• 4 months ago
Episod 538 My #QuranTime 2.0 Isnin 3 Jun 2024 Surah Al-A'raf (7: 40-41) Halaman 155

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-A'raf ayat 40-41 halaman 155 ini adalah:
* Peringatan bagi orang yang berdusta dan menyombong diri (40)
* Balasan bagi orang yang melakukan dosa dan kezaliman (41)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 40-41 halaman 155:
* Ucapkan perkara benar dan tidak menyombongkan diri agar peroleh rahmat Allah (40)
* Didik hati untuk takut berbuat dosa kerana Allah SWT (40)
* Bina rumah di syurga dengan amalan-amalan soleh yang konsisten (41)

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00 [No audio]
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00:16 In Surah Al-An'Raf, Allah explains to us how to establish our standing.
00:20 This is one of the important contents in this seventh surah,
00:24 so that what happened in the time of Prophet Adam, what happened in the hereafter,
00:30 become a daily event that is important for us to be aware and prepare to meet God.
00:38 We will follow the topic of "In the Hereafter, Life in the Hereafter" in this episode.
00:44 [Music]
01:05 [Arabic]
01:24 [Arabic]
01:43 [Arabic]
01:55 How are you ladies and gentlemen?
01:57 We meet in My Quran Time, Quran Salat Imfah.
02:00 Today, we want to go through two verses, verses 40 and 41 from Surah Al-An'Raf.
02:05 And today, we will continue reading in the leadership of Al-Fadhil Ustaz Takmidi Abdul Rahman.
02:11 Alhamdulillah, Father Ustaz. How are you?
02:14 Alhamdulillah, Ustaz.
02:15 Orange, right?
02:16 Orange, yes.
02:17 How are you, Ustaz?
02:18 Alhamdulillah, Father Ustaz.
02:19 We are still in Surah 7, verse 8, and it explains how in our lives, we have interactions with humans,
02:28 but we have to be responsible for them, and we hope that we get guidance from Al-An'Raf
02:35 so that we do not just follow blindly.
02:39 Let us begin our session today with the prayer.
02:42 [Arabic]
02:51 Let us see what the summary of the two verses of today is.
02:54 In the 40th verse, it is a reminder for those who lie and deceive themselves.
02:59 In the 41st verse, it is a rebuke for those who commit sins and transgressions.
03:05 Let us read together the 40th and 41st verses together with Al-Fathil Ustaz Takmidi.
03:11 Thank you, Al-Fathil Ustaz Takmidi.
03:13 [Arabic]
03:24 Ladies and gentlemen, viewers, and viewers, may Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you.
03:27 We would like to begin our reading for today with the two verses of the 40th and 41st verses.
03:35 Let us try to read them in a Muratal way.
03:39 We will use the song of Sabah, inshaAllah.
03:42 [Arabic]
04:10 [Arabic]
04:25 [Arabic]
04:53 [Arabic]
05:22 [Arabic]
05:32 Ladies and gentlemen, in the 40th and 41st verses,
05:34 we can see the summary of the previous episode.
05:38 When Allah ends the 39th verse,
05:40 [Arabic]
05:43 which is, "Feel the punishment for what you have done."
05:49 What was done by the people who received the punishment from Allah,
05:53 in the 40th verse,
05:55 [Arabic]
05:58 which is, "They are the first to falsify Our verses."
06:01 We see the word 'falsify' many times in the Quran,
06:04 which means to deny, falsify, and accuse the Prophet as a liar,
06:11 and to say that the verses of Allah are not relevant,
06:17 meaning that they do not carry any meaning in life.
06:20 This is what is meant by, "They are the first to falsify Our verses."
06:24 Moreover, when we falsify, deny the importance of Allah,
06:28 we end up bringing it to the new 'wastak',
06:31 which is, "Feel proud of the greatness of Allah."
06:37 If he becomes the leader of the proud leaders,
06:39 the proud mothers, the proud fathers,
06:41 why?
06:42 Because they do not feel that there is a great and mighty Allah,
06:46 and that He is mighty.
06:48 When we read the verses of the Quran,
06:50 we say, "We affirm the greatness of Allah."
06:53 We affirm the greatness of Allah.
06:56 Or, when we pray,
06:58 "Allah is the Greatest."
07:00 This means that we always remind ourselves,
07:02 "O Allah, You are the Greatest,
07:04 the Mighty, the Small, the Mighty.
07:06 I am the Mighty, the Small, the Mighty.
07:08 As a father, as a leader, as a husband, as a wife."
07:12 At that time, we are unable, or impossible,
07:15 even if we have made a mistake,
07:18 we will not feel that I am the One who is truly true forever.
07:25 And this event, Allah says,
07:27 to those who falsify and are arrogant,
07:30 "They will not be opened to them,
07:34 the gates of heaven will not be opened to them."
07:37 The gates of heaven will not be accepted by their souls when they pass away.
07:41 And if their deeds,
07:43 sometimes we only find people who are not Muslims,
07:46 or people who do not like the Quran,
07:49 who do not want it, who are arrogant,
07:51 they do good deeds.
07:53 They give alms,
07:55 and then they say, "I am the one who gives alms."
07:58 Or, for example,
08:00 there may be good deeds that they do.
08:03 Allah says, "The gates of heaven will not be opened to them,
08:08 the deeds of those who falsify the verse of Allah,
08:12 who deny and are arrogant,
08:17 who do not want to feel shame in front of Allah's greatness."
08:22 So, this is the first part of the 40th verse.
08:26 And more than that, Allah says,
08:28 "When they reach the hereafter,
08:31 what will be their status?
08:34 They will not enter heaven until they have been given a sign in the Arabic language."
08:46 What does it mean?
08:47 It has a connection with the needle,
08:49 and a connection with the camel.
08:51 Ladies and gentlemen, those of you at home,
08:53 those of you in the studio,
08:54 try to guess what the sign is meant.
08:57 Let us take a break.
08:58 My Quran Time.
08:59 Quran Salahi Ufa
09:01 Quran Salahi Ufa
09:11 Quran Salahi Ufa
09:31 Quran Salahi Ufa
09:49 Quran Salahi Ufa
10:09 Quran Salahi Ufa
10:19 Quran Salahi Ufa
10:31 Quran Salahi Ufa
10:59 Quran Salahi Ufa
11:09 Quran Salahi Ufa
11:19 Quran Salahi Ufa
11:31 Quran Salahi Ufa
11:51 Quran Salahi Ufa
12:15 Quran Salahi Ufa
12:35 We are back in my Quran Time.
12:36 Quran Salahi Ufa
12:37 Together we see the verses 40 and 41
12:39 from Surah Al-A'raf,
12:41 the Surah that provides guidance to us.
12:43 We must take a stand in this world,
12:47 because when we reach the hereafter,
12:49 we do not want to be a 50/50,
12:51 50/50,
12:52 or even more,
12:53 when we are punished in the hellfire of Allah.
12:56 And among the characteristics of those who are punished,
12:59 is when they follow their leaders,
13:03 or they become leaders who provide guidance
13:07 that is directed from the path of goodness.
13:10 And this is an important point in our lives.
13:13 We need to take responsibility.
13:15 And if we are leaders,
13:17 we are actually setting an example,
13:20 setting an example that is actually observed by many people who follow us.
13:24 And if we feel like,
13:26 "I don't care what I do."
13:29 Actually, the leader must realize that he is always being observed,
13:33 and this person will follow his leader.
13:37 So in the 40th verse, Allah states,
13:39 among the characteristics of a leader,
13:42 or a follower who is always being targeted,
13:45 when he always lies,
13:47 does not give importance to the verses of Allah,
13:50 does not give importance to the content of the Qur'an,
13:52 does not get affected by the greatness of Allah
13:55 when he is observed from this world,
13:58 and finally becomes arrogant,
14:00 becomes arrogant,
14:01 until he does not want to follow the verse of Allah,
14:04 the rules of Allah,
14:05 when he is told to pray, he does not want to pray.
14:08 When he is told to follow the rules of being honest at work,
14:11 he does not want to do it.
14:12 Because he feels that he is a senior.
14:14 Or, "I have my own way."
14:16 The arrogance that is stated in the 40th verse.
14:19 So the effect of this person who is lying and arrogant,
14:23 "Satu lathufatahu lahum abuwaa bussamaa"
14:27 which means,
14:28 "His soul will not depart from the high heavens."
14:32 That is the path that is passed by a good soul.
14:35 Let us read this 40th verse again,
14:37 and we will see what else is affected by people who are arrogant in this world.
14:45 The 40th verse with Ustaz Tamizh.
14:46 Thank you, Al-Fadlusus Fazlul.
14:48 Ladies and gentlemen,
14:49 the verse that Allah has given us,
14:51 we want to read it again, the 40th verse.
14:53 Let us try.
14:54 "A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajim"
14:56 Let us try with the recitation of Jiharkah.
15:01 "A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajim"
15:04 "Inna Allatheena Kazaboo Bi-Ayatina Wastakbaroo 'Arhaa La Tufattahu Lahum Abuwaabussamaa"
15:27 "La Tufattahu Lahum Abuwaabussamaa"
15:38 "Wa La Yadkhuluna Aljannah"
16:04 "Wa Kazalika Najziil Mujrimin"
16:16 "Sadaqallahul 'Azim"
16:24 We have read from the 40th verse,
16:27 how the effect of people who are slandering the verses of Allah,
16:30 our verses, and also arrogant.
16:32 One, they do not open the door of heaven.
16:35 In a hadith narrated by Al-Nasai in Sunan Al-Kubra and Ibn Hibban,
16:42 it is stated that the soul of a believer,
16:44 when he is slandering,
16:46 a believer slanders,
16:48 the angels of mercy come to him with a white suit.
16:51 Then the angels said,
16:53 "Come out, O soul, in a state of pleasure,
16:56 which is pleasing to Allah, full of mercy,
16:59 and not disliked by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala."
17:03 Then the soul came out in a fragrant smell.
17:06 When it was brought to heaven,
17:07 the other angels asked,
17:09 "The smell of the smell that you bring from the world,
17:11 the soul that accompanied it,
17:13 what is its deed?"
17:14 It will be found with the souls of other believers,
17:17 and the believers will also ask,
17:19 "What is its deed?"
17:20 That is a mysterious event that we do not know,
17:23 but it was conveyed by Prophet Muhammad SAW.
17:27 But what about the soul of a disbeliever?
17:29 When the angels came,
17:31 the disbeliever brought a white suit.
17:33 He did not bring a suit,
17:34 he only brought a white suit.
17:35 What did he say?
17:36 He said,
17:37 "Come out, O soul, in a state of pleasure,
17:41 which is pleasing to Allah,
17:43 and do not dislike Allah."
17:45 And he came out in a fragrant smell
17:47 that was very foul,
17:49 came out of a rotten body.
17:51 When we look at the term "sayyid",
17:53 a great sin is actually from the word "bangkai".
17:57 That is because if we commit a sin,
18:00 or a great sin,
18:01 that thing actually smells.
18:03 It is only us who do not smell, right?
18:05 And we need to ask Allah to forgive us quickly,
18:08 so that it does not rot,
18:10 until when it is pulled to the end of the body,
18:13 the smell is like that,
18:14 until it is hated by the angels in heaven.
18:17 That is what caused,
18:18 "Latufatahulahum abu'a busamak."
18:20 That is, the door of this soul is not opened,
18:23 and there is another discussion
18:25 about what happened after that.
18:27 That is the first.
18:28 The second is the effect of this arrogant person,
18:30 "Wa la yadkhulu naljannah hatta yalijal jamalufi sambil hiyaut."
18:35 That is, he did not enter heaven until,
18:37 when he arrived, he said,
18:38 "Oh, there is hope to enter heaven."
18:40 When will he enter heaven?
18:42 This arrogant person will enter heaven
18:44 when the camel can enter the hole of the needle.
18:49 This expression or phrase in Arabic,
18:53 is more or less like this,
18:54 if someone really wants to pay a debt,
18:58 or if that person really wants to do good.
19:02 So, how is he at work?
19:05 He is a lazy person.
19:07 When will he be diligent?
19:08 One day, when the camel enters the hole of the needle,
19:12 then he will be diligent.
19:13 That is to show how lazy and stubborn that person is.
19:17 And this is an insult to Allah to whom?
19:22 To the person who thinks he is great, arrogant, arrogant.
19:26 When we are lazy,
19:27 we know that we have been mistaken
19:29 and ask Allah for forgiveness,
19:31 we feel guilty.
19:33 That will cause us to have a chance to enter heaven
19:37 with mercy from Allah SWT.
19:40 "Wa kadhalika najzil mujrimin."
19:42 This is a retribution to whom?
19:44 To the sinner who does not want to admit like Prophet Adam.
19:51 Prophet Adam was mistaken,
19:52 but he admitted and Allah accepted
19:54 and Allah gave back the blessings to Prophet Adam and Hawa.
19:58 But when he made a mistake,
20:00 he felt guilty.
20:01 That is what he could not stand.
20:03 He made a mistake.
20:04 Then he admitted that he was the one who was most...
20:08 Why do I have to say this?
20:10 That is a legacy from the events of Iblis
20:14 along with Prophet Adam
20:16 that we have studied before.
20:18 And this brings us to the word of choice in this episode.
20:22 Let us see.
20:23 The word is "Hata yalijal jamalufi sammil hiyaat."
20:28 "Yalija" from the word "walaja"
20:30 means "to enter" or "to be pushed into."
20:35 It is mentioned 14 times in the Quran.
20:37 In Surah Al-Hajj, Surah Sabaq, and Surah Hadith.
20:40 If we look at the night and the day,
20:42 "Yuli julaila fin nahar, yuli julina harul fil lail."
20:46 It means how Allah makes the night and the day
20:49 and the day and the night smooth.
20:51 Smooth and it gives benefit.
20:54 But when we want to put a camel,
20:56 this is not putting an ant or a thread.
20:59 If we put a thread in a needle,
21:04 there is a chance.
21:07 But when we talk about this camel,
21:10 as a very impossible thing,
21:13 and this is the effect when
21:15 people who falsify the verse of Allah,
21:18 who are arrogant and arrogant,
21:19 like to insult the Prophet,
21:21 like to belittle the Prophet,
21:23 like to say something impossible,
21:26 we will believe.
21:28 Allah also brings impossibility for them
21:31 to breathe or to smell the heaven itself.
21:35 We ask Allah not to make us,
21:37 even though we are like a seed,
21:40 arrogant when we do good,
21:44 or if we make a mistake,
21:46 we sin to Allah.
21:48 We will take a break now.
21:49 Quran Time, Quran Salah.
21:51 [Music]
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23:21 We mentioned earlier that people say,
23:25 the night happened in one time.
23:27 This is incorrect.
23:29 It's not based on the hadith.
23:30 It's also not based on the Quran.
23:32 The second common thing people say,
23:35 the sign is the tree of life.
23:38 The tree of life.
23:39 All kinds of things.
23:40 The mosque's dome fell.
23:42 It fell on the ground.
23:44 These are all signs that are not in the Quran.
23:47 Maybe it's based on experience.
23:50 People tell their experiences.
23:53 But we don't know.
23:54 Maybe it's based on a fallen tree.
23:56 It's complicated.
23:58 Someone said,
23:59 I put a piece of cloth on the ground.
24:03 I looked at it the next morning.
24:04 It was on the ground.
24:05 Maybe it was a complicated night.
24:06 We don't know.
24:07 He thought it was the same ground.
24:08 He put the cloth on the ground.
24:09 He looked at it. It was on the ground.
24:10 That's one of the beliefs that people believe.
24:13 That's a sign.
24:14 But it's not.
24:16 It's not a sign of the Quran.
24:17 Maybe it's based on different experiences.
24:20 That's one of the signs.
24:21 And make it a proof for us,
24:28 O Lord of the worlds.
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38:16 Welcome back to Quran Time, Quran Salat and Infah.
38:23 We are together in the 40th and 41st verses.
38:26 And just now, we have understood a little
38:29 about what the 40th verse teaches
38:32 about people who falsify the verses of Allah
38:34 who are arrogant in their lives.
38:37 They will be given two first rewards,
38:40 that is, they will not be accepted
38:43 in their souls and deeds. And more than that,
38:46 "He will enter Paradise"
38:49 "He will not enter Paradise until he has reached the time of his life."
38:52 And Allah places this example as
38:55 a test for those who
38:58 feel that they are
39:01 arrogant in the sight of Allah.
39:04 In the 41st verse, Allah explains
39:07 what happens to those who
39:10 falsify and are arrogant in the sight of Allah.
39:13 Let's read the 41st verse together with Fadlul Ishaq.
39:16 Thank you Fadlul Ishaq Fazrul, Ayah Nidal Bondar,
39:19 Ladies and Gentlemen, the lovers of the Quran,
39:21 may Allah's mercy be upon them.
39:23 We are going to read the 41st verse.
39:26 Be careful with the word
39:29 "Zai" and "Wa"
39:32 It is difficult to pronounce.
39:35 If it is not pronounced as "Zai"
39:38 it is "Za"
39:41 Let's try the 41st verse
39:44 with "Nahwal"
39:47 "They will have from Hell a place of rest, and from above them is a place of rest.
40:06 And thus do We requite the wrongdoers."
40:16 "And thus do We requite the wrongdoers."
40:28 "Allah Almighty has spoken the truth."
40:34 In the 41st verse, Allah says
40:36 "They will have from Hell a place of rest, and from above them is a place of rest."
40:39 "They will have from Hell a place of rest, and from above them is a place of rest."
40:42 "a place of rest" is a place of rest
40:45 or a bed
40:47 and in the translation it means a place of sleep.
40:50 But more than that, "Mihad" is related to "Mahdi"
40:53 "Mahdi" is a pillow
40:55 If a mother covers her child with a pillow
40:58 or if there is a cloth to cover the baby
41:01 to cover the baby's sleep, it is called "Mahdi"
41:04 because it requires knowledge from "Mahdi" to "Lahdi"
41:07 So when Allah says
41:09 "They will have from Hell a place of rest"
41:11 If a mother covers her child with a pillow
41:13 the child will feel very comfortable
41:15 because the mother covers the child
41:18 but when Hell becomes a place of rest
41:21 Hell covers the child
41:23 it is a great torment
41:26 "All this time I have enjoyed the pleasure of being covered by a mother"
41:30 but still shows greatness
41:32 In the past, the mother who
41:34 but in the world, after she grew up
41:37 she wants to grow up
41:38 but when she grew up, she still remembers
41:41 "In the past, I was a coward"
41:43 "and I will face Allah, the Greatest"
41:46 "I cannot be arrogant in continuing my life"
41:50 "This arrogant person"
41:51 Allah says, "In the past, I was given mercy"
41:54 "Covered with comfort in the mother's embrace"
41:58 or if covered in the pillow
42:01 "This time, the pillow is no longer there"
42:03 "The pillow that I got, the embrace that I got"
42:05 This is called Hell
42:07 and what happens in Hell
42:10 if we look at the hadith
42:11 before entering Hell
42:13 this person who is unbelieving or arrogant
42:16 even in the grave
42:18 in the Barzakh, what happens is
42:20 when you enter
42:21 then what happens is
42:23 the earth, the grave will shrink
42:26 until the broken bone will break
42:29 and who will face that?
42:31 the arrogant person
42:33 will try to fight the earth
42:35 something like that
42:36 as a reminder to me
42:38 and to those of you at home
42:40 if there is a call for prayer
42:43 from Allah, the Greatest
42:45 at that time, we must say
42:46 "Okay, Allah"
42:47 "I am small, I am arrogant"
42:49 because if we still feel
42:50 there is something bigger than
42:53 Allah, the Greatest
42:55 then it is like telling Allah
42:57 "It's okay, in the grave, I will handle it myself"
43:00 "My bones"
43:01 "If it's possible"
43:02 but all of that
43:03 is handled by the angels
43:06 when they reach Hell
43:09 that's the first answer
43:10 and the second one
43:11 "Wa min fauqihim qawash"
43:13 if we say we have a pond
43:15 "qawash" is like a blanket
43:17 so when they reach Hell
43:20 from above them
43:21 around them
43:22 there is a cover
43:24 a cover from what?
43:25 from fire as well
43:26 so they can't escape
43:28 usually when we sleep on the bed
43:30 we feel so good
43:31 because of the air conditioner
43:32 but on the bed
43:34 the blanket is covered with fire
43:37 this is really
43:39 there is no mother or father
43:41 who doesn't want to give
43:42 even if it's a little hot
43:43 they will put it
43:44 they will fan it
43:46 at that time, we were babies
43:48 or when we are together
43:50 until the end of the world
43:51 Allah wants us to be the best
43:52 "Wa lillahi ma thalun a'la"
43:54 Allah is the Greatest of the Cheap
43:55 the Greatest of the Pity
43:56 Allah wants the best for us
43:58 but what are the conditions?
43:59 don't show off
44:00 don't show off
44:01 don't show off
44:02 Allah SWT
44:03 but we become a slave
44:05 a slave who is stingy
44:07 when given instructions
44:08 given guidance
44:10 we will continue to follow it
44:12 and at the end Allah states
44:14 "Wa kadhalikan najzil zalimin"
44:16 this is a punishment to whom?
44:18 to the oppressor
44:20 what does oppressor mean again?
44:21 as a review
44:22 many times in the Quran
44:23 that is
44:24 the person who
44:25 doesn't put anything in its place
44:27 there should be Allah
44:29 Allah is the Greatest
44:30 He said He is the Greatest
44:31 in the Quran
44:32 He said I am God
44:33 up to that level
44:34 the second one is
44:35 the Messenger
44:36 the Messenger is Allah's message
44:37 to show guidance
44:39 but He said
44:40 that is a lie
44:41 and the Quran as a guidance
44:43 to believe
44:44 there is a reward at the end of the world
44:46 but the oppressor
44:48 he does anything
44:50 he thinks
44:51 what I get now
44:53 does not give an effect
44:54 when it reaches the end of the world
44:56 so when we think short
44:58 and do not appreciate the Messenger
45:00 who was sent
45:01 and what else
45:02 we appreciate Allah SWT
45:04 then this is what is called
45:06 as an oppressor
45:07 that we hope
45:08 we become a just person
45:11 always put in its place
45:13 there is no deficiency
45:15 but by learning these verses
45:17 we will see
45:19 am I a husband
45:21 or a wife who is an oppressor or not?
45:23 like that
45:24 because if not
45:25 we think
45:26 oh this is a husband
45:27 this is an oppressor
45:28 this is someone else
45:29 no
45:30 actually look back
45:31 am I an oppressor father or not?
45:33 do my duty to my son
45:36 or an oppressor husband or not?
45:38 because we do not want
45:40 we do not want
45:41 it to be a threat
45:43 when we are happy here
45:45 but suffer when it reaches the hereafter
45:48 bringing to our resolution this time
45:50 we observe
45:51 the first one
45:52 say it
45:54 is the right thing
45:55 and do not be arrogant
45:57 to obtain the mercy from Allah SWT
46:00 this is the first
46:01 the second
46:02 from the 40th verse
46:03 be careful to fear committing sin
46:05 because of Allah SWT
46:07 and quickly we ask for forgiveness
46:09 because that is a sign
46:11 that we do not
46:13 do not want to be a criminal
46:15 criminal for a moment
46:17 and the third
46:18 build a house in heaven
46:19 with consistent good deeds
46:21 like in this 41st verse
46:23 do not want to be a criminal
46:25 because of what?
46:26 because this criminal
46:28 does not take light
46:30 criminal from the word 'zum'
46:32 dark
46:33 against 'zum' is light
46:35 so we take light from the Quran
46:37 produce good deeds
46:39 hopefully
46:40 Allah keeps us away from hell
46:42 as our place of sleep
46:44 and also what is the cover?
46:46 the cover is the fire punishment
46:48 that is very painful in the hereafter
46:50 we pray that Allah protects us
46:52 thank you Fatiha
46:54 [praying]
47:04 [praying]
47:27 [praying]
47:55 [praying]
47:58 [praying]
48:11 and one of the ways
48:13 to prove our sincerity
48:15 with the Quran
48:17 is by charity
48:19 we invite you to join us
48:20 in the movement of Quran
48:21 to donate charity
48:23 and hopefully
48:24 that donation
48:25 and also
48:26 the effort to make
48:28 the awareness program
48:29 from the Quran
48:30 will be as a protection
48:32 from Allah's punishment
48:34 subhanahu wa ta'ala
48:35 and then we are invited
48:37 with Allah's mercy
48:38 to heaven one day
48:40 inshallah we meet
48:41 in the next episode
48:42 to see the situation in heaven
48:45 how for people who believe
48:47 hopefully we are
48:49 and what is one important word
48:52 that we will learn in this episode
48:53 is the word "Ghil"
48:55 in the next episode
48:57 this is really marvelous
48:58 we will follow in the next episode
49:00 in Quran Time
49:01 Quran Salat Fakh
49:03 [praying]
49:24 [praying]
49:53 [music]
50:12 [music]
