Inauguran monumento a Payá en Hialeah

  • 5 months ago
Este 10 de mayo, en la Plaza “Patria y vida” de Hialeah, se inauguró un monumento y un mural en homenaje a quien fuera el líder del Movimiento Cristiano Liberación, Oswaldo Payá. El exilio cubano de esta manera rinde tributo al fundador y principal promotor del proyecto Varela.


00:00On May 10, at the Patria y Vida square in Jallalea, a monument and a mural were inaugurated in tribute to the leader of the Christian Liberation Movement, Osvaldo Payá.
00:10The Cuban exile in this way pays tribute to the founder and main promoter of the Varela project.
00:16The monument dedicated to Payá consists of a bronze relief created by the artist Nathalie Plasencia.
00:23For its part, the mural of freedom, also inaugurated in this ceremony, is a work of the Cuban plastic artist Sergio Lastres.
00:31Osvaldo was fully aware of the dangers he faced, and yet he worked tirelessly to promote the possible path to transition,
00:43providing Cubans with the tools to start the process towards democracy.
00:51The city of Jallalea has always been present in every moment to support those young people who are now calling for freedom.
01:01And we know that we have reached this point today because there are many who have given a grain of sand in this struggle.
01:11Some have given their lives.
01:13It is very important to educate future generations that the struggle for a free Cuba has never ended.
01:23It is just beginning, and we will not stop until we see democracy and freedom on the island of Cuba.
01:31While I was creating this relief, I felt a deep sense of solitude for its cause, and a deep admiration for its bravery and conviction.
01:43We are very excited. We are very happy that the city of Jallalea, that the mayor Bobo,
01:53has dedicated this monument to my father's figure, but also to his legacy, but also to his constant invitation to the Cuban people
02:01to take the reins of their own lives and to unite for freedom.
02:05I feel that Bolado has begun and that Rosa continues.
02:09She is going to free countries and countries and countries for the future of humanity,
02:19so that no one falls under the deception of communism.
02:27Cuba decides
02:33The path opened by the Barrera project, which continues today, Cuba decides.
02:41In a call to the people, I invite each Cuban to take the reins of their own personal and national history.
02:53On behalf of our entire family, and with all my affection, thank you all for your continuous support.
