Wakefield Cathedral's Wakefield Peregrine Project - listed species at the top of spire

  • 5 months ago
Peregrine's are happily nesting at the top of Wakefield Cathedral.
00:00 Inside Wakefield City Centre you'll find Yorkshire's tallest spire, Wakefield Cathedral,
00:07 and this is the home to the Wakefield Peregrine Project.
00:11 Yes, the peregrines are safely up high on the spire where they've been nesting since 2015.
00:20 The Dean of Wakefield Cathedral, Reverend Simon Cowling, shares the incredible project.
00:28 It's been going a number of years now. Peregrines are a scheduled species, they're protected,
00:35 so we're pleased to partner with the project and host the nest on the cathedral tower.
00:44 And the peregrines have been active again this year,
00:48 and we're looking forward to the hatchings later on this month probably.
00:55 You can see incredible pre-records of what's been happening up in that nest inside Wakefield Cathedral,
01:06 or go to Wakefield Peregrine Project on social media for the latest live footage.
01:12 Sophie Malan, Mail In, reporting from Wakefield Cathedral.
