Why one of fintech’s most powerful women bought a 95-year-old community bank

  • 4 months ago
Lead Bank CEO Jackie Reses, a former Square executive, bought the Kansas City–based bank to address compliance and technology challenges facing fintechs.


00:00What made it really easy for us, for people to say, like, of course you did, like, go you.
00:06I'm not surprised. Of course you bought a bank, Jackie. Of course.
00:10It's one of those very funny things because I like if I tell people, they'll say, like,
00:15you, you bought a bank, like, you know, unless you know me from Square.
00:19It's such a weird thing to say, like, yes, I own a bank. I went and bought a bank.
00:24But when you understand the story of, like, having built one from zero,
00:28you know, from an idea that I had, it kind of feels obvious.
00:34Welcome to Leadership Next, the podcast about the changing rules of business leadership.
00:38I'm Alan Murray, and I'm Michal Evron.
00:43People who know you will associate you with FinTech and Square in particular,
00:49but not necessarily with a, you know, nearly 100-year-old community bank in Kansas City.
00:56So explain the strategy because not every FinTech company has a bank.
01:02In fact, none of them do except for Square, ironically. It's very hard to merge the two
01:08because the strategy around both of them are almost diametrically opposite in both,
01:16in both business lines. So for me, when I was at Square, one of the things I experienced was
01:23extreme pain and frustration in working with bank partners. And what most people don't realize
01:30is that financial infrastructure products that they have in their wallets every day,
01:34so debit cards, credit cards, you know, loans that they might take out, 100 percent of them
01:40are built in the banking system. There's always an underlying bank involved with every transaction.
01:47With the evolution of FinTech, people think of FinTech as like the front end of that relationship.
01:54Like you have a relationship with a firm. You have a relationship with, you know, XYZ FinTech
02:01company. It could be PayPal, Square, Chime, Ramp, you name it. And so that's the way people think
02:09about it. But underneath there is the infrastructure that helps build those products. And so that's
02:15what we do. And so at Square, I had this challenging situation where we would connect
02:22with banks that were very traditional banks, and they weren't used to dealing with technology
02:27partners like us. And so I decided that I would go buy a bank to do this with a technology angle
02:36and the substance of compliance knowledge from the environment of like, what is it like to be
02:42a customer? What is it like to be involved and support what regulators are asking of us?
02:48But translate it through the lens of understanding both sides of that puzzle so that we could deliver
02:55a really unique experience to our clients. Our clients are, you know, huge FinTech and consumer
03:02companies or scaling FinTechs where they all want to run highly compliant programs because they're
03:10highly successful companies, but they want someone who can operate at the same speed that
03:15they can. And so that's how I've merged the two sides of the business. You know, we have a really
03:20strong team that sits in compliance and legal, a really strong team in finance, a really strong
03:25team in engineering and product. And the engineering and product piece is usually the piece that most
03:30community banks don't have. And our engineering team is second to none in the banking industry.
03:36They're fantastic. And they understand how to build primitives to support banking in a way that
03:42most, you know, most banks don't have. It's pretty cool. I have to say what we're doing is pretty
03:49unique in the United States. What kinds of other products, tech products, FinTech products,
03:55are you currently developing? Like, where are you focusing your energy?
03:59It always sounds really silly to say because it's like master of the obvious. I feel like
04:04I'm talking about products that have been around for 5,000 years. First of all, they're all APIs.
04:11So they're direct connections with our clients through APIs. And they're around core banking
04:18primitives in lending, in money movement, in issuing. And so it sounds kind of funny to say
04:26like, oh, we focus on money movement, but that's kind of what we do.
04:30And just to clarify, though, you're talking about APIs. You're developing tools that your
04:35customers can use to develop their own tools, basically.
04:38Yes. And they embed it into their products. You would never know that we exist except for
04:44if you look at the back of a lot of people's debit cards and credit cards.
04:47This is why it's one of these funny businesses, like everyone uses us, but no one realizes they
04:52do. And if you look at the bottom of a debit card or credit card, you're like, oh, issued by,
04:57huh, there's some bank on there. And interestingly, a lot of the banks that those cards
05:03are issued on are usually small banks located in the middle of the country. And so we're one
05:08of those small banks located in the middle of the country.
