• 5 months ago
00:00:00 [Music]
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00:01:08 Here's a letter I received this morning.
00:01:11 Dear sir, in answer to your request for a report on the Aratar district, there is no improvement in conditions, the land is unproductive and...
00:01:19 So my Aratar pie is worthless, eh?
00:01:21 According to this.
00:01:23 You mean to say that land is all left of the Abbot estate?
00:01:26 It amounts to about that.
00:01:28 In other words, I'm broke.
00:01:31 Well, I had a lot of fun spending it while it lasted.
00:01:35 Going broke may be the best thing that ever happened to you, Jack.
00:01:39 There's a glorious opportunity in the West.
00:01:41 You don't think I'm going out to the woolly wilds of Arizona and Utah and rebuild the Abbot fortune, do you?
00:01:48 Why not? You never know what you may find in the desert.
00:01:51 I know what I find all right. Snakes and rocks and cows and sand, and I don't like any of those things.
00:01:58 You might also find a chance to use your expensive education.
00:02:02 You studied geology, didn't you?
00:02:04 Yes, but only because it gave me more time for other things.
00:02:09 Now see here, Jack. You might as well make up your mind to do something.
00:02:14 Well, I'm not going out in the desert to do it.
00:02:17 Chicago's good enough for me.
00:02:19 Yes, I suppose it is.
00:02:22 I never thought I'd live to see an Abbot who was afraid to go out and claim what was rightfully his, no matter what the danger.
00:02:28 But why try to claim worthless property?
00:02:32 What do you mean, danger?
00:02:34 Suppose I were to tell you that I thought you were being robbed.
00:02:38 I'd say it was beginning to sound exciting.
00:02:40 Well, I've already written Holderness, your manager, out there to turn everything over to you.
00:02:45 How do you know I'm going?
00:02:47 You're an Abbot, aren't you?
00:02:50 All right, Judge.
00:02:53 But don't be surprised if I come back wearing a five-gallon hat in one of those Western get-ups.
00:02:59 Those get-ups, as you call them, are worn by real men. Remember that.
00:03:03 All right, Judge. Goodbye.
00:03:05 Goodbye.
00:03:07 [Music]
00:03:20 Into thy merciful hands, O infinite power I commend my son.
00:03:29 Thy will be done.
00:03:31 [Music]
00:03:34 Don't say, "Please."
00:03:36 I can't help it, David. He was so young and so strong.
00:03:41 Why did they...
00:03:42 My daughter, it's not for us to question.
00:03:46 It's about time someone started questioning.
00:03:49 [Music]
00:03:51 Where are you going, David?
00:03:52 To get Holderness.
00:03:54 I forbid it.
00:03:55 You're always forbidding it.
00:03:57 No, David, this is not the time.
00:03:59 Why isn't it? For years, Holderness has been robbing us, driving us further and further into this dead end.
00:04:04 My brothers, what have you done about it? Nothing.
00:04:07 After all, your father has no real proof that Holderness was responsible for the killings.
00:04:11 I have all the proof I need, Thornton.
00:04:14 I hear my brother's calling me to even things for him, even if you don't.
00:04:18 Violence is not the way to settle things, my son.
00:04:22 I found that out years ago.
00:04:25 I killed a man without first having proof that he was the one who wronged me.
00:04:30 That must never happen again.
00:04:33 A day of judgment always comes.
00:04:36 You've been telling me that ever since Adam was killed. When is it coming?
00:04:40 Who knows, David.
00:04:42 Maybe at this very moment, a noose might be settling on the neck of Henry Holderness.
00:04:49 Stay right here, my boy.
00:04:51 [Music]
00:05:09 Here comes your friend Thornton, Chick.
00:05:13 No friend of mine.
00:05:27 Where are you heading?
00:05:29 None of your business.
00:05:38 Hello, Sam.
00:05:39 Hello.
00:05:42 What do you two fellas want?
00:05:44 Nebraska and me just wanted to make sure everything was all right.
00:05:47 It's all right. He's working for me.
00:05:50 Why didn't you tell us?
00:05:52 I only tell people what they're supposed to know.
00:05:55 Now get out and wait till I call you.
00:06:06 Why didn't you tell him? He might have started something.
00:06:08 My business is with you.
00:06:10 You're getting smarter, Snap.
00:06:12 Sure I am. Old man Nab just made me foreman.
00:06:15 That's fine.
00:06:17 Why, everything will be easy for us at the oasis now.
00:06:20 Not as far as you and I are concerned.
00:06:22 I came in here to tell you that I'm quitting.
00:06:25 Quitting what?
00:06:26 Playing the game with you.
00:06:28 From now on, I'm shooting square with the Nabs.
00:06:31 That sounds funny, coming from a man who killed Saul Nab.
00:06:36 I couldn't help that. It was either him or me when he found out I was working for you.
00:06:40 Do you think the Nabs would accept that as an excuse if they knew?
00:06:47 You can't quit me. You're in too deep.
00:07:00 Have a drink.
00:07:04 And let's not have any more talk about quitting.
00:07:13 What is the situation at the oasis?
00:07:16 The old man's cattle are doing fine.
00:07:18 Over a thousand head on the Wester Range alone.
00:07:21 Well, this is going to be a profitable year.
00:07:25 I'll give you an extra hundred this time.
00:07:31 And we'll charge that to the removing of Saul Nab.
00:07:38 Sometimes I wish I'd never seen you.
00:07:40 If you hadn't, you'd still be just a poor cowhide struggling for a few dollars.
00:07:45 Well, at least I wouldn't be a double-crosser.
00:07:47 And a killer.
00:07:56 Take that with you, if you like.
00:08:06 Are you sure there ain't even a postal card for me, Gopher Face?
00:08:09 That little waitress over in Granite promised to write me.
00:08:12 I told you I ain't finished sorting the mail yet.
00:08:14 These are all for the boss.
00:08:27 The mail writer just came in.
00:08:29 This one's from Chicago.
00:08:31 It's from the lawyer.
00:08:40 Well, you can go.
00:08:42 Yes, sir.
00:08:46 Swick.
00:08:47 Yes?
00:08:48 Send Nebraska in here.
00:08:49 Yes, sir.
00:08:53 Nebraska, the boss wants you.
00:09:05 I want you to meet a man for me.
00:09:07 You'll find him somewhere on the trail between here and the junction.
00:09:10 Wait until he comes along.
00:09:11 Sure, boss.
00:09:12 I'll guide him in.
00:09:15 I don't want that man to reach White Sage.
00:09:18 You understand?
00:09:20 His name is, uh...
00:09:21 Wait a minute.
00:09:23 If that's the kind of job it is, then Chick's a better man for it than I am.
00:09:28 What am I paying you for?
00:09:29 Fighting.
00:09:30 Not murder.
00:09:32 You're not getting a little bit yellow.
00:09:34 I guess you know that I'm always ready to take plenty of short chances to earn my wages.
00:09:40 But the other fellow's got to have an even break.
00:09:45 A whole even break, Nebraska.
00:09:47 That's him.
00:09:48 You might try being that way yourself sometimes, Chick.
00:09:52 It'll be a change for you.
00:09:53 Uh-uh.
00:09:54 One like you in this outfit is enough.
00:09:59 I ain't so particular how I earn my pay.
00:10:02 What's the name of this man you don't want to get here?
00:10:05 Sometimes I think you enjoy your work.
00:10:09 A dollar's a dollar.
00:10:10 Who is he?
00:10:11 His name is, uh...
00:10:13 John Abbott.
00:10:15 John Abbott.
00:10:17 That's an easy name to remember.
00:10:20 [whistling]
00:10:43 Nice view from up here, huh?
00:10:44 Yes.
00:10:46 Mighty decent of you to guide me up here.
00:10:48 I never found my way alone.
00:10:50 Don't mention it.
00:10:51 I'm glad I had the chance.
00:10:54 Where's the town?
00:10:56 Uh, just look down over that ledge and you can see where you're going.
00:11:04 [whistling]
00:11:23 My heritage.
00:11:25 Were you speaking to me?
00:11:27 Uh, no, no.
00:11:33 What did you say your name was?
00:11:36 You asked me that before.
00:11:37 Abbott, I told you.
00:11:38 John Abbott.
00:11:45 I just wanted to make sure I ain't making no mistake.
00:11:52 That was a shot.
00:11:54 Maybe someone's hunting.
00:11:55 Up there on Savior's Pass with a pistol?
00:11:58 Nothing to hunt. I ain't even a grasshopper up there.
00:12:06 [whistling]
00:12:22 Help!
00:12:27 Help!
00:12:39 Oh, he's in the creek sign, David.
00:12:41 You're learning him.
00:12:51 Be careful, Father.
00:13:02 All the way, David.
00:13:14 Take it easy, David. Take it easy.
00:13:22 He's safe!
00:13:27 A slug in his chest. It looks bad.
00:13:29 Yeah, practically a fang and a heart right now.
00:13:31 I wonder who done it.
00:13:32 Death in this desert always means holiness.
00:13:35 He needs our help no matter who he is.
00:13:38 Bring him outside.
00:13:55 Well, how's your patient today, Miriam?
00:13:57 About the same, Father. No better, no worse.
00:13:59 He'll pull through, my child.
00:14:02 The same power that delivered him from his enemies will restore him to health.
00:14:07 Enemies?
00:14:09 Father!
00:14:11 You need have no fear of enemies here, my son.
00:14:15 You're with friends.
00:14:17 What is your name?
00:14:19 The last man who asked me that tried to kill me.
00:14:25 Well, never mind. It doesn't matter.
00:14:27 We judge a man here by his deeds, not by his name.
00:14:31 Rest easy and we'll have you on your feet in no time.
00:14:36 I wonder how I can repay you.
00:14:59 Matt!
00:15:05 We missed you last night.
00:15:07 Where were you, my lad?
00:15:08 Why, uh, on the West Range.
00:15:11 The stock is crowding seeping wells and some of them should be driven out.
00:15:15 Didn't look that way to me last time I was up there.
00:15:19 That red eye you've been drinking makes you see double.
00:15:22 Oh, leave me alone, will you? You know I've stopped drinking.
00:15:47 You sure are paying a lot of attention to him.
00:15:49 Who is he?
00:15:50 Another stranger lost in the desert.
00:15:53 Why does your father bring strays around here?
00:15:57 This man might be anything.
00:15:59 What difference does that make? He needed our help.
00:16:03 Oh, snap. You've been drinking again.
00:16:05 Oh, why won't you let liquor alone?
00:16:07 You know well enough why I drink, Miriam.
00:16:10 If you'd only give me some encouragement.
00:16:12 I like you. You know that.
00:16:15 Sure, I know. The way you like everything around here.
00:16:19 That isn't what I want, Miriam.
00:16:20 Quiet. You'll awaken him.
00:16:22 Oh, now, snap. Please go away. He needs rest.
00:16:38 Why didn't you come right back and report?
00:16:41 You know you can depend on me.
00:16:43 You won't have to worry about him anymore.
00:16:45 He's at the bottom of that sandpit at Satan's Pass, what's left of him.
00:16:50 It ought to be worth a lot more than this, seeing as how important Abbott was to you.
00:17:02 Stop that noise.
00:17:05 All right.
00:17:26 That's an unusual looking blanket.
00:17:28 It's not a blanket. It's a poncho.
00:17:31 Here's one.
00:17:33 See? It's woven so your head can go through here.
00:17:36 Oh.
00:17:37 Our men wear them on the high ranges. It gets mighty cold up in the plateaus.
00:17:41 Beautiful colors.
00:17:42 We make the dyes ourselves.
00:17:44 You do? How?
00:17:46 From roots, flowers, rocks, even from insects.
00:17:50 You people seem to be able to do almost anything.
00:17:53 We have to. Almost everything we use here we make ourselves.
00:18:00 Miriam, soap and water, please.
00:18:02 Yes, Father.
00:18:05 Excuse me.
00:18:06 Sure.
00:18:19 Thornton doesn't seem to like me.
00:18:21 Can't blame him, can you?
00:18:23 You know, he'd give his right arm if Miriam worried over him as much as she has over you.
00:18:30 But he doesn't seem to be any too fond of you either.
00:18:33 You got a keen eye, ain't you?
00:18:36 I don't trust him. Bad blood.
00:18:39 You know, his father was a rum runner.
00:18:41 Used to cheat the Indians out of their ponies and blankets by giving them bad whiskey.
00:18:46 Cousin Andy picked him up when he was a little shaver and gave him a home.
00:18:51 He thinks he's the salt of the earth.
00:18:54 Gonna make something out of him.
00:18:56 But I'm thinking you can't make a lily white dove out of a desert hawk.
00:19:09 Andy!
00:19:23 You stay here, Miriam.
00:19:40 What do you want, Nebraska?
00:19:42 No trouble this time, Davey.
00:19:44 No Holderness Rider ever came here without bringing trouble.
00:19:46 That's enough, Davey.
00:19:50 A boss is raising the ante on you this year, Andy.
00:19:54 He wants a thousand head of steer.
00:19:56 A thousand? Is he crazy?
00:19:59 Well, he figures that the use of this oasis and the land and water on the West Range is worth it.
00:20:05 Well, we found that water on the West Range and we opened a seaping well.
00:20:08 Why, they belong to us.
00:20:10 Holderness claims it all belongs to the Aradacompany.
00:20:13 You'll have to argue it out with him.
00:20:16 Holderness, every time the Nabs find rich range and new water, he claims it for his company.
00:20:22 Who does Holderness work for?
00:20:24 Who's behind that carefully concealed company that he always blames for his lawless actions?
00:20:29 Well, your guess is as good as mine.
00:20:31 Well, you go back and tell him that I live by the old law that says, "Render unto every man that which is his."
00:20:38 But I'm going to fight the claim of his company to the West Range and seeping wells.
00:20:43 If the Landry has legally decided, I'm not going to pay him a thing for the use.
00:20:48 Well, I'll tell him, Andy.
00:20:51 But I'm warning you, friendly like.
00:20:55 You better think it over.
00:21:12 I tell you, you don't seem to be on very good terms with your landlord.
00:21:16 No.
00:21:17 I'm afraid for David and father.
00:21:19 They're all I have left.
00:21:21 Yes, I know.
00:21:22 Nosey told me about your brothers.
00:21:24 Holderness was responsible for their deaths.
00:21:26 What?
00:21:27 He gets rid of everything that stands in his way.
00:21:30 Well, wouldn't it be wiser then to get out?
00:21:34 We can't get out.
00:21:35 We belong to the desert.
00:21:36 We're part of it.
00:21:37 It's part of us.
00:21:39 And we made this oasis what it is.
00:21:42 Bit by bit, we reclaimed it from the desert.
00:21:44 It should belong to us.
00:21:46 I thought it was yours.
00:21:48 No.
00:21:49 Holderness claimed it for his company.
00:21:51 We merely lease it.
00:21:52 He charges us whatever he likes.
00:21:55 I should think you'd go to the law then.
00:21:58 Holderness seems to be the law around here too.
00:22:06 Well, what happened?
00:22:07 Well, that old war horse just the same as told me to go and jump in the lake.
00:22:11 And I might have done it too if it had been a lake.
00:22:13 You should have sent me.
00:22:14 Yeah?
00:22:15 Well, I want to be around the day that you pull down on Andy Knapp with them fancy guns of yours.
00:22:19 Are you trying to tell me that that old crew can handle a gun?
00:22:22 Better and the best.
00:22:23 So to say.
00:22:24 Guess you ain't never heard of Knapp's trick.
00:22:26 What do you mean, Knapp's trick?
00:22:27 Well, I ain't never seen it myself, but they say if he pulls it on you, you never live to profit by it.
00:22:33 That's enough of that.
00:22:34 Come on in here with me.
00:22:44 I think they need another lesson.
00:22:46 Now take some men, go to the West Range, and blow up seeping wells.
00:22:50 Well, it's only water and 30 miles.
00:22:52 That's why I want it done.
00:22:53 I just done my part of this particular dirty job.
00:22:56 I ain't carrying no war if dumb cattle can't defend themselves.
00:23:00 It's old Square Deal, Nebraska talking again.
00:23:02 Ah, shut up.
00:23:04 Chance, you do it.
00:23:22 All right, hurry it up, men.
00:23:23 Come on.
00:23:26 Plant a charge in there.
00:23:27 You, sink another one in there.
00:23:28 Hurry up now.
00:23:29 We got to work fast.
00:23:37 All right, boys, come on.
00:23:52 [explosion]
00:24:03 You've walked a long way.
00:24:04 You'd better rest.
00:24:05 Oh, I'm not tired.
00:24:06 But I am thirsty.
00:24:07 Oh, I forgot to feed Honey.
00:24:09 I'll be back.
00:24:38 I've been wanting to have a little talk with you, mister.
00:24:40 Well, here I am.
00:24:41 What is it?
00:24:42 Who are you?
00:24:43 Where did you come from?
00:24:45 Well, that happens to be my business.
00:24:47 Well, I'm making it mine.
00:24:49 When are you getting out of here?
00:24:51 Oh, that all depends.
00:24:54 Well, I'd make it soon if I were you.
00:24:57 Why should I?
00:24:58 You know what I mean.
00:25:00 I'm letting no one come between Miriam and me.
00:25:03 I'll kill anybody who tries.
00:25:05 You understand?
00:25:08 I'm leaving here when Andrew Nab tells me to.
00:25:12 Not before.
00:25:14 And whatever happens to you, remember,
00:25:16 you brought it on yourself.
00:25:34 Anything wrong, Jack?
00:25:36 No, nothing to worry about.
00:25:45 Where are you going, David?
00:25:47 To the West Range.
00:25:48 Trouble comes from holiness.
00:25:49 That's where it'll begin.
00:25:50 Why don't you take Snap with you?
00:25:52 I don't trust you.
00:25:54 Oh, you've left nosy poison in your mind.
00:25:57 Don't you think I can see for myself?
00:25:59 And so could you.
00:26:00 But you tolerate things from Snap you wouldn't take
00:26:02 from your own flesh and blood.
00:26:04 Well, just what do you mean, son?
00:26:08 You'll find him, father.
00:26:09 You'll see what I mean.
00:26:10 I'll be back.
00:26:11 I'll be back.
00:26:12 I'll be back.
00:26:13 I'll be back.
00:26:15 I'll be back.
00:26:17 I'll be back.
00:26:20 I'll be back.
00:26:23 I'll be back.
00:26:35 I'll be back.
00:26:55 I'll be back.
00:27:24 Snap!
00:27:29 Oh, I might have killed you.
00:27:33 Maybe I'd been better off if you had.
00:27:35 Oh, no.
00:27:36 Come here.
00:27:40 You know the trail of misery that stuff brings.
00:27:42 Why do you touch it?
00:27:46 It's, uh-- it's because of what happened
00:27:49 between Miriam and me.
00:27:51 Well, what, has she got to do with it?
00:27:53 Well, you know she's everything in the world to me.
00:27:57 I started drinking when I saw her falling in love
00:27:59 with another man, a man who never worked for her
00:28:02 and fought for her the way I have.
00:28:05 Who is he?
00:28:06 Why, you don't even know his name.
00:28:08 He isn't honest.
00:28:09 He couldn't be, or he wouldn't have anything to hide.
00:28:12 Well, maybe it would be better if I sent him away,
00:28:14 but I can't turn the man out.
00:28:18 Well, it's either him or me.
00:28:20 Oh, I guess it doesn't make any difference
00:28:23 what happens to me now.
00:28:24 No, I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:26 Not like this.
00:28:30 If I was sure of Miriam, I'd never touch another drop again
00:28:34 as long as I live.
00:28:35 I swear it.
00:28:40 Will you take that pledge on the book?
00:28:43 Yes, Father Neb.
00:28:47 Come with me.
00:28:57 Nosey will drive you wherever you care to go.
00:29:00 I wish you'd tell me what I've done to offend you.
00:29:03 Well, you haven't done anything.
00:29:05 It's just that it's best for all concerned that you leave.
00:29:09 If that's the way you feel,
00:29:10 there's nothing more I can say about it.
00:29:13 But I want you to know that I'll never forget your kindness.
00:29:18 Goodbye, Miriam.
00:29:19 Goodbye, Jack.
00:29:40 The keeping wells has been blown up.
00:29:43 That's the work of holiness.
00:29:44 Snake and coyotes.
00:29:45 Oh, the poor cattle.
00:29:46 The walls have caved in.
00:29:47 Water probably will never run again.
00:29:49 Well, we'll have to get the herd off that range
00:29:51 before they die of thirst.
00:29:53 Get the horses, Snap.
00:29:57 Miriam, you'd better come with us.
00:30:06 Nosey, what's the formation of the soil around those wells?
00:30:11 Well, it's rocky and kind of steep up above them.
00:30:15 Have you got any dynamite?
00:30:16 Yeah.
00:30:17 Get it.
00:30:18 Get it?
00:30:19 Yes, get it.
00:30:20 What you want it for?
00:30:23 Never mind.
00:30:24 Get it.
00:30:25 Oh, all right.
00:30:37 What are we going to do with this stuff?
00:30:39 You'll see.
00:30:40 You ain't no cow, man.
00:30:41 What can you do up yonder?
00:30:43 I might be able to find some water.
00:30:44 Believe it or not, I studied geology in college.
00:30:47 Yeah?
00:30:48 What are you going to do with that thing?
00:30:50 That's a divining rod.
00:30:51 I'm going to find that lost channel.
00:30:54 And I didn't learn how in no college either.
00:31:07 Yeah.
00:31:08 Yeah.
00:31:12 [cows mooing]
00:31:14 It'll be weeks before we can find that channel.
00:31:26 If I had the man who did this--
00:31:28 What are we going to do about the cattle, father?
00:31:30 We'll have to take them to Rimrock Springs.
00:31:33 Why, it's 30 miles across that desert.
00:31:35 Half of them will be dead before we get there.
00:31:37 Can't be helped.
00:31:38 It's the only thing we can do to save any of them.
00:31:40 Let's start the drive.
00:31:42 Come on.
00:31:43 [cows mooing]
00:31:45 [cows mooing]
00:31:49 [cows mooing]
00:31:53 [cows mooing]
00:31:57 [cows mooing]
00:32:25 Whoa.
00:32:27 They sure did blow it out, didn't they?
00:32:29 Yeah.
00:32:34 Well, I'll soon find water for you again.
00:32:37 You don't really believe in that thing, do you?
00:32:39 Sure, a divining rod is good enough for Moses.
00:32:41 I reckon it's good enough for me.
00:32:43 Say, that rock strata works down to a depression point right there.
00:32:47 That means water.
00:32:49 Oh, you're crazy.
00:32:51 Well, I've got plenty of company anyway.
00:32:53 I know I'm loco, but you're loonier than I am because you think you've got sense.
00:32:58 All the water you can find up there you can put in your eyes.
00:33:02 Let's go and find out.
00:33:03 All right.
00:33:05 [music]
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00:33:41 (gentle music)
00:34:11 - Looks like you found something all right.
00:34:13 - Yeah, who's crazy now?
00:34:16 - I hate to tell you.
00:34:17 - Cap one of those for me, will you Nosey?
00:34:20 - Yeah, sure.
00:34:21 - Give me a couple of sticks.
00:34:29 (gentle music)
00:34:32 (gentle music)
00:34:34 (gentle music)
00:34:37 (gentle music)
00:35:06 - Come on, let's get out of here.
00:35:08 (explosion booms)
00:35:23 (dramatic music)
00:35:29 (dramatic music)
00:35:31 (dramatic music)
00:35:34 (dramatic music)
00:35:37 (dramatic music)
00:35:40 (dramatic music)
00:36:09 - I like that for a miracle, Andy.
00:36:11 And there's water enough there
00:36:12 to make a garden spot out of this too.
00:36:15 I knew I was gonna turn away the boy who'd done it.
00:36:17 - Father, you won't send him away now.
00:36:21 - Of course he won't.
00:36:22 Will you remain with us?
00:36:26 - All right, if you'll let me.
00:36:31 - As long as you like.
00:36:34 - That goes for all of us, Jack.
00:36:36 (dramatic music)
00:36:39 (knocking)
00:36:54 - Come in.
00:36:55 Are you sure I've smarted yourself
00:36:59 when you plugged up the seeping wells?
00:37:01 Well, they got more water up there now
00:37:03 than they know what to do with.
00:37:06 - Who found the water?
00:37:08 - The tenderfoot the Nabs picked up in the desert.
00:37:10 He's supposed to be a geologist.
00:37:13 A rock picker.
00:37:15 - What's his name?
00:37:16 - Calls himself Jack.
00:37:17 - Jack what?
00:37:18 - I don't know, I never heard.
00:37:20 I don't think anybody knows if he has a last name.
00:37:22 It's the kind of a fella
00:37:24 that's trying to come between Miriam and me.
00:37:26 - What sort of a man is he?
00:37:29 - Why don't you take a ride out to the oasis
00:37:30 and see for yourself?
00:37:35 - I think I will.
00:37:36 - You mean these are all for me?
00:37:50 - Well, you'll be needing them, my boy,
00:37:52 now that you're going to stay on with us.
00:37:53 - Yeah, me and Miriam figured
00:37:56 there's gonna belong to you when we was making them.
00:37:58 - I don't know what to say.
00:38:01 - You don't have to say anything.
00:38:04 You've earned them.
00:38:05 - Why, you haven't seen the best present of all yet.
00:38:07 - There it is.
00:38:20 - You, you're not giving me Silvermane too?
00:38:26 - Yes.
00:38:27 He's a great horse, Jack.
00:38:29 Be good to him, won't you?
00:38:34 (men chattering)
00:38:36 - It's Holderness.
00:38:43 - Give me that, David.
00:38:54 - Thank you.
00:38:57 (footsteps thudding)
00:39:01 - So you're the rock picker?
00:39:15 - You mean I'm a geologist?
00:39:16 - Yes.
00:39:18 - How did you know?
00:39:19 - Oh, I've seen some of your work.
00:39:21 I may pay you for locating that water for me.
00:39:23 I've got some other prospects I'd like checked.
00:39:26 - Thanks, I may do that.
00:39:28 But right now, I happen to be working for Mr. Knapp.
00:39:31 - You look lovely, Miriam.
00:39:34 How are things with you and Snap?
00:39:36 - What do you want?
00:39:40 - A thousand head of cattle, when do I get 'em?
00:39:46 - For 10 years, Holderness, we've been persecuted by you.
00:39:49 In the name of your company, you've plundered and pillaged
00:39:53 and killed all who refused to pay you tribute.
00:39:56 Three of my sons are dead because of you.
00:39:59 - That's enough, Nabb.
00:40:00 - You're rotten all the way through, Holderness.
00:40:04 You've fattened on the lifeblood
00:40:06 of every family in this desert.
00:40:08 - Why, you blabbering old fool, I'll show you.
00:40:12 (guns firing)
00:40:18 (footsteps thudding)
00:40:21 - Nabb's trick.
00:40:26 Hey, I never would have believed it.
00:40:30 - You're alive today only because
00:40:34 there's a higher law than man's.
00:40:36 Now get out.
00:40:38 (footsteps thudding)
00:40:41 (footsteps thudding)
00:40:44, take this my boy, keep it with you always.
00:40:50 Behind it, you'll be as strong as he.
00:40:52 (footsteps thudding)
00:40:57 (guns firing)
00:41:03 (footsteps thudding)
00:41:06 (guns firing)
00:41:11 (guns firing)
00:41:16 (footsteps thudding)
00:41:19 (guns firing)
00:41:24 (footsteps thudding)
00:41:29 (guns firing)
00:41:33 (footsteps thudding)
00:41:38 (guns firing)
00:41:45 (guns firing)
00:41:47 (footsteps thudding)
00:41:52 (guns firing)
00:41:57 (footsteps thudding)
00:42:02 (guns firing)
00:42:07 (footsteps thudding)
00:42:13 (footsteps thudding)
00:42:16 (guns firing)
00:42:21 (footsteps thudding)
00:42:24 (guns firing)
00:42:28 (footsteps thudding)
00:42:33 (guns firing)
00:42:38 (footsteps thudding)
00:42:41 (guns firing)
00:42:44 (guns firing)
00:42:51 - That's three flapjacks.
00:42:54 - Four.
00:42:56 - Oh, Nick ain't a hit, you only wiggled it a little bit.
00:42:59 - Oh, getting technical, huh?
00:43:01 (guns firing)
00:43:02 - Five.
00:43:03 - That's enough, come on,
00:43:04 I can't be flapping these flipjacks for you all day.
00:43:10 (upbeat music)
00:43:39 - Oh, you've been on the white stage all week,
00:43:40 what were you doing there so long?
00:43:42 - I had to wait for this, and it was worth waiting for.
00:43:44 No other girl in Aratai ever had one like it.
00:43:47 Miriam!
00:43:49 It's for you, open it.
00:43:56 (paper rustling)
00:43:59 - Well, aren't you going to say something, Miriam?
00:44:26 - Why, it's beautiful.
00:44:28 - I got the rings too, see?
00:44:35 See?
00:44:37 (door creaking)
00:44:41 (door creaking)
00:44:45 (door creaking)
00:45:13 - Father, why don't you think of Miriam
00:45:14 and let her decide for herself?
00:45:16 - A promise must be kept, my boy.
00:45:20 They'll be happy, you'll see.
00:45:24 Ride through the Aratai, tell all our friends
00:45:28 that Snap and Miriam are going to be married
00:45:30 two weeks from today.
00:45:32 (gentle music)
00:45:40 (footsteps thudding)
00:45:43 - Let's take a ride over those hills.
00:45:47 - Why do you want to go over there first?
00:45:49 - Oh, might be interesting geologically.
00:45:52 - Expect to find more water over there too?
00:45:55 - Maybe.
00:45:56 - You know, I like you.
00:45:58 You're the first cuckoo I ever met
00:46:00 who's more curiouser than me.
00:46:03 (both laughing)
00:46:04 Come on, let's go.
00:46:05 - Yeah.
00:46:06 (gentle music)
00:46:09 - Jack.
00:46:17 You know, Nebraska ain't doing that just for exercise.
00:46:30 Unless I miss my guess, old Hank Holderness
00:46:33 is fixing himself a hideout, again the day of judgment.
00:46:36 (gentle music)
00:46:38 Come on.
00:46:46 (gentle music)
00:46:48 - Hey, boy.
00:46:55 (gentle music)
00:46:58 Boys in town passed the word you wanted to see me.
00:47:01 - Don't you got any better sense
00:47:02 than to be riding in here in broad daylight?
00:47:04 - I made sure the coast was clear.
00:47:06 What's on your mind?
00:47:07 - We can't talk here.
00:47:09 - Go ahead and talk.
00:47:10 There ain't been a sign of life around this place
00:47:12 in more than an hour.
00:47:13 (gentle music)
00:47:16 - How would you like to make a couple of hundred dollars?
00:47:18 (gentle music)
00:47:20 - Depends on how much work I have to do to earn it.
00:47:22 (gentle music)
00:47:24 - That Rock Thicker's been getting in my way around here.
00:47:27 - Yeah?
00:47:28 I heard about him.
00:47:29 (gentle music)
00:47:30 Gained a little money.
00:47:32 (gentle music)
00:47:33 - He's a hundred now.
00:47:34 (gentle music)
00:47:35 He'll get the rest after.
00:47:38 - Where is he?
00:47:39 - He's up in Crimson Glory Meadows.
00:47:42 - I'll find him.
00:47:44 (gentle music)
00:47:46 (whistling)
00:47:58 (gentle music)
00:48:00 - Hey, Nebraska, what's the best way
00:48:04 to get up to the Crimson Glory?
00:48:06 - Well, if you don't know the short trail,
00:48:08 it's best to go around them by Satan's Pass.
00:48:11 - I'll be heading up there, Pa.
00:48:12 - Got a little job to do.
00:48:14 - Ah, who's gonna get it in the back this time?
00:48:17 - The Rock Thicker.
00:48:19 (whistling)
00:48:21 (gentle music)
00:48:24 (whistling)
00:48:26 (gentle music)
00:48:29 - Oh, Miss Nance, oh, Miss Nance!
00:48:37 (gentle music)
00:48:39 (whistling)
00:48:42 (gentle music)
00:48:44 - Jack, you've gotta get away from here.
00:49:06 - Why?
00:49:07 - Chick Chance is coming up here.
00:49:08 He's gonna kill you.
00:49:09 - What for?
00:49:10 Who's Chick Chance?
00:49:11 - One of the holiness men.
00:49:12 A fella with a smile like a knife, always whistling.
00:49:15 - Whistling?
00:49:17 (gentle music)
00:49:20 I think I know the gentleman.
00:49:22 - Well, he's coming around by Satan's Pass.
00:49:24 Oh, Jack, please, please get out of here.
00:49:27 - Yes, yes, I'd better go.
00:49:32 - Ride down to the oasis, you'll be safe there.
00:49:34 (gentle music)
00:49:37 - Jack, Jack, you're going the wrong direction.
00:49:39 (gentle music)
00:49:42 He's riding toward the pass.
00:49:46 - Yeah, I never saw such a fella
00:49:49 for riding into the wrong places.
00:49:51 (gentle music)
00:49:54 (dramatic music)
00:49:57 (dramatic music)
00:50:13 Jack.
00:50:20 (dramatic music)
00:50:24 (gentle music)
00:50:26 - Remember me, Mr. Chance?
00:50:44 - Are you, you're John Abbott.
00:50:49 - Yeah.
00:50:50 What's the matter?
00:50:51 You forgotten how to whistle?
00:50:53 (gun firing)
00:50:58 (gun firing)
00:51:00 (gentle music)
00:51:25 (fire crackling)
00:51:27 - I almost wish you hadn't come up here today, Mary.
00:51:34 I'll miss you more than ever now.
00:51:35 - I'll miss you too, Jack.
00:51:39 This afternoon's been the happiest I've ever known.
00:51:41 (dramatic music)
00:51:47 (dramatic music)
00:51:50 - Hi, Eddie.
00:51:58 - What's up?
00:51:59 - I rode up to tell you the news, Jack,
00:52:00 but I guess Miriam's beat me to it.
00:52:02 - What is it?
00:52:05 - Father sent me to carry the word
00:52:07 to the Eratar Ranchers that...
00:52:09 - What word?
00:52:12 - Well, hasn't she told you that
00:52:15 she's gonna marry Snap Thornton two weeks from today?
00:52:17 - Miriam.
00:52:22 - I'll go with you in a minute, Davey.
00:52:23 - Miriam, it isn't true, is it?
00:52:29 - Jack, there are some forces too strong to fight.
00:52:33 - What do you mean, what forces?
00:52:35 - All my life I've been taught to obey my father's every wish.
00:52:40 It's too late to change now.
00:52:41 - But, but he can't marry you off to someone you don't love.
00:52:45 It isn't fair, it isn't right.
00:52:46 - He made a promise to Snap,
00:52:48 and right or wrong, it must be kept.
00:52:50 - And I thought you loved me.
00:52:56 - I do.
00:52:59 You know that.
00:53:00 Oh, please try to understand.
00:53:02 I can't bring more trouble to my father now.
00:53:05 Don't you see?
00:53:07 - I see he doesn't care what he does to you.
00:53:08 - Oh, don't say anything unkind, please.
00:53:11 - I'll never forget you, Jack.
00:53:13 Never.
00:53:15 - Where are you going?
00:53:35 - What difference does it make? I'm getting out of here.
00:53:37 - So, you're going to quit without trying, huh?
00:53:40 Running away from the thing you want most.
00:53:42 Why didn't you just grab her, throw her on the horse, and run off with her?
00:53:46 Oh, maybe you're scared of Snap, is that it?
00:53:51 - No, I'm not scared of Snap.
00:53:52 - Well, then you're scared of Andy Nabb.
00:53:54 - Oh, go away, nosy.
00:53:55 - Well, what's the matter with you?
00:53:57 Are you a man or a mouse?
00:53:59 A mouse, I reckon, or you wouldn't be quitting so easy.
00:54:02 Are the Nabbs any better than the Abbotts?
00:54:06 - How did you know my name's Abbott?
00:54:08 - Oh, just kind of accidental.
00:54:10 Like some lettuce fell out of your pocket one day
00:54:12 when you were sick and I was taking care of your clothes.
00:54:15 - Now, listen, Andy...
00:54:16 - I know who you are, and I know who owns all the air, Tosso.
00:54:19 Shut up.
00:54:20 Don't you know that women always have to do just so much
00:54:24 blab-blab and boo-hooing when they're stuck on a fella?
00:54:27 You know, women always like to feel noble and self-sacrificing.
00:54:33 That's just so that afterwards they can say,
00:54:35 "I told you so," if things don't pan out just like they expected.
00:54:40 You know, the trouble with Miriam is
00:54:43 she's scared you'll get hurt again
00:54:45 if you and Snap lock horns over her.
00:54:48 Yeah.
00:54:49 She's washed your face and tucked your bib in so long now,
00:54:53 she figures you ain't got mustard enough
00:54:55 to take care of yourself even yet.
00:54:57 And I guess you ain't.
00:54:59 - Is that so?
00:55:00 Well, I'm gonna stick around here and see that wedding
00:55:02 and be the first to congratulate the happy couple.
00:55:04 Hold on now, you ain't aiming to start...
00:55:06 I'll even give her a wedding present.
00:55:08 Two weeks from today.
00:55:10 That's just time enough to get a letter to Chicago and back.
00:55:14 Hey.
00:55:32 Is there a letter here for John Abbott?
00:55:34 No.
00:55:35 Maybe you haven't heard.
00:56:00 Maybe you haven't heard, Holderness,
00:56:02 but opening other people's mail is a penitentiary offense.
00:56:05 I represent the Aratar Company,
00:56:07 and Abbott, since he's dead...
00:56:09 Pretty sure of Abbott's death, aren't you?
00:56:12 Even a man like Chick Chance slips up once in a while.
00:56:16 I'm John Abbott.
00:56:19 I'll take care of that.
00:56:24 You're a notary, aren't you?
00:56:25 Yes, certainly.
00:56:26 Notarize my signature.
00:56:29 Take it easy, boys.
00:56:39 What? What's the matter?
00:56:42 What's going on in there?
00:56:43 Never mind what's going on.
00:56:44 I'll buckle up and get you out of here.
00:56:46 I'll get you out of here.
00:56:47 I'll get you out of here.
00:56:48 I'll get you out of here.
00:56:49 I'll get you out of here.
00:56:50 I'll get you out of here.
00:56:51 I'll get you out of here.
00:56:52 Come on, I'll buckle those guns and drop them.
00:56:54 Come on, hurry up.
00:56:58 Get in there.
00:57:04 Come on.
00:57:06 Get a move.
00:57:08 This is a grantee transferring certain properties in Arata
00:57:15 to one Miriam Nabb.
00:57:17 Do you swear?
00:57:18 Yes.
00:57:19 Nebraska!
00:57:21 I'm afraid Nebraska won't be joining us, Mr. Holderness.
00:57:24 That'll be four bits to make it legal.
00:57:28 Now I'll just take this record of how you've managed my estate for your own profit.
00:57:39 And if I were you, I'd get out of this part of the country
00:57:46 before the sheriff gets here.
00:57:50 Get him inside.
00:57:51 Come on, get in that room.
00:57:52 Hurry up.
00:57:53 Get a move.
00:57:54 Take this, Nosy.
00:57:58 Well, looks like we've come to the end of our rope.
00:58:09 I'm not through yet.
00:58:10 Break down that door.
00:58:11 We're riding for Rock Mountain Hideout.
00:58:13 [music playing]
00:58:17 [chatter]
00:58:21 [music playing]
00:58:25 [chatter]
00:58:28 [music playing]
00:58:36 [chatter]
00:58:39 [music playing]
00:58:57 [chatter]
00:59:00 Hello, Dad.
00:59:08 [music playing]
00:59:11 My gift, Miriam.
00:59:24 [music playing]
00:59:27 That's a deed to the Oasis.
00:59:31 Then you're the owner of the Aratar.
00:59:36 Yes, but I want you to know that whatever Holderness did wasn't done in my name.
00:59:41 Why, there's no need for you to tell me that, my boy.
00:59:44 Well, I'm grateful to you, Jack, but we can't accept this.
00:59:48 Why not?
00:59:49 My rights to the Oasis ought to belong to the Nabs anyway.
00:59:53 [music playing]
00:59:56 You'd better dress, dear.
00:59:57 [music playing]
01:00:01 [chatter]
01:00:04 [music playing]
01:00:09 [chatter]
01:00:38 Miriam.
01:00:39 Listen, you ain't going to marry Snap.
01:00:47 I ain't going to let you do something you'd be sorry for all the rest of your life.
01:00:50 I'm not thinking of myself.
01:00:51 You know that.
01:00:52 Now, don't give me any of them high and noble ideas.
01:00:54 Snap's not only a drunkard, he's a spying, lying thief.
01:00:58 What are you saying?
01:00:59 You heard me.
01:01:00 He's all I said he was and more.
01:01:02 Why, listen, he's been working for Holderness for years, and I can prove it.
01:01:06 [music playing]
01:01:09 Now, here's your horse, and here's the open desert.
01:01:20 It's the last chance you got to get the man you really love.
01:01:23 Will you take it?
01:01:25 Yes, I will.
01:01:26 Good.
01:01:27 [music playing]
01:01:30 [knocking]
01:01:32 Miriam, meet you at the railroad station at Granite Junction.
01:01:35 Thanks, Josie.
01:01:36 [music playing]
01:01:39 [knocking]
01:01:43 Miriam.
01:01:44 [music playing]
01:01:48 [knocking]
01:01:49 Miriam.
01:01:50 [music playing]
01:01:53 She's gone.
01:02:06 She's riding out across the desert.
01:02:08 You had something to do with this.
01:02:10 [chatter]
01:02:16 Sam, wait.
01:02:18 Miriam's horse is gone.
01:02:21 You're staying here, Jack.
01:02:23 [music playing]
01:02:31 [horses neighing]
01:02:34 [music playing]
01:02:43 [horses neighing]
01:02:46 [music playing]
01:03:12 [thud]
01:03:13 [music playing]
01:03:16 Get back.
01:03:22 [music playing]
01:03:25 Miriam, we'll hold her in case the map's starting anything.
01:03:33 [music playing]
01:03:37 [horses neighing]
01:03:40 Hello, Miriam.
01:03:43 [music playing]
01:03:46 What sort of a honeymoon is this, Snap?
01:03:51 Davey.
01:03:52 They'd call that bridal.
01:03:53 You know of anyone who has a better ride to it?
01:03:55 It looks as if you picked the wrong place to start trouble, man.
01:03:58 You keep out of this, Holiness.
01:04:00 Why, Snap's my friend.
01:04:01 I wouldn't think of standing in his way.
01:04:03 A wedding is a wedding.
01:04:05 Whether hell be oasis or someplace else.
01:04:07 Please go back, Davey.
01:04:09 Not without you, Miriam.
01:04:11 Davey, no!
01:04:12 [gunshot]
01:04:14 Ride for father, Davey.
01:04:16 [music playing]
01:04:19 He won't get very far.
01:04:27 [music playing]
01:04:31 [music playing]
01:04:34 Here's a record of all the money Holiness paid, Snap.
01:04:52 Been going on for years.
01:04:53 We'll ride against Holiness, Andrew.
01:04:55 Every one of us has got a score to settle with him.
01:04:57 Yes, sir.
01:04:58 [chatter]
01:05:00 Well, maybe this will change your mind.
01:05:03 Look at that.
01:05:04 For taking care of Saul Knab, $100.
01:05:07 Snap Thornton killed your boy, Saul.
01:05:10 Why, Davey!
01:05:16 [chatter]
01:05:20 [chatter]
01:05:23 What's happened?
01:05:28 Davey, what's the matter?
01:05:32 It doesn't hurt now.
01:05:36 Jack, Holiness has Miriam in the past.
01:05:48 David, who did it?
01:05:53 Holiness.
01:05:54 [chatter]
01:05:57 [wind blowing]
01:06:01 [wind blowing]
01:06:27 [music playing]
01:06:30 [music playing]
01:06:33 [music playing]
01:06:36 [music playing]
01:06:39 [music playing]
01:06:42 [music playing]
01:06:45 [music playing]
01:06:48 [music playing]
01:06:51 [music playing]
01:06:54 [music playing]
01:06:57 [music playing]
01:07:00 [music playing]
01:07:03 [music playing]
01:07:06 [music playing]
01:07:09 [music playing]
01:07:12 [music playing]
01:07:15 [music playing]
01:07:18 Would you go in?
01:07:19 [music playing]
01:07:22 [music playing]
01:07:25 [music playing]
01:07:28 Where are you going?
01:07:29 To get Miriam.
01:07:30 Careful.
01:07:31 [music playing]
01:07:34 [music playing]
01:07:37 [music playing]
01:07:40 You're a justice of the peace.
01:07:42 This is as good a time as any for the wedding.
01:07:44 Oh, that can wait until we prepare this place for defense.
01:07:47 Why, you're safe enough. You got this place covered.
01:07:49 Let's get on with my affairs.
01:07:51 Now hold on.
01:07:52 Justice Quirk says such a marriage won't be legal.
01:07:55 All right, then. I'm taking her back to the Nabs.
01:08:00 No, you don't. And keep out of there.
01:08:01 I'm getting out.
01:08:02 Sure.
01:08:03 But you're going alone.
01:08:05 What are you going to do with her?
01:08:08 If it's any of your business, I'm keeping her here in case Nab rides against me.
01:08:12 You're lying and you know it.
01:08:13 You're figuring on marrying her yourself now that she owns the Oasis.
01:08:16 That's a good idea at that.
01:08:19 Now get out.
01:08:21 [music playing]
01:08:24 [gunshots]
01:08:26 [music playing]
01:08:29 [gunshots]
01:08:31 [music playing]
01:08:34 [gunshots]
01:08:37 [music playing]
01:08:40 [music playing]
01:08:43 [music playing]
01:08:46 [music playing]
01:08:49 [music playing]
01:08:51 Hate to leave you to take care of yourself, is we?
01:08:54 [laughs]
01:08:56 Howdy.
01:08:58 Can't be helped.
01:09:00 [music playing]
01:09:03 [music playing]
01:09:06 [music playing]
01:09:09 [music playing]
01:09:12 [music playing]
01:09:15 [music playing]
01:09:17 Where's Holden?
01:09:18 Tell me before I--
01:09:19 I'll save you a bullet, Andy.
01:09:21 I ain't got long to live.
01:09:24 Fighting's my business.
01:09:27 Playing the lowdown on women is something I can't stomach.
01:09:32 He's in the canyon up there, where the rock mountain.
01:09:36 [shouting]
01:09:38 [music playing]
01:09:41 [music playing]
01:09:44 [music playing]
01:09:48 There he is.
01:09:49 Mosey alone.
01:09:53 [music playing]
01:09:59 [music playing]
01:10:02 [music playing]
01:10:05 [music playing]
01:10:08 [music playing]
01:10:11 [music playing]
01:10:14 [music playing]
01:10:17 [gunshot]
01:10:18 [music playing]
01:10:21 [music playing]
01:10:24 [gunshot]
01:10:25 [music playing]
01:10:28 [gunshot]
01:10:29 [music playing]
01:10:31 [gunshot]
01:10:32 [music playing]
01:10:35 [gunshot]
01:10:36 [music playing]
01:10:39 [gunshot]
01:10:40 [music playing]
01:10:44 Look out, Jack.
01:10:45 [gunshot]
01:10:46 [music playing]
01:10:49 [gunshot]
01:10:50 [music playing]
01:10:54 [gunshot]
01:10:55 [music playing]
01:10:57 [gunshot]
01:10:58 [music playing]
01:11:01 [gunshot]
01:11:02 [music playing]
01:11:04 [gunshot]
01:11:05 [music playing]
01:11:08 [gunshot]
01:11:09 [music playing]
01:11:12 [gunshot]
01:11:13 [music playing]
01:11:16 [gunshot]
01:11:17 [music playing]
01:11:19 [gunshot]
01:11:20 [music playing]
01:11:23 [gunshot]
01:11:24 [music playing]
01:11:29 And he's riding at last.
01:11:33 [music playing]
01:11:36 [gunshot]
01:11:37 [music playing]
01:11:40 [gunshot]
01:11:41 [music playing]
01:11:44 [gunshot]
01:11:45 [music playing]
01:11:48 [gunshot]
01:11:49 [music playing]
01:11:52 [gunshot]
01:11:53 [music playing]
01:11:56 [gunshot]
01:11:57 [music playing]
01:12:00 [gunshot]
01:12:01 [music playing]
01:12:04 [gunshot]
01:12:05 [music playing]
01:12:08 [gunshot]
01:12:09 [music playing]
01:12:12 [gunshot]
01:12:13 [music playing]
01:12:16 [gunshot]
01:12:17 [music playing]
01:12:19 [gunshot]
01:12:20 [music playing]
01:12:23 [gunshot]
01:12:24 [music playing]
01:12:27 [gunshot]
01:12:28 [music playing]
01:12:31 [gunshot]
01:12:32 [music playing]
01:12:35 [gunshot]
01:12:36 [music playing]
01:12:39 [gunshot]
01:12:40 [music playing]
01:12:43 [gunshot]
01:12:44 [music playing]
01:12:47 [gunshot]
01:12:48 [music playing]
01:12:51 [gunshot]
01:12:52 [music playing]
01:12:55 [gunshot]
01:12:56 [music playing]
01:12:59 [music playing]
01:13:02 [music playing]
01:13:05 [music playing]
01:13:08 [music playing]
01:13:11 [music playing]
01:13:12 Isn't it beautiful?
01:13:14 I'll always love this desert, Miriam.
01:13:16 It's brought me everything I've ever wanted.
01:13:18 [music playing]
01:13:21 Our heritage.
01:13:23 Yours and mine.
01:13:24 Ours.
01:13:26 [music playing]
01:13:29 [music playing]
01:13:32 [BLANK_AUDIO]