos here.
05:01 Now up the back I haven't done anything on yet because what I'm going to be planting on there is,
05:06 I've been germinating some giant sunflowers which have just taken off.
05:11 They've just come up actually but they're already massive in their pots so they'll need either transplanted or planted out.
05:17 But I know that they're a favourite of slugs.
05:20 So I'll leave them. They try and get at least a second pair of leaves before I put them in.
05:27 There's also hollyhock which I'll just show you here. I've quite a few hollyhock come up.
05:34 And they all need to go in the ground. So here's some of the hollyhocks here.
05:42 Some more down here as well.
05:50 So everything's been coming on not too bad.
05:53 So I'm pretty happy overall and chamomile will be planted in its own pot in case it takes over.
06:02 But they were transplanted a couple of weeks ago and they're doing very well.
06:06 And they're from a seed tray and then the oxeye daisies are here somewhere too.
06:19 Right there. Ah, there they are.
06:23 So these will be going into their own pot too.
06:27 And that is everything. So just thought I'd give you a wee tour of that.
06:33 And we'll go round the corner too sure and see what's round here.
06:37 That's just more calendula and lobeida.
06:41 A bit of blue and orange in that pot.
06:43 This is some of the oxeye daisy seedlings in a big pot. So that'll be big white daisy like flowers.
06:50 These are sweet pea that I'm trying to nurse back to health.
06:53 They don't look too well.
06:55 More hollyhock. More sweet pea.
06:58 More chamomile. I don't know I could open a chamomile tea factory to the amount it germinated.
07:04 More sweet pea. More cornflower.
07:07 Nasturtiums. I want to get some of them into the ground too.
07:11 And two blueberry bushes that are just starting to put on new growth here at the moment.
07:20 They were bought as dry cottons just a couple of years ago.
07:32 They're in ericaceous soil.
07:34 So that is everything for this week.
07:38 And we'll see now. Hopefully we'll have the first flowers opening for next time.
07:43 Until then. Bye bye.
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